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{{Main|Численные методы обучения по прецедентам (практика, В.В. Стрижов)}}
===Problem 112===
* '''Title:''' Modeling an FMRI reading from a video of a shown person
* '''Problem description:''' It is required to build a dependence model of the readings of FMRI sensors and the video sequence that a person is viewing at this moment.
* '''Data:''' The sample for approximation is presented in the work of J. Berezutskay, in which there are various types of parallel signals.
* '''Literature:''' Berezutskaya J., et al Open multimodal iEEG-fMRI dataset from naturalistic stimulation with a short audiovisual film // Sci Data 9, 91, 2022.
* '''Predecessor code:'''
* '''Base algorithm:''' Running code based on transformer models.
* '''Novelty:''' Analysis of the relationship between sensor readings and human perceptions of the external world. It is required to test the hypothesis of the relationship between the data, as well as to propose a method for approximating FMRI readings based on the video sequence being viewed.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Grabovoi Andrey.
=Machine Learning for Theoretical Physics=
===Problem 113===
Physics-informed machine learning<br>
* '''Title:''' Modeling of the FMRI indication on the sound range that a person hears
(seminars by Andriy Graboviy and Vadim Strijov)
* '''Problem description:''' It is required to build a model of the dependence of the readings of the FMRI sensors and the sound accompaniment that a person is listening to at this moment.
* '''Data:''' The sample for approximation is presented in the work of J. Berezutskay, in which there are various types of parallel signals.
* '''Literature:''' Berezutskaya J., et al Open multimodal iEEG-fMRI dataset from naturalistic stimulation with a short audiovisual film // Sci Data 9, 91, 2022.
* '''Predecessor code:'''
* '''Base algorithm:''' Running code based on transformer models.
* '''Novelty:''' Analysis of the relationship between sensor readings and human perceptions of the external world. It is required to test the hypothesis of the relationship between the data, as well as to propose a method for approximating the FMRI readings from the listening sound series.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Grabovoi Andrey.
===Problem 114===
The course consists of a series of group discussions devoted to various aspects of data modelling in continuous spaces. It will reduce the gap between the models of theoretical physics and the noisy measurements, performed under complex experimental circumstances. To show the selected neural network is an adequate parametrisation of the modelled phenomenon, we use geometrical axiomatic approach. We discuss the role of manifolds, tensors and differential forms in the neural network-based model selection.
* '''Title:''' Simulating the Dynamics of Physical Systems with Physics-Informed Neural Networks
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of choosing the optimal model for predicting the dynamics of a physical system is being solved. Under the dynamics of the system is understood the change in time of the parameters of the system. Neural networks do not have a priori knowledge about the system being modeled, which does not allow obtaining optimal parameters that take into account physical laws. The Lagrangian neural network takes into account the law of conservation of energy when modeling dynamics. In this paper, a Noetherian Agrangian neural network is proposed that takes into account the laws of conservation of momentum and angular momentum in addition to the law of conservation of energy. It is shown that for this problem the Noetherian Lagrangian neural network is optimal among the fully connected neural network model, the neural network with long-term short-term memory and the Lagrangian neural network. The simulation comparison was carried out on artificially generated data for the double pendulum system, which is the simplest chaotic system. The results of the experiments confirm the hypothesis that the introduction of a priori knowledge about the physics of the system improves the quality of the model.
* '''Problem description:'''Generate a set of convolutions from the available data and choose the best one using order and dimensionality reduction techniques.
* '''Data:''' Biomedical accelerometer and gyroscope data, ocean currents, dune movement, air currents.
* '''Literature:''' The base work contains references.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Neural network, Lagrangian neural networks.
* '''Solution:''' Nesterov neural network.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed network takes into account the symmetry.
* '''Authors:''' Experts Severilov, Strijov V.V., consultant - Panchenko.
The basics for the course are the book Geometric Deep Learning: April 2021 by Michael Bronstein et al. and the paper Physics-informed machine learning // Nature: May 2021 by George Em Karniadakis et al.
===Problem 115===
* '''Title:''' Knowledge distillation in deep networks and alignment of model structures
* '''Problem description:''' It is required to build a network of the simplest structure, a student model, using a high quality teacher model. Show how the student's accuracy and stability change. The result of the experiment is a graph complexity-accuracy-stability, where each model is accurate.
* '''Data:''' CIFAR-10. It is assumed that the teacher has a structure open for analysis with a large number of layers.
* '''Literature:''' Hinton's original work on distillation, work by Andrei Grabovoi, work by Maria Gorpinich
* '''Base algorithm:''' Training (models with a given structure of controlled complexity) without distillation. Teaching (ditto) with Hinton distillation. Layered learning. Neuronal transfer learning.
* '''Solution:''' As in paragraph 2, only in layers. Building the path of least cost over neurons. We consider the covariance matrices of each neuron of each layer for the teacher and for the student. We propose an error function that includes the cost of the least cost path. We propose a way to construct the path of the least cost. The main idea: the transfer goes through pairs of neurons and the most similar distributions (expectation and covariance matrix) from teacher to student.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed transfer significantly reduces complexity without loss of accuracy and solves the problem of interchangeability of neurons by identifying them.
* '''Authors:''' Experts Bakhteev Oleg, Strijov V.V., Consultant Gorpinich Maria.
==Structure of the talk==
===Problem 116===
The talk is based on two-page essay ([template]).
* '''Title:''' Neural differential equations for modeling physical activity - selection and generation of mathematical models
# Field and goals of a method or a model
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of choosing the optimal mat. models as the problem of genetic optimization. The optimality criterion is defined in terms of the accuracy, complexity, and stability of the model. The sampling procedure itself consists of two steps: generating a new structure and rejecting this structure if it does not satisfy the optimality criterion. Required on 'pendulum' type data - accelerometer, myogram, pulse wave - to choose the optimal model.
# An overview of the method
* '''Data:''' WISDM, own collection of biomedical data
# Notable authors and references
* '''Literature:''' Neural CDE
# Rigorous description, the theoretical part
* '''Base algorithm:''' Neuro ODE/CDE on a two-layer neural network.
# Algorithm and link to the code
* '''Solution:''' A number of experiments have already been performed, where sampling is performed by a genetic algorithm. Acceptable results have been obtained. It is proposed to analyze and improve them.
# Application with plots
* '''Solution:''' Algorithm for generating mathematical models in the form of ordinary differential equations. Comparison of models and solvers on biomedical data.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Strijov V.V., consultant Eduard Vladimirov
===Problem 117===
Each student presents two talks. Each talk lasts 25 minutes and concludes with a five-minute written test.
* '''Title:''' Search for dependencies of biomechanical systems (do people dance in pairs or independently?) and (Method of Convergence Cross-Mpping, Takens theorem)
A seminar presentation gives 1 point, a formatted seminar text gives 1 point, a test gives 1 point, a reasonable test response gives 0.1 point. Bonus 1 point for a great talk.
* '''Problem description:''' When forecasting complex time series that depend on exogenous factors and have multiple periodicity, it is required to solve the problem of identifying related pairs of series. It is assumed that the addition of these series to the model improves the quality of the forecast. In this paper, to detect relationships between time series, it is proposed to use the convergent cross-mapping method. With this approach, two time series are connected if their trajectory subspaces exist, the projections onto which are connected. In turn, the projections of series onto trajectory subspaces are related if the neighborhood of the phase trajectory of one series is mapped to the neighborhood of the phase trajectory of another series. The problem of finding trajectory subspaces that reveal the connection of series is set.
* '''Literature:''' Everything Sugihara wrote in Science and Nature (ask the collection). Usmanova K.R., Strijov V.V. Detection of dependencies in time series in the problems of building predictive models // Systems and means of informatics, 2019, 29(2). Neural CDE
* '''Data:''' Accelerometer, gyroscope, and other data describing dynamic systems
* '''Solution:''' Basic in Karina's work. Ours is to build the Neural ODE for both signals and decide if both models belong to the same dynamic system.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Strijov V.V., consultants Vladimirov, Samokhina
===Problem 118===
Todo: how make a test creative, not automised? Here be the test format.
* '''Title:''' Continuous time when building a BCI neural interface
* '''Problem description:''' In signal decoding The problems, data is represented as multidimensional time series. When solving problems, a discrete representation of time is used. However, recent work on neural ordinary differential equations illustrates the ability to work with the hidden state of recurrent neural networks, as with solutions to differential equations. This allows us to consider time series as continuous in time.
* '''Data:''' For classification: dataset P300, which was used to write an article with Alina, DEAP dataset dataset similar to it in the format of records, find a modern dataset, ask U.Grenoble-Alpes
* '''Literature:''' Neural CDE
* '''Base algorithm:''' Alina Samokhina's algorithm
* '''Solution:''' Using NeurODE variations to approximate the original signal. Comparative analysis of existing approaches to the application of differential equations for EEG classification. (Encoder-tensor decomposition, NeuroCDE decoder)
* '''Novelty:''' suggests a way to construct a continuous signal representation. Working with the functional space of the signal, not its discrete representation. Using the parameters of the resulting function as a feature space of the resulting model.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Strijov V.V. (was Problem 109), consultant Tikhonov
===Problem 119===
# Spherical harmonics for mechanical motion modelling
* '''Title:''' Analysis of the dynamics of multiple learning
# Tensor representations of the Brain computer interfaces
* '''Problem description:''' Consider a supervised multiple learning problems in which the training set is not fixed but is updated depending on the predictions of the trained model on the test set. For the process of multiple training, prediction and updating of the sample, we build a mathematical model and study the properties of this process based on the constructed model. Let f(x) be a feature distribution density function, G be an algorithm for training the model, generating predictions on the test set and mixing predictions into the training set, as a result of which the feature distribution changes. Let the space of non-negative smooth functions F(x) be given, whose integral on R^n is equal to one. f_{t+1}(x) = G(f_{t})(x), where G(f) is the evolution operator on the space of these functions F and the initial function f_0(x) is known. In general, G can be an arbitrary operator, not necessarily smooth and/or continuous. Question 0. Find conditions on the operator G under which the image of G lies in the same class of distribution density functions F. In particular, should G be bounded, the operator norm ||G|| <= 1, so that the image of G(f) \in F is also a distribution density function for any f from F? Does there exist a unit in the space F with respect to the operator G, and what will be the identity function f in such F? Question 1. Under what conditions will there be a t_0 on G such that for all t > t_0 the tail of the sequence {f} will be bounded? Question 2. Under what conditions will the operator G have a fixed point? Data In a computational experiment, it is proposed to check the significance of the restriction / the significance of the conditions under which the answer to questions 0-2 is obtained. For example, for a problem of linear regression and/or regression with a multilevel fully connected neural network with different proportions of predictions mixed into the training set on synthetic data sets.
# Multi-view, kernels and metric spaces for the BCI and Brain Imaging
* '''Literature:'''
# Continuous-Time Representation and Legendre Memory Units for BCI
*# Khritankov A., Hidden Feedback Loops in Machine Learning Systems: A Simulation Model and Preliminary Results, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65854-0_5
# Riemannian geometry on Shapes and diffeomorphisms for fMRI
*# Khritankov A.. Pilkevich A. Existence Conditions for Hidden Feedback Loops in Online Recommender Systems, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91560-5_19
# The affine connection setting for transformation groups for fMRI
*# Katok A.B., Hasselblat B. Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems.1999. 768 p. ISBN 5-88688-042-9.
# Strain, rotation and stress tensors modelling with examples
*# Nemytsky V. V., Stepanov V. V. Qualitative theory of differential equations, published in 1974.
# Differential forms and fibre bundles with examples
* '''Authors:''' Expert Khritankov A.S., Expert Afanasiev A.P.
# Modelling gravity with machine learning approaches
# Geometric manifolds, the Levi-Chivita connection and curvature tensors
# Flows and topological spaces
# Application for Normalizing flow models (stress on spaces, not statistics)
# Alignment in higher dimensions with RNN
# Navier-Stokes equations and viscous flow
# Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in Pipe Flows Using Neural Networks [https://doi.org/10.2202/1556-3758.1079], [https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.043309]
# Applications of Geometric Algebra and experior product
# High-order splines
# Forward and Backward Fourier transform and iPhone lidar imaging analysis
# Fourier, cosine and Laplace transform for 2,3,4D and higher dimensions
# Spectral analysis on meshes
# Graph convolution and continuous Laplace operators
===Problem 120===
Thursdays on 12:30 at m1p.org/go_zoom
* '''Title:''' Differentiated algorithm for searching ensembles of deep learning models with diversity control
* September 2 9 16 23 30
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of selecting an ensemble of models is considered. It is required to propose a method for controlling the diversity of basic models at the stage of application.
* October 7 14 21 28
* '''Data:''' Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 datasets
* November 4 11 18 25 
* '''Literature:'''
* December 2 9
*# Neural Architecture Search with Structure Complexity Control
*# Neural Ensemble Search via Bayesian Sampling
*# DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search
* '''Base algorithm:''' It is proposed to use DARTS [3] as the basic algorithm.
* '''Solution:''' To control the diversity of basic models, it is proposed to use a hypernet [1], which shifts the structural parameters in terms of the Jensen-Shannon divergence. At the application stage, base architectures are sampled with a given offset to build an ensemble.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed method allows building ensembles with any number of base models without additional computational costs relative to the base algorithm.
* '''Authors:''' K.D. Yakovlev, Bakhteev Oleg
===Problem 121===
* '''Problem description:''' building predictive analytics for air pollution sensors.
* '''Problem description:''' Data available for air quality monitoring stations in Moscow and the Moscow region (time series). The problem is to check the achievable predictive ability to predict the time series of station readings by their history + when connecting additional features (take into account the stations in aggregate, taking into account their location, time of day and weekend / working day, history and weather forecast (wind))
* '''Data:''' Real data and simulations for Moscow and Moscow Region
* '''Authors:''' Artem Mikhailov, Vladimir Vanovsky
===Problem 122===
* '''Problem description:''' Reducing the dimension of space in a generative modeling problem using reversible models.
* '''Problem description:''' An example of a generative modeling problem is image generation. Some kinds of new models, such as normalization flows or diffusion models, define reversible transformations. But at the same time they work in a space of very high dimensions. It is proposed to combine 2 approaches: dimensionality reduction and generative modeling.
* '''Data:''' Any image dataset (MNIST/CIFAR10).
* '''Novelty:''' By reducing the dimension, you can achieve a significant acceleration of generative models, which will reduce the complexity of such models.
* '''Author:''' Roman Isachenko
===Problem 123===
* '''Problem description:''' Analysis of distribution bias in contrast distribution problem.
* '''Problem description:''' There is the same problem as Representation learning. One of the most popular approaches to solving this problem is contrastive learning. At the same time, in the data we learn from, there are often markup errors: false positive/false negative. It is proposed to analyze various ways to eliminate these biases caused by errors. And also to explore the properties of the proposed models.
* '''Data:''' Any image dataset (MNIST/CIFAR10).
* '''Novelty:''' Current models are very error sensitive. If you manage to take into account the bias in the distributions, many methods of ranking products will greatly increase in quality.
* '''Author:''' Roman Isachenko
===Problem 124===
* '''Title:''' Speed up sampling from diffusion models using adversarial networks
* '''Problem description:''' The most popular generative model today is the diffusion model. Its main disadvantage is the speed of sampling. To sample 1 picture, you need to run 1 neural network 100-1000 times. There are ways to speed up this process. One such way is to use adversarial networks. It is proposed to develop this method and explore various ways to set the functional for sampling
* '''Data:''' Any image dataset (MNIST/CIFAR10).
* '''Novelty:''' By speeding up diffusion models, they will become even more popular and easier to use.
* '''Author:''' Roman Isachenko
===Problem 125===
* '''Title:''' Influence of the lockdown on the dynamics of the spread of the epidemic
* '''Problem description:''' The introduction of a lockdown is considered an effective measure to combat the epidemic. However, contrary to intuition, it turned out that under certain conditions, a lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic. This effect is absent for the classical models of the spread of the epidemic “on average”, but was revealed when modeling the epidemic on the contact graph. The problem is to find formulaic and quantitative relationships between the parameters under which the lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic. It is necessary both to identify such relationships in the SEIRS/SEIR/SIS/etc models based on the SEIRS+ epidemiological distribution framework (and its modifications), and to theoretically substantiate the relationships obtained from specific implementations of the epidemia.
* '''Data:''' The problem involves working with model and synthetic data: there are ready-made data, and it is also possible to generate new ones in the process of solving the problem. This The problem belongs to unsupervised learning, since the implementation of the epidemic on the contact graph has a high proportion of random events, and therefore requires analysis on average over many synthetically generated implementations of the epidemic
* '''Literature:''' T. Harko, Francisco S. N. Lobo, and M. Mak. "Exact analytical solutions of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) epidemic model and of the SIR model with equal death and birth rates"
* '''Authors:''' A.Yu. Bishuk, A.V. Zuhba
===Problem 126===
* '''Title:''' Machine generation style change detection
* '''Problem description:'''It is required to propose a detection method
* '''Data:''' The sample for approximation is presented in the work of J. Berezutskay, in which there are various types of parallel signals.
* '''Literature:'''
*# G. Gritsay, A. Grabovoy, Y. Chekhovich. Automatic Detection of Machine Generated Texts: Need More Tokens // Ivannikov Memorial Workshop (IVMEM), 2022.
*# M. Kuznetsov, A. Motrenko, R. Kuznetsova, V. Strijov. Methods for intrinsic plagiarism detection and author diarization // Working Notes of CLEF, 2016, 1609 : 912-919.
*# RuATD competition.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Using the results of the RuATD competition as base models for classifying proposals. Use the method from Kuznetsov et all.
* '''Novelty:''' Suggest a method for detecting machine-generated fragments in the text using methods for changing the writing style.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Grabovoi Andrey
===Problem 128===
* '''Title:''' Build a deep learning model based on The problem data
* '''Problem description:''' is considered The problem optimization of the deep learning model for the new dataset. It is required to propose a model optimization method that allows generating new models for a new dataset with low computational costs.
* '''Data:''' CIFAR10, CIFAR100
* '''Literature:''' variational inference for neural networks, hypernets, similar work tailored to change the model depending on a predetermined complexity
* '''Base algorithm:''' Retrain the model directly.
* '''Solution:''' The proposed method is to represent a deep learning model as a hypernet (a network that generates the parameters of another network) using a Bayesian approach. Probabilistic assumptions about the parameters of deep learning models are introduced, and a variational lower estimate of the Bayesian validity of the model is maximized. The variation estimate is considered as a conditional value, depending on the information about the problem data.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed method allows you to generate models in one-shot mode (practically without retraining) for the required The problem, which significantly reduces the cost of optimization and retraining.
* '''Authors:''' Olga Grebenkova and Bakhteev Oleg
===Problem 129===
* '''Title:''' Spatiotemporal Prediction with Convolutional Networks and Tensor Decompositions
* '''Problem description:'''Generate a set of convolutions from the available data and choose the best one using order and dimensionality reduction techniques.
* '''Data:''' Consumption and price of electricity, ocean currents, dune movement, air currents
* '''Literature:'''
*# [http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/32719/1/PubSub10184_Sanei.pdf](Tensor-based Singular Spectrum Analysis for Automatic Scoring of Sleep EEG
*# [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6661921](Tensor based singular spectrum analysis for nonstationary source separation)
* '''Base algorithm:''' Caterpillar, tensor caterpillar.
* '''Solution:''' Find a multi-periodic time series, build its tensor representation, decompose into a spectrum, collect, show the forecast.
* '''Novelty:''' Show that a multilinear model is a convenient way to construct convolutions for dimensions in space and time.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Strijov V.V., consultant Nadezhda Alsakhanova
===Problem 130===
* '''Title:''' Automatic highlighting of terms for topic modeling
* '''Problem description:''' Build an ATE (Automatic Term Extraction) model for automatic extraction of phrases that are terms of the subject area in the texts of scientific articles. It is supposed to use effective collocation detection methods (TopMine or more modern) and thematic models to determine the "thematic" of the phrase. The model must be trained without a teacher (unsupervised).
* '''Data:''' Collection of scientific articles in the field of machine learning. Marked up articles with highlighted terms for evaluating models.
* '''Literature:'''
*# El-Kishky A., Song Y., Wang C., Voss C. R., Han J. Scalable topical phrase mining from text corpora // Proc. VLDB Endowment. _ 2014._ Vol. 8, no. 3._Pp. 305_316.
*# Vorontsov K. V. "Probabilistic thematic modeling: theory, models, algorithms and the BigARTM project" (http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/d/d5/Voron17survey-artm.pdf)
*# Nikolay Shatalov. Unsupervised learning methods for automatically highlighting compound terms in text collections. 2019. VMK MSU.
*# Vladimir Polushin. Topic models for ranking text content recommendations. 2017. VMK MSU.
*# Hanh Thi Hong Tran, Matej Martinc, Jaya Caporusso, Antoine Doucet, Senja Pollak. The Recent Advances in Automatic Term Extraction: A survey. 2023. https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.06767
* '''Base algorithm:''' TopMine collocation search method • BigARTM thematic modeling library. • Modern methods based on neural network language models
* '''Solution:''' Application of the TopMine collocation search algorithm followed by filtering by topic. Selection of thematic model hyperparameters and thematicity criterion. Comparison of this approach with modern methods based on neural network models of the language.
* '''Novelty:''' Previous studies of the proposed approach have shown good results both in terms of completeness and computational efficiency. However, they have not yet been compared with neural network models.
* '''Authors:''' Polina Potapova, Vorontsov K.V.
===Problem 131===
* '''Title:''' Iterative improvement of the topic model with user feedback
* '''Problem description:''' Topic modeling is widely used in socio-humanitarian research to understand the thematic structure of large text collections. A typical use case would involve the user rating topics as relevant, irrelevant, and junk. If the number of garbage topics is too large, then the user tries to build another model. The problem is to use custom markup for each such rebuild in such a way that relevant topics are preserved, new relevant ones stand out from irrelevant and garbage topics if possible, and there are as few garbage topics as possible.
* '''Data:''' Any collection of natural language texts about which the thematic structure is known (about how many topics, how many documents on different topics) is suitable as data. For example, you can take a collection of Lenta news, a Wikipedia dump, posts from Habrahabr, 20 Newsgroups, Reuters, articles from PostNauka. The subject of the collection should be of interest to the researcher himself, so that there is motivation to evaluate topics manually.
* '''Literature:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. "Probabilistic thematic modeling: theory, models, algorithms and the BigARTM project" (http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/d/d5/Voron17survey-artm.pdf ).
*# Alekseev V. et al. "TopicBank: Collection of coherent topics using multiple model training with their further use for topic model validation" (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169023X21000483).
* '''Solution:''' Using the BigARTM theme modeling library. Use of smoothing and decorrelation regularizers. Development of methods of initialization when rebuilding thematic models. Finding a ready-made tool or developing a simple, fast, convenient way to view and markup topics.
* '''Novelty:''' The problem of non-uniqueness and instability of models still does not have a final solution in probabilistic thematic modeling. The proposed study is an important step towards building models with the maximum number of interpretable topics that are meaningfully useful from the point of view of humanitarian research.
* '''Authors:''' Vasily Alekseev, Vorontsov K. V.
===Problem 132===
* '''Title:''' Ranking of scientific articles for semi-automatic summarization
* '''Problem description:''' Build a ranking model that takes a selection of texts of scientific articles as input and outputs the sequence of their mention in the abstract.
* '''Data:''' - Overview sections (for example, Introduction and Related Work) of articles from the S2ORC collection (81.1M English-language articles) are used as a training sample. The object of the training set is a sequence of references to articles from the bibliography mentioned in the review sections. For each document there is a set of metadata - year of publication, journal, number of citations, number of citations of the author, etc. Also, there is an abstract and, possibly, the full text of the article. - Kendall's rank correlation coefficient is used as a metric.
* '''Literature:'''
*# Kryzhanovskaya S. Yu. "Technology of semi-automatic summation of thematic collections of scientific articles".
*# Vlasov A. V. "Methods of semi-automatic summation of collections of scientific articles".
*# Kryzhanovskaya S. Yu., Vorontsov K. V "Technology for semi-automatic summarization of thematic collections of scientific articles" (http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/ff/Idp22.pdf, p. 371), S2ORC: The Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Pair-wise ranking methods. Gradient boosting.
* '''Solution:''' The simplest solution is to rank the articles in chronological order, according to the year they were published. To solve the problem, it is proposed to build a ranking model based on gradient boosting. As signs, you can use the year of publication, the citation of the article, the citation of its authors, the semantic proximity of the publication to the review, to its local context, etc.
* '''Novelty:''' The problem is the first step for semi-automatic summarization of thematic collections of scientific publications (machine aided human summarization, MAHS). After the abstract script is built, the system generates prompt phrases for each article, from which the user selects phrases to continue his abstract.
* '''Author:''' Kryzhanovskaya Svetlana, Vorontsov K. V.
===Problem 133===
* '''Title:''' Diffusion models in the problem of generating the structure of a molecule with optimal energy
* '''Problem description:''' For an organic small molecule (the number of atoms is less than 100), knowing only the topology of the molecular graph is not enough to obtain the spatial structure. A molecule can have many possible configurations (conformers), each of which corresponds to a local minimum of the potential. In practice, of greatest interest are the most stable conformers, which have the lowest energy. Recent studies show the success of the application of diffusion models for the generation of molecular structures. This approach shows advanced results in the problem of generating molecules and their conformers for a small number of heavy atoms (QM9 dataset up to 9 heavy atoms in a molecule), as well as in assessing the binding of a molecule and a protein. It is proposed to build a model for the generation of conformers with minimum energy for larger molecules.
* '''Data:''' Base dataset QM9
* '''Literature:'''
*# Different theoretical approaches to the diffusion model: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.13456
*# Diffusion in molecular generation: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17003
*# Diffusion in the problem of binding a protein and a molecule: https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01776
*# Diffusion in the problem of conformer generation: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02923
*# Tutorial on equivariant neural networks: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.09453
* '''Base algorithm:''' GeoDiff[4].
* '''Solution:''' Implement conformer generation similar to DiffDock[3] for QM9 dataset. Check the performance of the model for larger molecules.
* '''Novelty:''' The novelty of the work lies in the design of a model for generating large conformers, which is of great practical importance.
* '''Author:''' Philip Nikitin
===Problem 134===
* '''Title:''' Combining distillation of models and data
* '''Problem description:''' Knowledge distillation is the transfer of knowledge from a more meaningful representation to a compact, concise representation. There are two kinds of knowledge distillation. The first is the distillation of models. In this case, the large model transfers knowledge (distilled) to the small model. The second is data distillation. In this case, a minimum data set is created, on which, after training the model, it achieves a quality comparable to training on a full sample. At the moment, there is no solution that can implement simultaneous distillation of model and knowledge. Therefore, the goal of The problem is to propose a basic solution for model distillation and compare with approaches to model distillation and data distillation.
* '''Data:''' MNIST handwritten digit sampling, CIFAR-10 image sampling
* '''Literature:'''
*# A collection of various papers on the distillation of data.
*# Review on methods of distillation models.
*# Basic knowledge distillation solution.
*# Basic solution for model distillation.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Basic Model Distillation Solution, Hinton Distillation Basic Dataset Distillation Solution, Dataset Distillation by Matching Training Trajectories
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to implement data distillation as a basic algorithm. Then train a larger model on the data and distill it into a smaller model. Next, compare with the original model and the model trained on distilled data.
* '''Novelty:''' The novelty of the work lies in the combination of two distillation approaches, which has not been implemented before
* '''Authors:''' Andrey Filatov
===Problem 135===
* '''Title:''' Proximity measures in self-supervised learning The problems
* '''Problem description:''' The idea of self-supervised learning is to solve an artificially selected The problem to get useful representations of data without markup. One of the most popular approaches is the use of contrastive learning, during which the model is trained to minimize the distance between representations of augmented copies of the same object. The purpose of The problem is to investigate the quality of the resulting representations depending on the choice of the proximity measure (similarity measure) used in training, and to offer our own version of distance measurement
* '''Data:''' CIFAR-100
* '''Literature:'''
*# Solution using squared Euclidean distance.
*# Solution using cosine similarity.
*# Decision based on the information principle.
* '''Base algorithm:''' VicReg, Barlow Twins, SimSiam
* '''Solution:''' One of the distance options that can be proposed is an analogue of the Vaserstein metric, which would allow taking into account the dependencies between features.
* '''Novelty:''' Propose a new way to determine the measure of proximity, which would be theoretically justified / contributed to obtaining representations with given properties
* '''Authors:''' Polina Barabanshchikova
===Problem 136===
* '''Title:''' Stochastic Newton with Arbitrary Sampling
* '''Problem description:''' We analyze second order methods solving Empirical Risk Minimization problem of the form min f(x) in R^d. Here x is a parameter vector of some Machine Learning model, f_i(x) is a loss function on i-th training point (a_i,b_i). Our desire to solve it using Newton-type method that requires access to only one data point per iteration. We investigate different sampling strategies of index i_k on iteration k. See description in PDF.
* '''Data:''' It is proposed to use open SVM library as a data for experimental part of the work.
* '''References:'''
*# Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates
*# Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization
* '''Base algorithm:''' As a base method it is proposed to use Algorithm 1 from the paper Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates.
* '''Solution:''' Is is proposed to adjust existing sampling strategies from Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization in this work.
* '''Novelty:''' In the literature of Second Order methods there are a few works on incremental methods. The idea is to analyze the existing method by applying different sampling strategies. It is known that the proper sampling strategies may improve the performance of a method.
* '''Authors:''' Islamov Rustem, Vadim Strijov
===Problem 139===
* '''Title:''' Distillation of models on multidomain selections.
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of reducing the complexity of the approximating model when transferred to new data of lower power is investigated.
* '''Data:''' Samples MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Amazon products.
* '''Literature:''' Diploma Kamil Bayazitov
* '''Base algorithm:''' The basic solution and experiments are presented in the thesis.
* '''Authors:''' Grabovoi Andrey
===Problem 140===
* '''Title:''' Tailoring the architecture of a performance-controlled deep learning model
* '''Problem description:''' considers The problem adapting the structure of a trained deep learning model for limited computing resources. It is assumed that the resulting architecture (or several architectures) should work efficiently on several types of computing servers (for example, on different GPU models or different mobile devices). It is required to propose a model search method that allows controlling its complexity taking into account the target performance characteristics.
* '''Data:''' MNIST, CIFAR
* '''Literature:'''
*# Grebenkova O.S., Bakhteev Oleg O., Strijov V.V. V.V. Variational optimization of a deep learning model with complexity control // Informatics and its applications, 2021, 15(2). PDF
*# Yakovlev K. D. et al. Neural Architecture Search with Structure Complexity Control //Recent Trends in Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 10th International Conference, AIST 2021, Tbilisi, Georgia, December 16–18, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. - pp. 207-219.
*# FBNet: choosing a model architecture based on target characteristics
* '''Base algorithm:''' FBNet and random search of model substructure
* '''Solution:''' The proposed method is to use a differentiable neural network architecture search algorithm (FBNet) with parameter complexity control using a hypernet. A hypernetwork is a model that generates the structure of the model depending on the input parameters. It is proposed to use the normalized running time of basic operations on target computing resources as hypernet parameters. Thus, the resulting model will allow adapting the architecture of the model for an arbitrary device. * '''Novelty:''' The proposed method allows you to control the complexity of the model, in the process of searching for an architecture without additional heuristics.
* '''Authors:''' Konstantin Yakovlev, Bakhteev Oleg
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|September 2
|[https://github.com/anton39reg Pilkevich Anton]
|Course introduction and motivation
| Existence conditions for hidden feedback loops in recommender systems
|Vadim Strijov
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-74 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OLCqkmArjqFn8M9pB5C_kLoYOv0l1w9RjHy0y0upPew/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
|[https://geometricdeeplearning.com/ GDL paper], [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351814752_Physics-informed_machine_learning/link/60ae8f43a6fdcc647ede90f7/download Physics-informed]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-74/raw/main/docs/Pilkevich2021HiddenFeedbackLoops.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-74/raw/main/docs/Pilkevich2021Presentation/Pilkevich2021Presentation.pdf Slides],
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW_lXGn1WHs&t=24s Video], [https://youtu.be/9ELhIqjFSE8 Video]
|[https://intelligent-systems-phystech.github.io/ru/people/khritankov_as/index.html Khritankov]
|[https://github.com/Edyarich Vladimirov Eduard]
|Restoration of the trajectory of hand movement from video
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-90 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RpWz1sqpgwnf-ewTe4OHI_WODGklx5FBjLfzvHkIUYQ/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-90/raw/master/paper/Vladimirov2022RestoringHandMovement.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-90/blob/master/slides/Vladimirov2022Presentation.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/r-isachenko Isachenko]
|[https://github.com/pkseniya Petrushina Ksenia]
| Anti-Distillation: Knowledge Transfer from Simple Model to a Complex One
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-97 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ekpNeQnvnpXP_Jwp07llyZArH85IZO7Bz1UAlTme7Xs/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-97/blob/master/paper/Petrushina2022AntiDistillation.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-97/blob/master/slides/Petrushina2022Presentation.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/andriygav Grabovoi]
|[https://github.com/Jhomanik Kornilov Nikita]
| Winterstorm risk prediction via machine learning methods
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93-1 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XAld9YsJ-R7Jv-i5SkIGNxX5Hy8vShPv8BA_jig9XcQ/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93-1/raw/master/paper/Kornilov2022Winterstorm.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93-1/raw/master/slides/Winterstorm_presentation.pdf Slides]
| Yuri Maksimov
|[https://github.com/AlievAE Aliyev Alen]
| Geometric Deep Learning for Protein-Protein Binding Affinity Prediction
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-103 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J6nfi3nclsB6TOgcoqokSlli0u0YOqPpKzhZ7h0Xltw LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-103/blob/master/docs/Aliev2022PpbAffinityPrediction.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-103/blob/master/slides/Aliev2022Presentation.pdf Slides]
| Ilya Igashov
|[https://github.com/IvanLukianenko Lukyanenko Ivan]
| Hail Prediction Using Graph Neural Networks
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project94 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ntAjEcvUhdgxM4CZCwmWDq8fBXiOrqBKh92rto4C92Q/edit?usp=sharingLinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-94/blob/master/paper/Hail%20risk%20prediction%20with%20HailNet.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-94/blob/master/slides/Hail%20risk%20prediction%20via%20Graph%20Neural%20Networks%20Slides.pdf Slides]
| Yuri Maksimov
|[https://github.com/Maxgaponov Gaponov Maxim]
| Choosing Interpretable Recurrent Deep Learning Models
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-99 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R-IAGa-w5Edc23jfB_68OZ34EiBlRq6Yaoc1XR_mQ9g/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-99/blob/master/paper/Gaponov2022InterpretableRNN.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-99/blob/master/slides/Gaponov2022InterpretableRNNSlides.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/bahleg Bakhteev Oleg]
|[https://github.com/MelnikovIgor1 Melnikov Igor]
| Stochastic Newton with Arbitrary Sampling
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-101 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wwLvqBrUV3atwJfnlqVRAhSk-KlUzbUpW6K_aaJ8arQ/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-101/raw/master/paper/Melnikov2022StochasticNewtonWithArbitrarySampling.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-101/raw/master/slides/one-slide.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/Rustem-Islamov Rustem Islamov]
|[https://github.com/fzmushko Zmushko Philip]
| Continuous time when building a BCI neural interface
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-109 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tpH34r2x4vRWgaBeBkf8yp__-qGyDQNST-w7X29qgPg/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-109/blob/master/paper/Zmushko2022ContinuousTime.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-109/blob/master/slides/Zmushko2022Presentation.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/Alina-Samokhina Samokhina]
|[https://github.com/hadingus Tishchenko Evgeny]
| Cross-language duplicate search
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-104 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/13bZ_Cs5Q-tAfuSEPXVMw-uqTtZkkvoUxF35pRSfx7bI/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-104/blob/master/paper/Tishchenko2022PlagiatDetecting.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-104/blob/master/slides/Tishchenko2022AntiplagiatDetectionSlides.pdf Slides]
| Konstantin Vorontsov
|[https://github.com/JustAnotherArchetype Antyshev Tikhon]
| Compression for Federated Random Reshuffling
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project107 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T0bsAXp2P8kWmhCtI2lV0KVi4neEdu6FabkWxrAd3aI/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project107/blob/master/paper/Antyshev2022CompressionforFedRR.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project107/blob/master/slides/Antyshev2022Presentation.pdf Slides]
|[https://grigory-malinovsky.github.io/ Malinovsky]
|[https://github.com/vladpyzh Pyzh Vladislav]
| Flood risk prediction via machine learning methods
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93-2 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKr7KS_ONyhj9B5ZupALz_ejm9SgO1rmoTvOAmW10G8/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93-2/raw/master/docs/Pyzh2022Title.pdf Paper], [https://www.overleaf.com/read/tbrgqmyttnnb Online Draft],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93-2/raw/master/docs/presentation.pdf Slides]
| Yuri Maksimov
|[https://github.com/Egor-s-gor Zharov Georgy]
| Forest fire risk assessments using machine learning methods
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/17LqpAAdnIwbVIq9dLdZA7z9eBnaf_nd-Dp0_kBKXxYA/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93/blob/master/paper/First_paper_Zharov_Wildfires.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-93/blob/master/slides/talk.pdf Slides]
| Yuri Maksimov
| (B.O.H1)ALIPX0R0B0С0V0T?E0D?
|[https://github.com/TimkaMLG Muradov Timur]
| Choosing Interpretable Convolutional Deep Learning Models
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project99 GitHub], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/177wuzjmAuY4BpG7325QSH9SkS4SBCgWCKBFXzc68YA0/edit LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project99/raw/master/paper/Muradov2022InterpretableCNN.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project99/raw/master/slides/Muradov2022Presentation.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/bahleg Bakhteev]
|[https://github.com/YHx07 Pavlov Dmitry]
| Machine learning approach to startup success prediction
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-vc GitHub], [https://www.overleaf.com/read/zswjpqgmrcmw Online Draft],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-vc/blob/master/paper/2022_Project_vc.pdf Paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2022-Project-vc/blob/master/slides/2022_Project_vc.pdf Slides]
| Anton Moiseev, Yuri Ammosov
===Problem 100.2022 (group)===
* '''Title:''' Multi-model representation of dynamical systems
* '''Problem description:''' The system described by attractors in several phase spaces is considered. Particular models are constructed that approximate measurements of the state of the system in each space. A matching multimodel is built. The parameters of private models are specified.
* '''Data:''' Human motion video, accelerometer, gyroscope, electroencephalogram signals
* '''Literature:''' Our work on accelerometers and BCI, dissertations by Motrenko, Isachenko, Grabovoi
* '''Base algorithm:''' Particular models are neural networks, multimodel is canonical correlation analysis and multimodel is distilled.
* '''Solution:''' Generalize canonical correlation analysis and distillation to the case of an arbitrary number of models.
* '''Novelty:''' Alignment space built for a set of heterogeneous models
* '''Authors:''' A.V. Grabovoi, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 90.2022===
* '''Title:''' Hand movement recovery from video
* '''Problem description:''' A skeletal representation of a person's pose is restored from the video sequence. The trajectory of the movement of human limbs sets the initial phase space. The accelerometer signal from the limbs sets the target phase space. Build a model that connects the attractors of the trajectories of the source and target spaces.
* '''Data:''' The initial sample is collected by the authors of the project. Parts of the selection are in the library examples.
* '''Solution:''' Theoretical part executed by the extended command. Perform a theoretical study: show that the canonical correlation analysis method (and in particular the PLS, NNPLS, seq2seq, Neur ODE methods) are special cases of the Sugihara convergent cross mapping method.
* '''Novelty:''' A reversible model has been introduced that maps the coordinates recovered from the video sequence into the accelerations of the mobile phone's accelerometer.
* '''Authors:''' A.D. Kurdyukova, R.I. Isachenko, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 91.2022===
* '''Title:''' Clustering human movement trajectories
* '''Problem description:''' This paper analyzes the periodic signals in the time series to recognize human activity by using a mobile accelerometer. Each point in the timeline corresponds to a segment of historical time series. This segments form a phase trajectory in phase space of human activity. The principal components of segments of the phase trajectory are treated as feature descriptions at the point in the timeline. The paper introduces a new distance function between the points in new feature space. To reval changes of types of the human activity the paper proposes an algorithm. This algorithm clusters points of the timeline by using a pairwise distances matrix. The algorithm was tested on synthetic and real data. This real data were obtained from a mobile accelerometer
* '''Data:''' USC-HAD, new accelerometer samples
* '''Literature:''' Grabovoy A.V., Strijov V.V. Quasi-periodic time series clustering for human activity recognition // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2020, 41 : 333-339.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Caterpillar
* '''Solution:''' Bring Grabovoi's article from the Lobachevsky Journal of Mathematics to perfection
* '''Novelty:''' Use Neuro ODE to plot the phase trajectory and classify it
* '''Authors:''' A.V. Grabovoi (ask!!), Strijov V.V.
===Problem 97.2022===
* '''Title:''' Anti-distillation or teacher training: knowledge transfer from a simple model to a complex one
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of adapting the model to a new sample with a large amount of information is considered. For adaptation, it is proposed to build a new model of greater complexity with further transfer of information from a simple model to it. When transferring information, it is necessary to take into account not only the quality of the forecast on the original sample, but also the adaptability of the new model to the new sample and the robustness of the solution obtained.
* '''Data:''' MNIST handwritten digit sampling, CIFAR-10 image sampling
* '''Literature:''' Original distillation problem statement: Hinton G. et al. Distilling the knowledge in a neural network //arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02531
* '''Base algorithm:''' It is proposed to increase the complexity of the model by including constant values close to zero in the model. This approach is basic, because can lead to a decrease in the robustness of the model and worse adaptability to a new sample.
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to consider several approaches to increase the complexity of the model, including both probabilistic (adding noise to new parameters, taking into account operational requirements) and algebraic (expanding the parametric space of the model, taking into account the requirements for robustness and constant Lipschitz of the original model)
* '''Novelty:''' obtaining a method that allows you to adapt the existing model to complicate the training sample without losing information
* '''Authors:''' Bakhteev, Grabovoi, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 98.2022===
* '''Title:''' Deep learning model selection with expert model matching control
* '''Problem description:''' is considered The problem classification. An expert model of low complexity is specified. It is required to build a deep learning model that gives a high quality of the forecast and is similar in behavior to the expert model.
* '''Data:''' Sociological samples, CIFAR image sample
* '''Literature:''' Yakovlev Konstantin, Grebenkova Olga, Bakhteev Oleg, Strijov Vadim. Neural architecture search with structure complexity control // Communications in Computer and Information Science (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts), 2021
* '''Base algorithm:''' building an expert model.
* '''Solution:''' The proposed method consists in hypernetworks with control of the consistency of the found model with the expert model. A hypernetwork is a deep learning model that generates the parameters of the target model.
* '''Novelty:''' the proposed method allows to take into account expert judgment in the process of model selection and architecture search.
* '''Authors:''' Grebenkova, Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 99.2022===
* '''Title:''' Selection of interpretable convolutional deep learning models
* '''Problem description:''' Considers The problem of choosing an interpretable deep learning classification model. Interpretability is understood as the ability of the model to: a) return the most significant features of an object for classification, b) determine clusters of objects that are similar from the point of view of the classifier
* '''Data:''' MNIST handwritten digit sampling, CIFAR-10 image sampling
* '''Literature:'''
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.06259.pdf Exact and Consistent Interpretation for Piecewise Linear Neural Networks: A Closed Form Solution]
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04938 "Why Should I Trust You?": Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier]
* '''Base algorithm:''' The LIME(1) algorithm interprets the model by local approximation
* '''Solution:''' A solution based on the method described in (2) is proposed. In this paper, a generalization of the multilayer perzpetron model with a piecewise linear activation function was proposed. Such an activation function allows us to consider the classifier for each sample object as a locally linear one, without using approximation. It is proposed to generalize the proposed approach to the main nonlinear functions used in convolutional neural networks: convolution, pooling and normalization functions.
* '''Novelty:''' is to obtain a new class of neural models that lend themselves to good interpretation.
* '''Authors:''' Yakovlev, Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 01.2022===
* '''Title:''' Stochastic Newton with Arbitrary Sampling
* '''Problem:''' We analyze second order methods solving Empirical Risk Minimization problem of the form min f(x) in R^d. Here x is a parameter vector of some Machine Learning model, f_i(x) is a loss function on i-th training point (a_i,b_i). Our desire to solve it using Newton-type method that requires access to only one data point per iteration. We investigate different sampling strategies of index i_k on iteration k. See description in [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/5/5c/Stochastic_Newton_with_Arbitrary_Sampling.pdf PDF].
* '''Dataset:''' It is proposed to use open SVM library as a data for experimental part of the work.
* '''References:'''
*# Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates
*# Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization
* '''Base algorithm:''' As a base method it is proposed to use Algorithm 1 from the paper Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates.
* '''Solution:''' Is is proposed to adjust existing sampling strategies from Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization in this work.
* '''Novelty:''' In the literature of Second Order methods there are a few works on incremental methods. The idea is to analyze the existing method by applying different sampling strategies. It is known that the proper sampling strategies may improve the performance of a method.
* '''Authors:''' Islamov Rustem, Vadim Strijov
===Problem 107.2022===
* '''Title:''' Compression for Federated Random Reshuffling
* '''Problem:''' We analyze first order methods solving Empirical Risk Minimization problem of the form min f(x) in R^d. Here x is a parameter vector of some Machine Learning model, f_i(x) is a loss function on i-th training point (a_i,b_i). We focus on distributed setting of this problem. We are going to apply compression techniques to reduce number of communicated bits to overcome communication bottleneck. Also we want to combine it with server-side updates. We desire to generalize and get improvement in theory and practice.
* '''Dataset:''' It is proposed to use open SVM library as a data for experimental part of the work.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://fl-icml.github.io/2021/papers/FL-ICML21_paper_34.pdf Federated Random Reshuffling with Compression and Variance Reduction]
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.06704.pdf Proximal and Federated Random Reshuffling]
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.11066.pdf Server-Side Stepsizes and Sampling Without Replacement Provably Help in Federated Optimization]
* '''Base algorithm:''' As a base method we use Algorithm 3 from [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.06704.pdf Proximal and Federated Random Reshuffling].
* '''Solution:''' Is is proposed to combine the method with two stepsizes with compression operators.
* '''Novelty:''' This would be the first method combining 4 popular federated learning techniques: local steps, compression, reshuffling of data and two stepsizes.
* '''Authors:''' Grigory Malinovsky
===Problem 108.2022===
* '''Title:''' Distillation of knowledge using sample representation in the common latent space of models
* '''Problem description:''' Considers The problem of distillation - the transfer of information from one or more teacher models to the student. A special case is considered when teachers have incomplete information about the sample, and each model has useful information only about some subset.
* '''Data:''' Sample CIFAR-10 images; sampling of handwritten MNIST digits
* '''Literature:'''
*# Hinton G. et al. Distilling the knowledge in a neural network //arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02531. - 2015. - Vol. 2. - No. 7.
*# Oki H. et al. Triplet Loss for Knowledge Distillation //2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). - IEEE, 2020. - P. 1-7.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Hinton distillation [1].
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to consider hidden representations of teachers and students obtained using dimensionality reduction algorithms. To align the model spaces, it is proposed to use the autoencoder model with triplet constraints (see, for example, [2]).
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed method will allow the distillation of heterogeneous models, using information from several teachers.
* '''Authors:''' Gorpinich, Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 93.2022===
* '''Title:''' Estimating the risk of forest fires using machine learning methods.
* '''Problem description:''' Wildfire risk prediction based on climate variables (water/air temperature, atmospheric pressure) since 1991. Forecasting is carried out (a) in the short-term range (2-5 years; stationary time series) and (b) in the long-term range (up to 50 years; non-stationary time series). A feature of forecasting in the long range is the (probable) significant change in the behavior of climate variables (CMIP5 scenarios). The key features of problem (1) are the need for a sufficiently accurate prediction of extreme risk values (maximum values of the time series), while the algorithm can make a significant number of errors in the region of small values of the series. (2) the spatial data structure of the series.
* '''Data:'''
*# [https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_TERRACLIMATE Google Earth Data] - data on climate variables and landscape available via API (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
*# [https://www.worldclim.org/data/cmip6/cmip6_clim2.5m.html CMIP5] climate scenarios (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
*# [https://daac.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/theme_dataset_lister.pl?theme_id=8 Wildfire Risk Database]
*# [https://www.visualcrossing.com/weather/weather-data-services Severe Weather Dataset]
* '''Literature:'''
*# [http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~hexn/papers/kdd19-timeseries.pdf Daizong Ding, Mi Zhang, Xudong Pan, Min Yang, Xiangnan He. Modeling Extreme Events in Time Series Prediction. KDD-2019].
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.09140 Roman Kail, Alexey Zaytsev, Evgeny Burnaev. Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks help to predict the location of Earthquakes].
*# [http://roseyu.com/time-series-workshop/submissions/TSW2017_paper_3.pdf Nikolay Laptev, Jason Yosinski, Li Erran Li, Slawek Smyl. Time-series Extreme Event Forecasting with Neural Networks at Uber].
* '''Base algorithm:''' (1) method from article 1, (2). ST-LSTM
* '''Solution:''' is proposed to solve the problem in two steps. At the first step, Algorithm 1 (with the addition of a spatial component) restores (averaged over a certain range) the behavior of the time series. Next, the discrepancy between the values of the series and the model is analyzed. Based on this, the noise distribution is restored and a probabilistic model is built to achieve a certain level of risk in a given territory in the required time range.
* '''Novelty:''' (geo)-spatial time series prediction is an open area with great potential for theoretical and practical work. In particular, fire risk assessment is necessary for (1) predicting the probability of accidents (electric power industry, gas transport complex); (2) prioritization of fire prevention measures by region; (3) assessing the financial risks of companies operating in the region.
* '''Authors:''' Yuri Maksimov, Alexey Zaitsev
* '''Consultants:''' Yuri Maksimov, Alexey Zaitsev, Alexander Lukashevich.
===Problem 94.2022===
* '''Title:''' Hail forecast using graph neural networks
* '''Problem description:''' Hail risk prediction based on climate variables (water/air temperature, atmospheric pressure) since 1991. Forecasting is carried out (a) in the short-term range (2-5 years; stationary time series) and (b) in the long-term range (up to 50 years; non-stationary time series). A feature of forecasting in the long range is the (probable) significant change in the behavior of climate variables (CMIP5 scenarios). Key features of The problem (1) rare events, the case of hail in Russia over the past 30 years was less than 700 throughout the country (2) the spatial structure of the data series.
* '''Data:'''
*# [https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_TERRACLIMATE Google Earth Data] - data on climate variables and landscape available via API (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
*# [https://www.worldclim.org/data/cmip6/cmip6_clim2.5m.html CMIP5] climate scenarios (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
*# [https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/ftp.jsp NOAA Storm Events Database]
*# [https://eswd.eu/cgi-bin/eswd.cgi European Severe Weather Database]
*# [https://www.visualcrossing.com/weather/weather-data-services Severe Weather Dataset]
* '''Literature:'''
*# Ayush, Kumar, et al. "Geography-aware self-supervised learning." [https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/ICCV2021/papers/Ayush_Geography-Aware_Self-Supervised_Learning_ICCV_2021_paper.pdf Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021].
*# Cachay, Salva Rühling, et al. "Graph Neural Networks for Improved El Ni\~ no Forecasting." arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.01598 (2020). [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.01598.pdf NeurIPS Clima Workshop].
*# Cai, Lei, et al. "Structural temporal graph neural networks for anomaly detection in dynamic graphs." [https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3459637.3481955 Proceedings] of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. 2021.
* '''Base algorithm:''' classification with extremely rare events, the most basic variant of log-regression + SMOTE. The paper proposes to take a combination of algorithms from articles 2 and 3 as a basis.
* '''Solution:''' suggests that a combination of the algorithms from articles 2 and 3 can improve classification in such The problems with exceptionally rare events. In addition, it is supposed to use physical information to regularize the classifier (combination of temperature/humidity factors at which hail is most likely)
* '''Novelty:''' (geo)-spatial time series prediction is an open area with great potential for theoretical and practical work. In particular, fire risk assessment is necessary for (1) predicting the probability of damage (agriculture, animal husbandry); (2) assessment of insurance and financial risks.
* '''Authors:''' Yuri Maksimov (point of contact), Alexey Zaitsev
* '''Consultants:''' Yuri Maksimov (point of contact), Alexey Zaitsev, Alexander Bulkin.
===Problem 95.2022===
* '''Title:''' Identification the transmission rate and time-dependent noise for the stochastic SIER disease model with vital rates (Time-dependent parameter identification for a stochastic epidemic model)
* '''Problem description:''' The problem is set to find the optimal time-dependent parameters for the known stochastic SIER disease propagation model. The optimal parameters are the parameters of the stochastic equation, under which the sample of the rate of spread of the virus in a limited population, when using comparison with the optimal sample. It is proposed to use the adaptive generalized method of moments with local delay (LLGMM) based on the generalized method of moments (GMM).
* '''Data:''' Hopkins Institution's Coronavirus Increasing Data is available from various sources. You can also download the data yourself from the link.
* '''Literature:'''
*# Anna Mummert, Olusegun M. Otunuga Parameter identification for a stochastic SEIRS epidemic model: case study influenza PDF
*# David M. Drukker Understanding the generalized method of moments (GMM): A simple example LINK
* '''Keywords:''' Compartment disease model, Stochastic disease model, Local lagged adapted generalized method of moments, Time-dependent transmission rate
* '''Base algorithm:''' there are several different options on the Internet, for example, the article B.Tseytlin Actually forecasting COVID-19 LINK, the current program does not give good convergence, because it always uses a fixed number of points for prediction
* '''Novelty:''' a new LLGMM method of moments that increases the accuracy of prediction& The basic idea of the method of moments is to use in moment conditions (moment functions or simply moments) instead of mathematical expectations, sample means, which, according to the law of large numbers under sufficiently weak conditions, should converges asymptotically to the mathematical expectations. Since the number of conditions for moments in the general case is greater than the number of estimated parameters, this system of conditions does not have a unique solution. The generalized method of moments suggests a situation where it is possible to obtain more conditions for moments than estimated parameters. The method constructs moment conditions (moment functions), also called orthogonality conditions, in a more general form as some function of model parameters and data. The parameters are estimated by minimizing a certain positive quadratic form from the sample means for the moments (moment functions). The quadratic form is in an iterative process with the required accuracy. If the model contains more than one parameter (this is our case) to be identified, then the second and higher moments are used to construct moment conditions. LLGMM defines time-dependent parameters by using a limited number of "points" in a data time series to form moment conditions, rather than the entire series. So the method is late. In addition, the number of time series elements used varies for each estimate over time. Thus, the method is local and adaptive.
* '''Author:''' expert Vera Markasheva (Laboratory of Computational Bioinformatics of the Center for Systems Biology)
===Problem 96.2022===
* '''Title:''' Impact of the lockdown on the dynamics of the epidemic
* '''Problem description:''' The introduction of a lockdown is considered an effective measure to combat the epidemic. However, contrary to intuition, it turned out that under certain conditions, a lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic. This effect is absent for classical models “on average”, but was revealed when modeling the spread of the epidemic, taking into account the contact graph. The problem is to find formulaic and quantitative relationships between the parameters under which the lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic.
* '''Data:''' Real data on the spread of the epidemic on contact graphs, especially considering the need for scenario analysis, is not available. The problem involves working with model and synthetic data: there are ready-made data, and it is also assumed that new ones can be generated in the process of solving the problem.
* '''Authors:''' Anton Bishuk, A.V. Zuhba
===Problem 102.2022===
* '''Title:''' Graph neural networks in the problem of regression of pairs of graphs
* '''Problem description:''' Considered The problem regression on a pair of graphs. In a pair, each vertex of one graph corresponds to a vertex of the second graph. It is required to establish the optimal architecture of the graph neural network, taking into account the given order specified on the vertices.
* '''Data:''' It is suggested to use chemical reaction datasets [https://github.com/hesther/reactiondatabase github]. For a given dataset, a pair of graphs is specified in a natural way. These are graphs of molecules of initial substances and products of a chemical reaction.
* '''Literature:'''
*# [https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/60c74e0f9abda2cf1af8d58a DRACON: disconnected graph neural network for atom mapping in chemical reactions.]
*# [https://chemrxiv.org/engage/api-gateway/chemrxiv/assets/orp/resource/item/6112ac487117507542e68bef/original/machine-learning-of-reaction-properties-via-learned-representations-of-the- condensed-graph-of-reaction.pdf Machine learning of reaction properties via learned representations of the condensed graph of reaction.]
*# [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9046288 A comprehensive survey on graph neural networks.]
* '''Base algorithm:''' The graph relationship is set at the level of graph embeddings. That is, a separate embedding vector is built for each graph, and then the vector data is concatenated. In this case, information about the correspondence of vertices in graphs is not explicitly used.
* '''Novelty:''' On the example of the architecture of a graph neural network with fixed hyperparameters, from a theoretical and practical point of view, to study ways to add information about the relationship of graphs to a graph neural network.
* '''Authors:''' Filipp Nikitin, Vadim Strijov V.V., Alexander Isaev.
===Problem 103.2022===
* '''Requirement:''' Fluent English to collaborate, Python and PyTorch (medium level and higher), Git, Bash, Background in computational biology is a plus
* '''Introduction:''' [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/fa/M1p_ppis.pdf See full description here]. Proteins are involved in several biological reactions by means of interactions with other proteins or with other molecules such as nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and ligands. Among these interaction types, protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are considered to be one of the key factors as they are involved in most of the cellular processes [1]. The binding of two proteins can be viewed as a reversible and rapid process in an equilibrium that is governed by the law of mass action. Binding affinity is the strength of the interaction between two (or more than two) molecules that bind reversibly (interact). It is translated into physico-chemical terms in the dissociation constant Kd, the latter being the concentration of free protein at which half of all binding sites of the second protein type are occupied [2].
* '''Objectives:''' Three main objectives of this work can be formulated as follows: 1. Refine PDBbind [12] data and a standard binding affinity dataset [3], and compile a novel benchmark of PPIs with known binding affinity values. 2. Employ graph-learning toolset to predict binding affinities of PPIs from the new dataset. 3. Benchmark the resulting method against existing state-of-the-art approaches
* '''Data & Metrics:''' In this work, we will operate on experimentally-observed three-dimensional structures of protein-protein complexes annotated with the binding affinity values. Two main sources of data are the following:
* PDBbind dataset [12] that includes around 2k PPIs
* Standard dataset introduced in [3] that includes 144 PPIs As main regression metrics, we suggest to consider Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Pearson correlation.
* '''Novelty:''' To the best of our knowledge, geometric deep learning methods have never been applied to the protein-protein binding affinity prediction problem so far.
* '''Authors:''' Arne Schneuing, Ilia Igashov
===Problem 109.2022===
* '''Title:''' Continuous time when building a BCI neural interface
* '''Problem description:''' In Signal Decoding The problems, data is represented as multivariate time series. When solving problems, a discrete representation is used time. However, recent work on neural ordinary differential equations illustrates the ability to work with the hidden state of recurrent neural networks, as with solutions to differential equations. This allows us to consider time series as continuous in time.
* '''Data:''' For classification:
*# dataset P300, according to which the article was written
*# dataset DEAPdataset similar to it in the format of records.
*# Definition of emotions.
*# Same SEED emotion classification
*# Not EEG, but accelerometer data with activity/position classification
*# For regression, you can take the same neurotycho, if you want to complicate life somewhat with respect to classification problems.
* '''Literature:'''
*# Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
*# Neural controlled differential equations for irregular time series
*# Latent ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series (?)
*# GRU-ODE-Bayes: Continuous modeling of sporadically-observed time series (?)
*# Neural Rough Differential Equations for Long Time Series (?)
*# ODE2VAE: Deep generative second order ODEs with Bayesian neural networks (?)
*# Go with the Flow: Adaptive Control for Neural ODEs
*# Legendre Memory Units: Continuous-Time Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks
*# My master's
* '''Base algorithm:''' Alina Samokhina's algorithm
* '''Solution:''' Using NeurODE variations to approximate the original signal. (Bayes, partial derivatives, etc.). Comparative analysis of existing approaches to the application of differential equations for EEG classification
* '''Novelty:''' suggests a way to construct a continuous signal representation. Working with the functional space of the signal, not its discrete representation. Using the parameters of the resulting function as a feature space of the resulting model.
* '''Authors:''' Alina Samokhina, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 104.2022===
* '''Title:''' (Clarification awaited) Cross-language duplicate search
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of cross-language search for text plagiarism is set. The search for duplicates of the original text is carried out among texts in 100 different languages.
* '''Data:'''
*# A selection of scientific articles from the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.ru, as well as articles from the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, is used as a training sample.
*# The State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (SRSTI), the Universal Decimal Classifier (UDC) are considered as scientific rubricators.
*# The following are used as search quality metrics:
*# average frequency - the frequency, averaged over the control languages, with which the query document falls into the top 10% of documents among which the search is carried out
*# average percentage - the percentage of documents, averaged over the control languages, that are in the top 10% of translation documents that have the same scientific heading as the query document
* '''Literature:''' Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic thematic modeling: review of models and additive regularization [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/d/d5/Voron17survey-artm.pdf PDF]
* '''Base algorithm:'''
*# Hierarchical topic models
*# Topic models with one-pass document vectorization
* '''Solution:''' To solve the search problem, a multimodal thematic model was built. 100 languages were used as modalities, as well as scientific headings, which included articles from the training data. A series of experiments was carried out to improve search quality metrics, including: selection of the optimal tokenization method, addition of regularizers, selection of thematic vector comparison functions, ranking functions, etc.
* '''Novelty:''' Most systems for finding documents in large collections are based on vectorization of the documents in the collection and the search document in one way or another. The latest ways to vectorize documents are usually limited to one language. In this case, the problem arises of creating a uniform system for obtaining vector embeddings of a multilingual collection of documents. The proposed approach makes it possible to train a topic model that encodes information about the distribution of words in a text, regardless of their language affiliation. Also, the solution is subject to restrictions on the size of the model and training time, due to the possibility of practical use of the described model.
* '''Author:''' Polina Potapova, Konstantin Vorontsov
===Problem 52.2022===
* '''Title:''' (pending clarification) Predicting the quality of protein models using spherical convolutions on 3D graphs.
* '''Problem description:''' The purpose of this work is to create and study a new convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs within the framework of solving the problem of assessing the quality of three-dimensional protein models (The problem regression on graph nodes).
* '''Data:''' [http://predictioncenter.org Models generated by CASP contestants] are used.
* '''Literature:'''
*# [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pXCED8XBcxbjwtg_1wZG0oAjvUCxFlua/view?usp=sharing The problem details].
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01261 Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks].
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.08097 Geometric deep learning: going beyond euclidean data].
* '''Base algorithm:''' As a base algorithm, we will use a neural network based on the graph convolution method, which is generally described in [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01261].
* '''Solution:''' The presence of a peptide chain in proteins allows you to uniquely enter local coordinate systems for all graph nodes, which makes it possible to create and apply spherical filters regardless of the graph topology.
* '''Novelty:''' In general, graphs are irregular structures, and in many Graph Learning The problems, sample objects do not have a single topology. Therefore, the existing operations of convolutions on graphs are greatly simplified or do not generalize to different topologies. In this paper, we propose to consider a new method for constructing a convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs, for which it is possible to uniquely choose local coordinate systems associated with each node.
* '''Author:''' Sergey Grudinin
===Problem 110. 2022 (technical)===
* '''Title:''' Detection of defects on the car body
* '''SubThe problems:''' Classification of cars by type and brand, Classification of car parts (door, hood, roof, etc.), Segmentation of defective areas on different parts of the car, Classification of defects by type (dent, scratch, glass damage), Assessment of the degree of damage,
* '''Data:'''
*# Coco Car Damage Detection Dataset - 70 photos of damaged cars with frames, semantic mask and damage type (headlight, front bumper, hood, door, rear bumper)
*# Сar_damage - 920 photos of damaged cars with labeled masks
*# CarDent-Detection-Assessment - 100 photos of damaged cars with labeled masks
*# CarAccidentDataset - 52 photos of damaged cars with labeled masks
*# Car damage detection - 950 photos of damaged and 1150 photos of whole cars
*# Car Damage - 1512 photos of damaged cars. Labeled to classify the type of damage
*# Cars Dataset - 16185 photos of whole cars, 196 models. Images with different angles, labels and frames of machine elements for matching angles.
* '''Author:''' Andrey Inyakin
===Problem 111.2022 (technical)===
* '''Title:''' Recognition of named entities in informational Russian-language news
* '''SubThe problems:''' Estimating the accuracy of available NER models (up to 2 weeks for data collection and markup)
* '''Base algorithm:''' Development of an algorithm for saturation (augmentation) of the training sample with rare named entities
* '''Data:''' To solve the problem, datasets of news from Interfax with the markup of named entities will be prepared.
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|Search for the boundaries of the iris by the method of circular projections
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rmd1MQemJhgHG7W3p3qH2Di7KAxtClImVB_Gx_lOWCY/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project88 GitHub]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project88/raw/master/docs/Bazhenov2021.pdf Paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project88/raw/master/slides/Bazhenov2021Presentation.pdf Slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW_lXGn1WHs&t=4712s Video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:IvanMatveev Matveev Ivan Alekseevich]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Zverev.eo Zverev Egor]
|Learning co-evolution information with natural language processing for protein folding problem
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x4TGjGlGjtr2m4hhzY3qGSFU7bZ6wv03eHwpTOVC3-8/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-86 GitHub]
[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-86/main/docs/Zverev2021CoevolutionFromLMs.pdf Paper] [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-86/main/docs/Zverev2021Presentation.pdf Slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW_lXGn1WHs&t=4184s Video]
|[https://team.inria.fr/nano-d/team-members/sergei-grudinin/ Sergei Grudinin], |[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Igashov Ilya Igashov]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Alexandr_Tolmachev Alexandr Tolmachev]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-87/raw/main/docs/Zverev2021Review.pdf Review]
|[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1uHZnZPsxDpSYlerkdTvXA/videos Gorchakov Vyacheslav]
|Importance Sampling for Chance Constrained Optimization
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/199SSt922JQRTBhj8USTVNfDi0bn_t3NnuCCQtDf3NwY/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-78 Github]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-78/raw/main/docs/Gorchakov_Importance_Sampling_for_Chance_Constrained_Optimization.pdf Paper]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW_lXGn1WHs&t=5441s Video]
|[https://faculty.skoltech.ru/people/yurymaximov Yuri Maksimov]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Bazhenov.aa Bazhenov Andrey]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project88/raw/master/docs/Gorchakov2021_Importance_Sampling_for_Chance_Constrained_Optimization_Review.pdf Review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:NikLin Lindemann Nikita]
|Training with an expert for a sample with many domains
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wL99D7UyY2uJqHwvxTfTKX3REoauyub5L8bFnRnwpJU/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-82 Github]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-82/raw/main/docs/Lindemann2021DomainAdaptation.pdf Paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2021-Project-82/raw/main/Slides/Lindemann2021PresentationDomainAdaptation.pdf Slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Andriygav Andrey Grabovoi]
===Problem 74.2021===
* '''Title:''' Existence conditions for hidden feedback loops in recommender systems
* '''Problem description:''' In recommender systems, the effect of artificially inadvertently limiting the user's choice due to the adaptation of the model to his preferences (echo chamber / filter bubble) is known. The effect is a special case of hidden feedback loops. (see - Analysis H.F.L.). It is expressed in the fact that by recommending the same objects of interest to the user, the algorithm maximizes the quality of its work. The problem is a) lack of variety b) saturation / volatility of the user's interests.
* '''Problem description:'''It is clear that the algorithm does not know the interests of the user and the user is not always honest in his choice. Under what conditions, what properties of the learning algorithm and dishonesty (deviation of the user's choice from his interests) will the indicated effect be observed? Clarification. The recommendation algorithm gives the user a_t objects to choose from. The user selects one of them c_t from Bernoulli from the model of interest mu(a_t) . Based on the user's choice, the algorithm changes its internal state w_t and gives the next set of objects to the user. On an infinite horizon, you need to maximize the total reward sum c_t. Find the conditions for the existence of an unlimited growth of user interest in the proposed objects in a recommender system with the Thomson Sampling (TS) MAB algorithm under conditions of noisy user choice c_t. Without noise, it is known that there is always unlimited growth (in the model) [1].
* '''Data:''' are created as part of the experiment (simulation model) by analogy with the article [1], external data is not required.
* '''References:'''
*# Jiang, R., Chiappa, S., Lattimore, T., György, A. and Kohli, P., 2019, January. Degenerate feedback loops in recommender systems. In Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (pp. 383-390).
*# Khritankov, A. (2021). Hidden Feedback Loops in Machine Learning Systems: A Simulation Model and Preliminary Results. In International Conference on Software Quality (pp. 54-65). Springer, Cham.
*# Khritankov A. (2021). Hidden feedback loop experiment demo. https://github.com/prog-autom/hidden-demo
* '''Base algorithm:''' The initial mathematical model of the phenomenon under study is described in the article [1]. The method of experimental research is in the article [2]. The base source code is available at [3]
* '''Solution:''' It is necessary to derive conditions for the existence of positive feedback for the Thomson Sampling Multi-armed Bandit algorithm based on the known theoretical properties of this algorithm. Then check their performance in the simulation model. For verification, a series of experiments is performed with the study of parameter ranges and the estimation of the error (variance) of the simulation. The results are compared with the previously constructed mathematical model of the effect. There is an implementation of the experiment system that can be improved for this The problem.
* '''Novelty:''' The studied positive feedback effect is observed in real and model systems and is described in many publications as an undesirable phenomenon. There is his model for the limited case of the absence of noise in the user's actions, which is not implemented in practice. Under the proposed conditions, The problem has not previously been posed and not solved for recommender systems. For the regression problem, the solution is known.
* '''Authors:''' Expert, consultant Anton Khritankov
===Problem 77.2021===
* '''Title:''' Determining the phase and disorder of human movement by signals from wearable devices
* '''Problem description:''' A wide class of periodic movements of a person or an animal is investigated. It is required to find the beginning and end of the movement. It is required to understand when one type of movement ends and another begins. For this, The problem of segmentation of time series is solved. The phase trajectory of one movement is constructed and its actual dimension is found. The purpose of the work is to describe a method for finding the minimum dimension of the phase space. By repetition of the phase, segment the periodic actions of a person. It is also necessary to propose a method for extracting the zero phase in a given space for a specific action. Bonus: find the discord in the phase trajectory and indicate the change in the type of movement. Bonus 2: do this for different phone positions by proposing invariant transformation models.
* '''Data:''' The data consists of time series read from a three-axis accelerometer with an explicit periodic class (walking, running, walking up and down stairs, etc.). It is possible to get your own data from a mobile device, or get model data from the dataset [https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Human+Activity+Recognition+Using+Smartphones UCI HAR]
* '''References:'''
*# A. P. Motrenko, V. V. Strijov. Extracting fundamental periods to segment biomedical signals // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2015, 20(6).P. 1466–1476. Time series segmentation with periodic actions: The segmentation problem was solved using a fixed-dimensional phase space. [http://strijov.com/papers/MotrenkoStrijov2014RV2.pdf PDF][http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group874/Motrenko2014TSsegmentation/JBHI/MotrenkoStrijov2014RV2.pdf?format=raw URL]
*# A.D. Ignatov, V. V. Strijov. Human activity recognition using quasi-periodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer. // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, P. 1–14. Classification of human activity using time series segmentation: classifiers were studied on the resulting segments. [https://rdcu.be/6oBD PDF][http://strijov.com/papers/Ignatov2015HumanActivity.pdf URL]
*# Grabovoy, A.V., Strijov, V.V. Quasi-Periodic Time Series Clustering for Human Activity Recognition. Lobachevskii J Math 41, 333–339 (2020). Segmentation of time series into quasi-periodic segments: Segmentation methods were explored using principal component analysis and transition to phase space. [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/c/cd/Grabovoy2019BSThesis.pdf Text] [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/1/19/Grabovoy2019TimeSeriesClusteringSlides.pdf Slides] [https://doi.org/10.1134/S19950802200300751 DOI]
* '''Base algorithm:''' The basic algorithm is described in 1 and 3 works, [https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group874/Motrenko2014TSsegmentation/ code here], work code 3 author.
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to consider various dimensionality reduction algorithms and compare different spaces in which the phase trajectory is constructed. Develop an algorithm for finding the minimum dimension of the phase space in which the phase trajectory has no self-intersections up to the standard deviation of the reconstructed trajectory.
* '''Novelty:''' In Motrenko's article, the space dimension is equal to two. This shortcoming must be corrected. The phase trajectory must not intersect itself. And if we can distinguish one type of movement from another within one period (switched from running to a step and realized this within one and a half steps), it will be great.
* '''Authors:'''
consultants: Kormakov G.V., Tikhonov D.M., Expert Strijov V.V.
===Problem 78. 2021===
* '''Title:''' Importance Sampling for Scenario Approximation of Chance Constrained Optimization
* '''Problem description:''' Optimization problems with probabilistic constraints are often encountered in engineering practice. For example, The problem of minimizing energy generation in energy networks, with (randomly fluctuating) renewable energy sources. In this case, it is necessary to comply with safety restrictions: voltages at generators and consumers, as well as currents on the lines, must be less than certain thresholds. However, even in the simplest situations, The problem cannot be resolved exactly. The best-known approach is the chance constrained optimization methods, which often give a good approximation. An alternative approach is sampling the network operation modes and solving the problem on the data set of the classification * '''Problem description:''' separating bad modes from good ones with a given error of the second kind. At the same time, for a sufficiently accurate solution, a very large amount of data is required, which often makes the problem numerically inefficient. We suggest using “importance sampling” to reduce the number of scenarios. Importance sampling consists of substituting a sample from a nominal solution, which often carries no information since all bad events are very rare, with a synthetic distribution that samples the sample in a neighborhood of bad events.
* '''Problem statement:''' find the minimum of a convex function (price) under probabilistic constraints (the probability of exceeding a certain threshold for a system of linear/quadratic functions is small) and numerically show the effectiveness of sampling in this problem.
* '''Data:''' Data is available in the pypower and matpower packages as csv files.
* '''References:''' The proposed algorithms are based on 3 articles:
*# Owen, Maximov, Chertkov. Importance Sampling for the Union of Rare Events with Applications to Power Systems [https://statistics.sites.stanford.edu/sites/g/files/sbiybj6031/f/2017-10.pdf LINK]
*# A. Nemirovski. On safe tractable approximations of chance constraints [https://www2.isye.gatech.edu/~nemirovs/EUROXXIV.pdf LINK]
*# S. Tong, A. Subramanyam, and Vi. Rao. Optimization under rare chance constraints. [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.06052.pdf LINK]
*# In addition, the authors of the problem have a draft of the article, in which you need to add a numerical part.
* '''Base algorithm:''' A list of basic algorithms is provided in this lecture [http://niaohe.ise.illinois.edu/IE598_2020/IE598NH-lecture-10-11-CCP.pdf LINK]
* '''Solution:''' in numerical experiments, you need to compare the sample size requirements for standard methods (scenario approximation) and using importance sampling to obtain a solution of comparable quality (and inverse The problem, having equal sample lengths, compare the quality of the solution)
* '''Novelty:''' The problem has long been known in the community and scenario approximation is one of the main methods. At the same time, importance sampling helps to significantly reduce the number of scenarios. We have recently received a number of interesting results on how to calculate optimal samplers, with their use the complexity of the problem will be significantly reduced
* '''Authors:''' Expert Yuri Maksimov, consultant Yuri Maksimov and Alexander Lukashevich.
===Problem 79.2021===
* '''Title:''' Improving Bayesian Inference in Physics Informed Machine Learning
* '''Problem description:''' Machine learning methods are currently widely used in physics, in particular, in solving turbulence problems or analyzing the stability of physical networks. At the same time, the key issue is which modes to choose for training models. A frequent choice is a sequence of points that uniformly covers the admissible set. However, often such sequences are not very informative, especially if analytical methods give a region where the system is guaranteed to be stable. The problem proposes several methods of sampling: allowing to take into account this information. Our goal is to compare them and find the one that requires the smallest sample size (empirical comparison).
* '''Data:''' The experiment is proposed to be carried out on model and real data. The simulation experiment consists in analyzing the stability of (slightly non-linear) differential equations (synthetic data is self-generated). The second experiment is to analyze the stability of energy systems (data from matpower, pypower, GridDyn).
* '''References:'''
*# Art Owen. Quasi Monte Carlo Sampling. [https://statweb.stanford.edu/~owen/courses/362-1011/readings/siggraph03.pdf LINK ]
*# Jian Cheng & Marek J. Druzdzel. Computational Investigation of Low-Discrepancy Sequences in Simulation Algorithms for Bayesian Networks [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1301.3841.pdf LINK]
*# A. Owen, Y Maximov, M. Chertkov. Importance Sampling for the Union of Rare Events with Applications to Power Systems [https://statistics.sites.stanford.edu/sites/g/files/sbiybj6031/f/2017-10.pdf LINK]
*# Polson and Solokov. Deep Learning: A Bayesian Perspective [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.00473.pdf LINK]
*# In addition: the authors of the problem have a draft work on this topic
* '''Base algorithm:''' The basic algorithm we are improving is Quasi Monte Carlo (QMC, [https://statweb.stanford.edu/~owen/courses/362-1011/readings/siggraph03.pdf LINK ]). The problem to construct low discrepancy sequences not covering the polyhedral region and the region given by the intersection of the quadratic constraints. Another algorithm with which we need a comparison: E. Gryazina, B. Polyak. Random Sampling: a Billiard Walk Algorithm [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474667016425711 LINK] and algorithms Hit and Run [https://statweb.stanford.edu/~cgates/PERSI/papers/hitandrun062207.pdf LINK]
* '''Solution:''' sampling methods by importance, in particular the extension of the approach (Boy, Ryi, 2014) and (Owen, Maximov, Chertkov, 2017) and their applications to ML/DL for physical problems
* '''Novelty:''' in a significant reduction in sample complexity and the explicit use of existing and analytical results and learning to solve physical problems, before that ML approaches and analytical solutions were mostly parallel courses
* '''Authors:''' Expert Yuri Maksimov, consultant Yuri Maksimov and Alexander Lukashevich, student.
===Problem 81.2021===
* '''Title:''' NAS — Generation and selection of neural network architectures
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of choosing the optimal neural network architecture is set as The problem of sampling the vector of structural parameters. The optimality criterion is defined in terms of the accuracy, complexity and stability of the model. The sampling procedure itself consists of two steps: generating a new structure and rejecting this structure if it does not satisfy the optimality criterion. It is proposed to explore various methods of sampling. The formulation of the problem of choosing the optimal structure is described in [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wn-CEhDKvjyZMvZdBHWUobxpizVF1G8l/view?usp=sharing Potanin-1]
* '''Data:''' : Two separate sets are offered as data. The first one consists of one element, this is the popular MNIST dataset. Pros - is a strong and generally accepted baseline, was used as a benchmark for the WANN article, quite large (multi-class classification). The second set is a set of datasets for the regression The problem. Size varies from very small to quite large. Here is a link to the dataset and laptop to download the data [https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cxtf3dg7gHFHyDXYAI0cEoT7PaNl4IR/view?usp=sharing data].
* '''References:'''
*# [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wn-CEhDKvjyZMvZdBHWUobxpizVF1G8l/view?usp=sharing Potanin - 1]
*# Potanin - 2. One more work, the text is given to the interested student, but without publication.
*# Strijov Factory laboratory [http://strijov.com/papers/Strijov2012ErrorFn.pdf Error function]
*# [http://strijov.com/papers/HyperOptimizationEng.pdf Informtica]
*# [https://weightagnostic.github.io/ WANN]
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.09055.pdf DARTS]
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.01412.pdf Symbols]
*# [http://nn.cs.utexas.edu/downloads/papers/stanley.cec02.pdf NEAT]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Closest [https://weightagnostic.github.io/ project], and its [https://github.com/google/brain-tokyo-workshop/tree/master/WANNRelease/WANN code]. Actual [https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Cxtf3dg7gHFHyDXYAI0cEoT7PaNl4IR/view?usp=sharing code] from consultant.
* '''Solution:''' A number of experiments have already been performed, where sampling is performed by a genetic algorithm. Acceptable results have been obtained. It is proposed to analyze and improve them. Namely, to distinguish two modules: generation and deviation and compare several types of sampling. Basic - Importance sampling, desirable - Metropolis-Hastings (or even Metropolis-Langevin) sampling. Since the genetic algorithm is considered by us as a process with jumps, it is proposed to take this into account when designing the sampling procedure. The bonus of MH is that it has a Bayesian interpretation. The first level of Bayesian inference as applied to MH is described in [Informatica]. It is required either to rewrite it in terms of the distribution of structural parameters, or to describe both levels in general, moving the structural parameters to the second level (by the way, approximately the same will be in the Aduenko problem).
* '''Novelty:''' Neural networks excel at The problems of computer vision, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing. One of the main goals of neural networks is to perform well The problems that are currently solved exclusively by humans, that is, natural human neural networks. Artificial neural networks still work very differently from natural neural networks. One of the main differences is that natural neural networks evolve over time, changing the strength of connections and their architecture. Artificial neural networks can adjust the strength of connections using weights, but cannot change their architecture. Therefore, The problem of choosing the optimal structures of neural networks for specific The problems seems to be an important step in the development of the capabilities of neural network models.
* '''Authors:''' consultant Mark Potanin, Expert Strijov V.V.
===Problem 82.2021===
* '''Title:''' Training with an Expert for a sample with many domains.
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of approximating a multi-domain sample by a single multi-model - a mixture of Experts is considered. As data, it is supposed to use a sample that contains several domains. There is no domain label for each object. Each domain is approximated by a local model. The paper considers a two-stage The problem optimization based on the EM algorithm.
* '''Data:''' Samples of reviews from the Amazon site for different types of goods are used as data. It is supposed to use a linear model as a local model, and use tf-idf vectors within each domain as an indicative description of reviews.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.00258.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.00258.pdf]
*# [http://www.mysmu.edu/faculty/jingjiang/papers/da_survey.pdf http://www.mysmu.edu/faculty/jingjiang/papers/da_survey.pdf]
*# [https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3400066 https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3400066]
* '''Basic algorithm and Solution:''' The basic solution is presented [https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D18-1498.pdf here]. The work uses the expert mixture method for the Multi-Soruce domain adaptation problem. The code for the article is available [https://github.com/jiangfeng1124/transfer link].
* '''Novelty:''' At the moment, in machine learning there are more and more The problems related to data that are taken from different sources. In this case, there are samples that consist of a large number of domains. At the moment, there is no complete theoretical justification for constructing mixtures of local models for approximating such types of samples.
* '''Authors:''' Grabovoi A.V., Strijov V.V.
===Problem 17.2021===
* '''Title:''' BCI: Selection of consistent models for building a neural interface
* '''Problem:''' When building brain-computer interface systems, simple, stable models are used. An important step in building an interface is such a model is an adequate choice of model. A wide range of models is considered: linear, simple neural networks, recurrent networks, transformers. The peculiarity of the problem is that when making a prediction, it is required to model not only the initial signal taken from the cerebral cortex, but also the target signal taken from the limbs. Thus, two models are required. In order for them to work together, a space of agreements is being built. It is proposed to explore the properties of this space and the properties of the resulting forecast (neural interface) on various pairs of models.
* '''Data:''' ECoG/EEG brain signal data sets.
*# Need ECoG (dataset 25 contains EEG, EOG and hand movements) [http://bnci-horizon-2020.eu/database/data-sets http://bnci-horizon-2020.eu/database/data-sets]
*# neyrotycho — our old data.
* '''References:'''
*# Yaushev F.Yu., Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Latent space matching models in the forecasting problem // Systems and Means of Informatics, 2021, 31(1). [http://strijov.com/papers/Isachenko2020CanonicCorrelation.pdf PDF]
*# Isachenko R.V. Choice of a signal decoding model in high-dimensional spaces. Manuscript, 2021. [https://github.com/r-isachenko/PhDThesis/raw/master/doc/Isachenko2021PhDThesis.pdf PDF]
*# Isachenko R.V. Choice of a signal decoding model in high-dimensional spaces. Slides, 2020. [https://github.com/r-isachenko/PhDThesis/raw/master/pres/Isachenko2020PhDThesisPres.pdf]
*# Isachenko R.V., Vladimirova M.R., Strijov V.V. Dimensionality reduction for time series decoding and forecasting problems // DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, 2018, 27349 : 286-296. [http://strijov.com/papers/IsachenkoVladimirova2018PLS.pdf PDF]
*# Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Quadratic Programming Optimization with Feature Selection for Non-linear Models // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2018, 39(9) : 1179-1187. [https://rdcu.be/bfR32 PDF]
*# Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Multi-way feature selection for ECoG-based brain-computer interface // Expert Systems with Applications, 2018, 114(30) : 402-413. [http://strijov.com/papers/MotrenkoStrijov2017ECoG_HL_2.pdf PDF]
*# Eliseyev A., Aksenova T. Stable and artifact-resistant decoding of 3D hand trajectories from ECoG signals using the generalized additive model //Journal of neural engineering. – 2014.
* '''Basic algorithm''': Described in the first work. The code is available. In that work, the data is two parts of an image. In our work, the signal of the brain and the movement of the hands. Super* '''Problem description:''' to finish the first job. Also the code and works [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=BCI here].
* '''Solution:''' The case is considered when the initial data are heterogeneous: the spaces of the independent and target variables are of different nature. It is required to build a predictive model that would take into account the dependence in the source space of the independent variable, as well as in the space of the target variable. It is proposed to investigate the accuracy, complexity and stability of pairs of various models. Since the inverse The problem is solved when building a forecast, it is required to build inverse transformations for each model. To do this, you can use both basic techniques (PLS) and streams.
* '''Novelty:''' Analysis of the prediction and latent space obtained by a pair of heterogeneous models.
* '''Authors:''' Consultant Roman Isachenko, Expert Strijov V.V.
===Problem 69.2021===
* '''Title:''' Graph Neural Network in Reaction Yield prediction
* '''Problem description:''' There are disconnected graphs of source molecules and products in a chemical reaction. The yield of the main product in the reaction is known. It is required to design an algorithm that predicts yield by solving the regression The problem on given disconnected graphs.
* '''Data:''' Database of reaction from US patents [https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/244727]
* '''References:'''
*# [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30046072] A general overview.
*# [https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/33146507/1703.06103.pdf] Relational Graph Convolution Neural Network
*# [https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7181-attention-is-all-you-need] Transformer architecture
*# [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/6/6c/NikitinMMPR201927.pdf] Graph neural network learning for chemical compounds synthesis
* '''Base algorithm:''' Transformer model. The input sequence is a SMILES representation of the source and product molecules.
* '''Solution:''' A pipeline for working with disconnected graphs is proposed. The pipeline includes the construction of extended graph with molecule and reaction representation, Relational Graph Convolution Neural Network, Encoder of Transformer. The method is applied to solve yield predictions.
* '''Novelty:''' A solution for regression problem on the given disconnected graph is constructed; the approach demonstrates better performance compared with other solutions
* '''Authors:''' Nikitin Filipp, Isayev Olexandr, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 84.2021===
* '''Title:''' Trajectory Regularization of Deep Learning Model Parameters Optimization Based on Knowledge Distillation
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of optimizing the parameters of a deep learning model is considered. The case is considered when the responses of a more complex model (teacher model) are available during optimization. The classical approach to solving such a problem is learning based on the responses of a complex model (knowledge distillation). Assignment of hyperparameters is made empirically based on the results of the model on delayed sampling. In this paper, we propose to consider a modification of the approach to knowledge distillation, in which the coefficient of significance of the distilling term, as well as its gradients, act as hyperparameters. Both of these groups of parameters allow you to adjust the optimization of the model parameters. To optimize hyperparameters, it is proposed to consider the optimization problem as a two-level optimization problem, where at the first level of optimization The problem of optimizing the model parameters is solved, and at the second level The problem of optimizing hyperparameters is approximately solved by the value of the loss function on the delayed sample.
* '''Data:''' Sampling of CIFAR-10 images
* '''References:'''
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.02531 Distillation of knowledge]
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06727 Hyperparameter Optimization in a Bilevel * '''Problem description:''' Greedy Method]
*# [http://strijov.com/papers/Bakhteev2017Hypergrad.pdf Hyperparameter Optimization in a Bilevel * '''Problem description:''' Comparison of Approaches]
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.04474 Meta Optimization: neural network instead of optimization operator]
* '''Basic algorithm: Model optimization without distillation and with standard distillation approach
* '''Solution:''' Using a two-level problem for model optimization. The combination of gradients for both terms is processed by a separate model (LSTM)
* '''Novelty:''' A new approach to model distillation will be proposed to significantly improve the performance of models trained in privileged information mode. It is also planned to study the dynamics of changes in hyperparameters in the optimization process.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 85.2021===
* '''Title:''' A differentiable search algorithm for model architecture with control over its complexity
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of choosing the structure of a deep learning model with a predetermined complexity is considered. It is required to propose a method for searching for a model that allows controlling its complexity with low computational costs.
* '''Data:''' MNIST, CIFAR
* '''References:'''
*# Grebenkova O.S., Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.Variational optimization of a deep learning model with complexity control // Informatics and its applications, 2021, 15(2). [http://strijov.com/papers/Grebenkova2020HyperNet.pdf PDF]
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.09055 DARTS]
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.09106 hypernets]
* '''Basic algorithm: DARTS
* '''Solution:''' The proposed method is to use a differentiable neural network architecture search algorithm (DARTS) with parameter complexity control using a hypernet.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed method allows you to control the complexity of the model, in the process of searching for an architecture without additional heuristics.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Grebenkova O. S.
===Problem 86. 2021===
* '''Title:''' Learning co-evolution information with natural language processing for protein folding problem
* '''Problem:''' One of the most essential problems in structural bioinformatics is protein fold recognition since the relationship between the protein amino acid sequence and its tertiary structure is revealed by protein folding. A specific protein fold describes the distinctive arrangement of secondary structure elements in the nearly-infinite conformation space, which denotes the structural characteristics of a protein molecule.
* '''Problem description:''': request
* '''Authors:''' Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova.
===Problem 87.2021===
* '''Title:''' Bayesian choice of structures of generalized linear models
* '''Problem description:''' The work is devoted to testing methods for feature selection. It is assumed that the sample under study contains a significant number of multicollinear features. Multicollinearity is a strong correlation between the features selected for analysis that jointly affect the target vector, which makes it difficult to estimate regression parameters and identify the relationship between features and the target vector. There is a set of time series containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. The readings of the sensors correlate with each other. It is necessary to choose the optimal set of features for solving the forecasting problem.
* '''Novelty:''' One of the most preferred feature selection algorithms has been published. It uses structural parameters. But there is no theoretical justification. It is proposed to build a theory by describing and analyzing various functions of a priori distribution of structural parameters. In works on the search for structures of neural networks, there is also no clear theory and a list of a priori assumptions.
* '''Data:''' Multivariate time series with readings from various sensors from paper 4, for starters, all samples from paper 1.
* '''References:''' Keywords: bootstrap aggregation, Belsley method, vector autoregression.
*# Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Comprehensive study of feature selection methods to solve multicollinearity problem according to evaluation criteria // Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 76 : 1-11. [http://strijov.com/papers/Katrutsa2016QPFeatureSelection.pdf PDF]
*# Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Stresstest procedure for feature selection algorithms // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 142 : 172-183. [http://strijov.com/papers/Katrutsa2014TestGenerationEn.pdf PDF]
*# Strijov V.V. Error function in regression recovery problems // Factory laboratory. material diagnostics, 2013, 79(5) : 65-73. [http://strijov.com/papers/Strijov2012ErrorFn.pdf PDF]
*# Zaitsev A.A., Strijov V.V., Tokmakova A.A. Estimation of hyperparameters of regression models by the maximum likelihood method // Information technologies, 2013, 2 : 11-15. [http://strijov.com/papers/ZaytsevStrijovTokmakova2012Likelihood_Preprint.pdf PDF]
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Tokmakova A.A., Strijov V.V. Analytic and stochastic methods of structure parameter estimation // Informatica, 2016, 27(3) : 607-624. [http://strijov.com/papers/HyperOptimizationEng.pdf PDF]
*# Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. The problem of multicollinearity in the selection of features in regression problems // Information technologies, 2015, 1 : 8-18. [http://strijov.com/papers/Katrutsa2014TestGeneration.pdf PDF]
*# Neichev Р.Г., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem. Zavodskaya Lab. material diagnostics, 2016, 82(3) : 68-74. [http://strijov.com/papers/Neychev2015FeatureSelection.pdf PDF]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Described in Reference 1: Quadratic Programming for QPFS Feature Selection. Code from Roman Isachenko.
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to consider the structural parameters used in QPFS at the second level of Bayesian inference. Introduce informative a priori distributions of parameters and structural parameters. Compare different a priori assumptions.
* '''Novelty:''' Statistical Analysis of Structural Parameter Space and Visualization
* '''Authors:''' Alexander Aduenko consultant, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 88.2021===
*'''Name:''' Search for the boundaries of the iris by the method of circular projections
*'''Problem:''' Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/1/16/Matveev2021project.pdf examples]. The approximate position of the center of the pupil is also known. The word "approximate" means that the calculated center of the pupil is no more than half of its true radius from the true one. It is necessary to determine the approximate positions of the circles approximating the pupil and iris. The algorithm must be very fast.
*'''Data:''' About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circles is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using circular projections of brightness. Circular projection is a function that depends on the radius, the value of which P(r) is equal to the integral of the directed image brightness gradient over a circle of radius r (or along an arc of a circle). Example for one arc (right quadrant) and for four arcs. Having built some circular projections, based on them, you can try to determine the position of the inner and outer borders of the iris (ring) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.
*'''References:''' Matveev I.A. Detection of Iris in Image By Interrelated Maxima of Brightness Gradient Projections // Applied and Computational Mathematics. 2010. V.9. N.2. P.252-257 [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228396639_Detection_of_iris_in_image_by_interrelated_maxima_of_brightness_gradient_projections PDF]
*'''Author:''' Matveev I.A.
===Problem 53.2021===
* '''Title:''' Solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules.
* '''Problem description:''' The goal of the problem is to solve an optimization problem with classification and regression loss functions applied to biological data.
* '''Data:''' Approximately 12,000 complexes of proteins with small molecules. For classification, for each of them there is 1 correct position in space and 18 incorrect ones generated, for regression, each complex corresponds to the value of the binding constant (proportional to energy). The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms.
* '''References:'''
*# https://www.overleaf.com/read/rjdnyyxpdkyj The problem details
*# http://cs229.stanford.edu/notes/cs229-notes3.pdf SVM
*# http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/linear_model.html#ridge-regression Ridge Regression
*# https://alex.smola.org/papers/2003/SmoSch03b.pdf SVR
* '''Base algorithm:''' In the classification The problem, we used an algorithm similar to linear SVM, whose relationship with the energy estimate, which is outside the scope of the classification The problem, is described in the article https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01591154/. For MSE, there is already a formulated dual The problem as a regression loss function, with the implementation of which we can start.
* '''Solution:''' The first step is to solve the problem with the MSE in the loss function using a solver that is convenient for you. The main difficulty may be the large dimensionality of the data, but they are sparse. Further it will be possible to change the wording of the problem.
* '''Novelty:''' Many models used to predict the interactions of proteins with ligands are "retrained" for some The problem. For example, models that are good at predicting binding energies may be poor at selecting a protein-binding molecule from a variety of non-binding ones, and models that are good at determining the correct geometry of the complex may be poor at predicting energies. In this problem, we propose to consider a new approach to combat such overfitting, since the combination of classification and regression loss functions seems to us to be a very natural regularization.
* '''Authors:''' Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova.
===Problem 75.2021===
* '''Title:''' Alignment of image elements using metric models.
* '''Problem description:''' Character set specified. Each symbol is represented by one file - an image. Image pixel size may vary. All images are known to belong to the same class, such as faces, letters, flowers, or cars. (A more complicated option is to one class, which we are studying and noise classes.) It is known that each image can be combined with another with the help of an equalizing transformation up to noise, or up to some average image. (This image may or may not be present in the sample). This leveling transformation is specified in the base case by a neural network, and in the proposed case - by a parametric transformation from some given class (the first is a special case of the second). The aligned image is compared with the original one using the distance function. If the distance between two images is statistically significant, it is concluded that the images belong to the same class. It is required to 1) propose an adequate model of the alignment transformation that takes into account the assumptions about the nature of the image (for example, only rotation and proportional scaling), 2) propose a distance function, 3) propose a method for finding the average image.
* '''Data:''' Synthetic and real 1) pictures - faces and symbols with rotation and stretch transformation, 2) faces and cars with 3D rotation transformation with 2D projection. Synthetic images are proposed to be created manually using 1) photographs of a sheet of paper, 2) photographs of the surface of the drawing on a balloon.
* '''References:'''
*# support work - alignment of images using 2D DTW,
*# support work - alignment of images using neural networks,
*# DTW alignment work in 2D,
*# parametric alignment work.
* '''Base algorithm:''' from work 1.
* '''Solution:''' In the attached file pdf.
* '''Novelty:''' Instead of multidimensional image alignment, parametric alignment is proposed.
* '''Authors:''' Alexey Goncharov, Strijov V.V.
===Problem 80.2021===
* '''Title:''' Detection of correlations between activity in social networks and capitalization of companies
* '''Problem description:''' At present, the significant impact on stock quotes, company capitalization and the success or failure of an IPO depends on social factors such as public opinion expressed on social media. A recent notable example is the change in GameStore quotes caused by the surge in activity on Reddit. Our The problem at the first stage is to identify quotes between the shares of companies in different segments and activity in social networks. That is, it is necessary to identify correlations between significant changes in the company's capitalization and previous bursts (positive or negative) of its discussion in social networks. That is, it is necessary to find the minimum of the loss function when restoring the dependence in various classes of models (parametrics, neural networks, etc.). This The problem is part of a large project to analyze the analysis of markets and the impact of social factors on risks (within a team of 5-7 professors), which will lead to a series of publications sufficient to defend a dissertation.
* '''Data:''' The problem has a significant engineering context, the data is downloads from quotes on the Moscow Exchange, as well as NYT and reddit data (crawling and parsing is done by standard tools). The student working on this The problem must have strong engineering skills and a desire to engage in both the practice of machine learning and the engineering parts of The problem.
* '''References:'''
*# Paul S. Adler and Seok-Woo Kwon. Social Capital: Prospects for a new Concept. [https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMR.2002.5922314 LINK]
*# Kim and Hastak. Social network analysis: Characteristics of online social networks after a disaster [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026840121730525X?casa_token=JzqhHlll56IAAAAA:fQmNqxyErD4-VCCCFdJRA1WX0o4zdifj_zbm-vgwXDcmt26OBbAdu9gvgob0ntnlnCt_Y_ITD_g LINK]
*# Baumgartner, Jason, et al. "The pushshift reddit dataset." Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Vol. 14. 2020. [https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/ICWSM/article/download/7347/7201/ LINK]
* '''Base algorithm:''' The basic algorithms are LSTM and Graph neural networks.
* '''Solution:''' Let's start by using LSTM, then try some of its standard extensions
* '''Novelty:''' In this area, there are a lot of economic, model solutions, but the accuracy of these solutions is not always high. The use of modern ML/DL models is expected to significantly improve the quality of the solution.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Yuri Maksimov, consultant Yuri Maksimov, student.
===Problem 88b.2021===
*'''Name:''' Finding a Pupil in an Eye Image Using the Luminance Projection Method
*'''Problem:''' Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, [[Media:Matveev2021project.pdf|examples]]. It is necessary to determine the approximate coordinates of the center of the pupil. The word "approximate" means that the calculated pupil center must lie inside a circle centered at the pupil's true center and half the true radius. The algorithm must be very fast.
*'''Data:''' About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circle is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.
'''Basic algorithm:''' To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using brightness projections. Image brightness is a function of two discrete arguments. Its projection on the horizontal axis is equal to. Similarly, projections are constructed on axes with an inclination. Having built several projections (two, four), based on them, you can try to determine the position of the pupil (compact dark area) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.
*'''References:''' Zhi-Hua Zhou, Xin Geng Projection functions for eye detection // Pattern Recognition. 2004. V.37ю N.5. P.1049-1056. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2003.09.006 PDF]
*'''Author:''' Matveev I.A.
===Problem 88c.2021===
*'''Name:''' Searching for a century in an image as a parabolic contour using the projection method.
*'''Problem:''' Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, [[Media:Matveev2021project.pdf|examples]]. It is necessary to find the contour of the upper eyelid as a parabola, that is, to determine the parameters.
*'''Data:''' About 200 thousand eye images. For some (about 2500), a human expert marked the position of a parabola that approximates the eyelid.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' The first step is pre-processing the image with a vertical gradient filter with further binarization, below is a typical result. There are various options for the next step. For example, if the coordinates of the pupil are known, you can set the region of interest (from above) and in it, using the selected points, construct a parabola by approximation using the least squares method. An example result is given below. More subtle methods are possible, such as finding a parabola using the Hough transform (see Wikipedia). Another way is to use projective methods (Radon transform). The main idea: after specifying the coefficient , apply a coordinate transformation to the image, as a result of which all parabolas of the form formula turn into lines of the form , then, given the coefficient , apply the coordinate transformation where , after which the oblique lines of the formula form become horizontal, which are easy to determine, for example, by horizontal projection (by summing the values in the rows of the matrix of the resulting image. If the coefficients are guessed correctly, the perabola representing the eyelid will give a clear maximum in the projection. By going through the formula (having a physical meaning), you can find those that give the maximum projection value, and consider that the desired parabola - eyelid.
*'''References:''' Wikipedia, articles "Hough Transform", "Radon Transform".
*'''Author:''' Matveev I.A.
===Problem 62.2021===
* '''Title:''' Construction of a method for dynamic alignment of multidimensional time series, resistant to local signal fluctuations.
* '''Problem description:''' In the process of working with multidimensional time series, the situation of the close proximity of sensors corresponding to different measurement channels is common. As a result, small signal shifts in space can lead to signal peak fixation by neighboring sensors, which leads to significant differences in measurements in terms of L2 distance.<br />Thus, small signal shifts lead to significant fluctuations in the readings of the sensors. The problem of constructing a distance function between points of time series that is resistant to noise generated by small spatial signal shifts is considered. It is necessary to consider the problem in the approximation of the presence of a map of the location of the sensors.
* '''Data:'''
*# [http://neurotycho.org/download Monkey brain activity measurements]
*# Artificially created data (several options must be proposed, for example signal movement in space clockwise and counterclockwise)
* '''References:'''
*# [https://www.cs.unm.edu/~mueen/DTW.pdf Reviriew DTW]
*# [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228740947_Multi-dimensional_dynamic_time_warping_for_gesture_recognition Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Time Warping for Gesture Recognition]
*# [https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Multiple-Multidimensional-Sequence-Alignment-Using-Sanguansat/76d35bd5a52453ebde80faaa1467d7effd74426f Multiple Multidimensional Sequence Alignment Using Generalized Dynamic Time Warping]
* '''Base algorithm:''' L2 distance between a pair of measurements.
* '''Solution:''' Use the DTW distance function between two multidimensional time series. Two time axes are aligned, while inside the DTW functional, the distance between the i-th and j-th measurements is chosen such that it is resistant to local “shifts” of the signal. It is required to offer such functionality. The basic solution is L2, the improved solution is DTW between the i-th and j-th dimensions (dtw inside dtw).<br />You can suggest some modification, for example, the distance between the hidden layers of the autoencoder for points i and j.
* '''Novelty:''' A method for aligning multidimensional time series is proposed that takes into account small signal fluctuations in space.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Strijov V.V., consultants Gleb Morgachev, Alexey Goncharov.
===Problem 58.2021===
* '''Title:''' Transformation of the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm using Bayesian neural networks. (or Neural network approach in the problem of phase search for images from the European synchrotron)
* '''Problem description:''' The aim of the project is to improve the quality of resolution of images of nanosized objects obtained in the laboratories of the European Synchrotron Radiation Foundation.
* '''Data:''' Contact an advisor for data (3GB).
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.04626.pdf] Iterative phase retrieval in coherent diffractive imaging: practical issues
*# [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-08635-x#Sec15] X-ray nanotomography of coccolithophores reveals that coccolith mass and segment number correlate with grid size
*# [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-34253-6#Sec14] Lens-free microscopy for 3D + time acquisitions of 3D cell culture
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.11301.pdf] DEEP ITERATIVE RECONSTRUCTION FOR PHASE RETRIEVAL
*# https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K7bIzU33MSfeUvg3WITRZX0pe3sibbtH62aw42wxsEI/edit?ts=5e42f70e LinkReview
* '''Base algorithm:''' The transition from direct space to reciprocal space occurs using the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform is a linear transformation. Therefore, it is proposed to approximate it with a neural network. For example, an autoencoder for modeling forward and inverse Fourier transforms.
*'''Solution:''' Transformation of the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm using Bayesian neural networks. Use of information on physical limitations and expertise.
*'''Novelty:''' Use of information about physical constraints and expert knowledge in the construction of the error function.
*'''Authors:''' Experts Sergei Grudinin, Yuri Chushkin, Strijov V.V., consultant Mark Potanin
===Problem 63.2021===
* '''Title:''' Hierarchical alignment of time sequences.
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of alignment of sequences of difficult events is considered. An example is the complex behavior of a person: when considering data from IMU sensors, one can put forward a hypothesis: there is an initial signal, there are aggregates of “elementary actions” and there are aggregates of “actions” of a person. Each of the indicated levels of abstraction can be distinguished and operated on exactly by it.<br />In order to accurately recognize the sequence of actions, it is possible to use metric methods (for example, DTW, as a method that is resistant to time shifts). For a more accurate quality of timeline alignment, it is possible to carry out alignment at different levels of abstraction.<br />It is proposed to explore such a hierarchical approach to sequence alignment, based on the possibility of applying alignment algorithms to objects of different structures, having a distance function on them.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://www.cs.unm.edu/~mueen/DTW.pdf Overview presentation about DTW]
*# [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00371-015-1092-0 DTW-based kernel and rank-level fusion for 3D gait recognition using Kinect Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Time Warping for Gesture Recognition]
*# [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8966048 Time Series Similarity Measure via Siamese Convolutional Neural Network]
*# [https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Multiple-Multidimensional-Sequence-Alignment-Using-Sanguansat/76d35bd5a52453ebde80faaa1467d7effd74426f Multiple Multidimensional Sequence Alignment Using Generalized Dynamic Time Warping]
* '''Base algorithm:''' classic DTW.
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to perform the transition from one level of abstraction to another by using convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Then the object at the lower level of abstraction is the original signal. At the second level - a signal from the hidden layer of the model (built on the objects of the lower level), the dimension of which is much less, and the upper layer - a signal from the hidden layer of the model (built on the objects of the middle level).<br />In this case, DTW is calculated separately between the lower , between the middle and between the upper levels, but the formation of objects for calculating the distance is carried out taking into account the alignment path between the objects of the previous level.<br />This method is considered as a way to increase the interpretability of the alignment procedure and the accuracy of the action classification in connection with the transition to higher-level patterns. In addition, a significant increase in speed is expected.
* '''Novelty:''' The idea of aligning time sequences simultaneously at several levels of abstraction is proposed. The method should significantly improve the interpretability of alignment algorithms and increase their speed.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V. Expert, Gleb Morgachev, Alexey Goncharov consultants.
===Problem 57.2021===
* '''Title:'''Additive Regularization and in The problems of Privileged Learning in Solving the Problem of Predicting the State of the Ocean
* '''Problem description:''' There is a sample of data from ocean buoys, it is required to predict the state of the ocean at different points in time.
* '''Data:''' The buoys provide data on wave height, wind speed, wind direction, wave period, sea level pressure, air temperature and sea surface temperature with a resolution of 10 minutes to 1 hour.
*# '''References:'''
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.00195.pdf]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Using a simple neural network.
* '''Solution:'''Adding to the basic algorithm (a simple neural network) a system of differential equations. Explore the properties of the parameter space of teacher and student according to the preferred approach.
*'''Novelty:''' Investigation of the parameter space of the teacher and the student and their change. It is possible to set up separate teacher and student models and track the change in their parameters in the optimization process - variance, change in the quality of the student when adding teacher information, complexity.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V., Mark Potanin
===Problem 52. 2021===
* '''Title:''' Predicting the quality of protein models using spherical convolutions on 3D graphs.
* '''Problem:''' The purpose of this work is to create and study a new convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs in the framework of solving the problem of assessing the quality of three-dimensional protein models (The problem regression on graph nodes).
* '''Data:''' Models generated by CASP competitors are used (http://predictioncenter.org).
* '''References:'''
*# [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pXCED8XBcxbjwtg_1wZG0oAjvUCxFlua/view?usp=sharing] More about The problem.
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01261] Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks.
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.08097] Geometric deep learning: going beyond euclidean data.
* '''Base algorithm:''' As a basic algorithm, we will use a neural network based on the graph convolution method, which is generally described in [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01261].
* '''Solution:''' The presence of a peptide chain in proteins makes it possible to uniquely introduce local coordinate systems for all graph nodes, which makes it possible to create and apply spherical filters regardless of the graph topology.
* '''Novelty:''' In the general case, graphs are irregular structures, and in many graph learning The problems, the sample objects do not have a single topology. Therefore, the existing operations of convolutions on graphs are greatly simplified or do not generalize to different topologies. In this paper, we propose to consider a new method for constructing a convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs, for which it is possible to uniquely choose local coordinate systems associated with each node.
* '''Authors:''' Sergei Grudinin, Ilya Igashov.
===Problem 44+. 2021===
*'''Title:''' Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model.
*'''Deiscription''': The problem of experiment planning is investigated. The problem of estimating a sufficient sample size according to the data is solved. The sample is assumed to be simple. It is described by an adequate model. Otherwise, the sample is generated by a fixed probabilistic model from a known class of models. The sample size is considered sufficient if the model is restored with sufficient confidence. It is required, knowing the model, to estimate a sufficient sample size at the early stages of data collection.
* '''Goal''': On a small simple iid sample, predict the error on a replenished large one. The predictive model is smooth monotonic in two derivatives. The choice of model is a complete enumeration or genetics. The model depends on the reduced (explore) covariance matrix of the GLM parameters.
*'''Data:''' For the computational experiment, it is proposed to use classical samples from the UCI repository. Link to selections https://github.com/ttgadaev/SampleSizeEstimation/tree/master/datasets
*# [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o2gtdV3nYeAsfW0JZ5fESlVPhCA4_lfUOVnWhRjg1ck/edit?usp=sharing Overview of Methods, Motivation and Problem Statement for Sample Size Estimation]
*# http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/PhDThesis/.
*# Bootstrap method. https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.aos/1.
Bishop, C. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer. 758 p.
*'''Basic algorithm''': We will say that the sample size is sufficient if the log-likelihood has a small variance on a sample of size m calculated using the bootstrap.
We are trying to approximate the dependence of the average value of log-likelihood and its variance on the sample size.
*'''Solution:''' The methods described in the review are asymptotic or require a deliberately large sample size. The new method should be to predict volume in the early stages of experiment design, i.e. when data is scarce.
*'''Authors:''' expert Strijov V.V., consultant Malinovsky G.
===Problem 12.2021===
* '''Title:''' Machine translation training without parallel texts.
* '''Problem:''' The problem of building a text translation model without the use of parallel texts is considered, i.e. pairs of identical sentences in different languages. This The problem occurs when building translation models for low-resource languages (that is, languages for which there is not much data in the public domain).
* '''Data:''' A selection of articles from Wikipedia in two languages.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.00043] Unsupervised Machine Translation Using Monolingual Corpora Only
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.08144.pdf] Sequence to sequence.
*# [http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~larocheh/publications/icml-2008-denoising-autoencoders.pdf] Autoencoding.
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.06709.pdf] Training with Monolingual Training Data.
* '''Basic algorithm''': Unsupervised Machine Translation Using Monolingual Corpora Only.
* '''Solution:''' As a translation model, it is proposed to consider a combination of two auto-encoders, each of which is responsible for presenting sentences in one of the languages. The models are optimized in such a way that the latent spaces of autoencoders for different languages match. As an initial representation of sentences, it is proposed to consider their graph description obtained using multilingual ontologies.
* '''Novelty:''' A method for constructing a translation model is proposed, taking into account graph descriptions of sentences.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.,
===Problem 8.2021===
* '''Title:''' Generation of features using locally approximating models (Classification of human activities according to measurements of fitness bracelets).
* '''Problem:''' It is required to check the feasibility of the hypothesis about the simplicity of sampling for the generated features. Features are the optimal parameters of approximating models. Moreover, the entire sample is not simple and requires a mixture of models to approximate it. Explore the information content of the generated features - the parameters of the approximating models trained on the segments of the original time series. According to the measurements of the accelerometer and gyroscope, it is required to determine the type of activity of the worker. It is assumed that the time series of measurements contain elementary movements that form clusters in the space of time series descriptions. The characteristic duration of the movement is seconds. Time series are labeled with activity type labels: work, leisure. The typical duration of activity is minutes. It is required to restore the type of activity according to the description of the time series and cluster.
* '''Data:''' WISDM accelerometer time series ([[Time series (library of examples)]], section Accelerometry).
*# WISDM (Kwapisz, J.R., G.M. Weiss, and S.A. Moore. 2011. Activity recognition using cell phone accelerometers. ACM SigKDD Explorations Newsletter. 12(2):74–82.), USC-HAD. Human activity recognition using smart phone embedded sensors: A Linear Dynamical Systems method, W Wang, H Liu, L Yu, F Sun - Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014.
* '''References:'''
*# Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1466 - 1476. [http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group874/Motrenko2014TSsegmentation/JBHI/MotrenkoStrijov2014RV2.pdf?format=raw URL]
*# Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016.[http://strijov.com/papers/Karasikov2016TSC.pdf URL]
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. T. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2015/no11/Ivkin2015TSclassification.pdf URL]
*# Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Metric learning in The problem of multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2) : 48-57. [http://strijov.com/papers/Isachenko2016MetricsLearning.pdf URL]
*# Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. [http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf URL]
*# Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. [http://strijov.com/papers/Ignatov2015HumanActivity.pdf URL]
* '''Basic algorithm''': Basic algorithm described in [Karasikov, Strijov: 2016] and [Kuznetsov, Ivkin: 2014].
* '''Solution:''' It is required to build a set of locally approximating models and choose the most adequate ones. Find the optimal segmentation method and the optimal description of the time series. Construct a metric space of descriptions of elementary motions.
* '''Novelty:''' A standard for building locally approximating models has been created. The connection of two characteristic times of the description of human life, the combined statement of the problem.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Strijov V.V., consultants Alexandra Galtseva, Danil Sayranov.
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|Variational optimization of deep learning models with model complexity control
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project60/raw/master/docs/Grebenkova2020Optimization.pdf Paper]
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|Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zsk-tpd51axWfcYxpa4CWd1QZdOnr0Hv6b1_a34q28Y/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020_Project_9/raw/master/Image_classification_based_on_skeletonization_and_Graph_NN.pdf Paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020_Project_9/raw/master/slides_Image_classification_based_on_skeletonization_and_Graph_NN.pdf Slides]
[https://youtu.be/0je5wvaz_tQ Video]
|Denis Ozherelkov
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|Intention forecasting. Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals
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[https://youtu.be/q5Skhl1H5cA Video]
|Valery Markin
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Hristolubov_Maxim Hristolubov Maxim]
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Rustem_Messi Islamov Rustem]
|Analysis of the properties of an ensemble of locally approximating models
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|Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model.
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project44/raw/master/doc/paper/Zholobov2020SampleSizeEstimation.pdf Paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project44/raw/master/slides/Zholobov2020Prezentation.pdf Slides]
[https://youtu.be/uWhaND3e1cw Video]
|Grigory Malinovsky
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[https://youtu.be/tsMS1HTxVYU Video]
|Mark Potanin
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|Solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules.
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|Maria Kadukova
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|Step detection for IMU navigation via deep learning
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[https://github.com/nastya236/Step-detection-for-IMU-navigation-via-deep-learning-/blob/master/docs/Step_detection.pdf EnglishPaper]
[https://youtu.be/ox4llj_xz_c Video]
|Tamaz Gadaev
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|Distributed optimization under Polyak-Loyasievich conditions
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[https://youtu.be/BefA7U_h1CI Video]
|A. N. Beznosikov
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|Theoretical validity of the application of metric classification methods using dynamic alignment (DTW) to spatiotemporal objects.
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[https://youtu.be/_uXT3dVbEQQ Video]
|Gleb Morgachev, Alexey Goncharov
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project64/raw/master/dosc/Review.pdf Review]
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|Generating features using locally approximating models (Classification of human activities by measurements of fitness bracelets)
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[https://youtu.be/fa-lipA-9G0 Video]
|Alexandra Galtseva, Danil Sayranov
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project-17/raw/master/report/Hristolubov2020AccelerometerReview.pdf Review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mamonov Mamonov Kirill]
|Nonlinear ranking of exploratory information search results.
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PEIvEfvq_2Mo62M5jMN0Fgg_XTuWSoYMvdssnTlSXn4/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project73/raw/master/report/Mamonov2020Project73.pdf Paper]
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[https://youtu.be/9Gr_YWYriww Video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:MEremeev Maxim Eremeev]
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| Predicting the quality of protein models using spherical convolutions on 3D graphs.
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EaExQN9F94kt_JAJnglX1liuo-qS4C9Hee8pLOUWlL8/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project52/raw/master/report/NVPavlichenkoPresentation.pdf Slides]
[https://youtu.be/Sw9KmvpuXFs Video]
|Sergei Grudinin, Ilya Igashov
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Sodikov Sodikov Mahmud], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Skachkov Skachkov Daniel]
| Agnostic neural networks
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/WeightAgnosticNN/raw/master/WANN_modif.py Code]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/WeightAgnosticNN/raw/master/WANN_article.pdf Paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/WeightAgnosticNN/raw/master/WANN_presentation.pdf Slides]
[https://youtu.be/KHP5UXH0fSE Video]
| Radoslav Neichev
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Kulagin Kulagin Petr]
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| Graph Neural Network in Reaction Yield prediction
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[https://github.com/Gunaev/2020-Project-69 Github]
[https://github.com/Gunaev/2020-Project-69/raw/master/paper/Gunaev2020GCNN.pdf Paper]
[https://github.com/Gunaev/2020-Project-69/raw/master/slides/Gunaev2020GCNN_presentation_final_version.pdf Slides]
[https://youtu.be/JTmut-CpowE Video]
|Philip Nikitin
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020_Project-51/raw/master/doc/Gunaev2020Project69_Review.pdf Review]
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| Investigation of ways to match models by reducing the dimension of space
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/14T3fHZycMMtvd-1LROd5gDOtbI-johIPp_RdiW_Qd3c/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project-71/raw/master/report/Yaushev2020Title.pdf Paper]
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[https://youtu.be/2c3DvTkFtDc Video]
|Roman Isachenko
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Zholobov_Vladimir Zholobov Vladimir]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2020-Project44/blob/master/doc/review/Yaushev2020review.docx Review]
===51. 2020===
*'''Name:''' Analysis of the properties of an ensemble of locally approximating models.
*'''Problem''': In this paper, we consider The problem of constructing a universal approximator --- a multimodel, which consists of a given finite set of local models. Each local model approximates a connected region in feature space. It is assumed that the set of local models cover the entire space of objects. A convex combination of local models is considered as an aggregating function. As the coefficients of the convex combination, we consider a function depending on the object --- the gate function.
*'''Required''': To construct an algorithm for optimizing the parameters of local models and parameters of the gate function. It is required to propose a metric in the space of objects, a metric in the space of models.
*# Synthetically generated data.
*# Energy consumption forecasting data. It is proposed to use the following models as local models: working day, day off. (Energy Consumption, Turk Electricity Consumption German Spot Price).
*# [https://github.com/andriygav/EMprior/blob/master/paper/Grabovoy2019MixtureOfExpertEng.pdf Overview of methods for estimating sample size]
*# [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/2/21/Voron-ML-Compositions-slides2.pdf Vorontsov's lectures on compositions]
*# [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/0/0d/Voron-ML-Compositions.pdf Vorontsov's lectures on compositions]
*# Esen Y.S., Wilson J., Gader P.D. Twenty Years of Mixture of Experts. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2012. Issues. 23. No 8. P. 1177-1193.
*# [https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/MSThesis/Pavlov2012/ Pavlov K.V. Selection of multilevel models in The problems classification, 2012]
*'''Basic algorithm''': As a basic algorithm, it is proposed to use a two-level optimization problem, where local models are optimized at one iteration and at the next iteration, the parameters of the gate function are optimized.
*'''Authors:''' Grabovoi A.V. (consultant), Strijov V.V. (Expert)
===54. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Finding the pupil in the eye image using the brightness projection method.
* '''Problem:''' Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, see examples (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/eaou/4JSamfmrh).
It is necessary to determine the approximate coordinates of the center of the pupil. The word "approximate" means that the calculated pupil center must lie inside a circle centered at the pupil's true center and half the true radius. The algorithm must be very fast.
* '''Data:''' About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circle is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.
* '''Base algorithm:''' To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using brightness projections. Image brightness is a function of two discrete arguments I(x, y). Its projection onto the horizontal axis is P(x)=\sum \limits_y I(x,y). Similarly, projections are constructed on axes with an inclination. Having built several projections (two, four), based on them, you can try to determine the position of the pupil (compact dark area) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.
* '''References:''' Zhi-Hua Zhou, Xin Geng Projection functions for eye detection // Pattern Recognition. 2004. V.37ю N.5. P.1049-1056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2003.09.006
* '''Authors:''' Matveev I.A.
===55. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Search for the boundaries of the iris by the method of circular projections
* '''Problem:''' Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, see examples (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2DBu/5c6F6e3LC). The approximate position of the center of the pupil is also known. The word "approximate" means that the calculated center of the pupil is no more than half of its true radius from the true one. It is necessary to determine the approximate positions of the circles approximating the pupil and iris. The algorithm must be very fast.
* '''Data:''' About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circle is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.
* '''Base algorithm:''' To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using circular projections of brightness. Circular projection is a function that depends on the radius, the value of which P(r) is equal to the integral of the directed image brightness gradient over a circle of radius r (or along an arc of a circle). Example for one arc (right quadrant) and for four arcs. Having built some circular projections, based on them, you can try to determine the position of the inner and outer borders of the iris (ring) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.
* '''References:''' Matveev I.A. Detection of Iris in Image By Interrelated Maxima of Brightness Gradient Projections // Applied and Computational Mathematics. 2010. V.9. N.2. P.252-257. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228396639_Detection_of_iris_in_image_by_interrelated_maxima_of_brightness_gradient_projections
* '''Authors:''' Matveev I.A.
===56. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Construction of local and universal interpretable scoring models
* '''Problem:''' Build a simple and interpretable scoring system as a superposition of local models, taking into account the requirements for the system to retain knowledge about key customers and features (in other words, take into account new economic phenomena). The model must be a superposition, and each element must be controlled by its own quality criterion. Introduce a schedule for optimizing the structure and parameters of the model: the system must work in a single optimization chain. Propose an algorithm for selecting features and objects.
* '''Data:'''
# Data from OTP Bank. The sample contains records of 15,223 clients classified into two classes: 1 - there was a response (1812 clients), 0 - there was no response (13411 clients). Feature descriptions of clients consist of 50 features, which include, in particular, age, gender, social status in relation to work, social status in relation to pension, number of children, number of dependents, education, marital status, branch of work. The data are available at the following addresses: www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/2/26/Contest_MMRO15_OTP.rar (sample A), www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/5/52/Contest_MMRO15_OTP_(validation).rar (sample B).
# Data from Home Credit: https://www.kaggle.com/c/home-credit-default-risk/data
* '''References:'''
*# Strijov V.V. Error function in regression analysis // Factory Laboratory, 2013, 79(5) : 65-73
*# Bishop C. M. Linear models for classification / В кн.: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Под ред.: M. Jordan, J. Kleinberg, B. Scholkopf. – New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2006, pp--203 – 208
*# Tokmakova A.A. Obtaining Stable Hyperparameter Estimates for Linear Regression Models // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. — 2011. — № 2. — С. 140-155
*# S. Scitovski and N. Sarlija. Cluster analysis in retail segmentation for credit scoring // CRORR 5. 2014. 235–245
*# Goncharov A.V. Building Interpretable Deep Learning Models in the Social Ranking Problem
* '''Base algorithm:''' Iterative weighted least squares (described in (2))
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to build a scoring system containing such a preprocessing block as a block for generating metric features. It is proposed to investigate the influence of the non-equivalence of objects on the selection of features for the model, to investigate the joint selection of features and objects when building a model. It is required to implement a schedule for optimizing the model structure using an algorithm based on the analysis of covariance matrices of model hyperparameters. The schedule includes a phased replenishment of the set of features and objects. The feature sample size will be determined by controlling the error variance. The main criterion for the quality of the system: ROC AUC (Gini).
* '''Novelty:'''
# The model structure optimization schedule must satisfy the requirement to rebuild the model at any time without losing its characteristics.
# Accounting for the unequal value of objects in the selection of features
* '''Authors:''' Pugaeva I.V. (consultant), Strijov V.V. (Expert)
===59. 2020===
* Name: Distributed optimization under Polyak-Loyasievich conditions
* '''Problem description:''' The problem is to efficiently solve large systems of nonlinear equations using a network of calculators.
* '''Solution:''' A new method for decentralized distributed solution of systems of nonlinear equations under Polyak-Loyasievich's conditions is proposed. The approach is based on the fact that the distributed optimization problem can be represented as a composite optimization problem (see 2 from the literature), which in turn can be solved by analogs of the similar triangles or sliding method (see 2 from the literature).
* Basic algorithm: The proposed method is compared with gradient descent and accelerated gradient descent
* '''References:'''
*# Linear Convergence of Gradient and Proximal-GradientMethods Under the Polyak- Lojasiewicz Condition https://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.04636.pdf
*# Linear Convergence for Distributed Optimization Under the Polyak-Łojasiewicz Condition https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.12110.pdf
*# Optimal Decentralized Distributed Algorithms for Stochastic ConvexOptimization https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.07363.pdf
*# Modern numerical optimization methods, universal gradient descent method https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1711/1711.00394.pdf
* '''Novelty:''' Reduction of a distributed optimization problem to a composite optimization problem and its solution under Polyak-Loyasievich conditions
* '''Authors:''' Expert A.B. Gasnikov, consultant A.N. Beznossikov
* '''Comment: it is important to set up a computational experiment in this The problem, otherwise The problem will be poorly compatible with the course.'''
===17. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Intention forecasting. Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals
* '''Problem:''' When building brain-computer interface systems, simple, stable models are used. An important stage in the construction of such a model is the construction of an adequate feature space. Previously, such the problem was solved by extracting features from the frequency characteristics of signals.
* '''Data:''' ECoG/EEG brain signal data sets.
* '''References:'''
*# Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Multi-way feature selection for ECoG-based brain-computer Interface // Expert systems with applications. - 2018.
*# Eliseyev A., Aksenova T. Stable and artifact-resistant decoding of 3D hand trajectories from ECoG signals using the generalized additive model //Journal of neural engineering. – 2014.
* '''Basic algorithm''': The comparison is proposed to be made with the partial least squares algorithm.
* '''Solution:''' In this paper, it is proposed to take into account the spatial dependence between sensors that read data. To do this, it is necessary to locally model the spatial impulse/signal and build a predictive model based on the local description.
* '''Novelty:''' An essentially new way of constructing a feature description in the problem of signal decoding is proposed. Bonus: analysis of changes in the structure of the model, adaptation of the structure when the sample changes.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V., Roman Isachenko - Experts, consultants – Valery Markin, Alina Samokhina
===9. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
* '''Problem:''' It is required to build two CNNs, one recognizes a raster representation of an image, the other a vector one.
* '''Data:''' Fonts in raster representation.
* '''References:'''List of works [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/a/a2/Morozov2017Synthesis_of_medicines.pdf], in particular arXiv:1611.03199 and
*# Goyal P., Ferrara E. Graph embedding techniques, applications, and performance: A survey. arXiv:1705.02801, 2017.
*# Cai H., Zheng V.W., Chang K.C.-C. A comprehensive survey of graph embedding: Problems, techniques and applications. arXiv:1709.07604, 2017.
*# Grover A., Leskovec J. node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks. arXiv:1607.00653, 2016.
*# Mestetskiy L., Semenov A. Binary Image Skeleton - Continuous Approach // Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2008. P. 251-258. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221415333_Binary_Image_Skeleton_-_Continuous_Approach URL]
*# Kushnir O.A., Seredin O.S., Stepanov A.V. Experimental study of regularization parameters and approximation of skeletal graphs of binary images // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2014. Т. 1. № 7. С. 817-827. [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2014/no7/Kushnir2014ParametersResearch.pdf URL]
*# Zhukova K.V., Reyer I.A. Basic Skeleton Connectivity and Parametric Shape Descriptor // Machine Learning and Data Analysis.2014. Т. 1. № 10. С. 1354-1368. [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2014/no10/Reyer2014SkeletonConnectivity.pdf URL]
*# Kushnir O., Seredin O. Shape Matching Based on Skeletonization and Alignment of Primitive Chains // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2015. V. 542. P. 123-136. [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-26123-2_12 URL]
* '''Basic algorithm''': Convolution network for bitmap.
* '''Solution:''' It is required to propose a method for collapsing graph structures, which allows generating an informative description of the thick line skeleton.
* '''Novelty:''' A method is proposed for improving the quality of recognition of thick lines due to a new method for generating their descriptions.
* '''Authors:''' Experts Reyer I.A., Strijov V.V., Mark Potanin, consultant Denis Ozherelkov
===60. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Variational optimization of deep learning models with model complexity control
* '''Problem:''' The problem of optimizing a deep learning model with a predetermined model complexity is considered. It is required to propose a model optimization method that allows generating new models with a given complexity and low computational costs.
* '''Data:'''MNIST, CIFAR
* '''References:'''
*# [1] variational inference for neural networks https://papers.nips.cc/paper/4329-practical-variational-inference-for-neural-networks.pdf
*# [2] hypernets https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.09106
*# [3] network factories https://papers.nips.cc/paper/6304-convolutional-neural-fabrics.pdf
* '''Base algorithm:''' Random search
* '''Solution:''' The proposed method is to represent a deep learning model as a hypernet (a network that generates the parameters of another network) using a Bayesian approach. Probabilistic assumptions about the parameters of deep learning models are introduced, and a variational lower estimate of the Bayesian validity of the model is maximized. The variation estimate is considered as a conditional value depending on the external parameter of complexity.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed method allows generating models in one-shot mode (practically without retraining) with the required model complexity, which significantly reduces the cost of optimization and retraining.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===61. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Selecting a deep learning model based on the triplet relationship of model and sample
* '''Problem:''' The problem one-shot of choosing a deep learning model is considered: choosing a model for a specific sample, issued from some general population, should not be computationally expensive.
* '''Data:'''MNIST, synthetic data
* '''References:'''
*# [1] learning model predictions on pairs <sample, model> https://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/2016/10/yuxiongw_eccv16_learntolearn.pdf
*# [2] Bayesian choice for two domains https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08672
* '''Base algorithm:''' Random search
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to consider the space of parameters and models as two domains with their own generative models. To obtain a connection between domains, a generalization of the variational derivation to the case of triplet constraints is used.
* '''Novelty:''' New one-shot model training method
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===64. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Theoretical validity of the application of metric classification methods using dynamic alignment (DTW) to spatiotemporal objects.
* '''Problem description:''' It is necessary to study the existing theoretical justifications for applying dynamic alignment methods to various objects, and explore the use of such methods for space-time series.<br />When proving the applicability of alignment methods, it is proved that the function generated by the dynamic alignment algorithm is the core. Which, in turn, justifies the use of metric classification methods.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://www.cs.unm.edu/~mueen/DTW.pdf Overview presentation about DTW]
*# [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Теорема_Мерсера Mercer's theorem]
*# [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vincent_Wan/publication/221478420_Polynomial_dynamic_time_warping_kernel_support_vector_machines_for_dysarthric_speech_recognition_with_sparse_training_data/links/09e4150b7256b621ac000000/Polynomial-dynamic-time-warping-kernel-support-vector-machines-for-dysarthric-speech-recognition-with-sparse-training-data.pdf Polynomial dynamic time warping kernel support vector machines for dysarthric speech recognition with sparse training data]
*# [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/11608288_67.pdf Online Signature Verification with New Time Series Kernels for Support Vector Machines]
* '''Solution:''' For different formulations of the DTW method (when the internal function of the distance between time series samples is different) - find and collect evidence that the function is the kernel in one place.<br />For a basic set of datasets with time series (on which the accuracy of distance functions is checked ) check the fulfillment of the conditions from the Mercer theorem (positive definiteness of the matrix). Do this for various modifications of the DTW distance function. (Sakoe-Chiba band, Itakura band, weighted DTW.)
* '''Novelty:''' Investigation of theoretical justifications for applying the dynamic alignment algorithm (DTW) and its modifications to space-time series.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V. - Expert, [[Участник:Morgachev.gleb|Gleb Morgachev]], Alexey Goncharov - consultants.
===66. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Agnostic neural networks
* '''Problem description:''' Introduce a metric space into the problem of automatic construction (selection) of agnostic networks.
* '''Data:''' Data from the Reinforcement learning area. Preferably the type of cars on the track.
* '''References:'''
*# (!) Kulunchakov A.S., Strijov V.V. Generation of simple structured Information Retrieval functions by genetic algorithm without stagnation // [http://strijov.com/papers/Kulunchakov2014RankingBySimpleFun.pdf Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 85 : 221—230.]
*# A. A. Varfolomeeva The choice of features when marking bibliographic lists by methods of structural learning, 2013, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/f2/Varfolomeeva2013Diploma.pdf?format=raw]
*# Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [http://naturalspublishing.com/files/published/92cn7jm44d8wt1.pdf?format=raw]
*# https://habr.com/ru/post/465369/
*# https://weightagnostic.github.io/
* '''Base algorithm:''' Networks from an archived article. Symbolic regression from an article in ESwA (you need to restore the code).
* '''Solution:''' We create a model generator in the framework of symbolic regression. We create a model generator as a variational autoencoder (we won’t have time during the course). We study the metric properties of sample spaces (Euclidean) and models (Banach). We create a GAN pair - a generator-discriminator for predicting the structures of predictive models.
* '''Novelty:''' So far, no one has succeeded. Here they discussed Tommi Yaakkola, how he came to us in Yandex. He hasn't succeeded yet either.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Strijov V.V., Radoslav Neichev - consultant
===13. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction
* '''Problem:''' RNA secondary structure is an important feature which defines RNA functional properties. Its importance can be illustrated by the fact, that it is evolutionary preserved and some types of functional RNAs always * have the same secondary structure, for example all tRNAs fold into cloverleaf. As secondary structure often defines functions, knowing RNAs secondary structure may help investigate functions of novel RNA molecules. RNA folding is not as easy as DNA folding, because RNA is single stranded molecule which forms complicated base-pairing interactions, while DNA mostly exists as fully base paired double helices. Current methods of RNA structure prediction rely on experimentally evaluated thermodynamic rules, but with thermodynamics alone only 80% of structures can be accurately predicted. We propose an AI-driven method for predicting RNA secondary structure inspired by neural machine translation model.
* '''Data:''' RNA sequences in form of strings of characters
* '''References:''' https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08144
* '''Base algorithm:''' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16873527
* '''Solution:''' Deep learning recurrent encoder-decoder model with attention
* '''Novelty:''' Currently RNA secondary structure prediction still remains unsolved problem and to the best of our knowledge DL approach has never been introduced in the literature before
* '''Authors:''' consultant Maria Popova, Alexander Isaev (we are waiting for a response from them, without a response The problem is removed)
===65. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Approximation of low-dimensional samples by heterogeneous models
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of knowledge transfer (Hinton's distillation, Vapnik's privileged learning) from one network to another is investigated.
* '''Data:''' UCI samples, see what samples are used in papers on this topic
* '''References:'''
*# Neichev's Diploma [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/3/36/NeyhevMS_Thesis.pdf Informative a priori assumptions in the privileged learning problem], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/1/1c/NeychevMS_Slides.pdf presentation]
*# Works Hinton Knowledge distilling, pay attention to error functions
* '''Base algorithm:''' described in the work of Neichev
* '''Novelty:''' Exploring different sampling methods
* '''Solution:'''Try different models that are in the lectures, from non-parametric to deep ones, compare and visualize the likelihood functions
* '''Authors:''' consultants Mark Potanin, (ask Andrey Grabovoi for help) Strijov V.V.
===67. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Selection of topics in topic models for exploratory information retrieval.
* '''Problem description:''' Test the hypothesis that when searching for similar documents by their topic vectors, not all topics are informative, so discarding some topics can increase the accuracy and completeness of the search. Consider the alternative hypothesis that instead of discarding topics, one can compare vectors by a weighted cosine proximity measure with adjustable weights.
* '''Data:''' Text collections of sites habr.com and techcrunch.com. Labeled selections: queries and related documents.
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. [[Media:voron17survey-artm.pdf|Probabilistic Topic Modeling: An Overview of Models and Additive Regularization]].
*# Ianina A., Vorontsov K. [https://fruct.org/publications/fruct25/files/Ian.pdf Regularized Multimodal Hierarchical Topic Model for Document-by-Document Exploratory Search] // FRUCT ISMW, 2019.
* '''Base algorithm:''' The topic model with regularizers and modalities described in the article (source code available).
* '''Novelty:'''The question of informativeness of topics for vector search of thematically related documents has not been studied before.
* '''Solution:''' Evaluate the individual informativeness of topics by throwing them out one at a time; then sort the topics by individual informativeness and determine the threshold for cutting off non-informative topics. A suggestion as to why this should work: background themes are not informative, and discarding them increases search accuracy and recall by a few percent.
* '''Authors:''' [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vokov Vorontsov K. V.], consultant Anastasia Yanina.
===68. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Meta-learning of topic classification models.
* '''Problem description:''' Develop universal heuristics for a priori assignment of modality weights in thematic models of text classification.
* '''Data:''' [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dhiz7ecgWH7lWi1wM4OkhlDI2r1D_OvcGUXaP8CDHEI/edit#gid=0 Description of datasets], [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PPnw6aZOJAJoLRYuwdGm437RssV-XQx0?usp=sharing Folder with datasets].
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. [[Media:voron17survey-artm.pdf|Probabilistic Topic Modeling: An Overview of Models and Additive Regularization]].
* '''Base algorithm:''' Thematic classification models for several datasets.
* '''Novelty:'''In topic modeling, the problem of automatic selection of modality weights has not yet been solved.
* '''Solution:''' Optimize the weights of modalities according to the quality criterion of text classification. Investigate the dependence of the optimal relative weights of modalities on the dimensional characteristics of the problem. Find formulas for estimating the initial values of modality weights without explicitly solving the problem. To reproduce datasets, apply sampling of fragments of source documents.
* '''Authors:''' [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vokov Vorontsov K. V.], consultant Yulian Serdyuk.
===70. 2020===
* Name: Investigation of the structure of the target space when building a predictive model
* The problem:The problem of forecasting a complex target variable is studied. Complexity means the presence of dependencies (linear or non-linear). It is assumed that the initial data are heterogeneous: the spaces of the independent and target variables are of different nature. It is required to build a predictive model that would take into account the dependence in the source space of the independent variable, as well as in the space of the target variable.
* Data: Heterogeneous data: picture - text, picture - speech and so on.
* Basic algorithm: As basic algorithms, it is proposed to use a linear model, as well as a nonlinear neural network model.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V. - Expert, consultant: Isachenko Roman.
===71. 2020===
* Name: Investigation of ways to match models by reducing the dimension of space
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of predicting a complex target variable is investigated. Complexity means the presence of dependencies (linear or non-linear). It is proposed to study ways to take into account dependencies in the space of the target variable, as well as the conditions under which these dependencies affect the quality of the final predictive model.
* Data: Synthetic data with known data generation hypothesis.
* Basic algorithm: As basic algorithms, it is proposed to use space dimensionality reduction methods (PCA, PLS, autoencoder) and linear matching models.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V. - Expert, consultant: Isachenko Roman.
===72. 2020===
* Name: Construction of a single latent space in the problem of modeling heterogeneous data.
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of predicting a complex target variable is investigated. Complexity means the presence of dependencies (linear or non-linear). It is proposed to build a single latent space for the independent and target variables. Model matching is proposed to be carried out in the resulting low-dimensional space.
* Data: Heterogeneous data: picture - text, picture - speech and so on.
* Basic algorithm: As basic algorithms, it is proposed to use space dimensionality reduction methods (PCA, PLS, autoencoder) and linear matching models.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V. - Expert, consultant: Isachenko Roman.
===73. 2020===
* '''Title:''' Nonlinear ranking of exploratory information search results.
* '''Problem description:''' Develop an algorithm for recommending the reading order of documents (reading order, reading list) found using exploratory information retrieval. Documents should be ranked from simple to complex, from general to specific, that is, in the order in which it will be easier for the user to understand a new subject area for him. The algorithm must build a reading graph - a partial order relation on the set of found documents; in particular, it can be a collection of trees (document forest).
* '''Data:''' Part of Wikipedia and reference reading graph derived from Wikipedia categories.
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. [[Media:voron17survey-artm.pdf|Probabilistic Topic Modeling: An Overview of Models and Additive Regularization]].
*# Georgia Koutrika, Lei Liu, and Steven Simske. [https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2014/HPL-2014-5R1.pdf Generating reading orders over document collections]. HP Laboratories, 2014.
*# James G. Jardine. [https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/techreports/UCAM-CL-TR-848.pdf Automatically generating reading lists]. Cambridge, 2014.
* '''Base algorithm:''' described in the article G.Koutrika.
* '''Novelty:''' The problem has been little studied in the literature. Regularized multimodal topic models (ARTM, BigARTM) have never been applied to this problem.
* '''Solution:''' The use of ARTM topic models in conjunction with estimates of the cognitive complexity of the text.
* '''Authors:''' [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vokov Vorontsov K. V.], consultant Maxim Eremeev.
! Author
! Topic
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Severilov.pa Severilov Pavel]
|The problem of searching characters in texts
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-46/raw/master/Severilov2019SymbolsInTexts/Severilov2019SymbolsInTexts.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-46/raw/master/report/final_slides/Severilov_Pr46.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaE1vLoPFVk video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mapishev Murat Apishev]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Grigorev.ad Grigoriev Alexey]
|Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-9/blob/master/Grigorev2019Project9/LinkReview.pdf LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-9/tree/master/Grigorev2019Project9/code code],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-9/raw/master/Grigorev2019Project9/report/Image_classification_based_on_skeletonization_and_Graph_NN.pdf paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-9/raw/master/Grigorev2019Project9/report/skeletons_presentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0I1w8htPZA video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Ilyazharikov Ilya Zharikov]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-9/raw/master/Grigorev2019Project9/report/Grigorev_review.docx review] [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Varenik.nv Varenyk Natalia]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Grishanov Grishanov Alexey]
|Automatic configuration of BigARTM parameters for a wide class of The problems
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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVGUuHUvNjc video]
|Viktor Bulatov
|[https://github.com/Nikolay-Gerasimenko/Experiment/raw/master/Рецензия%20на%20рукопись.docx review][http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Nikolay-Gerasimenko Gerasimenko Nikolay]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Yusupov_igor Yusupov Igor]
|Dynamic alignment of multivariate time series
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RHAdwtvDZU5JS6cTVKEWYkSI-6KgwDd3aefpBAw9Ujw/edit LinkReview] code [https://github.com/igor-yusupov/2018-Project-3/raw/patch-1/Yusupov2019Title/Yusupov2019.pdf paper] [https://github.com/igor-yusupov/2018-Project-3/raw/patch-1/Yusupov2019Title/presentation.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtnGACpmU8k video]
|Alexey Goncharov
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Varenik.nv Varenyk Natalia]
|Spherical CNN for QSAR prediction
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/13L7JHa3H19lSuJKRgq2novuzSnaMv3MpwwGpcW5rRZc/edit LinkReview], [https://github.com/Natalia-Varenik/s2cnn code], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-47/raw/master/Varenik2019Project47/Varenik2019Project47.pdf paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-47/raw/master/report/Varenik2019Project47Presentation.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kJW898HPqM video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Beznosikov.an Beznosikov Alexander]
|Z-learning of linearly-solvable Markov Decision Processes
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ef25ueOxzBkbcAFV24fuCEHAApwxspGRAPq_r2hw0EM/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-42/raw/master/Beznosikov2019Z-learning%20of%20linearly-solvable%20Markov%20Decision%20Processes/Beznosikov2019Z_learning_of_linearly_solvable_Markov_Decision_Processes.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-42/tree/master/code code]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-42/raw/master/report/Beznosikov.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--rEzR4VGKg video]
|Yury Maximov
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:PanchenkoSviatoslav Panchenko Svyatoslav]
|Obtaining a simple sample at the output of the neural network layer
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CPgyqyaM4pv_6jxFio5NwU_Ncgu6tazFxl_jgH4gSWQ/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
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[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-43/raw/master/Panchenko2019Project43/Panchenko2019Project43.pdf paper], slides
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Tamaz Gadaev Tamaz]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:VeselovaER Veselova Evgeniya]
|Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures
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|Guillaume Pages, Sergei Grudinin
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Aminov.tv Aminov Timur]
|Quality Prediction for a Feature Selection Procedure
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HLo0fNei0KoTrFQNgkdubFCM39PRpEYOyeF1WilibpY/edit LinkReview] code [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-40/raw/master/doc/Aminov2019FSPP.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-40/raw/master/doc/pres%20(1).pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Isachenkoroma Roman Isachenko]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vmarkin Markin Valery]
|Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/17rXnTPT9M6nYEkoxwfv5XDE8LIBt-mR1wv2vzrQSljw/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech code]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/ECoG_Project/raw/master/Markin2019SpatialDecoding.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/ECoG_Project/raw/master/Markin2019Slides.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_4AJ-Xb5cs video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Isachenkoroma Roman Isachenko]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Sadiev1998 Abdurahmon Sadiev]
|Generation of features using locally approximating models
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A_rWU-2DnvD3ZVCOPLQcAEqB3Iw2YyWOqb9YspByh9o/edit LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-8/tree/master/code code], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-8/raw/master/paper/Feature_gen.pdf paper],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-8/raw/master/slides_Sadiev.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDpvKQRZA7w video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Anastasiya Anastasia Motrenko]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Tagirschik Tagir Sattarov]
|Machine translation training without parallel texts.
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ORgDN1bVeIduWTdcmjl9R346MNIgpe0_T3G-aUtrxlo/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-project-12/blob/master/monogolingual_mt_example.ipynb code] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-project-12/blob/master/paper.pdf paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-project-12/raw/master/Sattarov_presentation.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wduZgu6ym-0 video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Oleg_Bakhteev Oleg Bakhteev]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Nikolay-Gerasimenko Gerasimenko Nikolay]
|Thematic search for similar cases in the collection of acts of arbitration courts.
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D1fOYNCne6sU5oqgET4s9WKmSj84-Ra8pSRKoi215kc/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-50/tree/master/code code] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-50/raw/master/Gerasimenko2019Project50/Russian/Gerasimenko2019Project50.pdf paper] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-50/raw/master/report/Gerasimenko2019Project50Presentation.pdf slides] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhgQexs2yIQ video]
|Ekaterina Artyomova
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-50/raw/master/Gerasimenko2019Project50/Russian/Review.docx review][http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Grishanov Grishanov Alexey]
===40. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Quality prediction for the feature selection procedure.
* '''Problem description:''' The solution of the feature selection problem is reduced to enumeration of binary cube vertices. This procedure cannot be performed for a sample with a large number of features. It is proposed to reduce this problem to optimization in a linear space.
* '''Data:''' Synthetic data + simple samples
* '''References:'''
*# Bertsimas D. et al. Best subset selection via a modern optimization lens //The annals of statistics. – 2016. – Т. 44. – №. 2. – С. 813-852.
*# Luo R. et al. Neural architecture optimization //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. – 2018. – С. 7827-7838.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Popular feature selection methods.
* '''Solution:''' In this paper, it is proposed to build a model that, based on a set of features, predicts the quality on a test sample. To do this, a mapping of a binary cube into a linear space is constructed. After that, the quality of the model in linear space is maximized. To reconstruct the solution of the problem, the model of inverse mapping into a binary cube is used.
* '''Novelty:''' A constructively new approach to solving the problem of choosing models is proposed.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V., Tetiana Aksenova, consultant – Roman Isachenko
===42. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Z-learning of linearly-solvable Markov Decision Processes
* '''Problem:''' Adapt Z-learning from [1] to the case of Markov Decision Process discussed in [2] in the context of energy systems. Compare it with standard (in reinforcement learning) Q-learning.
* '''Data:''' We consider a Markov Process described via transition probability matrix. Given initial state vector (probability of being in a state at time zero), we generate data for the time evolution of the state vector. See [2] for an exemplary process describing evolution of an ensemble of energy consumers.
* '''References:'''
*# E. Todorov. Linearly-solvable Markov decision problems https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~todorov/papers/TodorovNIPS06.pdf
*# Ensemble Control of Cycling Energy Loads: Markov Decision Approach. Michael Chertkov, Vladimir Y. Chernyak, Deepjyoti Deka. https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.04941
*# Csaba Szepesvári. Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning. https://sites.ualberta.ca/~szepesva/papers/RLAlgsInMDPs.pdf
* '''Base algorithm:''' Principal comparison should be made with Q learning described in [3]
* '''Solution:''' We suppose that plugging in algorithm from [1] directly into [2] gives faster and more reliable solution.
* '''Novelty:''' In the area of power systems there is a huge demand on fast reinforcement learning algorithms, but there is still a lack of that (in particular the ones respect the physics/underlying graph)
* '''Authors:''' Yury Maximov (consultant, expert), Michael Chertkov (expert)
===1. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Forecasting the direction of movement of the price of exchange instruments according to the news flow.
* '''Problem description:''' Build and explore a model for predicting the direction of price movement. Given a set of news S and a set of timestamps T corresponding to the time of publication of news from S. 2. Time series P, corresponding to the price of an exchange instrument, and time series V, corresponding to the volume of sales for this instrument, for a period of time T'. 3. The set T is a subset of the time period T'. 4. Time intervals w=[w0, w1], l=[l0, l1], d=[d0, d1], where w0 < w1=l0 < l1=d0 < d1. It is required to predict the direction of movement of the price of an exchange instrument at the time t=d0 according to the news released in the period w.
* '''Data:'''
*# Financial data: data on quotes (at one tick interval) of several financial instruments (GAZP, SBER, VTBR, LKOH) for the 2nd quarter of 2017 from the Finam.ru website; for each point of the series, the date, time, price and volume are known.
*# Text data: economic news for the 2nd quarter of 2017 from Forexis; each news is a separate html file.
* '''References:'''
*# Usmanova K.R., Kudiyarov S.P., Martyshkin R.V., Zamkovoy A.A., Strijov V.V. Analysis of relationships between indicators in forecasting cargo transportation // Systems and Means of Informatics, 2018, 28(3).
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Motrenko A.P., Kuznetsova M.V., Strijov V.V. Methods for intrinsic plagiarism detection and author diarization // Working Notes of CLEF, 2016, 1609 : 912-919.
*# Aysina Roza Munerovna, Thematic modeling of financial flows of corporate clients of a bank based on transactional data, final qualification work.
*# Lee, Heeyoung, et al. "On the Importance of Text Analysis for Stock Price Prediction." LREC. 2014.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Method used in the article (4).
* '''Solution:''' Using topic modeling (ARTM) and local approximation models to translate a sequence of texts corresponding to different timestamps into a single feature description. Quality criterion: F1-score, ROC AUC, profitability of the strategy used.
* '''Novelty:''' To substantiate the connection of time series, the Converging cross-mapping method is proposed.
* '''Authors:''' Ivan Zaputlyaev (consultant), Strijov V.V., K.V. Vorontsov (Experts)
===3. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Dynamic alignment of multidimensional time series.
* '''Problem description:''' A characteristic multidimensional time series is the trajectory of a point in 3-dimensional space. The two trajectories need to be optimally aligned with each other. For this, the distance DTW between two time series is used. In the classical representation, DTW is built between one-dimensional time series. It is necessary to introduce various modifications of the algorithm for working with high-dimensional time series: trajectories, corticograms.
* '''Data:''' The data describes 6 classes of time series from the mobile phone's accelerometer. https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/data/
* '''References:'''
*# Multidimensional DTW: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/76d3/5bd5a52453ebde80faaa1467d7effd74426f.pdf
* '''Base algorithm:''' Using L_p distances between two dimensions of a time series, their modifications.
* '''Solution:''' Investigation of distances resistant to change of coordinate order, studies of distances unstable to change of coordinate order. Experiments with other types of distances (cosine, RBF, others).
* '''Novelty:''' There is no complete review and study of methods for working with multivariate time series. The dependence of the quality of the solution on the selected distances between measurements has not been studied.
* '''Authors:''' Alexey Goncharov - consultant, Expert, Strijov V.V. - Expert
===43. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Getting a simple sample at the output of the neural network layer
* '''Problem:''' The output of the neural network is usually a generalized linear model over the outputs of the penultimate layer. It is necessary to propose a way to test the simplicity of the sample and its compliance with the generalized linear model (linear regression, logistic regression) using a system of statistical criteria.
* '''Data:''' For the computational experiment, it is proposed to use classical samples from the UCI repository. Link to samples https://github.com/ttgadaev/SampleSize/tree/master/datasets
* '''References:''' http://www.ccas.ru/avtorefe/0016d.pdf c 49-63 Bishop, C. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer. $758
* '''Base algorithm:''' White test, Wald test, Goldfeld-Quantum test, Durbin-Watson, Chi-square, Fry-Behr, Shapiro-Wilk
* '''Solution:''' The system of tests for checking the simplicity of the sample (and the adequacy of the model), the independent variables are not random, the dependent variables are distributed normally or binomially, there are no gaps and outliers, the classes are balanced, the sample is approximated by a single model. The variance of the error function does not depend on the independent variable. The study is based on synthetic and real data.
* '''Authors:''' Gadaev T. T. (consultant) Strijov V.V., Grabovoi A.V. (Experts)
===14. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures [[Media:Strijov_3D_CNN.pdf|more in PDF]]
* '''Problem:''' Deep learning algorithms pushed computer vision to a level of accuracy comparable or higher than a human vision. Similarly, we believe that it is possible to recognize the symmetry of a 3D object with a very high reliability, when the object is represented as a density map. The optimization problem includes i) multiclass classification of 3D data. The output is the order of symmetry. The number of classes is ~10-20 ii) multioutput regression of 3D data. The output is the symmetry axis (a 3-vector). The input data are typically 24x24x24 meshes. The total amount of these meshes is of order a million. Biological motivation : Symmetry is an important feature of protein tertiary and quaternary structures that has been associated with protein folding, function, evolution, and stability. Its emergence and ensuing prevalence has been attributed to gene duplications, fusion events, and subsequent evolutionary drift in sequence. Methods to detect these symmetries exist, either based on the structure or the sequence of the proteins, however, we believe that they can be vastly improved.
* '''Data:''' Synthetic data are obtained by ‘symmetrizing’ folds from top8000 library (http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/databases/top8000.php).
* '''References:''' Our previous 3D CNN: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.06252] Invariance of CNNs (and references therein): [https://hal.inria.fr/hal- 01630265/document], [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03078.pdf]
* '''Basic algorithm''': A prototype has already been created using the Tensorflow framework [4], which is capable of detecting the order of cyclic structures with about 93% accuracy. The main goal of this internship is to optimize the topology of the current neural network prototype and make it rotational and translational invariant with respect to input data. [4] [https://www.tensorflow.org/]
* '''Solution:''' The network architecture needs to be modified according to the invariance properties (most importantly, rotational invariance). Please see the links below [https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01630265/document], [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03078.pdf] The code is written using the Tensorflow library, and the current model is trained on a single GPU (Nvidia Quadro 4000)of a desktop machine.
* '''Novelty:''' Applications of convolutional networks to 3D data are still very challenging due to large amount of data and specific requirements to the network architecture. More specifically, the models need to be rotationally and transnationally invariant, which makes classical 2D augmentation tricks loosely applicable here. Thus, new models need to be developed for 3D data.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Sergei Grudinin, consultants Guillaume Pages
===46. 2019===
* Name: The problem of searching characters in texts
* '''Problem description:''' In the simplest case, this The problem is reduced to the Sequence Labeling The problem on a labeled selection. The difficulty lies in obtaining a sufficient amount of training data, that is, it is required to obtain a larger sample from the existing small Expert markup (automatically by searching for patterns or by compiling a simple and high-quality markup instruction, for example, in Toloka). The presence of markup allows you to start experimenting with the selection of the optimal model, various neural network architectures (BiLSTM, Transformer, etc.) may be of interest here.
* Data: Dictionary of symbols, Marked artistic texts
* '''References:''' http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/0/05/Mmta18-rnn.pdf
* Basic algorithm: HMM, RNN
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to compare the work of several state-of-the-art algorithms. Propose a classifier quality metric for characters (character/non-character). Determine applicability of methods.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed approach to text analysis is used by Experts in manual mode and has not been automated
* '''Authors:''' M. Apishev (consultant), D. Lemtyuzhnikova
===47. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction
* '''Problem:''' RNA secondary structure is an important feature which defines RNA functional properties. Its importance can be illustrated by the fact, that it is evolutionary preserved and some types of functional RNAs always * have the same secondary structure, for example all tRNAs fold into cloverleaf. As secondary structure often defines functions, knowing RNAs secondary structure may help investigate functions of novel RNA molecules. RNA folding is not as easy as DNA folding, because RNA is single stranded molecule which forms complicated base-pairing interactions, while DNA mostly exists as fully base paired double helices. Current methods of RNA structure prediction rely on experimentally evaluated thermodynamic rules, but with thermodynamics alone only 80% of structures can be accurately predicted. We propose an AI-driven method for predicting RNA secondary structure inspired by neural machine translation model.
* '''Data:''' RNA sequences in form of strings of characters
* '''References:''' https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08144
* '''Base algorithm:''' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16873527
* '''Solution:''' Deep learning recurrent encoder-decoder model with attention
* '''Novelty:''' Currently RNA secondary structure prediction still remains unsolved problem and to the best of our knowledge DL approach has never been introduced in the literature before
* '''Authors:''' consultant Maria Popova Chapel-Hill
===4. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Automatic setting of ARTM parameters for a wide class of The problems.
* '''Problem description:''' The bigARTM open library allows you to build topical models using a wide class of possible regularizers. However, this flexibility makes The problem of setting the coefficients very difficult. This tuning can be greatly simplified by using the relative regularization coefficients mechanism and automatic selection of N-grams. We need to test the hypothesis that there is a universal set of relative regularization coefficients that gives "reasonably good" results on a wide class of problems. Several datasets are given with some external quality criterion (for example, classification of documents into categories or ranking). We find the best parameters for a particular dataset, giving the "locally the best model". We find the bigARTM initialization algorithm that produces thematic models with quality comparable to the "locally best model" on its dataset. Comparability criterion in quality: on this dataset, the quality of the "universal model" is no more than 5% worse than that of the "locally best model".
*'''Data:''' [https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Victorian+Era+Authorship+Attribution Victorian Era Authorship Attribution Data Set], [https://archive.ics. uci.edu/ml/datasets/Twenty+Newsgroups 20 Newsgroups], ICD-10, search/ranking triplets.
* '''References:'''
*# WRC by Nikita Doykov: http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/9/9f/2015_417_DoykovNV.pdf
*# Presentation by Viktor Bulatov at a scientific seminar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19pJ21LRPeeOxY4mkcSnQCRm93zOO4J5b/view
*# Draft with formulas: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AqS7snUsSJ18ZYBtC-6uP_2dMTDJSGeD
* '''Base algorithm:''' PLSA / LDA / logregression.
* '''Solution:''' bigARTM with background themes and smoothing, sparseness and decorrelation regularizers (coefficients picked up automatically), as well as automatically selected N-grams.
* '''Novelty:''' The need for automated tuning of model parameters and the lack of such implementations in the scientific community.
* '''Authors:''' consultant Viktor Bulatov, Expert[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vokov Vorontsov K. V.].
===50. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Thematic search for similar cases in the collection of acts of arbitration courts.
* '''Problem description:''' Build an information retrieval algorithm for a collection of acts of arbitration courts. The request can be an arbitrary document of the collection (the text of the act). The search result should be a list of documents in the collection, ranked in descending order of relevance.
*'''Data:''' collection of text documents — acts of arbitration courts http://kad.arbitr.ru.
* '''References:'''
*# Anastasia Yanina. [[Media:ianina18msc.pdf‎|Thematic exploratory information search]]. 2018. FIVT MIPT.
*# Ianina A., Golitsyn L., Vorontsov K. [[Media:ianina17exploratory.pdf|Multi-objective topic modeling for exploratory search in tech news]]. AINL-2017. CCIS, Springer, 2018.
*# Ahmed El-Kishky, Yanglei Song, Chi Wang, Clare Voss, Jiawei Han. [http://hanj.cs.illinois.edu/pdf/vldb15_ael-kishky.pdf Scalable Topical Phrase Mining from Text Corpora]. 2015.
* '''Base algorithm:''' BigARTM with decorrelation, smoothing, sparse regularizers. Search by TF-IDF of words, by TF-IDF of UPA links, by thematic vector representations of documents, using a cosine proximity measure. TopMine algorithm for collocation detection.
* '''Solution:''' Add modality of links to legal acts. Add modality of legal terms. Choose the optimal number of topics and regularization strategy. Organize the process of marking pairs of documents. Implement the evaluation of the quality of the search for a labeled sample of pairs of documents.
* '''Novelty:''' The first attempt to use ARTM for thematic search of legal texts.
* '''Authors:''' consultant Ekaterina Artyomova, Expert [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vokov Vorontsov K. V.].
==2019 Group 2==
! Author
! Topic
! Links
! Consultant
! Reviewer
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Ninavishn Vishnyakova Nina]
|Optimal Approximation of Non-linear Power Flow Problem
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TvMgA1ytOMrCm1Fx35UsrnMSASvECnr249x0Nvy7TaY/edit LinkReview] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-41/raw/master/report/Optimal_Approximation_of_Non_linear_Power_Flow_Problem.pdf paper] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-41 code] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-41/raw/master/report/Vishnyakova_nina_2019_41_Talk.pdf presentation] [https://youtu.be/QINA00S1_Bo video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Yury.maximov Yury Maximov]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Loginov-ra Loginov Roman]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-41/raw/master/report/Vishnyakova2019Project41_Review.pdf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Polinakud Kudryavtseva Polina]
|Intention forecasting. Building an optimal signal decoding model for modeling a brain-computer interface.
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-18/tree/master/code code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sRFisJeQ7QVNtlIh7k1CX47bAk7peuneiPZRxHeFigM/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-18/raw/master/doc/Kudryavtseva2019Project18.pdf paper] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo-nJU3uG1I video]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-18/raw/master/doc/Kudryavtseva2019Slides.pdf presentation]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Isachenkoroma Roman Isachenko]
|Nechepurenko Ivan
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i6WuDNEozojFYMkJHu5DcaItE5qrsr_Tt3ubBE298DQ/edit review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Loginov-ra Loginov Roman]
|Multi-simulation as a universal way to describe a general sample
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-28/tree/master/code code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cCEttJpkGTtB10QieS2TWHI0COv_BUKgCckd4refcFE/edit LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-28/raw/master/Loginov2019MultimodellingAdaptive/Loginov2019MultimodellingAdaptive.pdf paper]
[https://hangouts.google.com/group/rRyggcQjYKF81nrE2 ChatInvite]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-28/raw/master/report/Loginov2019MultimodellingTime.pdf presentation]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCl7VSAz-Xg video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Aduenko Alexander Aduenko]
|Makarov Mikhail [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/9/92/Loginov2019Project28_Review.rtf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Makarov.mv Mikhail Makarov]
|Location determination by accelerometer signals
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/tree/master/code code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1er3SgPu9bBBWkLk1yVev-9Ue42BOPapOkLn6sL0GAGA/edit LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/Makarov2019Project26/Makarov2019Project26.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/pres/Project26presentation.pdf presentation]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEe9xmoNUNQ video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Anastasiya Anastasia Motrenko]
|Cherepkov Anton: [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/Makarov2019Project26/Makarov2019_review.pdf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Alex-kozinov Kozinov Alexey]
|The problem of finding characters in images
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P_osIW236MTBPe_aMJUI-EEHgUhheQR9bqlKCN97e8M/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-45/raw/master/Kozinov2019Project45/Kozinov2019Project45.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-45/tree/master/code code]
| M. Apishev,
D. Lemtyuzhnikova
|Gracheva Anastasia [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-15/raw/master/review.pdf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Buchnev.valentin Buchnev Valentin]
|Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model.
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-xpsWSbI-hlX8PQXdVZ5gMOQC03LH0oM8u4dpTDMSKs/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-44/raw/master/Buchnev2019Project44/Buchnev2019Project44.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-44/ code] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-44/raw/master/report/Buchnev2019Project44presentation.pdf presentation]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SJL6Xx5VnU video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Andriygav Grabovoi Andrey]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Ivan.nechepurenco Nechepurenko Ivan]
|Multisimulation, privileged training
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-48/tree/master/code code],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-48/raw/master/Nechepurenco2019Project48/Nechepurenco2019Project48.pdf paper],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DJNwFfFXCipPictxTUWd8dBfj_Zv6zrfp86L5p_cfTI/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-48/raw/master/slides/Nechepurenco2019.pdf presentation]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Neychev R. G. Neichev]
|Kudryavtseva Polina
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Gracheva.as Gracheva Anastasia]
|Estimation of binding energy of protein and small molecules
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-15 code]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-15/raw/master/Gracheva2019Project15/Gracheva2019Title.pdf paper]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1INJAFAXNjEyvqDME6KiGiCnRJ6qQ9b_3dM_fzePgU7U/edit LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-15/raw/master/presentations/Gracheva_presentation.pdf presentation]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smj4XwMnE-4 video]
|Sergei Grudinin,
Maria Kadukova
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Anthonycherepkov Cherepkov Anton]
|Privileged learning in the problem of iris boundary approximation
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-7/raw/master/report/Cherepkov_2019_Iris_circle_problem.pdf paper], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-7/raw/master/slides/Cherepkov_2019_Iris_circle_problem.pdf slides], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-7/tree/master/code code], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/140k6Qrf63iOHUqHcG9IO8cCa1PXEypY5zgboQ3S0LoU/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI3x-vjOAIo video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Neychev R. G. Neichev]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mlepekhin Lepekhin Mikhail]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-7/raw/master/review/Cherepkov2019_review.pdf preliminary review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mlepekhin Lepekhin Mikhail]
|Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-27/blob/master/code code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oVnIwD6T1VEegE1Pieo8-b5JyBPbIzrh0Cdk3V-BlO4/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-27/raw/master/Lepekhin2019Project27/Lepekhin2019Project27.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-27/raw/master/slides/report.pdf presentation]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL6Q7u3daPw video]
|Andrey Kulunchakov
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Ninavishn Vishnyakova Nina], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-41/raw/master/report/Рецензия%20на%20статью%20Лепехина%20Михаила.pdf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Gridasovii Gridasov Ilya]
|Automatic construction of a neural network of optimal complexity
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RcUfc9dKu-hO9r9sqS9hXUu7QofHeDfvHTuJqM8BgU4/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-11/raw/master/Gridasov2019Project11/paper/Gridasov2019Project11.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-11/raw/master/Gridasov2019Project11/presentation/Gridasov2019Project11Presentation.pdf Presentation]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-11/tree/master/Gridasov2019Project11/code code]
|O. Yu. Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Buchnev.valentin Buchnev Valentin]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Telenkov-Dmitry Telenkov Dmitry]
|Brain signal decoding and intention prediction
|[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pTzCafRueWf1hTYCY2uwatNEAFia_nbZSlsgYGYoWnY LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-49 git]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-49/raw/master/Telenkov2019Article49/Telenkov2019Article49.pdf The paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-49/raw/master/report/Presentation.pdf Presentation]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-49/blob/master/report/Experiment.ipynb code]
|Andrey Zadayanchuk
===18. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Forecasting intentions. Building an optimal signal decoding model for modeling a brain-computer interface.
* '''Problem:''' The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) allows you to help people with disabilities regain their mobility. According to the available description of the device signal, it is necessary to simulate the behavior of the subject.
* '''Data:''' Data sets of ECoG/EEG brain signals.
* '''References:'''
#* Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Multi-way feature selection for ECoG-based brain-computer Interface // Expert systems with applications. - 2018.
* '''Basic algorithm''': It is proposed to compare with the partial least squares algorithm.
* '''Solution:''' In this work, it is proposed to build a single system that solves the problem of signal decoding. As stages of building such a system, it is proposed to solve the problems of data preprocessing, feature space extraction, dimensionality reduction and selection of a model of optimal complexity. It is proposed to use the tensor version of PLS with feature selection.
* '''Novelty:''' In the formulation of the problem, the complex nature of the signal is taken into account: a continuous trajectory of movement, the presence of discrete structural variables (fingers or joint movement), the presence of continuous variables (position of a finger or limb).
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V., Tetiana Aksenova, consultant – Roman Isachenko
===41. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Optimal Approximation of Non-linear Power Flow Problem
* '''Problem:''' Our goal is to approximate the solution of non-linear non-convex optimal power flow problem by solving a sequence of convex optimization problems (aka trust region approach). On this way we propose to compare various approaches for an approximate solution of this problem with adaptive approximation of the power flow non-linearities with a sequence of quadratic and/or piece-wise linear functions
* '''Data:''' Matpower module from MATLAB contains all necessary test cases. Start considering IEEE 57 bus case.
* '''References:'''
*# Molzahn, D. K., & Hiskens, I. A. (2019). A survey of relaxations and approximations of the power flow equations. Foundations and Trends in Electric Energy Systems, 4(1-2), 1-221. https://www.nowpublishers.com/article/DownloadSummary/EES-012
*# The QC Relaxation: A Theoretical and Computational Study on Optimal Power Flow. Carleton Coffrin ; Hassan L. Hijazi; Pascal Van Hentenryck https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7271127/
*# Convex Relaxations in Power System Optimization: A Brief Introduction. Carleton Coffrin and Line Roald. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.07227.pdf
*# Optimal Adaptive Linearizations of the AC Power Flow Equations. Sidhant Misra, Daniel K. Molzahn, and Krishnamurthy Dvijotham https://molzahn.github.io/pubs/misra_molzahn_dvijotham-adaptive_linearizations2018.pdf
* '''Base algorithm:''' A set of algorithms described in [1] should be considered to compare with, details behind the proposed method would be shared by the consultant (a draft of the paper)
* '''Solution:''' to figure out the quality of the solution we propose to compare it with the ones given by IPOPT and numerous relaxations, and do some reverse engineering regarding to our method
* '''Novelty:''' The OPF is a truly hot topic in power systems, and is of higher interest by the discrete optimization community (as a general QCQP problem). Any advance in this area is of higher interest by the community
* '''Authors:''' Yury Maximov (consultant and expert), Michael Chertkov (expert)
* '''Notes''': the problem has both the computational and the theoretical focuses, so 2 students are ok to work on this topic
===2. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Investigation of reference objects in the problem of metric classification of time series.
* '''Problem description:''' The DTW function is the distance between two time series that can be non-linearly warped relative to each other. It looks for the best alignment between two objects, so it can be used in a metric object classification problem. One of the methods for solving the problem of metric classification is measuring distances to reference objects and using the vector of these distances as an indicative description of the object. The DBA method is an algorithm for constructing centroids (reference objects) for time series based on the DTW distance. When plotting the distance between the time series and the centroid, different pairs of values (eg peak values) are more specific to one of the classes, and the impact of such coincidences on the distance value should be higher.
It is necessary to explore various ways of constructing reference objects, as well as determining their optimal number. The criterion is the quality of the metric classifier in The problem. In the DBA method, for each centroid, it is proposed to create a weight vector that demonstrates the "significance" of the measurements of the centroid, and use it in the modified weighted-DTW distance function.
* '''Data:''' The data describes 6 classes of time series from the mobile phone's accelerometer. https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/data/
* '''References:'''
*# DTW: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
*# DBA: https://hal.sorbonne-universite.fr/hal-01630288/document
*# weighted DTW: http://www.mathnet.ru/php/archive.phtml?wshow=paper&jrnid=ia&paperid=414&option_lang=rus
* '''Base algorithm:''' Implement basic methods:
*# Selection of a subset of training sample objects as reference
*# Pre-processing of anomalous objects
*# Clustering training sample objects to build centroids within the cluster
*# Using the DBA method to build reference objects
*# Using numerical optimization methods to find the optimal vector of weights with given constraints
* '''Solution:''' Extension of constraint types to weight vector type: binary vector, same vector for all centroids, binary same vector for all centroids. Such a solution will save energy costs during the operation of sensors of a mobile device.
Literature research and a combination of up-to-date methods.
* '''Novelty:''' There has not been a comprehensive study of various methods of constructing centroids and reference elements along with the choice of their optimal number.
* '''Authors:''' Alexey Goncharov - consultant, Expert, Strijov V.V. - Expert
===7. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Privileged learning in the iris boundary approximation problem
* '''Problem:''' Based on the image of the human eye, determine the circles approximating the inner and outer border of the iris.
* '''Data:''' Bitmap monochrome images, typical size 640*480 pixels (however other sizes are possible)[http://www.bath.ac.uk/elec-eng/research/sipg/irisweb/ ], [http://www.cb-sr.ia.ac.cn/IrisDatabase.htm].
* '''References:'''
*# Aduenko A.A. Selection of multi-models in The problems classification (supervisor Strijov V.V.). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2017. [http://www.frccsc.ru/sites/default/files/docs/ds/002-073-05/diss/11-aduenko/11-Aduenko_main.pdf?626]
*# K.A. Gankin, A.N. Gneushev, I.A. Matveev Segmentation of the iris image based on approximate methods with subsequent refinements // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2014, no. 2, p. 78–92.
*# Duda, R. O. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures / R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart // Communications of the ACM. 1972 Vol. 15, no. 1.Pp.
* '''Basic algorithm''': Efimov Yury. Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method, 2015.
* '''Solution:''' See [[Media:Iris_circle_problem.pdf | iris_circle_problem.pdf]]
* '''Novelty:''' A fast non-enumerative algorithm for approximating boundaries using linear multimodels is proposed. Additionally, capsule neural networks.
* '''consultant''': Radoslav Neichev (by Strijov V.V., Expert Matveev I.A.)
===44. 2019===
*'''Name:''' Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model.
*'''Problem''': The problem of designing an experiment is being investigated. The problem of estimating a sufficient sample size according to the data is solved. The sample is assumed to be simple. It is described by an adequate model. Otherwise, the sample is generated by a fixed probabilistic model from a known class of models. The sample size is considered sufficient if the model is restored with sufficient confidence. It is required, knowing the model, to estimate a sufficient sample size at the early stages of data collection.
*'''Data:''' For the computational experiment, it is proposed to use classical samples from the UCI repository. Link to samples https://github.com/ttgadaev/SampleSize/tree/master/datasets
*# [Overview of methods for estimating sample size]
*# http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/PhDThesis/.
*# Bootstrap method. https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.aos/1.
Bishop, C. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer. $758
*'''Basic algorithm''': We will say that the sample size is sufficient if the log-likelihood has a small variance, on a sample of size m calculated using bootstrap.
We are trying to approximate the dependence of the average value of log-likelihood and its variance on the sample size.
*'''Solution:''' The methods described in the review are asymptotic or require a deliberately large sample size. The new method should be to predict volume in the early stages of experiment design, i.e. when data is scarce.
*'''Authors:''' Grabovoi A.V. (consultant), Gadaev T. T. Strijov V.V. (Experts)
* Note: to determine the simplicity of the sample, a new definition of complexity is proposed ([http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/3/37/Ivanychev18BachelorThesis_%28merged%29.pdf Sergey Ivanychev]). This is a separate work, +1 The problem 44a (? Katruza).
===15. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules. The problem description [https://www.overleaf.com/read/rjdnyyxpdkyj]
* '''Problem:''' From a bioinformatics point of view, The problem is to estimate the free energy of protein binding to a small molecule (ligand): the best ligand in its best position has the ''lowest free energy'' of interaction with the protein. (Following a large text, see the file at the link above.)
* '''Data:'''
*# Data for binary classification. Approximately 12,000 protein-ligand complexes: for each of them there is 1 native position and 18 non-native ones. The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms of the protein and ligand, the dimension of the vector of descriptors is ~ 20,000. In the case of continued research and publication in a specialized journal, the set of descriptors can be expanded. The data will be provided as binary files with a python script to read.
*# Data for regression. For each of the presented complexes, the value of the quantity is known, which can be interpreted as the binding energy.
* '''References:'''
*# SVM [http://cs229.stanford.edu/notes/cs229-notes3.pdf]
*# Ridge Regression [http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/linear_model.html#ridge-regression]
*# [https://alex.smola.org/papers/2003/SmoSch03b.pdf] (section 1)
* '''Basic algorithm''': [https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01591154/] In the classification problem, we used an algorithm similar to linear SVM, whose relationship with the energy estimate is beyond the scope of the classification problem, described in the above article. Various loss functions can be used in a regression problem.
* '''Solution:''' It is necessary to connect the previously used optimization problem with the regression problem and solve it using standard methods. Cross-validation will be used to check the operation of the algorithm. There is a separate test set consisting of (1) 195 complexes of proteins and ligands, for which it is necessary to find the best ligand pose (the algorithm for obtaining ligand positions differs from that used in training), (2) complexes of proteins and ligands, for which native poses it is necessary to predict the energy binding, and (3) 65 proteins for which the most strongly binding ligand is to be found.
* '''Novelty:''' First of all, the interest is ''combining classification and regression problems. The correct assessment of the quality of protein and ligand binding is used in drug development to search for molecules that interact most strongly with the protein under study. Using the classification problem described above to predict the binding energy results in an insufficiently high correlation of predictions with experimental values, while using the regression problem alone leads to overfitting.
* '''Authors''' Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova
===27. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models
* '''Problem:''' It is required to predict a time series using some parametric superposition of algebraic functions. It is proposed not to cost the prognostic model, but to predict it, that is, to predict the structure of the approximating superposition. A class of considered superpositions is introduced, and on the set of such structural descriptions, a search is made for a locally optimal model for the problem under consideration. The problem consists in 1) searching for a suitable structural description of the model 2) describing the search algorithm for the structure that will correspond to the optimal model 3) describing the algorithm for inverse construction of the model according to its structural description. For an already existing example of the answer to questions 1-3, see the works of A. A. Varfolomeeva.
* '''Data:'''
*# Collection of text documents TREC (!)
*# A set of time series, which implies the restoration of functional dependencies. It is proposed to first use synthetic data or immediately apply the algorithm to forecasting time series 1) electricity consumption 2) physical activity with subsequent analysis of the resulting structures.
* '''References:'''
*# (!) Kulunchakov A.S., Strijov V.V. Generation of simple structured Information Retrieval functions by genetic algorithm without stagnation // [http://strijov.com/papers/Kulunchakov2014RankingBySimpleFun.pdf Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 85: 221–230.]
*# A. A. Varfolomeeva Selection of features when marking up bibliographic lists using structural learning methods, 2013, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/f2/Varfolomeeva2013Diploma.pdf?format=raw]
*# Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [http://naturalspublishing.com/files/published/92cn7jm44d8wt1.pdf?format=raw]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Described in [1]. Developed in the work of the 974 group team. It is proposed to use their code and experiment.
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to try to repeat the experiment of A. A. Varfolomeeva for a different structural description in order to understand what is happening. The superposition of algebraic functions defines an ortree, on the vertices of which the labels of the corresponding algebraic functions or variables are given. Therefore, the structural description of such a superposition can be its DFS-code. This is a string consisting of vertex labels, written in the order in which the tree is traversed by depth-first search. Knowing the arities of the corresponding algebraic functions, we can restore any such DFS-code in O(n) and get back the superposition of functions. On the set of similar string descriptions, it is proposed to search for the string description that will correspond to the optimal model.
* '''Authors:''' consultant [https://www.inria.fr/centre/grenoble Andrey Kulunchakov (Inria Montbonnot)], Expert Strijov V.V.
===26. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Accelerometer positioning
* '''Problem:''' Given initial coordinates, accelerometer signals, additional information (gyroscope, magnetometer signals). Possibly inaccurate map given (The problem [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_localization_and_mapping SLAM])
* '''Data:''' from [1], self-collected data.
* '''References:'''
*# https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.09004.pdf
*# https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1528431
* '''Basic algorithm''': from [1].
* '''Solution:''' Search for a priori and additional information that improves positioning accuracy.
* '''Novelty:''' Statement of the problem in terms of Projection to Latent Spaces
* '''Authors:''' consultant [http://www.forecsys.ru/ru/site/projects/solut2/ Anastasia Motrenko], Expert [https://www.huawei.com/en/ Ilya Gartseev] , Strijov V.V.
===45. 2019===
* Name: The problem of searching characters in images
* '''Problem description:''' This The problem in one of the formulation options can be reduced to two sequential operations: 1) searching for objects in the image and determining their class 2) searching the database for information about the symbolic meaning of the found objects. The main difficulty in solving the problem lies in the search for objects in the image. However, the following classification may also be difficult due to the fact that the image of the object may be incomplete, unusually stylized, and the like.
* Data: Dictionary of Symbols Museum Sites Image-net
* '''References:'''
*# http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/e/e2/IDP18.pdf (p. 116)
*# http://www.image-net.org
* Basic algorithm: CNN
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to compare the work of several state-of-the-art algorithms. Suggest a quality metric for searching and classifying objects. Determine applicability of methods.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed image analysis approach is used by Experts in manual mode and has not been automated
* '''Authors:''' M. Apishev (consultant), D. Lemtyuzhnikova
===28. 2019===
* Name: Multi-simulation as a universal way to describe a general sample
* '''Problem description:''' Build a method for incremental refinement of the multimodel structure when new objects appear. Development and comparison of different algorithms for updating the structure of multimodels. Construction of an optimal scheme for refining the structure of a multimodel depending on the total sample size.
* Data: At the initial stage of work, synthetic data with a known statistical structure is used. Testing of the developed methods is carried out on real data from the UCI repository.
* '''References:'''
*# Bishop, Christopher M. "Pattern recognition and machine learning." Springer, New York (2006).
*# Gelman, Andrew, et al. Bayesian data analysis, 3rd edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2013.
*# MacKay, David JC. "The evidence framework applied to classification networks." Neural computation 4.5 (1992): 720-736.
*# Aduenko A. A. "Choice of multimodels in The problem classification" Ph.D. thesis
*# Motrenko, Anastasiya, Strijov V.V., and Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber. "Sample size determination for logistic regression." Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 255 (2014): 743-752.
* Basic algorithm: Algorithm for constructing adequate multi-models from #4.
* '''Solution:''' Bayesian approach to the problem of choosing models based on validity. Analysis of the properties of validity and its relationship with statistical significance.
* '''Novelty:''' A method is proposed for constructing an optimal scheme for updating the structure of a multimodel when new objects appear. The relationship between validity and statistical significance for some classes of models has been studied.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov Vadim Viktorovich, Aduenko Alexander Alexandrovich (GMT-5)
===11. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Automatic construction of a neural network of optimal complexity
* '''Problem:''' The problem of finding a stable (and not redundant in terms of parameters) neural network structure is considered. The neural network is considered as a computational graph, the edges of which are primitive functions, and the vertices are intermediate representations of the sample obtained under the action of these functions. It is required to choose a subgraph of the model, in which the final neural network will give an acceptable classification quality with a small number of parameters.
* '''Data:''' Samples Boston, MNIST, CIFAR-10
* '''References:'''
*# [http://strijov.com/papers/BakhteevEvidenceArticle3.pdf Oleg Bakhteev Yu., Strijov V.V. Selection of deep learning models of suboptimal complexity using variational likelihood estimation // Avtomatika and telemechanika, 2018.]
*# [http://strijov.com/papers/SmerdovBakhteevStrijov_Paraphrase2017.pdf Smerdov A.N., Oleg Bakhteev Yu., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal model of the recurrent network in the Paraphrase Search The problems // Informatics and its applications, 2018.]
*# [https://papers.nips.cc/paper/4329-practical-variational-inference-for-neural-networks] Variational inference.
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00712] Relaxation based on variational inference.
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.09055] DARTS.
* '''Base algorithm:''' random search and DARTS algorithm (model selection using relaxation without variational inference).
* '''Decision'''It is proposed to choose the structure of the neural network based on the variational inference. To select the optimal structure, relaxation is used: from a strict choice of one of several considered submodels of the neural network, it is proposed to move to the composition of these models with different weights for each of them.
* '''Novelty:''' A method of automatic model building is proposed, which takes into account inaccuracies in the optimization of model parameters and allows finding the most stable models.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===48. 2019===
* '''Title:''' Multi-simulation, privileged training
* '''Problem:''' Considers The problem of learning one model from another
* '''Data:''' Time series samples
* '''References:'''
*# https://github.com/neychev/distillation_n_privileged_info_torch
*# https://github.com/neychev/MultiThe problem_forecast_code
*# Article by Mixture Experts
*# Neychev's diploma http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/3/36/NeyhevMS_Thesis.pdf
* '''Base algorithm:''' Blend of Experts, privileged training, distillation
* '''Solution''' Run an experiment illustrating these approaches
* '''Novelty:''' A forecasting method is proposed that uses a priori information about the membership of the model sample (publish the results).
* '''Authors:''' R.G. Neichev (consultant), Strijov V.V.
===49. 2019===
* Name: Brain signal decoding and intention prediction
* '''Problem description:''' It is required to build a model that restores the movement of the limbs according to the corticogram.
* Data: neurotycho.org [9] (or fingers)
* '''References:'''
*# Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem. Zavodskaya Lab. Materials Diagnostics, 2016, 82(3) : 68-74. [10]
*# Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Quadratic Programming Optimization with Feature Selection for Non-linear Models // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2018, 39(9) : 1179-1187. article
* Basic algorithm: Partial Least Squares[11]
* '''Solution:''' Create a feature selection algorithm alternative to PLS and taking into account the non-orthogonal feature interdependence structure.
* '''Novelty:''' A feature selection method is proposed that takes into account the regularities of both the and independent variable and the dependent variable. Bonus: Explore changes in model structure as the nature of the sample changes.
* '''Authors:''' Andrey Zadayanchuk, Strijov V.V.
! Title
! Links
! Team
|(Example) Metric classification of time series
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/code Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fx7fVlmnwdTesElt-lbaHvoGEjJC5t_9e-X0ZpUzEcQ/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://t.me/joinchat/Ak0SzkfYN_boA3eRtfPKvg Discussion]
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/Goncharov2015MetricClassification.pdf Alexey Goncharov]*, [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/Goncharov2015MetricClassification.pdf Maxim Savinov]
|Forecasting the direction of movement of the price of exchange instruments according to the news flow
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qa6PO_3AXcXPkJKNjQgihBXWkmBpspFWi3Ct34FYonw/edit LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/raw/master/Presentation.pdf Slides],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/raw/master/Paper.pdf Report]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/raw/master/Borisov2018Project1/Borisov2018Project1.pdf Alexander Borisov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/blob/master/Drobin2018Project1/Drobin2018Project1.pdf Drobin Maxim], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/raw/master/Govorov2018Project1/Govorov2018Project1.pdf Govorov Ivan], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/raw/master/Mukhitdinova2018Project1/Mukhitdinova2018Project1.pdf Mukhitdinova Sofia], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/raw/master/Rodionov2018Project1/Rodionov2018Project1.pdf Valentin Rodionov], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-1/raw/master/Akhiarov2018Project1/Akhiarov2018Project1.pdf Valentin Akhiyarov]
|Construction of reference objects for a set of multidimensional time series
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-2 Code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ruVHmEMgBXcULWsy-mYg2KgAV2SyC5si4T4UHVPMu2E/edit LinkReview]
|[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-2/master/Iskhakov2018Project2/test.pdf Iskhakov Rishat],
[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-2/master/Korepanov2018Project2/test.pdf Korepanov Georgy],
[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-2/master/Solodnev2018Project2/test.pdfStepan Solodnev]
[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-2/master/Solodnev2018Project2/test.pdf Samirkhanov Danil]
|Dynamic alignment of multivariate time series
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-3 Code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ruVHmEMgBXcULWsy-mYg2KgAV2SyC5si4T4UHVPMu2E/edit LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-3/raw/master/Morgachev2018Title/presentation/MorgachevSmirnovLipnitckaia2019SpatialTsSlides.pdf Slides]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-3/raw/master/Morgachev2018Title/paper/Morgachev2018Title.pdf Report]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-3/raw/master/Morgachev2018Title/Morgachev2018Title.pdf Gleb Morgachev],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-3/blob/master/Smirnov2018Title/Smirnov2018Title.pdf Vladislav Smirnov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-3/blob/master/Lipnitckaia2018Title/Lipnitckaia2018Title.pdf Tatiana Lipnitskaya]
|Automatic adjustment of ARTM parameters for a wide class of The problems
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-4 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RidglPMH1-Yb1rx7V7QayDDuM-HfL-pF2kkGBWbWrxk/edit LinkReview],
[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WpCbs7Rf9i7oCT25mSTcbBCLlN_tXwdjdv1VQ6Y8bVs/edit#slide=id.p Presentation]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-4/raw/master/Golubeva2018Problem4/Golubeva2018Problem4.pdf Golubeva Tatiana],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-4/raw/master/Ivanova2018Problem4/Ivanova2018Problem4.pdf Ivanova Ekaterina],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-4/raw/master/Matveeva2018Problem4/Matveeva2018Problem4.pdf Matveeva Svetlana],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-4/raw/master/Trusov2018Problem4/Trusov2018Problem4.pdf Trusov Anton],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-4/raw/master/Tsaritsyn2018Problem4/Tsaritsyn2018Problem4.pdf Tsaritsyn Mikhail],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-4/raw/master/Chernonog2018Problem4/Chernonog2018Problem4.pdf Chernonog Vyacheslav]
|Finding paraphrases
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rTEFOVCDVNPHss09IRG-C95yovUE4XTyryOnpb8DWFA LinkReview]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5/raw/master/Okrug2018Paraphrases/report.pdf Stas Okrug], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5/raw/master/Mokrov2018Paraphrases/report.pdf Nikita Mokrov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5/raw/master/Kitashov2018Paraphrases/report.pdf Fedor Kitashov], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5/raw/master/Proskura2018Paraphrases/report.pdf Polina Proskura], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5/raw/master/Basimova2018Paraphrases/report.pdf Natalia Basimova], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5/raw/master/Krasnikov2018Paraphrases/report.pdf Roman Krasnikov], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-5/raw/master/Shabanov2018Paraphrases/report.pdf Akhmedkhan Shabanov]
|On conformational changes of proteins using collective motions in torsion angle space and L1 regularization
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-6 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XKrjFj5TSIV6GxW1kZj6DthHC8jc9YbGN44Tr67TdQI LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-6/raw/master/report/Proteins.pdf Presentation]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-6/raw/master/Ryabinina2018Project6/report.pdf Ryabinina Raisa], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-6/raw/master/Emtsev2018Project6/report.pdf Emtsev Daniil]
|Privileged training in the problem of approximating the borders of the iris
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-7 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QNm2L98o-yz_LuwqBaC-XqpX49Rhvpzoli9WcTUQrH8/edit LinkReview]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-7/raw/master/Learning_Pashtet_Crew/Fedosov2018Project7/Privileged_training_in_the_problem_of_approximating_the_borders_of_the_iris.pdf Pavel Fedosov], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-7/raw/master/Learning_Pashtet_Crew/Gladkov2018Project7/Privileged_training_in_the_problem_of_approximating_the_borders_of_the_iris.pdf Alexey Gladkov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-7/raw/master/Learning_Pashtet_Crew/Kenigsberger2018Project7/Privileged_training_in_the_problem_of_approximating_the_borders_of_the_iris.pdf Genrikh Kenigsberger],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-7/raw/master/Learning_Pashtet_Crew/Korostelev2018Project7/Privileged_training_in_the_problem_of_approximating_the_borders_of_the_iris.pdf Ivan Korostelev],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-7/raw/master/Learning_Pashtet_Crew/Balakin2018Project7/Privileged_training_in_the_problem_of_approximating_the_borders_of_the_iris.pdf Nikolay Balakin]
|Generation of features using locally approximating models
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-8/tree/master/code Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e65opLey0Yxo_kAZ4cKTcjMIIYxR1jVPCQrpmr4k29w/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-8/raw/master/Kurashov2018Project8/Kurashov2018Project8.pdf Ibrahim Kurashov], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-8/raw/master/Gilmutdinov2018Project8/Gilmutdinov2018Project8.pdf Nail Gilmutdinov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-8/raw/master/Mulyukov2018Project8/Mulyukov2018Project8.pdf Albert Mulyukov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-8/raw/master/Spivak2018Project8/Spivak2018Project8.pdf Valentin Spivak]
|Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9 Code], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vvOqLwLJSelbKBglc4LKh6XUWS5c72L0XMzyeJ20XBM/edit LiteratureReview], [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pzfKkjVe1aP1-5ab1ewN0NMF60RJ26IA/view?usp=drivesdk Slides], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/raw/master/Lukoyanov2018Project9/main.pdf report]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/raw/master/Kutsevol2018Project9/Kutsevol_Article.pdf Kutsevol Polina]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/raw/master/Lukoyanov2018Project9/main.pdf Lukoyanov Artem]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/raw/master/Korobov2018Project9/ArticleKorobov.pdf Korobov Nikita]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/raw/master/Boyko2018Project9/Boyko2018Project9.pdf Boyko Alexander]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/raw/master/Litovchenko2018Project9/Litovchenko.pdf Litovchenko Leonid]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/blob/master/ValukovAlex2018Project9/AlexandrValukov.pdf Valukov Alexandr]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/blob/master/Badrutdinov2018Project9/KamilBadrutdinov.pdf Badrutdinov Kamil]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/blob/master/Yakushevskiy2018Project9/main.pdf Yakushevskiy Nikita]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/blob/master/ValukovKolya2018Project9/main.pdf Valyukov Nikolay]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-9/blob/master/Tushin2018Project9/Tushin.pdf Tushin Kirill]
|Comparison of neural network and continuous-morphological methods in the problem of text detection
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-10 Code], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gocn0x-FfYkD_L7ZLZdULxNTBfo25OMMKPBr2-otw-w/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview], [https://t.me/joinchat/DEQDKU-oqyt8FRG4SoFh3w Discussion], [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17_7i0KFELxyaL-MtvVmu2ed07sg331hiMagYqNpq9Ek/edit?usp=sharing Presentation]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-10/blob/master/report/Gaiduchenko2018Project10/Gaiduchenko2018Project10.pdf Gaiduchenko Nikolay]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-10/tree/master/report/Torlak2018Project10 Torlak Artyom]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-10/tree/master/report/Akimov2018Project10 Akimov Kirill]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-10/tree/master/report/Mironova2018Project10 Mironova Lilia]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-10/tree/master/report/Gonchar2018Project10 Gonchar Daniel]
|Automatic construction of a neural network of optimal complexity
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11 Code], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/131-9Uxl4tTIMKBh7WNJuZR5MI1pHypvcb5qsYl-bAnI/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/raw/master/report/report.pdf report], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/raw/master/report/pres.pdf slides]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/blob/master/Goryan2018Project11/Goryan2018Project11.pdf Nikolai Goryan]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/tree/master/Ulitin2018Project11/Ulitin2018Project11.pdf Alexander Ulitin]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/blob/master/Tovkes2018Project11/Abstract.pdf Tovkes Artem]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/raw/master/Taranov2018Project-11/Taranov2018Project11.pdf Taranov Sergey]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/blob/master/Gubanov2018Project11/Gubanov2018Project11.pdf Gubanov Sergey]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/blob/master/Krinitskiy2018Project11/Abstract.pdf Krinitsky Konstantin]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/blob/master/Zabaznov2018Project11/Zabaznov2018Project11.pdf Zabaznov Anton]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-11/blob/master/Markin2018Project11/Markin2018Project11%20(1).pdf Valery Markin]
|Machine translation training without parallel texts.
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5lrNNecgpiW3yObDglUAkTepVGj8ucreMhhcDV60qc/edit LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/raw/master/report/result.pdf Report],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/raw/master/report/pres.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/raw/master/Artemenkov2018Title/Artemenkov2018Title.pdf Alexander Artemenkov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/raw/master/Yaroshenko2018Title/Yaroshenko2018Title.pdf Angelina Yaroshenko]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/blob/master/Stroganov2018Title/Stroganov2018Title.pdf Andrey Stroganov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/blob/master/Skidnov2018Title/Skidnov2018Title.pdf Egor Skidnov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/raw/master/Borisova2018Title/Borisova2018Title.pdf Anastasia Borisova]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/blob/master/Ryabov2018Title/Ryabov2018Title.pdf Ryabov Fedor]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-12/tree/master/Mazurov2018Title/Abstract.pdf Mazurov Mikhail]
|Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-13/tree/master/code Code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RrIPcrVb0mEdA_hc7Ttk8thIDnDvtBXgyriIxwpYzzM/edit Link Review]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-13/blob/master/Dorokhin2018Problem13/Dorokhin2018Problem13.pdf Dorokhin Semyon]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-13/tree/master/Pastukhov2018Project13 Pastukhov Sergey]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-13/raw/master/Pikunov2018Problem13/first.pdf Pikunov Andrey]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-13/blob/master/Nesterova2018Project13/tutorial.pdf Nesterova Irina]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-13/blob/master/Kurilovich2018Problem13/Kurilovich2018Problem13.pdfKurilovich Anna]
[https://t.me/joinchat/DE_WxRAo9v0lIKxGyc07Kg chat]
|Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-14 Code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_BtCiAihPg9ON-2PlxORkcmwL80pgqC4gOE7A03rQjg Link Review]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2019-Project-14/raw/master/Veselova2019Project14/Veselova2019Project14.pdf Veselova Evgeniya]
|Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-15/Code Code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Be2O0My8KWwOKLo8bFMmF8tPMCFGCK4zUVArurrPeNQ/edit Link Review]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-15/tree/master/Merkulova2018Title Merkulova Anastasia]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-15/tree/master/Plumite2018Title Plumite Elvira]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-15/tree/master/Zhiboedova2018Title Zhiboyedova Anastasia]
[https://vk.me/join/AJQ1d2J3jQq0jJ50G5VAoioS chat]
|Estimation of the optimal sample size for research in medicine
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16 Code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yqnjgMUheHQUp8AAQPqqy9jTJhhzzd_6wvnHY7GF1Fk/edit?usp=sharing Link Review]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16/blob/master/report/Kharatyan2018Project16/report.pdf Artemy Kharatyan],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16/raw/master/Mikheev2018Project16 Mikhail Mikheev],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16/tree/master/Evgin2018Project16 Evgin Alexander],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16/tree/master/Seppar2018Project16 Seppar Alexander],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16/tree/master/Konoplev2018Project16 Konoplyov Maxim],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16/tree/master/Murlatov2018Project16 Murlatov Stanislav],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-16/tree/master/Makarenko2018Project16 Makarenko Stepan]
|Intention forecasting. Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-17/tree/master/code Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j6laGt-zTP3lTm1v0Ozev3dKxivYciq9TOWfmn5sAIU/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-17/raw/master/report/Presentation.pdf Presentation]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-17/blob/master/Bolobolova2018Project17/Bolobolova2018Project17.pdf Natalia Bolobolova],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-17/raw/master/Samokhina2018Project17/Samokhina2018Problem17.pdf Alina Samokhina],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-17/raw/master/Shiyanov2018Project17/Shiyanov2018Project17.pdf Shiyanov Vadim]
|Intention forecasting. Building an optimal signal decoding model for modeling a brain-computer interface.
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b-CjunKY5nkZUK0Zfur0nKyQPaY2eWqht7kMcMQd-J8/edit LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18/raw/master/Presentation-v1.pdf Presentation],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18/raw/master/_________________________.pdf Article]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18/raw/master/Nasedkin2018Project18/Nasedkin2018Project18.pdf Ivan Nasedkin], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18/raw/master/Latypova2018Project18/Latypova.pdf Galiya Latypova],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18/raw/master/Sukhodolskiy2018Project18/Sukhodolskiy2018Project18.pdf Nestor Sukhodolsky],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18/raw/master/Shemenev2018Project18/Shemenev2018Project18.pdf Alexander Shemenev]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-18/raw/master/Borodulin2018Project18/Borodulin2018Project18.pdf Ivan Borodulin],
|Investigation of the dependence of the quality of recognition of ontological objects on the depth of hyponymy.
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-19 Code],
[https://github.com/ddvika/2018-Project-19/raw/master/report/final_report.pdf Report],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OeMPgVMi72AbHOKsKsUDs6ggMdNL2UT0liycgmYrnLk/edit LinkReview], [https://github.com/ddvika/2018-Project-19/raw/master/report/presentation19project.pdf Presentation]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-19/raw/master/Rezyapkin2018Project19/RezyapkinPaper.pdf Vyacheslav Rezyapkin], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-19/raw/master/Russkin2018Project19/Russkin2018Project19.pdf Alexey Russkin],
[https://github.com/ddvika/2018-Project-19/raw/master/Dochkina2018Project19/Dochkina2018Project19.pdf Victoria Dochkina],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-19/raw/master/Kuznetsov2018Project19/KuznetsovMiron.pdf Miron Kuznetsov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-19/raw/master/Yarmoshik2018Project19/Yarmoshik_article.pdf Yarmoshyk Demyan]
|Comparison of the quality of end-to-end trainable models in The problem of answering questions in a dialogue, taking into account the context
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20 Code]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQmJ6I2fIBchikR-44DcmMD4H-58j3_wuIchNK49Zrs/edit LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/blob/master/Ryakin2018problem20/Ryakin2018project20.pdf Report],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/blob/master/presentation/QuAC.pdf Presentation]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/raw/master/Agafonov2018probem20/article/Agafonov2018project20.pdf Agafonov Alexey], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/blob/master/Ryakin2018problem20/Ryakin2018project20.pdf Ryakin Ilya],[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/blob/master/Litvinenko2018problem20/Litvinenko2018project20.pdf Litvinenko Vladimir],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/blob/master/Khokhlov2018problem20/Khokhlov2018project20.pdf Khokhlov Ivan],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/blob/master/Velikovsky2018project20/Velikovsky2018project20.pdf Velikovsky Nikita],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-20/blob/master/Anufrienko2018project20/Anufrienko2018project20.pdf Anufrienko Oleg]
|High order convex optimization methods
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-21/tree/master/code Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jF1Hkqbn2e7BnuguTzYuRPp43Y5MbMP36MlWwFVkf6U/edit LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-21/blob/master/report/presentation_results.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-21/raw/master/Selikhanovych2018Title/Selikhanovych2018Title.pdf Selikhanovich Daniel],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-21/blob/master/Sokolov2018Title/Sokolov2018Title.pdf Sokolov Igor]
|Fractal analysis and synthesis of optical images of sea waves
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-23/tree/master/code code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g-8H-i8vyThkWUTvthebbr4-qSd8c-kE4B_bieykF7c/edit LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-23/blob/master/Kanygin2018/Projecte23_presentation.pdf Presentation]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-23/raw/master/Kanygin2018/Kanygin2018Project23.pdf Report]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-23/raw/master/Kanygin2018/Kanygin2018Project23.pdf Kanygin Yuri]
|Entropy maximization for various types of image transformations
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/tree/master/code code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FtOjEcx7S0PJ7ASP0V_5zM2nQDTSl0c9I61r0SYAWVc/edit LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/report/report2018Project24.pdf report],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/slides/slides2018Project24.pdf slides]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/Voskresenskiy2018Project24/Voskresenskiy2018Project24.pdf Nikita Voskresensky],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/Shabalina2018Project24/Shabalina2018Project24.pdf Alisa Shabalina],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/Murzaev2018Project24/Murzaev2018Project24.pdf Yaroslav Murzaev],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/Khokhlov2018Project24/Khokhlov2018Project24.pdf Alexey Khokhlov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/Kazakov2018Project24/Kazakov2018Project24.pdf Alexey Kazakov],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/Gribova2018Project24/Gribova2018Project24.pdf Olga Gribova],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-24/raw/master/Belozertsev2018Project24/Belozertsev2018Project24.pdf Alexander Belozertsev]
|Automatic detection and recognition of objects in images
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25 code],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25a code_A],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/Baymakov2018/25_Project_demo.pdf Slides_for_demo],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/Proshutinskii2018/!%20Article/Proshutinskii2018Project25_30.pdf Report2018Project25_30]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/report/Report2018Project25_31.pdf Report2018Project25_31]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/Proshutinskii2018/Project30%20Proshutinskii%20Razumov.pdf slides_30]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/report/slides_last.pdf slides_25_31]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s7QlihPkamecuVXXLVc5V76cBQn3HBo47HdbAOD0xBI/edit LinkReview]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/Demidova2018Title/Demidova2018Project25_31.pdf Julia Demidova]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/blob/master/Razumov2018Title/Razumov2018Project25_30.pdf Ivan Razumov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/report/Report2018Project25_31.pdf Vladislav Tominin]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/TomininY2018Title/final/TomininY2018Project25_31.pdf Yaroslav Tominin]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/blob/master/Dudorov2018Title/Dudorov2018Project25_31.pdf Nikita Dudorov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/Erlygin2018Title/jmlda-example-students.pdf Leonid Erlygin]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/raw/master/Proshutinskii2018/!%20Article/Proshutinskii2018Project25_30.pdf Proshutinsky Dmitry]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/blob/master/Baymakov2018/25_Project.pdf Baimakov Vladimir]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/blob/master/Zubkov2018/Zubkov2018Problem25.pdf Zubkov Alexander]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-25/blob/master/Chernenkova2018/Chernenkova2018Problem25.pdf Chernenkova Elena]
|Location determination by accelerometer signals
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1er3SgPu9bBBWkLk1yVev-9Ue42BOPapOkLn6sL0GAGA/edit?usp=sharing LinkReview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/Project26.pdf Slides],
[https://github.com/Vitaly-Protasov/Project26/raw/master/text.pdf Text]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/Zainulina2018Project26/Zainulina2018Project26.pdf Elvira Zainulina]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/Fateev2018Project26/Fateev2018Project26.pdf Fateev Dmitry]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/ProtasovKing2018Project26/Article.pdf Vitaly Protasov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-26/raw/master/Bozhedomov2018Project26/Bozhedomov2018Project26.pdf Nikita Bozhedomov]
|Multimodelling as a universal way to describe a general sample
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-28 Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w8KoJqcppcsjjtQ_MNd4JTdxmCgerllRRkqvJHWhpX4/edit Linkreview],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-28/blob/master/Slides.pdf Slides],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-28/blob/master/report/report.pdf Report]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-28/raw/master/Kachanov2018Project28/Kachanov2018Project28.pdf Vladimir Kachanov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-28/raw/master/Strelkova2018Project28/Strelkova2018Project28.pdf Evgenia Strelkova]
|Cross-Language Document Extractive Summarization with Neural Sequence Model
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/tree/master/code Code],
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mDOp2KnXI9dH8_QYdj4fY-pMBWnqXfECkFUEg244O38/edit#gid=0 Linkreview], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/raw/master/report/The problem29_Report.pdf Report], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/raw/master/report/CrossLang_Summa.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/raw/master/Zakharov2018Title/Zakharov2018Article.pdf Pavel Zakharov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/blob/master/Kvasha2018Title/article.pdf Pavel Kvasha]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/tree/master/Dyachkov2018Title/article.pdf Evgeny Dyachkov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/raw/master/Petrov2018Title/article.pdf Evgeny Petrov]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-29/blob/master/Selnitskiy2018Title/article.pdf Ilya Selnitsky]
|Pairwise energy matrix construction for inverse folding problem
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-31/tree/master/code Code],
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mq1fNJmwnxeuTJLVmfF9unYP85sdK7FDXGslGFiYZMc/edit LinkReview]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-31/blob/master/Rubinstein2018Project31/Rubinstein2018Project31.pdf Report]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-31/raw/master/report/RubinsteinAR.pdf Slides]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-31/raw/master/Rubinstein2018Project31/Rubinstein2018Project31.pdf Rubinshtein Alexander]
|Smooth orientation-dependent scoring function
|[https://gitlab.inria.fr/grudinin/sbrod Code]
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-SBROD/blob/master/Noskova/report.pdf Noskova Elizaveta]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-SBROD/blob/master/Kachkov/report.pdf Kachkov Sergey]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/2018-Project-SBROD/blob/master/Sidorenko/report.pdf Sidorenko Anton]
===5. 2018===
* '''Title:''' Finding paraphrases.
* '''Problem description:''' Paraphrases are different variations of the same and the same text, identical in meaning, but differing lexically and grammatically, for example: "Where did the car go" and "Which direction did the car go". The problem of detecting paraphrases is to select clusters in a set of texts, such that each cluster contains only paraphrases of the same and the same sentence. The easiest way to extract paraphrases is to cluster texts, where each text is represented by a "bag of words".
* '''Data:''' There are open datasets of questions for testing and training on kaggle.com, there are open datasets for testing from semeval conferences.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Use one of the document clustering algorithms to extract paraphrases, where each document is represented by a bag of words or tf-idf.
* '''Solution:''' Use neural network architectures to search for paraphrases, use phrases extracted with parsers as features, use multilevel clustering.
* '''Novelty:''' Lack of implementations for the Russian language that will use parsers for a similar The problem, all current solutions are quite "simple".
* '''Authors:''' Artyom Popov.
===6. 2018===
* '''Title:''' On conformational changes of proteins using collective motions in torsion angle space and L1 regularization.
* '''Problem description:''' Torsion angles are the most natural degrees of freedom for describing motions of polymers, such as proteins. This is because bond lengths and bond angles are heavily constrained by covalent forces. Thus, multiple attempts have been done to describe protein dynamics in the torsion angle space. For example, one of us has developed an elastic network model (ENM) [1] in torsion angle space called Torsional Network Model (TNM) [2]. Functional conformational changes in proteins can be described in the Cartesian space using just a subset of collective coordinates [3], or even a sparse representation of these [4]. The latter requires a solution of a LASSO optimization problem [5]. The goal of the current project is to study if a sparse subset of collective coordinates in the torsion subspace can describe functional conformational changes in proteins. This will require a solution of a ridge regression problem with a L1 regularization constraint. The starting point will be the LASSO formulation.
* '''Data:''' Experimental conformations will be extracted from the Protein Docking Benchmark v5 (https://zlab.umassmed.edu/benchmark/) and a few others. The TNM model can be downloaded from https://ub.cbm.uam.es/tnm/tnm_soft_main.php
* '''References:'''
*# Tirion MM. (1996) Large Amplitude Elastic Motions in Proteins from a Single-Parameter, Atomic Anal- ysis. Phys Rev Lett. 77:1905–1908.
*# Mendez R, Bastolla U. (2011) Torsional network model: normal modes in torsion angle space better correlate with conformation changes in proteins. Phys Rev Lett. 2010 104:228103.
*# SwarmDock and the use of normal modes in protein-protein docking. IH Moal, PA Bates - International journal of molecular sciences, 2010
*# Modeling protein conformational transition pathways using collective motions and the LASSO method. TW Hayes, IH Moal - Journal of chemical theory and computation, 2017
*# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasso_(statistics)
*# E. Frezza, R. Lavery, Internal normal mode analysis (iNMA) applied to protein conformational flexibility, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11 (2015) 5503–5512.
* '''Base algorithm:''' The starting point will be a combination of methods from references 2 and 4. It has to be a LASSO formulation with the direction vectors reconstructed from the internal coordinates. The quality will be computed based on the RMSD measure between the prediction and the solution on several benchmarks. Results will be presented with statistical plots (see examples in references 3-4.
* '''Novelty:''' This is an important and open question in computational structural bioinformatics - how to efficiently represent transitions between protein structures. Not much has been done in the torsional angle subspace (internal coordinates)[6] and nearly nothing has been done using L1 regularization [4].
* '''Authors:''' Ugo Bastolla on the torsional subspace (https://ub.cbm.uam.es/home/ugo.php), Sergei Grudinin on L1 minimization (https://team.inria.fr/nano-d/team-members/sergei-grudinin/)
===10. 2018===
* '''Title:''' Comparison of neural network and continuous-morphological methods in the problem of text detection (Text Detection).
* '''Problem:''' Automatically Detect Text in Natural Images.
* '''Data:''' Synthetic generated data + prepared sample of photos + [https://vision.cornell.edu/se3/coco-text-2/ COCO-Text dataset] + [http://www.machinelearning.ru/ Competition Avito 2014].
* '''References:''' [https://vision.cornell.edu/se3/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/1601.07140v1.pdf COCO benchmark], [https://vision.cornell.edu/se3/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/1601.07140v1.pdf One of a state-of-the-art architecture]
* '''Base algorithm:''' [https://github.com/eragonruan/text-detection-ctpn code] + morphological methods, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/f1/Avito.ru-2014_Ulyanov_presentation.pdf Avito 2014 winner’s solution].
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to compare the performance of several state-of-the-art algorithms that need a large training set with morphological methods that require a small amount of data. It is proposed to determine the limits of applicability of certain methods.
* '''Novelty:''' propose an algorithm based on the use of both neural network and morphological methods (solution of the word detection problem).
* '''Authors:''' I. N. Zharikov.
* '''Expert''': L. M. Mestetsky (morphological methods).
===16. 2018===
* '''Title:''' Estimate of the optimal sample size for research in medicine
* '''Problem:''' In conditions of an insufficient number of expensive measurements, it is required to predict the optimal size of the replenished sample.
* '''Data:''' Samples of measurements in medical diagnostics, in particular, a sample of immunological markers.
* '''References:'''
*# Motrenko A.P. Materials on algorithms for estimating the optimal sample size in the MLAlgorithms repository [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/PhDThesis/Motrenko/doc/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/ p/mlalgorithms/code/Group874/Motrenko2014KL/].
* '''Basic algorithm''': A series of empirical sample size estimation algorithms.
* '''Solution:''' Investigation of the properties of the parameter space when replenishing the sample.
* '''Novelty:''' A new methodology for sample size forecasting is proposed, justified in terms of classical and Bayesian statistics.
* '''Authors:''' A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V., coordinator Tamaz Gadaev
===19. 2018===
* Name: Study of the dependence of the quality of recognition of ontological objects on the depth of hyponymy.
* '''Problem description:''' It is necessary to investigate the dependence of the quality of recognition of ontological objects at different levels of concept hyponymy. The classic formulation of the problem of named entity recognition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Named-entity_recognition
* Data: Hyponyms from https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ , texts from different domains presumably from WebOfScience.
* '''References:''' Relevant articles for classical staging http://arxiv-sanity.com/search?q=named+entity+recognition
* Basic algorithm: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.09686.pdf or its simplified version can be used as an algorithm, studies are performed using the DeepPavlov library.
* '''Solution:''' It is necessary to collect a dataset of hyponymy (nesting of concepts) of objects using WordNet, to automatically mark up ontological objects of texts of various domains for several levels of generalization of concepts, to conduct a series of experiments to determine the quality of recognition of ontological objects for different levels of nesting.
* '''Novelty:''' Similar studies have not been carried out, there are no ready-made datasets with a hierarchical markup of objects. Recognition of ontological objects at various levels of hyponymy can be used to produce additional features when solving various NLP (Natural language processing) The problems, as well as determining whether objects are a hyponym-hypernym pair.
* '''Authors:''' Burtsev Mikhail Sergeevich (Expert), Baimurzina Dilyara Rimovna (consultant).
===21. 2018===
* '''Title:''' High order convex optimization methods
* '''Problem description:''' High-order methods are effectively (up to n ~ 10^3 sometimes even up to n ~ 10^4) used for convex problems of not very large dimensions. Until recently, it was generally accepted that these are second-order methods (using the second derivatives of the function being optimized). However, at the beginning of 2018 Yu.E. Nesterov [1] proposed an efficient third-order method in the theory, which works according to almost optimal estimates. In the manual [3] in exercise 1.3, an example of a "bad" convex function proposed by Yu.E. Nesterov, on which I would like to compare the Nesterov method of the second and third order [1], the method from [2] of the second and third order and the usual fast gradient methods (of the first order). It is worth comparing both by the number of iterations and by the total running time.
* '''References:'''
# https://alfresco.uclouvain.be/alfresco/service/guest/streamDownload/workspace/SpacesStore/aabc2323-0bc1-40d4-9653-1c29971e7bd8/coredp2018_05web.pdf?guest=true
# https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.00382.pdf
# https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.00394.pdf
* '''Author:''' Evgenia Alekseevna Vorontsova (Associate Professor of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok), Alexander Vladimirovich Gasnikov
===22. 2018===
* '''Title:''' Cutting plane methods for copositive optimization
* '''Problem:''' Conic program over the copositive cone (copositive program) min <C,X> : <A_i,X> = b_i, X \in \Pi_i C^k_i, k_i <= 5 A linear function is minimized over the intersection of an affine subspace with a product of copositive cones of orders k_i <= 5.
* '''Data:''' The algorithm will be tested on randomly generated instances
* '''References:'''
*# [1] Peter J. C. Dickinson, Mirjam Dür, Luuk Gijben, Roland Hildebrand. Scaling relationship between the copositive cone and Parrilo’s first level approximation. Optim. Lett. 7(8), 1669—1679, 2013.
*# [2] Stefan Bundfuss, Mirjam Dür. Algorithmic copositivity detection by simplicial partition. Linear Alg. Appl. 428, 1511—1523, 2008.
*# [3] Mirjam Dür. Copositive programming — a Survey. In Recent advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering, Springer, pp. 3-20, 2010.
* '''Base algorithm:''' The reference algorithm is described in [4] Stefan Bundfuss, Mirjam Dür. An Adaptive Linear Approximation Algorithm for Copositive Programs. SIAM J. Optim., 20(1), 30-53, 2009.
* '''Solution:''' The copositive program will be solved by a cutting plane algorithm. The cutting plane (in the case of an infeasible iterate) will be constructed from the semidefinite representation of the diagonal 1 section of the cone proposed in [1]. The algorithm will be compared to a simplicial division method proposed in [2], [4]. General information about copositive programs and their applications in optimization can be found in [3] .
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed algorithm for optimization over copositive cones up to order 5 uses an exact semi-definite representation. In contrast to all other algorithms existing today the generation of cutting planes is non-iterative.
* '''Author''': [http://www-ljk.imag.fr/membres/Roland.Hildebrand/ Roland Hildebrand]
===23. 2018===
* '''Title:''' Fractal analysis and synthesis of optical images of sea waves
* '''Problem description:''' A variety of physical processes and phenomena are studied with the help of images obtained remotely. An important The problem is to obtain adequate information about the processes and phenomena of interest by measuring certain image characteristics. Lines of equal brightness (isolines) on the images of many natural objects are fractal, that is, they are sets of points that cannot be represented by lines of finite length and occupy an intermediate position between lines and two-dimensional flat figures. Such sets are characterized by the fractal dimension D, which generalizes the classical concept of the dimension of a set and can take fractional values. For a solitary point on the image D=0, for a smooth curve D=1, for a flat figure D=2. The fractal isoline has the dimension 1<D<2. The algorithm for calculating D is given, for example, in [1]. The fractal dimension of the sea surface isolines can serve to estimate the spatial spectra of sea waves according to remote sensing data [1]. The problem is as follows. It is necessary to conduct a numerical study of the relationship between the characteristics of the spatial spectra of sea waves and the fractal dimension of satellite images of the Earth in the solar glare region. For the study, the method of numerical synthesis of optical images of sea waves, described in [2], should be used. Numerical modeling should be done with different characteristics of sea waves, as well as with different positions of the Sun and spatial resolution of images.
* '''References:'''
*# Lupyan E. A., Murynin A. B. Possibilities of fractal analysis of optical images of the sea surface. // Preprint of the Space Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Pr.-1521, Moscow, 1989, 30 p.
*# Murynin A. B. Reconstruction of the spatial spectra of the sea surface from optical images in a nonlinear model of the brightness field // Research of the Earth from Space, 1990. No. 6. P. 60-70.
* '''Author:''' Ivan Alekseevich Matveev
===24. 2018===
* '''Name''' Entropy maximization for various types of image transformations
* '''Problem description:''' Pansharpening is an algorithm for upscaling multispectral images using a reference image. The problem of pansharpening is formulated as follows: having a panchromatic image of the required resolution and a multispectral image of reduced resolution, it is required to restore the multispectral image in the spatial resolution of the panchromatic one. From empirical observations based on a large number of high-resolution images, it is known that the spatial variability of the reflected radiation intensity for objects of the same nature is much greater than the variability of their spectrum. In other words, one can observe that the spectrum of reflected radiation is homogeneous within the boundaries of one object, while even within one object the intensity of reflected radiation varies. In practice, good results can be achieved using a simplified approach, in which it is assumed that if the intensity of neighboring regions differ significantly, then these regions probably belong to different objects with different reflected spectra. This is the basis for the developed probabilistic algorithm for increasing the resolution of multispectral images using a reference image [1]
* '''It is necessary''' to conduct a study on maximizing the entropy for various types of transformations on the image. Show that entropy can serve as an indicator of the loss of information contained in the image during transformations over it. Formulation of the inverse problem for image restoration: Condition 1: Correspondence of the intensity (at each point) of the restored image with the intensity of the panchromatic image. Condition 2: Correspondence of the low-frequency component of the reconstructed image with the original multispectral image. Condition 3: Homogeneity (similarity) of the spectrum within one object and the assumption of an abrupt change in the spectrum at the border of two homogeneous regions. Condition 4: Under the first three conditions, the local entropy of the reconstructed image must be maximized.
* '''References:'''
*# Gorohovsky K. Yu., Ignatiev V. Yu., Murynin A. B., Rakova K. O. Search for optimal parameters of a probabilistic algorithm for increasing the spatial resolution of multispectral satellite images // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2017, No. 6.
* '''Author:''' Ivan Alekseevich Matveev
===25. 2018===
* '''Title:''' Automatic detection and recognition of objects in images
* '''Problem description:''' Automatic detection and recognition of objects in images and videos is one of the main The problems of computer vision. As a rule, these The problems are divided into several subThe problems: preprocessing, extraction of the characteristic properties of the object image and classification. The pre-processing stage usually includes some operations on the image such as filtering, brightness equalization, geometric corrective transformations to facilitate robust feature extraction.
The characteristic properties of an image of an object are understood as a set of features that approximately describe the object of interest. Features can be divided into two classes: local and integral. The advantage of local features is their versatility, invariance with respect to uneven changes in brightness and illumination, but they are not unique. Integral features that characterize the image of the object as a whole are not resistant to changes in the structure of the object and difficult lighting conditions. There is a combined approach - the use of local features as elements of an integral description, when the desired object is modeled by a set of areas, each of which is characterized by its own set of features - a local texture descriptor. The totality of such descriptors characterizes the object as a whole.
Classification is understood as determining whether an object belongs to a particular class by analyzing the feature vector obtained at the previous stage, dividing the feature space into subdomains indicating the corresponding class. There are many approaches to classification: neural network, statistical (Bayesian, regression, Fisher, etc.), decision trees and forests, metric (nearest K-neighbors, Parzen windows, etc.) and nuclear (SVM, RBF, method of potential functions), compositional (AdaBoost). For The problem of detecting an object in an image, membership in two classes is evaluated - the class of images containing the object, and the class of images that do not contain the object (background images).
* [[Media:ThemesIS2018Video.pdf| References and more details here]]
* '''Author:''' Ivan Alekseevich Matveev
===29. 2018===
* Name: Cross-Language Document Extractive Summarization with Neural Sequence Model.
* '''Problem description:''' It is proposed to solve the transfer learning problem for the text reduction model by extractive summarization and to investigate the dependence of the quality of text reduction on the quality of training of the translation model. Having data for training the abbreviation model in English and a parallel English-Russian corpus of texts, build a model for abbreviating the text in Russian. The solution of the problem is evaluated on a small set of data for testing the model in Russian, the quality of the solution to the problem is determined by the ratio of the values of the ROUGE criteria in English and Russian sets.
* Data: Data for training the model in English (SummaRuNNer2016), OPUS parallel corpus, data for verification in Russian.
* '''References:''' The article (SummaRuNNer2016) describes the basic text reduction algorithm, the work Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate.(NMT2016) describes the translation model. The idea of sharing models is presented in Cross-Language Document Summarization Based on Machine Translation Quality Prediction (CrossSum2010).
* Basic algorithm: One idea of the basic algorithm is presented in (CrossSum2010), a translation model is implemented (OpenNMT), an implementation of a text reduction model is provided (SummaRuNNer2016).
* '''Solution:''' It is suggested to explore the solution idea proposed in the article (CrossSum2010) and options for combining reduction and translation models. Basic models and dataset preprocessing implemented (OpenNMT), PyTorch and Tensorflow libraries. Analysis of text reduction errors is performed as described in (SummaRuNNer2016), analysis of the quality of model training by standard library tools, .
* '''Novelty:''' For the base model, the applicability was investigated on a couple of datasets, confirming the possibility of transferring training to a dataset in another language and specifying the conditions for this transfer will expand the scope of the model and indicate the necessary new refinements of the model or data preprocessing.
* '''Authors:''' Alexey Romanov (consultant), Anton Khritankov (Expert).
===30. 2018===
* Title: Method for constructing an HG-LBP descriptor based on gradient histograms for pedestrian detection.
* '''Problem description:''' It is proposed to develop a new descriptor that generalizes the LBP descriptor based on histograms of gradient modules, having HOG-LBP composition properties for The problem of detecting pedestrians in an image. As an analysis of the quality of a new descriptor, it is proposed to use FAR/FRR detection error plots based on INRIA.
* Data: INRIA pedestrian database: http://pascal.inrialpes.fr/data/human/
* '''References:'''
*# T. Ojala and M. Pietikainen. Multiresolution Gray-Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns, IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 24. No. 7, July, 2002.
*# T. Bouwmans, C. Silva, C. Marghes, M. Zitouni, H. Bhaskar, C. Frelicot, "On the Role and the Importance of Features for Background Modeling and Foreground Detection", https:// arxiv.org/pdf/1611.09099v1.pdf
*# N. Dalal and B. Triggs, Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, pp.886-893
*# T. Ahonen, A. Hadid, M. Pietikainen Face Description with Local Binary Patterns: Application to Face Recognition \\ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume:28 , Issue: 121.
*# http://www.magicandlove.com/blog/2011/08/26/people-detection-in-opencv-again/
*# http://www.cse.oulu.fi/CMV/Downloads/LBPMatlab2
*# http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ref/extractlbpfeatures.html3.
*# http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/741559/Uniform-LBP-Features-and-Spatial-Histogram-Computa4.
*# http://www.cse.oulu.fi/CMV/Research
* Basic algorithm: Xiaoyu Wang, Tony X. Han, Shuicheng Yan. An HOG-LBP Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling \\ ICCV 2009
* '''Solution:''' One of the options for generalizing LBP can be to use instead of histograms of distribution of points by LBP code, histograms of distribution of modules of point gradients in a block by LBP code (HG-LBP). It is proposed to use the OpenCV library for the basis of experiments, in which the HOG and LBP algorithms are implemented. It is necessary to modify the source code of the LBP implementation and insert the calculation of the modules of the gradient and the accumulation of the corresponding histogram over the LBP. It is necessary to write a program for reading the INRIA base, learning the linear SVM method on the original and modified descriptors, collecting detection statistics and plotting FAR/FRR DET plots.
* '''Novelty:''' The development of computationally simple methods for extracting the most informative features in recognition The problems is relevant in the field of creating embedded systems with low computing resources. Replacing the composition of descriptors with one that is more informative than each individually can simplify the solution of the problem. The use of gradient values in LPB descriptor histograms is new.
* '''Authors:''' Gneushev Alexander Nikolaevich
===31. 2018===
* Name: Using the HOG descriptor to train a neural network in a pedestrian detection The problem
* '''Problem description:''' It is proposed to replace the linear SVM classifier in the classical HOG algorithm with a simple convolutional neural network of small depth, while the HOG descriptor should be represented by a three-dimensional tensor that preserves the spatial structure of local blocks. As an analysis of the quality of a new descriptor, it is proposed to use FAR/FRR detection error plots based on INRIA.
* Data: INRIA pedestrian database: http://pascal.inrialpes.fr/data/human/
* '''References:'''
*# 1. N. Dalal and B. Triggs, Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, pp.886-893
*# 3. Q. Zhu, S. Avidan, M.-C. Yeh, and K.-T. Cheng. Fast human detection using a cascade of histograms of oriented gradients. In CVPR, pages 1491-1498, 2006 O. Tuzel, F. Porikli, and P. Meer. Human detection via classification on riemannian manifolds. In CVPR, 2007
*# 4. P. Dollar, C. Wojek, B. Schiele and P. Perona Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art / IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol 34. Issue 4, pp . 743-761
*# 5. Xiaoyu Wang, Tony X. Han, Shuicheng Yan, An HOG-LBP Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling, ICCV 2009 http://www.xiaoyumu.com/s/PDF/Wang_HOG_LBP.pdf
*# 6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedestrian_detection
*# 7. HOG person detector tutorial https://chrisjmccormick.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/hog-person-detector-tutorial/
*# 8. NavneetDalalThesis.pdf Navneet Dalal. Finding People in Images and Videos. PhD Thesis. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble / INRIA Rhone-Alpes, Grenoble, July 2006)
*# 9. People Detection in OpenCV http://www.magicandlove.com/blog/2011/08/26/people-detection-in-opencv-again/
*# 10. Andrew G. Howard, Menglong Zhu, Bo Chen, Dmitry Kalenichenko, Weijun Wang, Tobias Weyand, Marco Andreetto, Hartwig Adam. MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications
*Basic algorithm:
*# 1. N. Dalal and B. Triggs, Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, pp.886-893
*# 2. Xiaoyu Wang, Tony X. Han, Shuicheng Yan, An HOG-LBP Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling, ICCV 2009
* '''Solution:''' One of the options for generalizing the HOG algorithm can be to use another classifier instead of the linear SVM algorithm, for example, some kind of neural network. It is proposed to use the OpenCV library for the basis of experiments, which implements the HOG algorithm and the SVM classifier. It is necessary to analyze the source code of the HOG implementation, formalize the internal structure of the descriptor HOG vector in the form of a three-dimensional tensor — two spatial and one spectral dimensions. It is necessary to write a program for reading the INRIA base, learning the linear SVM method on HOG descriptors from it, collecting detection statistics and plotting FAR/FRR DET plots. Based on some neural network training system (for example, mxnet), it is necessary to assemble a shallow (no more than 2-3 convolutional layers) convolutional neural network of known architecture, train it on the basis of INRIA and on HOG tensor descriptors, build the corresponding FAR / FRR graphs.
* '''Novelty:''' The development of computationally simple methods for extracting the most informative features in recognition The problems is relevant in the field of creating embedded systems with low computing resources. Using a small number of the most informative descriptors can reduce computational complexity compared to using a large composition of simple features, such as in a deep convolutional neural network. Typically, classifiers use the HOG descriptor as a vector as a whole, however, information about the local spatial structure and feature spectrum is lost. The novelty lies in the use of the block locality property in the HOG descriptor and the representation of the HOG as a 3D tensor. The use of this information makes it possible to achieve detection resistance to pedestrian overlap.
* '''Authors:''' Gneushev Alexander Nikolaevich
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|Metric classification of time series
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[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/Goncharov2015MetricClassification.pdf paper],
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|Zadayanchuk Andrey
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| Restoring the structure of a predictive model from a probabilistic representation
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| Choice of Interpreted Multimodels in Credit Scoring The problems
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[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Gavrilov2018CreditScoringMultimodels/doc/paper/Gavrilov574CreditScoringMultimodels.pdf paper]
[https://youtu.be/ZOzprVyK8bc video]
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Tamaz Gadaev Tamaz]
|Estimating the optimal sample size
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|Accelerometer Battery Savings Based on Time Series Forecasting
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|AILS [A-I-L-SB0R0C000V0T0E0D0W0S]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Andriygav Grabovoi Andrey]
|Automatic determination of the relevance of neural network parameters.
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Grabovoy2018OptimalBrainDamage/ folder]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Grabovoy2018OptimalBrainDamage/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Grabovoy2018OptimalBrainDamage/doc/paper/Grabovoy2018OptimalBrainDamage.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Grabovoy2018OptimalBrainDamage/doc/slides/Grabovoy2018OptimalBrainDamage.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnW3t5jk-r0&feature=youtu.be video]
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| Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures
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[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Nurlanov2018DeepSymmetry/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Nurlanov2018DeepSymmetry/doc/paper/Nurlanov2018DeepSymmetry.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Nurlanov2018DeepSymmetry/doc/slides/Nurlanov2018DeepSymmetry.pdf slides]
[https://youtu.be/y_HKeBlj45s video]
|[https://team.inria.fr/nano-d/team-members/sergei-grudinin/ S. V. Grudinin], Guillaume Pages
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Nikita_Pletnev Pletnev Nikita]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Nurlanov2018DeepSymmetry/feedback/Pletnev2018Recension.pdf Review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:AnnRogozina Rogozina Anna]
| Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Rogozina2018StructurePredictionRNA/ folder]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Rogozina2018StructurePredictionRNA/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Rogozina2018StructurePredictionRNA/doc/paper/Rogozina2018StructurePredictionRNA.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Rogozina2018StructurePredictionRNA/doc/slides/Rogozina2018RNAPredictionsSlides.pdf slides]
[https://youtu.be/r6S5_5b24hg video]
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|Generation of features using locally approximating models
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Terekhov2018LocallyApproxModels/ folder]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Terekhov2018LocallyApproxModels/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Terekhov2018LocallyApproxModels/doc/Terekhov2018LocalApproxModels.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Terekhov2018LocallyApproxModels/slides/Terekhov2018LAM_Presentation.pdf slides]
|S.D. Ivanychev, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Neychev R.G. Neichev]
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| Generation of features that are invariant to changes in the frequency of the time series
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[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Shulgin2018InvariantFeatureGeneration/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Shulgin2018InvariantFeatureGeneration/doc/paper/ paper]
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|Graph Structure Prediction of a Neural Network Model
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[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Malinovskyi2018StructureCNN/paper/Malinovskyi2018NeuralStructureF_talk.pdf slides]
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|Brain signal decoding and intention prediction
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[https://youtu.be/7TLzV-oK7mk video]
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|Approximation of the boundaries of the iris
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Pletnev2018IrisApproximation/paper/Pletnev2018IrisApproximation.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Pletnev2018IrisApproximation/slides/Pletnev2018IrisApproximationSlides.pdf slides]
[ video]
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Twelveth Ostroukhov Petr]
|Selection of models superposition for identification of a person on the basis of a ballistocardiogram
|[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group374/Ostroukhov2018BCGIdentification/ folder]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ostroukhov2018BCGIdentification/doc/Ostroukhov2018BCGIdentification.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ostroukhov2018BCGIdentification/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ostroukhov2018BCGIdentification/slides/Ostroukhov2018BCGIdentification_slides.pdf slides]
|Alexander Prozorov
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:GavYur Gavrilov Yuri]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Gavrilov2018CreditScoringMultimodels/ReviewOnOstroukhov.pdf review]
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:KislinskiVadim Kislinsky Vadim]
|Predicting user music playlists in a recommender system.
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kislinskiy2018APContinuation/ folder]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kislinskiy2018APContinuation/code code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kislinskiy2018APContinuation/doc/slides/Kislinskiy2018APContinuation.pdf slides]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kislinskiy2018APContinuation/doc/paper/Kislinskiy2018APcontinution.pdf paper]
[https://youtu.be/YTqe9dkVgyw video]
| Evgeny Frolov
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:AstakhovAnton Astakhov Anton]
| .F
| (AIL)------(SB)---(RCVT)-- [AILS-BRCVTED0W0S]
| 1+11
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:KozlinskyEvg Kozlinsky Evgeny]
| Analysis of banking transactional data of individuals to identify customer consumption patterns.
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kozlinsky2018WNTMvsTM/ folder]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kozlinsky2018WNTMvsTM/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kozlinsky2018WNTMvsTM/doc/paper/kozlinsky18wntm-individuals.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kozlinsky2018WNTMvsTM/doc/slides/analiz-tranzaktsii-slash.pdf slides]
[https://youtu.be/0WCyndULNIM video]
| Rosa Aisina
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:AnnRogozina Rogozina Anna]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group574/Kozlinsky2018WNTMvsTM/doc/paper/Kozlinsky18wntm-individuals_Review.pdf review]
| 3+8+1
===1 ===
* '''Title:''' Approximation of the boundaries of the iris
* '''Problem:''' Based on the image of the human eye, determine the circles approximating the inner and outer border of the iris.
* '''Data:''' Bitmap monochrome images, typical size 640*480 pixels (however other sizes are possible)[http://www.bath.ac.uk/elec-eng/research/sipg/irisweb/ ], [http://www.cb-sr.ia.ac.cn/IrisDatabase.htm].
* '''References:'''
*# Aduenko A.A. Selection of multi-models in The problems classification (supervisor Strijov V.V.). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2017. [http://www.frccsc.ru/sites/default/files/docs/ds/002-073-05/diss/11-aduenko/11-Aduenko_main.pdf?626]
*# K.A. Gankin, A.N. Gneushev, I.A. Matveev Segmentation of the iris image based on approximate methods with subsequent refinements // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2014, no. 2, p. 78–92.
*# Duda, R. O. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures / R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart // Communications of the ACM. 1972 Vol. 15, no. 1.Pp.
* '''Basic algorithm''': Efimov Yury. Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method, 2015.
* '''Solution:''' See [[Media:Iris_circle_problem.pdf | iris_circle_problem.pdf]]
* '''Novelty:''' A fast non-enumerative algorithm for approximating boundaries using linear multimodels is proposed.
* '''consultant''': Alexander Aduenko (by Strijov V.V., Expert Matveev I.A.)
===2 ===
* '''Title:''' Estimated optimal sample size
* '''Problem:''' In conditions of an insufficient number of expensive measurements, it is required to predict the optimal size of the replenished sample.
* '''Data:''' Samples of measurements in medical diagnostics, in particular, a sample of immunological markers.
* '''References:'''
*# Motrenko A.P. Materials on algorithms for estimating the optimal sample size in the MLAlgorithms repository [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/PhDThesis/Motrenko/doc/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/ p/mlalgorithms/code/Group874/Motrenko2014KL/].
* '''Basic algorithm''': Sample size estimation algorithms for .
* '''Solution:''' Investigation of the properties of the parameter space when replenishing the sample.
* '''Novelty:''' A new methodology for sample size forecasting is proposed, justified in terms of classical and Bayesian statistics.
* '''Authors:''' A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V., Expert A.P. Motrenko
===3 ===
* '''Title:''' Restoring the structure of the prognostic model from a probabilistic representation
* '''Problem:''' It is required to reconstruct the superposition tree from the generated connection probability graph.
* '''Data:''' Segments of time series, spatio-temporal series (and text collections).
* '''References:'''
*# Works by Tommy Yakkola and others at LinkReview [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j-1eZ4Az05yBR3GvgZusqFVIZeE_HcZDawZDzz41zS4/edit?usp=sharing].
* '''Basic algorithm''': Branch and bound method, dynamic programming when building a fully connected graph.
* '''Solution:''' Building a model in the form of GAN, VAE generates a weighted graph, NN approximates a tree structure.
* '''Novelty:''' Suggested a way to penalize a graph for not being a tree. A method for predicting the structures of prognostic models is proposed.
* '''Authors:''' A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V.
===4 ===
* '''Title:''' Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
* '''Problem:''' It is required to build two CNNs, one recognizes a bitmap representation of an image, the other a vector one.
* '''Data:''' Bitmap fonts.
* '''References:''' List of works [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/a/a2/Morozov2017Synthesis_of_medicines.pdf], in particular arXiv:1611.03199 and
* '''Basic algorithm''': Convolution network for bitmap.
* '''Solution:''' It is required to propose a method for collapsing graph structures, which allows generating an informative description of the skeleton of a thick line.
* '''Novelty:''' A way to improve the quality of recognition of thick lines due to a new way of generating their descriptions is proposed.
* '''Authors:''' L.M. Mestetsky, I.A. Reyer, Strijov V.V.
===5 ===
* '''Title:''' Generation of features using locally approximating models
* '''Problem:''' It is required to test the feasibility of the hypothesis of simplicity of sampling for the generated features. Features are the optimal parameters of approximating models. Moreover, the entire sample is not simple and requires a mixture of models to approximate it. Explore the information content of the generated features - the parameters of the approximating models trained on the segments of the original time series.
* '''Data:'''
*# WISDM (Kwapisz, J.R., G.M. Weiss, and S.A. Moore. 2011. Activity recognition using cell phone accelerometers. ACM SigKDD Explorations Newsletter. 12(2):74–82.), USC-HAD or higher. Accelerometer data (Human activity recognition using smart phone embedded sensors: A Linear Dynamical Systems method, W Wang, H Liu, L Yu, F Sun - Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014)
*# ([[Time series (examples library)]], Accelerometry section).
* '''References:'''
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471-1483. [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2015/no11/Ivkin2015TSclassification.pdf]
*# Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016.[http://strijov.com/papers/Karasikov2016TSC.pdf URL]
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2015/no11/Ivkin2015TSclassification.pdf URL]
*# Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Metric learning in The problemx multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2) : 48-57. [http://strijov.com/papers/Isachenko2016MetricsLearning.pdf URL]
*# Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. [http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf URL]
*# Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, no. 6, 1466 - 1476.
*# Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. [http://strijov.com/papers/Ignatov2015HumanActivity.pdf URL]
* '''Basic algorithm''': Described by Kuznetsov, Ivkin.
* '''Solution:''' It is required to build a set of locally approximating models and choose the most adequate ones.
* '''Novelty:''' A standard for building locally approximating models has been created.
* '''Authors:''' S.D. Ivanychev, R.G. Neichev, Strijov V.V.
===6 ===
* '''Title:''' Brain signal decoding and intention prediction
* '''Problem:''' It is required to build a model that restores the movement of the limbs from the corticogram.
* '''Data:''' neurotycho.org [http://neurotycho.org/]
* '''References:'''
*# Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem. Zavodskaya Lab. Diagnostics of materials, 2016, 82(3) : 68-74. [http://strijov.com/papers/Neychev2015FeatureSelection.pdf]
*# MLAlgorithms: Motrenko, Isachenko (submitted)
* '''Basic algorithm''': Partial Least Squares[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_least_squares_regression]
* '''Solution:''' Create a feature selection algorithm alternative to PLS and taking into account the non-orthogonal structure of feature interdependence.
* '''Novelty:''' A feature selection method is proposed that takes into account the regularities of both the and independent variable and the dependent variable.
* '''Authors:''' R.V. Isachenko, Strijov V.V.
===7 ===
* '''Title:''' Automatic determination of the relevance of neural network parameters.
* '''Problem:''' The problem of finding a stable (and not redundant in terms of parameters) neural network structure is considered. To cut off redundant parameters, it is proposed to introduce a priori probabilistic assumptions about the distribution of parameters and remove non-informative parameters from the neural network using the Belsley method. To adjust the prior distribution, it is proposed to use gradient methods.
* '''Data:''' A selection of handwritten MNIST digits
* '''Basic algorithm''': Optimal Brain Damage, decimation based on variance inference. The structure of the final model is proposed to be compared with the model obtained by the AdaNet algorithm.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.03492.pdf] Gradient hyperparameter optimization methods.
*# [http://proceedings.mlr.press/v48/luketina16.pdf] Gradient hyperparameter optimization methods.
*# [http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/lecun-90b.pdf] Optimal Brain Damage.
*# [https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01097] AdaNet
*# [http://strijov.com/papers/SanduleanuStrijov2011FeatureSelection_Preprint.pdf] Belsley Method
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===8 ===
* '''Title:''' Prediction of the graph structure of the neural network model.
* '''Problem:''' The problem is considered to find a stable (and non-redundant in terms of parameters) structure of a convolutional neural network. It is proposed to predict the structure of a neural network using doubly-recurrent neural networks. As a training sample, it is proposed to use the structures of models that have shown good quality on subsamples of small power.
* '''Data:''' Samples MNIST, CIFAR-10
* '''Basic algorithm''': random search. Comparison with work on reinforcement learning is possible.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e7bd/0e7a7ee6b0904d5de6e76e095a6a3b88dd12.pdf] doubly-recurrent neural networks.
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.07012] Similar approach using reinforcement learning.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
* '''Title:''' Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures [[Media:Strijov_3D_CNN.pdf|more in PDF]]
* '''Problem:''' Deep learning algorithms pushed computer vision to a level of accuracy comparable or higher than a human vision. Similarly, we believe that it is possible to recognize the symmetry of a 3D object with a very high reliability, when the object is represented as a density map. The optimization problem includes i) multiclass classification of 3D data. The output is the order of symmetry. The number of classes is ~10-20 ii) multioutput regression of 3D data. The output is the symmetry axis (a 3-vector). The input data are typically 24x24x24 meshes. The total amount of these meshes is of order a million. Biological motivation : Symmetry is an important feature of protein tertiary and quaternary structures that has been associated with protein folding, function, evolution, and stability. Its emergence and ensuing prevalence has been attributed to gene duplications, fusion events, and subsequent evolutionary drift in sequence. Methods to detect these symmetries exist, either based on the structure or the sequence of the proteins, however, we believe that they can be vastly improved.
* '''Data:''' Synthetic data are obtained by ‘symmetrizing’ folds from top8000 library (http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/databases/top8000.php).
* '''References:''' Our previous 3D CNN: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.06252] Invariance of CNNs (and references therein): [https://hal.inria.fr/hal- 01630265/document], [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03078.pdf]
* '''Base algorithm:''' A prototype has already been created using the Tensorflow framework [4], which is capable of detecting the order of cyclic structures with about 93% accuracy. The main goal of this internship is to optimize the topology of the current neural network prototype and make it rotational and translational invariant with respect to input data. [4] [https://www.tensorflow.org/]
* '''Solution:''' The network architecture needs to be modified according to the invariance properties (most importantly, rotational invariance). Please see the links below [https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01630265/document],
[https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03078.pdf] The code is written using the Tensorflow library, and the current model is trained on a single GPU (Nvidia Quadro 4000)of a desktop machine.
* '''Novelty:''' Applications of convolutional networks to 3D data are still very challenging due to large amount of data and specific requirements to the network architecture. More specifically, the models need to be rotationally and transnationally invariant, which makes classical 2D augmentation tricks loosely applicable here. Thus, new models need to be developed for 3D data.
* '''Authors:''' Expert Sergei Grudinin, consultants Guillaume Pages, Strijov V.V.
* '''Title:''' Semi-supervised representation learning with attention
* '''Problem:''' training of vector representations using the attention mechanism, thanks to which the quality of machine translation has increased significantly. It is proposed to use it in the encoder-decoder architecture network to obtain vectors of text fragments of arbitrary length.
* '''Data:''' It is proposed to consider two samples: Microsoft Paraphrase Corpus (a small set of proposals, https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52398) and PPDB (a set of short segments, not always correct markup. http://sitem.herts.ac.uk/aeru/ppdb/en/)
* '''References:'''
*# Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin. Attention Is All You Need (https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762).
*# John Wieting, Mohit Bansal, Kevin Gimpel, Karen Livescu. Towards Universal Paraphrastic Sentence Embeddings (https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.08198).
*# Ryan Kiros, Yukun Zhu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard S. Zemel, Antonio Torralba, Raquel Urtasun, Sanja Fidler. Skip Thought Vectors (https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.06726).
*# Keras seq2seq (https://github.com/farizrahman4u/seq2seq).
* '''Basic algorithm''': solution [3] or vector representations obtained using seq2seq[].
* '''Solution:''' in The problem it is proposed to train vector representations for phrases using the attention and partial learning mechanism. As an internal quality functional, it is proposed to use the improved error function from [2]. As an applied problem, we can consider the problem of detecting paraphrases and sentiment analysis. Moreover, based on the results obtained in [1], it can be assumed that the attention mechanism has a greater influence on obtaining universal vectors for phrases than the network architecture. It is proposed to test this hypothesis using two different architectures - a standard recurrent and feed-forward network.
* '''Novelty:''' new method.
* '''Authors:''' Rita Kuznetsova, consultant
===11 ===
* '''Title:''' Selection of Interpreted Multi-Models in Credit Scoring The problems
* '''Problem:''' The problem of credit scoring is to determine the level of creditworthiness of the borrower. For this, a borrower's questionnaire is used, containing both numerical (age, income) and categorical features (gender, profession). It is required, having historical information about the repayment of loans by other borrowers, to determine whether the borrower will return the loan. The data can be heterogeneous (example, if there are different income regions in a country), and several models will be needed to adequately classify. It is necessary to determine the optimal number of models. Based on the set of model parameters, it is necessary to draw up a portrait of the borrower.
* '''Data:''' It is proposed to consider five samples from the UCI and Kaggle repositories, with a capacity of 50,000 objects or more.
* '''References:''' A.A. Aduenko \MLAlgorithms\PhDThesis; C. Bishop, Pattern recognition and machine learning, final chapter; 20 years of Mixture experts.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Clustering and building independent logistic regression models, Adaboost, Decision Forest (with restrictions on complexity), Blend of Experts.
* '''Solution:''' An algorithm is proposed for selecting a multi-model (a mixture of models or a mixture of Experts) and determining the optimal number of models.
* '''Novelty:''' Proposed function of distance between models in which parameter distributions are given on different media.
* '''Authors:''' Goncharov Alexey, Strijov V.V.
===12 ===
* '''Title:''' Generation of features that are invariant to changes in the frequency of the time series.
* '''Problem:''' Informally: there is a set of time series of a certain frequency (s1), and the information we are interested in is distinguishable and at a lower sampling rate (in the example, the samples occur every millisecond, and the events of interest to us occur at an interval of 0.1 s). These series are integrated reducing the frequency by a factor of 10 (i.e. every 10 values are simply summed) and a set of time series s2 is obtained. be described in the same way. Formally: Given a set of time series s1, .., sNS with a high sampling rate 1. Target information (example, hand movement/daily price fluctuation/…) is distinguishable and at a lower sampling rate 2 < 1. It is necessary to find such a mapping f: S G, - the frequency of the series, that it will generate similar feature descriptions for series of different frequencies. Those.
f* = argminf E(f1(s1) -f2(s2)) , where E is some error function.
* '''Data:''' Sets of time series of people's physical activity from accelerometers; human EEG time series; time series of energy consumption of cities/industrial facilities. Sample link: UCI repository, our EEG and accelerometer samples.
* '''References:''' See above for Accelerometers
* '''Base algorithm:''' Fourier transform.
* '''Solution:''' Building an autoencoder with a partially fixed internal representation as the same time series with a lower frequency.
* '''Novelty:''' For time series, there is no “common approach” to analysis, in contrast, in the example, to image analysis. If you look at the problem abstractly, now the cat is defined as well as and the cat, which takes up half the space in the image. An analogy with time series suggests itself. Moreover, the nature of data in pictures and in time series is similar: in pictures there is a hierarchy between values along two axes (x and y), and in time series - one at a time - along the time axis. The hypothesis is that methods similar to image analysis will provide qualitative results. The resulting feature representation can be further used for classification and prediction of time series.
* '''Authors:''' R. G. Neichev, Strijov V.V.
===18 ===
* '''Title:''' Comparison of neural network and continuous morphological methods in the Text Detection The problem.
* '''Problem:''' Automatically Detect Text in Natural Images.
* '''Data:''' synthetic generated data + trained photo sample + [https://vision.cornell.edu/se3/coco-text-2/ COCO-Text dataset] + [http://www.machinelearning .ru/ Avito Competition 2014].
* '''References:''' [https://vision.cornell.edu/se3/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/1601.07140v1.pdf COCO benchmark], [https://vision.cornell. edu/se3/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/1601.07140v1.pdf One of a state-of-the-art architecture]
* '''Base algorithm:''' [https://github.com/eragonruan/text-detection-ctpn code] + morphological methods, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/f1 /Avito.ru-2014_Ulyanov_presentation.pdf Avito 2014 winner's solution].
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to compare the performance of several state-of-the-art algorithms that need a large training set with morphological methods that require a small amount of data. It is proposed to determine the limits of applicability of certain methods.
* '''Novelty:''' propose an algorithm based on the use of both neural network and morphological methods (solution of the word detection problem).
* '''Authors:''' I.N. Zharikov.
* '''Expert''': L.M. Mestetsky (morphological methods).
==2017 Group 2==
! Author
! Topic
! Link
! Consultant
! Reviewer
! Report
! Letters
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Goncharovalex Goncharov Alexey]
|Metric classification of time series
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/Goncharov2015MetricClassification.pdf paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/GoncharovAlexey2015PresentationMetricClassification.pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
|Zadayanchuk Andrey
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:white2302 Belykh Evgeny] [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Alladdin Proskurin Alexander]
|Classification of superpositions of movements of physical activity
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/ProskurinBelykh2018ClassificationOfPhysicalActivitySuperposition/ClassificationOfPhysicalActivitySuperposition.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/ProskurinBelykh2018ClassificationOfPhysicalActivitySuperposition/ProskurinBelykh2018Presentation.pdf slides]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/tree/master/ProskurinBelykh2018ClassificationOfPhysicalActivitySuperposition/code code]
|Maria Vladimirova, Alexandra Malkova
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:IlyaSM Romanenko Ilya], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:popovkin Popovkin Andrey], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/ProskurinBelykh2018ClassificationOfPhysicalActivitySuperposition/RomanenkoPopovkin2018ClassificationOfPhysicalActivitySuperposition_Review.pdf review]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnjOlVVVu2k video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:zueva.nn Zueva Nadezhda]
|Style Change Detection
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Zueva2018TextStyleTransfer/StyleChangeDetection%20(10).pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/blob/master/Zueva2018TextStyleTransfer/Zueva_Presentation_Plagiarism%20(2).pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-GWn5uYvsc video]
|Rita Kuznetsova
|Igashov Ilya, [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I-IWRxh39VhZuU2FPzbJAwkqfdYRcqRV/view?usp=sharing review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Igashov Igashov Ilya]
|Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules.
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Igashov2018ProteinLigandComplexes/Igashov2018ProteinLigandComplexes.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Igashov2018ProteinLigandComplexes/presentation/presentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0rDFG0-lzE video]
|Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:vanderwardan Manucharyan Vardan], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Igashov2018ProteinLigandComplexes/Igashov2018ProteinLigandComplexes_Review.pdf review], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Igashov2018ProteinLigandComplexes/Igashov2018ProteinLigandComplexes_Correction.pdf correction]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:kalugin_di Kalugin Dmitry]
|Graph Structure Prediction of a Neural Network Model
|[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZTP7Uhi622cj5BnItDmlz0k988Twd9UZ/view?usp=sharing paper]
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iErLatXyIoqjH9yDXBbATc9vuA_8dmgZ/view?usp=sharing slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Oleg_Bakhteev Oleg Bakhteev]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:zueva.nn Zueva Nadezhda] [https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1SV29oCjnqnrmjZ_pb1iNGgukodwLk-Bf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:vanderwardan Manucharyan Vardan]
|Prediction of properties and types of atoms in molecular graphs using convolutional networks
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Manucharyan2018AtomicTypePredictionInUsingCNN/doc/Manucharyan2018AtomicTypePredictionInUsingCNN.pdf paper],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Manucharyan2018AtomicTypePredictionInUsingCNN/slides/Manucharyan2018AtomicTypePredictionInUsingCNNPresentation.pdf slides],
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/blob/master/Manucharyan2018AtomicTypePredictionInUsingCNN/code/Manucharyan2018AtomicTypePredictionInUsingCNN.ipynb code]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sShO-zIbidE video]
|Sergei Grudinin, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Kadukovam Maria Kadukova]
|Fattakhov Artur [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Manucharyan2018AtomicTypePredictionInUsingCNN/rev.pdf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:kirill_mouraviev Muraviev Kirill]
|Determination of neural network parameters to be optimized.
|[https://github.com/KirillMouraviev/science_publication/blob/master/doc/Muravyev2018ParameterOptimization.pdf paper],
[https://github.com/KirillMouraviev/science_publication/raw/master/doc/Muravyev2018FinalTalk.pdf slides],
[https://github.com/KirillMouraviev/science_publication/tree/master/code code]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KkQnx249rU video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Oleg_Bakhteev Oleg Bakhteev]
|Kalugin Dmitry [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/blob/master/Muravyev2018ParameterOptimization/Muravyev2018ParameterOptimization_Review.pdf review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:diraria Murzin Dmitry], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:andnlv Danilov Andrey]
|Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
|[https://rawgit.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/master/DanilovMurzin2018TextRecognitionUsingSkeletonRepresentationAndCNN/doc/DanilovMurzin2018TextRecognitionUsingSkeletonRepresentationAndCNN.pdf paper], [https://rawgit.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/master/DanilovMurzin2018TextRecognitionUsingSkeletonRepresentationAndCNN/slides/DanilovMurzin2018TextRecognitionUsingSkeletonRepresentationAndCNN.pdf slides], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/tree/master/DanilovMurzin2018TextRecognitionUsingSkeletonRepresentationAndCNN/code code]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mest L. M. Mestetsky], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Ivan_Reyer Ivan Reyer], Zharikov I. N.
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:kirill_mouraviev Muraviev Kirill] [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/blob/master/DanilovMurzin2018TextRecognitionUsingSkeletonRepresentationAndCNN/%D0%A0%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F.docx?raw=true review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:popovkin Popovkin Andrey] [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:IlyaSM Romanenko Ilya]
|Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/PopovkinRomanenko2018PredictionStructureOfIRFunctions/PredictionStructureOfIRFunctions.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/PopovkinRomanenko2018PredictionStructureOfIRFunctions/RomanenkoPopovkin2018Presentation.pdf slides]
[https://github.com/IlRomanenko/Information-retrieval code]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBUt1SIWDBA video]
|Kulunchakov Andrey, Strijov V.V.
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Alladdin Proskurin Alexander], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:white2302 Belykh Evgeny], [https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/PopovkinRomanenko2018PredictionStructureOfIRFunctions/ProskurinBelykh2018PredictionStructureOfIRFunctions_Review.doc review]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:fartuk Fattakhov Artur]
|Style Change Detection
|[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Fattakhov2018TextStyleTransfer/Fattakhov2018.pdf paper]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/raw/master/Fattakhov2018TextStyleTransfer/final_slides_Fattakhov_ansamble.pdf slides]
[https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/tree/master/Fattakhov2018TextStyleTransfer/code code]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM5CmOmlAlw video]
|Rita Kuznetsova
|Danilov Andrey, Murzin Dmitry, [https://rawgit.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech/Group594/master/Fattakhov2018TextStyleTransfer/review/Fattakhov2018_Review.pdf review]
===1 (1-2) ===
* '''Title:''' Classification of superpositions of movements of physical activity
* '''Problem:''' Human behavior analysis by mobile phone sensor measurements: detect human movements from accelerometer data. The accelerometer data is a signal without precise periodicity, which contains an unknown superposition of physical models. We will consider the superposition of models: body + arm/bag/backpack.
Classification of human activities according to measurements of fitness bracelets. According to the measurements of the accelerometer and gyroscope, it is required to determine the type of activity of the worker. It is assumed that the time series of measurements contain elementary movements that form clusters in the space of time series descriptions. (Development: The characteristic duration of movement is seconds. Time series are marked with activity type marks: work, rest. The characteristic duration of activity is minutes. It is required to restore the type of activity by the description of the time series and cluster.)
* '''Data:'''
*# Self assembled
*# Builders data
*# WISDM accelerometer time series ([[Time series (examples library)]], Accelerometry section).
* '''References:'''
*# Karasikov M. E., Strijov V. V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Karasikov2016TSC.pdf URL]]
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for classification of accelerometer time series by combined feature description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. T. 1, No. 11. C. 1471-1483. [[http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2015/no11/Ivkin2015TSclassification.pdf URL]]
*# Isachenko R. V., Strijov V. V. Metric learning in The problems of multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2): 48-57. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Isachenko2016MetricsLearning.pdf URL]]
*# Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choice of the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf URL]]
*# Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, no. 6, 1466-1476. [[http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group874/Motrenko2014TSsegmentation/JBHI/MotrenkoStrijov2014RV2.pdf?format=raw URL]]
*# Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Ignatov2015HumanActivity.pdf URL]]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Basic algorithm is described in [Karasikov, Strijov: 2016] and [Kuznetsov, Ivkin: 2014].
* '''Solution:''' Find the optimal segmentation method and optimal description of the time series. Construct a metric space of descriptions of elementary motions.
* '''Novelty:''' A method for classifying and analyzing complex movements is proposed (Development: Connection of two characteristic times of a description of a person's life, combined problem statement.)
* '''Authors:''' Alexandra Malkova, Maria Vladimirova, R. G. Neichev, Strijov V.V.
===2 (1) ===
* '''Title:''' Comparison of neural network and continuous morphological methods in the Text Detection The problem.
* '''Problem:''' Automatically Detect Text in Natural Images.
* '''Data:''' synthetic generated data + trained photo sample + [https://vision.cornell.edu/se3/coco-text-2/ COCO-Text dataset] + [http://www.machinelearning .ru/wiki/index.php?title=%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D1%81_Avito.ru-2014:_%D1%80% D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0% BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%84% D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0% B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%D1%85 Avito Competition 2014].
* '''References:''' [https://vision.cornell.edu/se3/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/1601.07140v1.pdf COCO benchmark], [https://vision.cornell. edu/se3/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/1601.07140v1.pdf One of a state-of-the-art architecture]
* '''Base algorithm:''' [https://github.com/eragonruan/text-detection-ctpn code] + morphological methods, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/f1 /Avito.ru-2014_Ulyanov_presentation.pdf Avito 2014 winner's solution].
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to compare the performance of several state-of-the-art algorithms that need a large training set with morphological methods that require a small amount of data. It is proposed to determine the limits of applicability of certain methods.
* '''Novelty:''' propose an algorithm based on the use of both neural network and morphological methods (solution of the word detection problem).
* '''Authors:''' I. N. Zharikov.
* '''Expert''': L. M. Mestetsky (morphological methods).
===3 (1-2) ===
* '''Title:''' Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
* '''Problem:''' It is required to build two CNNs, one recognizes a bitmap representation of an image, the other a vector one. (Development: generation of thick lines by neural networks)
* '''Data:''' Bitmap fonts.
* '''References:''' List of works [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/a/a2/Morozov2017Synthesis_of_medicines.pdf], in particular arXiv:1611.03199 and
* '''Basic algorithm''': Convolution network for bitmap.
* '''Solution:''' It is required to propose a method for collapsing graph structures, which allows generating an informative description of the skeleton of a thick line.
* '''Novelty:''' A way to improve the quality of recognition of thick lines due to a new way of generating their descriptions is proposed.
* '''Authors:''' L. M. Mestetsky, I. A. Reyer, Strijov V.V.
===4 (1-2) ===
* '''Title:''' Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models
* '''Problem:''' It is required to predict a time series using some parametric superposition of algebraic functions. It is proposed not to cost the prognostic model, but to predict it, that is, to predict the structure of the approximating superposition. A class of considered superpositions is introduced, and on the set of such structural descriptions, a search is made for a locally optimal model for the problem under consideration. The problem consists in 1) searching for a suitable structural description of the model 2) describing the search algorithm for the structure that will correspond to the optimal model 3) describing the algorithm for inverse construction of the model according to its structural description. For an already existing example of the answer to questions 1-3, see the works of A. A. Varfolomeeva.
* '''Data:'''
*# Collection of text documents TREC (!)
*# A set of time series, which implies the restoration of functional dependencies. It is proposed to first use synthetic data or immediately apply the algorithm to forecasting time series 1) electricity consumption 2) physical activity with subsequent analysis of the resulting structures.
* '''References:'''
*# (!) Kulunchakov A.S., Strijov V.V. Generation of simple structured Information Retrieval functions by genetic algorithm without stagnation // [http://strijov.com/papers/Kulunchakov2014RankingBySimpleFun.pdf Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 85: 221–230.]
*# A. A. Varfolomeeva Selection of features when marking up bibliographic lists using structural learning methods, 2013, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/f2/Varfolomeeva2013Diploma.pdf?format=raw]
*# Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [http://naturalspublishing.com/files/published/92cn7jm44d8wt1.pdf?format=raw]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Specifically, there is no basic algorithm for the proposed problem. It is proposed to try to repeat the experiment of A.A. Varfolomeeva for a different structural description in order to understand what is happening.
* '''Solution:''' The superposition of algebraic functions defines an ortree, on the vertices of which the labels of the corresponding algebraic functions or variables are given. Therefore, the structural description of such a superposition can be its DFS-code. This is a string consisting of vertex labels, written in the order in which the tree is traversed by depth-first search. Knowing the arities of the corresponding algebraic functions, we can restore any such DFS-code in O(n) and get back the superposition of functions. On the set of similar string descriptions, it is proposed to search for the string description that will correspond to the optimal model.
* '''Authors:''' Kulunchakov Andrey, Strijov V.V.
===5 (1) ===
* '''Title:''' Definition of neural network parameters to be optimized.
* '''Problem:''' The problem of neural network optimization is considered. It is required to divide the model parameters into two groups:
*# a) Model parameters to be optimized
*# b) Model parameters whose optimization has been completed. Further optimization of these parameters will not improve the quality of the model.
It is proposed to consider the optimization of parameters as a stochastic process. Based on the history of the process, we find those parameters whose optimization is no longer required.
* '''Data:''' A selection of handwritten MNIST digits
* '''Basic algorithm''': Random choice of parameters.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.04289.pdf] SGD as a stochastic process.
*# [http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=] Variational inference in neural networks.
* '''Novelty:''' The resulting algorithm will significantly reduce the computational cost of optimizing neural networks. A possible further development of the method is to obtain estimates for the parameters of the network obtained from the original operations of expansion, compression, adding and removing layers.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===6 (1) ===
* '''Title:''' Prediction of the graph structure of the neural network model.
* '''Problem:''' The problem is considered to find a stable (and non-redundant in terms of parameters) structure of a convolutional neural network. It is proposed to predict the structure of a neural network using doubly-recurrent neural networks. As a training sample, it is proposed to use the structures of models that have shown good quality on subsamples of small power.
* '''Data:''' Samples MNIST, CIFAR-10
* '''Basic algorithm''': random search. Comparison with work on reinforcement learning is possible.
* '''References:'''
*# [https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e7bd/0e7a7ee6b0904d5de6e76e095a6a3b88dd12.pdf] doubly-recurrent neural networks.
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.07012] Similar approach using reinforcement learning.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.
===7 (1) ===
* '''Title:''' Style Change Detection.
* '''Problem:''' Given a collection of documents, it is required to determine if each document is written by one author or by several (http://pan.webis.de/clef18/pan18-web/author-identification.html).
* '''Data:''' PAN 2018 (http://pan.webis.de/clef18/pan18-web/author-identification.html)
PAN 2017 (http://pan.webis.de/clef17/pan17-web/author-identification.html)
PAN 2016 (http://pan.webis.de/clef16/pan16-web/author-identification.html)
* '''References:'''
*# Ian Goodfellow. NIPS 2016 Tutorial: Generative Adversarial Networks (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.06547.pdf)
*# Jiwei Li, Will Monroe, Tianlin Shi, Sebastien Jean, Alan Ritter and Dan Jurafsky. Adversarial Learning for Neural Dialogue Generation(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.06547.pdf)
*# M. Kuznetsov, A. Motrenko, R. Kuznetsova, V. Strijov. Methods for Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection and Author Diarization
*# K. Safin, R. Kuznetsova. Style Breach Detection with Neural Sentence Embeddings (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c70e/7f8fbc561520accda7eea2f9bbf254edb255.pdf)
* '''Basic algorithm''': solution described in [3, 4].
* '''Solution:''' is proposed to solve the problem using generative adversarial networks — the generative model generates texts in the same author's style, the discriminative model — a binary classifier.
* '''Novelty:''' it is assumed that the solution of this problem by the proposed method can give an increase in quality compared to typical methods for solving this problem, as well as related clustering problems of the authors.
* '''Authors:''' Rita Kuznetsova (consultant), Strijov V.V.
===8 (1) ===
* '''Title:''' Obtaining likelihood estimates using autoencoders
* '''Problem:''' it is assumed that the objects under consideration obey the manifold hypothesis (manifold learning) - high-dimensional vectors are concentrated around some subspace of lower dimension. Works [1, 2] show that some modifications of autoencoders are looking for a k-dimensional manifold in the object space, which most fully conveys the data structure. In [2], an estimate of the probability density of data is derived using an autoencoder. It is required to obtain this estimate for the plausibility of the model.
* '''Data:''' it is proposed to experiment on short text fragments of Google ngrams (http://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/datasetsv2.html)
* '''References:'''
*# Pascal Vincent, Hugo Larochelle, Isabelle Lajoie, Yoshua Bengio, Pierre-Antoine Manzagol. Stacked Denoising Autoencoders: Learning Useful Representations in a Deep Network with a Local Denoising Criterion (http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume11/vincent10a/vincent10a.pdf).
*# Guillaume Alain, Yoshua Bengio. What Regularized Auto-Encoders Learn from the Data Generating Distribution (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.4246.pdf)
*# Hanna Kamyshanska, Roland Memisevic. The Potential Energy of an Autoencoder (https://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~memisevr/pubs/AEenergy.pdf)
* '''Basic algorithm''':
* '''Solution:''' in the problem it is proposed to train vector representations for phrases (n-grams) using an autoencoder, using Theorem 2 in [2] to obtain an estimate for the likelihood of the sample and, using this estimate, derive the likelihood of the model . Using the estimates obtained, one can also consider the sampling process.
* '''Novelty:''' obtaining data and model likelihood estimates, generating texts using the resulting estimates.
* '''Authors:''' Rita Kuznetsova (consultant).
===9 (1) ===
* '''Title:''' Predict properties and types of atoms in molecular graphs using convolutional networks.
* '''Problem:''' Multilabel classification using convolutional neural networks (CNN) on graphs.
To predict the interaction of molecules with each other, it is often necessary to correctly describe their constituent atoms by assigning certain types to them. For small molecules, not many descriptors are available: the coordinates and chemical elements of atoms, the lengths of bonds and the magnitude of the angles between them. Using these features, we successfully predict atomic hybridizations and bond types. In this approach, each atom is considered "individually", the information about neighboring atoms necessary to determine the type of an atom is practically not used, and the types of atoms are determined by checking a large number of conditions. At the same time, molecules are represented as 3D molecular graphs, and it would be interesting to use this to predict their types with machine learning methods, for example, using CNNs.
It is necessary to predict the types of vertices and edges of molecular graphs:
*# atom type (graph vertex type, about 150 classes),
*# atom hybridization (auxiliary feature, vertex type, 4 classes),
*# connection type (auxiliary feature, edge type, 5 classes).
The type of an atom (graph vertex) is based on information about its hybridization and the properties of neighboring atoms. Therefore, in the case of a successful solution of the classification problem, clustering can be carried out to find other ways to determine the types of atoms.
* '''Data:''' About 15 thousand molecules represented as molecular graphs. For each vertex (atom), 3D coordinates and a chemical element are known. Additionally, bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles between atoms (3D graph coordinates), binary signs reflecting whether an atom is included in the cycle and whether it is terminal are calculated. The sample is labeled, but the labeled data may contain ~5% errors.
If there is not enough data, it is possible to increase the sample (up to 200 thousand molecules), associated with an increase in inaccuracies in labeling.
* '''References:'''
*# [http://proceedings.mlr.press/v48/niepert16.pdf]
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.00856.pdf]
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.4539.pdf]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Prediction of hybridizations and link orders using a multiclass non-linear SVM with a small number of descriptors. https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01381010/document
* '''Solution:''' Proposed solution to the problem and ways of conducting research.
Methods for presenting and visualizing data and conducting error analysis, analyzing the quality of the algorithm.
At the first stage, it will be necessary to determine the operations on the graphs necessary to build the network architecture. Next, you will need to train the network for multi-class classification of the types of vertices (and edges) of the input graph.
To assess the quality of the algorithm, it is supposed to evaluate the accuracy using cross-validation. For the final publication (in a specialized journal), it will be necessary to make a specific test for the quality of predictions: based on the predicted bond types, the molecule is written as a string (in SMILES format) and compared with a sample. In this case, for each molecule, the prediction will be considered correct only if the types of all bonds in it were predicted without errors.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed molecular graphs have a 3D structure and internal hierarchy, making them an ideal CNN application.
* '''Authors:''' Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova, Strijov V.V.
===10 (1) ===
* '''Title:''' Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules. The problem description [https://www.overleaf.com/read/rjdnyyxpdkyj]
* '''Problem:'''
From the point of view of bioinformatics, The problem is to estimate the free energy of protein binding to a small molecule (ligand): the best ligand in its best position has the \textbf{lowest free energy} of interaction with the protein. (Following a large text, see the file at the link above.)
* '''Data:'''
*# Data for binary classification.
Approximately 12,000 protein-ligand complexes: for each of them there is 1 native position and 18 non-native ones. The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms of the protein and ligand, the dimension of the vector of descriptors is ~ 20,000. In the case of continued research and publication in a specialized journal, the set of descriptors can be expanded.
The data will be provided as binary files with a python script to read.
*# Data for regression.
For each of the presented complexes, the value of the quantity is known, which can be interpreted as the binding energy.
* '''References:'''
*# SVM [http://cs229.stanford.edu/notes/cs229-notes3.pdf]
*# Ridge Regression [http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/linear_model.html#ridge-regression]
*# [https://alex.smola.org/papers/2003/SmoSch03b.pdf] (section 1)
* '''Base algorithm:''' [https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01591154/]
In the classification problem, we used an algorithm similar to linear SVM, whose relationship with the energy estimate, which is outside the scope of the classification problem, is described in the above article. Various loss functions can be used in a regression problem.
* '''Solution:''' It is necessary to connect the previously used optimization problem with the regression problem and solve it using standard methods. Cross-validation will be used to check the operation of the algorithm.
There is a separate test set consisting of (1) 195 complexes of proteins and ligands, for which it is necessary to find the best ligand pose (the algorithm for obtaining ligand positions differs from that used in training), (2) complexes of proteins and ligands, for which native poses it is necessary to predict the energy binding, and (3) 65 proteins for which the most strongly binding ligand is to be found.
* '''Novelty:''' First of all, the interest is ''combining classification and regression problems'''.
The correct assessment of the quality of protein and ligand binding is used in drug development to search for molecules that interact most strongly with the protein under study. Using the classification problem described above to predict the binding energy results in an insufficiently high correlation of predictions with experimental values, while using the regression problem alone leads to overfitting.
* '''Authors''' Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova, Strijov V.V.
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! Letters
|Goncharov Alexey (example)
|Metric classification of time series
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/Goncharov2015MetricClassification.pdf paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/GoncharovAlexey2015PresentationMetricClassification.pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
|Zadayanchuk Andrey
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Alvant Alekseev Vasily]
|Intratext coherence as a measure of interpretability of thematic models of text collections
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Alekseev2017IntraTextCoherence/code code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Alekseev2017IntraTextCoherence/data/postnauka_original_reduced/postnauka_clean data]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Alekseev2017IntraTextCoherence/doc/Alekseev2017IntraTextCoherence.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Alekseev2017IntraTextCoherence/doc/Alekseev2017Presentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v2dNMJG4iA video]
|Viktor Bulatov
|Zakharenkov Anton
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Dmitriy_Anikeyev Anikeev Dmitry]
|Local approximation of time series for building predictive metamodels
|[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Anikeyev_Penkin2017ClassifyingMetamodels/code/ code]
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Anikeyev_Penkin2017ClassifyingMetamodels/paper/AnikeyevPenkin2017Splines.pdf paper]
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Anikeyev_Penkin2017ClassifyingMetamodels/paper/Anikeev%20F-talk.pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:strijov Strijov V.V.]
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Anikeyev2017ClassifyingMetamodels/paper/Review.pdf Smerdov Anton]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Gasanov_Elnur Gasanov Elnur]
|Construction of an approximating description of a scalogram in the problem of predicting movements using an electrocorticogram
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Gasanov2017ECoGAnalysis/Code code] [https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Gasanov2017ECoGAnalysis/Paper/Gasanov2017ECoGAnalysis.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Gasanov2017ECoGAnalysis/Paper/FTalk.pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Anastasiya Anastasia Motrenko]
|Kovalev Dmitry
|Zakharenkov Anton
|Massively multiThe problem deep learning for drug discovery
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Zakharenkov2017MassivelyMultiThe problemNetworks/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Zakharenkov2017MassivelyMultiThe problemNetworks/doc/Zakharenkov2017MassivelyMultiThe problemNetworks.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Zakharenkov2017MassivelyMultiThe problemNetworks/doc/Zakharenkov2016Presentation.pdf slides]
[https://youtu.be/l6M-CfpkZKQ video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
|Alekseev Vasily
|Kovalev Dmitry
|Unsupervised representation for molecules
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Kovalev2017MoleculesRepresentation/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Kovalev2017MoleculesRepresentation/doc/paper/Kovalev2017MoleculesRepresentation.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Kovalev2017MoleculesRepresentation/doc/slides/Kovalev2017MoleculesRepresentation.pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Gasanov_Elnur Gasanov Elnur]
|Novitsky Vasily
|Feature Selection in Problems of Autoregressive Prediction of Biomedical Signals
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Novitskiy2017Biosignal/doc/novitskiy.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Novitskiy2017Biosignal/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Novitskiy2017Biosignal/slides/presentation.pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Katrutsa Alexander Katrutsa]
|B - F
|Selezneva Maria
|Aggregation of heterogeneous text collections in a hierarchical thematic model of Russian-language popular science content
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Seleznova2017AggregationARTM/paper/Seleznova2017AggregationARTM.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Seleznova2017AggregationARTM/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Seleznova2017AggregationARTM/slides/FinalTalk.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKUJtfGGlTY video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Iefimova Irina Efimova]
|[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Seleznova2017AggregationARTM/feedback/Selezniova2017_Sholokhov-Feedback.rtf Sholokhov Alexey]
|Smerdov Anton
|Choosing the optimal recurrent network model in the Paraphrase Search The problems
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Smerdov2017Paraphrase/doc/Smerdov2017Paraphrase.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Smerdov2017Paraphrase/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Smerdov2017Paraphrase/doc/Smerdov2017ParaphrasePresentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW_xv2IlhC4 video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Oleg_Bakhteev Oleg Bakhteev]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Dmitriy_Anikeyev Dmitry Anikeev]
|Uvarov Nikita
|Optimal Algorithm for Reconstruction of Dynamic Models
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Uvarov2017DynamicGraphicalModels/doc/Uvarov2017DynamicGraphicalModels.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Uvarov2017DynamicGraphicalModels/slides/Uvarov2017DynamicGraphicalModels.pdf slides]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Uvarov2017DynamicGraphicalModels/code/ code]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79t61GB40nU video]
|Yuri Maksimov
|October 7
|Usmanova Karina
|Multiple Manifold Learning (Joint diagonalization for 3D shapes - AJD on Hessian matrices)
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Usmanova2017MultipleManifoldLearning/doc/Usmanova2017MultipleManifoldLearning.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Usmanova2017MultipleManifoldLearning/slides/Usmanova2017PresentationAJD.pdf slides]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Usmanova2017MultipleManifoldLearning/code/ code]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqHLmSU-2iM video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mkarasikov Mikhail Karasikov]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:IShibaev Innokenty Shibaev]
|Innokenty Shibaev
|Convex relaxations for multiple structure alignment (synchronization problem for SO(3))
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Shibaev2017MultipleStructureAlignment/doc/Shibaev2017MultipleStructureAlignment.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Shibaev2017MultipleStructureAlignment/doc/Shibaev2017MultipleStructureAlignment_Final.pdf slides]
[https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Shibaev2017MultipleStructureAlignment/code/Shibaev2017MultipleStructureAlignment_different_algs.ipynb code]
[https://youtu.be/qs1Rchb02C0 video]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mkarasikov Mikhail Karasikov]
|Usmanova Karina
|Sholokhov Alexey
|Noise immunity of methods for informational analysis of ECG signals
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Sholokhov2017NoiseSustainability/doc/Sholokhov2017NoiseSustainability.pdf paper]
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Sholokhov2017NoiseSustainability/code/stage2_statistics_calculation.ipynb code]
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Sholokhov2017NoiseSustainability/slides/Sholokhov2017NiseSustainability_MidTalk.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BHIpUiY9VU video]
|Vlada Bunakova
|[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Sholokhov2017NoiseSustainability/feedback/Sholokhov2017NoiseSustainability_SelezniovaFeedback.rtf Selezneva Maria]
Risky works
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|Kaloshin Pavel
|Using deep learning networks to transfer classification models in case of insufficient data.
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/KaloshinBolotin2017TransferLearning/paper/main.pdf paper]
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/KaloshinBolotin2017TransferLearning/code code]
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/KaloshinBolotin2017TransferLearning/data data]
|[[Участник:khritankov|Anton Khritankov]]
| - MF
|Malinovsky Grigory
|Choice of Interpreted Multimodels in Credit Scoring The problems
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Malinovskiy2017CreditScoring/doc/paper.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Malinovskiy2017CreditScoring/code/ code]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Aduenko Alexander Aduenko]
|out B - -
|Pletnev Nikita
|Internal plagiarism detection
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group474/Pletnev2017PlagiarismDetecting/Pletnev2017PlagiarismDetecting.pdf paper]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Rita_Kuznetsova Rita Kuznetsova]
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|Grevtsev Alexander
|Parallel Algorithms for Parametric Identification of the Tersoff Potential for AlN
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Grevtsev2017Problem3/doc/Article.pdf paper]
|Karine Abgaryan
|Zaitsev Nikita
|Automatic classification of scientific articles on crystallography
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Zaytsev2017ArticlesClassification/report/report.pdf paper]
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Zaytsev2017ArticlesClassification/README.txt readme]
|Evgeny Gavrilov
|Diligul Alexander
|Determination of the optimal potential parameters for the Rosato-Guillope-Legrand (RGL) model from experimental data and the results of quantum mechanical calculations
[https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group474/Diligul2017Problem4/Doc/Article.pdf paper]
|Karine Abgaryan
|Daria Fokina
|Selection of Candidates in the Problem of Finding Text Borrowings with Paraphrasing Based on the Vectorization of Text Fragments
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Fess10 Alexey Romanov]
===1. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Classification of human activities according to fitness bracelet measurements.
* '''Problem:''' According to the accelerometer and gyroscope measurements, it is required to determine the type of worker's activity. It is assumed that the time series of measurements contain elementary movements that form clusters in the space of time series descriptions. The characteristic duration of the movement is seconds. Time series are labeled with activity type labels: work, leisure. The typical duration of activity is minutes. It is required to restore the type of activity according to the description of the time series and cluster.
* '''Data:''' WISDM accelerometer time series ([[Time series (examples library)]], Accelerometry section).
* '''References:'''
*# Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Karasikov2016TSC.pdf URL]]
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. [[http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2015/no11/Ivkin2015TSclassification.pdf URL]]
*# Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Metric learning in The problemx multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2) : 48-57. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Isachenko2016MetricsLearning.pdf URL]]
*# Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf URL]]
*# Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, no. 6, 1466 - 1476.
*# Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Ignatov2015HumanActivity.pdf URL]]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Basic algorithm is described in [Karasikov, Strijov: 2016] and [Kuznetsov, Ivkin: 2014].
* '''Solution:''' Find the optimal segmentation method and optimal description of the time series. Construct a metric space of descriptions of elementary motions.
* '''Novelty:''': Connection of two characteristic times of the description of a person's life, combined statement of the problem.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V., M.P. Kuznetsov, P.V. Levdik.
===2. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Construction of an approximating description of a scalogram in the problem of predicting movements using an electrocorticogram.
* '''Problem:''' As part of solving the problem of decoding ECoG signals, The problem of classifying movements by time series of electrode readings is solved. The tools for extracting features from ECoG time series are the coefficients of the wavelet transform of the signal under study [Makarchuk 2016], on the basis of which a scalogram is built for each electrode - a two-dimensional array of features in frequency-time space. Combining scalograms for each electrode gives signs of a time series in the spatio-frequency-time domain. The feature description constructed in this way obviously contains multicorrelated features and is redundant. It is required to propose a method for reducing the dimension of the feature space.
* '''Data:''' Measurements of the positions of the fingers when performing simple gestures. [https://purl.stanford.edu/zk881ps0522 Description of experiments] [https://stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:zk881ps0522/gestures.zip data].
* '''References:'''
*# Makarchuk G.I., Zadayanchuk A.I. Strijov V.V. 2016. Using partial least squares to decode hand movement using ECoG cues in monkeys. [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Makarchuk2016ECoGSignals/doc/Makarchuk2016ECoGSignals.pdf pdf]
*# Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Karasikov2016TSC.pdf URL]]
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. T. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483.
* '''Base algorithm:''' PLS
Chen C, Shin D, Watanabe H, Nakanishi Y, Kambara H, et al. (2013) Prediction of Hand Trajectory from Electrocorticography Signals in Primary Motor Cortex. PLoS ONE 8(12): e83534.
* '''Solution:''' To reduce the dimension, it is proposed to use the local approximation method proposed in [Kuznetsov 2015] used to classify accelerometric time series [Karasikov 2016].
* '''Novelty:''' A new method of movement recovery based on electrocorticograms is proposed.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V., A.P. Motrenko
===3. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Multiple Manifold Learning (Joint diagonalization for 3D shapes - AJD on Hessian matrices).
* '''Problem:''' Building an optimal algorithm for the Multiple Manifold Learning The problem. Two protein conformations (two tertiary structures) are given. In the vicinity of each state, a model of an elastic body is specified (oscillations of the structure in the vicinity of these states). The problem is to build a general model of an elastic body to find intermediate states with the maximum match with these models in the vicinity of given conformations. The space of motion of an elastic body is given by the Hessian eigenvectors. It is required to find a common low-rank approximation of the space of motions of two elastic bodies.
* '''Data:''' Protein structures in double conformations from PDB, about 100 sets from the article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4677049/
* '''References:''' A list of scientific papers, supplemented by 1) the statement of the problem being solved, 2) links to new results (a recent article that is close in results), 3) basic information about the problem under study.
Tirion, M. M. (1996). Large amplitude elastic motions in proteins from a single-parameter, atomic analysis. Physical Review Letters, 77(9), 1905.
Moal, I. H., & Bates, P. A. (2010). {SwarmDock} and the Use of Normal Modes in Protein-Protein Docking. IJMS, 11(10), 3623–3648. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms11103623
* '''Base algorithm:''' AJD algorithm: http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~cardoso/jointdiag.html, AJD algorithms implemented as part of Shogun ML toolbox http://shogun-toolbox.org , http://shogun-toolbox.org/api/latest/classshogun_1_1CApproxJointDiagonalizer.html.
* '''Solution:''' Computing Hessians (C++ code from Sergey), learning and running standard joint diagonalization algorithms for the first n non-trivial eigenvectors, analyzing loss functions, adapting the standard algorithm to solve the original problem.
* '''Novelty:''' Using simple elasticity models with one or more free parameters, thermal fluctuations in proteins can be described. However, such models do not describe transitions between several stable conformations in proteins. The purpose of this work is to refine the elastic model so that it also describes the space of conformational changes.
* '''Authors:''' Sergey Grudinin, consultant: Mikhail Karasikov / Yury Maksimov.
===4. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Convex relaxations for multiple structure alignment (synchronization problem for SO(3)).
* '''Problem:''' Find transformations to align protein tertiary structures simultaneously (in simple words: find orthogonal transformations that align data in R^3 molecules that have the same chemical formula). If the structures are the same (the RMSD is equal to zero after alignment, the structures are aligned exactly), then you can align in pairs. However, if this is not the case, then the Basic algorithm, generally speaking, does not find the optimum of the original problem with a loss function for simultaneous equalization.
* '''Data:''' Protein structures in PDB format in various states and coordinate systems.
* '''References:'''
*# Multiple structural alignment:
*# Kearsley.S.K. (1990)7. Comput. Chem., 11, 1187-1192.
*# Shapiro., BothaJ.D., PastorA and Lesk.A.M. (1992) Acta Crystallogr., A48, 11-14.
*# Diamond,R. (1992) Protein Sci., 1, 1279-1287.
*# May AC, Johnson MS, Improved genetic algorithm-based protein structure comparisons: pairwise and multiple superpositions. ProteinEng. 1995 Sep;8(9):873-82.
*# Synchronization problem:
*# O. Özyeşil, N. Sharon, A. Singer, ``Synchronization over Cartan motion groups via contraction”, Available at arXiv.
*# L. Wang, A. Singer, `ʻExact and Stable Recovery of Rotations for Robust Synchronization”, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 2(2), pp. 145--193 (2013).
*# Semidefinite relaxations for optimization problems over rotation matrices J Saunderson, PA Parrilo… - Decision and Control ( …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
*# Spectral synchronization of multiple views in SE (3) F Arrigoni, B Rossi, A Fusiello - SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016 - SIAM
*# Robust Rotation Synchronization via Low-rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition, F Arrigoni, A Fusiello, B Rossi, P Fragneto - arXiv preprint arXiv: …, 2015 - arxiv.org
*# Spectral relaxation for SO(2)
*# A. Singer, Angular synchronization by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 30 (1) (2011) 20 – 36.
*# Spectral relaxation for SO(3)
*# M.Arie-Nachimson,S.Z.Kovalsky,I.Kemelmacher-Shlizerman,A.Singer,R.Basri,Global motion estimation from point matches, in: International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2012 , pp. 81–88.
*# A. Singer, Y. Shkolnisky, Three-dimensional structure determination from common lines in cryo-em by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (2) (2011) 543–572.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Local (pairwise) alignment algorithm. Kearsley S.K. (1989) Acta Crystallogr., A45, 208-210; Rapid determination of RMSDs corresponding to macromolecular rigid body motions
Petr Popov, Sergei Grudinin, Journal of Computational Chemistry, Wiley, 2014, 35(12), pp.950-956. <10.1002/jcc.23569>
DOI: 10.1002/jcc.23569
* '''Solution:''' Two options for setting optimization problems (through rotation matrices and through quaternions). Relaxation of the obtained problems by convex ones, comparison of the solutions of the problem by the basic algorithm and relaxations (spectral relaxation, SDP).
* '''Novelty:''' A method that flattens structures by minimizing the loss function, taking into account all pairwise losses.
* '''Authors:''' Sergey Grudinin, consultant: Mikhail Karasikov.
===5. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Local approximation of time series for building predictive metamodels.
* '''Problem:''' The physical activity of a person is investigated by time series - accelerometer measurements. The aim of the project is to create a tool for analyzing the problem of creating models for predicting models - metamodels. The segment of the time series is investigated. It is required to predict the class of the segment. (Option: predict the end of the segment, the next segment, its class. In this case, the class of the next segment may differ from the class of the previous one).
* '''Data:''' Based on a Santa Fe or WISDM sample (samples consist of segments with many elementary movements and class labels corresponding to the segments), a variant of the OPPORTUNITY Activity Recognition Challenge.
* '''References:'''
*# Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [[http://strijov.com/papers/Karasikov2016TSC.pdf URL]]
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. [[http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2015/no11/Ivkin2015TSclassification.pdf URL]]
* '''Base algorithm:''' [Karasikov 2016]
* '''Solution:''' See [[Media:Local_appr.pdf|The problem description]].
* '''Novelty:''' When creating meta-prognostic models (predictive models of predictive models), the problem of using the values of parameters of local models when creating meta-models remains open. The purpose of the project below is to create a tool to analyze this problem.
* '''Authors:''' Strijov V.V.
===6. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Choosing the optimal recurrent network model in the Paraphrase Search The problems
* '''Problem:''' Given a selection of pairs of sentences labeled <<similar>> and <<dissimilar>>. It is required to build a recurrent network of low complexity (that is, with a small number of parameters) that delivers a minimum error in the classification of pairs of sentences.
* '''Data:''' It is proposed to consider two samples: [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52398 Microsoft Paraphrase Corpus] (a small set of sentences) and [http ://sitem.herts.ac.uk/aeru/ppdb/en/ PPDB] (set of short segments, markup not always correct)
* '''References:'''
*# [http://deeplearning.net/tutorial/lstm.html [1]] Step by step description of the implementation of the LSTM recurrent network
*# [http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~graves/nips_2011.pdf [2]] Thinning algorithm based on building a network with a minimum description length
*# [http://papers.nips.cc/paper/250-optimal-brain-damage.pdf Optimal Brain Damage] [3]
* '''Basic algorithm''': The basic algorithm can be:
*# Solution without thinning
*# Solution described in [3]
*# Optimal Brain Damage
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to consider the thinning method described in [3] with a block covariance matrix: either neurons or parameters grouped by input features act as blocks.
* '''Novelty:''' The proposed method will effectively reduce the complexity of the recurrent network, taking into account the relationship between neurons or input features.
* '''Authors:''' Oleg Bakhteev, consultant
===7. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Internal plagiarism detection
* '''Problem:''' Solved by The problem to identify internal borrowings in text. It is required to test the hypothesis that the given text was written by a single author, and if it is not fulfilled, highlight the borrowed parts of the text. A borrowing is a part of the text, presumably written by another author and containing characteristic differences from the style of the main author. It is required to develop such a style function that allows to distinguish with a high degree of certainty the style of the main author of the text from borrowings.
* '''Data:''' It is proposed to consider the corpus PAN-2011, PAN-2016
* '''References:'''
*# [http://deeplearning.net/tutorial/lstm.html [1]] Step by step description of the implementation of the LSTM recurrent network
*# [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.04485.pdf [2]] Author clustering algorithm
*# [http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/imikolov/rnnlm/thesis.pdf [3]] Statistical Language Models Based on Neural Networks
*# [https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1011/6d82a8438c78877a8a142be47c4ee8662138.pdf [4]] Methods for intrinsic plagiarism detection and author diarization
* '''Basic algorithm''': The solution described in [4] can be used as the Basic algorithm
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to consider the method described in [2] and build a style function based on the neural network outputs.
* '''Novelty:''' It is assumed that the construction of a style function by the proposed method can give an increase in quality compared to typical solutions to this problem.
* '''Authors:''' Rita Kuznetsova, consultant
===8. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Adaptive relaxations of NP hard problems through machine learning
* '''Problem:''' Modern problems of optimizing power flows in power networks lead to non-convex optimization The problems with a large number of restrictions. Statements similar in structure also arise in a number of other engineering problems and in classical The problems of combinatorial optimization. The traditional approach to solving such NP hard problems is to write their convex relaxations (semidefinite/SDP, second order conic/SOCP, etc), which usually have a much larger set of feasible solutions than in the original problem. and by the subsequent projection of the obtained solution into the region where the constraints of the original problem are satisfied. In many practical cases, the quality of the solution obtained in this way is not high. Alternative approaches, for example MILP (mixed integer linear programming) relaxation, are substantially more time consuming but result in a more accurate answer.
The main problem is the impossibility of using known methods for solving large-scale problems (networks of 1000 nodes and more). One of the key obstacles is not so much the dimension of the problem as a large number of restrictions. At the same time, in real The problems it is possible to single out a small set of restrictions such that the sets of admissible points in the selected set and in the original one are very close. This will allow us to replace The problem with another one with fewer restrictions, which will increase the speed of the algorithms used.
It is proposed to use machine learning methods to build the indicated set of the most important constraints.
* '''References:''' Sampling/machine learning methods:
*# Beygelzimer, A., Dasgupta, S., & Langford, J. (2009, June). Importance weighted active learning. In Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on machine learning (pp. 49-56). ACM.
*# Tong, S., & Koller, D. (2001). Support vector machine active learning with applications to text classification. Journal of machine learning research, 2(Nov), 45-66.
*# Owen, A., & Zhou, Y. (2000). Safe and effective importance sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(449), 135-143.
Relaxations: Nagarajan, H., Lu, M., Yamangil, E., & Bent, R. (2016). Tightening McCormick Relaxations for Nonlinear Programs via Dynamic Multivariate Partitioning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05806.
* '''Data:''' ieee + matpower data containing descriptions of energy networks and their modes of operation.
* '''Novelty:''' This approach seems to be the first application of applied statistics/machine learning methods to solve difficult optimization problems. We expect substantial gains in labor-intensive style methods
* '''Author''': consultant: Yuri Maksimov, Expert: Mikhail Chertkov
===9. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Optimal Algorithm for Reconstruction of Dynamic Models.
* '''Problem:''' A standard machine learning problem statement in the context of unsupervised learning assumes that the examples are independent and come from the same probability distribution. However, often observed data are of dynamic origin and are correlated. The problem is to develop an efficient method for restoring a dynamic graphical model (graph and model parameters) from observed correlated dynamic configurations. This The problem is theoretically important and has many applications. The basis of the algorithm will be the adaptation of a new optimal method of screening interactions (interaction screening), developed for the Ising model. The solution process will combine familiarity with computer science/machine learning theoretical methods and numerical experiments.
* '''Data:''' Simulated dynamic configurations of spins in the kinetic Ising model.
* '''References:'''
*# Lokhov et al., "Optimal structure and parameter learning of Ising models", arXiv:1612.05024 (2016) {https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.05024}
*# Vuffray et al., "Interaction screening: efficient and sample-optimal learning of Ising models", NIPS 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07252}
*# Decelle and Zhang, "Inference of the sparse kinetic Ising model using the decimation method", Phys. Rev. E 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01660}
*# Bresler et al., "Learning graphical models from the Glauber dynamics", Allerton 2014 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.7659}
*# Zeng et al., "Maximum likelihood reconstruction for Ising models with asynchronous updates", Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013
* '''Base algorithm:''' Dynamic method for shielding interactions. Comparison with the maximum likelihood method.
* '''Novelty:''' Currently, the optimal (ie using the minimum possible number of examples) algorithm for this problem is unknown. The dynamic method of interaction screening has a good chance of finally "closing" this The problem, because is optimal for a static problem.
* '''Author''': consultants Andrey Lokhov, Yuri Maksimov. Expert Mikhail Chertkov
===10. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Choice of Interpreted Multimodels in Credit Scoring The problems
* '''Problem:''' The problem of credit scoring is to determine the level of creditworthiness of the borrower. For this, a borrower's questionnaire is used, containing both numerical (age, income) and categorical features (gender, profession). It is required, having historical information about the repayment of loans by other borrowers, to determine whether the borrower will return the loan. The data can be heterogeneous (example, if there are different income regions in a country), and several models will be needed to adequately classify. It is necessary to determine the optimal number of models. Based on the set of model parameters, it is necessary to draw up a portrait of the borrower.
* '''Data:''' It is proposed to consider five samples from the UCI and Kaggle repositories, with a capacity of 50,000 objects or more.
* '''References:''' A.A. Aduenko \MLAlgorithms\PhDThesis; C. Bishop, Pattern recognition and machine learning, final chapter; 20 years of Mixture experts.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Clustering and building independent logistic regression models, Adaboost, Decision Forest (with restrictions on complexity), Blend of Experts.
* '''Solution:''' An algorithm is proposed for selecting a multi-model (a mixture of models or a mixture of Experts) and determining the optimal number of models.
* '''Novelty:''' Proposed function of distance between models in which parameter distributions are given on different media.
* '''Authors:''' A.A. Aduenko, Strijov V.V.
===11. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Feature Selection in Problems of Autoregressive Prediction of Biomedical Signals.
* '''Problem:''' The problem of predicting biomedical signals and IoT signals is being solved. It is required to predict the vector - the next few signal samples. It is assumed that the proper dimension of the space of both the predicted variable and the independent variable can be significantly reduced, thereby increasing the stability of the forecast without significant loss of accuracy. For this, the Partial Least Squares approach in autoregressive forecasting is used.
* '''Data:''' SantaFe biomedical time series sample, IoT signal sample.
* '''References:''' Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Stresstest procedure for feature selection algorithms // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 142 : 172-183; : Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Comprehensive study of feature selection methods to solve multicollinearity problem according to evaluation criteria // Expert Systems with applications, 2017; Kee Siong Ng A Simple Explanation of Partial Least Squares keesiong.ng@gopivotal.com Draft, April 27, 2013, http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~kee/pls.pdf
* '''Base algorithm:''' PLS, quadratic optimization algorithm for feature selection.
* '''Solution:''' build a design matrix with a suboptimal set of objects and features, propose a quadratic optimization error function (if possible, develop it for the case of a tensor representation of the design matrix).
* '''Novelty:''' Generalized feature selection algorithm (published two weeks ago) for the PLS case.
* '''Authors:''' A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V.
===12. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Massively multiThe problem deep learning for drug discovery
* '''Problem:''' Develop a multi-The problem recurrent neural network to predict biological activity. For each molecule-protein pair, it is required to predict the binary value 0/1, which means that the molecule binds/does not bind to the protein.
* '''Data:''' sparse biological activity data for ~100K molecules versus ~1000 proteins. Molecules are represented as SMILES strings (sequence of characters encoding a molecule)
* '''References:''' https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.02072
* '''Base algorithm:''' multi-The problem neural network that predicts activity by numerical features, single-The problem recurrent neural network
* '''Solution:''' MultiThe probleming means that you need to build a model that is obtained for the input of a molecule and predicts its biological activity against all proteins in the sample.
* '''Novelty:''' Existing methods did not show a significant improvement in the quality of the DL model compared to standard ML models
* '''Authors:''' Expert -- Alexander Isaev, consultant -- Maria Popova
===13. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Unsupervised representation for molecules
* '''Problem:''' Develop an unsupervised method for representing molecules
* '''Data:''' ~1.5M molecules in SMILES string format (character sequence encoding the molecule)
* '''References:''' https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/science.pdf
* '''Base algorithm:''' currently hand-selected numerical features are used as such representation. The quality of the resulting representations can be compared with the tox21 dataset (10K molecules versus 12 proteins)
* '''Solution:''' use convolutional or recurrent networks to build an autoencoder.
* '''Novelty:''' building an end-to-end model to get informative features
* '''Authors:''' Expert -- Alexander Isaev, consultant -- Maria Popova
===14. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Intratext coherence as a measure of interpretability of thematic models of text collections.
* '''Problem:''' Interpretability is a subjective measure of the quality of topic models, as measured by Expert Scores. Coherence is a measure of the occurrence of thematic words, calculated automatically from the text and correlates well with interpretability, as shown in the Newman and Mimno series. The first The problem is to evaluate the representativeness of the sequence of words in the text, according to which the coherence is estimated. The second The problem is to compare several new methods for measuring interpretability and coherence based on the selection of the most representative sequence of words in the source text.
* '''Data:''' A collection of popular science content PostNauka, a collection of news content.
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. [[Media:voron17survey-artm.pdf|Review of probabilistic thematic models]], 2017.
*# N.Aletras, M.Stevenson. Evaluating Topic Coherence Using Distributional Semantics, 2013.
*# D. Newman et al. Automatic evaluation of topic coherence, 2010
*# D.Mimno et al. Optimizing semantic coherence in topic models, 2011
*# http://palmetto.aksw.org/palmetto-webapp/
* '''Base algorithm:''' Standard methods for estimating the interpretability and coherence of topics in topic models.
* '''Solution:''' A new method for measuring interpretability and coherence, experiments to find the most correlated measures of interpretability and coherence, similar to [D.Newman, 2010].
* '''Novelty:''' inline measures of interpretability and coherence were not previously proposed.
* '''Authors:''' Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Viktor Bulatov, Anna Potapenko, Artyom Popov.
===15. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Aggregation of heterogeneous text collections in a hierarchical thematic model of Russian-language popular science content.
* '''Problem:''' Implement and compare multiple ways of combining text collections from different sources into one hierarchical topic model. Build a classifier that determines the presence of a topic in the source.
* '''Data:''' Collection of popular science content PostNauka, Wikipedia collection.
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. [[Media:voron17survey-artm.pdf|Review of probabilistic thematic models]], 2017.
*# Chirkova N. A, Vorontsov K. V. [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2016/no2/Chirkova2016hARTM.pdf Additive regularization of multimodal hierarchical topic models] // Machine Learning and Data Analysis, 2016. T. 2. No. 2.
* '''Base algorithm:''' An algorithm for constructing a thematic hierarchy in BigARTM, implemented by Nadezhda Chirkova. Marking tool
* '''Solution:''' Build a topic model with source modalities and highlight topics specific to only one of the sources. Prepare a sample for training a classifier that determines the presence of a topic in the source.
* '''Novelty:''' Additive regularization of topic models has not been applied to this problem before.
* '''Authors:''' Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Alexander Romanenko, Irina Efimova, Nadezhda Chirkova.
===16. 2017===
* '''Title:''' Application of the methods of symbolic dynamics in the technology of informational analysis of electrocardiosignals.
* '''Problem:''' The technology of informational analysis of electrocardiosignals, proposed by V.M.Uspensky, involves converting a raw signal into a character sequence and searching for disease patterns in this sequence. So far, symbolic n-grams have been predominantly used to search for patterns. In the framework of this work, it is proposed to expand the class of templates in which the search for diagnostic signs of diseases is performed. Quality criterion -- AUC and MAP ranking of diagnoses.
* '''Data:''' A selection of electrocardiograms with known diagnoses.
* '''References:'''
*# Uspensky V.M. Informational function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. - M .: "Economics and Information", 2008. - 116s
*# Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Classification methods .
* '''Solution:''' Search for logical patterns in character strings, methods of character dynamics, comparison of algorithms according to the quality criteria AUC and MAP (diagnosis ranking).
* '''Novelty:''' So far, character n-grams have been used predominantly to search for patterns.
* '''Authors:''' Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Vlada Tselykh.
=== Vorontsov The problems +===
* '''Title''': Dynamic hierarchical thematic model of the news flow.
* '''Problem:''' Develop an algorithm for classifying topics in news flows into new and ongoing ones. Apply the obtained criteria for creating new topics at all levels of the topic model hierarchy when adding the next piece of data to the text collection (for example, all news for one day).
* '''Data:''' Collection of news in Russian. A subsample of news classified into two classes: new and ongoing topics.
* '''Literature''':
*#''Vorontsov K.V.'' [[Media:voron17survey-artm.pdf|Review of probabilistic thematic models]], 2017.
*#''Chirkova N. A, Vorontsov K. V.'' [http://jmlda.org/papers/doc/2016/no2/Chirkova2016hARTM.pdf Additive regularization of multimodal hierarchical topic models] // Machine Learning and Data Analysis , 2016 T. 2. No. 2.
* '''Basic Algorithm''': An algorithm for constructing a thematic hierarchy in BigARTM, implemented by Nadezhda Chirkova. Known Topic Detection & Tracking algorithms.
* '''Solution''': Using BigARTM, selecting regularizers and their parameters, using the topic selection regularizer. Building an algorithm for classifying topics into new and ongoing.
* '''Novelty''': Additive regularization of topic models has not been applied to this problem before.
* '''Authors''': KV Vorontsov. Consultants: Alexander Romanenko, Artyom Popov.
===Antiplagiarism + ===
* '''Title:''' Selection of Candidates in the Problem of Finding Text Borrowings with Paraphrasing Based on the Vectorization of Text Fragments.
* '''Problem:''' Searching for text borrowings in a collection of documents involves selecting a small set of candidates for subsequent detailed analysis. The Candidate Selection The problem is formulated as finding the optimal ranking of documents in a collection for a query with respect to some function that is an estimate for the total length of borrows from a collection document to a query document.
* '''Data:''' [http://pan.webis.de/clef11/pan11-web/plagiarism-detection.html PAN]
* '''References:'''
*# Romanov A.V., Khritankov A.S. Selection of candidates when searching for borrowings in a collection of documents in a foreign language [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/c/c4/6.Romanov .pdf]
* '''Basic algorithm''': shingles method with reverse index construction.
* '''Solution:''' Vectorization of text fragments (word embeddings + convolutional / recurrent neural networks) and subsequent search for nearest objects in a multidimensional metric space.
* '''Novelty:''' a new approach to solving the problem.
* '''Authors:''' Alexey Romanov (consultant)
Additional projects
=== Vorontsov+===
* '''Title:''' Thematic modeling of an economic sector based on bank transaction data.
* '''Problem:''' Test the hypothesis that a large sample of transactions between firms is adequately described by a relatively small set of economic activities (aka topics). The problem is reduced to decomposing the matrix of transactional data "buyers × sellers" into the product of three non-negative matrices "buyers × topics", "topics × topics", "topics × sellers", while the middle matrix describes a directed graph of financial flows in the industry. It is required to compare several methods for constructing such expansions and find the number of topics for which the observed set of transactions is modeled with sufficient accuracy.
* '''Data:''' selection of transactions between firms, such as "buyer, seller, volume".
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. [[Media:voron17survey-artm.pdf|Review of probabilistic thematic models]], 2017.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Standard methods for non-negative matrix expansions.
* '''Solution:''' Regularized EM-algorithm for sparse non-negative matrix expansions. Visualization of the graph of financial flows. Testing the algorithm on synthetic data, testing the hypothesis about the stability of sparse solutions.
* '''Novelty:''' Thematic modeling has not previously been applied to the analysis of financial transactional data.
* '''Authors:''' Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Viktor Safronov, Rosa Aisina.
* '''Title:''' Generating and selecting features when building a credit scoring model.
* '''Problem:''' Credit scoring models are built step by step. In particular, a number of independent transformations of individual features are performed, and new features are generated. Each step uses its own quality criterion. It is required to build a scoring model that adequately describes the sample. Maximizing the quality of the model at each step does not guarantee the maximum quality of the resulting model. It is proposed to abandon the step-by-step construction of the scoring model. To do this, the quality criterion must include all the optimized parameters of the model.
* '''Data:''' The computational experiment will be performed on 5-7 samples to be found. It is desirable that the samples be of the same nature, for example, the samples of consumer credit questionnaires.
* '''References:''' Siddique N. Constructing scoring models, SAS. Hosmer D., Lemeshow S., Applied logistic regression, Wiley. Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Comprehensive study of feature selection methods to solve multicollinearity problem according to evaluation criteria // Expert Systems with applications, 2017.
* '''Base algorithm:''' The scoring model construction algorithm recommended by SAS.
* '''Solution:''' Each step of the procedure is represented as an optimization problem. The parameters to be optimized are combined, and the Feature Selection The problem is included as a Mixed Optimization The problem.
* '''Novelty:''' An error function is proposed, when using which the generation and selection of features, as well as the optimization of model parameters, are performed together.
* '''Authors:''' T.V. Voznesenskaya, Strijov V.V.
* '''Title:''' Representation of molecules in 3D
* '''Problem:''' Develop representations of the 3D structure of molecules that would have the property of rotational and translational invariance.
* '''Data:''' Millions of molecules given by 3D coordinates
* '''References:''' https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.08935, http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.146401
* '''Base algorithm:''' low rank matrix/tensor factorization
* '''Solution:''' Molecules have a different number of atoms, and therefore the matrix of their 3D coordinates is Nx3. We need to find a mathematical transformation that would be independent of N (N is the number of atoms).
* '''Novelty:''' existing algorithms depend on the number of atoms in the molecule
* '''Authors:''' Expert -- Alexander Isaev, consultant -- Maria Popova
* '''Title:''' Optimal algorithm for recovering block Hamiltonians (XY and Heisenberg models).
* '''Problem:''' The problem is to reconstruct block Hamiltonians with continuous spins (a generalization of the Ising model to two- and three-dimensional spins) from the observed data. This setting is a special case of a field of machine learning known as unsupervised learning. Reconstruction of a graphical spin model from observational data is an important problem in physics. The basis of the algorithm will be the adaptation of a new optimal method of screening interactions (interaction screening), developed for the Ising model. The solution process will combine familiarity with computer science/machine learning theoretical methods and numerical experiments.
* '''Data:''' Simulated block spin model configurations.
* '''References:'''
*# Lokhov et al., "Optimal structure and parameter learning of Ising models", arXiv:1612.05024 (2016) {https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.05024}
*# Vuffray et al., "Interaction screening: efficient and sample-optimal learning of Ising models", NIPS 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07252}
*# Tyagi et al., "Regularization and decimation pseudolikelihood approaches to statistical inference in XY spin models", Phys. Rev. B 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05101}
* '''Base algorithm:''' Dynamic method for shielding interactions. Comparison with the method of maximum pseudo-likelihood (pseudolikelihood).
* '''Novelty:''' An algorithm based on the dynamic interaction shielding method has a good chance of being optimal for this problem, because the corresponding method is optimal for the inverse Ising problem.
* '''Author''': consultants Andrey Lokhov, Yuri Maksimov. Expert Mikhail Chertkov
===Khritankova (Transfer Learning) ===
* '''Title:''' Using deep learning networks to transfer classification models in case of insufficient data.
* '''Problem description:'''
*# Develop an algorithm for calculating a set of latent features in the symmetric homogeneous transfer learning problem, the solution of the classification problem in which does not depend on the original area, and which is no worse than when solving for each area separately (transfer error) for the case of small sample sizes with errors in markup
*# Develop an algorithm for transitioning to a hidden set of features without using markup (unsupervised domain adaptation)
* '''Data:''' teraPromise-CK (33 datasets with the same features but different distributions).
* '''References:''' Base article: Xavier Glorot , Antoine Bordes , Yoshua Bengio. (2011) Domain Adaptation for Large-Scale sentiment classification: A Deep Learning approach / In Proceedings of the Twenty-eight International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML.
Articles with ideas for improving the algorithm will be handed out (several).
* '''Base algorithm:''' SDA (Stacked Denoising Autoencoder) – described in the Glorot et al.
* '''Solution:''' Take the Basic algorithm, a) try to improve it for application to small datasets of 100-1000 objects (when transfer learning is applied) by applying regularizers, adjusting the architecture of the autoencoder, adjusting the learning algorithm (for example, bootstrapping) b ) investigate the model for resistance to markup errors (label corruption / noisy labels) and propose improvements to increase stability (robustness).
* '''Novelty:''' Obtaining a stable algorithm for transferring classification models on small amounts of data with markup errors.
* '''Authors:''' Khritankov
* '''Title:''' Estimated binding energy of protein and small molecules.
* '''Problem:''' Modeling the binding of a protein and a small molecule (hereinafter referred to as a ligand) is based on the fact that the best ligand in its best position has the lowest free energy of interaction with the protein. It is necessary to estimate the free energy of protein and ligand binding. Complexes of proteins with ligands can be used for training, and for each protein there are several positions of the ligand: 1 correct, "native", for which the energy is minimal, and several generated incorrect ones. For a third of the data set, values are known that are proportional to the desired binding energy of ligands in native positions with the protein. There is a separate test set consisting of 1) complexes of proteins and ligands, for which it is necessary to find the best ligand position (the algorithm for obtaining ligand positions differs from that used in training), 2) complexes of proteins and ligands, for whose native positions it is necessary to predict the binding energy, and 3) proteins for which it is necessary to find the most strongly binding ligand.
* '''Data:''' About 10000 complexes: for each of them there is 1 native pose and 18 (more can be generated) non-native ones. The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms of the protein and ligand, the dimension of the vector of descriptors is ~ 20,000. The set of descriptors can be extended (you can generate poses with different deviations and use it as a descriptor, you can add the properties of small molecules: the number of bonds around which rotation is possible in a molecule, its surface area, its surface division by a Voronoi diagram. The data will be provided in the form of binary files with a python script to read.
* '''References:''' PEPSI-Dock: a detailed data-driven protein–protein interaction potential accelerated by polar Fourier correlation Predicting Binding Poses and Affinities in the CSAR 2013―2014 Docking Exercises Using the Knowledge-Based Convex-PL Potential
* '''Base algorithm:''' We used a linear SVM (these are just lecture notes, I see no reason to give Vapnik here, especially since all this, including these lecture notes, is googled), the connection of which with an energy estimate that goes beyond scope of the classification The problem is described in the articles listed above. To take into account experimentally known values proportional to energy, it is proposed to use linear regression SVR .
* '''Solution:''' It is necessary to reduce the previously used SVM problem to a regression problem and solve it using standard methods. To check the operation of the algorithm, both the test described above and several other test sets with similar The problems but different data will be used.
* '''Novelty:''' Proper assessment of the quality of protein and ligand binding is used in drug development to find molecules that interact most strongly with the protein under study.
Of particular importance is the assessment of the values of the binding energy of the protein with the ligand: the coefficient of correlation (Pearson) of the energy with its experimental values determined by different groups on the proposed test does not exceed 0.7. Prediction of the most strongly binding ligand from a large number of non-protein-binding molecules is also difficult. The aim of this work is to obtain a method that allows a fairly accurate assessment of protein binding to ligands. From the point of view of machine learning and optimization, it is of interest to combine classification and regression problems.
* '''Appendix''' Given several data sets describing an atom in a molecule or a bond between atoms, with a small feature vector (usually 3-10 descriptors) and several classes corresponding to the atom's hybridization or bond order. The data itself can be from ~100 to 20,000 vectors depending on the type of atom. You need to test some kind of multiclass machine learning on this (random forests, neural network, something else), you can do anything with descriptors. We are currently using SVM. Not only the accuracy is important, but also the computational complexity of the prediction.
* '''Authors:''' Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova
===Strijov and Kulunchakov+===
* '''Title:''' Creation of delay-operators for multiscale forecasting by means of symbolic regression
* '''Problem:''' Suppose that one needs to build a forecasting machine for a response variable. Given a large set of time series, one can advance a hypothesis that they are related to this variable. Relying upon this hypothesis, we can use given time series as features for the forecasting machine. However, the values of time series could be produced with different frequencies. Therefore, we should take into account not only the values, but the delays as well. The simplest model for forecast is a linear one. In the presence of large set of features this model can approximate the response quite well. To avoid the problem of multiscaling, we introduce a definition of delay-operators. Each delay-operator corresponds to one time series and represents continuous correlation function. This correlation function shows a dependence between the response variable and corresponding time series. Therefore, each delay-operator put weights on the values of corresponding time series depending on the greatness of the delay. Having these delay-operators, we avoid the problem of multiscaling. To find them, we use genetic programming and symbolic regression. If the resulted weighted linear regression model would produce poor approximation, we can use a nonlinear one instead. To find good nonlinear function, we would use symbolic regression as well.
* '''Data:''' Any data from the domain of multiscalse forecating of time series. See the [[Media:Kulunchakov2016MultiscaleForecast.pdf|full version]] of this introduction.
* '''References:''' to be handed by V.V.Strijov
* '''Base algorithm:''' to be handed by V.V.Strijov
* '''Solution:''' Use genetic algorithms applied to symbolic regression to create and test delay-operators in multiscale forecasting.
* '''Novelty:''' to be handed by V.V.Strijov
* '''Authors:''' supervisor: V.V.Strijov, consultant: A.S. Kulunchakov
! Author
! Topic
! Link
! Consultant
! Reviewer
! Report
! Letters
! Grade
! Journal
|Bayandina Anastasia
|Thematic models of distributive semantics for highlighting ethno-relevant topics in social networks
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Bayandina2016TopicModeling/doc/Bayandina2016TopicModeling.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Bayandina2016TopicModeling/doc/Bayandina2016TopicModelingPresentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IbYWWO_evY video]
|Anna Potapenko
|Oleg Gorodnitsky
|Belozerova Anastasia
|Coordination of logical and linear classification models in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Belozerova2016LogicLinearClassificator/code code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Belozerova2016LogicLinearClassificator/doc/Belozerova2016LogicLinearClassificator.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Belozerova2016LogicLinearClassificator/doc/Belozerova2016Presentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XhaIN1bgDI video]
|Vlada Tselykh
|Malygin Vitaly
|Maria Vladimirova
|Bagging of neural networks in the problem of predicting the biological activity of cell receptors
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Vladimirova2016BaggingNN/code code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Vladimirova2016BaggingNN/doc/Vladimirova2016BaggingNN.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Vladimirova2016BaggingNN/doc/Vladimirova2016Presentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPumIZ81KU4 vido]
|Maria Popova
|Volodin Sergey
|Volodin Sergey
|A probabilistic approach to the problem of predicting the biological activity of nuclear receptors
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Volodin2016ProbabilisticReceptorPrediction/code code] [https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Volodin2016ProbabilisticReceptorPrediction/doc/Volodin2016ProbabilisticReceptorPrediction.pdf paper] [https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Volodin2016ProbabilisticReceptorPrediction/doc/Volodin2016ProbabilisticReceptorPredictionSlides.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsQ8v778d0s video], [http://itas2016.iitp.ru/pdf/1570303389.pdf itis]
|Maria Popova
|Maria Vladimirova
|Gorodnitsky Oleg
|An Adaptive Nonlinear Method for Recovering a Matrix from Partial Observations
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Gorodnitskii2016AdaptiveApproximation/code code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Gorodnitskii2016AdaptiveApproximation/doc/Gorodnitskii2016AdaptiveApproximation2.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Gorodnitskii2016AdaptiveApproximation/doc/Gorodnitskii2016NNMF.pdf slides], [http://itas2016.iitp.ru/pdf/1570303466.pdf itis]
|Mikhail Trofimov
|Bayandina Anastasia
|Ivanychev Sergey
|Synergy of classification algorithms (SVM Multimodelling)
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ivanychev2016SVM_Multimodelling/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ivanychev2016SVM_Multimodelling/doc/Ivanychev2016SVM_Multimodelling.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ivanychev2016SVM_Multimodelling/doc/Ivanychev2016SVM_Slides.pdf slides]
|Alexander Aduenko
|Kovaleva Valeria
|Regular structure of rare macromolecular clusters
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Kovaleva2016Spectra/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Kovaleva2016Spectra/doc/Kovaleva2016Spectra.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Kovaleva2016Spectra/doc/Kovaleva2016Spectra_slides.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaeyrqJr1KU video], [http://itas2016.iitp.ru/pdf/1570303499.pdf itis]
|Olga Valba, Yuri Maksimov
|Dmitry Fedoryaka
|Makarchuk Gleb
|Time series transformations for hand motion decoding using ECoG signals (electrocorticographic signals) of monkeys
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Makarchuk2016ECoGSignals/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Makarchuk2016ECoGSignals/doc/Makarchuk2016ECoGSignals.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Makarchuk2016ECoGSignals/doc/Makarchuk2016ECoGSignalsPresentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQvszwD9JAE video]
|Andrey Zadayanchuk
|November 4
|Malygin Vitaly
|Application of combinatorial estimates of retraining of threshold decision rules for feature selection in the problem of medical diagnostics by the method of V. M. Uspensky
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Malygin2016FeatureSelection/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Malygin2016FeatureSelection/doc/Malygin2016FeatureSelection.pdf paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Malygin2016FeatureSelection/doc/Malygin2016FSPresentation.pdf slides]
|Shaura Ishkina
|Belozerova Anastasia
|Molibog Igor
|Using Dimension Reduction Methods When Building a Feature Space in the Problem of Internal Plagiarism Detection
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Molybog2016DimReduction/doc/MolybogMotrenkoStrijov2017DimRed.pdf paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Molybog2016DimReduction/doc doc],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Molybog2016DimReduction/doc/Molybog2016DimReduction_Presentation.pdf slides], [http://itas2016.iitp.ru/pdf/1570303407.pdf itis]
|Anastasia Motrenko
|Safin Kamil
|Pogodin Roman
|Determining the position of proteins using an electronic map
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Pogodin2016ProteinsFitting/code code], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Pogodin2016ProteinsFitting/doc/Pogodin2016ProteinsFitting.pdf paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Pogodin2016ProteinsFitting/doc/Pogodin2016ProteinsFittingPresentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DskvHR4waE video], [http://itas2016.iitp.ru/pdf/1570303519.pdf itis]
|Alexander Katrutsa
|Andrey Ryazanov
|Andrey Ryazanov
|Restoration of the primary structure of a protein according to the geometry of its main chain
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ryazanov2016InverseFolding/ folder]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ryazanov2016InverseFolding/doc/Ryazanov2016InverseFolding.pdf paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Ryazanov2016InverseFolding/doc/Ryazanov2016InverseFoldingPresentation.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGx14xat2Jg video], [http://itas2016.iitp.ru/pdf/1570303468.pdf itis]
|Mikhail Karasikov
|Roman Pogodin
|Safin Kamil
|Definition of borrowings in the text without indicating the source
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Safin2016IntrinsicPlagiarism/code code], [https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Safin2016IntrinsicPlagiarism/doc/Safin2016IntrinsicPlagiarism.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Safin2016IntrinsicPlagiarism/doc/Safin2016Presentation1.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHYH1f5kYXU video]
|Mikhail Kuznetsov
|Molibog Igor
|Dmitry Fedoryaka
|Mixtures of vector autoregression models in the problem of time series forecasting
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Fedoriaka2016TimeSeriesPrediction/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Fedoriaka2016TimeSeriesPrediction/doc/Fedoriaka2016TSPPresentation.pdf slides],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Fedoriaka2016TimeSeriesPrediction/doc/Fedoriaka2016TimeSeriesPrediction.pdf paper]
|Radoslav Neichev
|Kovaleva Valeria
|Tsvetkova Olga
|Building scoring models in the SAS system
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Tsvetkova2016ScoringCards/code code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Tsvetkova2016ScoringCards/doc/ScoringCards.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Tsvetkova2016ScoringCards/doc/presentation.pdf slides]
|Raisa Jamtyrova
|Chygrynskiy Viktor
|Chygrynskiy Viktor
|Approximation of the boundaries of the iris
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Chigrinskiy2016ApproximationOfIrisBoundaries/code code] [https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Chigrinskiy2016ApproximationOfIrisBoundaries/doc/Chigrinskiy2016ApproximationOfIrisBoundaries.pdf paper]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group374/Chigrinskiy2016ApproximationOfIrisBoundaries/doc/Chigrinskiy2016ApproximationOfIrisBoundariesSlides.pdf slides]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kuNMYhVBw4 video]
|Yuri Efimov
===1. 2016===
* '''Data:''' Synergy of classification algorithms. Data from the UCI repository so that it can be compared directly with other works, in particular the work of Vapnik.
* '''References:''' There are different approaches to combining SVMs: on example, bagging (http://www.ecse.rpiscrews.us/~cvrl/FaceProject/Homepage/Publication/ICPR04_final_cameraready_v4.pdf), also try and boosting (http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hong-Mo_Je/publication/3974309_Pattern_classification_using_support_vector_machine_ensemble/links/09e415091bdc559051000000.pdf).
* '''Base algorithm:''' Described in the problem statement
* '''Solution:''' a modification of the basic algorithm, or simply the Basic algorithm itself. The main thing is to compare with other methods and draw conclusions, in particular, about the relationship between the presence of an improvement in the quality and diversity of sets of reference objects built by different SVMs.
* '''Novelty:''' It is known (for example, from Konstantin Vyacheslavovich's lectures) that it is not possible to build short compositions from strong classifiers (for example, SVM) using boosting (although they still try (see literature)). Therefore, it is proposed to build a nonlinear combination instead of a linear one. It is assumed that such a composition can give an increase in quality compared to a single SVM.
* '''consultant''': Alexander Aduenko
===2. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Temporal theme model of the press release collection.
* '''Problem:''' Development of methods for analyzing the thematic structure of a large text collection and its dynamics over time. The problem is the assessment of the quality of the constructed structure. It is required to implement the criteria of stability and completeness of the temporal thematic model using manual selection of the found topics according to their interpretability, difference and eventfulness.
* '''Data:''' A collection of press releases from the foreign ministries of a number of countries over 10 years, in English.
* '''References:'''
*# Doikov N.V. [[Media:2015_417_DoykovNV.pdf|Adaptive regularization of probabilistic topic models]]. VKR bachelor, VMK MSU. 2015.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Blay's classic LDA with post-hoc time analysis.
* '''Solution:''' Implementation of an additively regularized topic model using the [[BigARTM]] library. Building a series of thematic models. Evaluation of their interpretability, stability and completeness.
* '''Novelty:''' Criteria for sustainability and completeness of thematic models are new.
* '''consultant''': Nikita Doikov, '''problem author''' Vorontsov K. V.
===3. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Coordination of logical and linear classification models in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals.
* '''Problem:''' There are logical classifiers based on the identification of diagnostic standards for each disease and built by the Expert in semi-manual mode. For these classifiers, estimates of disease activities are determined, which have been used in the diagnostic system for many years and satisfy physician users. We build linear classifiers that are trained completely automatically and are ahead of logical classifiers in terms of classification quality. However, a direct transfer of the activity estimation technique to linear classifiers turned out to be impossible. It is required to build a linear activity model, setting it to reproduce the known activity estimates of the logical classifier.
* '''Data:''' A selection of more than 10 thousand electrocardiograms with diagnoses for 32 diseases.
* '''References:''' will issue :)
* '''Base algorithm:''' Linear classifier.
* '''Solution:''' Methods of linear regression, linear classification, feature selection.
* '''Novelty:''' The problem of matching two models of different nature can be considered as learning with privileged information - a promising direction proposed by the machine learning classic VN Vapnik several years ago.
* '''consultant''': Vlada Tselykh, '''problem author''' Vorontsov K. V.
===4. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Thematic classification model for diagnosing diseases by electrocardiogram.
* '''Problem:''' [[Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals]] according to V.M.Uspensky is based on ECG conversion into a character string and selection of informative sets of words - diagnostic standards for each disease. The linear classifier builds one diagnostic standard for each disease. The Screenfax screening diagnostic system now uses four standards for each disease, built in a semi-manual mode. It is required to fully automate the process of constructing diagnostic standards and to determine their optimal number for each disease. To do this, it is supposed to finalize the thematic classification model of S. Tsyganova, to perform a new implementation under [[BigARTM]], to expand computational experiments, to improve the quality of classification.
* '''Data:''' A selection of more than 10 thousand electrocardiograms with diagnoses for 32 diseases.
* '''References:''' will issue :)
* '''Base algorithm:''' Classification models by V.Tselykh, thematic model by S.Tsyganova.
* '''Solution:''' Topic model implemented using the [[BigARTM]] library.
* '''Novelty:''' Topic models have not previously been used to classify sampled biomedical signals.
* '''consultant''': Svetlana Tsyganova, '''problem author''' Vorontsov K. V.
===5. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Thematic models of distributive semantics for highlighting ethno-relevant topics in social networks.
* '''Problem:''' Thematic modeling of social media text collections faces the problem of ultra-short documents. It is not always clear where to draw the boundaries between documents (possible options: a single post, a user's wall, all posts by a given user, all posts for a given day in a given region, and so on). Topic models give interpretable vector representations of words and documents, but their quality depends on the distribution of document lengths. The word2vec model is independent of document lengths, since it takes into account only the local contexts of words, but the coordinates of vector representations do not allow thematic interpretation. The objective of the project is to build a hybrid model that combines the advantages and is free from the disadvantages of both models.
* '''Data:''' Collections of social networks LJ and VK.
* '''References:''' will issue :)
* '''Base algorithm:''' Topic models previously built on this data.
* '''Solution:''' Implementation of a distributive semantics regularizer similar to the vord2vec language model in the [[BigARTM]] library.
* '''Novelty:''' So far, there are no language models in the literature that combine the main advantages of probabilistic topic models and the word2vec model.
* '''consultant''': Anna Potapenko, on technical issues Murat Apishev, '''problem author''' Vorontsov K. V.
===7. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Determining the position of proteins using an electronic map
* '''Problem:''' informally --- there are sets of experimentally determined maps of the location of proteins in complexes, some of them are known in high resolution, it is necessary to restore the entire map in high resolution; formally --- there are matrices and energy vectors corresponding to each map of the protein complex, it is necessary to determine which set of proteins minimizes the quadratic form formed by the matrix and vector.
* '''Data:''' experimental data from the site http://www.emdatabank.org/ will be converted into matrices into energy vectors. Understanding the biophysical nature is not necessary.
* '''References:''' articles on methods for solving quadratic programming problems and various relaxations
* '''Base algorithm:''' quadratic programming methods with various relaxations
* '''Solution:''' minimizing the total energy of the protein complex
* '''Novelty:''' the application of quadratic programming methods and the study of their accuracy in The problems of restoring electronic maps
* '''consultant''': Alexander Katrutsa, problem author: Sergei Grudinin.
* '''Desirable skills''': understanding and interest in optimization methods, working with CVX package
===8. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Classification of Physical Activity: Investigation of Parameter Space Variation in Retraining and Modification of Deep Learning Models
* '''Problem:''' Given a classification model for a sample of time segments recorded from a mobile phone's accelerometer. The model is a multilayer neural network. It is required 1) to investigate the variance and covariance matrix of the neural network parameters under different optimization schedules (i.e., under different approaches to staged learning). 2) based on the obtained parameter covariance matrix, propose an effective way to modify the deep learning model.
* '''Data:''' WISDM Sample http://www.cis.fordham.edu/wisdm/dataset.php.
* '''References:'''
*# Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal physical activity classification model based on accelerometer measurements http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf
*# Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification - http://strijov.com/papers/PopovaStrijov2015DeepLearning.pdf
*# Oleg Bakhteev Yu., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Deep Learning Systems and Tools in The problem Classification
*# LeCun Y. Optimal Brain Damage - yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/lecun-90b.pdf
*# Works on pre-training (pre-training) and additional training (fine-tuning)
* '''Base algorithm:''' The basic model is described in the article "Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification". The algorithm can be implemented either using the PyLearn library or keras (other libraries and programming languages are also acceptable).
* '''Solution:''' Analysis of the covariance matrix, building an add-del method based on the received data.
* '''Novelty:''' The technique for studying a high-dimensional covariance matrix, as well as the resulting model modification algorithm, are important and will be used in the future when analyzing deep learning models.
* '''consultant''': Oleg Bakhteev
===9. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Restoration of the primary structure of a protein according to the geometry of its main chain
* '''Problem:''' on the basis of the main chain of the protein, that is, in essence its geometry, it is necessary to restore the primary structure of the protein, that is, which sequence of amino acids corresponds to the given geometry of the main chain. It is proposed to do this on the basis of minimizing the total energy of the protein, expressed by a quadratic form, most likely not positive definite.
* '''Data:''' at the choice of the student: collected energy matrices for various proteins based on their descriptions in the PDB format or the PDB files themselves; in the latter case, it will be necessary to collect matrices for further work
* '''References:''' articles on methods for solving quadratic programming problems and various relaxations
* '''Base algorithm:''' quadratic programming methods with various relaxations
* '''Solution:''' minimizing the total protein energy
* '''Novelty:''' application of quadratic programming methods and study of their accuracy
* '''consultant''': Mikhail Karasikov, problem author: Sergei Grudinin.
* '''Desirable skills''': understanding and interest in optimization methods, working with CVX package
===10. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Multi-The problem learning approach for The problem of predicting the biological activity of nuclear receptors
* '''Problem:''' In The problem it is necessary to build a multi-The problem model that predicts the interaction of two types of molecules: receptors and proteins. The solution of this problem is necessary for the development of new drugs (drug design).
* '''Data:''' description of 8500+ proteins and labels for 12 receptors
* '''References:''' will be sent to the student
* '''Base algorithm:''' multi-The problem lasso regression from scikit-learn python library
* '''Solution:''' generalization of linear regression to the multi-The problem case in probabilistic interpretation
* '''Novelty:''' Multi-The problem learning approach is pioneering in drug design
* '''consultant''': Maria Popova
* '''Desired skills''': understanding of and interest in probability theory, willingness to quickly understand various approaches to regression, knowledge or willingness to learn Python
===11. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Bagging of neural networks in The problem of predicting the biological activity of nuclear receptors.
* '''Problem:''' In The problem, it is necessary to implement bagging (bootstrap aggregating) for a two-layer neural network. Such a model will be multiThe probleming and predict the interaction of two types of molecules: receptors and proteins. The solution of this problem is necessary for the development of new drugs (drug design).
* '''Data:''' description of 8500+ proteins and labels for 12 receptors
* '''References:''' will be sent to the student
* '''Base algorithm:''' two-layer neural network
* '''Solution:''' Composition of base classifiers bagging
* '''Novelty:''' This approach is innovative in the field of drug design
* '''consultant''': Maria Popova
===12. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Mixtures of models in vector autoregression in the problem of predicting (large) time series.
* '''Problem:''' There is a set of time series of length T containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. It is necessary to predict the next t sensor readings. Practical significance: before a breakdown, the state of the device changes, the prediction of "abnormal" behavior will help to take timely measures and avoid breakdowns or minimize losses.
* '''Data:''' Multivariate time series with indications of various server sensors (CPU, memory, temperature)
* '''References:''' Keywords: mixture models, boosting, Adaboost, vector autoregression.
*# Alexander Tsyplakov. Introduction to forecasting in classical time series models. [http://quantile.ru/01/01-AT.pdf]
*# Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem[http://strijov.com/papers/Neychev2015FeatureSelection.pdf]
*# Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Page 667
* '''Basic algorithm''': Boosting, Adaboost algorithm.
* '''Solution:''' Use a mixture of several linear models instead of one complex one to build pronosis.
* '''Novelty:''' Improved parameter space for mixture of models in vector autoregression.
* '''consultant''': Radoslav Neichev
===13. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Selection of multicorrelated features in the problem of vector autoregression.
* '''Problem:''' There is a set of time series containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. The readings of the sensors correlate with each other. It is necessary to select the optimal set of features for solving the forecasting problem.
* '''Data:''' Multivariate time series with indications of various server sensors (CPU, memory, temperature)
* '''References:''' Keywords: bootstrap aggregation, Belsley method, vector autoregression.
*# Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem[http://strijov.com/papers/Neychev2015FeatureSelection.pdf]
* '''Basic algorithm''': Belsley's method for univariate autoregression (see bibliography article).
* '''Solution:''' Apply the Belsley method to detect correlated features.
* '''Novelty:''' The Belsley method is used for vector autoregression.
* '''consultant''': Radoslav Neichev
===14. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Generation of features in the prediction problem.
* '''Problem:''' There is a set of time series containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. It is necessary to expand the feature space with the help of non-linear parametric generating functions.
* '''Data:''' Multivariate time series with indications of various server sensors (CPU, memory, temperature)
* '''References:''' Keywords: curvilinear regression, feature generation, non-linear regression, time series approximation.
*# M.P. Kuznetsov, Strijov V.V., M.M. Medvednikov. Algorithm for multiclass classification of objects described in rank scales.[http://strijov.com/papers/Kuznetsov2012Curvilinear.pdf]
* '''Basic algorithm''': Non-parametric generating functions.
* '''Solution:''' Apply quasi-linear and non-linear parameter dependent transformations to features.
* '''Novelty:''' A new set of features for solving autoregressive problems is proposed.
* '''consultant''': Roman Isachenko
===15. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Time series transformations for hand motion decoding using ECoG signals (electrocorticographic signals) in monkeys.
* '''Problem:''' There is a set of time series records of ECoG signals. It is necessary to extract the features using time series transformations (for example, the windowed Fourier transform).
* '''Data:''' Multivariate time series with ECOG readings and monkey movement data [http://neurotycho.org/food-tracking-The problem]
* '''References:''' Keywords: feature extraction, time series transformations, ECoG signal processing
*# Zenas C. Chao, Yasuo Nagasaka and Naotaka Fujii. Long-term asynchronous decoding of arm motion using electrocorticographic signals in monkeys
* '''Basic algorithm''': Wavelet transform
* '''Solution:''' Feature extraction from ECoG by various methods.
* '''Novelty:''' Wavelet Transform Optimality Analysis in ECoG Signal Processing The problems
* '''consultant''': Zadayanchuk Andrey
===16. 2016===
* '''Title:''' An adaptive nonlinear method for recovering a matrix from partial observations
* '''Problem:''' Let there be an unknown (possibly multidimensional) matrix A, the position of an element in it is described by an integer vector p. The values of the matrix on some subset of its elements are known. It is required to find a parametrization and parameters such that the quadratic deviation is minimized on some subset of elements. More detailed description at the link [https://www.dropbox.com/s/6xkk3xuzaa4y472/AdaptiveNonlinearMC.pdf?dl=0]
* '''Data:''' model data, Netflix Prize Data Set, MovieLens 20M Dataset, Criteo Display Advertising Challenge Dataset
* '''References:'''
*# "ACCAMS: Additive Co-Clustering to Approximate Matrices Succinctly" (Beutel, Amr Ahmed, Smola)
*# "Non-linear Matrix Factorization with Gaussian Processes" (Neil D. Lawrence)
*# "Low-rank matrix completion using alternating minimization" (Prateek Jain, Praneeth Netrapalli, Sujay Sanghavi)
* '''Basic algorithm''': Low-rank approximation
* '''Solution:''' and parameters, and search for parametrization from the data.
* '''Novelty:''' A summary of works in this area; a new model is proposed, the effectiveness of which is proposed to be tested
* '''consultant''': Mikhail Trofimov
* '''Desirable Skills''': python
===17. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Building scoring models in the SAS system (or MATLAB).
* '''Problem:''' Describe the main steps in building scoring models. At the stage of data preparation, The problem of filtering choices (removing noise objects) is solved. Since the sample contains a significant number of features that do not correlate with solvency, it is necessary to solve the problem of feature selection. In addition, due to the heterogeneity of the data (by example, by region), it is proposed to build a mixture of models, in which each model describes its own subset of the sample. At the same time, different sets of features can correspond to different components of the mixture.
* '''Data:''' Credit Story/Potential Borrower Questionnaires [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/statlog/german/], [http://archive.ics .uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+%28Australian+Credit+Approval%29/].
* '''References:'''
*# Hosmer, Lemeshov. Logistic regression
*# Siddiqi. Constructing scorecards
*# [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Scoring Scoring Mapping Materials]
* '''Basic algorithm''': Logistic regression
* '''Solution:''' Mix of models
* '''Novelty:''' A method for constructing scoring maps is described, in which both feature generation and multi-modeling are included in the optimization problem.
* '''consultant''': Raisa Jamtyrova
* '''Desirable Skills''': SAS
===18. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Approximation of the boundaries of the iris.
* '''Problem:''' Based on the image of the human eye, determine the circles approximating the inner and outer border of the iris.
* '''Data:''' Raster monochrome images, typical size 640*480 pixels (however, other sizes are also possible)
[http://www.bath.ac.uk/elec-eng/research/sipg/irisweb/], [http://www.cb-sr.ia.ac.cn/IrisDatabase.htm].
* '''References:'''
*# K.A. Gankin, A.N. Gneushev, I.A. Matveev Segmentation of the iris image based on approximate methods with subsequent refinements // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2014, no. 2, p. 78–92.
*# Duda, R. O. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures / R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart // Communications of the ACM. 1972 Vol. 15, no. 1.Pp.
* '''Basic algorithm''': Efimov Yury. Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method, 2015.
* '''Solution:''' See [[Media:Iris_circle_problem.pdf | iris_circle_problem.pdf]]
* '''Novelty:''' A fast non-enumerative algorithm for approximating boundaries using linear multimodels is proposed.
* '''consultant''': Yuri Efimov (by Strijov V.V., Expert Matveev)
===19. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Approximation of combinatorial overfitting estimates for feature selection in the problem of medical diagnostics.
* '''Problem:''' [[Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals]] according to V. M. Uspensky is used to diagnose diseases of internal organs by electrocardiogram. The linear naive bayesian classifier with feature selection performs well in this The problem. However, only very simple greedy strategies have been used so far for feature selection. It is proposed to use more intensive enumeration strategies to find better and shorter diagnostic feature sets. However, the more intense the search, the higher the probability of overfitting. To reduce overfitting, it is proposed to use combinatorial estimates of overfitting of threshold decision rules. For efficient calculation of these estimates, it is proposed to use surrogate modeling.
* '''Data:''' Samples of vectors of ECG feature descriptions obtained using the Screenfax screening diagnostics system. Will be issued.
* '''References:'''
*# ''Uspensky V. M.'' Informational function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. - M.: Economics and informatics, 2008. - 116 p.
*# Vorontsov K. V. [[Media:Voron-2011-tnop.pdf|Reliability theory of precedent learning]]. Course of lectures of VMK MSU and MIPT. 2011.
*# ''Ishkina Sh. Kh.'' Combinatorial estimates of generalizing ability as criteria for feature selection in the syndromic algorithm. - Abstracts of the 58th scientific conference of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. URL: http://conf58.mipt.ru/static/reports_pdf/755.pdf
*# MVR Composer http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=MVR_Composer
* '''Base algorithm:''' linear naive bayes classifier with feature selection.
* '''Solution:''' Exact combinatorial formulas are used to evaluate overfitting. For approximation (surrogate modeling) of these formulas, MVR Composer is used. Heuristic semi-greedy combinatorial optimization algorithms are used for feature selection.
* '''Novelty:''' Previously, combinatorial retraining estimates were not used for feature selection. This method makes it possible to reduce diagnostic sets of features and improve the quality of classification.
* '''consultant''': Ishkina Shaura, Kulunchakov Andrey (MVR Composer), '''problem author''': Vorontsov K. V.
===20. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Object generation model in the problem of time series forecasting
*'''Problem''': Build an object generation model for the prediction The problem, which will create a high-quality sample for the subsequent solution of the prediction The problem.
* '''Data:''' Electricity consumption time series, mobile phone accelerometer time series
* '''References:'''
*# Keogh E. J., Pazzani M. J. Scaling up dynamic time warping to massive datasets
*# Salvador S., Chan P. Fastdtw: Toward accurate dynamic time warping in linear time and space
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for classification of accelerometer time series by combined feature description
*# Karasikov M. E. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models
* '''Base algorithm:''' Various heuristics
* '''Problem Statement''': The formulation and detailed description of the problem is given at [https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group274/Goncharov2016Essays/Goncharov2016Consult.pdf?format=raw]
* '''Novelty:''' consideration of the data generation model in a similar The problem
* '''consultant''': Alexey Goncharov
===21. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Algorithm for predicting the structure of locally optimal models
*'''Problem''': It is required to predict a time series using some parametric superposition of algebraic functions. It is proposed not to cost the prognostic model, but to predict it, that is, to predict the structure of the approximating superposition. A class of considered superpositions is introduced, and on the set of such structural descriptions, a search is made for a locally optimal model for the problem under consideration. The problem consists in 1) searching for a suitable structural description of the model 2) describing the search algorithm for the structure that will correspond to the optimal model 3) describing the algorithm for inverse construction of the model according to its structural description. For an already existing example of the answer to questions 1-3, see the work of A. A. Varfolomeeva.
* '''Data:''' A set of time series, which implies the restoration of functional dependencies. It is proposed to first use synthetic data or immediately apply the algorithm to forecasting time series 1) electricity consumption 2) physical activity with subsequent analysis of the resulting structures.
* '''References:'''
*# A. A. Varfolomeeva Selection of features when marking up bibliographic lists using structural learning methods, 2013, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/f2/Varfolomeeva2013Diploma.pdf?format=raw]
*# Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [http://naturalspublishing.com/files/published/92cn7jm44d8wt1.pdf?format=raw]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Specifically, there is no basic algorithm for the proposed problem. It is proposed to try to repeat the experiment of A. A. Varfolomeeva for a different structural description in order to understand what is happening.
* '''Solution:''' The superposition of algebraic functions defines an ortree, on the vertices of which the labels of the corresponding algebraic functions or variables are given. Therefore, the structural description of such a superposition can be its DFS-code. This is a string consisting of vertex labels, written in the order in which the tree is traversed by depth-first search. Knowing the arities of the corresponding algebraic functions, we can restore any such DFS-code in O(n) and get back the superposition of functions. On the set of similar string descriptions, it is proposed to search for the string description that will correspond to the optimal model.
* '''consultant''': Kulunchakov Andrey
===22. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Definition of borrowings in the text without indicating the source
*'''Problem''': The problem is solved to detect internal borrowings in the text. It is required to test the hypothesis that the given text was written by a single author, and if it is not fulfilled, highlight the borrowed parts of the text. A borrowing is a part of the text, presumably written by another author and containing characteristic differences from the style of the main author. It is required to develop such a style function that allows to distinguish with a high degree of certainty the style of the main author of the text from borrowings.
* '''Data:''' PAN-2011 contest collection.
* '''References:'''
*# Oberreuter, G., L'Huillier, G., Rıos, S. A., & Velásquez, J. D. (2011). Approaches for intrinsic and external plagiarism detection. Proceedings of the PAN.
* '''Basic algorithm, solution''': At the moment, a basic method for identifying dependencies is implemented, based on the analysis of the frequencies of words and symbolic n-grams in a sentence. For each text, a dictionary is formed, in which each word (n-gram) is assigned the value of its occurrence in the text. Based on the occurrence values, an indicative description of each segment-offer is formed. Classification of text segments is performed on the basis of Expert markup of borrowings. The quality of the base algorithm is 0.29 in F1-measure (Pladget 0.21) on the PAN-2011 collection, while the quality of the best algorithm that participated in the 2011 competition [Oberreuter] is 0.32 in F1-measure (Pladget 0.32). It is proposed to implement this algorithm and compare it with the base method.
* '''consultant''': [[User:mikethehuman|Mikhail Kuznetsov]]
===23. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Using Dimension Reduction Methods When Building a Feature Space in the Problem of Internal Plagiarism Detection
*'''Problem''': For a more efficient solution to The problem of detecting internal plagiarism, use dimensionality reduction methods that preserve the distance between objects. It is required to refine the tSNE method [2] by including in the model information about data markup and the possibility of adding previously unconsidered objects to the space of reduced dimension. For details see [1]
* '''Data:''' PAN-2011 contest collection.
* '''References:'''
*# [[Media:Problem_statement_dim_reduce.pdf| Problem_statement_dim_reduce.pdf‎]]
*# Laurens van der Maaten. Visualizing Data using t-SNE Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9 (2008) 2579-2605.
*# Julian Brooke and Graeme Hirst. Paragraph Clustering for Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection using a Stylistic Vector-Space Model with Extrinsic Features, 2012.
* '''Basic algorithm, solution''': See [1]
* '''consultant''': Anastasia Motrenko
===26. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Construction of mappings with minimal deformation to compare images with the standard.
* '''Problem:''' Apply the variational method of constructing quasi-isometric mappings to solve the classical problem of geometric morphology and image registration - constructing a two-dimensional or three-dimensional deformation for comparison with the standard.
* '''Data:''' Images in bmp format. At the first stage, simple bodies can be defined by means of a b/w coloring of the Cartesian lattice.
* '''References:'''
*# Michael I. Miller, Alain Trouve, Laurent Younes. ON THE METRICS AND EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL ANATOMY. Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 2002. 4:375–405
*# Beg MF, Miller MI, Trouve A, Younes L. Computing large deformation metric mappings via geodesics flows of diffeomorphisms. International Journal of Computer Vision. 2005; V.61(2):139-157.
*# Trouve A. An approach of pattern recognition through infinite dimensional group action. Research report LMENS-95-9. 1995.
*# Garanzha VA. Maximum norm optimization of quasi-isometric mappings. Num. Linear Algebra Appl. 2002; V.9(6-7):493-510.
*# Garanzha V.A., Kudryavtseva L.N., Utyzhnikov S.V. Untangling and optimization of spatial meshes // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. -- 2014. -- October. -- V. 269 -- P. 24--41.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Use the variational method for constructing mappings, which was previously proposed for constructing spatial mappings with a given boundary mapping [4], [5], in the case when a measure of proximity of functions describing geometric bodies is given on example , as an rms measure of the proximity of brightness functions.
* '''Solution:''' For the existing code that implements the variational method for constructing two-dimensional mappings with minimal distortion, it is necessary to add a module that implements an additive to the functional, which is a measure of the proximity of geometric bodies. This includes calculating the functional itself, its gradient, and adjusting the preconditioner.
* '''Novelty:''' Compare the obtained method with the method of geodesic flow of diffeomorphisms proposed in the works of Alain Trouvé (see references [1]-[3]). Estimate the quality of the approximation and the performance of the resulting algorithm.
* '''consultant''': Vladimir Anatolyevich Garanzha (CC RAS).
===27. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Cross-language thematic search for scientific publications.
* '''Problem:''' Creation of a prototype search service that accepts the text of a scientific article in Russian as a request and returns thematically related articles in English from the arXiv.org collection as a search result.
* '''Data:''' The arXiv.org text collection, Wikipedia's bilingual text collection.
* '''References:''' will issue.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Topic model built from the combined collection of the English-language arXiv and the bilingual English-Russian Wikipedia.
* '''Solution:''' Building a regularized topic model using the [[BigARTM]] library. Application of standard means of constructing inverted indexes.
* '''Novelty:''' There is no such service on the Russian Internet yet.
* '''Consultant''': Marina Suvorova.
===28. 2016===
* '''Title:''' Search for resonant frequencies in polymer solutions.
* '''Problem:''' Mathematically, The problem comes down to finding the spectral density of random graphs in the vicinity of the percolation point.
* '''Data:''' Simulation data (Erdos-Rényi graphs around the percolation point).
* '''References:''' Nazarov L. I. et al. A statistical model of intra-chromosome contact maps //Soft matter. - 2015. - T. 11. - No. 5. - S. 1019-1025.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Monte Carlo.
* '''Novelty:''' At present, an algorithm for estimating the spectral density of linear chains is known, the issue with estimating the spectral density of tree ensembles is open.
* '''Consultant''': Olga Valba, Yuri Maksimov, '''Problem Author''': Nechaev Sergey.
==2016 Group 2==
! Author
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! Magazine
|Akhtyamov Pavel
|Selection of multicorrelating features in the problem of vector autoregression
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Akhtyamov2016FeatureSelectionVAR/code/ code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Akhtyamov2016FeatureSelectionVAR/doc/Akhtyamov2016FeatureSelectionVAR.pdf?format=raw paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Akhtyamov2016FeatureSelectionVAR/doc/Akhtyamov2016PresentationFeatureSelectionVAR.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Neychev Radoslav Neichev]
|Medvedeva Anna
|Bataev Vladislav
|Thematic classification model for diagnosing diseases by electrocardiogram
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Bataev2016CardiogramARTM/code/ code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Bataev2016CardiogramARTM/doc/Bataev2016CardiogramARTM.pdf?format=raw paper]
|Svetlana Tsyganova
|>26.05 (7)
|Ivanov Ilya
|Classification of physical activity: study of parameter space change during retraining and modification of deep learning models
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Ivanov2016Covariance/code/ code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Ivanov2016Covariance/doc/Ivanov2016Covariance.pdf?format=raw paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Ivanov2016Covariance/doc/presentation/Ivanov2016Covariance_presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Oleg Bakhteev
|Medvedeva Anna
|Object generation model in the problem of time series forecasting
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Medvedeva2016GenerationModelTS/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Medvedeva2016GenerationModelTS/doc/Medvedeva2016ObjectGenerationTS.pdf?format=raw paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Medvedeva2016GenerationModelTS/doc/presentation/Medvedeva2016ObjectGeneration_presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Goncharov Alexey
|Akhtyamov Pavel
|Persianov Dmitry
|Temporal theme model of press release collection
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Persiyanov2016TemporalModelARTM/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Persiyanov2016TemporalModelARTM/doc/Persiyanov2016TemporalModelARTM.pdf?format=raw paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Persiyanov2016TemporalModelARTM/doc/PersiyanovPresentationTemporalModelARTM.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Nikita Doikov
|Semenenko Denis
|Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Semenenko2016StructureLearning/code/ code]
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Semenenko2016StructureLearning/doc/Semenenko2016StructureLearning.pdf?format=raw paper]
|Kulunchakov Andrey
|Sofienko Alexander
|Coordination of logical and linear classification models in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals
||[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Sofienko2016LinearClassificationVAR/code/ code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Sofienko2016LinearClassificationVAR/doc/Sofienko2016LinearClassification.pdf?format=raw paper]
|Vlada Tselykh
|Yaronskaya Lyubov
|Sparse Regularized Regression on Protein Complex Data
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Yaronskaya2016SparseRegression/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Yaronskaya2016SparseRegression/doc/yaronskayaRegressionOnProtein.pdf?format=raw paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Yaronskaya2016SparseRegression/slides/YaronskayaPresentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Alexander Katrutsa
|Aksenov Sergey
|Cross-language thematic search for scientific publications.
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Aksenov2016CrosslangARTM/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Aksenov2016CrosslangARTM/doc/Aksenov_CrossLang.pdf?format=raw paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Aksenov2016CrosslangARTM/slides/Aksenov.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Marina Suvorova
|>26.05 (7)
|December 2
|Khismatullin Timur
|Analysis and classification of the DNA-protein complex interface
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Khismatullin2016ProteinDNA/code/ code]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Khismatullin2016ProteinDNA/paper/Khismatullin2016ProteinDNA.pdf?format=raw paper]
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/GroupYAD16/Khismatullin2016ProteinDNA/slides/Khismatullin2016ProteinDNA.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Vladimir Garanzha
|>26.05 (7)
===6 ===
* '''Title:''' Sparse Regularized Regression on Protein Complex Data
* '''Problem:''' find the best regression model on protein complex binding data
* '''Data:''' feature description of protein complexes and binding constants for them
* '''References:''' articles on regression and comparing methods on similar data
* '''Base algorithm:''' regularized linear regression (Lasso, Ridge, ..), SVR, kernel methods, etc.
* '''Solution:''' comparison of various regression algorithms on data, selection of the optimal model and parameter optimization
* '''Novelty:''' getting the best regression model for protein complex binding data
* '''consultant''': Alexander Katrutsa, problem author: Sergei Grudinin.
* '''Desirable Skills''': willingness to quickly understand various approaches to regression, knowledge or willingness to master C++ at an intermediate level (for a more complete study, you will need to try C++ libraries)
===8 ===
* '''Title:''' Classification of physical activity: study of parameter space change during retraining and modification of deep learning models
* '''Problem:''' Given a classification model for a sample of time segments recorded from a mobile phone's accelerometer. The model is a multilayer neural network. It is required 1) to investigate the variance and covariance matrix of the neural network parameters under different optimization schedules (i.e., under different approaches to staged learning). 2) based on the obtained parameter covariance matrix, propose an effective way to modify the deep learning model.
* '''Data:''' WISDM Sample http://www.cis.fordham.edu/wisdm/dataset.php.
* '''References:'''
*# Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal physical activity classification model based on accelerometer measurements http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf
*# Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification - http://strijov.com/papers/PopovaStrijov2015DeepLearning.pdf
*# Oleg Bakhteev Yu., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Deep Learning Systems and Tools in The problem Classification
*# LeCun Y. Optimal Brain Damage - yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/lecun-90b.pdf
*# Works on pre-training (pre-training) and additional training (fine-tuning)
* '''Base algorithm:''' The basic model is described in the article "Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification". The algorithm can be implemented either using the PyLearn library or keras (other libraries and programming languages are also acceptable).
* '''Solution:''' Analysis of the covariance matrix, building an add-del method based on the received data.
* '''Novelty:''' The technique for studying a high-dimensional covariance matrix, as well as the resulting model modification algorithm, are important and will be used in the future when analyzing deep learning models.
* '''consultant''': Oleg Bakhteev
===25 ===
* '''Title:''' Stability of sampling of electrocardiosignals relative to frequency filtering.
* '''Problem:''' [[Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals]] according to V.M.Uspensky is based on the transformation of the electrocardiogram into a character string (codogram) and the selection of informative sets of words - diagnostic standards for each disease. The problem is that for discretization it is necessary to accurately determine the amplitude of the R-peaks. The amplitude can be affected by the frequency filtering of the signal, which is performed by the electrocardiograph at the hardware or software level. The problem is to evaluate how much different frequency filters (example, 50.4Hz mains suppression filter, high-pass filter) can affect the word frequencies in the codegram and the quality of the classification.
* '''Data:''' electrocardiograms in KDM format.
* '''References:''' will issue :)
* '''Base algorithm:''' Linear classifier.
* '''Solution:''' Direct and inverse Fourier transform, algorithm for detecting R-peaks on an electrocardiogram, algorithm for determining the amplitude of R-peaks.
* '''Novelty:''' The study of the stability of codograms in relation to frequency filtering with different parameters has not previously been carried out in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals.
* '''consultant''': Victor Safronov (Scientific Center named after V.I.Kulakov)
! Author
! Topic
! Link
! Consultant
! Reviewer
! DZ-1
! DZ-2 (Problem number)
! Letters
|Bernstein Julia
|Methods for characterizing fibrinolysis by in vitro blood imaging sequence
| Matveev I. A.
|3 (8)
|Bochkarev Artem
|Structural learning when generating models
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Bochkarev2015StructuredLearning/] (no code), [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Bochkarev2015StructuredLearning/doc/Bochakrev2015StructuredLearning.pdf?format=raw paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Bochkarev2015StructuredLearning/doc/presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Varf_Ann Varfolomeeva Anna], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Oleg_Bakhteev Oleg Bakhteev]
|2 (7)
|Goncharov Alexey
|Metric classification of time series
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/Goncharov2015MetricClassification.pdf?format=raw paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/doc/GoncharovAlexey2015PresentationMetricClassification.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
|1 (4)
|Dvinskikh Darina
|Improving the quality of forecasting using product groups
|[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Dvinskikh2015DemandForecasting/code code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Dvinskikh2015DemandForecasting/doc/DvinskikhDemandForecasting.pdf paper],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Dvinskikh2015DemandForecasting/doc/Dvinskikh.Presentation.pdf slides]
|Kanevsky D. Yu.
|3 (7)
|Efimov Yuri
|Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Efimov2015IrisBorderRecognition/code code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Efimov2015IrisBorderRecognition/doc/Efimov2015IrisBorderRecognition.pdf?format=raw paper],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Efimov2015IrisBorderRecognition/doc/15_presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Matveev I. A.
|Zharikov Ilya
|Checking the compliance of the electrocardiograph with the requirements of the diagnostic system "Screenfax" and assessing the quality of electrocardiograms.
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zharikov2015ECGVerification/code code], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zharikov2015ECGVerification/doc/Zharikov2015ECGVerification.pdf?format=raw paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zharikov2015ECGVerification/doc/Zharikov2015Presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Shaura Ishkina
|3 (5)
|Zadayanchuk Andrey
|Choosing the optimal physical activity classification model
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN/doc/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN.pdf paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN/doc/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNNpresentation.pdf slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
|0 (17)
|Zlatov Alexander
|Building a hierarchical model of a large conference
||[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zlatov2015ConferenceModel/code code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zlatov2015ConferenceModel/doc/ConferenceModel.pdf?format=raw paper],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Zlatov2015ConferenceModel/doc/Zlatov2015ConferenceModelPresentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Arsenty Kuzmin
|3 (14)
|Isachenko Roman
|Metric Learning and Space Dimension Reduction in The problems of Time Series Clustering
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Isachenko2015MetricLearning/code code], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Isachenko2015MetricLearning/doc/Isachenko2015MetricLearning.pdf?format=raw paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Isachenko2015MetricLearning/doc/Isachenko2015MLPresentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Katrutsa Alexander Katrutsa]
|3 (14)
|Radoslav Neichev
|Feature Selection in Time Series Forecasting Using Exogenous Factors
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Neychev2015FeatureSelection/code code], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Neychev2015FeatureSelection/doc/Neychev2015FeatureSelection.pdf?format=raw paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Neychev2015FeatureSelection/doc/Neychev2015FSPresentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Katrutsa Alexander Katrutsa]
|3 (9)
|Podkopaev Alexander
|Prediction of Quaternary Structures of Proteins
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Podkopaev2015ProteinStructures/code code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Podkopaev2015ProteinStructures/doc/Podkopaev2015ProteinStructures.pdf?format=raw paper],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Podkopaev2015ProteinStructures/doc/Podkopaev2015ProteinStructuresPresentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Maksimov Yu. V.
|3 (11)
|Reshetova Daria
|Multiclass Classification Methods with Improved Convergence Estimators in Partial Learning The problems
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Reshetova2015MetricLearning/code code],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Reshetova2015MetricLearning/doc/Reshetova2015MulticlussClussification.pdf?format=raw paper],
[https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Reshetova2015MetricLearning/doc/presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Maksimov Yu. V.
|3 (10)
|Smirnov Evgeniy
|Thematic model of interests of permanent users of the mobile application
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Smirnov2015TopicModeling/Code code], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Smirnov2015TopicModeling/doc/Smirnov2015TopicModeling.pdf?format=raw paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Smirnov2015TopicModeling/doc/Smirnov2015Presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Victor Safronov
|1 (4)
|Solomatin Ivan
|Determination of the iris shading area by the classifier of local textural features
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Solomatin2015EESLocalization/code code], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Solomatin2015EESLocalization/doc/article.pdf?format=raw paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Solomatin2015EESLocalization/doc/Solomatin.EESLocalisation.Presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|Matveev I. A.
|Bernstein Julia
|3 (9)
|Chernykh Vladimir
|Testing nonparametric algorithms for time series forecasting under nonstationary conditions
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Chernykh2015TimeSeriesPrediction/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Chernykh2015TimeSeriesPrediction/doc/SteninaChernykh2015ArimaHistForecast.pdf?format=raw paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Chernykh2015TimeSeriesPrediction/doc/presentation/Chernykh2015Presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Medvmasha Stenina Maria]
|Shishkovets Svetlana
|3 (4)
|Shishkovets Svetlana
|Regularization of a linear naive bayes classifier.
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Shishkovets2015NaivBayes/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Shishkovets2015NaivBayes/doc/Shishkovets2015NaivBayes.pdf?format=raw paper], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Shishkovets2015NaivBayes/doc/Shishkovets_Presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Uskov_Mikhail Uskov Mikhail], [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vokov Vorontsov K. V.]
|Chernykh Vladimir
|2 (9)
|Kamzolov Dmitri
|New algorithms for the problem of ranking web pages
|Alexander Gasnikov, Yuri Maksimov
|Sukhareva Angelica
|Final discussion and grading
|Classification of scientific texts by branches of knowledge
|Andriy Graboviy
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Sukhareva2015TextClassification/code code],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Sukhareva2015TextClassification/doc/Sukhareva2015TextClassification.pdf?format=raw paper],
[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group274/Sukhareva2015TextClassification/doc/Sukhareva_Presentation.pdf?format=raw slides]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Sidious Sergei Tsarkov]
===1. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Improving the quality of demand forecasting using product groups
* '''Problem description:'''
*# Time series of sales for several product groups in one hypermarket. Also, for each product, periods of shortage, periods of influence on the demand of calendar holidays and periods of holding are known. marketing promotions. A product classifier is also known: a tree of product groups, where the products themselves are leaves.
*# Forecasting algorithm that is used to generate demand forecasts for these products: self-adaptive exponential smoothing (Trigg-Leach model, see [1])
*# Loss function by which the quality of forecasts is measured: MAPE.
*# Requirements for building forecasts: forecasts must be built weekly for 4 weeks ahead (at the beginning of the current week, you need to build a forecast of total demand for the next week, a week in one, two, and 3).
Hypothesis: Demand for individual goods is too volatile to reveal their characteristic seasonality. It is proposed to use data on product groups in order to more accurately determine the parameters of seasonality.
Note: there are other options for improving the quality of forecasting by working with groups of goods.
The problem is to improve the quality of forecasting within the framework of The problem by taking into account the effect of the interchangeability of goods, in comparison with the Basic algorithm
The result can be considered achieved if a statistically significant increase in quality is shown when building a series of forecasts (at least 20) for each time series using a sliding control.
* '''Data:'''
*# Data on sales of several product groups in a hypermarket of a large retail chain: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5YjPespcL83X3pHaE1aRzBUaDg/view?usp=sharing
* '''References:'''
*# Lukashin Yu. P. Adaptive methods of short-term forecasting of time series. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2003.
*# http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C_%D0%A2%D1 %80%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B3%D0%B0-%D0%9B%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B0
*# Nitin Patel, Mahesh Kumar, Rama Ramakrishnan. Clustering models to improve forecasts in retail merchandising. http://www.cytel.com/Papers/INFORMS_Prac_%2004.pdf
*# Kumar M., Error-based Clustering and Its Application to Sales Forecasting in Retail Merchandising. PhD Thesis. http://books.google.ru/books/about/Error_based_Clustering_and_Its_Applicati.html?id=6252NwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
* '''Base algorithm:''' It is proposed to use the seasonality model [3] in combination with the Trigg-Leach model as a non-seasonal series prediction algorithm ([1] and [2]). In this case, 3 variants of the algorithm are possible, depending on the method of assessing seasonality:
*# Seasonality is estimated by the very series of sales. For products with a "short" history, seasonality is not assessed.
*# Seasonality is estimated for a group of goods, based on the classifier of commodity groups (lower level of the classifier)
*# Seasonality is estimated by clusters, based on the methodology [3], [4].
* '''Solution:''' It is required to implement the combination of the seasonality model [3] and the Trigg-Leach model as a non-seasonal series prediction algorithm ([1] and [2]), with the 3 variants of seasonality analysis described above. When constructing seasonal profiles, it is necessary to exclude periods of marketing campaigns (otherwise, there may be a significant distortion of seasonality). Next, you need a series of experiments with quality analysis on real data. When analyzing quality, you can exclude periods of holidays and marketing campaigns. Based on the results of the experiments, it may be necessary to adapt the clustering algorithm.
* '''Novelty:''' Building a self-adaptive forecasting algorithm taking into account seasonality, identified by cluster analysis.
* '''consultant:''' Kanevsky D.Yu.
===2. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Study of the relationship between oncological diseases and the ecological situation by spatio-temporal sampling
* '''Problem description:''' Given a matrix with estimates of the environmental situation and data on the average incidence of oncology for each district of the Rostov region for several years. Assessments of the environmental situation contain a significant amount of noise. Assessments of the environmental situation are made in rank scales. It is required to build a regression model for estimating the number of oncological diseases, which would take into account the ecological situation in the region, proximity to other regions and the trend in parameter changes over the time series.
* '''Data:''' table with data on the environmental situation and the number of oncological diseases in the Rostov region.
* '''References:'''
*# http://www.scielosp.org/pdf/aiss/v47n2/v47n2a10.pdf - Ecological studies of cancer incidence in an area interested by dumping waste sites in Campania (Italy)
*# http://lasi.lynchburg.edu/shahady_t/public/Breast%20Cancer.pdf - Incidence of human cancer in correlation with ecological integrity in a metropolitan population
*# http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/SUBBARAO1/HeivReview.pdf - Heteroscedastic Errors-in-Variables Regression
*# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Errors-in-variables_models - wikipedia: models with errors in independent variables
*# http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/maths/resources/Gillard_Tech_Report.pdf - An Historical Overview of Linear Regression with Errors in both Variables
*# http://arxiv.org/pdf/1212.5049v1.pdf - A Partial Least Squares Algorithm Handling Ordinal Variables Also In Presence Of A Small Number Of Categories
*# [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0% B8%D0%B5_%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%81% D0%B0] - wikipedia: Mahalanobis Distance
*# http://see.stanford.edu/materials/aimlcs229/cs229-hmm.pdf - Hidden Markov Models Fundamentals
* '''Base algorithm:''' Comparisons with the basic algorithm are not expected
* '''Solution:''' One of the regression algorithms from the review (3rd reference point). The transformation of ordinal features into linear ones can be found in paragraph 4 of the literature
* '''Novelty:''' In contrast to existing works, which mainly use only sets of features, but not geographic proximity to contaminated areas and the dynamics of environmental changes, this paper proposes to analyze the problem taking into account these factors.
* '''consultant:''' Oleg Bakhteev.
===3. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Obtaining an estimate of the sparse covariance matrix for nonlinear models (neural networks).
* '''Problem:''' Suggest a method for estimating the covariance matrix of parameters of a general model for the case of linear regression, logistic regression, general non-linear models, including neural networks. Suggest a way to take into account the structure of the matrix (sparseness, dependencies between coefficients, etc.)
* '''Data:''' Synthetic data and tests.
* '''References:'''
*# Zaitsev A.A., Strijov V.V., Tokmakova A.A. [http://strijov.com/papers/ZaytsevStrijovTokmakova2012Likelihood_Preprint.pdf Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Hyperparameters of Regression Models] // Information Technologies, 2013, 2 - 11-15.
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Tokmakova A.A., Strijov V.V. [http://strijov.com/papers/HyperOptimizationEng.pdf Analytic and stochastic methods of structure parameter estimation] // Preprint, 2015.
*# Aduenko A. A. Presentation on Evidence, 2015. [[Media: aduenko_presentation_russian.pdf|aduenko_presentation_russian.pdf]]
*# Bishop C. M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, pp. 161-172, 2006.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Diagonal matrix estimation, see MLAlgorithms/HyperOptimization folder.
* '''Solution:'''
* '''Novelty:''' A fast algorithm for obtaining estimates of the general covariance matrix for nonlinear models is proposed, the properties of sparse matrices are investigated.
* '''consultant:''' Alexander Aduenko.
* Geometric deep learning
===4. 2015===
* Functional data analysis
* '''Title:''' Feature selection in time series forecasting using exogenous factors
* Applied mathematics for machine learning
* '''Problem:''' The problem statement from [http://www.swissquant.net/files/pdf/Robust%20Calculation%20and%20Parameter%20Estimation%20of%20the%20Hourly%20Price%20Forward%20Curve.pdf ] formula (32)
* '''Data:''' time series with electricity prices.
* '''References:'''
*# Keywords: Hourly Price Forward Curve, short-term time series forecasting, feature selection, Add-Del method, (non)linear regression.
*# Main Articles:
*# [http://scl.hanyang.ac.kr/scl/database/papers/PESGM/PESGM2014/files/PESGM2014-000294.PDF] - study of the influence of prices in one country on the price in another and how to take this into account when forecasting .
*# [http://www.eeh.ee.ethz.ch/uploads/tx_ethpublications/hildmann_EEM_2013.pdf] - overview of terms and processes emerging in HPFC forecasting + motivation
*# [http://www1.vwa.unisg.ch/RePEc/usg/sfwpfi/WPF-1311.pdf] - also about price forecasting, but here about spot prices
* '''Base algorithm:'''
*# LAD-Lasso estimation from [http://www.swissquant.net/files/pdf/Robust%20Calculation%20and%20Parameter%20Estimation%20of%20the%20Hourly%20Price%20Forward%20Curve.pdf]
*# Sanduleanu's article about the Add-Del modification: [http://strijov.com/papers/SanduleanuStrijov2011FeatureSelection_Preprint.pdf].
* '''Solution:''' apply the modified Add-Del method as a feature selection method.
* '''Novelty:''' comparison of basic and proposed methods, analysis of properties of the proposed method.
* '''consultant:''' Alexander Katrutsa.
==General principles==
===5. 2015===
1. The experiment and measurements defines axioms i
* '''Title:''' Development of an image recognition algorithm for the search for fibrinolysis parameters.
* '''Problem:''' A set of images of fibrin clot growth obtained during the study of thrombodynamics and [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%B1%D1% 80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B7|fibrinolysis]. It is required to develop an algorithm for finding the coordinates of the segment and the angle of inclination of the activator line from a series of images. Test the developed algorithm on different types of fibrinolysis and examples where this process is absent.
* '''Data:''' An array of images for each study in tiff format 16 bits with time points from the beginning in seconds.
* '''References:'''
*# Description of the applied The problem and terms of reference: on request.
* '''Base algorithm:''' Hough Transform [https://www.cs.sfu.ca/~hamarneh/ecopy/compvis1999_hough.pdf|pdf], discussed.
* '''consultant:''' I.A. Matveev
===6. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Prediction of Quaternary Structures of Proteins: нивелирование
* '''Problem description:''' The problem is to predict the packing of protein molecules into a multimeric complex in the rigid body approximation. One of the formulations of the problem is written as a non-convex optimization.
It is necessary to study this formulation and propose a solution algorithm. Suppose we have <tex>N</tex> proteins in an assembly, such that each protein <tex>i</tex> can be located in one of <tex>P</tex> positions <tex>x_{p}^{i}</tex>. <tex>N</tex> is ~ 10, <tex>P</tex> ~ 100. To each two vectors <tex>x_{i}^{p}</tex> and <tex>x_{j}^{q}</tex>, we can assign an energy function <tex>q_{0}</tex>, which is the overlap integral in the simplest approximation. Each protein position also has an associated score <tex>b_{0}</tex>.
* '''Data:''' Collected using one of the standard complexes resolved using electron microscopy. The energy values and overlap integrals are calculated by modifying one of the standard packages, on example, [http://nano-d.inrialpes.fr/software/hermitefit/ HermiteFit]. Data is generated in ~1 minute, code modification and data preparation will take ~1 week.
* '''References:''' Yu.E. Nesterov Introduction to Convex Optimization (available at PreMoLab website)
* '''Code notes:''' [[Media:MaximovProgrammingRequiremets.pdf|Implementation notes]]
* '''Base algorithm:''' I would like to try convex relaxations.
* '''Novelty:''' Convex relaxations have not been used before in such The problems on these proteins
* '''consultant:''' Yu.V. Maksimov
===7. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Metric learning and space dimensionality reduction in Time Series Classification The problems
* '''Problem:''' The problem statement from the base article, some modification of the error function is possible due to the specifics of the time series
* '''Data:''' electricity price time series
* '''References:'''
*# [http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~abellet/papers/aistats15.pdf] - basic article
*# [http://arxiv.org/pdf/1306.6709.pdf] - excellent overview of Metric Learning methods
*# [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~liuy/frame_survey_v2.pdf] - more overview
* '''Base algorithm:''' Frank-Wolf algorithm (conditional gradient descent)
* '''Solution:''' apply target matrix decimation with Belsley method to remove multicollinearity
* '''Novelty:''' application of Metric Learning methods in the problem of time series clustering, analysis of the properties of the proposed method
* '''consultant:''' Alexander Katrutsa
==Syllabus and goals==
===8. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Structural learning when generating models
* '''Problem:''' Solved by The problem search ranking function in Information Search The problems. The search is carried out among non-parametric functions (structures) generated by a grammar of the form G: g---> B(g, g) | U(g) | S, where B is a set of binary operations {+, -, *, /}, U - unary operations {-(), sqrt, log, exp}, S - variables and parameters {x, y, k}. It is proposed to solve the problem of generating a ranking model in two stages, using the history of restoring the structure of the model as a training sample.
* '''Data:''' TREC subcollections.
* Description of the collection of data used to evaluate the features, and the evaluation procedure. [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Kulunchakov2014RankinBySimpleFun/doc/Kulunchakov2014RankingBySimpleFun.pdf?format=raw|pdf]
* '''References:'''
*# Jaakkola T. Scaled structured prediction.
*# [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbsBguCUFEc|Tommi Jaakkola lecture “Scaling structured prediction”]
*# Find all the work of TJ students on a given topic.
*# Varfolomeeva A.A. Bachelor's thesis in MLAlgorithms/BSThesis/Varfolomeeva
* '''Base algorithm:''' Parantap, BM25 - models for comparison.
* '''Solution:''' It is proposed to cluster the collection and generate models for document clusters. Then, using the structural learning method, find models that generalize the unions of clusters up to the collection itself.
* '''Novelty:''' Ranking functions found that are as good as those used in practice.
* '''consultant:''' Anna Varfolomeeva, Oleg Bakhteev
===9. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Checking the compliance of the electrocardiograph with the requirements of the diagnostic system "Screenfax" and assessing the quality of electrocardiograms.
* '''Problem description:''' The problem of checking the compliance of an arbitrary electrocardiograph with the requirements of the "Screenfax" diagnostic system [1—4] is solved based on a comparison of electrocardiograms (ECG) of the same and the same patients recorded by both devices according to the ABAB scheme, where A is the first device, B - the second. The problem of automatic detection of low-quality electrocardiograms that do not meet the requirements of the diagnostic system is also solved.
* '''Data:''' The selection consists of records with ECG values recorded by the device for which the test is being carried out, and by the device used in the Screenfax diagnostic system (data with a detailed description of the recording format will be provided to the person who selected The problem). You can use http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/ptbdb/ to test algorithms for R-peak detection and noise level estimation.
* '''References:'''
*# Information portal of the Diagnostic system "Screenfax". URL: http://skrinfax.ru/method-author/
*# [[Technology for information analysis of electrocardiosignals]]
*# Uspensky V.M. Information function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. M.: Economics and informatics, 2008. 116p.
*# Uspensky V.M. Information function of the heart. // Clinical medicine. 2008. V.86. No. 5. pp.4–13.
*# Naseri H., Homainezhad M.R. Electrocardiogram signal quality assessment using an artificially reconstructed target lead // Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2015. Vol.18, No. 10.Pp. 1126-1141.
*# Zidelmal Z., Amirou A., Ould-Abdeslam D., Moukadem A., Dieterlen A. QRS detection using S-Transform and Shannon energy. // Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2014. Vol. 116, no. 1.Pp. 1-9. URL: https://yadi.sk/i/-kD00y1VepB3q
*# Sarfraz M., Li F. F., Khan A. A. Independent Component Analysis Methods to Improve Electrocardiogram Patterns Recognition in the Presence of Non-Trivial Artifacts // Journal of Medical and Bioengineering. 2015. Vol. 4, no. 3.Pp. 221-226. URL: https://yadi.sk/i/-kD00y1VepB3q
*# Meziane N. et al. Simultaneous comparison of 1 gel with 4 dry electrode types for electrocardiography // Physiol. Meas. 2015. Vol. 36, no. 513.
*# Allana S., Aversa J., Varghese C., et al. Poor quality electrocardiograms negatively affect the diagnostic accuracy of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. // J Am Call Cardiol. 2014. Vol. 63, no. 12_S. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(14)60172-8.
* '''Base algorithm:''' ECG quality estimation – [4], R-peak detection – [5], noise level estimation in data – [6].
* '''Solution:''' The problem of checking the compliance of an arbitrary electrocardiograph with the requirements of the "Screenfax" diagnostic system is proposed to be solved by constructing permutation statistical tests by comparing the values of RR-intervals and R-amplitudes and detected code sequences (calculated by amplitudes and intervals) for each diseases. This is where The problem of detecting R peaks comes in. In The problem of detecting low-quality electrocardiograms, The problem of estimating the noise level arises. In addition, it is necessary to learn how to filter out ECG with non-informative amplitude values or a large spread of interval values, since the method of analyzing electrocardiographic signals is not applicable to the diagnosis of arrhythmia.
* '''Novelty:''' The problem of checking the compliance of the electrocardiograph with the requirements of the diagnostic system can be considered as The problem of comparing ECG recording devices that arise, for example, when comparing different types of electrodes, and the noise level in the values of electrocardiosignals, the presence of baseline drift are selected as criteria and some other features [7].
* '''consultant:''' Shaura Ishkina
==Theme 1: ==
===10. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Simplification of the IR models structure
* '''Problem:''' To achieve the acceptable quality of the information retrieval models, modern search engines use models of very complex structure. In current research we propose to simplify the model structure and make it interpretable without decreasing the model accuracy. To do this, we follow the idea from (Goswami et al., 2014) of constructing the set of nonlinear IR functions of simple structure and admissible accuracy. However, each of these functions is expected to have lower accuracy while comparing with the best IR model of complex structure. Thus, we propose to approximate this complex model with the linear combination of simple nonlinear functions and expect to obtain the comparable quality of solution.
* '''Data:''' TREC collections.
* '''References:'''
*# P. Goswami et Al. Exploring the Space of IR Functions // Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8416:372-384, 2014.
*# [https://www.dropbox.com/s/yw7xczcnm8fbymk/StructureSimplification.pdf?dl=0| problem statement]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Gradient boosting machine for constructing a model of high complexity. Exaustive search of superpositions from a set of elementary functions for approximation and simplification.
* '''Solution:''' The optimal functions for the linear combination can be found by the greedy algorithm.
* '''Novelty:''' A new ranking function of simple structure competitive with traditional ones.
* '''consultant:''' Mikhail Kuznetsov.
===11. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Testing non-parametric time series forecasting algorithms under non-stationary conditions
* '''Problem:''' One of the key assumptions about the distribution of data in non-parametric is the assumption that the time series is stationary. The adequacy of forecasts if this requirement is not met is not guaranteed. It is required to develop a method for determining the fulfillment of the condition of local stationarity of the time series to study the applicability of the main algorithms of nonparametric forecasting in the absence of stationarity. Consider the main methods of nonparametric regression, such as kernel smoothing, spline smoothing, autoregression, moving average, etc.
* '''Data:''' Data on freight rail transportation (RZD)
* '''References:'''
*# Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. - 2012. - No. 4.
*# Dickey D. A. and Fuller W. A. Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root / Journal of the American Statistical Association. - 74. - 1979. - p. 427--431.
* '''Base algorithm:''' ARMA, Hist.
* '''Solution:''' Use the Dickey-Fuller test as a basic method for checking series for non-stationarity. It is also proposed to consider such sources of non-stationarity as trend and seasonality.
* '''Novelty:''' A method for determining the fulfillment of the condition of local stationarity of a time series has been developed and substantiated.
* '''consultant:''' Stenina Maria
===12. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Learning metrics in Full and Partial Learning The problems
* '''Problem description:''' is a software implementation of a complex of convex and DC-optimization methods for the problem of choosing the optimal metric in The problems of recognition. In other words, in constructing a metric such that the nearest neighbor classification gives high accuracy.
* '''Data:''' Birds and Fungus ImageNet collection with Deep features extracted (provided by consultant). Primary tests can be done on the data provided by [http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/multiclass.html here]
* '''References:''' References and a detailed description of the problem are given [[Media:Maximov_Metric_Learning%28Strijov_Course%29.pdf| in file]]
* '''Code notes:''' [[Media:MaximovProgrammingRequiremets.pdf|Implementation notes]]
* '''Base algorithm:''' 1) convex relaxation of the problem solved by an internal point through CVX 2) SVM on a modified sample consisting of pairs of objects
* '''consultant:''' Yu.V. Maksimov
===13. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Building a hierarchical topic model of a large conference
* '''Problem:''' Every year, the program committee of a major EURO conference (more than 2000 reports) is faced with The problem of building a hierarchical model of conference abstracts. Due to the fact that the structure of the conference changes little from year to year, it is proposed to build a thematic model of the future conference using expert models of conferences of previous years. This raises the following subThe problems:
# Classification of abstracts of the new conference.
# Predicting changes in the structure of the conference.
* '''Data:''' Abstracts and expert models of EURO 2010, 2012, 2013 conferences.
* '''References:''' Alexander A. Aduenko, Arsentii A. Kuzmin, Vadim V. Strijov. Adaptive thematic forecasting of major conference proceedings [http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group974/KuzminAduenkoStrijov2013AdoptiveTextClustering/doc/TextClustering_english_5.pdf?format=raw text of the article]
* '''Base algorithm:'''
* '''Solution:''' For solving subThe problems
# it is proposed to combine the expert models of conferences of previous years into one, and for each thesis of a new conference to find the most suitable cluster in the resulting combined model, on example, using a weighted cosine measure of proximity.
# explore changes in the structure of conferences from year to year and determine the threshold of intra-cluster similarity values at which, for a certain set of abstracts, Experts create a new cluster, rather than adding these abstracts to existing clusters.
* '''Novelty:''' A weighted cosine proximity measure that takes into account the hierarchical structure of clusters. Forecasting changes in the hierarchical structure/topics of the conference
* '''consultant:''' Arsenty Kuzmin
===14. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Regularization of the linear naive bayes classifier.
* '''Problem:''' Building a linear classifier is one of the classic and most well studied machine learning The problems. A linear naive bayesian (LNB) classifier has the strong advantage that it builds in time that is linear in sample length, and the strong limitation that it assumes that the features are independent in its derivation. On some data, LNB performs surprisingly well, despite a clear violation of the feature independence hypothesis. The Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) is considered to be a very successful method, but takes a long time on large samples. Both of these methods work in the same space of linear classifiers. The idea of the study is to bring LNB closer to SVM in terms of quality, but without loss of efficiency, by means of minor corrections.
* '''Data:''' One of the three data sets, optional: classification of texts into scientific and non-scientific, classification of abstracts by fields of science, classification of ECG codograms for sick and healthy.
* '''References:'''
*# Larsen (2005) Generalized Naive Bayes Classifiers.
*# Abraham, Simha, Iyengar (2009) Effective Discretization and Hybrid feature selection using Naïve Bayesian classifier for Medical datamining.
*# Lutu (2013) Fast Feature Selection for Naive Bayes Classification in Data Stream Mining.
*# Zaidi, Carman, Cerquides, Webb (2014) Naive-Bayes Inspired Effective Pre-Conditioner for Speeding-up Logistic Regression.
*# + ask [[User:Vokov|Vorontsov K. V.а]].
* '''Base algorithm:''' any ready-made LNB and SVM implementations. Plus naive feature selection for LNB.
* '''Solution:''' Derive correction formulas for LNB weights when using a margin-maximization regularizer similar to SVM. We build an iterative process in which a correction is calculated at each step, bringing the LNB closer to the SVM a little more. ROC-curves and dependences of Hold-out AUC on the iteration number are built.
* '''Novelty:''' The ML community still hasn't realized that any linear classifier is equivalent to some kind of Naive Bayesian classifier.
* '''consultant:''' Mikhail Uskov. '''Hyperconsultant:''' [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Vokov Vorontsov K. V.].
===15. 2015===
* '''Title:''' Thematic model of the interests of regular users of the mobile application.
* '''Problem:''' The mobile app for learning English words offers the user words one by one. The user can either add a word to the studied ones, or discard it. To start learning words, you need to type at least 10 words. It is required to build a probabilistic word generation model that adapts to the interests of the user.
* '''Data:''' There are lists of added and dropped words for each user. In addition, it is intended to use a large external collection of texts, for example, Wikipedia, for sustainable topic definition.
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V., Potapenko A. A. [[Media:Voron14mlj.pdf|Additive Regularization of Topic Models]] // Machine Learning. Special Issue “Data Analysis and Intelligent Optimization with Applications”. 2014. [[Media:Voron14mlj-rus.pdf|Russian translation]]
* '''Base algorithm:''' Random word selection algorithm.
* '''Solution:''' The topic model for each user determines the topic profile of his interests p(t|u). To generate words, word distributions from the distributions p(w|t) of the topics of the given user are used. Dependences of the quality functionals of the thematic model on the iteration number are constructed. The main functionality of quality is the ability of the model to predict which words the user will leave and which ones they will discard.
* '''Novelty:''' A feature of the model is the presence of discarded words. The developed methods can also be applied in recommender systems with likes and dislikes.
* '''consultant:''' Viktor Safronov. '''Hyperconsultant:''' [[User:Vokov|Vorontsov K. V.]].
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:rgazizullina Gazizullina Rimma]
|Forecasting the volume of rail freight traffic by pairs of branches
|[http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group174/Gazizullina2014RailwayForecasting/], [http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group174/Gazizullina2014RailwayForecasting/doc/Gazizullina2014RailwayForecasting.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Medvmasha Stenina Maria]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Agrinchuk Grinchuk Alexey]
|Selection of Optimal Structures of Predictive Models by Structural Learning Methods
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|Varfolomeeva Anna
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Aguschin Gushchin Alexander]
|Sequential Generation of Essentially Nonlinear Models in The problems of Document Ranking
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|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mikethehuman Kuznetsov Mikhail]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Iefimova Efimova Irina]
|Differential diagnosis of diseases by electrocardiogram
|[http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group174/Efimova2014DiagnosticsOfDiseases/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Efimova2014DiagnosticsOfDiseases/doc/Efimova2014DiagnosticsOfDiseases.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Celyh Vlada Tselykh]
|[MF]T+A+I+L+SB++R+CV+TDE+H(J ed)
|[[Участник:Azhukov|Zhukov Andrey]]
|Building University Rankings: Panel Analysis and Sustainability Assessment
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Zhukov2014UniversityRanking/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Zhukov2014UniversityRanking/doc/Zhukov2014UniversityRanking.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mikethehuman Kuznetsov Mikhail]
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|Manifold training for predicting sets of quasi-periodic time series
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Ignatov2014ManifoldsTraining/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Ignatov2014ManifoldsTraining/doc/Ignatov2014ManifoldsTraining.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|Ivkin Nikita
|[MF]TA+I+L+S+B+R+C+VTD>E+HS (J if ed)
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mkarasikov Karasikov Mikhail]
|Search for effective methods of dimensionality reduction in solving problems of multiclass classification by reducing it to solving binary problems
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Karasikov2014MulticlassClassification/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Karasikov2014MulticlassClassification/doc/Karasikov2014MulticlassClassification.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|Yu.V. Maksimov
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=%D0%A3%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA:%D0%9A%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%87%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2 Kulunchakov Andrey]
|Detecting Isomorphic Structures of Essentially Nonlinear Predictive Models
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Kulunchakov2014IsomorphicStructures/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Kulunchakov2014IsomorphicStructures/doc/Kulunchakov2014IsomorphicStructures.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|Sologub Roman, [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mikethehuman Kuznetsov Mikhail]
|[F]T+AI+L+S+BR+CVT++D+EHS(J ed-ed)
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Alipatova Lipatova Anna]
|Detecting Patterns in a Set of Time Series by Structural Learning Methods
|[http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group174/Lipatova2014StructureLearning/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Lipatova2014StructureLearning/doc/Lipatova2014StructureLearning.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|A. P. Motrenko
|[MF]TA+I+LSBR-CVTDE (J when ed)
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Nmakarova Makarova Anastasia]
|Using non-linear forecasting when looking for dependencies between time series
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Makarova2014DynamicTS/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Makarova2014DynamicTS/doc/Makarova2014DynamicTS.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|A. P. Motrenko
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Aplavin Plavin Alexander]
|Optimizing the Number of Topics in Probabilistic Topic Models with a String Sparse Regularizer
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Plavin2014TopicsNumberOptimization/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Plavin2014TopicsNumberOptimization/doc/Plavin2014TopicsNumberOptimization.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:AnyaP Potapenko Anna]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mpopova Maria Popova]
|Choosing the optimal model for predicting human physical activity based on accelerometer measurements
|[http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Popova2014OptimalModelSelection/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Popova2014OptimalModelSelection/doc/Popova2014OptimalModelSelection.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Aleksandra.Tokmakov Tokmakova Alexandra]
|[MF]T+AI+L++SB++R+CV+TD+(JV ed)
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mshvets Shvets Mikhail]
|Interpretation of multimodels in the processing of sociological data
|[http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group174/Shvets2014MultimodelInterpretation/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Shvets2014MultimodelInterpretation/doc/Shvets2014MultimodelInterpretation.pdf?format=raw pdf]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Aduenko Alexander Aduenko]
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:Mshinkevich Shinkevich Mikhail]
|Influence of sparse, smoothing and decorrelation regularizers on the stability of a probabilistic topic model
|[http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group174/Shinkevich2014RegularizatorsCombination/], [http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/Group174/Shinkevich2014RegularizatorsCombination/doc/Shinkevich2014RegularizatorsCombination.pdf?format=raw pdf]
| Dudarenko Marina
|[MF]T+AIL+S+BR+CV+T+D+E+H(J ed)
===1. 2014===
* Optimizing the Number of Topics in Probabilistic Topic Models with a String Sparse Regularizer
* '''Problem:''' The probabilistic topic model describes the probabilities of occurrence of words <tex>w\in W</tex> in documents <tex>d\in D</tex> through latent topics <tex>t\in T< /text>:
<tex> p(w|d) = \sum_{t\in T} p(w|t)p(t|d) = \sum_{t\in T} \phi_{wt}\theta_{td}. </tex> We need to test the hypothesis that by imposing constraints on the <tex>\Theta</tex> matrix using the string sparse regularizer, it is possible to determine the optimal number of topics.
* '''Data:''' The collection of documents is specified by word frequencies. Since to solve the problem it is necessary to know the <<true>> number of topics, experiments are performed on realistic model or semi-model data.
* '''References:'''
*# [[Media:The problem-PTM-Potapenko.pdf| Description of the problem and proposed solutions]]
*# Vorontsov K. V. Additive regularization of thematic models of collections of text documentsc ops // Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. - V. 455, No. 3 (in press).
*# Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic thematic modeling. — 2014. http://www.MachineLearning.ru/wiki/images/2/22/Voron-2013-ptm.pdf
*# Teh Y. W., Jordan M. I., Beal M. J., Blei D. M. Hierarchical Dirichlet processes // Journal of the American Statistical Association. - 2006. - Vol. 101, no. 476.-Pp. 1566–1581
* '''Basic algorithm:''' Regularized EM-algorithm [2014: Vorontsov] is used to solve the optimization problem. A rational, stochastic or online version of the EM algorithm can be used.
* '''Novelty:''' Dirichlet's HDP [2006: Teh et Al] hierarchical process model is commonly used to optimize the number of topics. It determines the number of topics is unstable, and at the same time it is difficult both to understand and to implement. Additive Regularization of Topic Models (ARTM) is a new approach to topic modeling that combines versatility, flexibility and simplicity. The problem of optimizing the number of topics has not yet been considered in the framework of ARTM.
===2. 2014===
* Differential diagnosis of diseases by electrocardiogram
* '''Problem:''' It is proposed to solve a typical classification problem. Signs are 216 characteristics calculated from the electrocardiogram. It is necessary to evaluate the quality of the classification on a delayed control sample. To do this, the fractions of errors of the first and second kind are calculated. Under the error of the first kind is meant the assignment of healthy people to the class of patients, the second kind - the assignment of patients to the class of healthy people. Preference is given to minimizing Type II errors.
* '''Data:''' For each of the 5 diseases, there are 2 types of samples. Reference - more reliable, specially selected cases. The rest are cases when the diagnoses were established by doctors less reliably; these samples are proposed to be used for control.
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. Metric classification algorithms. Lectures on machine learning. — 2014. http://www.MachineLearning.ru/wiki/images/c/c3/Voron-ML-Metric-slides.pdf
*# Uspensky V. M. Information function of the heart // Clinical Medicine, 2008. - V. 86, No. 5. - P. 4–13.
*# Uspensky V. M. Information function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. - M .: "Economy and information", 2008. - 116 p.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' To solve the problem, it is proposed to use a metric algorithm with greedy feature selection.
* '''Novelty:''' The data were prepared using a unique technology for information analysis of electrocardiosignals, developed by prof. MD V.M.Uspensky. A classification algorithm is proposed and its generalizing ability is investigated.
* '''consultant:''' Vlada Tselykh
==Theme 1: Manifolds ==
===3. 2014===
* Influence of sparse, smoothing and decorrelation regularizers on the stability of a probabilistic topic model
* '''Problem:'''Probabilistic topic model describes the probabilities of occurrence of words <tex>w\in W</tex> in documents <tex>d\in D</tex> through latent topics <tex>t\in T< /text>: <tex> p(w|d) = \sum_{t\in T} p(w|t)p(t|d) = \sum_{t\in T} \phi_{wt}\theta_{td}. </tex> Matrix representation <tex>\|p(w|d)\|_{W\times D}</tex>
as a product of two smaller matrices <tex>{\Phi=\|\phi_{wt}\|_{W\times T}}</tex> and <tex>{\Theta=\|\theta_{dt} \|_{T\times D}}</tex> is not the only one: <tex>\Phi \Theta = (\Phi S)(S^{-1}\Theta) = \Phi'\Theta'</tex> for some non-degenerate <tex>S</tex>. It is required to test the hypothesis that, by imposing restrictions on the matrices <tex>\Phi, \Theta</tex> using regularizers,
it is possible to increase the stability of their recovery.
* '''Data:''' The collection of documents is specified by word frequencies. To solve the problem, it is necessary to know the “true” matrices <tex>\Phi, \Theta,</tex> experiments are performed on realistic model or semi-model data that satisfy the hypotheses of sparseness, weak correlation of topics and the presence of background topics.
* '''References:'''
*# Vorontsov K. V. Additive regularization of thematic models of collections of text documents // Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. - V. 455, No. 3 (in press).
*# Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic thematic modeling. - 2014. http://www.MachineLearning.ru/wiki/images/2/22/Voron-2013-ptm.pdf.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' Regularized EM-algorithm [2014: Vorontsov] is used to solve the optimization problem. A rational, stochastic or online version of the EM algorithm can be used.
* '''Novelty:''' Additive Regularization of Topic Models (ARTM) was proposed in [2014: Vorontsov] as a universal way to improve the stability and interpretability of topic models. However, the question of which particular combination of regularizers increases stability remains open. This study is aimed at solving this problem.
* '''consultant:''' Marina Dudarenko
===4. 2014===
Surface differential geometry
* Building University Rankings: Panel Analysis and Sustainability Assessment
[https://www.coursera.org/lecture/image-processing/3-surface-differential-geometry-duration-11-43-vtuJ1 Coursera code video] for Image and Video Processing
* '''consultant:''' Kuznetsov Mikhail
* '''Problem:''' University ranking changes from year to year. This change may be due to the poor quality of the ranking calculation methodology, random changes in the institution's performance, and purposeful changes in the state of the institution. It is required to propose such a rating method that is resistant to random changes, which would allow interpreting the change in the state of the university.
* '''Data:''' Eight years of data for the world's top 100 universities.
* '''References:'''
*# Strijov V.V. Refinement of expert assessments using measured data. Zavodskaya lab. Diagnostics of materials, 2006, 72(7) - 59-64.
*# Strijov V.V. Refinement of Expert assessments in rank scales using measured data. Zavodskaya lab. Diagnostics of materials, 2011, 77(7) - 72-78.
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Strijov V.V. Methods of expert estimations concordance for integral quality estimation // Expert Systems with Applications, 2014.
*# ''Draft POF article on request.''
* '''Basic algorithm:''' A method for constructing the RUR rating and one of the redundantly stable algorithms for ranking scales.
* '''Novelty:''' Introduced the concept of interpretability of the change in the rating position. The problem of choosing and optimal locally monotonous correction of indicators was solved. A technique for constructing a rating is proposed that allows interpreting the change in the state of a university for the purpose of monitoring. Option: solved the reverse The problem of management: how to change the indicators of the university in order to achieve a given goal.
==Theme 1: ODE and flows==
===5. 2014===
*[https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2018/hash/69386f6bb1dfed68692a24c8686939b9-Abstract.html Neural Ordinary Differential Equations] (source paper and code)
* Detecting Patterns in a Set of Time Series by Structural Learning Methods
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow-based_generative_model W: Flow-based generative model]
* '''consultant:''' A. P. Motrenko
*[https://deepgenerativemodels.github.io/notes/flow/ Flows at deepgenerativemodels.github.io]
* '''Problem:''' To improve the quality of the time series forecast, I would like to use expert statements about the presence of a causal relationship between events. To do this, it is necessary to be able to assess the reliability of expert statements. It is impossible to prove the existence of a causal relationship by statistical methods. The researcher can only check the presence of a certain structure of communication. The purpose of The problem is, based on expert statements about the presence of a connection between events, to examine the time series for the presence of various structural connections and find the structure that is most consistent with the Expert's opinion.
*[https://habr.com/ru/company/ods/blog/442002/ Знакомство с Neural ODE на хабре]
* '''References:'''
*# R. B. Kline, Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: Guilford. 2005.
*# J. Pearl, Graphs, Causality and Structural Equation Models. Sociological Methods and Research, 27-2(1998), 226-284.
*# J. Pearl, E. Bareinboim, Transportability of Causal and Statistical Relations: A Formal Approach // Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 7-11, 2011, San Francisco. 247-254
*# Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Motrenko A.P., Khusainov F.I. Construction of cross-correlation dependences in the forecast of load of the railway junction // Machine learning and data analysis. 2013. T. 1, No. 5. C. 505-518.
*# Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2012. T. 1, No. 4. C. 448-465.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' structural equation modeling, SEM
* '''Novelty:''' A method for assessing the reliability of Expert statements about the impact of exchange prices on major instruments on the volume of rail freight traffic is proposed. Various structures of links between time series are proposed. The concept of structure complexity is introduced. The relationship between the complexity of the structure and the assessment of the reliability of the statement is investigated.
Goes to BME
===18. 2014===
*[https://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.05770.pdf Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows (source paper)]
* Using non-linear forecasting when looking for dependencies between time series
*[https://lilianweng.github.io/lil-log/2018/10/13/flow-based-deep-generative-models.html Flow-based deep generative models]
* '''consultant:''' A. P. Motrenko
* '''Problem:''' (As part of a study devoted to the discovery of patterns in time series sets) It is proposed to abandon the standard assumptions about the stationarity of the time series when searching for dependencies between time series and to study time series from the point of view of dynamical systems theory, within which irregular time dependences determined by the structure of the phase space are considered. It is required to study a set of approaches to the analysis of dynamic data and the identification of relationships between them; describe the limits of applicability of the basic algorithm and propose new options for the revealed structural relationships.
* Data: Synthetic data, historical stock prices for major instruments and rail freight data.
* '''References:'''
*# Tools for the Analysis of Chaotic Data. HENRY D. I. ABARBANEL
*# Nonlinear forecasting as a way of distinguishing chaos from measurement error in time series, G. Sugihara, R.M. May.
*# George Sugihara et al. Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosystems. Science 338, 496 (2012);
*# Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Motrenko A.P., Khusainov F.I. Construction of cross-correlation dependences in the forecast of load of the railway junction // Machine learning and data analysis. 2013. T. 1, No. 5. C. 505-518.
*# Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2012. T. 1, No. 4. C. 448-465.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' convergent cross mapping
* '''Novelty:''' Proposed different structures of relationships between time series and a method for checking the existence of relationships
(after RBF)
===6. 2014 ===
* Sequential Generation of Essentially Nonlinear Models in The problems of Document Ranking
* '''consultant:''' Kuznetsov Mikhail
* '''Problem:''' Propose and test on test and real data an algorithm for generating essentially non-linear models. The algorithm should generate 1) a complete set of models 2) choose the optimal step for a fixed model structure (adding a superposition element).
* '''Data:''' Synthetic data, data for LIG text collections.
* '''References:'''
*# Goswami P., Moura1 S., Gaussier E., Amini M.R. Exploring the Space of IR Functions //
*# Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Algorithms for the inductive generation of superpositions for the approximation of measured data // Informatics and its applications, 2013, 7(1) - 17-26.
*# Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Simplification of superpositions of elementary functions with the help of graph transformations according to the rules // Intellectualization of information processing. Reports of the 9th international conference, 2012 - 140-143.
*# Vladislavleva E., Smith G., Hertog D., Order of Nonlinearity as a Complexity Measure for Models Generated by Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming // IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2009. Vol. 13(2). pp. 333-349.
*# Vladislavleva E. Model-based Problem Solving through Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming: PhD thesis, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 2008.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' An exhaustive enumeration algorithm for admissible superpositions of generating functions.
* '''Novelty:''' An algorithm for sequential addition of superposition elements is proposed. A function of the distance between superpositions is proposed and its properties are investigated. The notion of superposition complexity and the notion of adjacent superpositions that differ in complexity by one are introduced. An algorithm for generating adjacent superpositions is proposed.
==Theme 1: PDE==
===7. 2014===
* Detecting Isomorphic Structures of Essentially Nonlinear Predictive Models
* '''consultant:''' Sologub Roman, Kuznetsov Mikhail
* '''Problem:''' Develop an algorithm for finding isomorphic subgraphs for trees (a variant - for directed acyclic graphs). Compare the complexity of the algorithm for checking the isomorphism of two superpositions for the proposed algorithm and for the algorithm for element-by-element comparison of mappings.
* '''Data:''' Data on exchange options: dependence of option volatility on the price and time of its execution.
* '''References:'''
*# Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Algorithms for the inductive generation of superpositions for the approximation of measured data // Informatics and its applications, 2013, 7(1) - 17-26.
*# Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Simplification of superpositions of elementary functions with the help of graph transformations according to the rules // Intellectualization of information processing. Reports of the 9th international conference, 2012 - 140-143.
*# Ehrig H., Ehrig G., Prange U., Taentzer. G. Fundamentals of Algebraic Graph Transformation. Springer, 2006.
*# Ehrig H., Engels G. Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation. World Scientific Publishing, 1997.
*# Strijov V.V., Sologub R.A. Inductive generation of regression models of implied volatility for option trading // Computational technologies, 2009, 14(5) — 102-113.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' Algorithm for element-by-element comparison of mappings.
* '''Novelty:''' A fast algorithm for simplifying superpositions and searching for isomorphic models is proposed. The incidence matrix of the set of generating functions is used.
===8. 2014===
* Building predictive models as superpositions of expert-specified functions
* '''consultant:''' Ivkin Nikita
* '''Problem:''' Required to assign a set of time series to one of several classes. It is proposed to do this using the automated feature generation procedure. To do this, Expert creates a set of generating functions that 1) transform the time series (by example, smooth, decompose into principal components), 2) extract its aggregated descriptions from the time series (by example, mean, variance, number of extrema). It is possible to generate a significant number of features by constructing superpositions of generating functions. The resulting features are used to classify a set of time series (for example, by the nearest neighbor method).
* '''Data:''' data from the mobile phone's accelerometer.
* '''References:'''
*# Problem statement \MLAlgorithms\Group074\Kuznetsov2013SSAForecasting\doc
*# Khaikin S. Neural networks. Williams, 2006.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' neural network (option: deep learning neural network).
* '''Novelty:''' A method for extracting features using automatically constructed superpositions of Expert-specified functions is proposed. Comparison of structural and topological complexity in The problem classification.
===9. 2014===
* Manifold training for predicting sets of quasi-periodic time series
* '''consultant:''' Ivkin Nikita
* '''Problem:''' The problem of classifying human activity based on data from the mobile phone's accelerometer is solved. Data from the accelerometer are represented by quasi-periodic time series. It is required to attribute the time series to one of the types of activity: running, walking, etc. To solve the problem of classifying series, a method based on nearest neighbors in the space of manifolds is proposed.
* '''Data:''' data from the mobile phone's accelerometer.
* '''References:'''
*# Mi Zhang; Sawchuk, A.A., "Manifold Learning and Recognition of Human Activity Using Body-Area Sensors," Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops (ICMLA), 2011 10th International Conference on , vol.2, no., pp.7,13, 18- 21 Dec. 2011
* '''Basic algorithm:''' neural network
* '''Novelty:''' proposed a method for classifying quasi-periodic time series based on manifolds
=== 10. 2014===
* Interpretation of multimodels in the processing of sociological data
* '''consultant:''' Alexander Aduenko
* '''Problem:''' The problem of credit scoring is to determine the level of creditworthiness of the borrower who applied for a loan. To do this, a borrower's questionnaire is used, containing both numerical data (age, income, time of residence in the country) and categorical features (gender, profession). It is required, having historical information on loan repayments by other borrowers, to determine whether the client in question will return the loan. Thus, it is required to solve the problem of classification. Since the data can be heterogeneous (for example, if there are different income regions in the country), the data can be described not by one, but by several models. In this paper, we propose to compare two methods for constructing multimodels: mixtures of logistic models and gradient boosting.
* '''Data:''' data on consumer loans (\mlalgorithms\BSThesis\Aduenko2013\data).
* '''References:'''
*# model blends (\mlalgorithms\BSThesis\Aduenko2013\doc, Bishop)
*# boosting (lecture "Compositional methods of classification and regression" by Vorontsov)
* '''Basic algorithm:''' boosting.
* '''Novelty:''' Identification and explanation of similarities and differences between the solutions obtained by the two specified algorithms.
=== 11. 2014===
* Selection of Optimal Structures of Predictive Models by Structural Learning Methods
* '''consultant:''' Varfolomeeva Anna
* '''Problem:''' It is proposed to solve the problem of forecasting in two stages: first, the structure of the predictive model is restored using the stories of constructing successful forecasts. The model parameters are then optimized; using the model, a time series forecast is built.
* '''Data:''' synthetic sample, biomedical time series, accelerometer measurements.
* '''References:'''
*# Jaakkola T. Scaled structured prediction.
*# URL: http://video.yandex.ru/users/ya-events/view/486/user-tag/scientific%20seminar/
*# ''Find all the work of TJ students on the given topic.''
*# Varfolomeeva A.A. Bachelor's thesis in MLAlgorithms/BSThesis/Varfolomeeva
* '''Basic algorithm:''' the metaprediction algorithm described in the thesis.
* '''Novelty:''' A method for restoring model structures using a priori assumptions about these structures is proposed.
==Theme 1: Navier-Stokes equations and viscous flow==
===12. 2014 ===
* Invariants in Predicting Quasi-Periodic Series
* '''consultant:''' Arsenty Kuzmin
* '''Problem:''' The problem of hourly price/electricity consumption forecasting for the day ahead is being solved. When constructing the plan matrix, it is proposed to use not the original segment of the time series, but its invariant representation.
* '''Data:''' hourly data on electricity prices and volumes (insert link).
* '''References:'''
*# Sandulyanu L.N., Strijov V.V. Feature Selection in Autoregressive Forecasting The problems // Information Technologies, 2012, 7 — 11-15.
*# ''(taken from Fadeev's last article)''
*# '''Basic algorithm:''' autoregressive prediction described in Sanduleanu's work.
* '''Novelty:''' An algorithm for joint estimation of the parameters of the invariants and autoregressive model is proposed, which makes it possible to significantly improve the accuracy of forecasting.
== Fourier for fun and practice 1D==
=== 13. 2014 ===
* Forecasting the volume of rail freight traffic by pairs of branches
* '''consultant:''' Stenina Maria (Medvednikova)
* '''Problem:''' Predict traffic volumes from branch to branch, compare with the basic algorithm for predicting the departure of wagons from branch. Test the hypothesis that the traffic forecast from branch to branch is more accurate than the forecast using the Basic algorithm Examine series for trend/periodicity. If there is a trend/periodicity, then include it in the model. Prepare a prediction algorithm for use.
* '''Data:''' daily data for a year and a half on the transportation of 38 types of cargo in the Omsk region.
* '''References:'''
*# Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. - 2012. - No. 4.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' histogram prediction described in the article.
* '''Novelty:''' it is proposed to improve the quality of the forecast by dividing the data into smaller parts and forecast traffic for specific branches instead of forecasting the departure of wagons.
[https://morioh.com/p/18b3158eab36?f=5c21fb01c16e2556b555ab32&fbclid=IwAR0FBF6IfmEaaedMEDzxiSclxGgNVweHgDQZympUZ-4doeKGNwQwUvp9upo Fourier Code]
===14. 2014===
* Choosing the optimal model for predicting human physical activity based on accelerometer measurements
* '''consultant:''' Tokmakova Alexandra
* '''Problem:''' Suggest an algorithm for sequential modification of the neural network. The goal is to find the most simple, stable and accurate network configuration that allows solving the problem of two-class (variant: multi-class) physical activity prediction.
* '''Data:''' Set of time series of accelerometer measurements.
* '''References:'''
*# Decimation of neural families on Machinelearning.ru.
*# Khaikin S. Neural networks. Williams, 2006.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' Optimal Brain Damage/Optimal Brain Surgery.
* '''Novelty:''' A method for sequential generation of neural networks of optimal complexity is proposed. The stability of generated models is studied.
=== 15. 2014===
* Time Series Metaprediction
* '''consultant:''' A.S. Inyakin, Ivkin Nikita
* '''Problem:''' A set of time series forecasting algorithms is specified. According to the presented time series, it is required to indicate the algorithm that delivers the most accurate forecast. In this case, the algorithm itself is not supposed to be executed. To solve this problem, it is proposed to build a set of features that describe the Expert time series, but a set of generating functions is created that 1) transform the time series (by example, smooth, decompose into principal components), 2) extract its aggregated descriptions from the time series (by example, mean, variance , the number of extrema). It is possible to generate a significant number of features by constructing superpositions of generating functions.
* '''Data:''' Library of quasi-periodic and aperiodic time series
* '''References:'''
*# Kuznetsov M.P., Mafusalov A.A., Zhivotovsky N.K., Zaitsev E., Sungurov D.S. Smoothing forecasting algorithms // Machine learning and data analysis. 2011. T. 1, No. 1. C. 104-112.
*# Fadeev I.V., Ivkin N.P., Savinov N.A., Kornienko A.I., Kononenko D.S., Dzhamtyrova R.B. Autoregressive forecasting algorithms // Machine learning and data analysis. 2011. T. 1, No. 1. C. 92-103.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' Use the SAS/SPSS algorithm.
* '''Novelty:''' A method for fast selection of the optimal predictive algorithm based on the description of the time series is proposed.
=== 16. 2014===
* Identification of a person by the image of the iris
* '''consultant:''' Matveev I. A.
* '''Problem:''' In the problem of identifying a person by the image of the iris (iris), the most important role is played by the selection of the region of the iris in the original image (segmentation of the iris). However, the iris image is usually partially obscured (shaded) by eyelids, eyelashes, highlights, that is, part of the iris cannot be used for recognition and moreover, the use of data from shaded areas can generate false signs and reduce accuracy. Therefore, one of the important steps in the segmentation of the iris image is the rejection of shaded areas.
* '''Data:''' bitmap monochrome image, typical size 640*480 pixels (however, other sizes are possible) and coordinates of centers and radii of two circles approximating pupil and iris.
* '''References:'''
*# [[Media:The problemIris.pdf |Problem description and proposed solutions]]
*# Monro D. University of Bath Iris Image Database // http:// www.bath.ac.uk/ elec-eng/ research/ sipg/ irisweb/
*# Chinese academy of sciences institute of automation (CASIA) CASIA Iris image database // http://www.cb-sr.ia.ac.cn/IrisDatabase.htm, 2005.
*# MMU Iris Image Database: Multimedia University // http://pesonna.mmu.edu.my/ccteo/
*# Phillips P.J., Scruggs W.T., O'Toole A.J. et al. Frvt2006 and ice2006 large-scale experimental results // IEEE PAMI. 2010. V. 32. No. 5. P. 831–846.
*# G.Xu, Z.Zhang, Y.Ma Improving the performance of iris recognition system using eyelids and eyelashes detection and iris image enhancement // Proc. 5Th Int. Conf. Cognitive Informatics. 2006. P.871-876.
* '''Basic algorithm:''' method using sliding window and texture features [2006: Xu, Zhang, Ma].
* '''Novelty:''' the mask of the open area of the iris has been built.
=== 17. 2014 ===
* Search for effective methods of dimensionality reduction in solving problems of multiclass classification by reducing it to solving binary problems
* '''consultant:''' Yu.V. Maksimov
* '''Problem:''' Explore different approaches to solving multi-class classification problems and compare their performance.
* '''Data:''' Data with a different number of classes.
*# Toy example: Shuttle dataset. http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(Shuttle). Small sample, 7 classes. No need to do data preparation.
*# Reuters collection text data http://www.daviddlewis.com/resources/testcollections/reuters21578/.
*# Data from our LIG Kaggle contest http://www.kaggle.com/c/lshtc
* '''References:'''
*# [[Media:LearningEmbedding.pdf |Problem description and proposed solutions]]
*# Xia lecture. http://courses.washington.edu/ling572/winter2012/slides/ling572_class13_multiclass.pdf
*# Rifkin lecture http://www.mit.edu/~9.520/spring08/Classes/multiclass.pdf
*# Tax, Duin. Using two-class classifiers for multiclass classification. Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on (Volume:2). http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
*# Dietterich, Bakiri. Solving Multiclass Learning Problems via Error-Correcting Output Codes. 1995. http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/9501101
*# Allwein, Schapire, Singer. Reducing Multiclass to Binary:A Unifying Approach for Margin Classifiers. Journal of Machine Learning Research 1 (2000) 113-141. http://machinelearning.wustl.edu/mlpapers/paper_files/AllweinSS00.pdf
* '''Basic algorithms:''' SVM with different cores, Adaboost. Basic approaches: one vs all(combined), one vs one(uncombined)
== Fourier for fun and practice nD==
=== Trial Programming ===
! The problem
! Who is doing
! Number
|A selection is given [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Wine "Wine of different regions"]. It is required to determine the clusters (regions of origin of wines) and draw the result: the cluster object is marked with a colored dot; the colored circle indicates the class of this object taken from the sample. The problem option: determine the number of clusters. The problem option: use two algorithms, for example k-means and EM, and show a comparison of clustering results on a graph.
| 1
|Suggest ways to visualize sets of 4D vectors, see example for [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Iris Fisher's iris data].
|Write down your last name here.
| 2
|Given a time series [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Individual+household+electric+power+consumption series] describing electricity consumption. Approximate a series by several [[Linear regression (example)| curvilinear models]] and plot the predicted and original series on the same graph.
|Kulunchakov Andrey.
| 3
|Smooth the time series [[Time series (library of examples)|Prices (volumes) for the main exchange instruments]] using the [[Exponential smoothing| exponential smoothing]]. Draw color plots of the antialiased rows with different <tex> \alpha </tex> and the original row.
| 4
|Closed Curve Sample Fit [http://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group874/Group874Essay/Group874Essay.pdf?format=raw]: Check if points lie on a circle? Generate data yourself.
| Gazizullina Rimma
| 5
|A time series with gaps is given, using the example [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Gas+Sensor+Array+Drift+Dataset+at+Different+Concentrations]. Suggest ways to fill in the gaps in the data, fill in the gaps. For each method, construct a histogram. Option: take a sample without gaps, randomly remove part of the data, fill in the gaps, compare with the histogram of the original sample.
|Ignatov Andrey
| 6
|A selection is given [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Wine "Wine of different regions"]. Choose two features. Consider different distance functions when classifying with [[Nearest Neighbors| nearest neighbor method]]. For each, depict the classification result in the space of selected features.
|Maria Popova
| 7
|For various types of dependence <tex> y = f(x) + \epsilon </tex> (linear, quadratic, logarithmic) build [[Linear regression (example)| linear regression]] and plot the SSE deviations (standard deviations-?). Generate data yourself or take data "Price for bread".
|Efimova Irina
| 8
|Estimate the area of a unit circle using the Monte Carlo method. Plot the result against the sample size.
|Shinkevich Mikhail
| 9
|Construct a convex hull of points on a plane. Draw a graph: points and their convex hull is a closed broken line.
|Makarova Anastasia
| 10
|A selection is given: [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Fischer's Iris]. Implement the decision tree classification procedure. Illustrate the results of classification on a plane in the space of two features.
|Zhukov Andrey
| 11
|The time series is set - [https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/TSForecasting/TimeSeries/Sources/tsEnergyConsumption.csv volumes of hourly electricity consumption] (select any two days). Approximate the series with polynomial models of various degrees (1-7). *Suggest a method for determining the optimal degree of a polynomial.
|Karasikov Mikhail
| 12
|Two one-dimensional [[Time series (library examples)] | time series]] of various lengths. Calculate row spacing using dynamic alignment.
|Grinchuk Alexey
| 13
|Generate a set of points on the plane. Select and visualize the main components.
| Lipatova
| 14
|Approximate the sample [https://dmba.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dmba/Data/WhiteBreadPrices.csv bread prices] with a polynomial model. Draw a graph. Mark objects that are outliers using the three sigma rule.
|Shvets Mikhail
| 15
|Divide the sample [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Fischer's Iris] into clusters. Illustrate the results of clustering on a graph, highlight the clusters in different colors.
| Gushchin Alexander
| 16
|'''And more The problems to choose from'''
|A sample of several features is given, without a target vector Y. For example, this https://dmba.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dmba/Data/Diabets_LARS.csv You need to specify the feature that is well described (in terms of linear regression) by the rest (such a feature is usually excluded from the sample).
|Smooth time series [[Time series (examples library)|(see library)]] with moving average. Take several windows of different lengths and superimpose the result on the graph on top of each other.
|Given a time series [[Time series (examples library)|(see library)]]. Based on its variational series, construct a histogram of <tex>n</tex> percentiles and draw it. What is the most common time series value?
|Gizzatullin Anvar
|Show the difference in the speed of performing matrix operations and operations in a loop. You can use [[Singular value decomposition]] and other linear algebra methods as an example. Show the efficiency of parallel computing (parfor).
|Understand how function superposition works. Using the @ function, generate all possible polynomials in n variables of degree at most p. Option: use the obtained polynomials to approximate the time series of bread prices [[Linear regression (example)|(data)]].
* Fourier analysis on Manifolds 5G page 49
* Spectral analysis on meshes
! Title
! Author
! Link
|Definition of the printed image
|Pushnyakov Alexey
|Comparison of Fast Clustering Algorithms
|Alexander Katrutsa
|Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators
|Kashcheeva Maria
|Marking up bibliographic records using logical algorithms
|Ryskina Maria
|Determination of the exact border of the pupil
|Chinaev Nikolai
|Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators
|Grinchuk Oleg
|Generating Neural Networks with Expert-Defined Activation Functions
|Perekrestenko Dmitry
|Comparative analysis of feature selection algorithms: accuracy, stability, complexity of regression models
|Yashkov Daniel
|Invariant transformations in The problems of local forecasting
|Kostin Alexander
|Genetic Programming Algorithm for Solving the Prediction Problem
|Voronov Sergey
|Grouping of Nominal Variables in Bank Credit Scoring The problems
|Mityashov Andrey
| Modeling the process of learning and forgetting when assessing the quality of production
|Neklyudov Kirill
|Overview of Algorithms for Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
|Shubin Andrey
|Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression
|Ibraimova Aizhan
|Interpretation of expert assessments of species of the Red Book of the Russian Federation by selecting reference (representative) objects
|Byrdin Alexander
|Visualization of Pair Distance Matrix in Topic Modeling
|Vdovina Evgenia
|Algorithm for Estimating the Reliability of Expert Judgments on the Relationship of Time Series
|Antipova Natasha
== Geometric Algebra ==
===2. 2013 MassProduction===
experior product and quaternions
*'''Name''' Generation and optimization of logical descriptions when building production lines.
*'''Problem''' It is required to set The problem of synthesizing admissible superpositions, develop an algorithm and test it on synthetic data.
*'''Data''' Required to create.
*'''References:''' Need a search (most likely German publications).
*'''Proposed algorithm''' On discussion.
*'''Basic algorithm''' None.
===3. 2013 LearnForget===
*'''Name''' Modeling the process of learning and forgetting when assessing the quality of production.
*'''Problem''' Find an adequate regression model that describes the activities of a group of people.
*'''Data''' Data on the speed and quality of the assembly of paper airplanes.
* '''References:''' Need to find.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' The procedure for analyzing regression residuals.
*'''Basic algorithm''' Regression model in the attached article.
==Theme 1: High order splines==
===4. 2013 GeneticProg===
*'''Name''' Genetic Programming Algorithm for Solving the Prediction Problem.
*'''Problem''' Create a genetic programming algorithm that solves the problems named by Ivan Zelinka. Suggest a way to test the resulting models, organize a sliding control. Compare its performance on a test set of The problems with the performance of other GPU algorithms and with neural networks.
*'''Data''' Test set of The problems, take on the UCI or on the Polygon.
* '''References:''' Zelinka, Oplatkova, Vladislavleva; find works of recent years on this topic. Especially for testing these algorithms.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' GPU.
*'''Basic algorithm''' GPU, neural networks.
===5. 2013 Simplify===
*'''Name''' Overview of Algorithms for Simplifying Algebraic Expressions.
*'''Problem''' It is required to find literature on algorithms that simplify expressions, compare algorithms, program the algorithm proposed in the work by Ruda/Strijov V.V.
*'''Data''' Collect a test collection of expressions.
* '''References:''' Graph rewriting.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' R/S, comparison of algorithms.
===6. 2013 RedListExplanation===
*'''Name''' Interpretation of expert assessments of species of the Red Book of the Russian Federation by selecting reference (representative) objects.
*'''Problem''' Selection of reference objects (STOLP algorithm). This algorithm can be interesting for Experts: it quickly finds noise objects, which in our terms are considered to be inconsistent with Expert data and "out of their class", and also selects reference objects that are also interpreted in a curious way. From a mathematical point of view, it is interesting, firstly, to observe different metrics (generalizations of the Hamming distance) and, most importantly, it is necessary to generalize the margin formula for the case of monotone classes, apparently by introducing the weight function of objects.
*'''Data''' expert assessments of Red Data Book species.
* '''References:''' according to metric classification algorithms.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' A method or algorithm that tells the Expert why (sic!) an object is not in the Expert's intended class.
===7. 2013 RedListClassification===
*'''Name''' Algorithm for monotonic classification of objects described in rank scales.
*'''Problem''' Apply a decision tree to the Expert Estimates of Threatened Species in the Red Data Book. Compare with previously proposed algorithms. To substantiate operations with rank features, to introduce a generalization of the concept of informativeness for the case of monotone classes, apparently, to generalize the hypergeometric distribution.
*'''Data''' expert assessments of Red Data Book species.
* '''References:''' You should try to avoid referring to trivial sources. Search for similar works in foreign magazines.
==Theme 1: Topological data analysis==
===11. 2013 Invaraint4LocalForecast ===
*'''Name''' Invariant transformations in The problems of local forecasting.
*'''Problem''' Combine algorithms for invariant transformation of time and amplitude of predicted time series.
*'''Data''' Time series of pulse wave measurement.
* '''References:''' Find, avoid trivial references.
===8. 2013 PlausibleExpert===
*'''Name''' Algorithm for Estimating the Reliability of Expert Judgments on the Relationship of Time Series.
*'''Problem''' Study of the relationship between exchange prices for the main instruments and rail freight.
*'''Data''' Time series for 1.5 years. But it is better to choose a synthetic example.
* '''References:''' Publications on CCM.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' CCM modifications.
===9. 2013 DeepLearning===
*'''Name''' Generating Neural Networks with Expert-Defined Activation Functions.
*'''Problem''' It is required to raise the current state of the DeepLearning area, program the algorithm, test it on the problem of predicting consumption volumes and electricity prices.
*'''Data''' Daily data for three years.
* '''References:''' Deep Learning.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' Building a neural network and estimating its parameters.
===16. 2013 ScoringSelection===
*'''Name''' Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression.
*'''Problem''' Using a genetic algorithm to find informative objects and features.
*'''Data''' Consumer credit data.
* '''References:''' -
===10. 2013 ScoringFeatureSelection===
*'''Name''' Grouping of Nominal Variables in Bank Credit Scoring The problems.
*'''Problem''' Create a genetic algorithm for reducing the dimension of a feature space.
*'''Data''' Historical data on cash loans.
* '''References:''' SAS, find more.
==Theme 1: Homology versus homotopy==
===15. 2013 InverseVAR===
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homology_(mathematics) W: Homology]
*'''Name''' Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators.
*'''Problem''' Solve the inverse forecasting problem. According to the given state of the economy, set such a value of managed macroeconomic indicators that would bring the economy to the desired state.
*'''Data''' Macroeconomic indicators of Russia over the past 16 years.
* '''References:''' S.A. Ayvazyan works.
===12. 2013 DistanceVisualizing===
*'''Name''' Visualization of Pair Distance Matrix in Topic Modeling.
*'''Problem''' Display abstracts of the conference on the plane with the preservation of clusters.
*'''Data''' EURO conference abstracts.
*'''References:''' Zinoviev on ML, references on the topic.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' PCA.
*'''Basic algorithm''' Algorithm with minimization of the energy criterion.
===13. 2013 RhoNets===
*'''Name''' Comparison of Fast Clustering Algorithms.
*'''Problem''' Compare clustering algorithm using $\rho$-networks and a fast $k$-means algorithm.
*'''Data''' A selection of amino acid sequences. We need a test sample from the UCI or from comparison papers.
*'''References:''' $k$-средних, $\varepsilon$-networks.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' $\rho$-networks.
*'''Basic algorithm''' $k$-means.
===17. 2013 FeatureSelection===
*'''Name''' Comparative analysis of feature selection algorithms: accuracy, stability, complexity of regression models.
*'''Problem''' Build a series of test problems to compare algorithms. Propose a feature selection algorithm with the analysis of covariance matrices based on the Belsley method.
*'''Data''' Synthetic.
* '''References:''' Leontieva/Strijov V.V., search for modern reviews.
===1. 2013 Txt2Bib===
*'''Name''' Marking up bibliographic records using logical algorithms.
*'''Problem''' It is required to create a text markup algorithm. Novelty in the formulation of the problem. The relevance is that a more complete library of logical expressions will be created and an adequate algorithm will be selected.
*'''Data''' MLAlgorithms.
* '''References:''' The work of A. Ivanova and everything that is on the topic over the past two years.
*'''Proposed algorithm''' Choose from logical classification algorithms; optional clustering.
*'''Basic algorithm''' Dead-end coatings.
=Fundamental theorems=
===14. 2013 FindTheFormula (Risky)===
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_function_theorem W: Inverse function theorem and Jacobian]
*'''Name''' Algorithm for searching text structures in a document.
*'''Problem''' Suggest an algorithm that would look for formulas in a TeX document that are equivalent to a given one.
*'''Data''' Synthetic, MLAlgorithms collection.
*'''References''' Have to search. Search by chemical compounds in WoK works well.
===BCI, Matrix and tensor approximation===
===18. 2013 ScannedImage (Image)===
# Коренев, Г.В. Тензорное исчисление, 2000, 240 с., [https://lib.mipt.ru/book/7235/Korenev-GV-Tenzornoe-ischislenie.djvu lib.mipt.ru].
*'''Name''' Form type definition.
#  Roger Penrose, "Applications of negative dimensional tensors," in Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications, Academic Press (1971). See Vladimir Turaev, Quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds (1994), De Gruyter, p. 71 for a brief commentary [https://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/papers/graphical-bib/public/Penrose-applications-of-negative-dimensional-tensors.pdf PDF].
*'''Problem''' Determine the type of form from the scan.
# Tai-Danae Bradley, At the Interface of Algebra and Statistics, 2020, [https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.05631 ArXiv].
*'''Data''' A set of images in TIF.
# Oseledets, I.V. Tensor-Train Decomposition //SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2011, 33(5): 2295–2317, [https://doi.org/10.1137/090752286 DOI], [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220412263_Tensor-Train_Decomposition RG], [https://www-labs.iro.umontreal.ca/~grabus/courses/ift6760_files/lecture-11.pdf lecture], [https://github.com/oseledets/TT-Toolbox GitHub], [https://www.ifi.uzh.ch/dam/jcr:846e4588-673e-4f55-b531-544a2e1f602e/TA_Tutorial_Part2.pdf Tutoiral].
# Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_value_decomposition#Matrix_approximation SVD], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multilinear_subspace_learning Multilinear subspace learning], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher-order_singular_value_decomposition HOSVD].
===BCI, Feature selection===
===19. 2013 SpectrumImage (Image)===
# Мотренко А.П. Выбор моделей прогнозирования мультикоррелирующих временных рядов (диссертация), 2019 [https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/PhDThesis/Motrenko/doc/Motrenko2018Thesis.pdf PDF]
*'''Name''' Definition of the printed image.
# Исаченко Р.В. Снижение размерности пространства в задачах декодирования сигналов (дисссертация), 2021 [https://github.com/r-isachenko/PhDThesis/blob/master/doc/Isachenko2021PhDThesis.pdf PDF]
*'''Problem''' Make a spectral transformation of the image, explore the spectrum.
*'''Data''' A set of JPG images classified into two classes.
! The problem
! Who is doing
|A set of three-element vectors is given. Draw the first two elements along the abscissa and ordinate axes. The third element is displayed as a circle with a proportional radius. Choose proportions based on a sense of beauty. Compare the resulting graph with plot3. What's better?
|Mityashov Andrey
|Given a five-element vector.
|Neklyudov Kirill
|Understand how regexp works in Matlab. Make code that highlights everything that is inside the brackets of some arithmetic expression.
|Ryskina Maria
|Understand how function superposition works. Using the @ function, generate all possible polynomials in n variables of degree at most p.
|Shubin Andrey
|Understand how a web connection and regexp works. Make a search query on a topic and make up a BibTeX entry from it.
|Given a time series of m + 1 (random) points. Approximate its first m points by polynomials of degree from 1 to m. Calculate the mean error in points. Which degree gives the largest error?
|Voronov Sergey
|Rotate and zoom in on a flat figure, make a zoom effect with frame-by-frame rotation.
|Antipova Natasha
|Two matrices are given. Check if they have an intersection - a submatrix?
|Vdovina Evgenia
|A sample of several features is given, without a target vector Y. For example, this https://dmba.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dmba/Data/Diabets_LARS.csv You need to specify the feature that is well described (in terms of linear regression) the rest (such a feature is usually excluded from the sample).
|Grinchuk Oleg
|Given a sample that has several outliers. It is known that it can be described by one-dimensional linear regression. It is required to find the outliers by enumeration. Show them on a chart.
|Pushnyakov Alexey
|Given a sample of two classes on a plane. It is required to find all the objects that got into a foreign class. Show them on a chart.
|Kashcheeva Maria
|The input is the incidence matrix of the tree. The function returns a list (vector) of vertices in the order they were visited.
|Ibraimova Aizhan
|Classify iris flowers with an arbitrary algorithm, draw the “most visual” pair of features on the plane, indicate what was classified correctly and what was not.
|Yashkov Daniel
|Given a time series. Based on its variational series, build a histogram of n percentiles, draw it. What is the most common time series value?
|Create several groups of points on the plane and perform their clustering using any algorithm of your choice. Visualize the resulting clusters. Calculate the average intracluster distance for one cluster.
|Perekrestenko Dmitry
|Upload a sound sequence, preferably a few piano notes. Select and play a specific note.
|Download video. Delete every second frame. Process to taste. Write back.
|Byrdin Alexander
|Show the difference in the speed of performing matrix operations and operations in a loop. Show the efficiency of parallel computing (parfor and others).
|Alexander Katrutsa
|Suggest options for visualization of four-dimensional vectors and spaces. Compare them to a built-in function.
|Smooth the time series with a moving average. Take several windows of different lengths and superimpose the result on the graph on top of each other.
|Chinaev Nikolai
|Draw a surface. Replace each point of the surface with a median of n neighbors. Draw the result.
|Kostin Alexander
Thematic Modeling: paper in the Higher Attestation Commission journal
! Title
! Author
! Link
! Comments
|Calculation of integral indicators in rank scales by co-clustering methods
|Medvednikova Maria
|Hierarchical thematic abstract clustering and visualization
|Arsenty Kuzmin
|Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification.
|Alexander Aduenko
|Building hierarchical topic models
|Tsyganova Svetlana
|Feature Selection in The problems Structural Regression
|Varfolomeeva Anna
|Statistical tests for homogeneity and goodness of fit for highly sparse discrete distributions
|Vlada Tselykh
|Building logical rules when marking up texts
|Ivanova Alina
|Checking the adequacy of the topic model
|Stepan Lobastov
===1. 2012===
*'''Name:''' CoRegression. Calculation of integral indicators in rank scales by co-clustering methods.
*'''Teaser:''' Construction of an integral assessment of the effectiveness of scientific activity.
*'''Data:''' Synthetic. PRND employees. Table authors-journals and number of articles of selected authors in journals.
*'''References:''' [[Media:Voron-2008-11-10-cf.pdf|Vorontsov K. V. «Collaborative filtering»]].
*'''Keywords:''' h-index, co-clustering, collaborative filtering.
*'''Proposed algorithm:''' Joint regression (invent or find ready-made).
*'''Basic algorithm:''' Calculated IF of journals and h-index of authors. (Coclustering or adaptive filtering is not good for comparison).
*'''Problem:''' [[Media:Strijov2012SciRating.pdf‎|Description in file.]] Additionally: when creating a rating, there is a problem of splitting the set of authors and journals into clusters. The size of the cluster needs to be correlated with the "Assessment of the involvement of the author/journal in the scientific community". This assessment should be included in the rating (as a last resort, it should be presented separately).
===2. 2012===
*'''Name:''' ExpertRanking. Coordination of rank Expert estimates.
*'''Teaser:''' Voting ranking methods (selection of literary works, selection of a limited committee).
*'''Data:''' Internet voting for a list of books, voting without co-optation.
*'''References:''' Article in Notices AMS, 2008, 55(4). It will be necessary to review the literature on this issue.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' Finding the intersection of cones and estimating the effective space dimension or another algorithm.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' Kemeny Median and other algorithms.
*'''Problem:''' It is required to illustrate and study the properties of the committee selection algorithm. In particular, highlight the following problem. The ''n'' ranking of the selected candidates differs from the ''n+k'' ranking of the selected candidates, in a single vote with a choice of ''N'' candidates. It may be necessary to shed light on Arrow's paradox.
===3. 2012===
*'''Name:''' StructureRegression. Feature Selection in Structural Regression The problems
*'''Teaser:''' Structural regression algorithm for tagging bibliographic lists, abstracts and other structured texts.
*'''Data:''' bibliographic records from the BibTeX collection on CS.
*'''References:''' by Jaakkola and his team, possibly code.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' Structural regression.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' is described by Valentin.
*'''Required:''' segment the input text and assign each segment a field and each group of fields a bibliographic record type.
===4. 2012===
*'''Name:''' LogicClassification. Building logical rules when marking up texts
*'''Teaser:''' Structural regression algorithm for tagging bibliographic lists, abstracts and other structured texts.
*'''Data:''' bibliographic records from BibTeX collection on CS / conference abstracts, other marked up texts.
*'''References:''' works by Inyakin, Chuvilin, Kudinov.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' Decision trees, Dead-end coatings.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' is described by Valentin.
*'''Required:''' train the model, text markup, using decision rules over RegExp - strings.
=== 5. 2012===
* '''Title:''' RankClustering. Rank clustering and dynamic alignment algorithms.
* '''Teaser:''' Search for duplicates in bibliographic records. Dynamic alignment when finding duplicate bibliographic records.
* '''Data:''' Corrupted and incorrect bibliographic records (bases of student abstracts). [https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Data2012TextMining Over 1000 bibliographic entries from data mining articles/books.]
* '''References:''' [http://www.matbio.org/2012/Strijov2012(7_345).pdf Strijov V.V. et al. "Metric Sequence Clustering"], work on fast k-Means clustering.
* '''Keywords:''' DTW — modifications, k-Means.
* '''Proposed algorithm::''' Rank clustering algorithm.
* '''Base algorithm:''' k-Means and its high performance variations.
* '''Problem:''' It is required to modify the procedure for calculating the cost of the alignment path in such a way as to detect and take into account the invariants of permutations (and allowable modifications) of parts of the bibliographic record.
===6. 2012===
*'''Name:''' ThematicClustering. Checking the adequacy of the topic model.
*'''Teaser:''' Methods for detecting incorrect thematic classification on conference materials. Methods for constructing a thematic model similar to the given one. Article clustering, hierarchical topic models with topic interpretability. Hierarchical thematic clustering of abstracts.
*'''Data:''' [https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Data2012TextMining Texts of Euro 2012 conference abstracts, 1862 abstracts.]
*'''References:''' on clustering, and introducing distances between texts as bags of words.
*'''Keywords:''' hierarchical clustering, text similarity metrics.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' k-means hierarchical clustering algorithm + k-NN classification.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' k-Means
*'''Problem:''' It is required to build a thematic model using the clustering method and check the correctness of the current text classification. To do this, (hierarchical) clustering of texts is performed, each cluster is assigned a topic name corresponding to the majority of articles from the cluster. After building the model, each article is checked and refers to its own or someone else's topic.
===7. 2012===
*'''Name:''' ThematicHierarchy. Building hierarchical topic models.
*'''Teaser:''' Hierarchical thematic clustering of abstracts. Building a thematic model based on the materials of the conference.
*'''Data:''' [https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Data2012TextMining Abstract text.]
*'''References:''' hierarchical models, [http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~mimno/topics.html topic modeling].
*'''Keywords:''' hierarchical topic modeling.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' hierarchical models, evaluation of topic distribution.
*'''Basic algorithm:'''PLSA--LDA.
*'''Problem:''' It is required to build a hierarchical topic model by calculating statistical estimates of the distribution functions of words by topic.
===8. 2012===
*'''Name:''' ThematicVisualizing. Visualization of hierarchical thematic models.
*'''Teaser:''' On the materials of the EURO conference.
*'''Data:''' [https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Data2012TextMining Texts of Euro 2012 conference abstracts.]
*'''References:''' multidimensional scaling, clustering.
*'''Keywords:''' graph visualization.
*'''Proposed algorithm::'''
*'''Basic algorithm:''' --
*'''Problem:''' It is required to visualize the matrix of paired distances in such a way that it is possible to make a decision about
*# correction of the names of topics/subtopics of the conference,
*# transferring the thesis from one topic to another,
*# adequacy of correspondence between model and actual clustering.
===9. 2012===
*'''Name:''' CovSelection. Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification.
*'''Teaser:''' Yandex search results ranking.
*'''Data:''' Yandex - mathematics.
*'''References:''' Bishop, Strijov V.V..
*'''Keywords:''' logistic regression, feature selection, feature filtering.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' Joint selection by analysis of covariance matrices.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' SVM.
*'''Problem:''' Get matrix '''T''', p. 209 Bishop, make a multi-class classification (p. 208). Check on a synthetic sample of the same format as Yandex data. (For comparison, run the SVM algorithm on the same sample. Associate with feature selection.) Estimate the hyperparameter matrices of the multiclass regression model. Propose a step-by-step algorithm for joint selection with maximization of the likelihood of the model.
===10. 2012===
*'''Name:''' ThematicMatching. Determining whether a document matches the topic based on the selection of key phrases.
*'''Teaser:''' Does the dissertation match the declared dissertation passport? What is the actual specialty of the dissertation?
*'''Data:''' Abstracts of dissertations (SugarSync). [http://www.aspirantura.spb.ru/pasport/05.html Passports of specialties].
*'''References:''' (Article by S. Tsarkov "Morphological and statistical methods for extracting key phrases for building probabilistic thematic models of collections of text documents" - check).
*'''Keywords:''' key phrases, topic patterns, N-grams, morphological and statistical features.
*'''Proposed algorithm::'''
*'''Basic algorithm:''' C-Value and TF-IDF.
*'''Problem:''' It is required to check each abstract from the collection for formal compliance with the passport of the specialty declared in the abstract. At the same time, passport items are considered as descriptions of topics. An abstract is considered relevant to a given topic if the total probability of a given number of terms belonging to one of the topic descriptions of this specialty is higher than belonging to topic descriptions of other specialties.
*'''Problem, again:''' Extracting the keywords from the document. We believe that the specialty passport consists of keywords. Finding distances from one set of keywords to another. Eventually
*# we fill up the passport of a known specialty with new keywords, or
*# find the nearest specialty passport.
*'''Solution options:'''Introduction of the distance function from the set of terms to the description of the topic, construction of a matrix of such distances.
===11. 2012===
*'''Name:''' FeatureGen. Sequential generation and selection of features in a multiclass classification problem
*'''Teaser:''' Is this work scientific? Determination of the type of work (definition of the scientific field of the work). Definition of the social role of the author of the text.
*'''Data:''' synthetic, internet collection.
*'''References:''' Strijov V.V., Ore.
*'''Keywords:''' generation of features, search for isomorphic models.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' Algorithm for sequential generation of superpositions.
*'''Basic algorithm:''' decision trees.
*'''Problem:''' It is required to build a set of features by which the text can be classified.
===12. 2012===
*'''Name:''' TypeDetection. Methods for extracting features from text information
*'''Teaser:''' Is this work scientific? Determination of the type of work (definition of the scientific field of the work). Definition of the social role of the author of the text.
*'''Data:''' synthetic, internet collection.
*'''References:''' Find.
*'''Keywords:''' hierarchical clustering, structural learning, text similarity metrics.
*'''Proposed algorithm'''
*'''Basic algorithm'''
*'''Problem:''' It is required to build a set of features by which the text can be classified.
===13. 2012===
*'''Name:''' Checking the adequacy of the topic model.
*'''Teaser:''' Methods for detecting incorrect thematic classification on conference materials. Methods for constructing a thematic model similar to the given one. Article clustering, hierarchical topic models with topic interpretability. Hierarchical thematic clustering of abstracts.
*'''Data:''' [https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Data2012TextMining Texts of Euro 2012 conference abstracts, 1862 abstracts.]
*'''References:''' for latent models.
*'''Keywords:''' soft clustering, latent models.
*'''Proposed algorithm::''' hHDP.
*'''Basic algorithm:'''HDP.
*'''Problem:''' It is required to build a thematic model using the clustering method and check the correctness of the current text classification. To do this, (hierarchical) clustering of texts is performed, each cluster is assigned a topic name corresponding to the majority of articles from the cluster. After building the model, each article is checked and refers to its own or someone else's topic.
! Title
! Author
! Link to the journal
! The original text of the work
! Date of application
! State
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/KuzminAduenkoStrijov2012ThematicClustering/aduenko_kuzmin_strijov.pdf Feature selection and metric optimization when clustering a collection of documents]
|Aduenko A.A., Kuzmin A.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://publishing.tsu.tula.ru/EstestvNauki.html Izvestiya TulGu]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/BudnikovStrijov2012StringProbabilities/budnikov_strijov.pdf Estimating the Probabilities of Strings in a Collection of Documents]
|Budnikov E.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://novtex.ru/IT/ Information Technology]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Kuzmin2012ThematicClustering/kuzmin_strijov.pdf Checking the adequacy of the topic models of a collection of documents]
|Kuzmin A.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://novtex.ru/pi.html Software engineering]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/AduenkoStrijov2012TextVisualizingII/aduenko_strijov2.pdf Algorithm for the optimal location of the names of a collection of documents]
|Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://novtex.ru/pi.html Software engineering]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/AduenkoStrijov2012TextVisualizing/aduenko_strijov1.pdf Visualization of the matrix of paired distances between documents]
|Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://ntv.spbstu.ru/index4.html Scientific and technical statements of S.-Pb.PSU]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Medvednikova2012CoIndicator/doc/medvednikova_strijov.pdf Construction of an integral indicator of the quality of scientific publications by co-clustering methods]
|Medvednikova M.M., Strijov V.V.
|[http://publishing.tsu.tula.ru/EstestvNauki.html Izvestiya TulGu]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Aduenko2012CovSelection/aduenko_strijov3.pdf Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification of a collection of documents]
|Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://ikt.psuti.ru/rules/ Infocommunication technologies]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Ivanova2012LogicStructure/ivanova_aduenko_strijov.pdf Algorithm for constructing logical rules when marking up texts]
|Ivanova A.B., Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://novtex.ru/pi.html Software engineering]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Tsyganova2012TopicIerarhy/tsyganova_strijov.pdf Building hierarchical topic models of document collections]
|Tsyganova S.V., Strijov V.V.
|[http://www.appliedinformatics.ru/r/authors/ Applied Informatics]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Varfolomeeva2012StructureLearning/doc/varfolomeeva_strijov.pdf Choice of features when marking bibliographic lists by methods of structured learning]
|Varfolomeeva A.A., Strijov V.V.
|[http://ntv.spbstu.ru/index4.html Scientific and technical statements of S.-Pb.PSU]
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Celyh2012SparceDistribution/doc/doc/celyh_vorontsov.pdf Goodness-of-fit criteria for sparse discrete distributions and their application in topic modeling]
|Tselykh V.R., Vorontsov K. V.
|[http://jmlda.org Machine learning and data analysis]
|Checking the adequacy of the topic model
|Stepan Lobastov
'''List of works accepted for publication'''
* 1. Aduenko A. A., Strijov V. V. V.V. Visualization of the matrix of paired distances between documents // Scientific and technical bulletin of St. Petersburg. PGU. Computer science. Telecommunications. Management, 2013, 1 - ?.
* 2. Aduenko A. A., Kuzmin A. A., Strijov V. V. V. V. Feature selection and metric optimization when clustering a collection of documents // Proceedings of the Tula State University, Natural Sciences, 2012, No. 3. P. 119-132.
* 3. Aduenko A. A., Strijov V. V. V.V. Algorithm for the optimal location of the names of a collection of documents // Software engineering, 2013. No. 3. P.21-25.
* 4. Budnikov E. A., Strijov V. V. V. V. Estimating the Probabilities of Strings in a Collection of Documents // Information Technology, 2013. No. 4.
* 5. Kuzmin A. A., Strijov V. V. Checking the adequacy of the topic models of a collection of documents // Software engineering, 2013. No. 4.
* 6. Medvednikova M. M., Strijov V.V. Construction of an integral indicator of the quality of scientific publications by co-clustering methods // Proceedings of the Tula State University, Natural Sciences, 2013. No. 1.
* 7. Aduenko A. A., Strijov V. V. V. V. Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification of a collection of documents // Infocommunication technologies, 2013. No. 2.
* 8. Ivanova A.V., Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V. V.V. Algorithm for constructing logical rules when marking up texts // Software engineering, 2013. No. 4(5).
* 9. Tsyganova S.V., Strijov V.V. V. V. Building hierarchical topic models of document collections // Applied Informatics, 2013. No. 1.
* 10. Varfolomeeva A.A., Strijov V.V. V. V. Choice of features when marking bibliographic lists by methods of structured learning // Scientific and Technical Bulletin of St. Petersburg. PGU. Computer science. Telecommunications. Management, 2013.
* 11. Tselykh V.R., Vorontsov K. V. Goodness-of-fit criteria for sparse discrete distributions and their application in topic modeling // JMLDA, 2012. No. 4. pp. 432-442.
! Title
! Author
! Reviewer
! Link
! Comments
|CMARS: spline approximation
|Vlada Tselykh
|Tatiana Shpakova
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Celyh2012CMARS/ Celyh2012CMARS]
|Algorithmic foundations for constructing bank scoring cards
|Alexander Aduenko
|Alina Ivanova
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Aduenko2012economics/ Aduenko2012economics]
|Using the method of principal components in the construction of integral indicators
|Maria Medvednikova
|Svetlana Tsyganova
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Medvednikova2012PCA/ Medvednikova2012PCA]
|Multi-level classification for price movement detection
|Arsenty Kuzmin
|Varfolomeeva A.A.
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Kuzmin2012TimeRows/ Kuzmin2012TimeRows]
|Local forecasting methods with the choice of an invariant transformation
|Svetlana Tsyganova
|Maria Medvednikova
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Tsyganova2012LocalForecast/ Tsyganova2012 LocalForecast]
|Prediction of Quasi-Periodic Multivariate Time Series by Non-Parametric Methods (example)
|Egor Klochkov
|Alexander Shulga
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Klochkov2012Goods4Cast Klochkov2012Goods4Cast]
|Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression (example)
|Stepan Lobastov
|Egor Klochkov
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Lobastov2012FOSelection/ Lobastov2012FOSelection]
|Local forecasting methods with the choice of metric
|Varfolomeeva A.A.
|Arsenty Kuzmin
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Varfolomeeva2012LocForecastMetrics/ Varfolomeeva2012 LocForecastMetrics]
|Chebyshev polynomials and time series forecasting
|Valeria Bochkareva
|Stepan Lobastov
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Bochkareva2012TimeSeriesPrediction Bochkareva2012TimeSeriesPrediction]
|Clustering and compiling a dictionary of amino acid sequences
|Tatiana Shpakova
|Vlada Tselykh
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Shpakova2012Clustering/ Shpakova2012Clustering]
|Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators
|Alexander Shulga
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Shulga2012VAR Shulga2012VAR]
|Approximation of empirical distribution functions
|Alina Ivanova
|Alexander Aduenko
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group974/Ivanova2012ApproximateFunc/ Ivanova2012 ApproximateFunc]
* Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression
* Logistic regression is a statistical model that is used to predict the probability of an event occurring based on the values of a set of features. It has applications, for example, in medicine [http://math.tntech.edu/machida/MSD/lecture7.pdf] and credit scrolling. In real conditions, the number of features is usually large, and the most important The problem is to select only essential features, as well as to search for objects that are atypical for one reason or another.
* Keywords: logit model, feature selection, boosting.
* Using the method of principal components in the construction of integral indicators
* This paper considers Using the method of principal components in the construction of integral indicators. The results obtained are compared with the results given by the Pareto stratification method. An integral indicator is being built for Russian universities. For this, biographies of the 30 richest businessmen in Russia according to the Forbes magazine for 2011 are used.
* ''Keywords:'' integral indicator, expert estimates, parameter weights, principal component method, Pareto stratification method.
* Approximation of empirical distribution functions
* The work is devoted to methods of approximation of functions for efficient calculation of integrals. Practical The problems usually have data at certain points in time or space. When making assumptions about the remaining points, it becomes necessary to approximate the distribution function of the quantity under study, as well as to estimate the corresponding error. For its calculation, it is possible to use methods of different accuracy.
* Keywords: Monte Carlo method, calculation of distribution functions, empirical distribution functions.
* Local prediction methods with choice of transformation
* Time series forecasting problems have many applications in various fields such as economics, physics, and medicine. Their solution is a forecast for the near future based on the already known values of the predicted series at previous points in time. In the work, a local forecasting algorithm will be built taking into account transformations, which allows, without human intervention, to identify visually similar sections of the time series.
! Name
! Author
! Reviewer
! Link
| Stability and convergence of estimates of hyperparameters of linear regression models (example)|Estimation of hyperparameters of linear regression models in the selection of noise and correlated features
| Tokmakova Alexandra
| A. P. Motrenko
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Tokmakova2011HyperPar Tokmakova2011HyperPar]
| Choice of forecasting models for electricity consumption and prices (example)|Choice of forecasting models for electricity prices
| Leontieva Lyubov
| Grebennikov Evgeny
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Leonteva2011ElectricityConsumption Leonteva2011ElectricityConsumption]
| Multiclass prediction of the probability of myocardial infarction and estimation of the required sample size of patients (example)
| A. P. Motrenko
| Tokmakova Alexandra
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Motrenko2011HAPrediction Motrenko2011HAPrediction]
| Algorithms for generating essentially non-linear models
| Georgy Rudoy
| Nikolai Baldin
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Rudoy2011Generation/ Rudoy2012Generation]
| Event Modeling and Sugar Price Forecast|Event Modeling and Financial Time Series Forecast
| Alexander Romanenko
| Budnikov E. A.
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Romanenko2011Event/ Romanenko2011Event]
| Statistical models of natural languages|Overview of some statistical models of natural language
| Budnikov E. A.
| Alexander Romanenko
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Budnikov2011Statistical Budnikov2011Statistical]
'''Practical part'''
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! Author
! Reviewer
! Link
! Comments
| Using the Granger Test in Time Series Forecasting
| Anastasia Motrenko
| Leontieva Lyubov
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Motrenko2011GrangerForc Motrenko2011GrangerForc]
| Published at JMLDA
| Choosing an Activation Function for Predicting Neural Networks
| Georgy Rudoy
| Nikolai Baldin
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Rudoy2011NNForecasting Rudoy2011NNForecasting]
| Published at JMLDA
|Multidimensional caterpillar, choice of length and number of caterpillar components
| Leontieva Lyubov
| Mikhail Burmistrov
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Leonteva2011GaterpillarLearning Leonteva2011GaterpillarLearning]
| Published at JMLDA
|[[Prediction by Discrete Argument Functions (example)]]
| Budnikov E. A.
| Alexander Romanenko
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Budnikov2011DiscreteForecasting Budnikov2011DiscreteForecasting]
| Published at JMLDA
| Investigation of Convergence in Prediction by Neural Networks with Feedback
|[http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Участник:nkgrin Nikolai Baldin]
| Georgy Rudoy
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Baldin2011FNNForecasting Baldin2011FNNForecasting]
| Published at JMLDA
| Time series alignment: Forecasting with DTW (example)|Time series alignment: Forecasting with DTW
| Alexander Romanenko
| Budnikov E. A.
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Romanenko2011DTWForecasting Romanenko2011DTWForecasting]
| Published at JMLDA
|[[Isolation of the periodic component of the time series (example)]]
| Tokmakova Alexandra
| Budnikov E. A.
|[https://mlalgorithms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mlalgorithms/Group874/Tokmakova2011Periodic Tokmakova2011Periodic]
| Published at JMLDA
===1. 2011===
* Non-parametric forecasting: kernel selection, parameter tuning
* The paper describes the method of nuclear smoothing of the time series, as one of the types of nonparametric regression. The essence of the method
consists in restoring the function of time as a weighted linear combination of points from some neighborhood. A continuous bounded symmetric real weight function is called a kernel. The resulting kernel estimate is used to predict the next point in the series. The dependence of the quality of prediction on the parameters of the kernel and the superimposed noise is investigated.
===2. 2011===
* Exponential Smoothing and Prediction
* The paper investigates the application of the exponential smoothing algorithm to time series forecasting. The algorithm is based on taking into account the previous values of the series with weights decreasing as you move away from the studied section of the time series. The behavior of the algorithm on model data in various models of weights is studied. An analysis of the operation of the algorithm on real data - stock indices was carried out.
===High order partial least squares===
===3. 2011 ===
# Qibin Zhao, et al. and A. Cichocki, Higher Order Partial Least Squares (HOPLS): A Generalized Multilinear Regression Method // IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, July 2013, pp. 1660-1673, vol. 35, [https://10.1109/TPAMI.2012.254 DOI], [https://arxiv.org/abs/1207.1230 ArXiv].
* Isolation of the periodic component of the time series
* The project examines the time series for the presence of a periodic component, builds a trigonometric interpolation of the proposed time series using the least squares method. The parameters of the function of the least squares method are estimated depending on the quality of forecasting. In a computational experiment, the results of the work of the correlation function and the least squares method on a noisy model sine and a real time series of an electrocardiogram are presented.
===Neural ODEs and Continuous normalizing flows ===
===4. 2011 ===
# Ricky T. Q. Chen et al., Neural Ordinary Differential Equations // NIPS, 2018, [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.07366 ArXiv]
* Multivariate caterpillar, choice of length and number of caterpillar components (comparison of smoothed and unsmoothed time series)
# Johann Brehmera and Kyle Cranmera, Flows for simultaneous manifold learning and density estimation // NIPS, 2020, [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.13913.pdf ArXiv]
* The paper describes the caterpillar method and its application for time series forecasting. The algorithm is based on the selection of its informative components from the studied time series and the subsequent construction of a forecast. The dependence of the accuracy of forecasts on the choice of the caterpillar length and the number of its components is investigated. In a computational experiment, the results of the algorithm's operation on periodic series with different patterns within a period, on series with violation of periodicity, as well as on real time series of hourly temperature, are presented.
===Continous time representation===
===5. 2011===
# Самохина Алина, Непрерывное представление времени в задачах декодирования сигналов (магистерская диссертация): 2021 [http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/6/62/Samokhina2021MSThesis.pdf PDF], [https://github.com/Alina-Samokhina/MasterThesis GitHub]
* Prediction by Discrete Argument Functions
# Aaron R Voelker, Ivana Kajić, Chris Eliasmith, Legendre Memory Units: Continuous-Time Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks // NIPS, 2019, [https://openreview.net/forum?id=HyxlRHBlUB PDF],[https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2019/file/952285b9b7e7a1be5aa7849f32ffff05-Paper.pdf PDF].
* The paper investigates short time series on the example of monophonic musical melodies. There is a prediction of one note by exponential smoothing, a local method, as well as a method of searching for constant patterns. The computational experiment is carried out on two melodies, one of which has exactly repeating fragments.
# Functional data analysis: splines
===Metric tensors and kernels===
===7. 2011===
# Lynn Houthuys and Johan A. K. Suykens, Tensor Learning in Multi-view Kernel PCA // ICANN 2018, pp 205-215, [https://10.1007/978-3-030-01421-6_21 DOI].
* Local forecasting methods, search for metrics
* The time series is divided into separate sections, each of which is associated with a point in the n-dimensional feature space. The local model is calculated in three successive stages. The first one finds the k-nearest neighbors of the observed point. The second one builds a simple model using only these k neighbors. The third - using this model, predicts the next one based on the observed point. Many researchers use the Euclidean metric to measure distances between points. This work is intended to compare the accuracy of forecasting when using different metrics. In particular, it is required to investigate the optimal set of weights in the weighted metric to maximize the prediction accuracy.
===fRMI, Riemannian geometry on shapes===
===8. 2011===
# Xavier Pennec, Stefan Sommer, and Tom Fletcher, Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis, 2019 [https://www.elsevier.com/books/riemannian-geometric-statistics-in-medical-image-analysis/pennec/978-0-12-814725-2?format=print&utm_source=google_ads&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=frdsa-en&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-NaJBhDsARIsAAja6dPsj06W8cZ5mD15TS4MYPHqP4kbjExHfm55gxgQRzeDif2rmcWZEw4aApreEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds book]
* Local prediction methods, search for invariant transformation
* The project uses local forecasting methods time series. There is no temporary representation in these methods series in the class of given functions of time. Instead, the prediction is made on the basis of data about some part of the time series (local information is used). In this paper, we study in detail the following method (a generalization of the classical "nearest neighbour").
* Let there be a time series and The problem should continue it. It is assumed that such a continuation is determined
prehistory, i.e. in a series you need to find the part that after some transformation of A becomes similar to the part we are trying to predict. Finding such a transformation A and is the goal of this project. To determine the degree of similarity, the function B is used - the function of the proximity of two segments time series. This is how we find the closest neighbor to our backstory. In general, we are looking for several nearest neighbors. The continuation will be written as their linear combination.
=== Reproducing kernel Hilbert space ===
===9. 2011 ===
# Mauricio A. Alvarez, Lorenzo Rosasco, Neil D. Lawrence, Kernels for Vector-Valued Functions: a Review, 2012, [https://arxiv.org/abs/1106.6251 ArXiv]
* Time Series Flattening: Forecasting with DTW
# Pedro Domingos, Every Model Learned by Gradient Descent Is Approximately a Kernel Machine, 2020, [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.00152.pdf ArXiv]
* Time series is a sequence of time-ordered values of some real variable <tex>$\mathbf{x}=\{x_{t}\}_{t=1}^T\in\mathbb{R }^T$</tex>. The problem that accompanies the appearance of time series is the comparison of one data sequence with another. Comparison of sequences is greatly simplified after the deformation of the time series along one of the axes and its alignment. Dynamic time warping (DTW) is a technique for effectively leveling time series. DTW methods are used in speech recognition, information analysis in robotics, industry, medicine and other areas.
# Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reproducing_kernel_Hilbert_space RKHS]
* The purpose of the work is to give an example of alignment, to introduce a comparison functional for two time series, which has the natural properties of commutativity, reflexivity and transitivity. The functional should take two time series as input, and at the output give a number characterizing the degree of their "similarity".
# Aronszajn, Nachman (1950). "Theory of Reproducing Kernels". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 68 (3): 337–404. [https://10.1090/S0002-9947-1950-0051437-7 DOI].
===Convolutions and Graphs===
===10. 2011===
# Gama, F. et al. Graphs, Convolutions, and Neural Networks: From Graph Filters to Graph Neural Networks // IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2020, 37(6), 128-138, [https://doi.org/10.1109/MSP.2020.3016143 DOI].
* Choosing an Activation Function for Predicting Neural Networks
# Zhou, J. et al. Graph neural networks: A review of methods and applications // AI Open, 2020, 1: 57-81, [https://doi.org/10.1016j.aiopen.2021.01.001 DOI], [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.08434.pdf ArXiv].
* The aim of the project is to study the dependence of the quality of prediction by neural networks without feedback (single- and multilayer perceptrons) on the chosen activation function of neurons in the network, as well as on the parameters of this function.
# Zonghan, W. et al. A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks // IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021, 32(1): 4-24, [https://10.1109/TNNLS.2020.2978386 DOI], [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.00596.pdf). ArXiv].
* The result of the project is to evaluate the quality of forecasting by neural networks depending on the type and parameters of the activation function.
# Zhang, S. et al. Graph convolutional networks: a comprehensive review // Computational Social Networks, 2019, 6(11), [https://doi.org/10.1186/s40649-019-0069-y DOI].
# Xie, Y. et al. Self-Supervised Learning of Graph Neural Networks: A Unified Review // [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.10757.pdf ArXiv].
# Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplacian_matrix Laplacian matrix], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Poisson_equation Discrete] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson%27s_equation Poisson's equation], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_Fourier_transform Graph FT]
# [https://github.com/thunlp/GNNPapers GNN papers collection]
===Higher order Fourier transform===
===12. 2011===
# Zongyi Li et al., Fourier Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations // ICLR, 2021, [https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.08895 ArXiv]
* Investigation of Convergence in Prediction by Neural Networks with Feedback
* The dependence of the convergence rate in time series forecasting on the parameters of a neural network with feedback is investigated. The concept of feedback is typical for dynamic systems in which the output signal of some element of the system affects the input signal of this element. The output signal can be represented as an infinite weighted the sum of the current and previous input signals. The Jordan network is used as a neural network model. It is proposed to investigate the rate of convergence depending on the choice of the activation function (sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent), on the number of neurons in the intermediate layer and on the width of the sliding window. We also explore a way to increase the rate of convergence using the generalized delta rule.
===Spherical Regression===
===13. 2011===
# Shuai Liao, Efstratios Gavves, Cees G. M. Snoek, Spherical Regression: Learning Viewpoints, Surface Normals and 3D Rotations on N-Spheres // CVPR, 2019, 9759-9767, [https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2019/html/Liao_Spherical_Regression_Learning_Viewpoints_Surface_Normals_and_3D_Rotations_on_CVPR_2019_paper.html ArXiv]
* Multidimensional caterpillar, choice of length and number of caterpillar components
* The work is devoted to the study of one of the methods for analyzing multivariate time series - the "caterpillar" method, also known as Singular Spectrum Analysis or SSA. The method can be divided into four stages - the representation of the time series in the form of a matrix using a shift procedure, the calculation of the covariance matrix of the sample and its singular value decomposition, the selection of principal components related to various components of the series (from slowly changing and periodic to noise), and, finally, line restoration.
* The scope of the algorithm is The problems of both meteorology and geophysics, and economics and medicine. The purpose of this work is to find out the dependence of the efficiency of the algorithm on the choice of time series used in its work.
===Category theory===
===14. 2011===
# Tai-Danae Bradley, What is Applied Category Theory?, 2018, [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.05923.pdf ArXiv], [https://www.math3ma.com/ demo].
* Using the Granger Test in Time Series Forecasting
# F. William Lawvere, Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories, 2011, [https://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1460/05/1460059215690.pdf PDF].
* When predicting a series, it can be useful to determine whether a given series is "dependent" on some other series. The Granger test, based on statistical tests, helps to identify such a relationship (in this case, the method does not guarantee an accurate result - when comparing two rows that depend on another row, an error is possible). The method is used in forecasting economic and natural phenomena (for example, earthquakes).
* The purpose of the work is to propose an algorithm that makes the best use of this method; investigate the effectiveness of the method depending on the predicted series.

Текущая версия



Problem 112

  • Title: Modeling an FMRI reading from a video of a shown person
  • Problem description: It is required to build a dependence model of the readings of FMRI sensors and the video sequence that a person is viewing at this moment.
  • Data: The sample for approximation is presented in the work of J. Berezutskay, in which there are various types of parallel signals.
  • Literature: Berezutskaya J., et al Open multimodal iEEG-fMRI dataset from naturalistic stimulation with a short audiovisual film // Sci Data 9, 91, 2022.
  • Predecessor code:
  • Base algorithm: Running code based on transformer models.
  • Novelty: Analysis of the relationship between sensor readings and human perceptions of the external world. It is required to test the hypothesis of the relationship between the data, as well as to propose a method for approximating FMRI readings based on the video sequence being viewed.
  • Authors: Expert Grabovoi Andrey.

Problem 113

  • Title: Modeling of the FMRI indication on the sound range that a person hears
  • Problem description: It is required to build a model of the dependence of the readings of the FMRI sensors and the sound accompaniment that a person is listening to at this moment.
  • Data: The sample for approximation is presented in the work of J. Berezutskay, in which there are various types of parallel signals.
  • Literature: Berezutskaya J., et al Open multimodal iEEG-fMRI dataset from naturalistic stimulation with a short audiovisual film // Sci Data 9, 91, 2022.
  • Predecessor code:
  • Base algorithm: Running code based on transformer models.
  • Novelty: Analysis of the relationship between sensor readings and human perceptions of the external world. It is required to test the hypothesis of the relationship between the data, as well as to propose a method for approximating the FMRI readings from the listening sound series.
  • Authors: Expert Grabovoi Andrey.

Problem 114

  • Title: Simulating the Dynamics of Physical Systems with Physics-Informed Neural Networks
  • Problem description: The problem of choosing the optimal model for predicting the dynamics of a physical system is being solved. Under the dynamics of the system is understood the change in time of the parameters of the system. Neural networks do not have a priori knowledge about the system being modeled, which does not allow obtaining optimal parameters that take into account physical laws. The Lagrangian neural network takes into account the law of conservation of energy when modeling dynamics. In this paper, a Noetherian Agrangian neural network is proposed that takes into account the laws of conservation of momentum and angular momentum in addition to the law of conservation of energy. It is shown that for this problem the Noetherian Lagrangian neural network is optimal among the fully connected neural network model, the neural network with long-term short-term memory and the Lagrangian neural network. The simulation comparison was carried out on artificially generated data for the double pendulum system, which is the simplest chaotic system. The results of the experiments confirm the hypothesis that the introduction of a priori knowledge about the physics of the system improves the quality of the model.
  • Problem description:Generate a set of convolutions from the available data and choose the best one using order and dimensionality reduction techniques.
  • Data: Biomedical accelerometer and gyroscope data, ocean currents, dune movement, air currents.
  • Literature: The base work contains references.
  • Base algorithm: Neural network, Lagrangian neural networks.
  • Solution: Nesterov neural network.
  • Novelty: The proposed network takes into account the symmetry.
  • Authors: Experts Severilov, Strijov V.V., consultant - Panchenko.

Problem 115

  • Title: Knowledge distillation in deep networks and alignment of model structures
  • Problem description: It is required to build a network of the simplest structure, a student model, using a high quality teacher model. Show how the student's accuracy and stability change. The result of the experiment is a graph complexity-accuracy-stability, where each model is accurate.
  • Data: CIFAR-10. It is assumed that the teacher has a structure open for analysis with a large number of layers.
  • Literature: Hinton's original work on distillation, work by Andrei Grabovoi, work by Maria Gorpinich
  • Base algorithm: Training (models with a given structure of controlled complexity) without distillation. Teaching (ditto) with Hinton distillation. Layered learning. Neuronal transfer learning.
  • Solution: As in paragraph 2, only in layers. Building the path of least cost over neurons. We consider the covariance matrices of each neuron of each layer for the teacher and for the student. We propose an error function that includes the cost of the least cost path. We propose a way to construct the path of the least cost. The main idea: the transfer goes through pairs of neurons and the most similar distributions (expectation and covariance matrix) from teacher to student.
  • Novelty: The proposed transfer significantly reduces complexity without loss of accuracy and solves the problem of interchangeability of neurons by identifying them.
  • Authors: Experts Bakhteev Oleg, Strijov V.V., Consultant Gorpinich Maria.

Problem 116

  • Title: Neural differential equations for modeling physical activity - selection and generation of mathematical models
  • Problem description: The problem of choosing the optimal mat. models as the problem of genetic optimization. The optimality criterion is defined in terms of the accuracy, complexity, and stability of the model. The sampling procedure itself consists of two steps: generating a new structure and rejecting this structure if it does not satisfy the optimality criterion. Required on 'pendulum' type data - accelerometer, myogram, pulse wave - to choose the optimal model.
  • Data: WISDM, own collection of biomedical data
  • Literature: Neural CDE
  • Base algorithm: Neuro ODE/CDE on a two-layer neural network.
  • Solution: A number of experiments have already been performed, where sampling is performed by a genetic algorithm. Acceptable results have been obtained. It is proposed to analyze and improve them.
  • Solution: Algorithm for generating mathematical models in the form of ordinary differential equations. Comparison of models and solvers on biomedical data.
  • Authors: Expert Strijov V.V., consultant Eduard Vladimirov

Problem 117

  • Title: Search for dependencies of biomechanical systems (do people dance in pairs or independently?) and (Method of Convergence Cross-Mpping, Takens theorem)
  • Problem description: When forecasting complex time series that depend on exogenous factors and have multiple periodicity, it is required to solve the problem of identifying related pairs of series. It is assumed that the addition of these series to the model improves the quality of the forecast. In this paper, to detect relationships between time series, it is proposed to use the convergent cross-mapping method. With this approach, two time series are connected if their trajectory subspaces exist, the projections onto which are connected. In turn, the projections of series onto trajectory subspaces are related if the neighborhood of the phase trajectory of one series is mapped to the neighborhood of the phase trajectory of another series. The problem of finding trajectory subspaces that reveal the connection of series is set.
  • Literature: Everything Sugihara wrote in Science and Nature (ask the collection). Usmanova K.R., Strijov V.V. Detection of dependencies in time series in the problems of building predictive models // Systems and means of informatics, 2019, 29(2). Neural CDE
  • Data: Accelerometer, gyroscope, and other data describing dynamic systems
  • Solution: Basic in Karina's work. Ours is to build the Neural ODE for both signals and decide if both models belong to the same dynamic system.
  • Authors: Expert Strijov V.V., consultants Vladimirov, Samokhina

Problem 118

  • Title: Continuous time when building a BCI neural interface
  • Problem description: In signal decoding The problems, data is represented as multidimensional time series. When solving problems, a discrete representation of time is used. However, recent work on neural ordinary differential equations illustrates the ability to work with the hidden state of recurrent neural networks, as with solutions to differential equations. This allows us to consider time series as continuous in time.
  • Data: For classification: dataset P300, which was used to write an article with Alina, DEAP dataset dataset similar to it in the format of records, find a modern dataset, ask U.Grenoble-Alpes
  • Literature: Neural CDE
  • Base algorithm: Alina Samokhina's algorithm
  • Solution: Using NeurODE variations to approximate the original signal. Comparative analysis of existing approaches to the application of differential equations for EEG classification. (Encoder-tensor decomposition, NeuroCDE decoder)
  • Novelty: suggests a way to construct a continuous signal representation. Working with the functional space of the signal, not its discrete representation. Using the parameters of the resulting function as a feature space of the resulting model.
  • Authors: Expert Strijov V.V. (was Problem 109), consultant Tikhonov

Problem 119

  • Title: Analysis of the dynamics of multiple learning
  • Problem description: Consider a supervised multiple learning problems in which the training set is not fixed but is updated depending on the predictions of the trained model on the test set. For the process of multiple training, prediction and updating of the sample, we build a mathematical model and study the properties of this process based on the constructed model. Let f(x) be a feature distribution density function, G be an algorithm for training the model, generating predictions on the test set and mixing predictions into the training set, as a result of which the feature distribution changes. Let the space of non-negative smooth functions F(x) be given, whose integral on R^n is equal to one. f_{t+1}(x) = G(f_{t})(x), where G(f) is the evolution operator on the space of these functions F and the initial function f_0(x) is known. In general, G can be an arbitrary operator, not necessarily smooth and/or continuous. Question 0. Find conditions on the operator G under which the image of G lies in the same class of distribution density functions F. In particular, should G be bounded, the operator norm ||G|| <= 1, so that the image of G(f) \in F is also a distribution density function for any f from F? Does there exist a unit in the space F with respect to the operator G, and what will be the identity function f in such F? Question 1. Under what conditions will there be a t_0 on G such that for all t > t_0 the tail of the sequence {f} will be bounded? Question 2. Under what conditions will the operator G have a fixed point? Data In a computational experiment, it is proposed to check the significance of the restriction / the significance of the conditions under which the answer to questions 0-2 is obtained. For example, for a problem of linear regression and/or regression with a multilevel fully connected neural network with different proportions of predictions mixed into the training set on synthetic data sets.
  • Literature:
    1. Khritankov A., Hidden Feedback Loops in Machine Learning Systems: A Simulation Model and Preliminary Results, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65854-0_5
    2. Khritankov A.. Pilkevich A. Existence Conditions for Hidden Feedback Loops in Online Recommender Systems, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91560-5_19
    3. Katok A.B., Hasselblat B. Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems.1999. 768 p. ISBN 5-88688-042-9.
    4. Nemytsky V. V., Stepanov V. V. Qualitative theory of differential equations, published in 1974.
  • Authors: Expert Khritankov A.S., Expert Afanasiev A.P.

Problem 120

  • Title: Differentiated algorithm for searching ensembles of deep learning models with diversity control
  • Problem description: The problem of selecting an ensemble of models is considered. It is required to propose a method for controlling the diversity of basic models at the stage of application.
  • Data: Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 datasets
  • Literature:
    1. Neural Architecture Search with Structure Complexity Control
    2. Neural Ensemble Search via Bayesian Sampling
    3. DARTS: Differentiable Architecture Search
  • Base algorithm: It is proposed to use DARTS [3] as the basic algorithm.
  • Solution: To control the diversity of basic models, it is proposed to use a hypernet [1], which shifts the structural parameters in terms of the Jensen-Shannon divergence. At the application stage, base architectures are sampled with a given offset to build an ensemble.
  • Novelty: The proposed method allows building ensembles with any number of base models without additional computational costs relative to the base algorithm.
  • Authors: K.D. Yakovlev, Bakhteev Oleg

Problem 121

  • Problem description: building predictive analytics for air pollution sensors.
  • Problem description: Data available for air quality monitoring stations in Moscow and the Moscow region (time series). The problem is to check the achievable predictive ability to predict the time series of station readings by their history + when connecting additional features (take into account the stations in aggregate, taking into account their location, time of day and weekend / working day, history and weather forecast (wind))
  • Data: Real data and simulations for Moscow and Moscow Region
  • Authors: Artem Mikhailov, Vladimir Vanovsky

Problem 122

  • Problem description: Reducing the dimension of space in a generative modeling problem using reversible models.
  • Problem description: An example of a generative modeling problem is image generation. Some kinds of new models, such as normalization flows or diffusion models, define reversible transformations. But at the same time they work in a space of very high dimensions. It is proposed to combine 2 approaches: dimensionality reduction and generative modeling.
  • Data: Any image dataset (MNIST/CIFAR10).
  • Novelty: By reducing the dimension, you can achieve a significant acceleration of generative models, which will reduce the complexity of such models.
  • Author: Roman Isachenko

Problem 123

  • Problem description: Analysis of distribution bias in contrast distribution problem.
  • Problem description: There is the same problem as Representation learning. One of the most popular approaches to solving this problem is contrastive learning. At the same time, in the data we learn from, there are often markup errors: false positive/false negative. It is proposed to analyze various ways to eliminate these biases caused by errors. And also to explore the properties of the proposed models.
  • Data: Any image dataset (MNIST/CIFAR10).
  • Novelty: Current models are very error sensitive. If you manage to take into account the bias in the distributions, many methods of ranking products will greatly increase in quality.
  • Author: Roman Isachenko

Problem 124

  • Title: Speed up sampling from diffusion models using adversarial networks
  • Problem description: The most popular generative model today is the diffusion model. Its main disadvantage is the speed of sampling. To sample 1 picture, you need to run 1 neural network 100-1000 times. There are ways to speed up this process. One such way is to use adversarial networks. It is proposed to develop this method and explore various ways to set the functional for sampling
  • Data: Any image dataset (MNIST/CIFAR10).
  • Novelty: By speeding up diffusion models, they will become even more popular and easier to use.
  • Author: Roman Isachenko

Problem 125

  • Title: Influence of the lockdown on the dynamics of the spread of the epidemic
  • Problem description: The introduction of a lockdown is considered an effective measure to combat the epidemic. However, contrary to intuition, it turned out that under certain conditions, a lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic. This effect is absent for the classical models of the spread of the epidemic “on average”, but was revealed when modeling the epidemic on the contact graph. The problem is to find formulaic and quantitative relationships between the parameters under which the lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic. It is necessary both to identify such relationships in the SEIRS/SEIR/SIS/etc models based on the SEIRS+ epidemiological distribution framework (and its modifications), and to theoretically substantiate the relationships obtained from specific implementations of the epidemia.
  • Data: The problem involves working with model and synthetic data: there are ready-made data, and it is also possible to generate new ones in the process of solving the problem. This The problem belongs to unsupervised learning, since the implementation of the epidemic on the contact graph has a high proportion of random events, and therefore requires analysis on average over many synthetically generated implementations of the epidemic
  • Literature: T. Harko, Francisco S. N. Lobo, and M. Mak. "Exact analytical solutions of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) epidemic model and of the SIR model with equal death and birth rates"
  • Authors: A.Yu. Bishuk, A.V. Zuhba

Problem 126

  • Title: Machine generation style change detection
  • Problem description:It is required to propose a detection method
  • Data: The sample for approximation is presented in the work of J. Berezutskay, in which there are various types of parallel signals.
  • Literature:
    1. G. Gritsay, A. Grabovoy, Y. Chekhovich. Automatic Detection of Machine Generated Texts: Need More Tokens // Ivannikov Memorial Workshop (IVMEM), 2022.
    2. M. Kuznetsov, A. Motrenko, R. Kuznetsova, V. Strijov. Methods for intrinsic plagiarism detection and author diarization // Working Notes of CLEF, 2016, 1609 : 912-919.
    3. RuATD competition.
  • Base algorithm: Using the results of the RuATD competition as base models for classifying proposals. Use the method from Kuznetsov et all.
  • Novelty: Suggest a method for detecting machine-generated fragments in the text using methods for changing the writing style.
  • Authors: Expert Grabovoi Andrey

Problem 128

  • Title: Build a deep learning model based on The problem data
  • Problem description: is considered The problem optimization of the deep learning model for the new dataset. It is required to propose a model optimization method that allows generating new models for a new dataset with low computational costs.
  • Data: CIFAR10, CIFAR100
  • Literature: variational inference for neural networks, hypernets, similar work tailored to change the model depending on a predetermined complexity
  • Base algorithm: Retrain the model directly.
  • Solution: The proposed method is to represent a deep learning model as a hypernet (a network that generates the parameters of another network) using a Bayesian approach. Probabilistic assumptions about the parameters of deep learning models are introduced, and a variational lower estimate of the Bayesian validity of the model is maximized. The variation estimate is considered as a conditional value, depending on the information about the problem data.
  • Novelty: The proposed method allows you to generate models in one-shot mode (practically without retraining) for the required The problem, which significantly reduces the cost of optimization and retraining.
  • Authors: Olga Grebenkova and Bakhteev Oleg

Problem 129

  • Title: Spatiotemporal Prediction with Convolutional Networks and Tensor Decompositions
  • Problem description:Generate a set of convolutions from the available data and choose the best one using order and dimensionality reduction techniques.
  • Data: Consumption and price of electricity, ocean currents, dune movement, air currents
  • Literature:
    1. [1](Tensor-based Singular Spectrum Analysis for Automatic Scoring of Sleep EEG
    2. [2](Tensor based singular spectrum analysis for nonstationary source separation)
  • Base algorithm: Caterpillar, tensor caterpillar.
  • Solution: Find a multi-periodic time series, build its tensor representation, decompose into a spectrum, collect, show the forecast.
  • Novelty: Show that a multilinear model is a convenient way to construct convolutions for dimensions in space and time.
  • Authors: Expert Strijov V.V., consultant Nadezhda Alsakhanova

Problem 130

  • Title: Automatic highlighting of terms for topic modeling
  • Problem description: Build an ATE (Automatic Term Extraction) model for automatic extraction of phrases that are terms of the subject area in the texts of scientific articles. It is supposed to use effective collocation detection methods (TopMine or more modern) and thematic models to determine the "thematic" of the phrase. The model must be trained without a teacher (unsupervised).
  • Data: Collection of scientific articles in the field of machine learning. Marked up articles with highlighted terms for evaluating models.
  • Literature:
    1. El-Kishky A., Song Y., Wang C., Voss C. R., Han J. Scalable topical phrase mining from text corpora // Proc. VLDB Endowment. _ 2014._ Vol. 8, no. 3._Pp. 305_316.
    2. Vorontsov K. V. "Probabilistic thematic modeling: theory, models, algorithms and the BigARTM project" (http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/d/d5/Voron17survey-artm.pdf)
    3. Nikolay Shatalov. Unsupervised learning methods for automatically highlighting compound terms in text collections. 2019. VMK MSU.
    4. Vladimir Polushin. Topic models for ranking text content recommendations. 2017. VMK MSU.
    5. Hanh Thi Hong Tran, Matej Martinc, Jaya Caporusso, Antoine Doucet, Senja Pollak. The Recent Advances in Automatic Term Extraction: A survey. 2023. https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.06767
  • Base algorithm: TopMine collocation search method • BigARTM thematic modeling library. • Modern methods based on neural network language models
  • Solution: Application of the TopMine collocation search algorithm followed by filtering by topic. Selection of thematic model hyperparameters and thematicity criterion. Comparison of this approach with modern methods based on neural network models of the language.
  • Novelty: Previous studies of the proposed approach have shown good results both in terms of completeness and computational efficiency. However, they have not yet been compared with neural network models.
  • Authors: Polina Potapova, Vorontsov K.V.

Problem 131

  • Title: Iterative improvement of the topic model with user feedback
  • Problem description: Topic modeling is widely used in socio-humanitarian research to understand the thematic structure of large text collections. A typical use case would involve the user rating topics as relevant, irrelevant, and junk. If the number of garbage topics is too large, then the user tries to build another model. The problem is to use custom markup for each such rebuild in such a way that relevant topics are preserved, new relevant ones stand out from irrelevant and garbage topics if possible, and there are as few garbage topics as possible.
  • Data: Any collection of natural language texts about which the thematic structure is known (about how many topics, how many documents on different topics) is suitable as data. For example, you can take a collection of Lenta news, a Wikipedia dump, posts from Habrahabr, 20 Newsgroups, Reuters, articles from PostNauka. The subject of the collection should be of interest to the researcher himself, so that there is motivation to evaluate topics manually.
  • Literature:
    1. Vorontsov K. V. "Probabilistic thematic modeling: theory, models, algorithms and the BigARTM project" (http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/d/d5/Voron17survey-artm.pdf ).
    2. Alekseev V. et al. "TopicBank: Collection of coherent topics using multiple model training with their further use for topic model validation" (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169023X21000483).
  • Solution: Using the BigARTM theme modeling library. Use of smoothing and decorrelation regularizers. Development of methods of initialization when rebuilding thematic models. Finding a ready-made tool or developing a simple, fast, convenient way to view and markup topics.
  • Novelty: The problem of non-uniqueness and instability of models still does not have a final solution in probabilistic thematic modeling. The proposed study is an important step towards building models with the maximum number of interpretable topics that are meaningfully useful from the point of view of humanitarian research.
  • Authors: Vasily Alekseev, Vorontsov K. V.

Problem 132

  • Title: Ranking of scientific articles for semi-automatic summarization
  • Problem description: Build a ranking model that takes a selection of texts of scientific articles as input and outputs the sequence of their mention in the abstract.
  • Data: - Overview sections (for example, Introduction and Related Work) of articles from the S2ORC collection (81.1M English-language articles) are used as a training sample. The object of the training set is a sequence of references to articles from the bibliography mentioned in the review sections. For each document there is a set of metadata - year of publication, journal, number of citations, number of citations of the author, etc. Also, there is an abstract and, possibly, the full text of the article. - Kendall's rank correlation coefficient is used as a metric.
  • Literature:
    1. Kryzhanovskaya S. Yu. "Technology of semi-automatic summation of thematic collections of scientific articles".
    2. Vlasov A. V. "Methods of semi-automatic summation of collections of scientific articles".
    3. Kryzhanovskaya S. Yu., Vorontsov K. V "Technology for semi-automatic summarization of thematic collections of scientific articles" (http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/f/ff/Idp22.pdf, p. 371), S2ORC: The Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus.
  • Base algorithm: Pair-wise ranking methods. Gradient boosting.
  • Solution: The simplest solution is to rank the articles in chronological order, according to the year they were published. To solve the problem, it is proposed to build a ranking model based on gradient boosting. As signs, you can use the year of publication, the citation of the article, the citation of its authors, the semantic proximity of the publication to the review, to its local context, etc.
  • Novelty: The problem is the first step for semi-automatic summarization of thematic collections of scientific publications (machine aided human summarization, MAHS). After the abstract script is built, the system generates prompt phrases for each article, from which the user selects phrases to continue his abstract.
  • Author: Kryzhanovskaya Svetlana, Vorontsov K. V.

Problem 133

  • Title: Diffusion models in the problem of generating the structure of a molecule with optimal energy
  • Problem description: For an organic small molecule (the number of atoms is less than 100), knowing only the topology of the molecular graph is not enough to obtain the spatial structure. A molecule can have many possible configurations (conformers), each of which corresponds to a local minimum of the potential. In practice, of greatest interest are the most stable conformers, which have the lowest energy. Recent studies show the success of the application of diffusion models for the generation of molecular structures. This approach shows advanced results in the problem of generating molecules and their conformers for a small number of heavy atoms (QM9 dataset up to 9 heavy atoms in a molecule), as well as in assessing the binding of a molecule and a protein. It is proposed to build a model for the generation of conformers with minimum energy for larger molecules.
  • Data: Base dataset QM9
  • Literature:
    1. Different theoretical approaches to the diffusion model: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.13456
    2. Diffusion in molecular generation: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.17003
    3. Diffusion in the problem of binding a protein and a molecule: https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01776
    4. Diffusion in the problem of conformer generation: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02923
    5. Tutorial on equivariant neural networks: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.09453
  • Base algorithm: GeoDiff[4].
  • Solution: Implement conformer generation similar to DiffDock[3] for QM9 dataset. Check the performance of the model for larger molecules.
  • Novelty: The novelty of the work lies in the design of a model for generating large conformers, which is of great practical importance.
  • Author: Philip Nikitin

Problem 134

  • Title: Combining distillation of models and data
  • Problem description: Knowledge distillation is the transfer of knowledge from a more meaningful representation to a compact, concise representation. There are two kinds of knowledge distillation. The first is the distillation of models. In this case, the large model transfers knowledge (distilled) to the small model. The second is data distillation. In this case, a minimum data set is created, on which, after training the model, it achieves a quality comparable to training on a full sample. At the moment, there is no solution that can implement simultaneous distillation of model and knowledge. Therefore, the goal of The problem is to propose a basic solution for model distillation and compare with approaches to model distillation and data distillation.
  • Data: MNIST handwritten digit sampling, CIFAR-10 image sampling
  • Literature:
    1. A collection of various papers on the distillation of data.
    2. Review on methods of distillation models.
    3. Basic knowledge distillation solution.
    4. Basic solution for model distillation.
  • Base algorithm: Basic Model Distillation Solution, Hinton Distillation Basic Dataset Distillation Solution, Dataset Distillation by Matching Training Trajectories
  • Solution: It is proposed to implement data distillation as a basic algorithm. Then train a larger model on the data and distill it into a smaller model. Next, compare with the original model and the model trained on distilled data.
  • Novelty: The novelty of the work lies in the combination of two distillation approaches, which has not been implemented before
  • Authors: Andrey Filatov

Problem 135

  • Title: Proximity measures in self-supervised learning The problems
  • Problem description: The idea of self-supervised learning is to solve an artificially selected The problem to get useful representations of data without markup. One of the most popular approaches is the use of contrastive learning, during which the model is trained to minimize the distance between representations of augmented copies of the same object. The purpose of The problem is to investigate the quality of the resulting representations depending on the choice of the proximity measure (similarity measure) used in training, and to offer our own version of distance measurement
  • Data: CIFAR-100
  • Literature:
    1. Solution using squared Euclidean distance.
    2. Solution using cosine similarity.
    3. Decision based on the information principle.
  • Base algorithm: VicReg, Barlow Twins, SimSiam
  • Solution: One of the distance options that can be proposed is an analogue of the Vaserstein metric, which would allow taking into account the dependencies between features.
  • Novelty: Propose a new way to determine the measure of proximity, which would be theoretically justified / contributed to obtaining representations with given properties
  • Authors: Polina Barabanshchikova

Problem 136

  • Title: Stochastic Newton with Arbitrary Sampling
  • Problem description: We analyze second order methods solving Empirical Risk Minimization problem of the form min f(x) in R^d. Here x is a parameter vector of some Machine Learning model, f_i(x) is a loss function on i-th training point (a_i,b_i). Our desire to solve it using Newton-type method that requires access to only one data point per iteration. We investigate different sampling strategies of index i_k on iteration k. See description in PDF.
  • Data: It is proposed to use open SVM library as a data for experimental part of the work.
  • References:
    1. Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates
    2. Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization
  • Base algorithm: As a base method it is proposed to use Algorithm 1 from the paper Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates.
  • Solution: Is is proposed to adjust existing sampling strategies from Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization in this work.
  • Novelty: In the literature of Second Order methods there are a few works on incremental methods. The idea is to analyze the existing method by applying different sampling strategies. It is known that the proper sampling strategies may improve the performance of a method.
  • Authors: Islamov Rustem, Vadim Strijov

Problem 139

  • Title: Distillation of models on multidomain selections.
  • Problem description: The problem of reducing the complexity of the approximating model when transferred to new data of lower power is investigated.
  • Data: Samples MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Amazon products.
  • Literature: Diploma Kamil Bayazitov
  • Base algorithm: The basic solution and experiments are presented in the thesis.
  • Authors: Grabovoi Andrey

Problem 140

  • Title: Tailoring the architecture of a performance-controlled deep learning model
  • Problem description: considers The problem adapting the structure of a trained deep learning model for limited computing resources. It is assumed that the resulting architecture (or several architectures) should work efficiently on several types of computing servers (for example, on different GPU models or different mobile devices). It is required to propose a model search method that allows controlling its complexity taking into account the target performance characteristics.
  • Data: MNIST, CIFAR
  • Literature:
    1. Grebenkova O.S., Bakhteev Oleg O., Strijov V.V. V.V. Variational optimization of a deep learning model with complexity control // Informatics and its applications, 2021, 15(2). PDF
    2. Yakovlev K. D. et al. Neural Architecture Search with Structure Complexity Control //Recent Trends in Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 10th International Conference, AIST 2021, Tbilisi, Georgia, December 16–18, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. - pp. 207-219.
    3. FBNet: choosing a model architecture based on target characteristics
  • Base algorithm: FBNet and random search of model substructure
  • Solution: The proposed method is to use a differentiable neural network architecture search algorithm (FBNet) with parameter complexity control using a hypernet. A hypernetwork is a model that generates the structure of the model depending on the input parameters. It is proposed to use the normalized running time of basic operations on target computing resources as hypernet parameters. Thus, the resulting model will allow adapting the architecture of the model for an arbitrary device. * Novelty: The proposed method allows you to control the complexity of the model, in the process of searching for an architecture without additional heuristics.
  • Authors: Konstantin Yakovlev, Bakhteev Oleg



Author Topic Links Consultant Letters
Pilkevich Anton Existence conditions for hidden feedback loops in recommender systems GitHub, LinkReview,

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Vladimirov Eduard Restoration of the trajectory of hand movement from video GitHub, LinkReview,

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Isachenko (B.O.H1M)ALI+PXRBС+V+TED?
Petrushina Ksenia Anti-Distillation: Knowledge Transfer from Simple Model to a Complex One GitHub, LinkReview,

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Kornilov Nikita Winterstorm risk prediction via machine learning methods GitHub, LinkReview,

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Yuri Maksimov (B.O.H1M?)ALIPXRBСV+TE0D
Aliyev Alen Geometric Deep Learning for Protein-Protein Binding Affinity Prediction GitHub, LinkReview,

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Ilya Igashov (B.O.H1M?)ALIPXRBСVTED?
Lukyanenko Ivan Hail Prediction Using Graph Neural Networks GitHub, [3],

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Yuri Maksimov (B.O.H1M?)ALIPXRBСV+TED?
Gaponov Maxim Choosing Interpretable Recurrent Deep Learning Models GitHub, LinkReview,

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Bakhteev Oleg (B.O.H1M)AL+IPXRBСVT???ED
Melnikov Igor Stochastic Newton with Arbitrary Sampling GitHub, LinkReview,

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Rustem Islamov (B.O.H1M)ALIPXСRBVTED
Zmushko Philip Continuous time when building a BCI neural interface GitHub, LinkReview,

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Samokhina (B.O.H1M)ALI0P0XR?BСVTE?D?
Tishchenko Evgeny Cross-language duplicate search GitHub, LinkReview,

Paper, Slides

Konstantin Vorontsov (B.O.H1M)ALIPXRB0СV0T?E?D?
Antyshev Tikhon Compression for Federated Random Reshuffling GitHub, LinkReview,

Paper, Slides

Malinovsky (B.O.H1_M?)ALI-PXRBСVT?
Pyzh Vladislav Flood risk prediction via machine learning methods GitHub, LinkReview,

Paper, Online Draft, Slides

Yuri Maksimov (B.O.H10M?)ALI0P0XRBСVT0ED?
Zharov Georgy Forest fire risk assessments using machine learning methods GitHub, LinkReview,

Paper, Slides

Yuri Maksimov (B.O.H1)ALIPX0R0B0С0V0T?E0D?
Muradov Timur Choosing Interpretable Convolutional Deep Learning Models GitHub, LinkReview,

Paper, Slides

Bakhteev (B.O.H1)ALI0P0XRBСV0T0E?D?
Pavlov Dmitry Machine learning approach to startup success prediction GitHub, Online Draft,

Paper, Slides

Anton Moiseev, Yuri Ammosov (B.O.H10M?)ALI?P?XRBСV?T0E0D0

Problem 100.2022 (group)

  • Title: Multi-model representation of dynamical systems
  • Problem description: The system described by attractors in several phase spaces is considered. Particular models are constructed that approximate measurements of the state of the system in each space. A matching multimodel is built. The parameters of private models are specified.
  • Data: Human motion video, accelerometer, gyroscope, electroencephalogram signals
  • Literature: Our work on accelerometers and BCI, dissertations by Motrenko, Isachenko, Grabovoi
  • Base algorithm: Particular models are neural networks, multimodel is canonical correlation analysis and multimodel is distilled.
  • Solution: Generalize canonical correlation analysis and distillation to the case of an arbitrary number of models.
  • Novelty: Alignment space built for a set of heterogeneous models
  • Authors: A.V. Grabovoi, Strijov V.V.

Problem 90.2022

  • Title: Hand movement recovery from video
  • Problem description: A skeletal representation of a person's pose is restored from the video sequence. The trajectory of the movement of human limbs sets the initial phase space. The accelerometer signal from the limbs sets the target phase space. Build a model that connects the attractors of the trajectories of the source and target spaces.
  • Data: The initial sample is collected by the authors of the project. Parts of the selection are in the library examples.
  • Solution: Theoretical part executed by the extended command. Perform a theoretical study: show that the canonical correlation analysis method (and in particular the PLS, NNPLS, seq2seq, Neur ODE methods) are special cases of the Sugihara convergent cross mapping method.
  • Novelty: A reversible model has been introduced that maps the coordinates recovered from the video sequence into the accelerations of the mobile phone's accelerometer.
  • Authors: A.D. Kurdyukova, R.I. Isachenko, Strijov V.V.

Problem 91.2022

  • Title: Clustering human movement trajectories
  • Problem description: This paper analyzes the periodic signals in the time series to recognize human activity by using a mobile accelerometer. Each point in the timeline corresponds to a segment of historical time series. This segments form a phase trajectory in phase space of human activity. The principal components of segments of the phase trajectory are treated as feature descriptions at the point in the timeline. The paper introduces a new distance function between the points in new feature space. To reval changes of types of the human activity the paper proposes an algorithm. This algorithm clusters points of the timeline by using a pairwise distances matrix. The algorithm was tested on synthetic and real data. This real data were obtained from a mobile accelerometer
  • Data: USC-HAD, new accelerometer samples
  • Literature: Grabovoy A.V., Strijov V.V. Quasi-periodic time series clustering for human activity recognition // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2020, 41 : 333-339.
  • Base algorithm: Caterpillar
  • Solution: Bring Grabovoi's article from the Lobachevsky Journal of Mathematics to perfection
  • Novelty: Use Neuro ODE to plot the phase trajectory and classify it
  • Authors: A.V. Grabovoi (ask!!), Strijov V.V.

Problem 97.2022

  • Title: Anti-distillation or teacher training: knowledge transfer from a simple model to a complex one
  • Problem description: The problem of adapting the model to a new sample with a large amount of information is considered. For adaptation, it is proposed to build a new model of greater complexity with further transfer of information from a simple model to it. When transferring information, it is necessary to take into account not only the quality of the forecast on the original sample, but also the adaptability of the new model to the new sample and the robustness of the solution obtained.
  • Data: MNIST handwritten digit sampling, CIFAR-10 image sampling
  • Literature: Original distillation problem statement: Hinton G. et al. Distilling the knowledge in a neural network //arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02531
  • Base algorithm: It is proposed to increase the complexity of the model by including constant values close to zero in the model. This approach is basic, because can lead to a decrease in the robustness of the model and worse adaptability to a new sample.
  • Solution: It is proposed to consider several approaches to increase the complexity of the model, including both probabilistic (adding noise to new parameters, taking into account operational requirements) and algebraic (expanding the parametric space of the model, taking into account the requirements for robustness and constant Lipschitz of the original model)
  • Novelty: obtaining a method that allows you to adapt the existing model to complicate the training sample without losing information
  • Authors: Bakhteev, Grabovoi, Strijov V.V.

Problem 98.2022

  • Title: Deep learning model selection with expert model matching control
  • Problem description: is considered The problem classification. An expert model of low complexity is specified. It is required to build a deep learning model that gives a high quality of the forecast and is similar in behavior to the expert model.
  • Data: Sociological samples, CIFAR image sample
  • Literature: Yakovlev Konstantin, Grebenkova Olga, Bakhteev Oleg, Strijov Vadim. Neural architecture search with structure complexity control // Communications in Computer and Information Science (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts), 2021
  • Base algorithm: building an expert model.
  • Solution: The proposed method consists in hypernetworks with control of the consistency of the found model with the expert model. A hypernetwork is a deep learning model that generates the parameters of the target model.
  • Novelty: the proposed method allows to take into account expert judgment in the process of model selection and architecture search.
  • Authors: Grebenkova, Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

Problem 99.2022

  • Title: Selection of interpretable convolutional deep learning models
  • Problem description: Considers The problem of choosing an interpretable deep learning classification model. Interpretability is understood as the ability of the model to: a) return the most significant features of an object for classification, b) determine clusters of objects that are similar from the point of view of the classifier
  • Data: MNIST handwritten digit sampling, CIFAR-10 image sampling
  • Literature:
    1. Exact and Consistent Interpretation for Piecewise Linear Neural Networks: A Closed Form Solution
    2. "Why Should I Trust You?": Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier
  • Base algorithm: The LIME(1) algorithm interprets the model by local approximation
  • Solution: A solution based on the method described in (2) is proposed. In this paper, a generalization of the multilayer perzpetron model with a piecewise linear activation function was proposed. Such an activation function allows us to consider the classifier for each sample object as a locally linear one, without using approximation. It is proposed to generalize the proposed approach to the main nonlinear functions used in convolutional neural networks: convolution, pooling and normalization functions.
  • Novelty: is to obtain a new class of neural models that lend themselves to good interpretation.
  • Authors: Yakovlev, Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

Problem 01.2022

  • Title: Stochastic Newton with Arbitrary Sampling
  • Problem: We analyze second order methods solving Empirical Risk Minimization problem of the form min f(x) in R^d. Here x is a parameter vector of some Machine Learning model, f_i(x) is a loss function on i-th training point (a_i,b_i). Our desire to solve it using Newton-type method that requires access to only one data point per iteration. We investigate different sampling strategies of index i_k on iteration k. See description in PDF.
  • Dataset: It is proposed to use open SVM library as a data for experimental part of the work.
  • References:
    1. Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates
    2. Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization
  • Base algorithm: As a base method it is proposed to use Algorithm 1 from the paper Stochastic Newton and Cubic Newton Methods with Simple Local Linear-Quadratic Rates.
  • Solution: Is is proposed to adjust existing sampling strategies from Parallel coordinate descent methods for big data optimization in this work.
  • Novelty: In the literature of Second Order methods there are a few works on incremental methods. The idea is to analyze the existing method by applying different sampling strategies. It is known that the proper sampling strategies may improve the performance of a method.
  • Authors: Islamov Rustem, Vadim Strijov

Problem 107.2022

  • Title: Compression for Federated Random Reshuffling
  • Problem: We analyze first order methods solving Empirical Risk Minimization problem of the form min f(x) in R^d. Here x is a parameter vector of some Machine Learning model, f_i(x) is a loss function on i-th training point (a_i,b_i). We focus on distributed setting of this problem. We are going to apply compression techniques to reduce number of communicated bits to overcome communication bottleneck. Also we want to combine it with server-side updates. We desire to generalize and get improvement in theory and practice.
  • Dataset: It is proposed to use open SVM library as a data for experimental part of the work.
  • References:
    1. Federated Random Reshuffling with Compression and Variance Reduction
    2. Proximal and Federated Random Reshuffling
    3. Server-Side Stepsizes and Sampling Without Replacement Provably Help in Federated Optimization
  • Base algorithm: As a base method we use Algorithm 3 from Proximal and Federated Random Reshuffling.
  • Solution: Is is proposed to combine the method with two stepsizes with compression operators.
  • Novelty: This would be the first method combining 4 popular federated learning techniques: local steps, compression, reshuffling of data and two stepsizes.
  • Authors: Grigory Malinovsky

Problem 108.2022

  • Title: Distillation of knowledge using sample representation in the common latent space of models
  • Problem description: Considers The problem of distillation - the transfer of information from one or more teacher models to the student. A special case is considered when teachers have incomplete information about the sample, and each model has useful information only about some subset.
  • Data: Sample CIFAR-10 images; sampling of handwritten MNIST digits
  • Literature:
    1. Hinton G. et al. Distilling the knowledge in a neural network //arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02531. - 2015. - Vol. 2. - No. 7.
    2. Oki H. et al. Triplet Loss for Knowledge Distillation //2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). - IEEE, 2020. - P. 1-7.
  • Base algorithm: Hinton distillation [1].
  • Solution: It is proposed to consider hidden representations of teachers and students obtained using dimensionality reduction algorithms. To align the model spaces, it is proposed to use the autoencoder model with triplet constraints (see, for example, [2]).
  • Novelty: The proposed method will allow the distillation of heterogeneous models, using information from several teachers.
  • Authors: Gorpinich, Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

Problem 93.2022

  • Title: Estimating the risk of forest fires using machine learning methods.
  • Problem description: Wildfire risk prediction based on climate variables (water/air temperature, atmospheric pressure) since 1991. Forecasting is carried out (a) in the short-term range (2-5 years; stationary time series) and (b) in the long-term range (up to 50 years; non-stationary time series). A feature of forecasting in the long range is the (probable) significant change in the behavior of climate variables (CMIP5 scenarios). The key features of problem (1) are the need for a sufficiently accurate prediction of extreme risk values (maximum values of the time series), while the algorithm can make a significant number of errors in the region of small values of the series. (2) the spatial data structure of the series.
  • Data:
    1. Google Earth Data - data on climate variables and landscape available via API (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
    2. CMIP5 climate scenarios (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
    3. Wildfire Risk Database
    4. Severe Weather Dataset
  • Literature:
    1. Daizong Ding, Mi Zhang, Xudong Pan, Min Yang, Xiangnan He. Modeling Extreme Events in Time Series Prediction. KDD-2019.
    2. Roman Kail, Alexey Zaytsev, Evgeny Burnaev. Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks help to predict the location of Earthquakes.
    3. Nikolay Laptev, Jason Yosinski, Li Erran Li, Slawek Smyl. Time-series Extreme Event Forecasting with Neural Networks at Uber.
  • Base algorithm: (1) method from article 1, (2). ST-LSTM
  • Solution: is proposed to solve the problem in two steps. At the first step, Algorithm 1 (with the addition of a spatial component) restores (averaged over a certain range) the behavior of the time series. Next, the discrepancy between the values of the series and the model is analyzed. Based on this, the noise distribution is restored and a probabilistic model is built to achieve a certain level of risk in a given territory in the required time range.
  • Novelty: (geo)-spatial time series prediction is an open area with great potential for theoretical and practical work. In particular, fire risk assessment is necessary for (1) predicting the probability of accidents (electric power industry, gas transport complex); (2) prioritization of fire prevention measures by region; (3) assessing the financial risks of companies operating in the region.
  • Authors: Yuri Maksimov, Alexey Zaitsev
  • Consultants: Yuri Maksimov, Alexey Zaitsev, Alexander Lukashevich.

Problem 94.2022

  • Title: Hail forecast using graph neural networks
  • Problem description: Hail risk prediction based on climate variables (water/air temperature, atmospheric pressure) since 1991. Forecasting is carried out (a) in the short-term range (2-5 years; stationary time series) and (b) in the long-term range (up to 50 years; non-stationary time series). A feature of forecasting in the long range is the (probable) significant change in the behavior of climate variables (CMIP5 scenarios). Key features of The problem (1) rare events, the case of hail in Russia over the past 30 years was less than 700 throughout the country (2) the spatial structure of the data series.
  • Data:
    1. Google Earth Data - data on climate variables and landscape available via API (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
    2. CMIP5 climate scenarios (there is a jupyter notebook through which you can download data locally)
    3. NOAA Storm Events Database
    4. European Severe Weather Database
    5. Severe Weather Dataset
  • Literature:
    1. Ayush, Kumar, et al. "Geography-aware self-supervised learning." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.
    2. Cachay, Salva Rühling, et al. "Graph Neural Networks for Improved El Ni\~ no Forecasting." arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.01598 (2020). NeurIPS Clima Workshop.
    3. Cai, Lei, et al. "Structural temporal graph neural networks for anomaly detection in dynamic graphs." Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. 2021.
  • Base algorithm: classification with extremely rare events, the most basic variant of log-regression + SMOTE. The paper proposes to take a combination of algorithms from articles 2 and 3 as a basis.
  • Solution: suggests that a combination of the algorithms from articles 2 and 3 can improve classification in such The problems with exceptionally rare events. In addition, it is supposed to use physical information to regularize the classifier (combination of temperature/humidity factors at which hail is most likely)
  • Novelty: (geo)-spatial time series prediction is an open area with great potential for theoretical and practical work. In particular, fire risk assessment is necessary for (1) predicting the probability of damage (agriculture, animal husbandry); (2) assessment of insurance and financial risks.
  • Authors: Yuri Maksimov (point of contact), Alexey Zaitsev
  • Consultants: Yuri Maksimov (point of contact), Alexey Zaitsev, Alexander Bulkin.

Problem 95.2022

  • Title: Identification the transmission rate and time-dependent noise for the stochastic SIER disease model with vital rates (Time-dependent parameter identification for a stochastic epidemic model)
  • Problem description: The problem is set to find the optimal time-dependent parameters for the known stochastic SIER disease propagation model. The optimal parameters are the parameters of the stochastic equation, under which the sample of the rate of spread of the virus in a limited population, when using comparison with the optimal sample. It is proposed to use the adaptive generalized method of moments with local delay (LLGMM) based on the generalized method of moments (GMM).
  • Data: Hopkins Institution's Coronavirus Increasing Data is available from various sources. You can also download the data yourself from the link.
  • Literature:
    1. Anna Mummert, Olusegun M. Otunuga Parameter identification for a stochastic SEIRS epidemic model: case study influenza PDF
    2. David M. Drukker Understanding the generalized method of moments (GMM): A simple example LINK
  • Keywords: Compartment disease model, Stochastic disease model, Local lagged adapted generalized method of moments, Time-dependent transmission rate
  • Base algorithm: there are several different options on the Internet, for example, the article B.Tseytlin Actually forecasting COVID-19 LINK, the current program does not give good convergence, because it always uses a fixed number of points for prediction
  • Novelty: a new LLGMM method of moments that increases the accuracy of prediction& The basic idea of the method of moments is to use in moment conditions (moment functions or simply moments) instead of mathematical expectations, sample means, which, according to the law of large numbers under sufficiently weak conditions, should converges asymptotically to the mathematical expectations. Since the number of conditions for moments in the general case is greater than the number of estimated parameters, this system of conditions does not have a unique solution. The generalized method of moments suggests a situation where it is possible to obtain more conditions for moments than estimated parameters. The method constructs moment conditions (moment functions), also called orthogonality conditions, in a more general form as some function of model parameters and data. The parameters are estimated by minimizing a certain positive quadratic form from the sample means for the moments (moment functions). The quadratic form is in an iterative process with the required accuracy. If the model contains more than one parameter (this is our case) to be identified, then the second and higher moments are used to construct moment conditions. LLGMM defines time-dependent parameters by using a limited number of "points" in a data time series to form moment conditions, rather than the entire series. So the method is late. In addition, the number of time series elements used varies for each estimate over time. Thus, the method is local and adaptive.
  • Author: expert Vera Markasheva (Laboratory of Computational Bioinformatics of the Center for Systems Biology)

Problem 96.2022

  • Title: Impact of the lockdown on the dynamics of the epidemic
  • Problem description: The introduction of a lockdown is considered an effective measure to combat the epidemic. However, contrary to intuition, it turned out that under certain conditions, a lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic. This effect is absent for classical models “on average”, but was revealed when modeling the spread of the epidemic, taking into account the contact graph. The problem is to find formulaic and quantitative relationships between the parameters under which the lockdown can lead to an increase in the epidemic.
  • Data: Real data on the spread of the epidemic on contact graphs, especially considering the need for scenario analysis, is not available. The problem involves working with model and synthetic data: there are ready-made data, and it is also assumed that new ones can be generated in the process of solving the problem.
  • Authors: Anton Bishuk, A.V. Zuhba

Problem 102.2022

  • Title: Graph neural networks in the problem of regression of pairs of graphs
  • Problem description: Considered The problem regression on a pair of graphs. In a pair, each vertex of one graph corresponds to a vertex of the second graph. It is required to establish the optimal architecture of the graph neural network, taking into account the given order specified on the vertices.
  • Data: It is suggested to use chemical reaction datasets github. For a given dataset, a pair of graphs is specified in a natural way. These are graphs of molecules of initial substances and products of a chemical reaction.
  • Literature:
    1. DRACON: disconnected graph neural network for atom mapping in chemical reactions.
    2. condensed-graph-of-reaction.pdf Machine learning of reaction properties via learned representations of the condensed graph of reaction.
    3. A comprehensive survey on graph neural networks.
  • Base algorithm: The graph relationship is set at the level of graph embeddings. That is, a separate embedding vector is built for each graph, and then the vector data is concatenated. In this case, information about the correspondence of vertices in graphs is not explicitly used.
  • Novelty: On the example of the architecture of a graph neural network with fixed hyperparameters, from a theoretical and practical point of view, to study ways to add information about the relationship of graphs to a graph neural network.
  • Authors: Filipp Nikitin, Vadim Strijov V.V., Alexander Isaev.

Problem 103.2022

  • Requirement: Fluent English to collaborate, Python and PyTorch (medium level and higher), Git, Bash, Background in computational biology is a plus
  • Introduction: See full description here. Proteins are involved in several biological reactions by means of interactions with other proteins or with other molecules such as nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and ligands. Among these interaction types, protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are considered to be one of the key factors as they are involved in most of the cellular processes [1]. The binding of two proteins can be viewed as a reversible and rapid process in an equilibrium that is governed by the law of mass action. Binding affinity is the strength of the interaction between two (or more than two) molecules that bind reversibly (interact). It is translated into physico-chemical terms in the dissociation constant Kd, the latter being the concentration of free protein at which half of all binding sites of the second protein type are occupied [2].
  • Objectives: Three main objectives of this work can be formulated as follows: 1. Refine PDBbind [12] data and a standard binding affinity dataset [3], and compile a novel benchmark of PPIs with known binding affinity values. 2. Employ graph-learning toolset to predict binding affinities of PPIs from the new dataset. 3. Benchmark the resulting method against existing state-of-the-art approaches
  • Data & Metrics: In this work, we will operate on experimentally-observed three-dimensional structures of protein-protein complexes annotated with the binding affinity values. Two main sources of data are the following:
  • PDBbind dataset [12] that includes around 2k PPIs
  • Standard dataset introduced in [3] that includes 144 PPIs As main regression metrics, we suggest to consider Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Pearson correlation.
  • Novelty: To the best of our knowledge, geometric deep learning methods have never been applied to the protein-protein binding affinity prediction problem so far.
  • Authors: Arne Schneuing, Ilia Igashov

Problem 109.2022

  • Title: Continuous time when building a BCI neural interface
  • Problem description: In Signal Decoding The problems, data is represented as multivariate time series. When solving problems, a discrete representation is used time. However, recent work on neural ordinary differential equations illustrates the ability to work with the hidden state of recurrent neural networks, as with solutions to differential equations. This allows us to consider time series as continuous in time.
  • Data: For classification:
    1. dataset P300, according to which the article was written
    2. dataset DEAPdataset similar to it in the format of records.
    3. Definition of emotions.
    4. Same SEED emotion classification
    5. Not EEG, but accelerometer data with activity/position classification
    6. For regression, you can take the same neurotycho, if you want to complicate life somewhat with respect to classification problems.
  • Literature:
    1. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
    2. Neural controlled differential equations for irregular time series
    3. Latent ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series (?)
    4. GRU-ODE-Bayes: Continuous modeling of sporadically-observed time series (?)
    5. Neural Rough Differential Equations for Long Time Series (?)
    6. ODE2VAE: Deep generative second order ODEs with Bayesian neural networks (?)
    7. Go with the Flow: Adaptive Control for Neural ODEs
    8. Legendre Memory Units: Continuous-Time Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks
    9. My master's
  • Base algorithm: Alina Samokhina's algorithm
  • Solution: Using NeurODE variations to approximate the original signal. (Bayes, partial derivatives, etc.). Comparative analysis of existing approaches to the application of differential equations for EEG classification
  • Novelty: suggests a way to construct a continuous signal representation. Working with the functional space of the signal, not its discrete representation. Using the parameters of the resulting function as a feature space of the resulting model.
  • Authors: Alina Samokhina, Strijov V.V.

Problem 104.2022

  • Title: (Clarification awaited) Cross-language duplicate search
  • Problem description: The problem of cross-language search for text plagiarism is set. The search for duplicates of the original text is carried out among texts in 100 different languages.
  • Data:
    1. A selection of scientific articles from the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.ru, as well as articles from the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, is used as a training sample.
    2. The State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (SRSTI), the Universal Decimal Classifier (UDC) are considered as scientific rubricators.
    3. The following are used as search quality metrics:
    4. average frequency - the frequency, averaged over the control languages, with which the query document falls into the top 10% of documents among which the search is carried out
    5. average percentage - the percentage of documents, averaged over the control languages, that are in the top 10% of translation documents that have the same scientific heading as the query document
  • Literature: Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic thematic modeling: review of models and additive regularization PDF
  • Base algorithm:
    1. Hierarchical topic models
    2. Topic models with one-pass document vectorization
  • Solution: To solve the search problem, a multimodal thematic model was built. 100 languages were used as modalities, as well as scientific headings, which included articles from the training data. A series of experiments was carried out to improve search quality metrics, including: selection of the optimal tokenization method, addition of regularizers, selection of thematic vector comparison functions, ranking functions, etc.
  • Novelty: Most systems for finding documents in large collections are based on vectorization of the documents in the collection and the search document in one way or another. The latest ways to vectorize documents are usually limited to one language. In this case, the problem arises of creating a uniform system for obtaining vector embeddings of a multilingual collection of documents. The proposed approach makes it possible to train a topic model that encodes information about the distribution of words in a text, regardless of their language affiliation. Also, the solution is subject to restrictions on the size of the model and training time, due to the possibility of practical use of the described model.
  • Author: Polina Potapova, Konstantin Vorontsov

Problem 52.2022

  • Title: (pending clarification) Predicting the quality of protein models using spherical convolutions on 3D graphs.
  • Problem description: The purpose of this work is to create and study a new convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs within the framework of solving the problem of assessing the quality of three-dimensional protein models (The problem regression on graph nodes).
  • Data: Models generated by CASP contestants are used.
  • Literature:
    1. The problem details.
    2. Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks.
    3. Geometric deep learning: going beyond euclidean data.
  • Base algorithm: As a base algorithm, we will use a neural network based on the graph convolution method, which is generally described in [4].
  • Solution: The presence of a peptide chain in proteins allows you to uniquely enter local coordinate systems for all graph nodes, which makes it possible to create and apply spherical filters regardless of the graph topology.
  • Novelty: In general, graphs are irregular structures, and in many Graph Learning The problems, sample objects do not have a single topology. Therefore, the existing operations of convolutions on graphs are greatly simplified or do not generalize to different topologies. In this paper, we propose to consider a new method for constructing a convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs, for which it is possible to uniquely choose local coordinate systems associated with each node.
  • Author: Sergey Grudinin

Problem 110. 2022 (technical)

  • Title: Detection of defects on the car body
  • SubThe problems: Classification of cars by type and brand, Classification of car parts (door, hood, roof, etc.), Segmentation of defective areas on different parts of the car, Classification of defects by type (dent, scratch, glass damage), Assessment of the degree of damage,
  • Data:
    1. Coco Car Damage Detection Dataset - 70 photos of damaged cars with frames, semantic mask and damage type (headlight, front bumper, hood, door, rear bumper)
    2. Сar_damage - 920 photos of damaged cars with labeled masks
    3. CarDent-Detection-Assessment - 100 photos of damaged cars with labeled masks
    4. CarAccidentDataset - 52 photos of damaged cars with labeled masks
    5. Car damage detection - 950 photos of damaged and 1150 photos of whole cars
    6. Car Damage - 1512 photos of damaged cars. Labeled to classify the type of damage
    7. Cars Dataset - 16185 photos of whole cars, 196 models. Images with different angles, labels and frames of machine elements for matching angles.
  • Author: Andrey Inyakin

Problem 111.2022 (technical)

  • Title: Recognition of named entities in informational Russian-language news
  • SubThe problems: Estimating the accuracy of available NER models (up to 2 weeks for data collection and markup)
  • Base algorithm: Development of an algorithm for saturation (augmentation) of the training sample with rare named entities
  • Data: To solve the problem, datasets of news from Interfax with the markup of named entities will be prepared.


Author Topic Links Consultant Letters Reviewer
Grebenkova Olga Variational optimization of deep learning models with model complexity control LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Oleg Bakhteev AILP+UXBR+HCV+TEDWSS Shokorov Vyacheslav


Pilkevich Anton Existence conditions for hidden feedback loops in recommender systems GitHub

LinkReview Paper Slides Video

Khritankov Anton AILB*P-X+R-B-H1CVO*T-EM*H1WJSF Gorpinich Maria


Antonina Kurdyukova Determining the phase and disorder of human movement based on the signals of wearable devices LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Georgy Kormakov AILB*PXBRH1CVO*TEM*WJSF Pilkevich Anton


Yakovlev Konstantin A differentiable search algorithm for model architecture with control over its complexity LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Grebenkova Olga AILB*PXBRH1CVO*TEM*WJSF Pyrau Vitaly


Gorpinich Maria Trajectory Regularization of Deep Learning Model Parameters Optimization Based on Knowledge Distillation LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Oleg Bakhteev AILB*P+XBRC+VH1O*TEM*WJSF Kulakov Yaroslav


Alexandr Tolmachev Analysis of the QPFS Feature Selection Method for Generalized Linear Models LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Aduenko Alexander AILB*PXB-R-H1CVO*TEM*WJSF Antonina Kurdyukova


Kulakov Yaroslav BCI: Selection of consistent models for building a neural interface LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Isachenko Roman AILB*PXBRH1CVO*TEM*WJ0SF Zverev Egor


Pyrau Vitaly Experimental comparison of several problems of operational planning of biochemical production. LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Trenin Sergey Alekseevich AILB*PXBRH1CVO*TEM*WJSF Yakovlev Konstantin


Bazhenov Andrey Search for the boundaries of the iris by the method of circular projections LinkReview

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Matveev Ivan Alekseevich AILB*PXB0RH1CVO*TEM*WJ0SF
Zverev Egor Learning co-evolution information with natural language processing for protein folding problem LinkReview

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Ilya Igashov AILB*PXBRH1CVO*TEM*WJSF Alexandr Tolmachev


Gorchakov Vyacheslav Importance Sampling for Chance Constrained Optimization LinkReview

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Yuri Maksimov AILB*PX0B0R0H1C0V0O*0T0E0M*0W0JS0F Bazhenov Andrey


Lindemann Nikita Training with an expert for a sample with many domains LinkReview

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Andrey Grabovoi AILPXBRH1C0V0O*TE0M*0W0J0SF0

Problem 74.2021

  • Title: Existence conditions for hidden feedback loops in recommender systems
  • Problem description: In recommender systems, the effect of artificially inadvertently limiting the user's choice due to the adaptation of the model to his preferences (echo chamber / filter bubble) is known. The effect is a special case of hidden feedback loops. (see - Analysis H.F.L.). It is expressed in the fact that by recommending the same objects of interest to the user, the algorithm maximizes the quality of its work. The problem is a) lack of variety b) saturation / volatility of the user's interests.
  • Problem description:It is clear that the algorithm does not know the interests of the user and the user is not always honest in his choice. Under what conditions, what properties of the learning algorithm and dishonesty (deviation of the user's choice from his interests) will the indicated effect be observed? Clarification. The recommendation algorithm gives the user a_t objects to choose from. The user selects one of them c_t from Bernoulli from the model of interest mu(a_t) . Based on the user's choice, the algorithm changes its internal state w_t and gives the next set of objects to the user. On an infinite horizon, you need to maximize the total reward sum c_t. Find the conditions for the existence of an unlimited growth of user interest in the proposed objects in a recommender system with the Thomson Sampling (TS) MAB algorithm under conditions of noisy user choice c_t. Without noise, it is known that there is always unlimited growth (in the model) [1].
  • Data: are created as part of the experiment (simulation model) by analogy with the article [1], external data is not required.
  • References:
    1. Jiang, R., Chiappa, S., Lattimore, T., György, A. and Kohli, P., 2019, January. Degenerate feedback loops in recommender systems. In Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (pp. 383-390).
    2. Khritankov, A. (2021). Hidden Feedback Loops in Machine Learning Systems: A Simulation Model and Preliminary Results. In International Conference on Software Quality (pp. 54-65). Springer, Cham.
    3. Khritankov A. (2021). Hidden feedback loop experiment demo. https://github.com/prog-autom/hidden-demo
  • Base algorithm: The initial mathematical model of the phenomenon under study is described in the article [1]. The method of experimental research is in the article [2]. The base source code is available at [3]
  • Solution: It is necessary to derive conditions for the existence of positive feedback for the Thomson Sampling Multi-armed Bandit algorithm based on the known theoretical properties of this algorithm. Then check their performance in the simulation model. For verification, a series of experiments is performed with the study of parameter ranges and the estimation of the error (variance) of the simulation. The results are compared with the previously constructed mathematical model of the effect. There is an implementation of the experiment system that can be improved for this The problem.
  • Novelty: The studied positive feedback effect is observed in real and model systems and is described in many publications as an undesirable phenomenon. There is his model for the limited case of the absence of noise in the user's actions, which is not implemented in practice. Under the proposed conditions, The problem has not previously been posed and not solved for recommender systems. For the regression problem, the solution is known.
  • Authors: Expert, consultant Anton Khritankov

Problem 77.2021

  • Title: Determining the phase and disorder of human movement by signals from wearable devices
  • Problem description: A wide class of periodic movements of a person or an animal is investigated. It is required to find the beginning and end of the movement. It is required to understand when one type of movement ends and another begins. For this, The problem of segmentation of time series is solved. The phase trajectory of one movement is constructed and its actual dimension is found. The purpose of the work is to describe a method for finding the minimum dimension of the phase space. By repetition of the phase, segment the periodic actions of a person. It is also necessary to propose a method for extracting the zero phase in a given space for a specific action. Bonus: find the discord in the phase trajectory and indicate the change in the type of movement. Bonus 2: do this for different phone positions by proposing invariant transformation models.
  • Data: The data consists of time series read from a three-axis accelerometer with an explicit periodic class (walking, running, walking up and down stairs, etc.). It is possible to get your own data from a mobile device, or get model data from the dataset UCI HAR
  • References:
    1. A. P. Motrenko, V. V. Strijov. Extracting fundamental periods to segment biomedical signals // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2015, 20(6).P. 1466–1476. Time series segmentation with periodic actions: The segmentation problem was solved using a fixed-dimensional phase space. PDFURL
    2. A.D. Ignatov, V. V. Strijov. Human activity recognition using quasi-periodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer. // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, P. 1–14. Classification of human activity using time series segmentation: classifiers were studied on the resulting segments. PDFURL
    3. Grabovoy, A.V., Strijov, V.V. Quasi-Periodic Time Series Clustering for Human Activity Recognition. Lobachevskii J Math 41, 333–339 (2020). Segmentation of time series into quasi-periodic segments: Segmentation methods were explored using principal component analysis and transition to phase space. Text Slides DOI
  • Base algorithm: The basic algorithm is described in 1 and 3 works, code here, work code 3 author.
  • Solution: It is proposed to consider various dimensionality reduction algorithms and compare different spaces in which the phase trajectory is constructed. Develop an algorithm for finding the minimum dimension of the phase space in which the phase trajectory has no self-intersections up to the standard deviation of the reconstructed trajectory.
  • Novelty: In Motrenko's article, the space dimension is equal to two. This shortcoming must be corrected. The phase trajectory must not intersect itself. And if we can distinguish one type of movement from another within one period (switched from running to a step and realized this within one and a half steps), it will be great.
  • Authors:

consultants: Kormakov G.V., Tikhonov D.M., Expert Strijov V.V.

Problem 78. 2021

  • Title: Importance Sampling for Scenario Approximation of Chance Constrained Optimization
  • Problem description: Optimization problems with probabilistic constraints are often encountered in engineering practice. For example, The problem of minimizing energy generation in energy networks, with (randomly fluctuating) renewable energy sources. In this case, it is necessary to comply with safety restrictions: voltages at generators and consumers, as well as currents on the lines, must be less than certain thresholds. However, even in the simplest situations, The problem cannot be resolved exactly. The best-known approach is the chance constrained optimization methods, which often give a good approximation. An alternative approach is sampling the network operation modes and solving the problem on the data set of the classification * Problem description: separating bad modes from good ones with a given error of the second kind. At the same time, for a sufficiently accurate solution, a very large amount of data is required, which often makes the problem numerically inefficient. We suggest using “importance sampling” to reduce the number of scenarios. Importance sampling consists of substituting a sample from a nominal solution, which often carries no information since all bad events are very rare, with a synthetic distribution that samples the sample in a neighborhood of bad events.
  • Problem statement: find the minimum of a convex function (price) under probabilistic constraints (the probability of exceeding a certain threshold for a system of linear/quadratic functions is small) and numerically show the effectiveness of sampling in this problem.
  • Data: Data is available in the pypower and matpower packages as csv files.
  • References: The proposed algorithms are based on 3 articles:
    1. Owen, Maximov, Chertkov. Importance Sampling for the Union of Rare Events with Applications to Power Systems LINK
    2. A. Nemirovski. On safe tractable approximations of chance constraints LINK
    3. S. Tong, A. Subramanyam, and Vi. Rao. Optimization under rare chance constraints. LINK
    4. In addition, the authors of the problem have a draft of the article, in which you need to add a numerical part.
  • Base algorithm: A list of basic algorithms is provided in this lecture LINK
  • Solution: in numerical experiments, you need to compare the sample size requirements for standard methods (scenario approximation) and using importance sampling to obtain a solution of comparable quality (and inverse The problem, having equal sample lengths, compare the quality of the solution)
  • Novelty: The problem has long been known in the community and scenario approximation is one of the main methods. At the same time, importance sampling helps to significantly reduce the number of scenarios. We have recently received a number of interesting results on how to calculate optimal samplers, with their use the complexity of the problem will be significantly reduced
  • Authors: Expert Yuri Maksimov, consultant Yuri Maksimov and Alexander Lukashevich.

Problem 79.2021

  • Title: Improving Bayesian Inference in Physics Informed Machine Learning
  • Problem description: Machine learning methods are currently widely used in physics, in particular, in solving turbulence problems or analyzing the stability of physical networks. At the same time, the key issue is which modes to choose for training models. A frequent choice is a sequence of points that uniformly covers the admissible set. However, often such sequences are not very informative, especially if analytical methods give a region where the system is guaranteed to be stable. The problem proposes several methods of sampling: allowing to take into account this information. Our goal is to compare them and find the one that requires the smallest sample size (empirical comparison).
  • Data: The experiment is proposed to be carried out on model and real data. The simulation experiment consists in analyzing the stability of (slightly non-linear) differential equations (synthetic data is self-generated). The second experiment is to analyze the stability of energy systems (data from matpower, pypower, GridDyn).
  • References:
    1. Art Owen. Quasi Monte Carlo Sampling. LINK
    2. Jian Cheng & Marek J. Druzdzel. Computational Investigation of Low-Discrepancy Sequences in Simulation Algorithms for Bayesian Networks LINK
    3. A. Owen, Y Maximov, M. Chertkov. Importance Sampling for the Union of Rare Events with Applications to Power Systems LINK
    4. Polson and Solokov. Deep Learning: A Bayesian Perspective LINK
    5. In addition: the authors of the problem have a draft work on this topic
  • Base algorithm: The basic algorithm we are improving is Quasi Monte Carlo (QMC, LINK ). The problem to construct low discrepancy sequences not covering the polyhedral region and the region given by the intersection of the quadratic constraints. Another algorithm with which we need a comparison: E. Gryazina, B. Polyak. Random Sampling: a Billiard Walk Algorithm LINK and algorithms Hit and Run LINK
  • Solution: sampling methods by importance, in particular the extension of the approach (Boy, Ryi, 2014) and (Owen, Maximov, Chertkov, 2017) and their applications to ML/DL for physical problems
  • Novelty: in a significant reduction in sample complexity and the explicit use of existing and analytical results and learning to solve physical problems, before that ML approaches and analytical solutions were mostly parallel courses
  • Authors: Expert Yuri Maksimov, consultant Yuri Maksimov and Alexander Lukashevich, student.

Problem 81.2021

  • Title: NAS — Generation and selection of neural network architectures
  • Problem description: The problem of choosing the optimal neural network architecture is set as The problem of sampling the vector of structural parameters. The optimality criterion is defined in terms of the accuracy, complexity and stability of the model. The sampling procedure itself consists of two steps: generating a new structure and rejecting this structure if it does not satisfy the optimality criterion. It is proposed to explore various methods of sampling. The formulation of the problem of choosing the optimal structure is described in Potanin-1
  • Data: : Two separate sets are offered as data. The first one consists of one element, this is the popular MNIST dataset. Pros - is a strong and generally accepted baseline, was used as a benchmark for the WANN article, quite large (multi-class classification). The second set is a set of datasets for the regression The problem. Size varies from very small to quite large. Here is a link to the dataset and laptop to download the data data.
  • References:
    1. Potanin - 1
    2. Potanin - 2. One more work, the text is given to the interested student, but without publication.
    3. Strijov Factory laboratory Error function
    4. Informtica
    5. WANN
    6. DARTS
    7. Symbols
    8. NEAT
  • Base algorithm: Closest project, and its code. Actual code from consultant.
  • Solution: A number of experiments have already been performed, where sampling is performed by a genetic algorithm. Acceptable results have been obtained. It is proposed to analyze and improve them. Namely, to distinguish two modules: generation and deviation and compare several types of sampling. Basic - Importance sampling, desirable - Metropolis-Hastings (or even Metropolis-Langevin) sampling. Since the genetic algorithm is considered by us as a process with jumps, it is proposed to take this into account when designing the sampling procedure. The bonus of MH is that it has a Bayesian interpretation. The first level of Bayesian inference as applied to MH is described in [Informatica]. It is required either to rewrite it in terms of the distribution of structural parameters, or to describe both levels in general, moving the structural parameters to the second level (by the way, approximately the same will be in the Aduenko problem).
  • Novelty: Neural networks excel at The problems of computer vision, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing. One of the main goals of neural networks is to perform well The problems that are currently solved exclusively by humans, that is, natural human neural networks. Artificial neural networks still work very differently from natural neural networks. One of the main differences is that natural neural networks evolve over time, changing the strength of connections and their architecture. Artificial neural networks can adjust the strength of connections using weights, but cannot change their architecture. Therefore, The problem of choosing the optimal structures of neural networks for specific The problems seems to be an important step in the development of the capabilities of neural network models.
  • Authors: consultant Mark Potanin, Expert Strijov V.V.

Problem 82.2021

  • Title: Training with an Expert for a sample with many domains.
  • Problem description: The problem of approximating a multi-domain sample by a single multi-model - a mixture of Experts is considered. As data, it is supposed to use a sample that contains several domains. There is no domain label for each object. Each domain is approximated by a local model. The paper considers a two-stage The problem optimization based on the EM algorithm.
  • Data: Samples of reviews from the Amazon site for different types of goods are used as data. It is supposed to use a linear model as a local model, and use tf-idf vectors within each domain as an indicative description of reviews.
  • References:
    1. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.00258.pdf
    2. http://www.mysmu.edu/faculty/jingjiang/papers/da_survey.pdf
    3. https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3400066
  • Basic algorithm and Solution: The basic solution is presented here. The work uses the expert mixture method for the Multi-Soruce domain adaptation problem. The code for the article is available link.
  • Novelty: At the moment, in machine learning there are more and more The problems related to data that are taken from different sources. In this case, there are samples that consist of a large number of domains. At the moment, there is no complete theoretical justification for constructing mixtures of local models for approximating such types of samples.
  • Authors: Grabovoi A.V., Strijov V.V.

Problem 17.2021

  • Title: BCI: Selection of consistent models for building a neural interface
  • Problem: When building brain-computer interface systems, simple, stable models are used. An important step in building an interface is such a model is an adequate choice of model. A wide range of models is considered: linear, simple neural networks, recurrent networks, transformers. The peculiarity of the problem is that when making a prediction, it is required to model not only the initial signal taken from the cerebral cortex, but also the target signal taken from the limbs. Thus, two models are required. In order for them to work together, a space of agreements is being built. It is proposed to explore the properties of this space and the properties of the resulting forecast (neural interface) on various pairs of models.
  • Data: ECoG/EEG brain signal data sets.
    1. Need ECoG (dataset 25 contains EEG, EOG and hand movements) http://bnci-horizon-2020.eu/database/data-sets
    2. neyrotycho — our old data.
  • References:
    1. Yaushev F.Yu., Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Latent space matching models in the forecasting problem // Systems and Means of Informatics, 2021, 31(1). PDF
    2. Isachenko R.V. Choice of a signal decoding model in high-dimensional spaces. Manuscript, 2021. PDF
    3. Isachenko R.V. Choice of a signal decoding model in high-dimensional spaces. Slides, 2020. [5]
    4. Isachenko R.V., Vladimirova M.R., Strijov V.V. Dimensionality reduction for time series decoding and forecasting problems // DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, 2018, 27349 : 286-296. PDF
    5. Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Quadratic Programming Optimization with Feature Selection for Non-linear Models // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2018, 39(9) : 1179-1187. PDF
    6. Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Multi-way feature selection for ECoG-based brain-computer interface // Expert Systems with Applications, 2018, 114(30) : 402-413. PDF
    7. Eliseyev A., Aksenova T. Stable and artifact-resistant decoding of 3D hand trajectories from ECoG signals using the generalized additive model //Journal of neural engineering. – 2014.
  • Basic algorithm: Described in the first work. The code is available. In that work, the data is two parts of an image. In our work, the signal of the brain and the movement of the hands. Super* Problem description: to finish the first job. Also the code and works here.
  • Solution: The case is considered when the initial data are heterogeneous: the spaces of the independent and target variables are of different nature. It is required to build a predictive model that would take into account the dependence in the source space of the independent variable, as well as in the space of the target variable. It is proposed to investigate the accuracy, complexity and stability of pairs of various models. Since the inverse The problem is solved when building a forecast, it is required to build inverse transformations for each model. To do this, you can use both basic techniques (PLS) and streams.
  • Novelty: Analysis of the prediction and latent space obtained by a pair of heterogeneous models.
  • Authors: Consultant Roman Isachenko, Expert Strijov V.V.

Problem 69.2021

  • Title: Graph Neural Network in Reaction Yield prediction
  • Problem description: There are disconnected graphs of source molecules and products in a chemical reaction. The yield of the main product in the reaction is known. It is required to design an algorithm that predicts yield by solving the regression The problem on given disconnected graphs.
  • Data: Database of reaction from US patents [6]
  • References:
    1. [7] A general overview.
    2. [8] Relational Graph Convolution Neural Network
    3. [9] Transformer architecture
    4. [10] Graph neural network learning for chemical compounds synthesis
  • Base algorithm: Transformer model. The input sequence is a SMILES representation of the source and product molecules.
  • Solution: A pipeline for working with disconnected graphs is proposed. The pipeline includes the construction of extended graph with molecule and reaction representation, Relational Graph Convolution Neural Network, Encoder of Transformer. The method is applied to solve yield predictions.
  • Novelty: A solution for regression problem on the given disconnected graph is constructed; the approach demonstrates better performance compared with other solutions
  • Authors: Nikitin Filipp, Isayev Olexandr, Strijov V.V.

Problem 84.2021

  • Title: Trajectory Regularization of Deep Learning Model Parameters Optimization Based on Knowledge Distillation
  • Problem description: The problem of optimizing the parameters of a deep learning model is considered. The case is considered when the responses of a more complex model (teacher model) are available during optimization. The classical approach to solving such a problem is learning based on the responses of a complex model (knowledge distillation). Assignment of hyperparameters is made empirically based on the results of the model on delayed sampling. In this paper, we propose to consider a modification of the approach to knowledge distillation, in which the coefficient of significance of the distilling term, as well as its gradients, act as hyperparameters. Both of these groups of parameters allow you to adjust the optimization of the model parameters. To optimize hyperparameters, it is proposed to consider the optimization problem as a two-level optimization problem, where at the first level of optimization The problem of optimizing the model parameters is solved, and at the second level The problem of optimizing hyperparameters is approximately solved by the value of the loss function on the delayed sample.
  • Data: Sampling of CIFAR-10 images
  • References:
    1. Distillation of knowledge
    2. Hyperparameter Optimization in a Bilevel * Problem description: Greedy Method
    3. Hyperparameter Optimization in a Bilevel * Problem description: Comparison of Approaches
    4. Meta Optimization: neural network instead of optimization operator
  • Basic algorithm: Model optimization without distillation and with standard distillation approach
  • Solution: Using a two-level problem for model optimization. The combination of gradients for both terms is processed by a separate model (LSTM)
  • Novelty: A new approach to model distillation will be proposed to significantly improve the performance of models trained in privileged information mode. It is also planned to study the dynamics of changes in hyperparameters in the optimization process.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

Problem 85.2021

  • Title: A differentiable search algorithm for model architecture with control over its complexity
  • Problem description: The problem of choosing the structure of a deep learning model with a predetermined complexity is considered. It is required to propose a method for searching for a model that allows controlling its complexity with low computational costs.
  • Data: MNIST, CIFAR
  • References:
    1. Grebenkova O.S., Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.Variational optimization of a deep learning model with complexity control // Informatics and its applications, 2021, 15(2). PDF
    2. DARTS
    3. hypernets
  • Basic algorithm: DARTS
  • Solution: The proposed method is to use a differentiable neural network architecture search algorithm (DARTS) with parameter complexity control using a hypernet.
  • Novelty: The proposed method allows you to control the complexity of the model, in the process of searching for an architecture without additional heuristics.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Grebenkova O. S.

Problem 86. 2021

  • Title: Learning co-evolution information with natural language processing for protein folding problem
  • Problem: One of the most essential problems in structural bioinformatics is protein fold recognition since the relationship between the protein amino acid sequence and its tertiary structure is revealed by protein folding. A specific protein fold describes the distinctive arrangement of secondary structure elements in the nearly-infinite conformation space, which denotes the structural characteristics of a protein molecule.
  • Problem description:: request
  • Authors: Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova.

Problem 87.2021

  • Title: Bayesian choice of structures of generalized linear models
  • Problem description: The work is devoted to testing methods for feature selection. It is assumed that the sample under study contains a significant number of multicollinear features. Multicollinearity is a strong correlation between the features selected for analysis that jointly affect the target vector, which makes it difficult to estimate regression parameters and identify the relationship between features and the target vector. There is a set of time series containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. The readings of the sensors correlate with each other. It is necessary to choose the optimal set of features for solving the forecasting problem.
  • Novelty: One of the most preferred feature selection algorithms has been published. It uses structural parameters. But there is no theoretical justification. It is proposed to build a theory by describing and analyzing various functions of a priori distribution of structural parameters. In works on the search for structures of neural networks, there is also no clear theory and a list of a priori assumptions.
  • Data: Multivariate time series with readings from various sensors from paper 4, for starters, all samples from paper 1.
  • References: Keywords: bootstrap aggregation, Belsley method, vector autoregression.
    1. Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Comprehensive study of feature selection methods to solve multicollinearity problem according to evaluation criteria // Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 76 : 1-11. PDF
    2. Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Stresstest procedure for feature selection algorithms // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 142 : 172-183. PDF
    3. Strijov V.V. Error function in regression recovery problems // Factory laboratory. material diagnostics, 2013, 79(5) : 65-73. PDF
    4. Zaitsev A.A., Strijov V.V., Tokmakova A.A. Estimation of hyperparameters of regression models by the maximum likelihood method // Information technologies, 2013, 2 : 11-15. PDF
    5. Kuznetsov M.P., Tokmakova A.A., Strijov V.V. Analytic and stochastic methods of structure parameter estimation // Informatica, 2016, 27(3) : 607-624. PDF
    6. Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. The problem of multicollinearity in the selection of features in regression problems // Information technologies, 2015, 1 : 8-18. PDF
    7. Neichev Р.Г., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem. Zavodskaya Lab. material diagnostics, 2016, 82(3) : 68-74. PDF
  • Base algorithm: Described in Reference 1: Quadratic Programming for QPFS Feature Selection. Code from Roman Isachenko.
  • Solution: It is proposed to consider the structural parameters used in QPFS at the second level of Bayesian inference. Introduce informative a priori distributions of parameters and structural parameters. Compare different a priori assumptions.
  • Novelty: Statistical Analysis of Structural Parameter Space and Visualization
  • Authors: Alexander Aduenko consultant, Strijov V.V.

Problem 88.2021

  • Name: Search for the boundaries of the iris by the method of circular projections
  • Problem: Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, examples. The approximate position of the center of the pupil is also known. The word "approximate" means that the calculated center of the pupil is no more than half of its true radius from the true one. It is necessary to determine the approximate positions of the circles approximating the pupil and iris. The algorithm must be very fast.
  • Data: About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circles is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.
  • Basic algorithm: To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using circular projections of brightness. Circular projection is a function that depends on the radius, the value of which P(r) is equal to the integral of the directed image brightness gradient over a circle of radius r (or along an arc of a circle). Example for one arc (right quadrant) and for four arcs. Having built some circular projections, based on them, you can try to determine the position of the inner and outer borders of the iris (ring) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.
  • References: Matveev I.A. Detection of Iris in Image By Interrelated Maxima of Brightness Gradient Projections // Applied and Computational Mathematics. 2010. V.9. N.2. P.252-257 PDF
  • Author: Matveev I.A.

Problem 53.2021

  • Title: Solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules.
  • Problem description: The goal of the problem is to solve an optimization problem with classification and regression loss functions applied to biological data.
  • Data: Approximately 12,000 complexes of proteins with small molecules. For classification, for each of them there is 1 correct position in space and 18 incorrect ones generated, for regression, each complex corresponds to the value of the binding constant (proportional to energy). The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms.
  • References:
    1. https://www.overleaf.com/read/rjdnyyxpdkyj The problem details
    2. http://cs229.stanford.edu/notes/cs229-notes3.pdf SVM
    3. http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/linear_model.html#ridge-regression Ridge Regression
    4. https://alex.smola.org/papers/2003/SmoSch03b.pdf SVR
  • Base algorithm: In the classification The problem, we used an algorithm similar to linear SVM, whose relationship with the energy estimate, which is outside the scope of the classification The problem, is described in the article https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01591154/. For MSE, there is already a formulated dual The problem as a regression loss function, with the implementation of which we can start.
  • Solution: The first step is to solve the problem with the MSE in the loss function using a solver that is convenient for you. The main difficulty may be the large dimensionality of the data, but they are sparse. Further it will be possible to change the wording of the problem.
  • Novelty: Many models used to predict the interactions of proteins with ligands are "retrained" for some The problem. For example, models that are good at predicting binding energies may be poor at selecting a protein-binding molecule from a variety of non-binding ones, and models that are good at determining the correct geometry of the complex may be poor at predicting energies. In this problem, we propose to consider a new approach to combat such overfitting, since the combination of classification and regression loss functions seems to us to be a very natural regularization.
  • Authors: Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova.

Problem 75.2021

  • Title: Alignment of image elements using metric models.
  • Problem description: Character set specified. Each symbol is represented by one file - an image. Image pixel size may vary. All images are known to belong to the same class, such as faces, letters, flowers, or cars. (A more complicated option is to one class, which we are studying and noise classes.) It is known that each image can be combined with another with the help of an equalizing transformation up to noise, or up to some average image. (This image may or may not be present in the sample). This leveling transformation is specified in the base case by a neural network, and in the proposed case - by a parametric transformation from some given class (the first is a special case of the second). The aligned image is compared with the original one using the distance function. If the distance between two images is statistically significant, it is concluded that the images belong to the same class. It is required to 1) propose an adequate model of the alignment transformation that takes into account the assumptions about the nature of the image (for example, only rotation and proportional scaling), 2) propose a distance function, 3) propose a method for finding the average image.
  • Data: Synthetic and real 1) pictures - faces and symbols with rotation and stretch transformation, 2) faces and cars with 3D rotation transformation with 2D projection. Synthetic images are proposed to be created manually using 1) photographs of a sheet of paper, 2) photographs of the surface of the drawing on a balloon.
  • References:
    1. support work - alignment of images using 2D DTW,
    2. support work - alignment of images using neural networks,
    3. DTW alignment work in 2D,
    4. parametric alignment work.
  • Base algorithm: from work 1.
  • Solution: In the attached file pdf.
  • Novelty: Instead of multidimensional image alignment, parametric alignment is proposed.
  • Authors: Alexey Goncharov, Strijov V.V.

Problem 80.2021

  • Title: Detection of correlations between activity in social networks and capitalization of companies
  • Problem description: At present, the significant impact on stock quotes, company capitalization and the success or failure of an IPO depends on social factors such as public opinion expressed on social media. A recent notable example is the change in GameStore quotes caused by the surge in activity on Reddit. Our The problem at the first stage is to identify quotes between the shares of companies in different segments and activity in social networks. That is, it is necessary to identify correlations between significant changes in the company's capitalization and previous bursts (positive or negative) of its discussion in social networks. That is, it is necessary to find the minimum of the loss function when restoring the dependence in various classes of models (parametrics, neural networks, etc.). This The problem is part of a large project to analyze the analysis of markets and the impact of social factors on risks (within a team of 5-7 professors), which will lead to a series of publications sufficient to defend a dissertation.
  • Data: The problem has a significant engineering context, the data is downloads from quotes on the Moscow Exchange, as well as NYT and reddit data (crawling and parsing is done by standard tools). The student working on this The problem must have strong engineering skills and a desire to engage in both the practice of machine learning and the engineering parts of The problem.
  • References:
    1. Paul S. Adler and Seok-Woo Kwon. Social Capital: Prospects for a new Concept. LINK
    2. Kim and Hastak. Social network analysis: Characteristics of online social networks after a disaster LINK
    3. Baumgartner, Jason, et al. "The pushshift reddit dataset." Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Vol. 14. 2020. LINK
  • Base algorithm: The basic algorithms are LSTM and Graph neural networks.
  • Solution: Let's start by using LSTM, then try some of its standard extensions
  • Novelty: In this area, there are a lot of economic, model solutions, but the accuracy of these solutions is not always high. The use of modern ML/DL models is expected to significantly improve the quality of the solution.
  • Authors: Expert Yuri Maksimov, consultant Yuri Maksimov, student.

Problem 88b.2021

  • Name: Finding a Pupil in an Eye Image Using the Luminance Projection Method
  • Problem: Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, examples. It is necessary to determine the approximate coordinates of the center of the pupil. The word "approximate" means that the calculated pupil center must lie inside a circle centered at the pupil's true center and half the true radius. The algorithm must be very fast.
  • Data: About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circle is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.

Basic algorithm: To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using brightness projections. Image brightness is a function of two discrete arguments. Its projection on the horizontal axis is equal to. Similarly, projections are constructed on axes with an inclination. Having built several projections (two, four), based on them, you can try to determine the position of the pupil (compact dark area) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.

  • References: Zhi-Hua Zhou, Xin Geng Projection functions for eye detection // Pattern Recognition. 2004. V.37ю N.5. P.1049-1056. PDF
  • Author: Matveev I.A.

Problem 88c.2021

  • Name: Searching for a century in an image as a parabolic contour using the projection method.
  • Problem: Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, examples. It is necessary to find the contour of the upper eyelid as a parabola, that is, to determine the parameters.
  • Data: About 200 thousand eye images. For some (about 2500), a human expert marked the position of a parabola that approximates the eyelid.
  • Basic algorithm: The first step is pre-processing the image with a vertical gradient filter with further binarization, below is a typical result. There are various options for the next step. For example, if the coordinates of the pupil are known, you can set the region of interest (from above) and in it, using the selected points, construct a parabola by approximation using the least squares method. An example result is given below. More subtle methods are possible, such as finding a parabola using the Hough transform (see Wikipedia). Another way is to use projective methods (Radon transform). The main idea: after specifying the coefficient , apply a coordinate transformation to the image, as a result of which all parabolas of the form formula turn into lines of the form , then, given the coefficient , apply the coordinate transformation where , after which the oblique lines of the formula form become horizontal, which are easy to determine, for example, by horizontal projection (by summing the values in the rows of the matrix of the resulting image. If the coefficients are guessed correctly, the perabola representing the eyelid will give a clear maximum in the projection. By going through the formula (having a physical meaning), you can find those that give the maximum projection value, and consider that the desired parabola - eyelid.
  • References: Wikipedia, articles "Hough Transform", "Radon Transform".
  • Author: Matveev I.A.

Problem 62.2021

  • Title: Construction of a method for dynamic alignment of multidimensional time series, resistant to local signal fluctuations.
  • Problem description: In the process of working with multidimensional time series, the situation of the close proximity of sensors corresponding to different measurement channels is common. As a result, small signal shifts in space can lead to signal peak fixation by neighboring sensors, which leads to significant differences in measurements in terms of L2 distance.
    Thus, small signal shifts lead to significant fluctuations in the readings of the sensors. The problem of constructing a distance function between points of time series that is resistant to noise generated by small spatial signal shifts is considered. It is necessary to consider the problem in the approximation of the presence of a map of the location of the sensors.
  • Data:
    1. Monkey brain activity measurements
    2. Artificially created data (several options must be proposed, for example signal movement in space clockwise and counterclockwise)
  • References:
    1. Reviriew DTW
    2. Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Time Warping for Gesture Recognition
    3. Multiple Multidimensional Sequence Alignment Using Generalized Dynamic Time Warping
  • Base algorithm: L2 distance between a pair of measurements.
  • Solution: Use the DTW distance function between two multidimensional time series. Two time axes are aligned, while inside the DTW functional, the distance between the i-th and j-th measurements is chosen such that it is resistant to local “shifts” of the signal. It is required to offer such functionality. The basic solution is L2, the improved solution is DTW between the i-th and j-th dimensions (dtw inside dtw).
    You can suggest some modification, for example, the distance between the hidden layers of the autoencoder for points i and j.
  • Novelty: A method for aligning multidimensional time series is proposed that takes into account small signal fluctuations in space.
  • Authors: Expert Strijov V.V., consultants Gleb Morgachev, Alexey Goncharov.

Problem 58.2021

  • Title: Transformation of the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm using Bayesian neural networks. (or Neural network approach in the problem of phase search for images from the European synchrotron)
  • Problem description: The aim of the project is to improve the quality of resolution of images of nanosized objects obtained in the laboratories of the European Synchrotron Radiation Foundation.
  • Data: Contact an advisor for data (3GB).


    1. [11] Iterative phase retrieval in coherent diffractive imaging: practical issues
    2. [12] X-ray nanotomography of coccolithophores reveals that coccolith mass and segment number correlate with grid size
    3. [13] Lens-free microscopy for 3D + time acquisitions of 3D cell culture
    5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K7bIzU33MSfeUvg3WITRZX0pe3sibbtH62aw42wxsEI/edit?ts=5e42f70e LinkReview
  • Base algorithm: The transition from direct space to reciprocal space occurs using the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform is a linear transformation. Therefore, it is proposed to approximate it with a neural network. For example, an autoencoder for modeling forward and inverse Fourier transforms.
  • Solution: Transformation of the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm using Bayesian neural networks. Use of information on physical limitations and expertise.
  • Novelty: Use of information about physical constraints and expert knowledge in the construction of the error function.
  • Authors: Experts Sergei Grudinin, Yuri Chushkin, Strijov V.V., consultant Mark Potanin

Problem 63.2021

  • Title: Hierarchical alignment of time sequences.
  • Problem description: The problem of alignment of sequences of difficult events is considered. An example is the complex behavior of a person: when considering data from IMU sensors, one can put forward a hypothesis: there is an initial signal, there are aggregates of “elementary actions” and there are aggregates of “actions” of a person. Each of the indicated levels of abstraction can be distinguished and operated on exactly by it.
    In order to accurately recognize the sequence of actions, it is possible to use metric methods (for example, DTW, as a method that is resistant to time shifts). For a more accurate quality of timeline alignment, it is possible to carry out alignment at different levels of abstraction.
    It is proposed to explore such a hierarchical approach to sequence alignment, based on the possibility of applying alignment algorithms to objects of different structures, having a distance function on them.
  • References:
    1. Overview presentation about DTW
    2. DTW-based kernel and rank-level fusion for 3D gait recognition using Kinect Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Time Warping for Gesture Recognition
    3. Time Series Similarity Measure via Siamese Convolutional Neural Network
    4. Multiple Multidimensional Sequence Alignment Using Generalized Dynamic Time Warping
  • Base algorithm: classic DTW.
  • Solution: It is proposed to perform the transition from one level of abstraction to another by using convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Then the object at the lower level of abstraction is the original signal. At the second level - a signal from the hidden layer of the model (built on the objects of the lower level), the dimension of which is much less, and the upper layer - a signal from the hidden layer of the model (built on the objects of the middle level).
    In this case, DTW is calculated separately between the lower , between the middle and between the upper levels, but the formation of objects for calculating the distance is carried out taking into account the alignment path between the objects of the previous level.
    This method is considered as a way to increase the interpretability of the alignment procedure and the accuracy of the action classification in connection with the transition to higher-level patterns. In addition, a significant increase in speed is expected.
  • Novelty: The idea of aligning time sequences simultaneously at several levels of abstraction is proposed. The method should significantly improve the interpretability of alignment algorithms and increase their speed.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V. Expert, Gleb Morgachev, Alexey Goncharov consultants.

Problem 57.2021

  • Title:Additive Regularization and in The problems of Privileged Learning in Solving the Problem of Predicting the State of the Ocean
  • Problem description: There is a sample of data from ocean buoys, it is required to predict the state of the ocean at different points in time.
  • Data: The buoys provide data on wave height, wind speed, wind direction, wave period, sea level pressure, air temperature and sea surface temperature with a resolution of 10 minutes to 1 hour.
    1. References:
    2. [15]
  • Base algorithm: Using a simple neural network.
  • Solution:Adding to the basic algorithm (a simple neural network) a system of differential equations. Explore the properties of the parameter space of teacher and student according to the preferred approach.
  • Novelty: Investigation of the parameter space of the teacher and the student and their change. It is possible to set up separate teacher and student models and track the change in their parameters in the optimization process - variance, change in the quality of the student when adding teacher information, complexity.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V., Mark Potanin

Problem 52. 2021

  • Title: Predicting the quality of protein models using spherical convolutions on 3D graphs.
  • Problem: The purpose of this work is to create and study a new convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs in the framework of solving the problem of assessing the quality of three-dimensional protein models (The problem regression on graph nodes).
  • Data: Models generated by CASP competitors are used (http://predictioncenter.org).
  • References:
    1. [16] More about The problem.
    2. [17] Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks.
    3. [18] Geometric deep learning: going beyond euclidean data.
  • Base algorithm: As a basic algorithm, we will use a neural network based on the graph convolution method, which is generally described in [19].
  • Solution: The presence of a peptide chain in proteins makes it possible to uniquely introduce local coordinate systems for all graph nodes, which makes it possible to create and apply spherical filters regardless of the graph topology.
  • Novelty: In the general case, graphs are irregular structures, and in many graph learning The problems, the sample objects do not have a single topology. Therefore, the existing operations of convolutions on graphs are greatly simplified or do not generalize to different topologies. In this paper, we propose to consider a new method for constructing a convolution operation on three-dimensional graphs, for which it is possible to uniquely choose local coordinate systems associated with each node.
  • Authors: Sergei Grudinin, Ilya Igashov.

Problem 44+. 2021

  • Title: Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model.
  • Deiscription: The problem of experiment planning is investigated. The problem of estimating a sufficient sample size according to the data is solved. The sample is assumed to be simple. It is described by an adequate model. Otherwise, the sample is generated by a fixed probabilistic model from a known class of models. The sample size is considered sufficient if the model is restored with sufficient confidence. It is required, knowing the model, to estimate a sufficient sample size at the early stages of data collection.
  • Goal: On a small simple iid sample, predict the error on a replenished large one. The predictive model is smooth monotonic in two derivatives. The choice of model is a complete enumeration or genetics. The model depends on the reduced (explore) covariance matrix of the GLM parameters.
  • Data: For the computational experiment, it is proposed to use classical samples from the UCI repository. Link to selections https://github.com/ttgadaev/SampleSizeEstimation/tree/master/datasets
  • References:
    1. Overview of Methods, Motivation and Problem Statement for Sample Size Estimation
    2. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/PhDThesis/.
    3. Bootstrap method. https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.aos/1.

Bishop, C. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer. 758 p.

  • Basic algorithm: We will say that the sample size is sufficient if the log-likelihood has a small variance on a sample of size m calculated using the bootstrap.

We are trying to approximate the dependence of the average value of log-likelihood and its variance on the sample size.

  • Solution: The methods described in the review are asymptotic or require a deliberately large sample size. The new method should be to predict volume in the early stages of experiment design, i.e. when data is scarce.
  • Authors: expert Strijov V.V., consultant Malinovsky G.

Problem 12.2021

  • Title: Machine translation training without parallel texts.
  • Problem: The problem of building a text translation model without the use of parallel texts is considered, i.e. pairs of identical sentences in different languages. This The problem occurs when building translation models for low-resource languages (that is, languages for which there is not much data in the public domain).
  • Data: A selection of articles from Wikipedia in two languages.
  • References:
    1. [20] Unsupervised Machine Translation Using Monolingual Corpora Only
    2. [21] Sequence to sequence.
    3. [22] Autoencoding.
    4. [23] Training with Monolingual Training Data.
  • Basic algorithm: Unsupervised Machine Translation Using Monolingual Corpora Only.
  • Solution: As a translation model, it is proposed to consider a combination of two auto-encoders, each of which is responsible for presenting sentences in one of the languages. The models are optimized in such a way that the latent spaces of autoencoders for different languages match. As an initial representation of sentences, it is proposed to consider their graph description obtained using multilingual ontologies.
  • Novelty: A method for constructing a translation model is proposed, taking into account graph descriptions of sentences.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.,

Problem 8.2021

  • Title: Generation of features using locally approximating models (Classification of human activities according to measurements of fitness bracelets).
  • Problem: It is required to check the feasibility of the hypothesis about the simplicity of sampling for the generated features. Features are the optimal parameters of approximating models. Moreover, the entire sample is not simple and requires a mixture of models to approximate it. Explore the information content of the generated features - the parameters of the approximating models trained on the segments of the original time series. According to the measurements of the accelerometer and gyroscope, it is required to determine the type of activity of the worker. It is assumed that the time series of measurements contain elementary movements that form clusters in the space of time series descriptions. The characteristic duration of the movement is seconds. Time series are labeled with activity type labels: work, leisure. The typical duration of activity is minutes. It is required to restore the type of activity according to the description of the time series and cluster.
  • Data: WISDM accelerometer time series (Time series (library of examples), section Accelerometry).
    1. WISDM (Kwapisz, J.R., G.M. Weiss, and S.A. Moore. 2011. Activity recognition using cell phone accelerometers. ACM SigKDD Explorations Newsletter. 12(2):74–82.), USC-HAD. Human activity recognition using smart phone embedded sensors: A Linear Dynamical Systems method, W Wang, H Liu, L Yu, F Sun - Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014.
  • References:
    1. Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1466 - 1476. URL
    2. Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016.URL
    3. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. T. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. URL
    4. Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Metric learning in The problem of multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2) : 48-57. URL
    5. Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. URL
    6. Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. URL
  • Basic algorithm: Basic algorithm described in [Karasikov, Strijov: 2016] and [Kuznetsov, Ivkin: 2014].
  • Solution: It is required to build a set of locally approximating models and choose the most adequate ones. Find the optimal segmentation method and the optimal description of the time series. Construct a metric space of descriptions of elementary motions.
  • Novelty: A standard for building locally approximating models has been created. The connection of two characteristic times of the description of human life, the combined statement of the problem.
  • Authors: Expert Strijov V.V., consultants Alexandra Galtseva, Danil Sayranov.


Author Topic Links Consultant Letters Reviewer
Grebenkova Olga Variational optimization of deep learning models with model complexity control LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Oleg Bakhteev AILP+UXBR+HCV+TEDWS Shokorov Vyacheslav


Shokorov Vyacheslav Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Denis Ozherelkov AIL Grebenkova Olga


Filatov Andrey Intention forecasting. Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Valery Markin AILPHUXBRCVTEDWS Hristolubov Maxim


Islamov Rustem Analysis of the properties of an ensemble of locally approximating models LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Andrey Grabovoi AILPHUXBRCVTEDWS Gunaev Ruslan


Zholobov Vladimir Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model. LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Grigory Malinovsky AILPHUXBRCVTEWSF Vayser Kirill


Vayser Kirill Additive regularization and its meta parameters when choosing the structure of deep learning networks LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Mark Potanin AILP+HUX+BRCV+TEDWS Zholobov Vladimir


Bishuk Anton Solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules. LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Maria Kadukova AILPHUXBRCVTEDH Filippova Anastasia
Filippova Anastasia Step detection for IMU navigation via deep learning LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides EnglishPaper Video

Tamaz Gadaev AIL0PUXBRCVSF Bishuk Anton


Savelev Nickolay Distributed optimization under Polyak-Loyasievich conditions LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

A. N. Beznosikov AILPHUXBRCVTEDWS Khary Alexandra


Khary Alexandra Theoretical validity of the application of metric classification methods using dynamic alignment (DTW) to spatiotemporal objects. LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Gleb Morgachev, Alexey Goncharov AILPHUXBRCVTEDCWS Savelev Nickolay


Hristolubov Maxim Generating features using locally approximating models (Classification of human activities by measurements of fitness bracelets) LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Alexandra Galtseva, Danil Sayranov AILPH Filatov Andrey


Mamonov Kirill Nonlinear ranking of exploratory information search results. LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Pavlichenko Nikita Predicting the quality of protein models using spherical convolutions on 3D graphs. LinkReview

GitHub Paper Slides Video

Sergei Grudinin, Ilya Igashov AILPUXBRHCVTEDH
Sodikov Mahmud, Skachkov Daniel Agnostic neural networks Code

Paper Slides Video

Radoslav Neichev AILPHUXBRC+VTEDHWJSF Kulagin Petr


Gunaev Ruslan Graph Neural Network in Reaction Yield prediction LinkReview

Github Paper Slides Video

Philip Nikitin AILPUXBRHCVTEDHWSF Islamov Rustem


Yaushev Farukh Investigation of ways to match models by reducing the dimension of space LinkReview

Github Paper Slides Video

Roman Isachenko AILPUXBRHCVTEDHWJS Zholobov Vladimir


51. 2020

  • Name: Analysis of the properties of an ensemble of locally approximating models.
  • Problem: In this paper, we consider The problem of constructing a universal approximator --- a multimodel, which consists of a given finite set of local models. Each local model approximates a connected region in feature space. It is assumed that the set of local models cover the entire space of objects. A convex combination of local models is considered as an aggregating function. As the coefficients of the convex combination, we consider a function depending on the object --- the gate function.
  • Required: To construct an algorithm for optimizing the parameters of local models and parameters of the gate function. It is required to propose a metric in the space of objects, a metric in the space of models.
  • Data:
    1. Synthetically generated data.
    2. Energy consumption forecasting data. It is proposed to use the following models as local models: working day, day off. (Energy Consumption, Turk Electricity Consumption German Spot Price).
  • References:
    1. Overview of methods for estimating sample size
    2. Vorontsov's lectures on compositions
    3. Vorontsov's lectures on compositions
    4. Esen Y.S., Wilson J., Gader P.D. Twenty Years of Mixture of Experts. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2012. Issues. 23. No 8. P. 1177-1193.
    5. Pavlov K.V. Selection of multilevel models in The problems classification, 2012
  • Basic algorithm: As a basic algorithm, it is proposed to use a two-level optimization problem, where local models are optimized at one iteration and at the next iteration, the parameters of the gate function are optimized.
  • Authors: Grabovoi A.V. (consultant), Strijov V.V. (Expert)

54. 2020

It is necessary to determine the approximate coordinates of the center of the pupil. The word "approximate" means that the calculated pupil center must lie inside a circle centered at the pupil's true center and half the true radius. The algorithm must be very fast.

  • Data: About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circle is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.
  • Base algorithm: To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using brightness projections. Image brightness is a function of two discrete arguments I(x, y). Its projection onto the horizontal axis is P(x)=\sum \limits_y I(x,y). Similarly, projections are constructed on axes with an inclination. Having built several projections (two, four), based on them, you can try to determine the position of the pupil (compact dark area) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.
  • References: Zhi-Hua Zhou, Xin Geng Projection functions for eye detection // Pattern Recognition. 2004. V.37ю N.5. P.1049-1056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2003.09.006
  • Authors: Matveev I.A.

55. 2020

  • Title: Search for the boundaries of the iris by the method of circular projections
  • Problem: Given a monochrome bitmap of the eye, see examples (https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2DBu/5c6F6e3LC). The approximate position of the center of the pupil is also known. The word "approximate" means that the calculated center of the pupil is no more than half of its true radius from the true one. It is necessary to determine the approximate positions of the circles approximating the pupil and iris. The algorithm must be very fast.
  • Data: About 200 thousand eye images. For each, the position of the true circle is marked - for the purpose of training and testing the method being created.
  • Base algorithm: To speed up work with the image, it is proposed to aggregate data using circular projections of brightness. Circular projection is a function that depends on the radius, the value of which P(r) is equal to the integral of the directed image brightness gradient over a circle of radius r (or along an arc of a circle). Example for one arc (right quadrant) and for four arcs. Having built some circular projections, based on them, you can try to determine the position of the inner and outer borders of the iris (ring) using heuristics and / or a neural network. It is interesting to evaluate the capabilities of the neural network in this The problem.
  • References: Matveev I.A. Detection of Iris in Image By Interrelated Maxima of Brightness Gradient Projections // Applied and Computational Mathematics. 2010. V.9. N.2. P.252-257. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228396639_Detection_of_iris_in_image_by_interrelated_maxima_of_brightness_gradient_projections
  • Authors: Matveev I.A.

56. 2020

  • Title: Construction of local and universal interpretable scoring models
  • Problem: Build a simple and interpretable scoring system as a superposition of local models, taking into account the requirements for the system to retain knowledge about key customers and features (in other words, take into account new economic phenomena). The model must be a superposition, and each element must be controlled by its own quality criterion. Introduce a schedule for optimizing the structure and parameters of the model: the system must work in a single optimization chain. Propose an algorithm for selecting features and objects.
  • Data:
  1. Data from OTP Bank. The sample contains records of 15,223 clients classified into two classes: 1 - there was a response (1812 clients), 0 - there was no response (13411 clients). Feature descriptions of clients consist of 50 features, which include, in particular, age, gender, social status in relation to work, social status in relation to pension, number of children, number of dependents, education, marital status, branch of work. The data are available at the following addresses: www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/2/26/Contest_MMRO15_OTP.rar (sample A), www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/5/52/Contest_MMRO15_OTP_(validation).rar (sample B).
  2. Data from Home Credit: https://www.kaggle.com/c/home-credit-default-risk/data
  • References:
    1. Strijov V.V. Error function in regression analysis // Factory Laboratory, 2013, 79(5) : 65-73
    2. Bishop C. M. Linear models for classification / В кн.: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Под ред.: M. Jordan, J. Kleinberg, B. Scholkopf. – New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2006, pp--203 – 208
    3. Tokmakova A.A. Obtaining Stable Hyperparameter Estimates for Linear Regression Models // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. — 2011. — № 2. — С. 140-155
    4. S. Scitovski and N. Sarlija. Cluster analysis in retail segmentation for credit scoring // CRORR 5. 2014. 235–245
    5. Goncharov A.V. Building Interpretable Deep Learning Models in the Social Ranking Problem
  • Base algorithm: Iterative weighted least squares (described in (2))
  • Solution: It is proposed to build a scoring system containing such a preprocessing block as a block for generating metric features. It is proposed to investigate the influence of the non-equivalence of objects on the selection of features for the model, to investigate the joint selection of features and objects when building a model. It is required to implement a schedule for optimizing the model structure using an algorithm based on the analysis of covariance matrices of model hyperparameters. The schedule includes a phased replenishment of the set of features and objects. The feature sample size will be determined by controlling the error variance. The main criterion for the quality of the system: ROC AUC (Gini).
  • Novelty:
  1. The model structure optimization schedule must satisfy the requirement to rebuild the model at any time without losing its characteristics.
  2. Accounting for the unequal value of objects in the selection of features
  • Authors: Pugaeva I.V. (consultant), Strijov V.V. (Expert)

59. 2020

  • Name: Distributed optimization under Polyak-Loyasievich conditions
  • Problem description: The problem is to efficiently solve large systems of nonlinear equations using a network of calculators.
  • Solution: A new method for decentralized distributed solution of systems of nonlinear equations under Polyak-Loyasievich's conditions is proposed. The approach is based on the fact that the distributed optimization problem can be represented as a composite optimization problem (see 2 from the literature), which in turn can be solved by analogs of the similar triangles or sliding method (see 2 from the literature).
  • Basic algorithm: The proposed method is compared with gradient descent and accelerated gradient descent
  • References:
    1. Linear Convergence of Gradient and Proximal-GradientMethods Under the Polyak- Lojasiewicz Condition https://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.04636.pdf
    2. Linear Convergence for Distributed Optimization Under the Polyak-Łojasiewicz Condition https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.12110.pdf
    3. Optimal Decentralized Distributed Algorithms for Stochastic ConvexOptimization https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.07363.pdf
    4. Modern numerical optimization methods, universal gradient descent method https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1711/1711.00394.pdf
  • Novelty: Reduction of a distributed optimization problem to a composite optimization problem and its solution under Polyak-Loyasievich conditions
  • Authors: Expert A.B. Gasnikov, consultant A.N. Beznossikov
  • Comment: it is important to set up a computational experiment in this The problem, otherwise The problem will be poorly compatible with the course.

17. 2020

  • Title: Intention forecasting. Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals
  • Problem: When building brain-computer interface systems, simple, stable models are used. An important stage in the construction of such a model is the construction of an adequate feature space. Previously, such the problem was solved by extracting features from the frequency characteristics of signals.
  • Data: ECoG/EEG brain signal data sets.
  • References:
    1. Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Multi-way feature selection for ECoG-based brain-computer Interface // Expert systems with applications. - 2018.
    2. Eliseyev A., Aksenova T. Stable and artifact-resistant decoding of 3D hand trajectories from ECoG signals using the generalized additive model //Journal of neural engineering. – 2014.
  • Basic algorithm: The comparison is proposed to be made with the partial least squares algorithm.
  • Solution: In this paper, it is proposed to take into account the spatial dependence between sensors that read data. To do this, it is necessary to locally model the spatial impulse/signal and build a predictive model based on the local description.
  • Novelty: An essentially new way of constructing a feature description in the problem of signal decoding is proposed. Bonus: analysis of changes in the structure of the model, adaptation of the structure when the sample changes.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V., Roman Isachenko - Experts, consultants – Valery Markin, Alina Samokhina

9. 2020

  • Title: Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
  • Problem: It is required to build two CNNs, one recognizes a raster representation of an image, the other a vector one.
  • Data: Fonts in raster representation.
  • References:List of works [24], in particular arXiv:1611.03199 and
    1. Goyal P., Ferrara E. Graph embedding techniques, applications, and performance: A survey. arXiv:1705.02801, 2017.
    2. Cai H., Zheng V.W., Chang K.C.-C. A comprehensive survey of graph embedding: Problems, techniques and applications. arXiv:1709.07604, 2017.
    3. Grover A., Leskovec J. node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks. arXiv:1607.00653, 2016.
    4. Mestetskiy L., Semenov A. Binary Image Skeleton - Continuous Approach // Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP 2008. P. 251-258. URL
    5. Kushnir O.A., Seredin O.S., Stepanov A.V. Experimental study of regularization parameters and approximation of skeletal graphs of binary images // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2014. Т. 1. № 7. С. 817-827. URL
    6. Zhukova K.V., Reyer I.A. Basic Skeleton Connectivity and Parametric Shape Descriptor // Machine Learning and Data Analysis.2014. Т. 1. № 10. С. 1354-1368. URL
    7. Kushnir O., Seredin O. Shape Matching Based on Skeletonization and Alignment of Primitive Chains // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2015. V. 542. P. 123-136. URL
  • Basic algorithm: Convolution network for bitmap.
  • Solution: It is required to propose a method for collapsing graph structures, which allows generating an informative description of the thick line skeleton.
  • Novelty: A method is proposed for improving the quality of recognition of thick lines due to a new method for generating their descriptions.
  • Authors: Experts Reyer I.A., Strijov V.V., Mark Potanin, consultant Denis Ozherelkov

60. 2020

  • Title: Variational optimization of deep learning models with model complexity control
  • Problem: The problem of optimizing a deep learning model with a predetermined model complexity is considered. It is required to propose a model optimization method that allows generating new models with a given complexity and low computational costs.
  • References:
    1. [1] variational inference for neural networks https://papers.nips.cc/paper/4329-practical-variational-inference-for-neural-networks.pdf
    2. [2] hypernets https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.09106
    3. [3] network factories https://papers.nips.cc/paper/6304-convolutional-neural-fabrics.pdf
  • Base algorithm: Random search
  • Solution: The proposed method is to represent a deep learning model as a hypernet (a network that generates the parameters of another network) using a Bayesian approach. Probabilistic assumptions about the parameters of deep learning models are introduced, and a variational lower estimate of the Bayesian validity of the model is maximized. The variation estimate is considered as a conditional value depending on the external parameter of complexity.
  • Novelty: The proposed method allows generating models in one-shot mode (practically without retraining) with the required model complexity, which significantly reduces the cost of optimization and retraining.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

61. 2020

  • Title: Selecting a deep learning model based on the triplet relationship of model and sample
  • Problem: The problem one-shot of choosing a deep learning model is considered: choosing a model for a specific sample, issued from some general population, should not be computationally expensive.
  • Data:MNIST, synthetic data
  • References:
    1. [1] learning model predictions on pairs <sample, model> https://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/2016/10/yuxiongw_eccv16_learntolearn.pdf
    2. [2] Bayesian choice for two domains https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08672
  • Base algorithm: Random search
  • Solution: It is proposed to consider the space of parameters and models as two domains with their own generative models. To obtain a connection between domains, a generalization of the variational derivation to the case of triplet constraints is used.
  • Novelty: New one-shot model training method
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

64. 2020

  • Title: Theoretical validity of the application of metric classification methods using dynamic alignment (DTW) to spatiotemporal objects.
  • Problem description: It is necessary to study the existing theoretical justifications for applying dynamic alignment methods to various objects, and explore the use of such methods for space-time series.
    When proving the applicability of alignment methods, it is proved that the function generated by the dynamic alignment algorithm is the core. Which, in turn, justifies the use of metric classification methods.
  • References:
    1. Overview presentation about DTW
    2. Mercer's theorem
    3. Polynomial dynamic time warping kernel support vector machines for dysarthric speech recognition with sparse training data
    4. Online Signature Verification with New Time Series Kernels for Support Vector Machines
  • Solution: For different formulations of the DTW method (when the internal function of the distance between time series samples is different) - find and collect evidence that the function is the kernel in one place.
    For a basic set of datasets with time series (on which the accuracy of distance functions is checked ) check the fulfillment of the conditions from the Mercer theorem (positive definiteness of the matrix). Do this for various modifications of the DTW distance function. (Sakoe-Chiba band, Itakura band, weighted DTW.)
  • Novelty: Investigation of theoretical justifications for applying the dynamic alignment algorithm (DTW) and its modifications to space-time series.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V. - Expert, Gleb Morgachev, Alexey Goncharov - consultants.

66. 2020

  • Title: Agnostic neural networks
  • Problem description: Introduce a metric space into the problem of automatic construction (selection) of agnostic networks.
  • Data: Data from the Reinforcement learning area. Preferably the type of cars on the track.
  • References:
    1. (!) Kulunchakov A.S., Strijov V.V. Generation of simple structured Information Retrieval functions by genetic algorithm without stagnation // Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 85 : 221—230.
    2. A. A. Varfolomeeva The choice of features when marking bibliographic lists by methods of structural learning, 2013, [25]
    3. Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [26]
    4. https://habr.com/ru/post/465369/
    5. https://weightagnostic.github.io/
  • Base algorithm: Networks from an archived article. Symbolic regression from an article in ESwA (you need to restore the code).
  • Solution: We create a model generator in the framework of symbolic regression. We create a model generator as a variational autoencoder (we won’t have time during the course). We study the metric properties of sample spaces (Euclidean) and models (Banach). We create a GAN pair - a generator-discriminator for predicting the structures of predictive models.
  • Novelty: So far, no one has succeeded. Here they discussed Tommi Yaakkola, how he came to us in Yandex. He hasn't succeeded yet either.
  • Authors: Expert Strijov V.V., Radoslav Neichev - consultant

13. 2020

  • Title: Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction
  • Problem: RNA secondary structure is an important feature which defines RNA functional properties. Its importance can be illustrated by the fact, that it is evolutionary preserved and some types of functional RNAs always * have the same secondary structure, for example all tRNAs fold into cloverleaf. As secondary structure often defines functions, knowing RNAs secondary structure may help investigate functions of novel RNA molecules. RNA folding is not as easy as DNA folding, because RNA is single stranded molecule which forms complicated base-pairing interactions, while DNA mostly exists as fully base paired double helices. Current methods of RNA structure prediction rely on experimentally evaluated thermodynamic rules, but with thermodynamics alone only 80% of structures can be accurately predicted. We propose an AI-driven method for predicting RNA secondary structure inspired by neural machine translation model.
  • Data: RNA sequences in form of strings of characters
  • References: https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08144
  • Base algorithm: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16873527
  • Solution: Deep learning recurrent encoder-decoder model with attention
  • Novelty: Currently RNA secondary structure prediction still remains unsolved problem and to the best of our knowledge DL approach has never been introduced in the literature before
  • Authors: consultant Maria Popova, Alexander Isaev (we are waiting for a response from them, without a response The problem is removed)

65. 2020

  • Title: Approximation of low-dimensional samples by heterogeneous models
  • Problem description: The problem of knowledge transfer (Hinton's distillation, Vapnik's privileged learning) from one network to another is investigated.
  • Data: UCI samples, see what samples are used in papers on this topic
  • References:
    1. Neichev's Diploma Informative a priori assumptions in the privileged learning problem, presentation
    2. Works Hinton Knowledge distilling, pay attention to error functions
  • Base algorithm: described in the work of Neichev
  • Novelty: Exploring different sampling methods
  • Solution:Try different models that are in the lectures, from non-parametric to deep ones, compare and visualize the likelihood functions
  • Authors: consultants Mark Potanin, (ask Andrey Grabovoi for help) Strijov V.V.

67. 2020

  • Title: Selection of topics in topic models for exploratory information retrieval.
  • Problem description: Test the hypothesis that when searching for similar documents by their topic vectors, not all topics are informative, so discarding some topics can increase the accuracy and completeness of the search. Consider the alternative hypothesis that instead of discarding topics, one can compare vectors by a weighted cosine proximity measure with adjustable weights.
  • Data: Text collections of sites habr.com and techcrunch.com. Labeled selections: queries and related documents.
  • References:
    1. Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic Topic Modeling: An Overview of Models and Additive Regularization.
    2. Ianina A., Vorontsov K. Regularized Multimodal Hierarchical Topic Model for Document-by-Document Exploratory Search // FRUCT ISMW, 2019.
  • Base algorithm: The topic model with regularizers and modalities described in the article (source code available).
  • Novelty:The question of informativeness of topics for vector search of thematically related documents has not been studied before.
  • Solution: Evaluate the individual informativeness of topics by throwing them out one at a time; then sort the topics by individual informativeness and determine the threshold for cutting off non-informative topics. A suggestion as to why this should work: background themes are not informative, and discarding them increases search accuracy and recall by a few percent.
  • Authors: Vorontsov K. V., consultant Anastasia Yanina.

68. 2020

  • Title: Meta-learning of topic classification models.
  • Problem description: Develop universal heuristics for a priori assignment of modality weights in thematic models of text classification.
  • Data: Description of datasets, Folder with datasets.
  • References:
    1. Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic Topic Modeling: An Overview of Models and Additive Regularization.
  • Base algorithm: Thematic classification models for several datasets.
  • Novelty:In topic modeling, the problem of automatic selection of modality weights has not yet been solved.
  • Solution: Optimize the weights of modalities according to the quality criterion of text classification. Investigate the dependence of the optimal relative weights of modalities on the dimensional characteristics of the problem. Find formulas for estimating the initial values of modality weights without explicitly solving the problem. To reproduce datasets, apply sampling of fragments of source documents.
  • Authors: Vorontsov K. V., consultant Yulian Serdyuk.

70. 2020

  • Name: Investigation of the structure of the target space when building a predictive model
  • The problem:The problem of forecasting a complex target variable is studied. Complexity means the presence of dependencies (linear or non-linear). It is assumed that the initial data are heterogeneous: the spaces of the independent and target variables are of different nature. It is required to build a predictive model that would take into account the dependence in the source space of the independent variable, as well as in the space of the target variable.
  • Data: Heterogeneous data: picture - text, picture - speech and so on.
  • Basic algorithm: As basic algorithms, it is proposed to use a linear model, as well as a nonlinear neural network model.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V. - Expert, consultant: Isachenko Roman.

71. 2020

  • Name: Investigation of ways to match models by reducing the dimension of space
  • Problem description: The problem of predicting a complex target variable is investigated. Complexity means the presence of dependencies (linear or non-linear). It is proposed to study ways to take into account dependencies in the space of the target variable, as well as the conditions under which these dependencies affect the quality of the final predictive model.
  • Data: Synthetic data with known data generation hypothesis.
  • Basic algorithm: As basic algorithms, it is proposed to use space dimensionality reduction methods (PCA, PLS, autoencoder) and linear matching models.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V. - Expert, consultant: Isachenko Roman.

72. 2020

  • Name: Construction of a single latent space in the problem of modeling heterogeneous data.
  • Problem description: The problem of predicting a complex target variable is investigated. Complexity means the presence of dependencies (linear or non-linear). It is proposed to build a single latent space for the independent and target variables. Model matching is proposed to be carried out in the resulting low-dimensional space.
  • Data: Heterogeneous data: picture - text, picture - speech and so on.
  • Basic algorithm: As basic algorithms, it is proposed to use space dimensionality reduction methods (PCA, PLS, autoencoder) and linear matching models.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V. - Expert, consultant: Isachenko Roman.

73. 2020

  • Title: Nonlinear ranking of exploratory information search results.
  • Problem description: Develop an algorithm for recommending the reading order of documents (reading order, reading list) found using exploratory information retrieval. Documents should be ranked from simple to complex, from general to specific, that is, in the order in which it will be easier for the user to understand a new subject area for him. The algorithm must build a reading graph - a partial order relation on the set of found documents; in particular, it can be a collection of trees (document forest).
  • Data: Part of Wikipedia and reference reading graph derived from Wikipedia categories.
  • References:
    1. Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic Topic Modeling: An Overview of Models and Additive Regularization.
    2. Georgia Koutrika, Lei Liu, and Steven Simske. Generating reading orders over document collections. HP Laboratories, 2014.
    3. James G. Jardine. Automatically generating reading lists. Cambridge, 2014.
  • Base algorithm: described in the article G.Koutrika.
  • Novelty: The problem has been little studied in the literature. Regularized multimodal topic models (ARTM, BigARTM) have never been applied to this problem.
  • Solution: The use of ARTM topic models in conjunction with estimates of the cognitive complexity of the text.
  • Authors: Vorontsov K. V., consultant Maxim Eremeev.


Author Topic Links Consultant Reviewer
Severilov Pavel The problem of searching characters in texts LinkReview

code paper slides video

Murat Apishev
Grigoriev Alexey Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks LinkReview

code, paper, slides video

Ilya Zharikov review Varenyk Natalia
Grishanov Alexey Automatic configuration of BigARTM parameters for a wide class of The problems LinkReview code, paperslides


Viktor Bulatov reviewGerasimenko Nikolay
Yusupov Igor Dynamic alignment of multivariate time series LinkReview code paper slides video Alexey Goncharov
Varenyk Natalia Spherical CNN for QSAR prediction LinkReview, code, paper, slides video Maria Popova review Grigoriev Alexey
Beznosikov Alexander Z-learning of linearly-solvable Markov Decision Processes LinkReview

paper code slides video

Yury Maximov
Panchenko Svyatoslav Obtaining a simple sample at the output of the neural network layer LinkReview,

code, paper, slides

Gadaev Tamaz
Veselova Evgeniya Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures Code link review paper slides video Guillaume Pages, Sergei Grudinin
Aminov Timur Quality Prediction for a Feature Selection Procedure LinkReview code paper


Roman Isachenko
Markin Valery Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals LinkReview

code paper slides video

Roman Isachenko
Abdurahmon Sadiev Generation of features using locally approximating models LinkReview

code, paper, slides video

Anastasia Motrenko
Tagir Sattarov Machine translation training without parallel texts. LinkReview code paper, slides video Oleg Bakhteev
Gerasimenko Nikolay Thematic search for similar cases in the collection of acts of arbitration courts. LinkReview code paper slides video Ekaterina Artyomova reviewGrishanov Alexey

40. 2019

  • Title: Quality prediction for the feature selection procedure.
  • Problem description: The solution of the feature selection problem is reduced to enumeration of binary cube vertices. This procedure cannot be performed for a sample with a large number of features. It is proposed to reduce this problem to optimization in a linear space.
  • Data: Synthetic data + simple samples
  • References:
    1. Bertsimas D. et al. Best subset selection via a modern optimization lens //The annals of statistics. – 2016. – Т. 44. – №. 2. – С. 813-852.
    2. Luo R. et al. Neural architecture optimization //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. – 2018. – С. 7827-7838.
  • Base algorithm: Popular feature selection methods.
  • Solution: In this paper, it is proposed to build a model that, based on a set of features, predicts the quality on a test sample. To do this, a mapping of a binary cube into a linear space is constructed. After that, the quality of the model in linear space is maximized. To reconstruct the solution of the problem, the model of inverse mapping into a binary cube is used.
  • Novelty: A constructively new approach to solving the problem of choosing models is proposed.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V., Tetiana Aksenova, consultant – Roman Isachenko

42. 2019

  • Title: Z-learning of linearly-solvable Markov Decision Processes
  • Problem: Adapt Z-learning from [1] to the case of Markov Decision Process discussed in [2] in the context of energy systems. Compare it with standard (in reinforcement learning) Q-learning.
  • Data: We consider a Markov Process described via transition probability matrix. Given initial state vector (probability of being in a state at time zero), we generate data for the time evolution of the state vector. See [2] for an exemplary process describing evolution of an ensemble of energy consumers.
  • References:
    1. E. Todorov. Linearly-solvable Markov decision problems https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~todorov/papers/TodorovNIPS06.pdf
    2. Ensemble Control of Cycling Energy Loads: Markov Decision Approach. Michael Chertkov, Vladimir Y. Chernyak, Deepjyoti Deka. https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.04941
    3. Csaba Szepesvári. Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning. https://sites.ualberta.ca/~szepesva/papers/RLAlgsInMDPs.pdf
  • Base algorithm: Principal comparison should be made with Q learning described in [3]
  • Solution: We suppose that plugging in algorithm from [1] directly into [2] gives faster and more reliable solution.
  • Novelty: In the area of power systems there is a huge demand on fast reinforcement learning algorithms, but there is still a lack of that (in particular the ones respect the physics/underlying graph)
  • Authors: Yury Maximov (consultant, expert), Michael Chertkov (expert)

1. 2019

  • Title: Forecasting the direction of movement of the price of exchange instruments according to the news flow.
  • Problem description: Build and explore a model for predicting the direction of price movement. Given a set of news S and a set of timestamps T corresponding to the time of publication of news from S. 2. Time series P, corresponding to the price of an exchange instrument, and time series V, corresponding to the volume of sales for this instrument, for a period of time T'. 3. The set T is a subset of the time period T'. 4. Time intervals w=[w0, w1], l=[l0, l1], d=[d0, d1], where w0 < w1=l0 < l1=d0 < d1. It is required to predict the direction of movement of the price of an exchange instrument at the time t=d0 according to the news released in the period w.
  • Data:
    1. Financial data: data on quotes (at one tick interval) of several financial instruments (GAZP, SBER, VTBR, LKOH) for the 2nd quarter of 2017 from the Finam.ru website; for each point of the series, the date, time, price and volume are known.
    2. Text data: economic news for the 2nd quarter of 2017 from Forexis; each news is a separate html file.
  • References:
    1. Usmanova K.R., Kudiyarov S.P., Martyshkin R.V., Zamkovoy A.A., Strijov V.V. Analysis of relationships between indicators in forecasting cargo transportation // Systems and Means of Informatics, 2018, 28(3).
    2. Kuznetsov M.P., Motrenko A.P., Kuznetsova M.V., Strijov V.V. Methods for intrinsic plagiarism detection and author diarization // Working Notes of CLEF, 2016, 1609 : 912-919.
    3. Aysina Roza Munerovna, Thematic modeling of financial flows of corporate clients of a bank based on transactional data, final qualification work.
    4. Lee, Heeyoung, et al. "On the Importance of Text Analysis for Stock Price Prediction." LREC. 2014.
  • Base algorithm: Method used in the article (4).
  • Solution: Using topic modeling (ARTM) and local approximation models to translate a sequence of texts corresponding to different timestamps into a single feature description. Quality criterion: F1-score, ROC AUC, profitability of the strategy used.
  • Novelty: To substantiate the connection of time series, the Converging cross-mapping method is proposed.
  • Authors: Ivan Zaputlyaev (consultant), Strijov V.V., K.V. Vorontsov (Experts)

3. 2019

  • Title: Dynamic alignment of multidimensional time series.
  • Problem description: A characteristic multidimensional time series is the trajectory of a point in 3-dimensional space. The two trajectories need to be optimally aligned with each other. For this, the distance DTW between two time series is used. In the classical representation, DTW is built between one-dimensional time series. It is necessary to introduce various modifications of the algorithm for working with high-dimensional time series: trajectories, corticograms.
  • Data: The data describes 6 classes of time series from the mobile phone's accelerometer. https://sourceforge.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/HEAD/tree/Group274/Goncharov2015MetricClassification/data/
  • References:
    1. Multidimensional DTW: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/76d3/5bd5a52453ebde80faaa1467d7effd74426f.pdf
  • Base algorithm: Using L_p distances between two dimensions of a time series, their modifications.
  • Solution: Investigation of distances resistant to change of coordinate order, studies of distances unstable to change of coordinate order. Experiments with other types of distances (cosine, RBF, others).
  • Novelty: There is no complete review and study of methods for working with multivariate time series. The dependence of the quality of the solution on the selected distances between measurements has not been studied.
  • Authors: Alexey Goncharov - consultant, Expert, Strijov V.V. - Expert

43. 2019

  • Title: Getting a simple sample at the output of the neural network layer
  • Problem: The output of the neural network is usually a generalized linear model over the outputs of the penultimate layer. It is necessary to propose a way to test the simplicity of the sample and its compliance with the generalized linear model (linear regression, logistic regression) using a system of statistical criteria.
  • Data: For the computational experiment, it is proposed to use classical samples from the UCI repository. Link to samples https://github.com/ttgadaev/SampleSize/tree/master/datasets
  • References: http://www.ccas.ru/avtorefe/0016d.pdf c 49-63 Bishop, C. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer. $758
  • Base algorithm: White test, Wald test, Goldfeld-Quantum test, Durbin-Watson, Chi-square, Fry-Behr, Shapiro-Wilk
  • Solution: The system of tests for checking the simplicity of the sample (and the adequacy of the model), the independent variables are not random, the dependent variables are distributed normally or binomially, there are no gaps and outliers, the classes are balanced, the sample is approximated by a single model. The variance of the error function does not depend on the independent variable. The study is based on synthetic and real data.
  • Authors: Gadaev T. T. (consultant) Strijov V.V., Grabovoi A.V. (Experts)

14. 2019

  • Title: Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures more in PDF
  • Problem: Deep learning algorithms pushed computer vision to a level of accuracy comparable or higher than a human vision. Similarly, we believe that it is possible to recognize the symmetry of a 3D object with a very high reliability, when the object is represented as a density map. The optimization problem includes i) multiclass classification of 3D data. The output is the order of symmetry. The number of classes is ~10-20 ii) multioutput regression of 3D data. The output is the symmetry axis (a 3-vector). The input data are typically 24x24x24 meshes. The total amount of these meshes is of order a million. Biological motivation : Symmetry is an important feature of protein tertiary and quaternary structures that has been associated with protein folding, function, evolution, and stability. Its emergence and ensuing prevalence has been attributed to gene duplications, fusion events, and subsequent evolutionary drift in sequence. Methods to detect these symmetries exist, either based on the structure or the sequence of the proteins, however, we believe that they can be vastly improved.
  • Data: Synthetic data are obtained by ‘symmetrizing’ folds from top8000 library (http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/databases/top8000.php).
  • References: Our previous 3D CNN: [27] Invariance of CNNs (and references therein): 01630265/document, [28]
  • Basic algorithm: A prototype has already been created using the Tensorflow framework [4], which is capable of detecting the order of cyclic structures with about 93% accuracy. The main goal of this internship is to optimize the topology of the current neural network prototype and make it rotational and translational invariant with respect to input data. [4] [29]
  • Solution: The network architecture needs to be modified according to the invariance properties (most importantly, rotational invariance). Please see the links below [30], [31] The code is written using the Tensorflow library, and the current model is trained on a single GPU (Nvidia Quadro 4000)of a desktop machine.
  • Novelty: Applications of convolutional networks to 3D data are still very challenging due to large amount of data and specific requirements to the network architecture. More specifically, the models need to be rotationally and transnationally invariant, which makes classical 2D augmentation tricks loosely applicable here. Thus, new models need to be developed for 3D data.
  • Authors: Expert Sergei Grudinin, consultants Guillaume Pages

46. 2019

  • Name: The problem of searching characters in texts
  • Problem description: In the simplest case, this The problem is reduced to the Sequence Labeling The problem on a labeled selection. The difficulty lies in obtaining a sufficient amount of training data, that is, it is required to obtain a larger sample from the existing small Expert markup (automatically by searching for patterns or by compiling a simple and high-quality markup instruction, for example, in Toloka). The presence of markup allows you to start experimenting with the selection of the optimal model, various neural network architectures (BiLSTM, Transformer, etc.) may be of interest here.
  • Data: Dictionary of symbols, Marked artistic texts
  • References: http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/0/05/Mmta18-rnn.pdf
  • Basic algorithm: HMM, RNN
  • Solution: It is proposed to compare the work of several state-of-the-art algorithms. Propose a classifier quality metric for characters (character/non-character). Determine applicability of methods.
  • Novelty: The proposed approach to text analysis is used by Experts in manual mode and has not been automated
  • Authors: M. Apishev (consultant), D. Lemtyuzhnikova

47. 2019

  • Title: Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction
  • Problem: RNA secondary structure is an important feature which defines RNA functional properties. Its importance can be illustrated by the fact, that it is evolutionary preserved and some types of functional RNAs always * have the same secondary structure, for example all tRNAs fold into cloverleaf. As secondary structure often defines functions, knowing RNAs secondary structure may help investigate functions of novel RNA molecules. RNA folding is not as easy as DNA folding, because RNA is single stranded molecule which forms complicated base-pairing interactions, while DNA mostly exists as fully base paired double helices. Current methods of RNA structure prediction rely on experimentally evaluated thermodynamic rules, but with thermodynamics alone only 80% of structures can be accurately predicted. We propose an AI-driven method for predicting RNA secondary structure inspired by neural machine translation model.
  • Data: RNA sequences in form of strings of characters
  • References: https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08144
  • Base algorithm: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16873527
  • Solution: Deep learning recurrent encoder-decoder model with attention
  • Novelty: Currently RNA secondary structure prediction still remains unsolved problem and to the best of our knowledge DL approach has never been introduced in the literature before
  • Authors: consultant Maria Popova Chapel-Hill

4. 2019

  • Title: Automatic setting of ARTM parameters for a wide class of The problems.
  • Problem description: The bigARTM open library allows you to build topical models using a wide class of possible regularizers. However, this flexibility makes The problem of setting the coefficients very difficult. This tuning can be greatly simplified by using the relative regularization coefficients mechanism and automatic selection of N-grams. We need to test the hypothesis that there is a universal set of relative regularization coefficients that gives "reasonably good" results on a wide class of problems. Several datasets are given with some external quality criterion (for example, classification of documents into categories or ranking). We find the best parameters for a particular dataset, giving the "locally the best model". We find the bigARTM initialization algorithm that produces thematic models with quality comparable to the "locally best model" on its dataset. Comparability criterion in quality: on this dataset, the quality of the "universal model" is no more than 5% worse than that of the "locally best model".
  • Data: Victorian Era Authorship Attribution Data Set, uci.edu/ml/datasets/Twenty+Newsgroups 20 Newsgroups, ICD-10, search/ranking triplets.
  • References:
    1. WRC by Nikita Doykov: http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/9/9f/2015_417_DoykovNV.pdf
    2. Presentation by Viktor Bulatov at a scientific seminar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19pJ21LRPeeOxY4mkcSnQCRm93zOO4J5b/view
    3. Draft with formulas: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AqS7snUsSJ18ZYBtC-6uP_2dMTDJSGeD
  • Base algorithm: PLSA / LDA / logregression.
  • Solution: bigARTM with background themes and smoothing, sparseness and decorrelation regularizers (coefficients picked up automatically), as well as automatically selected N-grams.
  • Novelty: The need for automated tuning of model parameters and the lack of such implementations in the scientific community.
  • Authors: consultant Viktor Bulatov, ExpertVorontsov K. V..

50. 2019

  • Title: Thematic search for similar cases in the collection of acts of arbitration courts.
  • Problem description: Build an information retrieval algorithm for a collection of acts of arbitration courts. The request can be an arbitrary document of the collection (the text of the act). The search result should be a list of documents in the collection, ranked in descending order of relevance.
  • Data: collection of text documents — acts of arbitration courts http://kad.arbitr.ru.
  • References:
    1. Anastasia Yanina. Thematic exploratory information search. 2018. FIVT MIPT.
    2. Ianina A., Golitsyn L., Vorontsov K. Multi-objective topic modeling for exploratory search in tech news. AINL-2017. CCIS, Springer, 2018.
    3. Ahmed El-Kishky, Yanglei Song, Chi Wang, Clare Voss, Jiawei Han. Scalable Topical Phrase Mining from Text Corpora. 2015.
  • Base algorithm: BigARTM with decorrelation, smoothing, sparse regularizers. Search by TF-IDF of words, by TF-IDF of UPA links, by thematic vector representations of documents, using a cosine proximity measure. TopMine algorithm for collocation detection.
  • Solution: Add modality of links to legal acts. Add modality of legal terms. Choose the optimal number of topics and regularization strategy. Organize the process of marking pairs of documents. Implement the evaluation of the quality of the search for a labeled sample of pairs of documents.
  • Novelty: The first attempt to use ARTM for thematic search of legal texts.
  • Authors: consultant Ekaterina Artyomova, Expert Vorontsov K. V..

2019 Group 2

Author Topic Links Consultant Reviewer
Vishnyakova Nina Optimal Approximation of Non-linear Power Flow Problem LinkReview paper code presentation video Yury Maximov Loginov Roman


Kudryavtseva Polina Intention forecasting. Building an optimal signal decoding model for modeling a brain-computer interface. code

LinkReview paper video presentation

Roman Isachenko Nechepurenko Ivan


Loginov Roman Multi-simulation as a universal way to describe a general sample code

LinkReview paper ChatInvite presentation video

Alexander Aduenko Makarov Mikhail review
Mikhail Makarov Location determination by accelerometer signals code

LinkReview paper presentation video

Anastasia Motrenko Cherepkov Anton: review
Kozinov Alexey The problem of finding characters in images LinkReview

paper code

M. Apishev,

D. Lemtyuzhnikova

Gracheva Anastasia review
Buchnev Valentin Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model. LinkReview

paper code presentation video

Grabovoi Andrey
Nechepurenko Ivan Multisimulation, privileged training code,

paper, LinkReview presentation

R. G. Neichev Kudryavtseva Polina
Gracheva Anastasia Estimation of binding energy of protein and small molecules code

paper LinkReview presentation video

Sergei Grudinin,

Maria Kadukova

Cherepkov Anton Privileged learning in the problem of iris boundary approximation paper, slides, code, LinkReview


R. G. Neichev Lepekhin Mikhail

preliminary review

Lepekhin Mikhail Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models code

LinkReview paper presentation video

Andrey Kulunchakov Vishnyakova Nina, review
Gridasov Ilya Automatic construction of a neural network of optimal complexity LinkReview

paper Presentation code

O. Yu. Bakhteev, Strijov V.V. Buchnev Valentin
Telenkov Dmitry Brain signal decoding and intention prediction LinkReview

git The paper Presentation code

Andrey Zadayanchuk

18. 2019

  • Title: Forecasting intentions. Building an optimal signal decoding model for modeling a brain-computer interface.
  • Problem: The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) allows you to help people with disabilities regain their mobility. According to the available description of the device signal, it is necessary to simulate the behavior of the subject.
  • Data: Data sets of ECoG/EEG brain signals.
  • References:
    • Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Multi-way feature selection for ECoG-based brain-computer Interface // Expert systems with applications. - 2018.
  • Basic algorithm: It is proposed to compare with the partial least squares algorithm.
  • Solution: In this work, it is proposed to build a single system that solves the problem of signal decoding. As stages of building such a system, it is proposed to solve the problems of data preprocessing, feature space extraction, dimensionality reduction and selection of a model of optimal complexity. It is proposed to use the tensor version of PLS with feature selection.
  • Novelty: In the formulation of the problem, the complex nature of the signal is taken into account: a continuous trajectory of movement, the presence of discrete structural variables (fingers or joint movement), the presence of continuous variables (position of a finger or limb).
  • Authors: Strijov V.V., Tetiana Aksenova, consultant – Roman Isachenko

41. 2019

  • Title: Optimal Approximation of Non-linear Power Flow Problem
  • Problem: Our goal is to approximate the solution of non-linear non-convex optimal power flow problem by solving a sequence of convex optimization problems (aka trust region approach). On this way we propose to compare various approaches for an approximate solution of this problem with adaptive approximation of the power flow non-linearities with a sequence of quadratic and/or piece-wise linear functions
  • Data: Matpower module from MATLAB contains all necessary test cases. Start considering IEEE 57 bus case.
  • References:
    1. Molzahn, D. K., & Hiskens, I. A. (2019). A survey of relaxations and approximations of the power flow equations. Foundations and Trends in Electric Energy Systems, 4(1-2), 1-221. https://www.nowpublishers.com/article/DownloadSummary/EES-012
    2. The QC Relaxation: A Theoretical and Computational Study on Optimal Power Flow. Carleton Coffrin ; Hassan L. Hijazi; Pascal Van Hentenryck https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7271127/
    3. Convex Relaxations in Power System Optimization: A Brief Introduction. Carleton Coffrin and Line Roald. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.07227.pdf
    4. Optimal Adaptive Linearizations of the AC Power Flow Equations. Sidhant Misra, Daniel K. Molzahn, and Krishnamurthy Dvijotham https://molzahn.github.io/pubs/misra_molzahn_dvijotham-adaptive_linearizations2018.pdf
  • Base algorithm: A set of algorithms described in [1] should be considered to compare with, details behind the proposed method would be shared by the consultant (a draft of the paper)
  • Solution: to figure out the quality of the solution we propose to compare it with the ones given by IPOPT and numerous relaxations, and do some reverse engineering regarding to our method
  • Novelty: The OPF is a truly hot topic in power systems, and is of higher interest by the discrete optimization community (as a general QCQP problem). Any advance in this area is of higher interest by the community
  • Authors: Yury Maximov (consultant and expert), Michael Chertkov (expert)
  • Notes: the problem has both the computational and the theoretical focuses, so 2 students are ok to work on this topic

2. 2019

  • Title: Investigation of reference objects in the problem of metric classification of time series.
  • Problem description: The DTW function is the distance between two time series that can be non-linearly warped relative to each other. It looks for the best alignment between two objects, so it can be used in a metric object classification problem. One of the methods for solving the problem of metric classification is measuring distances to reference objects and using the vector of these distances as an indicative description of the object. The DBA method is an algorithm for constructing centroids (reference objects) for time series based on the DTW distance. When plotting the distance between the time series and the centroid, different pairs of values (eg peak values) are more specific to one of the classes, and the impact of such coincidences on the distance value should be higher.

It is necessary to explore various ways of constructing reference objects, as well as determining their optimal number. The criterion is the quality of the metric classifier in The problem. In the DBA method, for each centroid, it is proposed to create a weight vector that demonstrates the "significance" of the measurements of the centroid, and use it in the modified weighted-DTW distance function.

Literature research and a combination of up-to-date methods.

  • Novelty: There has not been a comprehensive study of various methods of constructing centroids and reference elements along with the choice of their optimal number.
  • Authors: Alexey Goncharov - consultant, Expert, Strijov V.V. - Expert

7. 2019

  • Title: Privileged learning in the iris boundary approximation problem
  • Problem: Based on the image of the human eye, determine the circles approximating the inner and outer border of the iris.
  • Data: Bitmap monochrome images, typical size 640*480 pixels (however other sizes are possible)[32], [33].
  • References:
    1. Aduenko A.A. Selection of multi-models in The problems classification (supervisor Strijov V.V.). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2017. [34]
    2. K.A. Gankin, A.N. Gneushev, I.A. Matveev Segmentation of the iris image based on approximate methods with subsequent refinements // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2014, no. 2, p. 78–92.
    3. Duda, R. O. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures / R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart // Communications of the ACM. 1972 Vol. 15, no. 1.Pp.
  • Basic algorithm: Efimov Yury. Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method, 2015.
  • Solution: See iris_circle_problem.pdf
  • Novelty: A fast non-enumerative algorithm for approximating boundaries using linear multimodels is proposed. Additionally, capsule neural networks.
  • consultant: Radoslav Neichev (by Strijov V.V., Expert Matveev I.A.)

44. 2019

  • Name: Early prediction of sufficient sample size for a generalized linear model.
  • Problem: The problem of designing an experiment is being investigated. The problem of estimating a sufficient sample size according to the data is solved. The sample is assumed to be simple. It is described by an adequate model. Otherwise, the sample is generated by a fixed probabilistic model from a known class of models. The sample size is considered sufficient if the model is restored with sufficient confidence. It is required, knowing the model, to estimate a sufficient sample size at the early stages of data collection.
  • Data: For the computational experiment, it is proposed to use classical samples from the UCI repository. Link to samples https://github.com/ttgadaev/SampleSize/tree/master/datasets
  • References:
    1. [Overview of methods for estimating sample size]
    2. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mlalgorithms/code/PhDThesis/.
    3. Bootstrap method. https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdf_1/euclid.aos/1.

Bishop, C. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer. $758

  • Basic algorithm: We will say that the sample size is sufficient if the log-likelihood has a small variance, on a sample of size m calculated using bootstrap.

We are trying to approximate the dependence of the average value of log-likelihood and its variance on the sample size.

  • Solution: The methods described in the review are asymptotic or require a deliberately large sample size. The new method should be to predict volume in the early stages of experiment design, i.e. when data is scarce.
  • Authors: Grabovoi A.V. (consultant), Gadaev T. T. Strijov V.V. (Experts)
  • Note: to determine the simplicity of the sample, a new definition of complexity is proposed (Sergey Ivanychev). This is a separate work, +1 The problem 44a (? Katruza).

15. 2019

  • Title: Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules. The problem description [35]
  • Problem: From a bioinformatics point of view, The problem is to estimate the free energy of protein binding to a small molecule (ligand): the best ligand in its best position has the lowest free energy of interaction with the protein. (Following a large text, see the file at the link above.)
  • Data:
    1. Data for binary classification. Approximately 12,000 protein-ligand complexes: for each of them there is 1 native position and 18 non-native ones. The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms of the protein and ligand, the dimension of the vector of descriptors is ~ 20,000. In the case of continued research and publication in a specialized journal, the set of descriptors can be expanded. The data will be provided as binary files with a python script to read.
    2. Data for regression. For each of the presented complexes, the value of the quantity is known, which can be interpreted as the binding energy.
  • References:
    1. SVM [36]
    2. Ridge Regression [37]
    3. [38] (section 1)
  • Basic algorithm: [39] In the classification problem, we used an algorithm similar to linear SVM, whose relationship with the energy estimate is beyond the scope of the classification problem, described in the above article. Various loss functions can be used in a regression problem.
  • Solution: It is necessary to connect the previously used optimization problem with the regression problem and solve it using standard methods. Cross-validation will be used to check the operation of the algorithm. There is a separate test set consisting of (1) 195 complexes of proteins and ligands, for which it is necessary to find the best ligand pose (the algorithm for obtaining ligand positions differs from that used in training), (2) complexes of proteins and ligands, for which native poses it is necessary to predict the energy binding, and (3) 65 proteins for which the most strongly binding ligand is to be found.
  • Novelty: First of all, the interest is combining classification and regression problems. The correct assessment of the quality of protein and ligand binding is used in drug development to search for molecules that interact most strongly with the protein under study. Using the classification problem described above to predict the binding energy results in an insufficiently high correlation of predictions with experimental values, while using the regression problem alone leads to overfitting.
  • Authors Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova

27. 2019

  • Title: Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models
  • Problem: It is required to predict a time series using some parametric superposition of algebraic functions. It is proposed not to cost the prognostic model, but to predict it, that is, to predict the structure of the approximating superposition. A class of considered superpositions is introduced, and on the set of such structural descriptions, a search is made for a locally optimal model for the problem under consideration. The problem consists in 1) searching for a suitable structural description of the model 2) describing the search algorithm for the structure that will correspond to the optimal model 3) describing the algorithm for inverse construction of the model according to its structural description. For an already existing example of the answer to questions 1-3, see the works of A. A. Varfolomeeva.
  • Data:
    1. Collection of text documents TREC (!)
    2. A set of time series, which implies the restoration of functional dependencies. It is proposed to first use synthetic data or immediately apply the algorithm to forecasting time series 1) electricity consumption 2) physical activity with subsequent analysis of the resulting structures.
  • References:
    1. (!) Kulunchakov A.S., Strijov V.V. Generation of simple structured Information Retrieval functions by genetic algorithm without stagnation // Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 85: 221–230.
    2. A. A. Varfolomeeva Selection of features when marking up bibliographic lists using structural learning methods, 2013, [40]
    3. Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [41]
  • Base algorithm: Described in [1]. Developed in the work of the 974 group team. It is proposed to use their code and experiment.
  • Solution: It is proposed to try to repeat the experiment of A. A. Varfolomeeva for a different structural description in order to understand what is happening. The superposition of algebraic functions defines an ortree, on the vertices of which the labels of the corresponding algebraic functions or variables are given. Therefore, the structural description of such a superposition can be its DFS-code. This is a string consisting of vertex labels, written in the order in which the tree is traversed by depth-first search. Knowing the arities of the corresponding algebraic functions, we can restore any such DFS-code in O(n) and get back the superposition of functions. On the set of similar string descriptions, it is proposed to search for the string description that will correspond to the optimal model.
  • Authors: consultant Andrey Kulunchakov (Inria Montbonnot), Expert Strijov V.V.

26. 2019

  • Title: Accelerometer positioning
  • Problem: Given initial coordinates, accelerometer signals, additional information (gyroscope, magnetometer signals). Possibly inaccurate map given (The problem SLAM)
  • Data: from [1], self-collected data.
  • References:
    1. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.09004.pdf
    2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1528431
  • Basic algorithm: from [1].
  • Solution: Search for a priori and additional information that improves positioning accuracy.
  • Novelty: Statement of the problem in terms of Projection to Latent Spaces
  • Authors: consultant Anastasia Motrenko, Expert Ilya Gartseev , Strijov V.V.

45. 2019

  • Name: The problem of searching characters in images
  • Problem description: This The problem in one of the formulation options can be reduced to two sequential operations: 1) searching for objects in the image and determining their class 2) searching the database for information about the symbolic meaning of the found objects. The main difficulty in solving the problem lies in the search for objects in the image. However, the following classification may also be difficult due to the fact that the image of the object may be incomplete, unusually stylized, and the like.
  • Data: Dictionary of Symbols Museum Sites Image-net
  • References:
    1. http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/images/e/e2/IDP18.pdf (p. 116)
    2. http://www.image-net.org
  • Basic algorithm: CNN
  • Solution: It is proposed to compare the work of several state-of-the-art algorithms. Suggest a quality metric for searching and classifying objects. Determine applicability of methods.
  • Novelty: The proposed image analysis approach is used by Experts in manual mode and has not been automated
  • Authors: M. Apishev (consultant), D. Lemtyuzhnikova

28. 2019

  • Name: Multi-simulation as a universal way to describe a general sample
  • Problem description: Build a method for incremental refinement of the multimodel structure when new objects appear. Development and comparison of different algorithms for updating the structure of multimodels. Construction of an optimal scheme for refining the structure of a multimodel depending on the total sample size.
  • Data: At the initial stage of work, synthetic data with a known statistical structure is used. Testing of the developed methods is carried out on real data from the UCI repository.
  • References:
    1. Bishop, Christopher M. "Pattern recognition and machine learning." Springer, New York (2006).
    2. Gelman, Andrew, et al. Bayesian data analysis, 3rd edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2013.
    3. MacKay, David JC. "The evidence framework applied to classification networks." Neural computation 4.5 (1992): 720-736.
    4. Aduenko A. A. "Choice of multimodels in The problem classification" Ph.D. thesis
    5. Motrenko, Anastasiya, Strijov V.V., and Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber. "Sample size determination for logistic regression." Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 255 (2014): 743-752.
  • Basic algorithm: Algorithm for constructing adequate multi-models from #4.
  • Solution: Bayesian approach to the problem of choosing models based on validity. Analysis of the properties of validity and its relationship with statistical significance.
  • Novelty: A method is proposed for constructing an optimal scheme for updating the structure of a multimodel when new objects appear. The relationship between validity and statistical significance for some classes of models has been studied.
  • Authors: Strijov Vadim Viktorovich, Aduenko Alexander Alexandrovich (GMT-5)

11. 2019

48. 2019

49. 2019

  • Name: Brain signal decoding and intention prediction
  • Problem description: It is required to build a model that restores the movement of the limbs according to the corticogram.
  • Data: neurotycho.org [9] (or fingers)
  • References:
    1. Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem. Zavodskaya Lab. Materials Diagnostics, 2016, 82(3) : 68-74. [10]
    2. Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Quadratic Programming Optimization with Feature Selection for Non-linear Models // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2018, 39(9) : 1179-1187. article
  • Basic algorithm: Partial Least Squares[11]
  • Solution: Create a feature selection algorithm alternative to PLS and taking into account the non-orthogonal feature interdependence structure.
  • Novelty: A feature selection method is proposed that takes into account the regularities of both the and independent variable and the dependent variable. Bonus: Explore changes in model structure as the nature of the sample changes.
  • Authors: Andrey Zadayanchuk, Strijov V.V.


Title Links Team
(Example) Metric classification of time series Code,

LinkReview, Discussion

Alexey Goncharov*, Maxim Savinov
Forecasting the direction of movement of the price of exchange instruments according to the news flow Code,

LinkReview, Slides, Report

Alexander Borisov,

Drobin Maxim, Govorov Ivan, Mukhitdinova Sofia, Valentin Rodionov, Valentin Akhiyarov

Construction of reference objects for a set of multidimensional time series Code


Iskhakov Rishat,

Korepanov Georgy, Solodnev Samirkhanov Danil

Dynamic alignment of multivariate time series Code

LinkReview Slides Report

Gleb Morgachev,

Vladislav Smirnov, Tatiana Lipnitskaya

Automatic adjustment of ARTM parameters for a wide class of The problems Code,

LinkReview, Presentation

Golubeva Tatiana,

Ivanova Ekaterina, Matveeva Svetlana, Trusov Anton, Tsaritsyn Mikhail, Chernonog Vyacheslav

Finding paraphrases Code,


Stas Okrug, Nikita Mokrov

Fedor Kitashov, Polina Proskura, Natalia Basimova, Roman Krasnikov, Akhmedkhan Shabanov

On conformational changes of proteins using collective motions in torsion angle space and L1 regularization Code,

LinkReview Presentation

Ryabinina Raisa, Emtsev Daniil
Privileged training in the problem of approximating the borders of the iris Code,


Pavel Fedosov, Alexey Gladkov,

Genrikh Kenigsberger, Ivan Korostelev, Nikolay Balakin

Generation of features using locally approximating models Code,


Ibrahim Kurashov, Nail Gilmutdinov,

Albert Mulyukov, Valentin Spivak

Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks Code, LiteratureReview, Slides, report Kutsevol Polina

Lukoyanov Artem Korobov Nikita Boyko Alexander Litovchenko Leonid Valukov Alexandr Badrutdinov Kamil Yakushevskiy Nikita Valyukov Nikolay Tushin Kirill

Comparison of neural network and continuous-morphological methods in the problem of text detection Code, LinkReview, Discussion, Presentation Gaiduchenko Nikolay

Torlak Artyom Akimov Kirill Mironova Lilia Gonchar Daniel

Automatic construction of a neural network of optimal complexity Code, LinkReview, report, slides Nikolai Goryan

Alexander Ulitin Tovkes Artem Taranov Sergey Gubanov Sergey Krinitsky Konstantin Zabaznov Anton Valery Markin

Machine translation training without parallel texts. Code,

LinkReview, Report, Slides

Alexander Artemenkov

Angelina Yaroshenko Andrey Stroganov Egor Skidnov Anastasia Borisova Ryabov Fedor Mazurov Mikhail

Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction Code

Link Review

Dorokhin Semyon

Pastukhov Sergey Pikunov Andrey Nesterova Irina Anna chat

Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures Code

Link Review

Veselova Evgeniya
Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules Code

Link Review

Merkulova Anastasia

Plumite Elvira Zhiboyedova Anastasia chat

Estimation of the optimal sample size for research in medicine Code

Link Review

Artemy Kharatyan,

Mikhail Mikheev, Evgin Alexander, Seppar Alexander, Konoplyov Maxim, Murlatov Stanislav, Makarenko Stepan

Intention forecasting. Investigation of the properties of local models in the spatial decoding of brain signals Code,

LinkReview, Presentation

Natalia Bolobolova,

Alina Samokhina, Shiyanov Vadim

Intention forecasting. Building an optimal signal decoding model for modeling a brain-computer interface. Code,

LinkReview, Presentation, Article

Ivan Nasedkin, Galiya Latypova,

Nestor Sukhodolsky, Alexander Shemenev Ivan Borodulin,

Investigation of the dependence of the quality of recognition of ontological objects on the depth of hyponymy. Code,

Report, LinkReview, Presentation

Vyacheslav Rezyapkin, Alexey Russkin,

Victoria Dochkina, Miron Kuznetsov, Yarmoshyk Demyan

Comparison of the quality of end-to-end trainable models in The problem of answering questions in a dialogue, taking into account the context Code

LinkReview Report, Presentation

Agafonov Alexey, Ryakin Ilya,Litvinenko Vladimir,

Khokhlov Ivan, Velikovsky Nikita, Anufrienko Oleg

High order convex optimization methods Code,

LinkReview, Slides

Selikhanovich Daniel,

Sokolov Igor

Fractal analysis and synthesis of optical images of sea waves code,

LinkReview, Presentation Report

Kanygin Yuri
Entropy maximization for various types of image transformations code,

LinkReview, report, slides

Nikita Voskresensky,

Alisa Shabalina, Yaroslav Murzaev, Alexey Khokhlov, Alexey Kazakov, Olga Gribova, Alexander Belozertsev

Automatic detection and recognition of objects in images code,

code_A, Slides_for_demo, Report2018Project25_30 Report2018Project25_31 slides_30 slides_25_31 LinkReview

Julia Demidova

Ivan Razumov Vladislav Tominin Yaroslav Tominin Nikita Dudorov Leonid Erlygin Proshutinsky Dmitry Baimakov Vladimir Zubkov Alexander Chernenkova Elena

Location determination by accelerometer signals Code,

LinkReview, Slides, Text

Elvira Zainulina

Fateev Dmitry Vitaly Protasov Nikita Bozhedomov

Multimodelling as a universal way to describe a general sample Code,

Linkreview, Slides, Report

Vladimir Kachanov

Evgenia Strelkova

Cross-Language Document Extractive Summarization with Neural Sequence Model Code,

Linkreview, problem29_Report.pdf Report, Slides

Pavel Zakharov

Pavel Kvasha Evgeny Dyachkov Evgeny Petrov Ilya Selnitsky

Pairwise energy matrix construction for inverse folding problem Code,

LinkReview Report Slides

Rubinshtein Alexander
Smooth orientation-dependent scoring function Code


Noskova Elizaveta

Kachkov Sergey Sidorenko Anton

5. 2018

  • Title: Finding paraphrases.
  • Problem description: Paraphrases are different variations of the same and the same text, identical in meaning, but differing lexically and grammatically, for example: "Where did the car go" and "Which direction did the car go". The problem of detecting paraphrases is to select clusters in a set of texts, such that each cluster contains only paraphrases of the same and the same sentence. The easiest way to extract paraphrases is to cluster texts, where each text is represented by a "bag of words".
  • Data: There are open datasets of questions for testing and training on kaggle.com, there are open datasets for testing from semeval conferences.
  • Base algorithm: Use one of the document clustering algorithms to extract paraphrases, where each document is represented by a bag of words or tf-idf.
  • Solution: Use neural network architectures to search for paraphrases, use phrases extracted with parsers as features, use multilevel clustering.
  • Novelty: Lack of implementations for the Russian language that will use parsers for a similar The problem, all current solutions are quite "simple".
  • Authors: Artyom Popov.

6. 2018

  • Title: On conformational changes of proteins using collective motions in torsion angle space and L1 regularization.
  • Problem description: Torsion angles are the most natural degrees of freedom for describing motions of polymers, such as proteins. This is because bond lengths and bond angles are heavily constrained by covalent forces. Thus, multiple attempts have been done to describe protein dynamics in the torsion angle space. For example, one of us has developed an elastic network model (ENM) [1] in torsion angle space called Torsional Network Model (TNM) [2]. Functional conformational changes in proteins can be described in the Cartesian space using just a subset of collective coordinates [3], or even a sparse representation of these [4]. The latter requires a solution of a LASSO optimization problem [5]. The goal of the current project is to study if a sparse subset of collective coordinates in the torsion subspace can describe functional conformational changes in proteins. This will require a solution of a ridge regression problem with a L1 regularization constraint. The starting point will be the LASSO formulation.
  • Data: Experimental conformations will be extracted from the Protein Docking Benchmark v5 (https://zlab.umassmed.edu/benchmark/) and a few others. The TNM model can be downloaded from https://ub.cbm.uam.es/tnm/tnm_soft_main.php
  • References:
    1. Tirion MM. (1996) Large Amplitude Elastic Motions in Proteins from a Single-Parameter, Atomic Anal- ysis. Phys Rev Lett. 77:1905–1908.
    2. Mendez R, Bastolla U. (2011) Torsional network model: normal modes in torsion angle space better correlate with conformation changes in proteins. Phys Rev Lett. 2010 104:228103.
    3. SwarmDock and the use of normal modes in protein-protein docking. IH Moal, PA Bates - International journal of molecular sciences, 2010
    4. Modeling protein conformational transition pathways using collective motions and the LASSO method. TW Hayes, IH Moal - Journal of chemical theory and computation, 2017
    5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasso_(statistics)
    6. E. Frezza, R. Lavery, Internal normal mode analysis (iNMA) applied to protein conformational flexibility, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11 (2015) 5503–5512.
  • Base algorithm: The starting point will be a combination of methods from references 2 and 4. It has to be a LASSO formulation with the direction vectors reconstructed from the internal coordinates. The quality will be computed based on the RMSD measure between the prediction and the solution on several benchmarks. Results will be presented with statistical plots (see examples in references 3-4.
  • Novelty: This is an important and open question in computational structural bioinformatics - how to efficiently represent transitions between protein structures. Not much has been done in the torsional angle subspace (internal coordinates)[6] and nearly nothing has been done using L1 regularization [4].
  • Authors: Ugo Bastolla on the torsional subspace (https://ub.cbm.uam.es/home/ugo.php), Sergei Grudinin on L1 minimization (https://team.inria.fr/nano-d/team-members/sergei-grudinin/)

10. 2018

  • Title: Comparison of neural network and continuous-morphological methods in the problem of text detection (Text Detection).
  • Problem: Automatically Detect Text in Natural Images.
  • Data: Synthetic generated data + prepared sample of photos + COCO-Text dataset + Competition Avito 2014.
  • References: COCO benchmark, One of a state-of-the-art architecture
  • Base algorithm: code + morphological methods, Avito 2014 winner’s solution.
  • Solution: It is proposed to compare the performance of several state-of-the-art algorithms that need a large training set with morphological methods that require a small amount of data. It is proposed to determine the limits of applicability of certain methods.
  • Novelty: propose an algorithm based on the use of both neural network and morphological methods (solution of the word detection problem).
  • Authors: I. N. Zharikov.
  • Expert: L. M. Mestetsky (morphological methods).

16. 2018

  • Title: Estimate of the optimal sample size for research in medicine
  • Problem: In conditions of an insufficient number of expensive measurements, it is required to predict the optimal size of the replenished sample.
  • Data: Samples of measurements in medical diagnostics, in particular, a sample of immunological markers.
  • References:
    1. Motrenko A.P. Materials on algorithms for estimating the optimal sample size in the MLAlgorithms repository [45], p/mlalgorithms/code/Group874/Motrenko2014KL/.
  • Basic algorithm: A series of empirical sample size estimation algorithms.
  • Solution: Investigation of the properties of the parameter space when replenishing the sample.
  • Novelty: A new methodology for sample size forecasting is proposed, justified in terms of classical and Bayesian statistics.
  • Authors: A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V., coordinator Tamaz Gadaev

19. 2018

  • Name: Study of the dependence of the quality of recognition of ontological objects on the depth of hyponymy.
  • Problem description: It is necessary to investigate the dependence of the quality of recognition of ontological objects at different levels of concept hyponymy. The classic formulation of the problem of named entity recognition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Named-entity_recognition
  • Data: Hyponyms from https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ , texts from different domains presumably from WebOfScience.
  • References: Relevant articles for classical staging http://arxiv-sanity.com/search?q=named+entity+recognition
  • Basic algorithm: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.09686.pdf or its simplified version can be used as an algorithm, studies are performed using the DeepPavlov library.
  • Solution: It is necessary to collect a dataset of hyponymy (nesting of concepts) of objects using WordNet, to automatically mark up ontological objects of texts of various domains for several levels of generalization of concepts, to conduct a series of experiments to determine the quality of recognition of ontological objects for different levels of nesting.
  • Novelty: Similar studies have not been carried out, there are no ready-made datasets with a hierarchical markup of objects. Recognition of ontological objects at various levels of hyponymy can be used to produce additional features when solving various NLP (Natural language processing) The problems, as well as determining whether objects are a hyponym-hypernym pair.
  • Authors: Burtsev Mikhail Sergeevich (Expert), Baimurzina Dilyara Rimovna (consultant).

21. 2018

  • Title: High order convex optimization methods
  • Problem description: High-order methods are effectively (up to n ~ 10^3 sometimes even up to n ~ 10^4) used for convex problems of not very large dimensions. Until recently, it was generally accepted that these are second-order methods (using the second derivatives of the function being optimized). However, at the beginning of 2018 Yu.E. Nesterov [1] proposed an efficient third-order method in the theory, which works according to almost optimal estimates. In the manual [3] in exercise 1.3, an example of a "bad" convex function proposed by Yu.E. Nesterov, on which I would like to compare the Nesterov method of the second and third order [1], the method from [2] of the second and third order and the usual fast gradient methods (of the first order). It is worth comparing both by the number of iterations and by the total running time.
  • References:
  1. https://alfresco.uclouvain.be/alfresco/service/guest/streamDownload/workspace/SpacesStore/aabc2323-0bc1-40d4-9653-1c29971e7bd8/coredp2018_05web.pdf?guest=true
  2. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.00382.pdf
  3. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.00394.pdf
  • Author: Evgenia Alekseevna Vorontsova (Associate Professor of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok), Alexander Vladimirovich Gasnikov

22. 2018

  • Title: Cutting plane methods for copositive optimization
  • Problem: Conic program over the copositive cone (copositive program) min <C,X> : <A_i,X> = b_i, X \in \Pi_i C^k_i, k_i <= 5 A linear function is minimized over the intersection of an affine subspace with a product of copositive cones of orders k_i <= 5.
  • Data: The algorithm will be tested on randomly generated instances
  • References:
    1. [1] Peter J. C. Dickinson, Mirjam Dür, Luuk Gijben, Roland Hildebrand. Scaling relationship between the copositive cone and Parrilo’s first level approximation. Optim. Lett. 7(8), 1669—1679, 2013.
    2. [2] Stefan Bundfuss, Mirjam Dür. Algorithmic copositivity detection by simplicial partition. Linear Alg. Appl. 428, 1511—1523, 2008.
    3. [3] Mirjam Dür. Copositive programming — a Survey. In Recent advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering, Springer, pp. 3-20, 2010.
  • Base algorithm: The reference algorithm is described in [4] Stefan Bundfuss, Mirjam Dür. An Adaptive Linear Approximation Algorithm for Copositive Programs. SIAM J. Optim., 20(1), 30-53, 2009.
  • Solution: The copositive program will be solved by a cutting plane algorithm. The cutting plane (in the case of an infeasible iterate) will be constructed from the semidefinite representation of the diagonal 1 section of the cone proposed in [1]. The algorithm will be compared to a simplicial division method proposed in [2], [4]. General information about copositive programs and their applications in optimization can be found in [3] .
  • Novelty: The proposed algorithm for optimization over copositive cones up to order 5 uses an exact semi-definite representation. In contrast to all other algorithms existing today the generation of cutting planes is non-iterative.
  • Author: Roland Hildebrand

23. 2018

  • Title: Fractal analysis and synthesis of optical images of sea waves
  • Problem description: A variety of physical processes and phenomena are studied with the help of images obtained remotely. An important The problem is to obtain adequate information about the processes and phenomena of interest by measuring certain image characteristics. Lines of equal brightness (isolines) on the images of many natural objects are fractal, that is, they are sets of points that cannot be represented by lines of finite length and occupy an intermediate position between lines and two-dimensional flat figures. Such sets are characterized by the fractal dimension D, which generalizes the classical concept of the dimension of a set and can take fractional values. For a solitary point on the image D=0, for a smooth curve D=1, for a flat figure D=2. The fractal isoline has the dimension 1<D<2. The algorithm for calculating D is given, for example, in [1]. The fractal dimension of the sea surface isolines can serve to estimate the spatial spectra of sea waves according to remote sensing data [1]. The problem is as follows. It is necessary to conduct a numerical study of the relationship between the characteristics of the spatial spectra of sea waves and the fractal dimension of satellite images of the Earth in the solar glare region. For the study, the method of numerical synthesis of optical images of sea waves, described in [2], should be used. Numerical modeling should be done with different characteristics of sea waves, as well as with different positions of the Sun and spatial resolution of images.
  • References:
    1. Lupyan E. A., Murynin A. B. Possibilities of fractal analysis of optical images of the sea surface. // Preprint of the Space Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Pr.-1521, Moscow, 1989, 30 p.
    2. Murynin A. B. Reconstruction of the spatial spectra of the sea surface from optical images in a nonlinear model of the brightness field // Research of the Earth from Space, 1990. No. 6. P. 60-70.
  • Author: Ivan Alekseevich Matveev

24. 2018

  • Name Entropy maximization for various types of image transformations
  • Problem description: Pansharpening is an algorithm for upscaling multispectral images using a reference image. The problem of pansharpening is formulated as follows: having a panchromatic image of the required resolution and a multispectral image of reduced resolution, it is required to restore the multispectral image in the spatial resolution of the panchromatic one. From empirical observations based on a large number of high-resolution images, it is known that the spatial variability of the reflected radiation intensity for objects of the same nature is much greater than the variability of their spectrum. In other words, one can observe that the spectrum of reflected radiation is homogeneous within the boundaries of one object, while even within one object the intensity of reflected radiation varies. In practice, good results can be achieved using a simplified approach, in which it is assumed that if the intensity of neighboring regions differ significantly, then these regions probably belong to different objects with different reflected spectra. This is the basis for the developed probabilistic algorithm for increasing the resolution of multispectral images using a reference image [1]
  • It is necessary to conduct a study on maximizing the entropy for various types of transformations on the image. Show that entropy can serve as an indicator of the loss of information contained in the image during transformations over it. Formulation of the inverse problem for image restoration: Condition 1: Correspondence of the intensity (at each point) of the restored image with the intensity of the panchromatic image. Condition 2: Correspondence of the low-frequency component of the reconstructed image with the original multispectral image. Condition 3: Homogeneity (similarity) of the spectrum within one object and the assumption of an abrupt change in the spectrum at the border of two homogeneous regions. Condition 4: Under the first three conditions, the local entropy of the reconstructed image must be maximized.
  • References:
    1. Gorohovsky K. Yu., Ignatiev V. Yu., Murynin A. B., Rakova K. O. Search for optimal parameters of a probabilistic algorithm for increasing the spatial resolution of multispectral satellite images // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2017, No. 6.
  • Author: Ivan Alekseevich Matveev

25. 2018

  • Title: Automatic detection and recognition of objects in images
  • Problem description: Automatic detection and recognition of objects in images and videos is one of the main The problems of computer vision. As a rule, these The problems are divided into several subThe problems: preprocessing, extraction of the characteristic properties of the object image and classification. The pre-processing stage usually includes some operations on the image such as filtering, brightness equalization, geometric corrective transformations to facilitate robust feature extraction.

The characteristic properties of an image of an object are understood as a set of features that approximately describe the object of interest. Features can be divided into two classes: local and integral. The advantage of local features is their versatility, invariance with respect to uneven changes in brightness and illumination, but they are not unique. Integral features that characterize the image of the object as a whole are not resistant to changes in the structure of the object and difficult lighting conditions. There is a combined approach - the use of local features as elements of an integral description, when the desired object is modeled by a set of areas, each of which is characterized by its own set of features - a local texture descriptor. The totality of such descriptors characterizes the object as a whole. Classification is understood as determining whether an object belongs to a particular class by analyzing the feature vector obtained at the previous stage, dividing the feature space into subdomains indicating the corresponding class. There are many approaches to classification: neural network, statistical (Bayesian, regression, Fisher, etc.), decision trees and forests, metric (nearest K-neighbors, Parzen windows, etc.) and nuclear (SVM, RBF, method of potential functions), compositional (AdaBoost). For The problem of detecting an object in an image, membership in two classes is evaluated - the class of images containing the object, and the class of images that do not contain the object (background images).

29. 2018

  • Name: Cross-Language Document Extractive Summarization with Neural Sequence Model.
  • Problem description: It is proposed to solve the transfer learning problem for the text reduction model by extractive summarization and to investigate the dependence of the quality of text reduction on the quality of training of the translation model. Having data for training the abbreviation model in English and a parallel English-Russian corpus of texts, build a model for abbreviating the text in Russian. The solution of the problem is evaluated on a small set of data for testing the model in Russian, the quality of the solution to the problem is determined by the ratio of the values of the ROUGE criteria in English and Russian sets.
  • Data: Data for training the model in English (SummaRuNNer2016), OPUS parallel corpus, data for verification in Russian.
  • References: The article (SummaRuNNer2016) describes the basic text reduction algorithm, the work Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate.(NMT2016) describes the translation model. The idea of sharing models is presented in Cross-Language Document Summarization Based on Machine Translation Quality Prediction (CrossSum2010).
  • Basic algorithm: One idea of the basic algorithm is presented in (CrossSum2010), a translation model is implemented (OpenNMT), an implementation of a text reduction model is provided (SummaRuNNer2016).
  • Solution: It is suggested to explore the solution idea proposed in the article (CrossSum2010) and options for combining reduction and translation models. Basic models and dataset preprocessing implemented (OpenNMT), PyTorch and Tensorflow libraries. Analysis of text reduction errors is performed as described in (SummaRuNNer2016), analysis of the quality of model training by standard library tools, .
  • Novelty: For the base model, the applicability was investigated on a couple of datasets, confirming the possibility of transferring training to a dataset in another language and specifying the conditions for this transfer will expand the scope of the model and indicate the necessary new refinements of the model or data preprocessing.
  • Authors: Alexey Romanov (consultant), Anton Khritankov (Expert).

30. 2018

  • Title: Method for constructing an HG-LBP descriptor based on gradient histograms for pedestrian detection.
  • Problem description: It is proposed to develop a new descriptor that generalizes the LBP descriptor based on histograms of gradient modules, having HOG-LBP composition properties for The problem of detecting pedestrians in an image. As an analysis of the quality of a new descriptor, it is proposed to use FAR/FRR detection error plots based on INRIA.
  • Data: INRIA pedestrian database: http://pascal.inrialpes.fr/data/human/
  • References:
    1. T. Ojala and M. Pietikainen. Multiresolution Gray-Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns, IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 24. No. 7, July, 2002.
    2. T. Bouwmans, C. Silva, C. Marghes, M. Zitouni, H. Bhaskar, C. Frelicot, "On the Role and the Importance of Features for Background Modeling and Foreground Detection", https:// arxiv.org/pdf/1611.09099v1.pdf
    3. N. Dalal and B. Triggs, Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, pp.886-893
    4. T. Ahonen, A. Hadid, M. Pietikainen Face Description with Local Binary Patterns: Application to Face Recognition \\ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume:28 , Issue: 121.
    5. http://www.magicandlove.com/blog/2011/08/26/people-detection-in-opencv-again/
    6. http://www.cse.oulu.fi/CMV/Downloads/LBPMatlab2
    7. http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ref/extractlbpfeatures.html3.
    8. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/741559/Uniform-LBP-Features-and-Spatial-Histogram-Computa4.
    9. http://www.cse.oulu.fi/CMV/Research
  • Basic algorithm: Xiaoyu Wang, Tony X. Han, Shuicheng Yan. An HOG-LBP Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling \\ ICCV 2009
  • Solution: One of the options for generalizing LBP can be to use instead of histograms of distribution of points by LBP code, histograms of distribution of modules of point gradients in a block by LBP code (HG-LBP). It is proposed to use the OpenCV library for the basis of experiments, in which the HOG and LBP algorithms are implemented. It is necessary to modify the source code of the LBP implementation and insert the calculation of the modules of the gradient and the accumulation of the corresponding histogram over the LBP. It is necessary to write a program for reading the INRIA base, learning the linear SVM method on the original and modified descriptors, collecting detection statistics and plotting FAR/FRR DET plots.
  • Novelty: The development of computationally simple methods for extracting the most informative features in recognition The problems is relevant in the field of creating embedded systems with low computing resources. Replacing the composition of descriptors with one that is more informative than each individually can simplify the solution of the problem. The use of gradient values in LPB descriptor histograms is new.
  • Authors: Gneushev Alexander Nikolaevich

31. 2018

  • Name: Using the HOG descriptor to train a neural network in a pedestrian detection The problem
  • Problem description: It is proposed to replace the linear SVM classifier in the classical HOG algorithm with a simple convolutional neural network of small depth, while the HOG descriptor should be represented by a three-dimensional tensor that preserves the spatial structure of local blocks. As an analysis of the quality of a new descriptor, it is proposed to use FAR/FRR detection error plots based on INRIA.
  • Data: INRIA pedestrian database: http://pascal.inrialpes.fr/data/human/
  • References:
    1. 1. N. Dalal and B. Triggs, Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, pp.886-893
    2. 3. Q. Zhu, S. Avidan, M.-C. Yeh, and K.-T. Cheng. Fast human detection using a cascade of histograms of oriented gradients. In CVPR, pages 1491-1498, 2006 O. Tuzel, F. Porikli, and P. Meer. Human detection via classification on riemannian manifolds. In CVPR, 2007
    3. 4. P. Dollar, C. Wojek, B. Schiele and P. Perona Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art / IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol 34. Issue 4, pp . 743-761
    4. 5. Xiaoyu Wang, Tony X. Han, Shuicheng Yan, An HOG-LBP Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling, ICCV 2009 http://www.xiaoyumu.com/s/PDF/Wang_HOG_LBP.pdf
    5. 6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedestrian_detection
    6. 7. HOG person detector tutorial https://chrisjmccormick.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/hog-person-detector-tutorial/
    7. 8. NavneetDalalThesis.pdf Navneet Dalal. Finding People in Images and Videos. PhD Thesis. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble / INRIA Rhone-Alpes, Grenoble, July 2006)
    8. 9. People Detection in OpenCV http://www.magicandlove.com/blog/2011/08/26/people-detection-in-opencv-again/
    9. 10. Andrew G. Howard, Menglong Zhu, Bo Chen, Dmitry Kalenichenko, Weijun Wang, Tobias Weyand, Marco Andreetto, Hartwig Adam. MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications
  • Basic algorithm:
    1. 1. N. Dalal and B. Triggs, Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, pp.886-893
    2. 2. Xiaoyu Wang, Tony X. Han, Shuicheng Yan, An HOG-LBP Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling, ICCV 2009
  • Solution: One of the options for generalizing the HOG algorithm can be to use another classifier instead of the linear SVM algorithm, for example, some kind of neural network. It is proposed to use the OpenCV library for the basis of experiments, which implements the HOG algorithm and the SVM classifier. It is necessary to analyze the source code of the HOG implementation, formalize the internal structure of the descriptor HOG vector in the form of a three-dimensional tensor — two spatial and one spectral dimensions. It is necessary to write a program for reading the INRIA base, learning the linear SVM method on HOG descriptors from it, collecting detection statistics and plotting FAR/FRR DET plots. Based on some neural network training system (for example, mxnet), it is necessary to assemble a shallow (no more than 2-3 convolutional layers) convolutional neural network of known architecture, train it on the basis of INRIA and on HOG tensor descriptors, build the corresponding FAR / FRR graphs.
  • Novelty: The development of computationally simple methods for extracting the most informative features in recognition The problems is relevant in the field of creating embedded systems with low computing resources. Using a small number of the most informative descriptors can reduce computational complexity compared to using a large composition of simple features, such as in a deep convolutional neural network. Typically, classifiers use the HOG descriptor as a vector as a whole, however, information about the local spatial structure and feature spectrum is lost. The novelty lies in the use of the block locality property in the HOG descriptor and the representation of the HOG as a 3D tensor. The use of this information makes it possible to achieve detection resistance to pedestrian overlap.
  • Authors: Gneushev Alexander Nikolaevich


Author Topic Links Consultant Reviewer Report Letters \Sigma=3+13
Goncharov Alexey Metric classification of time series code,

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Maria Popova Zadayanchuk Andrey BMF AILSBRCVTDSWH>
Astakhov Anton Restoring the structure of a predictive model from a probabilistic representation folder

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Alexander Katrutsa Kislinsky Vadim BHF A-I-L0S0B0R0C0V0T0 [A-I-L-S-B0R0C0V0T0E0D0W0S] + [AILSBRCBTEDWS] 2+4
Gavrilov Yuri Choice of Interpreted Multimodels in Credit Scoring The problems folder

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Goncharov Alexey Ostroukhov Petr BF A+IL-S0B-R0 [A+ILSBRC-VT0E0D0W0S] + (W) 2+9+1
Gadaev Tamaz Estimating the optimal sample size folder

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Alexander Katrutsa Shulgin Egor BHF A-IL>SB-R-C0V0T0 [AILSBR0CVT0E-D0W0S] 2+9
Gladin Egor Accelerometer Battery Savings Based on Time Series Forecasting folder

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Maria Vladimirova Kozlinsky Evgeny


.F AILS [A-I-L-SB0R0C000V0T0E0D0W0S] 1+4
Grabovoi Andrey Automatic determination of the relevance of neural network parameters. folder

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Oleg Bakhteev Kulkov Alexander BHMF A+ILS+BRC+VTE>D> [AILSBRCVTEDWS] [\emptyset] 3+13
Nurlanov Zhakshylyk Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures folder

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S. V. Grudinin, Guillaume Pages Pletnev Nikita


Rogozina Anna Deep learning for RNA secondary structure prediction folder

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Maria Popova Gadaev Tamaz BHMF AILSBR> [AILSBRC0V0T0E0D0W0S]+CW 3+9
Terekhov Oleg Generation of features using locally approximating models folder

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S.D. Ivanychev, R.G. Neichev Gladin Egor


Shulgin Egor Generation of features that are invariant to changes in the frequency of the time series folder

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R.G. Neichev Terekhov Oleg BHM AIL [AI-LS-BR0CV0T0E0D0W0S] 2+5
Malinovsky Grigory Graph Structure Prediction of a Neural Network Model folder

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Oleg Bakhteev Grabovoi Andrey


Kulkov Alexander Brain signal decoding and intention prediction folder

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[R.V. Isachenko Malinovsky Grigory


Pletnev Nikita Approximation of the boundaries of the iris paper

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Alexander Aduenko Nurlanov Zhakshylyk BF AILSB>R> [AILSTWS] 2+7
Ostroukhov Petr Selection of models superposition for identification of a person on the basis of a ballistocardiogram folder

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Alexander Prozorov Gavrilov Yuri


Kislinsky Vadim Predicting user music playlists in a recommender system. folder

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Evgeny Frolov Astakhov Anton .F (AIL)------(SB)---(RCVT)-- [AILS-BRCVTED0W0S] 1+11
Kozlinsky Evgeny Analysis of banking transactional data of individuals to identify customer consumption patterns. folder

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Rosa Aisina Rogozina Anna




  • Title: Approximation of the boundaries of the iris
  • Problem: Based on the image of the human eye, determine the circles approximating the inner and outer border of the iris.
  • Data: Bitmap monochrome images, typical size 640*480 pixels (however other sizes are possible)[46], [47].
  • References:
    1. Aduenko A.A. Selection of multi-models in The problems classification (supervisor Strijov V.V.). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2017. [48]
    2. K.A. Gankin, A.N. Gneushev, I.A. Matveev Segmentation of the iris image based on approximate methods with subsequent refinements // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2014, no. 2, p. 78–92.
    3. Duda, R. O. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures / R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart // Communications of the ACM. 1972 Vol. 15, no. 1.Pp.
  • Basic algorithm: Efimov Yury. Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method, 2015.
  • Solution: See iris_circle_problem.pdf
  • Novelty: A fast non-enumerative algorithm for approximating boundaries using linear multimodels is proposed.
  • consultant: Alexander Aduenko (by Strijov V.V., Expert Matveev I.A.)


  • Title: Estimated optimal sample size
  • Problem: In conditions of an insufficient number of expensive measurements, it is required to predict the optimal size of the replenished sample.
  • Data: Samples of measurements in medical diagnostics, in particular, a sample of immunological markers.
  • References:
    1. Motrenko A.P. Materials on algorithms for estimating the optimal sample size in the MLAlgorithms repository [49], p/mlalgorithms/code/Group874/Motrenko2014KL/.
  • Basic algorithm: Sample size estimation algorithms for .
  • Solution: Investigation of the properties of the parameter space when replenishing the sample.
  • Novelty: A new methodology for sample size forecasting is proposed, justified in terms of classical and Bayesian statistics.
  • Authors: A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V., Expert A.P. Motrenko


  • Title: Restoring the structure of the prognostic model from a probabilistic representation
  • Problem: It is required to reconstruct the superposition tree from the generated connection probability graph.
  • Data: Segments of time series, spatio-temporal series (and text collections).
  • References:
    1. Works by Tommy Yakkola and others at LinkReview [50].
  • Basic algorithm: Branch and bound method, dynamic programming when building a fully connected graph.
  • Solution: Building a model in the form of GAN, VAE generates a weighted graph, NN approximates a tree structure.
  • Novelty: Suggested a way to penalize a graph for not being a tree. A method for predicting the structures of prognostic models is proposed.
  • Authors: A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
  • Problem: It is required to build two CNNs, one recognizes a bitmap representation of an image, the other a vector one.
  • Data: Bitmap fonts.
  • References: List of works [51], in particular arXiv:1611.03199 and
  • Basic algorithm: Convolution network for bitmap.
  • Solution: It is required to propose a method for collapsing graph structures, which allows generating an informative description of the skeleton of a thick line.
  • Novelty: A way to improve the quality of recognition of thick lines due to a new way of generating their descriptions is proposed.
  • Authors: L.M. Mestetsky, I.A. Reyer, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Generation of features using locally approximating models
  • Problem: It is required to test the feasibility of the hypothesis of simplicity of sampling for the generated features. Features are the optimal parameters of approximating models. Moreover, the entire sample is not simple and requires a mixture of models to approximate it. Explore the information content of the generated features - the parameters of the approximating models trained on the segments of the original time series.
  • Data:
    1. WISDM (Kwapisz, J.R., G.M. Weiss, and S.A. Moore. 2011. Activity recognition using cell phone accelerometers. ACM SigKDD Explorations Newsletter. 12(2):74–82.), USC-HAD or higher. Accelerometer data (Human activity recognition using smart phone embedded sensors: A Linear Dynamical Systems method, W Wang, H Liu, L Yu, F Sun - Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014)
    2. (Time series (examples library), Accelerometry section).
  • References:
    1. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471-1483. [52]
    2. Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016.URL
    3. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. URL
    4. Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Metric learning in The problemx multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2) : 48-57. URL
    5. Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. URL
    6. Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, no. 6, 1466 - 1476.
    7. Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. URL
  • Basic algorithm: Described by Kuznetsov, Ivkin.
  • Solution: It is required to build a set of locally approximating models and choose the most adequate ones.
  • Novelty: A standard for building locally approximating models has been created.
  • Authors: S.D. Ivanychev, R.G. Neichev, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Brain signal decoding and intention prediction
  • Problem: It is required to build a model that restores the movement of the limbs from the corticogram.
  • Data: neurotycho.org [53]
  • References:
    1. Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem. Zavodskaya Lab. Diagnostics of materials, 2016, 82(3) : 68-74. [54]
    2. MLAlgorithms: Motrenko, Isachenko (submitted)
  • Basic algorithm: Partial Least Squares[55]
  • Solution: Create a feature selection algorithm alternative to PLS and taking into account the non-orthogonal structure of feature interdependence.
  • Novelty: A feature selection method is proposed that takes into account the regularities of both the and independent variable and the dependent variable.
  • Authors: R.V. Isachenko, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Automatic determination of the relevance of neural network parameters.
  • Problem: The problem of finding a stable (and not redundant in terms of parameters) neural network structure is considered. To cut off redundant parameters, it is proposed to introduce a priori probabilistic assumptions about the distribution of parameters and remove non-informative parameters from the neural network using the Belsley method. To adjust the prior distribution, it is proposed to use gradient methods.
  • Data: A selection of handwritten MNIST digits
  • Basic algorithm: Optimal Brain Damage, decimation based on variance inference. The structure of the final model is proposed to be compared with the model obtained by the AdaNet algorithm.
  • References:
    1. [56] Gradient hyperparameter optimization methods.
    2. [57] Gradient hyperparameter optimization methods.
    3. [58] Optimal Brain Damage.
    4. [59] AdaNet
    5. [60] Belsley Method
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Prediction of the graph structure of the neural network model.
  • Problem: The problem is considered to find a stable (and non-redundant in terms of parameters) structure of a convolutional neural network. It is proposed to predict the structure of a neural network using doubly-recurrent neural networks. As a training sample, it is proposed to use the structures of models that have shown good quality on subsamples of small power.
  • Data: Samples MNIST, CIFAR-10
  • Basic algorithm: random search. Comparison with work on reinforcement learning is possible.
  • References:
    1. [61] doubly-recurrent neural networks.
    2. [62] Similar approach using reinforcement learning.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Deep Learning for reliable detection of tandem repeats in 3D protein structures more in PDF
  • Problem: Deep learning algorithms pushed computer vision to a level of accuracy comparable or higher than a human vision. Similarly, we believe that it is possible to recognize the symmetry of a 3D object with a very high reliability, when the object is represented as a density map. The optimization problem includes i) multiclass classification of 3D data. The output is the order of symmetry. The number of classes is ~10-20 ii) multioutput regression of 3D data. The output is the symmetry axis (a 3-vector). The input data are typically 24x24x24 meshes. The total amount of these meshes is of order a million. Biological motivation : Symmetry is an important feature of protein tertiary and quaternary structures that has been associated with protein folding, function, evolution, and stability. Its emergence and ensuing prevalence has been attributed to gene duplications, fusion events, and subsequent evolutionary drift in sequence. Methods to detect these symmetries exist, either based on the structure or the sequence of the proteins, however, we believe that they can be vastly improved.
  • Data: Synthetic data are obtained by ‘symmetrizing’ folds from top8000 library (http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/databases/top8000.php).
  • References: Our previous 3D CNN: [63] Invariance of CNNs (and references therein): 01630265/document, [64]
  • Base algorithm: A prototype has already been created using the Tensorflow framework [4], which is capable of detecting the order of cyclic structures with about 93% accuracy. The main goal of this internship is to optimize the topology of the current neural network prototype and make it rotational and translational invariant with respect to input data. [4] [65]
  • Solution: The network architecture needs to be modified according to the invariance properties (most importantly, rotational invariance). Please see the links below [66],

[67] The code is written using the Tensorflow library, and the current model is trained on a single GPU (Nvidia Quadro 4000)of a desktop machine.

  • Novelty: Applications of convolutional networks to 3D data are still very challenging due to large amount of data and specific requirements to the network architecture. More specifically, the models need to be rotationally and transnationally invariant, which makes classical 2D augmentation tricks loosely applicable here. Thus, new models need to be developed for 3D data.
  • Authors: Expert Sergei Grudinin, consultants Guillaume Pages, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Semi-supervised representation learning with attention
  • Problem: training of vector representations using the attention mechanism, thanks to which the quality of machine translation has increased significantly. It is proposed to use it in the encoder-decoder architecture network to obtain vectors of text fragments of arbitrary length.
  • Data: It is proposed to consider two samples: Microsoft Paraphrase Corpus (a small set of proposals, https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52398) and PPDB (a set of short segments, not always correct markup. http://sitem.herts.ac.uk/aeru/ppdb/en/)
  • References:
    1. Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin. Attention Is All You Need (https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762).
    2. John Wieting, Mohit Bansal, Kevin Gimpel, Karen Livescu. Towards Universal Paraphrastic Sentence Embeddings (https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.08198).
    3. Ryan Kiros, Yukun Zhu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard S. Zemel, Antonio Torralba, Raquel Urtasun, Sanja Fidler. Skip Thought Vectors (https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.06726).
    4. Keras seq2seq (https://github.com/farizrahman4u/seq2seq).
  • Basic algorithm: solution [3] or vector representations obtained using seq2seq[].
  • Solution: in The problem it is proposed to train vector representations for phrases using the attention and partial learning mechanism. As an internal quality functional, it is proposed to use the improved error function from [2]. As an applied problem, we can consider the problem of detecting paraphrases and sentiment analysis. Moreover, based on the results obtained in [1], it can be assumed that the attention mechanism has a greater influence on obtaining universal vectors for phrases than the network architecture. It is proposed to test this hypothesis using two different architectures - a standard recurrent and feed-forward network.
  • Novelty: new method.
  • Authors: Rita Kuznetsova, consultant


  • Title: Selection of Interpreted Multi-Models in Credit Scoring The problems
  • Problem: The problem of credit scoring is to determine the level of creditworthiness of the borrower. For this, a borrower's questionnaire is used, containing both numerical (age, income) and categorical features (gender, profession). It is required, having historical information about the repayment of loans by other borrowers, to determine whether the borrower will return the loan. The data can be heterogeneous (example, if there are different income regions in a country), and several models will be needed to adequately classify. It is necessary to determine the optimal number of models. Based on the set of model parameters, it is necessary to draw up a portrait of the borrower.
  • Data: It is proposed to consider five samples from the UCI and Kaggle repositories, with a capacity of 50,000 objects or more.
  • References: A.A. Aduenko \MLAlgorithms\PhDThesis; C. Bishop, Pattern recognition and machine learning, final chapter; 20 years of Mixture experts.
  • Base algorithm: Clustering and building independent logistic regression models, Adaboost, Decision Forest (with restrictions on complexity), Blend of Experts.
  • Solution: An algorithm is proposed for selecting a multi-model (a mixture of models or a mixture of Experts) and determining the optimal number of models.
  • Novelty: Proposed function of distance between models in which parameter distributions are given on different media.
  • Authors: Goncharov Alexey, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Generation of features that are invariant to changes in the frequency of the time series.
  • Problem: Informally: there is a set of time series of a certain frequency (s1), and the information we are interested in is distinguishable and at a lower sampling rate (in the example, the samples occur every millisecond, and the events of interest to us occur at an interval of 0.1 s). These series are integrated reducing the frequency by a factor of 10 (i.e. every 10 values are simply summed) and a set of time series s2 is obtained. be described in the same way. Formally: Given a set of time series s1, .., sNS with a high sampling rate 1. Target information (example, hand movement/daily price fluctuation/…) is distinguishable and at a lower sampling rate 2 < 1. It is necessary to find such a mapping f: S G, - the frequency of the series, that it will generate similar feature descriptions for series of different frequencies. Those.

f* = argminf E(f1(s1) -f2(s2)) , where E is some error function.

  • Data: Sets of time series of people's physical activity from accelerometers; human EEG time series; time series of energy consumption of cities/industrial facilities. Sample link: UCI repository, our EEG and accelerometer samples.
  • References: See above for Accelerometers
  • Base algorithm: Fourier transform.
  • Solution: Building an autoencoder with a partially fixed internal representation as the same time series with a lower frequency.
  • Novelty: For time series, there is no “common approach” to analysis, in contrast, in the example, to image analysis. If you look at the problem abstractly, now the cat is defined as well as and the cat, which takes up half the space in the image. An analogy with time series suggests itself. Moreover, the nature of data in pictures and in time series is similar: in pictures there is a hierarchy between values along two axes (x and y), and in time series - one at a time - along the time axis. The hypothesis is that methods similar to image analysis will provide qualitative results. The resulting feature representation can be further used for classification and prediction of time series.
  • Authors: R. G. Neichev, Strijov V.V.


2017 Group 2

Author Topic Link Consultant Reviewer Report Letters \Sigma=3+13
Goncharov Alexey Metric classification of time series code,

paper, slides

Maria Popova Zadayanchuk Andrey BMF AILSBRCVTDSWH>
Belykh Evgeny Proskurin Alexander Classification of superpositions of movements of physical activity paper

slides code

Maria Vladimirova, Alexandra Malkova Romanenko Ilya, Popovkin Andrey, review


Zueva Nadezhda Style Change Detection paper

slides video

Rita Kuznetsova Igashov Ilya, review BHMF AIL-S-B-R- [AILSBRCV0TE0D0WS] 3+10
Igashov Ilya Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules. paper

slides video

Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova Manucharyan Vardan, review, correction BHMF AILBS+BRHC>V> [AILSBRCVTE0D0WS] 3+11
Kalugin Dmitry Graph Structure Prediction of a Neural Network Model paper


Oleg Bakhteev Zueva Nadezhda review BHM AI-L-S--B0R0C0V0 [A-ILSBR0CVT0ED0WS] 2+11
Manucharyan Vardan Prediction of properties and types of atoms in molecular graphs using convolutional networks paper,

slides, code video

Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova Fattakhov Artur review BMF AILS>B> [AILSB0R0CV0TE0D0WS] VED 3+7
Muraviev Kirill Determination of neural network parameters to be optimized. paper,

slides, code video

Oleg Bakhteev Kalugin Dmitry review BHMF A+IL-S-B-RCVTED [AILSBRCV0TE0DWS] 3+12
Murzin Dmitry, Danilov Andrey Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks paper, slides, code


L. M. Mestetsky, Ivan Reyer, Zharikov I. N. Muraviev Kirill review BHMF A+IL> [AILSB0R0CV0TE0D0WS] 3+8
Popovkin Andrey Romanenko Ilya Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models paper

slides code video

Kulunchakov Andrey, Strijov V.V. Proskurin Alexander, Belykh Evgeny, review BHMF AILS0BC>V> [AILSBRC0VTED0WS] 3+11
Fattakhov Artur Style Change Detection paper

slides code video

Rita Kuznetsova Danilov Andrey, Murzin Dmitry, review BMF AIL-S-B-R-CVTDSWH [AILSBRCVTE0D0WS] 3+11

1 (1-2)

  • Title: Classification of superpositions of movements of physical activity
  • Problem: Human behavior analysis by mobile phone sensor measurements: detect human movements from accelerometer data. The accelerometer data is a signal without precise periodicity, which contains an unknown superposition of physical models. We will consider the superposition of models: body + arm/bag/backpack.

Classification of human activities according to measurements of fitness bracelets. According to the measurements of the accelerometer and gyroscope, it is required to determine the type of activity of the worker. It is assumed that the time series of measurements contain elementary movements that form clusters in the space of time series descriptions. (Development: The characteristic duration of movement is seconds. Time series are marked with activity type marks: work, rest. The characteristic duration of activity is minutes. It is required to restore the type of activity by the description of the time series and cluster.)

  • Data:
    1. Self assembled
    2. Builders data
    3. WISDM accelerometer time series (Time series (examples library), Accelerometry section).
  • References:
    1. Karasikov M. E., Strijov V. V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [URL]
    2. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for classification of accelerometer time series by combined feature description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. T. 1, No. 11. C. 1471-1483. [URL]
    3. Isachenko R. V., Strijov V. V. Metric learning in The problems of multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2): 48-57. [URL]
    4. Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choice of the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. [URL]
    5. Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, no. 6, 1466-1476. [URL]
    6. Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. [URL]
  • Base algorithm: Basic algorithm is described in [Karasikov, Strijov: 2016] and [Kuznetsov, Ivkin: 2014].
  • Solution: Find the optimal segmentation method and optimal description of the time series. Construct a metric space of descriptions of elementary motions.
  • Novelty: A method for classifying and analyzing complex movements is proposed (Development: Connection of two characteristic times of a description of a person's life, combined problem statement.)
  • Authors: Alexandra Malkova, Maria Vladimirova, R. G. Neichev, Strijov V.V.

2 (1)

3 (1-2)

  • Title: Text recognition based on skeletal representation of thick lines and convolutional networks
  • Problem: It is required to build two CNNs, one recognizes a bitmap representation of an image, the other a vector one. (Development: generation of thick lines by neural networks)
  • Data: Bitmap fonts.
  • References: List of works [68], in particular arXiv:1611.03199 and
  • Basic algorithm: Convolution network for bitmap.
  • Solution: It is required to propose a method for collapsing graph structures, which allows generating an informative description of the skeleton of a thick line.
  • Novelty: A way to improve the quality of recognition of thick lines due to a new way of generating their descriptions is proposed.
  • Authors: L. M. Mestetsky, I. A. Reyer, Strijov V.V.

4 (1-2)

  • Title: Creation of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models
  • Problem: It is required to predict a time series using some parametric superposition of algebraic functions. It is proposed not to cost the prognostic model, but to predict it, that is, to predict the structure of the approximating superposition. A class of considered superpositions is introduced, and on the set of such structural descriptions, a search is made for a locally optimal model for the problem under consideration. The problem consists in 1) searching for a suitable structural description of the model 2) describing the search algorithm for the structure that will correspond to the optimal model 3) describing the algorithm for inverse construction of the model according to its structural description. For an already existing example of the answer to questions 1-3, see the works of A. A. Varfolomeeva.
  • Data:
    1. Collection of text documents TREC (!)
    2. A set of time series, which implies the restoration of functional dependencies. It is proposed to first use synthetic data or immediately apply the algorithm to forecasting time series 1) electricity consumption 2) physical activity with subsequent analysis of the resulting structures.
  • References:
    1. (!) Kulunchakov A.S., Strijov V.V. Generation of simple structured Information Retrieval functions by genetic algorithm without stagnation // Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 85: 221–230.
    2. A. A. Varfolomeeva Selection of features when marking up bibliographic lists using structural learning methods, 2013, [69]
    3. Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [70]
  • Base algorithm: Specifically, there is no basic algorithm for the proposed problem. It is proposed to try to repeat the experiment of A.A. Varfolomeeva for a different structural description in order to understand what is happening.
  • Solution: The superposition of algebraic functions defines an ortree, on the vertices of which the labels of the corresponding algebraic functions or variables are given. Therefore, the structural description of such a superposition can be its DFS-code. This is a string consisting of vertex labels, written in the order in which the tree is traversed by depth-first search. Knowing the arities of the corresponding algebraic functions, we can restore any such DFS-code in O(n) and get back the superposition of functions. On the set of similar string descriptions, it is proposed to search for the string description that will correspond to the optimal model.
  • Authors: Kulunchakov Andrey, Strijov V.V.

5 (1)

  • Title: Definition of neural network parameters to be optimized.
  • Problem: The problem of neural network optimization is considered. It is required to divide the model parameters into two groups:
    1. a) Model parameters to be optimized
    2. b) Model parameters whose optimization has been completed. Further optimization of these parameters will not improve the quality of the model.

It is proposed to consider the optimization of parameters as a stochastic process. Based on the history of the process, we find those parameters whose optimization is no longer required.

  • Data: A selection of handwritten MNIST digits
  • Basic algorithm: Random choice of parameters.
  • References:
    1. [71] SGD as a stochastic process.
    2. [72] Variational inference in neural networks.
  • Novelty: The resulting algorithm will significantly reduce the computational cost of optimizing neural networks. A possible further development of the method is to obtain estimates for the parameters of the network obtained from the original operations of expansion, compression, adding and removing layers.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

6 (1)

  • Title: Prediction of the graph structure of the neural network model.
  • Problem: The problem is considered to find a stable (and non-redundant in terms of parameters) structure of a convolutional neural network. It is proposed to predict the structure of a neural network using doubly-recurrent neural networks. As a training sample, it is proposed to use the structures of models that have shown good quality on subsamples of small power.
  • Data: Samples MNIST, CIFAR-10
  • Basic algorithm: random search. Comparison with work on reinforcement learning is possible.
  • References:
    1. [73] doubly-recurrent neural networks.
    2. [74] Similar approach using reinforcement learning.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, Strijov V.V.

7 (1)

PAN 2017 (http://pan.webis.de/clef17/pan17-web/author-identification.html) PAN 2016 (http://pan.webis.de/clef16/pan16-web/author-identification.html)

  • References:
    1. Ian Goodfellow. NIPS 2016 Tutorial: Generative Adversarial Networks (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.06547.pdf)
    2. Jiwei Li, Will Monroe, Tianlin Shi, Sebastien Jean, Alan Ritter and Dan Jurafsky. Adversarial Learning for Neural Dialogue Generation(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.06547.pdf)
    3. M. Kuznetsov, A. Motrenko, R. Kuznetsova, V. Strijov. Methods for Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection and Author Diarization
    4. K. Safin, R. Kuznetsova. Style Breach Detection with Neural Sentence Embeddings (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c70e/7f8fbc561520accda7eea2f9bbf254edb255.pdf)
  • Basic algorithm: solution described in [3, 4].
  • Solution: is proposed to solve the problem using generative adversarial networks — the generative model generates texts in the same author's style, the discriminative model — a binary classifier.
  • Novelty: it is assumed that the solution of this problem by the proposed method can give an increase in quality compared to typical methods for solving this problem, as well as related clustering problems of the authors.
  • Authors: Rita Kuznetsova (consultant), Strijov V.V.

8 (1)

  • Title: Obtaining likelihood estimates using autoencoders
  • Problem: it is assumed that the objects under consideration obey the manifold hypothesis (manifold learning) - high-dimensional vectors are concentrated around some subspace of lower dimension. Works [1, 2] show that some modifications of autoencoders are looking for a k-dimensional manifold in the object space, which most fully conveys the data structure. In [2], an estimate of the probability density of data is derived using an autoencoder. It is required to obtain this estimate for the plausibility of the model.
  • Data: it is proposed to experiment on short text fragments of Google ngrams (http://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/datasetsv2.html)
  • References:
    1. Pascal Vincent, Hugo Larochelle, Isabelle Lajoie, Yoshua Bengio, Pierre-Antoine Manzagol. Stacked Denoising Autoencoders: Learning Useful Representations in a Deep Network with a Local Denoising Criterion (http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume11/vincent10a/vincent10a.pdf).
    2. Guillaume Alain, Yoshua Bengio. What Regularized Auto-Encoders Learn from the Data Generating Distribution (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.4246.pdf)
    3. Hanna Kamyshanska, Roland Memisevic. The Potential Energy of an Autoencoder (https://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~memisevr/pubs/AEenergy.pdf)
  • Basic algorithm:
  • Solution: in the problem it is proposed to train vector representations for phrases (n-grams) using an autoencoder, using Theorem 2 in [2] to obtain an estimate for the likelihood of the sample and, using this estimate, derive the likelihood of the model . Using the estimates obtained, one can also consider the sampling process.
  • Novelty: obtaining data and model likelihood estimates, generating texts using the resulting estimates.
  • Authors: Rita Kuznetsova (consultant).

9 (1)

  • Title: Predict properties and types of atoms in molecular graphs using convolutional networks.
  • Problem: Multilabel classification using convolutional neural networks (CNN) on graphs.

To predict the interaction of molecules with each other, it is often necessary to correctly describe their constituent atoms by assigning certain types to them. For small molecules, not many descriptors are available: the coordinates and chemical elements of atoms, the lengths of bonds and the magnitude of the angles between them. Using these features, we successfully predict atomic hybridizations and bond types. In this approach, each atom is considered "individually", the information about neighboring atoms necessary to determine the type of an atom is practically not used, and the types of atoms are determined by checking a large number of conditions. At the same time, molecules are represented as 3D molecular graphs, and it would be interesting to use this to predict their types with machine learning methods, for example, using CNNs. It is necessary to predict the types of vertices and edges of molecular graphs:

    1. atom type (graph vertex type, about 150 classes),
    2. atom hybridization (auxiliary feature, vertex type, 4 classes),
    3. connection type (auxiliary feature, edge type, 5 classes).

The type of an atom (graph vertex) is based on information about its hybridization and the properties of neighboring atoms. Therefore, in the case of a successful solution of the classification problem, clustering can be carried out to find other ways to determine the types of atoms.

  • Data: About 15 thousand molecules represented as molecular graphs. For each vertex (atom), 3D coordinates and a chemical element are known. Additionally, bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles between atoms (3D graph coordinates), binary signs reflecting whether an atom is included in the cycle and whether it is terminal are calculated. The sample is labeled, but the labeled data may contain ~5% errors.

If there is not enough data, it is possible to increase the sample (up to 200 thousand molecules), associated with an increase in inaccuracies in labeling.

  • References:
    1. [75]
    2. [76]
    3. [77]
  • Base algorithm: Prediction of hybridizations and link orders using a multiclass non-linear SVM with a small number of descriptors. https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01381010/document
  • Solution: Proposed solution to the problem and ways of conducting research.

Methods for presenting and visualizing data and conducting error analysis, analyzing the quality of the algorithm. At the first stage, it will be necessary to determine the operations on the graphs necessary to build the network architecture. Next, you will need to train the network for multi-class classification of the types of vertices (and edges) of the input graph. To assess the quality of the algorithm, it is supposed to evaluate the accuracy using cross-validation. For the final publication (in a specialized journal), it will be necessary to make a specific test for the quality of predictions: based on the predicted bond types, the molecule is written as a string (in SMILES format) and compared with a sample. In this case, for each molecule, the prediction will be considered correct only if the types of all bonds in it were predicted without errors.

  • Novelty: The proposed molecular graphs have a 3D structure and internal hierarchy, making them an ideal CNN application.
  • Authors: Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova, Strijov V.V.

10 (1)

  • Title: Formulation and solution of an optimization problem combining classification and regression to estimate the binding energy of a protein and small molecules. The problem description [78]
  • Problem:

From the point of view of bioinformatics, The problem is to estimate the free energy of protein binding to a small molecule (ligand): the best ligand in its best position has the \textbf{lowest free energy} of interaction with the protein. (Following a large text, see the file at the link above.)

  • Data:
    1. Data for binary classification.

Approximately 12,000 protein-ligand complexes: for each of them there is 1 native position and 18 non-native ones. The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms of the protein and ligand, the dimension of the vector of descriptors is ~ 20,000. In the case of continued research and publication in a specialized journal, the set of descriptors can be expanded. The data will be provided as binary files with a python script to read.

    1. Data for regression.

For each of the presented complexes, the value of the quantity is known, which can be interpreted as the binding energy.

  • References:
    1. SVM [79]
    2. Ridge Regression [80]
    3. [81] (section 1)
  • Base algorithm: [82]

In the classification problem, we used an algorithm similar to linear SVM, whose relationship with the energy estimate, which is outside the scope of the classification problem, is described in the above article. Various loss functions can be used in a regression problem.

  • Solution: It is necessary to connect the previously used optimization problem with the regression problem and solve it using standard methods. Cross-validation will be used to check the operation of the algorithm.

There is a separate test set consisting of (1) 195 complexes of proteins and ligands, for which it is necessary to find the best ligand pose (the algorithm for obtaining ligand positions differs from that used in training), (2) complexes of proteins and ligands, for which native poses it is necessary to predict the energy binding, and (3) 65 proteins for which the most strongly binding ligand is to be found.

  • Novelty:' First of all, the interest is combining classification and regression problems.

The correct assessment of the quality of protein and ligand binding is used in drug development to search for molecules that interact most strongly with the protein under study. Using the classification problem described above to predict the binding energy results in an insufficiently high correlation of predictions with experimental values, while using the regression problem alone leads to overfitting.

  • Authors Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova, Strijov V.V.


Author Topic Link Consultant Reviewer Report Letters
Goncharov Alexey (example) Metric classification of time series code,

paper, slides

Maria Popova Zadayanchuk Andrey BMF AILSBRCVTDSWH>
Alekseev Vasily Intratext coherence as a measure of interpretability of thematic models of text collections code

data paper slides video

Viktor Bulatov Zakharenkov Anton BMF AILSB+RC+V+TDHW
Anikeev Dmitry Local approximation of time series for building predictive metamodels code

paper slides

Strijov V.V. Smerdov Anton BMF AILS>B0R0C0V0T0D0H0W0
Gasanov Elnur Construction of an approximating description of a scalogram in the problem of predicting movements using an electrocorticogram code paper


Anastasia Motrenko Kovalev Dmitry BMF AILSBRCVTDH0W0
Zakharenkov Anton Massively multiThe problem deep learning for drug discovery problemNetworks/code/ code

problemNetworks/doc/Zakharenkov2017MassivelyMultiThe problemNetworks.pdf paper problemNetworks/doc/Zakharenkov2016Presentation.pdf slides video

Maria Popova Alekseev Vasily BMF AILSBRCVT>D>H0W0
Kovalev Dmitry Unsupervised representation for molecules code

paper slides

Maria Popova Gasanov Elnur BMF AILSBRCVT>D>H0W0
Novitsky Vasily Feature Selection in Problems of Autoregressive Prediction of Biomedical Signals paper

code slides

Alexander Katrutsa B - F AILS>B0R0C0V0T0D0H0W0
Selezneva Maria Aggregation of heterogeneous text collections in a hierarchical thematic model of Russian-language popular science content paper

code slides video

Irina Efimova Sholokhov Alexey BMF A+IL+SBRCVTDHW
Smerdov Anton Choosing the optimal recurrent network model in the Paraphrase Search The problems paper

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Oleg Bakhteev Dmitry Anikeev BMF AIL+SB+RC>V+M-T>D0H0W0
Uvarov Nikita Optimal Algorithm for Reconstruction of Dynamic Models paper

slides code video

Yuri Maksimov BMF AILS0B0R0C0V0T0D0H0W0
Usmanova Karina Multiple Manifold Learning (Joint diagonalization for 3D shapes - AJD on Hessian matrices) paper

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Mikhail Karasikov Innokenty Shibaev BMF AILSBRC+VT+EDH>W
Innokenty Shibaev Convex relaxations for multiple structure alignment (synchronization problem for SO(3)) paper

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Mikhail Karasikov Usmanova Karina BMF AILS-BRCVT>D>H>W
Sholokhov Alexey Noise immunity of methods for informational analysis of ECG signals

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Vlada Bunakova Selezneva Maria BMF AILSBRCVTDHW

Risky works

Author Topic Link Consultant Reviewer Report Letters
Kaloshin Pavel Using deep learning networks to transfer classification models in case of insufficient data.

paper code data

Anton Khritankov - MF AIL-SBRC-VT+D>H>W0
Malinovsky Grigory Choice of Interpreted Multimodels in Credit Scoring The problems paper


Alexander Aduenko out B - - AILS-B>R>C>V>T0D0H0W0
Pletnev Nikita Internal plagiarism detection paper Rita Kuznetsova out - - - A-I-L-S>B0R0C0V0T0D0H0W0
Grevtsev Alexander Parallel Algorithms for Parametric Identification of the Tersoff Potential for AlN


Karine Abgaryan
Zaitsev Nikita Automatic classification of scientific articles on crystallography

paper readme

Evgeny Gavrilov
Diligul Alexander Determination of the optimal potential parameters for the Rosato-Guillope-Legrand (RGL) model from experimental data and the results of quantum mechanical calculations


Karine Abgaryan
Daria Fokina Selection of Candidates in the Problem of Finding Text Borrowings with Paraphrasing Based on the Vectorization of Text Fragments Alexey Romanov AILSB0R0C0V0T0D0H0W0

1. 2017

  • Title: Classification of human activities according to fitness bracelet measurements.
  • Problem: According to the accelerometer and gyroscope measurements, it is required to determine the type of worker's activity. It is assumed that the time series of measurements contain elementary movements that form clusters in the space of time series descriptions. The characteristic duration of the movement is seconds. Time series are labeled with activity type labels: work, leisure. The typical duration of activity is minutes. It is required to restore the type of activity according to the description of the time series and cluster.
  • Data: WISDM accelerometer time series (Time series (examples library), Accelerometry section).
  • References:
    1. Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [URL]
    2. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. [URL]
    3. Isachenko R.V., Strijov V.V. Metric learning in The problemx multiclass classification of time series // Informatics and its applications, 2016, 10(2) : 48-57. [URL]
    4. Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal model for classifying physical activity based on accelerometer measurements // Information technologies, 2016. [URL]
    5. Motrenko A.P., Strijov V.V. Extracting fundamental periods to segment human motion time series // Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016, Vol. 20, no. 6, 1466 - 1476.
    6. Ignatov A., Strijov V. Human activity recognition using quasiperiodic time series collected from a single triaxial accelerometer // Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 17.05.2015 : 1-14. [URL]
  • Base algorithm: Basic algorithm is described in [Karasikov, Strijov: 2016] and [Kuznetsov, Ivkin: 2014].
  • Solution: Find the optimal segmentation method and optimal description of the time series. Construct a metric space of descriptions of elementary motions.
  • Novelty:: Connection of two characteristic times of the description of a person's life, combined statement of the problem.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V., M.P. Kuznetsov, P.V. Levdik.

2. 2017

  • Title: Construction of an approximating description of a scalogram in the problem of predicting movements using an electrocorticogram.
  • Problem: As part of solving the problem of decoding ECoG signals, The problem of classifying movements by time series of electrode readings is solved. The tools for extracting features from ECoG time series are the coefficients of the wavelet transform of the signal under study [Makarchuk 2016], on the basis of which a scalogram is built for each electrode - a two-dimensional array of features in frequency-time space. Combining scalograms for each electrode gives signs of a time series in the spatio-frequency-time domain. The feature description constructed in this way obviously contains multicorrelated features and is redundant. It is required to propose a method for reducing the dimension of the feature space.
  • Data: Measurements of the positions of the fingers when performing simple gestures. Description of experiments data.
  • References:
    1. Makarchuk G.I., Zadayanchuk A.I. Strijov V.V. 2016. Using partial least squares to decode hand movement using ECoG cues in monkeys. pdf
    2. Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [URL]
    3. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. T. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483.
  • Base algorithm: PLS

Chen C, Shin D, Watanabe H, Nakanishi Y, Kambara H, et al. (2013) Prediction of Hand Trajectory from Electrocorticography Signals in Primary Motor Cortex. PLoS ONE 8(12): e83534.

  • Solution: To reduce the dimension, it is proposed to use the local approximation method proposed in [Kuznetsov 2015] used to classify accelerometric time series [Karasikov 2016].
  • Novelty: A new method of movement recovery based on electrocorticograms is proposed.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V., A.P. Motrenko

3. 2017

  • Title: Multiple Manifold Learning (Joint diagonalization for 3D shapes - AJD on Hessian matrices).
  • Problem: Building an optimal algorithm for the Multiple Manifold Learning The problem. Two protein conformations (two tertiary structures) are given. In the vicinity of each state, a model of an elastic body is specified (oscillations of the structure in the vicinity of these states). The problem is to build a general model of an elastic body to find intermediate states with the maximum match with these models in the vicinity of given conformations. The space of motion of an elastic body is given by the Hessian eigenvectors. It is required to find a common low-rank approximation of the space of motions of two elastic bodies.
  • Data: Protein structures in double conformations from PDB, about 100 sets from the article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4677049/
  • References: A list of scientific papers, supplemented by 1) the statement of the problem being solved, 2) links to new results (a recent article that is close in results), 3) basic information about the problem under study.

Tirion, M. M. (1996). Large amplitude elastic motions in proteins from a single-parameter, atomic analysis. Physical Review Letters, 77(9), 1905. Moal, I. H., & Bates, P. A. (2010). {SwarmDock} and the Use of Normal Modes in Protein-Protein Docking. IJMS, 11(10), 3623–3648. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms11103623

  • Base algorithm: AJD algorithm: http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~cardoso/jointdiag.html, AJD algorithms implemented as part of Shogun ML toolbox http://shogun-toolbox.org , http://shogun-toolbox.org/api/latest/classshogun_1_1CApproxJointDiagonalizer.html.
  • Solution: Computing Hessians (C++ code from Sergey), learning and running standard joint diagonalization algorithms for the first n non-trivial eigenvectors, analyzing loss functions, adapting the standard algorithm to solve the original problem.
  • Novelty: Using simple elasticity models with one or more free parameters, thermal fluctuations in proteins can be described. However, such models do not describe transitions between several stable conformations in proteins. The purpose of this work is to refine the elastic model so that it also describes the space of conformational changes.
  • Authors: Sergey Grudinin, consultant: Mikhail Karasikov / Yury Maksimov.

4. 2017

  • Title: Convex relaxations for multiple structure alignment (synchronization problem for SO(3)).
  • Problem: Find transformations to align protein tertiary structures simultaneously (in simple words: find orthogonal transformations that align data in R^3 molecules that have the same chemical formula). If the structures are the same (the RMSD is equal to zero after alignment, the structures are aligned exactly), then you can align in pairs. However, if this is not the case, then the Basic algorithm, generally speaking, does not find the optimum of the original problem with a loss function for simultaneous equalization.
  • Data: Protein structures in PDB format in various states and coordinate systems.
  • References:
    1. Multiple structural alignment:
    2. Kearsley.S.K. (1990)7. Comput. Chem., 11, 1187-1192.
    3. Shapiro., BothaJ.D., PastorA and Lesk.A.M. (1992) Acta Crystallogr., A48, 11-14.
    4. Diamond,R. (1992) Protein Sci., 1, 1279-1287.
    5. May AC, Johnson MS, Improved genetic algorithm-based protein structure comparisons: pairwise and multiple superpositions. ProteinEng. 1995 Sep;8(9):873-82.
    6. Synchronization problem:
    7. O. Özyeşil, N. Sharon, A. Singer, ``Synchronization over Cartan motion groups via contraction”, Available at arXiv.
    8. L. Wang, A. Singer, `ʻExact and Stable Recovery of Rotations for Robust Synchronization”, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 2(2), pp. 145--193 (2013).
    9. Semidefinite relaxations for optimization problems over rotation matrices J Saunderson, PA Parrilo… - Decision and Control ( …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
    10. Spectral synchronization of multiple views in SE (3) F Arrigoni, B Rossi, A Fusiello - SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016 - SIAM
    11. Robust Rotation Synchronization via Low-rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition, F Arrigoni, A Fusiello, B Rossi, P Fragneto - arXiv preprint arXiv: …, 2015 - arxiv.org
    12. Spectral relaxation for SO(2)
    13. A. Singer, Angular synchronization by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 30 (1) (2011) 20 – 36.
    14. Spectral relaxation for SO(3)
    15. M.Arie-Nachimson,S.Z.Kovalsky,I.Kemelmacher-Shlizerman,A.Singer,R.Basri,Global motion estimation from point matches, in: International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2012 , pp. 81–88.
    16. A. Singer, Y. Shkolnisky, Three-dimensional structure determination from common lines in cryo-em by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (2) (2011) 543–572.
  • Base algorithm: Local (pairwise) alignment algorithm. Kearsley S.K. (1989) Acta Crystallogr., A45, 208-210; Rapid determination of RMSDs corresponding to macromolecular rigid body motions

Petr Popov, Sergei Grudinin, Journal of Computational Chemistry, Wiley, 2014, 35(12), pp.950-956. <10.1002/jcc.23569> DOI: 10.1002/jcc.23569

  • Solution: Two options for setting optimization problems (through rotation matrices and through quaternions). Relaxation of the obtained problems by convex ones, comparison of the solutions of the problem by the basic algorithm and relaxations (spectral relaxation, SDP).
  • Novelty: A method that flattens structures by minimizing the loss function, taking into account all pairwise losses.
  • Authors: Sergey Grudinin, consultant: Mikhail Karasikov.

5. 2017

  • Title: Local approximation of time series for building predictive metamodels.
  • Problem: The physical activity of a person is investigated by time series - accelerometer measurements. The aim of the project is to create a tool for analyzing the problem of creating models for predicting models - metamodels. The segment of the time series is investigated. It is required to predict the class of the segment. (Option: predict the end of the segment, the next segment, its class. In this case, the class of the next segment may differ from the class of the previous one).
  • Data: Based on a Santa Fe or WISDM sample (samples consist of segments with many elementary movements and class labels corresponding to the segments), a variant of the OPPORTUNITY Activity Recognition Challenge.
  • References:
    1. Karasikov M.E., Strijov V.V. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models // Informatics and its applications, 2016. [URL]
    2. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for Classifying Accelerometer Time Series by Combined Feature Description // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2015. V. 1, No. 11. C. 1471 - 1483. [URL]
  • Base algorithm: [Karasikov 2016]
  • Solution: See The problem description.
  • Novelty: When creating meta-prognostic models (predictive models of predictive models), the problem of using the values of parameters of local models when creating meta-models remains open. The purpose of the project below is to create a tool to analyze this problem.
  • Authors: Strijov V.V.

6. 2017

  • Title: Choosing the optimal recurrent network model in the Paraphrase Search The problems
  • Problem: Given a selection of pairs of sentences labeled <<similar>> and <<dissimilar>>. It is required to build a recurrent network of low complexity (that is, with a small number of parameters) that delivers a minimum error in the classification of pairs of sentences.
  • Data: It is proposed to consider two samples: Microsoft Paraphrase Corpus (a small set of sentences) and [http ://sitem.herts.ac.uk/aeru/ppdb/en/ PPDB] (set of short segments, markup not always correct)
  • References:
    1. [1] Step by step description of the implementation of the LSTM recurrent network
    2. [2] Thinning algorithm based on building a network with a minimum description length
    3. Optimal Brain Damage [3]
  • Basic algorithm: The basic algorithm can be:
    1. Solution without thinning
    2. Solution described in [3]
    3. Optimal Brain Damage
  • Solution: It is proposed to consider the thinning method described in [3] with a block covariance matrix: either neurons or parameters grouped by input features act as blocks.
  • Novelty: The proposed method will effectively reduce the complexity of the recurrent network, taking into account the relationship between neurons or input features.
  • Authors: Oleg Bakhteev, consultant

7. 2017

  • Title: Internal plagiarism detection
  • Problem: Solved by The problem to identify internal borrowings in text. It is required to test the hypothesis that the given text was written by a single author, and if it is not fulfilled, highlight the borrowed parts of the text. A borrowing is a part of the text, presumably written by another author and containing characteristic differences from the style of the main author. It is required to develop such a style function that allows to distinguish with a high degree of certainty the style of the main author of the text from borrowings.
  • Data: It is proposed to consider the corpus PAN-2011, PAN-2016
  • References:
    1. [1] Step by step description of the implementation of the LSTM recurrent network
    2. [2] Author clustering algorithm
    3. [3] Statistical Language Models Based on Neural Networks
    4. [4] Methods for intrinsic plagiarism detection and author diarization
  • Basic algorithm: The solution described in [4] can be used as the Basic algorithm
  • Solution: It is proposed to consider the method described in [2] and build a style function based on the neural network outputs.
  • Novelty: It is assumed that the construction of a style function by the proposed method can give an increase in quality compared to typical solutions to this problem.
  • Authors: Rita Kuznetsova, consultant

8. 2017

  • Title: Adaptive relaxations of NP hard problems through machine learning
  • Problem: Modern problems of optimizing power flows in power networks lead to non-convex optimization The problems with a large number of restrictions. Statements similar in structure also arise in a number of other engineering problems and in classical The problems of combinatorial optimization. The traditional approach to solving such NP hard problems is to write their convex relaxations (semidefinite/SDP, second order conic/SOCP, etc), which usually have a much larger set of feasible solutions than in the original problem. and by the subsequent projection of the obtained solution into the region where the constraints of the original problem are satisfied. In many practical cases, the quality of the solution obtained in this way is not high. Alternative approaches, for example MILP (mixed integer linear programming) relaxation, are substantially more time consuming but result in a more accurate answer.

The main problem is the impossibility of using known methods for solving large-scale problems (networks of 1000 nodes and more). One of the key obstacles is not so much the dimension of the problem as a large number of restrictions. At the same time, in real The problems it is possible to single out a small set of restrictions such that the sets of admissible points in the selected set and in the original one are very close. This will allow us to replace The problem with another one with fewer restrictions, which will increase the speed of the algorithms used. It is proposed to use machine learning methods to build the indicated set of the most important constraints.

  • References: Sampling/machine learning methods:
    1. Beygelzimer, A., Dasgupta, S., & Langford, J. (2009, June). Importance weighted active learning. In Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on machine learning (pp. 49-56). ACM.
    2. Tong, S., & Koller, D. (2001). Support vector machine active learning with applications to text classification. Journal of machine learning research, 2(Nov), 45-66.
    3. Owen, A., & Zhou, Y. (2000). Safe and effective importance sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(449), 135-143.

Relaxations: Nagarajan, H., Lu, M., Yamangil, E., & Bent, R. (2016). Tightening McCormick Relaxations for Nonlinear Programs via Dynamic Multivariate Partitioning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05806.

  • Data: ieee + matpower data containing descriptions of energy networks and their modes of operation.
  • Novelty: This approach seems to be the first application of applied statistics/machine learning methods to solve difficult optimization problems. We expect substantial gains in labor-intensive style methods
  • Author: consultant: Yuri Maksimov, Expert: Mikhail Chertkov

9. 2017

  • Title: Optimal Algorithm for Reconstruction of Dynamic Models.
  • Problem: A standard machine learning problem statement in the context of unsupervised learning assumes that the examples are independent and come from the same probability distribution. However, often observed data are of dynamic origin and are correlated. The problem is to develop an efficient method for restoring a dynamic graphical model (graph and model parameters) from observed correlated dynamic configurations. This The problem is theoretically important and has many applications. The basis of the algorithm will be the adaptation of a new optimal method of screening interactions (interaction screening), developed for the Ising model. The solution process will combine familiarity with computer science/machine learning theoretical methods and numerical experiments.
  • Data: Simulated dynamic configurations of spins in the kinetic Ising model.
  • References:
    1. Lokhov et al., "Optimal structure and parameter learning of Ising models", arXiv:1612.05024 (2016) {https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.05024}
    2. Vuffray et al., "Interaction screening: efficient and sample-optimal learning of Ising models", NIPS 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07252}
    3. Decelle and Zhang, "Inference of the sparse kinetic Ising model using the decimation method", Phys. Rev. E 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.01660}
    4. Bresler et al., "Learning graphical models from the Glauber dynamics", Allerton 2014 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.7659}
    5. Zeng et al., "Maximum likelihood reconstruction for Ising models with asynchronous updates", Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013
  • Base algorithm: Dynamic method for shielding interactions. Comparison with the maximum likelihood method.
  • Novelty: Currently, the optimal (ie using the minimum possible number of examples) algorithm for this problem is unknown. The dynamic method of interaction screening has a good chance of finally "closing" this The problem, because is optimal for a static problem.
  • Author: consultants Andrey Lokhov, Yuri Maksimov. Expert Mikhail Chertkov

10. 2017

  • Title: Choice of Interpreted Multimodels in Credit Scoring The problems
  • Problem: The problem of credit scoring is to determine the level of creditworthiness of the borrower. For this, a borrower's questionnaire is used, containing both numerical (age, income) and categorical features (gender, profession). It is required, having historical information about the repayment of loans by other borrowers, to determine whether the borrower will return the loan. The data can be heterogeneous (example, if there are different income regions in a country), and several models will be needed to adequately classify. It is necessary to determine the optimal number of models. Based on the set of model parameters, it is necessary to draw up a portrait of the borrower.
  • Data: It is proposed to consider five samples from the UCI and Kaggle repositories, with a capacity of 50,000 objects or more.
  • References: A.A. Aduenko \MLAlgorithms\PhDThesis; C. Bishop, Pattern recognition and machine learning, final chapter; 20 years of Mixture experts.
  • Base algorithm: Clustering and building independent logistic regression models, Adaboost, Decision Forest (with restrictions on complexity), Blend of Experts.
  • Solution: An algorithm is proposed for selecting a multi-model (a mixture of models or a mixture of Experts) and determining the optimal number of models.
  • Novelty: Proposed function of distance between models in which parameter distributions are given on different media.
  • Authors: A.A. Aduenko, Strijov V.V.

11. 2017

  • Title: Feature Selection in Problems of Autoregressive Prediction of Biomedical Signals.
  • Problem: The problem of predicting biomedical signals and IoT signals is being solved. It is required to predict the vector - the next few signal samples. It is assumed that the proper dimension of the space of both the predicted variable and the independent variable can be significantly reduced, thereby increasing the stability of the forecast without significant loss of accuracy. For this, the Partial Least Squares approach in autoregressive forecasting is used.
  • Data: SantaFe biomedical time series sample, IoT signal sample.
  • References: Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Stresstest procedure for feature selection algorithms // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 142 : 172-183; : Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Comprehensive study of feature selection methods to solve multicollinearity problem according to evaluation criteria // Expert Systems with applications, 2017; Kee Siong Ng A Simple Explanation of Partial Least Squares keesiong.ng@gopivotal.com Draft, April 27, 2013, http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~kee/pls.pdf
  • Base algorithm: PLS, quadratic optimization algorithm for feature selection.
  • Solution: build a design matrix with a suboptimal set of objects and features, propose a quadratic optimization error function (if possible, develop it for the case of a tensor representation of the design matrix).
  • Novelty: Generalized feature selection algorithm (published two weeks ago) for the PLS case.
  • Authors: A.M. Katrutsa, Strijov V.V.

12. 2017

  • Title: Massively multiThe problem deep learning for drug discovery
  • Problem: Develop a multi-The problem recurrent neural network to predict biological activity. For each molecule-protein pair, it is required to predict the binary value 0/1, which means that the molecule binds/does not bind to the protein.
  • Data: sparse biological activity data for ~100K molecules versus ~1000 proteins. Molecules are represented as SMILES strings (sequence of characters encoding a molecule)
  • References: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.02072
  • Base algorithm: multi-The problem neural network that predicts activity by numerical features, single-The problem recurrent neural network
  • Solution: MultiThe probleming means that you need to build a model that is obtained for the input of a molecule and predicts its biological activity against all proteins in the sample.
  • Novelty: Existing methods did not show a significant improvement in the quality of the DL model compared to standard ML models
  • Authors: Expert -- Alexander Isaev, consultant -- Maria Popova

13. 2017

  • Title: Unsupervised representation for molecules
  • Problem: Develop an unsupervised method for representing molecules
  • Data: ~1.5M molecules in SMILES string format (character sequence encoding the molecule)
  • References: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/science.pdf
  • Base algorithm: currently hand-selected numerical features are used as such representation. The quality of the resulting representations can be compared with the tox21 dataset (10K molecules versus 12 proteins)
  • Solution: use convolutional or recurrent networks to build an autoencoder.
  • Novelty: building an end-to-end model to get informative features
  • Authors: Expert -- Alexander Isaev, consultant -- Maria Popova

14. 2017

  • Title: Intratext coherence as a measure of interpretability of thematic models of text collections.
  • Problem: Interpretability is a subjective measure of the quality of topic models, as measured by Expert Scores. Coherence is a measure of the occurrence of thematic words, calculated automatically from the text and correlates well with interpretability, as shown in the Newman and Mimno series. The first The problem is to evaluate the representativeness of the sequence of words in the text, according to which the coherence is estimated. The second The problem is to compare several new methods for measuring interpretability and coherence based on the selection of the most representative sequence of words in the source text.
  • Data: A collection of popular science content PostNauka, a collection of news content.
  • References:
    1. Vorontsov K. V. Review of probabilistic thematic models, 2017.
    2. N.Aletras, M.Stevenson. Evaluating Topic Coherence Using Distributional Semantics, 2013.
    3. D. Newman et al. Automatic evaluation of topic coherence, 2010
    4. D.Mimno et al. Optimizing semantic coherence in topic models, 2011
    5. http://palmetto.aksw.org/palmetto-webapp/
  • Base algorithm: Standard methods for estimating the interpretability and coherence of topics in topic models.
  • Solution: A new method for measuring interpretability and coherence, experiments to find the most correlated measures of interpretability and coherence, similar to [D.Newman, 2010].
  • Novelty: inline measures of interpretability and coherence were not previously proposed.
  • Authors: Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Viktor Bulatov, Anna Potapenko, Artyom Popov.

15. 2017

  • Title: Aggregation of heterogeneous text collections in a hierarchical thematic model of Russian-language popular science content.
  • Problem: Implement and compare multiple ways of combining text collections from different sources into one hierarchical topic model. Build a classifier that determines the presence of a topic in the source.
  • Data: Collection of popular science content PostNauka, Wikipedia collection.
  • References:
    1. Vorontsov K. V. Review of probabilistic thematic models, 2017.
    2. Chirkova N. A, Vorontsov K. V. Additive regularization of multimodal hierarchical topic models // Machine Learning and Data Analysis, 2016. T. 2. No. 2.
  • Base algorithm: An algorithm for constructing a thematic hierarchy in BigARTM, implemented by Nadezhda Chirkova. Marking tool
  • Solution: Build a topic model with source modalities and highlight topics specific to only one of the sources. Prepare a sample for training a classifier that determines the presence of a topic in the source.
  • Novelty: Additive regularization of topic models has not been applied to this problem before.
  • Authors: Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Alexander Romanenko, Irina Efimova, Nadezhda Chirkova.

16. 2017

  • Title: Application of the methods of symbolic dynamics in the technology of informational analysis of electrocardiosignals.
  • Problem: The technology of informational analysis of electrocardiosignals, proposed by V.M.Uspensky, involves converting a raw signal into a character sequence and searching for disease patterns in this sequence. So far, symbolic n-grams have been predominantly used to search for patterns. In the framework of this work, it is proposed to expand the class of templates in which the search for diagnostic signs of diseases is performed. Quality criterion -- AUC and MAP ranking of diagnoses.
  • Data: A selection of electrocardiograms with known diagnoses.
  • References:
    1. Uspensky V.M. Informational function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. - M .: "Economics and Information", 2008. - 116s
    2. Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals.
  • Base algorithm: Classification methods .
  • Solution: Search for logical patterns in character strings, methods of character dynamics, comparison of algorithms according to the quality criteria AUC and MAP (diagnosis ranking).
  • Novelty: So far, character n-grams have been used predominantly to search for patterns.
  • Authors: Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Vlada Tselykh.

Vorontsov The problems +

  • Title: Dynamic hierarchical thematic model of the news flow.
  • Problem: Develop an algorithm for classifying topics in news flows into new and ongoing ones. Apply the obtained criteria for creating new topics at all levels of the topic model hierarchy when adding the next piece of data to the text collection (for example, all news for one day).
  • Data: Collection of news in Russian. A subsample of news classified into two classes: new and ongoing topics.
  • Literature:
    1. Vorontsov K.V. Review of probabilistic thematic models, 2017.
    2. Chirkova N. A, Vorontsov K. V. Additive regularization of multimodal hierarchical topic models // Machine Learning and Data Analysis , 2016 T. 2. No. 2.
  • Basic Algorithm: An algorithm for constructing a thematic hierarchy in BigARTM, implemented by Nadezhda Chirkova. Known Topic Detection & Tracking algorithms.
  • Solution: Using BigARTM, selecting regularizers and their parameters, using the topic selection regularizer. Building an algorithm for classifying topics into new and ongoing.
  • Novelty: Additive regularization of topic models has not been applied to this problem before.
  • Authors: KV Vorontsov. Consultants: Alexander Romanenko, Artyom Popov.

Antiplagiarism +

  • Title: Selection of Candidates in the Problem of Finding Text Borrowings with Paraphrasing Based on the Vectorization of Text Fragments.
  • Problem: Searching for text borrowings in a collection of documents involves selecting a small set of candidates for subsequent detailed analysis. The Candidate Selection The problem is formulated as finding the optimal ranking of documents in a collection for a query with respect to some function that is an estimate for the total length of borrows from a collection document to a query document.
  • Data: PAN
  • References:
    1. Romanov A.V., Khritankov A.S. Selection of candidates when searching for borrowings in a collection of documents in a foreign language .pdf
  • Basic algorithm: shingles method with reverse index construction.
  • Solution: Vectorization of text fragments (word embeddings + convolutional / recurrent neural networks) and subsequent search for nearest objects in a multidimensional metric space.
  • Novelty: a new approach to solving the problem.
  • Authors: Alexey Romanov (consultant)

Additional projects


  • Title: Thematic modeling of an economic sector based on bank transaction data.
  • Problem: Test the hypothesis that a large sample of transactions between firms is adequately described by a relatively small set of economic activities (aka topics). The problem is reduced to decomposing the matrix of transactional data "buyers × sellers" into the product of three non-negative matrices "buyers × topics", "topics × topics", "topics × sellers", while the middle matrix describes a directed graph of financial flows in the industry. It is required to compare several methods for constructing such expansions and find the number of topics for which the observed set of transactions is modeled with sufficient accuracy.
  • Data: selection of transactions between firms, such as "buyer, seller, volume".
  • References:
    1. Vorontsov K. V. Review of probabilistic thematic models, 2017.
  • Base algorithm: Standard methods for non-negative matrix expansions.
  • Solution: Regularized EM-algorithm for sparse non-negative matrix expansions. Visualization of the graph of financial flows. Testing the algorithm on synthetic data, testing the hypothesis about the stability of sparse solutions.
  • Novelty: Thematic modeling has not previously been applied to the analysis of financial transactional data.
  • Authors: Vorontsov K. V.. consultants: Viktor Safronov, Rosa Aisina.


  • Title: Generating and selecting features when building a credit scoring model.
  • Problem: Credit scoring models are built step by step. In particular, a number of independent transformations of individual features are performed, and new features are generated. Each step uses its own quality criterion. It is required to build a scoring model that adequately describes the sample. Maximizing the quality of the model at each step does not guarantee the maximum quality of the resulting model. It is proposed to abandon the step-by-step construction of the scoring model. To do this, the quality criterion must include all the optimized parameters of the model.
  • Data: The computational experiment will be performed on 5-7 samples to be found. It is desirable that the samples be of the same nature, for example, the samples of consumer credit questionnaires.
  • References: Siddique N. Constructing scoring models, SAS. Hosmer D., Lemeshow S., Applied logistic regression, Wiley. Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Comprehensive study of feature selection methods to solve multicollinearity problem according to evaluation criteria // Expert Systems with applications, 2017.
  • Base algorithm: The scoring model construction algorithm recommended by SAS.
  • Solution: Each step of the procedure is represented as an optimization problem. The parameters to be optimized are combined, and the Feature Selection The problem is included as a Mixed Optimization The problem.
  • Novelty: An error function is proposed, when using which the generation and selection of features, as well as the optimization of model parameters, are performed together.
  • Authors: T.V. Voznesenskaya, Strijov V.V.


  • Title: Representation of molecules in 3D
  • Problem: Develop representations of the 3D structure of molecules that would have the property of rotational and translational invariance.
  • Data: Millions of molecules given by 3D coordinates
  • References: https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.08935, http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.146401
  • Base algorithm: low rank matrix/tensor factorization
  • Solution: Molecules have a different number of atoms, and therefore the matrix of their 3D coordinates is Nx3. We need to find a mathematical transformation that would be independent of N (N is the number of atoms).
  • Novelty: existing algorithms depend on the number of atoms in the molecule
  • Authors: Expert -- Alexander Isaev, consultant -- Maria Popova


  • Title: Optimal algorithm for recovering block Hamiltonians (XY and Heisenberg models).
  • Problem: The problem is to reconstruct block Hamiltonians with continuous spins (a generalization of the Ising model to two- and three-dimensional spins) from the observed data. This setting is a special case of a field of machine learning known as unsupervised learning. Reconstruction of a graphical spin model from observational data is an important problem in physics. The basis of the algorithm will be the adaptation of a new optimal method of screening interactions (interaction screening), developed for the Ising model. The solution process will combine familiarity with computer science/machine learning theoretical methods and numerical experiments.
  • Data: Simulated block spin model configurations.
  • References:
    1. Lokhov et al., "Optimal structure and parameter learning of Ising models", arXiv:1612.05024 (2016) {https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.05024}
    2. Vuffray et al., "Interaction screening: efficient and sample-optimal learning of Ising models", NIPS 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07252}
    3. Tyagi et al., "Regularization and decimation pseudolikelihood approaches to statistical inference in XY spin models", Phys. Rev. B 2016 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05101}
  • Base algorithm: Dynamic method for shielding interactions. Comparison with the method of maximum pseudo-likelihood (pseudolikelihood).
  • Novelty: An algorithm based on the dynamic interaction shielding method has a good chance of being optimal for this problem, because the corresponding method is optimal for the inverse Ising problem.
  • Author: consultants Andrey Lokhov, Yuri Maksimov. Expert Mikhail Chertkov

Khritankova (Transfer Learning)

  • Title: Using deep learning networks to transfer classification models in case of insufficient data.
  • Problem description:
    1. Develop an algorithm for calculating a set of latent features in the symmetric homogeneous transfer learning problem, the solution of the classification problem in which does not depend on the original area, and which is no worse than when solving for each area separately (transfer error) for the case of small sample sizes with errors in markup
    2. Develop an algorithm for transitioning to a hidden set of features without using markup (unsupervised domain adaptation)
  • Data: teraPromise-CK (33 datasets with the same features but different distributions).
  • References: Base article: Xavier Glorot , Antoine Bordes , Yoshua Bengio. (2011) Domain Adaptation for Large-Scale sentiment classification: A Deep Learning approach / In Proceedings of the Twenty-eight International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML.

Articles with ideas for improving the algorithm will be handed out (several).

  • Base algorithm: SDA (Stacked Denoising Autoencoder) – described in the Glorot et al.
  • Solution: Take the Basic algorithm, a) try to improve it for application to small datasets of 100-1000 objects (when transfer learning is applied) by applying regularizers, adjusting the architecture of the autoencoder, adjusting the learning algorithm (for example, bootstrapping) b ) investigate the model for resistance to markup errors (label corruption / noisy labels) and propose improvements to increase stability (robustness).
  • Novelty: Obtaining a stable algorithm for transferring classification models on small amounts of data with markup errors.
  • Authors: Khritankov


  • Title: Estimated binding energy of protein and small molecules.
  • Problem: Modeling the binding of a protein and a small molecule (hereinafter referred to as a ligand) is based on the fact that the best ligand in its best position has the lowest free energy of interaction with the protein. It is necessary to estimate the free energy of protein and ligand binding. Complexes of proteins with ligands can be used for training, and for each protein there are several positions of the ligand: 1 correct, "native", for which the energy is minimal, and several generated incorrect ones. For a third of the data set, values are known that are proportional to the desired binding energy of ligands in native positions with the protein. There is a separate test set consisting of 1) complexes of proteins and ligands, for which it is necessary to find the best ligand position (the algorithm for obtaining ligand positions differs from that used in training), 2) complexes of proteins and ligands, for whose native positions it is necessary to predict the binding energy, and 3) proteins for which it is necessary to find the most strongly binding ligand.
  • Data: About 10000 complexes: for each of them there is 1 native pose and 18 (more can be generated) non-native ones. The main descriptors are histograms of distributions of distances between different atoms of the protein and ligand, the dimension of the vector of descriptors is ~ 20,000. The set of descriptors can be extended (you can generate poses with different deviations and use it as a descriptor, you can add the properties of small molecules: the number of bonds around which rotation is possible in a molecule, its surface area, its surface division by a Voronoi diagram. The data will be provided in the form of binary files with a python script to read.
  • References: PEPSI-Dock: a detailed data-driven protein–protein interaction potential accelerated by polar Fourier correlation Predicting Binding Poses and Affinities in the CSAR 2013―2014 Docking Exercises Using the Knowledge-Based Convex-PL Potential
  • Base algorithm: We used a linear SVM (these are just lecture notes, I see no reason to give Vapnik here, especially since all this, including these lecture notes, is googled), the connection of which with an energy estimate that goes beyond scope of the classification The problem is described in the articles listed above. To take into account experimentally known values proportional to energy, it is proposed to use linear regression SVR .
  • Solution: It is necessary to reduce the previously used SVM problem to a regression problem and solve it using standard methods. To check the operation of the algorithm, both the test described above and several other test sets with similar The problems but different data will be used.
  • Novelty: Proper assessment of the quality of protein and ligand binding is used in drug development to find molecules that interact most strongly with the protein under study.

Of particular importance is the assessment of the values of the binding energy of the protein with the ligand: the coefficient of correlation (Pearson) of the energy with its experimental values determined by different groups on the proposed test does not exceed 0.7. Prediction of the most strongly binding ligand from a large number of non-protein-binding molecules is also difficult. The aim of this work is to obtain a method that allows a fairly accurate assessment of protein binding to ligands. From the point of view of machine learning and optimization, it is of interest to combine classification and regression problems.

  • Appendix Given several data sets describing an atom in a molecule or a bond between atoms, with a small feature vector (usually 3-10 descriptors) and several classes corresponding to the atom's hybridization or bond order. The data itself can be from ~100 to 20,000 vectors depending on the type of atom. You need to test some kind of multiclass machine learning on this (random forests, neural network, something else), you can do anything with descriptors. We are currently using SVM. Not only the accuracy is important, but also the computational complexity of the prediction.
  • Authors: Sergei Grudinin, Maria Kadukova

Strijov and Kulunchakov+

  • Title: Creation of delay-operators for multiscale forecasting by means of symbolic regression
  • Problem: Suppose that one needs to build a forecasting machine for a response variable. Given a large set of time series, one can advance a hypothesis that they are related to this variable. Relying upon this hypothesis, we can use given time series as features for the forecasting machine. However, the values of time series could be produced with different frequencies. Therefore, we should take into account not only the values, but the delays as well. The simplest model for forecast is a linear one. In the presence of large set of features this model can approximate the response quite well. To avoid the problem of multiscaling, we introduce a definition of delay-operators. Each delay-operator corresponds to one time series and represents continuous correlation function. This correlation function shows a dependence between the response variable and corresponding time series. Therefore, each delay-operator put weights on the values of corresponding time series depending on the greatness of the delay. Having these delay-operators, we avoid the problem of multiscaling. To find them, we use genetic programming and symbolic regression. If the resulted weighted linear regression model would produce poor approximation, we can use a nonlinear one instead. To find good nonlinear function, we would use symbolic regression as well.
  • Data: Any data from the domain of multiscalse forecating of time series. See the full version of this introduction.
  • References: to be handed by V.V.Strijov
  • Base algorithm: to be handed by V.V.Strijov
  • Solution: Use genetic algorithms applied to symbolic regression to create and test delay-operators in multiscale forecasting.
  • Novelty: to be handed by V.V.Strijov
  • Authors: supervisor: V.V.Strijov, consultant: A.S. Kulunchakov


Author Topic Link Consultant Reviewer Report Letters Grade Journal
Bayandina Anastasia Thematic models of distributive semantics for highlighting ethno-relevant topics in social networks paper

slides video

Anna Potapenko Oleg Gorodnitsky BF AILSB++RCVTDEWHS 10
Belozerova Anastasia Coordination of logical and linear classification models in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals code

paper slides video

Vlada Tselykh Malygin Vitaly BF AILSB+RC+VTD>E0WH>S 10
Maria Vladimirova Bagging of neural networks in the problem of predicting the biological activity of cell receptors code

paper slides vido

Maria Popova Volodin Sergey BMF AILSBRCVTD>E>WHS 10
Volodin Sergey A probabilistic approach to the problem of predicting the biological activity of nuclear receptors code paper slides

video, itis

Maria Popova Maria Vladimirova BMF AILSBRCVTDEWHS 10
Gorodnitsky Oleg An Adaptive Nonlinear Method for Recovering a Matrix from Partial Observations code

paper slides, itis

Mikhail Trofimov Bayandina Anastasia M A++I++L++S+B+R+C++VTDE+WH 10
Ivanychev Sergey Synergy of classification algorithms (SVM Multimodelling) code

paper slides

Alexander Aduenko BM A+I+L++S+BRCVTDEW+H 10
Kovaleva Valeria Regular structure of rare macromolecular clusters code

paper slides video, itis

Olga Valba, Yuri Maksimov Dmitry Fedoryaka BM A+IL+SBRCVTD0E0WH 10
Makarchuk Gleb Time series transformations for hand motion decoding using ECoG signals (electrocorticographic signals) of monkeys code,

paper slides video

Andrey Zadayanchuk BF AI+L+S+BRС>V>T+D>E0WH>S 10
Malygin Vitaly Application of combinatorial estimates of retraining of threshold decision rules for feature selection in the problem of medical diagnostics by the method of V. M. Uspensky code,

paper, slides

Shaura Ishkina Belozerova Anastasia B AILSBRCVTDEWH 10
Molibog Igor Using Dimension Reduction Methods When Building a Feature Space in the Problem of Internal Plagiarism Detection

paper, doc, slides, itis

Anastasia Motrenko Safin Kamil BMF AILSBRCVTDEWHS 10
Pogodin Roman Determining the position of proteins using an electronic map code, paper, slides

video, itis

Alexander Katrutsa Andrey Ryazanov BMF AILSBRСVTDEWHS 10
Andrey Ryazanov Restoration of the primary structure of a protein according to the geometry of its main chain folder

paper slides video, itis

Mikhail Karasikov Roman Pogodin BMF AIL+SBRC++VTD+EWHS 10
Safin Kamil Definition of borrowings in the text without indicating the source code, paper

slides video

Mikhail Kuznetsov Molibog Igor BMF AIL+SBRC>V>T>D>E0WHS 10
Dmitry Fedoryaka Mixtures of vector autoregression models in the problem of time series forecasting code,

slides, paper

Radoslav Neichev Kovaleva Valeria BM AILSBRCV-T>D0E0WH> 10
Tsvetkova Olga Building scoring models in the SAS system code,

paper slides

Raisa Jamtyrova Chygrynskiy Viktor BF A+I+L+S+B+R+C+V0T0D0E0WH>S 10
Chygrynskiy Viktor Approximation of the boundaries of the iris code paper

slides video

Yuri Efimov B AI+L+SBRCV+TDEHFS 10

1. 2016

  • Data: Synergy of classification algorithms. Data from the UCI repository so that it can be compared directly with other works, in particular the work of Vapnik.
  • References: There are different approaches to combining SVMs: on example, bagging (http://www.ecse.rpiscrews.us/~cvrl/FaceProject/Homepage/Publication/ICPR04_final_cameraready_v4.pdf), also try and boosting (http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hong-Mo_Je/publication/3974309_Pattern_classification_using_support_vector_machine_ensemble/links/09e415091bdc559051000000.pdf).
  • Base algorithm: Described in the problem statement
  • Solution: a modification of the basic algorithm, or simply the Basic algorithm itself. The main thing is to compare with other methods and draw conclusions, in particular, about the relationship between the presence of an improvement in the quality and diversity of sets of reference objects built by different SVMs.
  • Novelty: It is known (for example, from Konstantin Vyacheslavovich's lectures) that it is not possible to build short compositions from strong classifiers (for example, SVM) using boosting (although they still try (see literature)). Therefore, it is proposed to build a nonlinear combination instead of a linear one. It is assumed that such a composition can give an increase in quality compared to a single SVM.
  • consultant: Alexander Aduenko

2. 2016

  • Title: Temporal theme model of the press release collection.
  • Problem: Development of methods for analyzing the thematic structure of a large text collection and its dynamics over time. The problem is the assessment of the quality of the constructed structure. It is required to implement the criteria of stability and completeness of the temporal thematic model using manual selection of the found topics according to their interpretability, difference and eventfulness.
  • Data: A collection of press releases from the foreign ministries of a number of countries over 10 years, in English.
  • References:
    1. Doikov N.V. Adaptive regularization of probabilistic topic models. VKR bachelor, VMK MSU. 2015.
  • Base algorithm: Blay's classic LDA with post-hoc time analysis.
  • Solution: Implementation of an additively regularized topic model using the BigARTM library. Building a series of thematic models. Evaluation of their interpretability, stability and completeness.
  • Novelty: Criteria for sustainability and completeness of thematic models are new.
  • consultant: Nikita Doikov, problem author Vorontsov K. V.

3. 2016

  • Title: Coordination of logical and linear classification models in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals.
  • Problem: There are logical classifiers based on the identification of diagnostic standards for each disease and built by the Expert in semi-manual mode. For these classifiers, estimates of disease activities are determined, which have been used in the diagnostic system for many years and satisfy physician users. We build linear classifiers that are trained completely automatically and are ahead of logical classifiers in terms of classification quality. However, a direct transfer of the activity estimation technique to linear classifiers turned out to be impossible. It is required to build a linear activity model, setting it to reproduce the known activity estimates of the logical classifier.
  • Data: A selection of more than 10 thousand electrocardiograms with diagnoses for 32 diseases.
  • References: will issue :)
  • Base algorithm: Linear classifier.
  • Solution: Methods of linear regression, linear classification, feature selection.
  • Novelty: The problem of matching two models of different nature can be considered as learning with privileged information - a promising direction proposed by the machine learning classic VN Vapnik several years ago.
  • consultant: Vlada Tselykh, problem author Vorontsov K. V.

4. 2016

  • Title: Thematic classification model for diagnosing diseases by electrocardiogram.
  • Problem: Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals according to V.M.Uspensky is based on ECG conversion into a character string and selection of informative sets of words - diagnostic standards for each disease. The linear classifier builds one diagnostic standard for each disease. The Screenfax screening diagnostic system now uses four standards for each disease, built in a semi-manual mode. It is required to fully automate the process of constructing diagnostic standards and to determine their optimal number for each disease. To do this, it is supposed to finalize the thematic classification model of S. Tsyganova, to perform a new implementation under BigARTM, to expand computational experiments, to improve the quality of classification.
  • Data: A selection of more than 10 thousand electrocardiograms with diagnoses for 32 diseases.
  • References: will issue :)
  • Base algorithm: Classification models by V.Tselykh, thematic model by S.Tsyganova.
  • Solution: Topic model implemented using the BigARTM library.
  • Novelty: Topic models have not previously been used to classify sampled biomedical signals.
  • consultant: Svetlana Tsyganova, problem author Vorontsov K. V.

5. 2016

  • Title: Thematic models of distributive semantics for highlighting ethno-relevant topics in social networks.
  • Problem: Thematic modeling of social media text collections faces the problem of ultra-short documents. It is not always clear where to draw the boundaries between documents (possible options: a single post, a user's wall, all posts by a given user, all posts for a given day in a given region, and so on). Topic models give interpretable vector representations of words and documents, but their quality depends on the distribution of document lengths. The word2vec model is independent of document lengths, since it takes into account only the local contexts of words, but the coordinates of vector representations do not allow thematic interpretation. The objective of the project is to build a hybrid model that combines the advantages and is free from the disadvantages of both models.
  • Data: Collections of social networks LJ and VK.
  • References: will issue :)
  • Base algorithm: Topic models previously built on this data.
  • Solution: Implementation of a distributive semantics regularizer similar to the vord2vec language model in the BigARTM library.
  • Novelty: So far, there are no language models in the literature that combine the main advantages of probabilistic topic models and the word2vec model.
  • consultant: Anna Potapenko, on technical issues Murat Apishev, problem author Vorontsov K. V.

7. 2016

  • Title: Determining the position of proteins using an electronic map
  • Problem: informally --- there are sets of experimentally determined maps of the location of proteins in complexes, some of them are known in high resolution, it is necessary to restore the entire map in high resolution; formally --- there are matrices and energy vectors corresponding to each map of the protein complex, it is necessary to determine which set of proteins minimizes the quadratic form formed by the matrix and vector.
  • Data: experimental data from the site http://www.emdatabank.org/ will be converted into matrices into energy vectors. Understanding the biophysical nature is not necessary.
  • References: articles on methods for solving quadratic programming problems and various relaxations
  • Base algorithm: quadratic programming methods with various relaxations
  • Solution: minimizing the total energy of the protein complex
  • Novelty: the application of quadratic programming methods and the study of their accuracy in The problems of restoring electronic maps
  • consultant: Alexander Katrutsa, problem author: Sergei Grudinin.
  • Desirable skills: understanding and interest in optimization methods, working with CVX package

8. 2016

  • Title: Classification of Physical Activity: Investigation of Parameter Space Variation in Retraining and Modification of Deep Learning Models
  • Problem: Given a classification model for a sample of time segments recorded from a mobile phone's accelerometer. The model is a multilayer neural network. It is required 1) to investigate the variance and covariance matrix of the neural network parameters under different optimization schedules (i.e., under different approaches to staged learning). 2) based on the obtained parameter covariance matrix, propose an effective way to modify the deep learning model.
  • Data: WISDM Sample http://www.cis.fordham.edu/wisdm/dataset.php.
  • References:
    1. Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal physical activity classification model based on accelerometer measurements http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf
    2. Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification - http://strijov.com/papers/PopovaStrijov2015DeepLearning.pdf
    3. Oleg Bakhteev Yu., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Deep Learning Systems and Tools in The problem Classification
    4. LeCun Y. Optimal Brain Damage - yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/lecun-90b.pdf
    5. Works on pre-training (pre-training) and additional training (fine-tuning)
  • Base algorithm: The basic model is described in the article "Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification". The algorithm can be implemented either using the PyLearn library or keras (other libraries and programming languages are also acceptable).
  • Solution: Analysis of the covariance matrix, building an add-del method based on the received data.
  • Novelty: The technique for studying a high-dimensional covariance matrix, as well as the resulting model modification algorithm, are important and will be used in the future when analyzing deep learning models.
  • consultant: Oleg Bakhteev

9. 2016

  • Title: Restoration of the primary structure of a protein according to the geometry of its main chain
  • Problem: on the basis of the main chain of the protein, that is, in essence its geometry, it is necessary to restore the primary structure of the protein, that is, which sequence of amino acids corresponds to the given geometry of the main chain. It is proposed to do this on the basis of minimizing the total energy of the protein, expressed by a quadratic form, most likely not positive definite.
  • Data: at the choice of the student: collected energy matrices for various proteins based on their descriptions in the PDB format or the PDB files themselves; in the latter case, it will be necessary to collect matrices for further work
  • References: articles on methods for solving quadratic programming problems and various relaxations
  • Base algorithm: quadratic programming methods with various relaxations
  • Solution: minimizing the total protein energy
  • Novelty: application of quadratic programming methods and study of their accuracy
  • consultant: Mikhail Karasikov, problem author: Sergei Grudinin.
  • Desirable skills: understanding and interest in optimization methods, working with CVX package

10. 2016

  • Title: Multi-The problem learning approach for The problem of predicting the biological activity of nuclear receptors
  • Problem: In The problem it is necessary to build a multi-The problem model that predicts the interaction of two types of molecules: receptors and proteins. The solution of this problem is necessary for the development of new drugs (drug design).
  • Data: description of 8500+ proteins and labels for 12 receptors
  • References: will be sent to the student
  • Base algorithm: multi-The problem lasso regression from scikit-learn python library
  • Solution: generalization of linear regression to the multi-The problem case in probabilistic interpretation
  • Novelty: Multi-The problem learning approach is pioneering in drug design
  • consultant: Maria Popova
  • Desired skills: understanding of and interest in probability theory, willingness to quickly understand various approaches to regression, knowledge or willingness to learn Python

11. 2016

  • Title: Bagging of neural networks in The problem of predicting the biological activity of nuclear receptors.
  • Problem: In The problem, it is necessary to implement bagging (bootstrap aggregating) for a two-layer neural network. Such a model will be multiThe probleming and predict the interaction of two types of molecules: receptors and proteins. The solution of this problem is necessary for the development of new drugs (drug design).
  • Data: description of 8500+ proteins and labels for 12 receptors
  • References: will be sent to the student
  • Base algorithm: two-layer neural network
  • Solution: Composition of base classifiers bagging
  • Novelty: This approach is innovative in the field of drug design
  • consultant: Maria Popova

12. 2016

  • Title: Mixtures of models in vector autoregression in the problem of predicting (large) time series.
  • Problem: There is a set of time series of length T containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. It is necessary to predict the next t sensor readings. Practical significance: before a breakdown, the state of the device changes, the prediction of "abnormal" behavior will help to take timely measures and avoid breakdowns or minimize losses.
  • Data: Multivariate time series with indications of various server sensors (CPU, memory, temperature)
  • References: Keywords: mixture models, boosting, Adaboost, vector autoregression.
    1. Alexander Tsyplakov. Introduction to forecasting in classical time series models. [83]
    2. Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem[84]
    3. Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Page 667
  • Basic algorithm: Boosting, Adaboost algorithm.
  • Solution: Use a mixture of several linear models instead of one complex one to build pronosis.
  • Novelty: Improved parameter space for mixture of models in vector autoregression.
  • consultant: Radoslav Neichev

13. 2016

  • Title: Selection of multicorrelated features in the problem of vector autoregression.
  • Problem: There is a set of time series containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. The readings of the sensors correlate with each other. It is necessary to select the optimal set of features for solving the forecasting problem.
  • Data: Multivariate time series with indications of various server sensors (CPU, memory, temperature)
  • References: Keywords: bootstrap aggregation, Belsley method, vector autoregression.
    1. Neichev R.G., Katrutsa A.M., Strijov V.V. Selection of the optimal set of features from a multicorrelated set in the forecasting problem[85]
  • Basic algorithm: Belsley's method for univariate autoregression (see bibliography article).
  • Solution: Apply the Belsley method to detect correlated features.
  • Novelty: The Belsley method is used for vector autoregression.
  • consultant: Radoslav Neichev

14. 2016

  • Title: Generation of features in the prediction problem.
  • Problem: There is a set of time series containing the readings of various sensors that reflect the state of the device. It is necessary to expand the feature space with the help of non-linear parametric generating functions.
  • Data: Multivariate time series with indications of various server sensors (CPU, memory, temperature)
  • References: Keywords: curvilinear regression, feature generation, non-linear regression, time series approximation.
    1. M.P. Kuznetsov, Strijov V.V., M.M. Medvednikov. Algorithm for multiclass classification of objects described in rank scales.[86]
  • Basic algorithm: Non-parametric generating functions.
  • Solution: Apply quasi-linear and non-linear parameter dependent transformations to features.
  • Novelty: A new set of features for solving autoregressive problems is proposed.
  • consultant: Roman Isachenko

15. 2016

  • Title: Time series transformations for hand motion decoding using ECoG signals (electrocorticographic signals) in monkeys.
  • Problem: There is a set of time series records of ECoG signals. It is necessary to extract the features using time series transformations (for example, the windowed Fourier transform).
  • Data: Multivariate time series with ECOG readings and monkey movement data problem
  • References: Keywords: feature extraction, time series transformations, ECoG signal processing
    1. Zenas C. Chao, Yasuo Nagasaka and Naotaka Fujii. Long-term asynchronous decoding of arm motion using electrocorticographic signals in monkeys
  • Basic algorithm: Wavelet transform
  • Solution: Feature extraction from ECoG by various methods.
  • Novelty: Wavelet Transform Optimality Analysis in ECoG Signal Processing The problems
  • consultant: Zadayanchuk Andrey

16. 2016

  • Title: An adaptive nonlinear method for recovering a matrix from partial observations
  • Problem: Let there be an unknown (possibly multidimensional) matrix A, the position of an element in it is described by an integer vector p. The values of the matrix on some subset of its elements are known. It is required to find a parametrization and parameters such that the quadratic deviation is minimized on some subset of elements. More detailed description at the link [87]
  • Data: model data, Netflix Prize Data Set, MovieLens 20M Dataset, Criteo Display Advertising Challenge Dataset
  • References:
    1. "ACCAMS: Additive Co-Clustering to Approximate Matrices Succinctly" (Beutel, Amr Ahmed, Smola)
    2. "Non-linear Matrix Factorization with Gaussian Processes" (Neil D. Lawrence)
    3. "Low-rank matrix completion using alternating minimization" (Prateek Jain, Praneeth Netrapalli, Sujay Sanghavi)
  • Basic algorithm: Low-rank approximation
  • Solution: and parameters, and search for parametrization from the data.
  • Novelty: A summary of works in this area; a new model is proposed, the effectiveness of which is proposed to be tested
  • consultant: Mikhail Trofimov
  • Desirable Skills: python

17. 2016

  • Title: Building scoring models in the SAS system (or MATLAB).
  • Problem: Describe the main steps in building scoring models. At the stage of data preparation, The problem of filtering choices (removing noise objects) is solved. Since the sample contains a significant number of features that do not correlate with solvency, it is necessary to solve the problem of feature selection. In addition, due to the heterogeneity of the data (by example, by region), it is proposed to build a mixture of models, in which each model describes its own subset of the sample. At the same time, different sets of features can correspond to different components of the mixture.
  • Data: Credit Story/Potential Borrower Questionnaires [88], .uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+%28Australian+Credit+Approval%29/.
  • References:
    1. Hosmer, Lemeshov. Logistic regression
    2. Siddiqi. Constructing scorecards
    3. Scoring Mapping Materials
  • Basic algorithm: Logistic regression
  • Solution: Mix of models
  • Novelty: A method for constructing scoring maps is described, in which both feature generation and multi-modeling are included in the optimization problem.
  • consultant: Raisa Jamtyrova
  • Desirable Skills: SAS

18. 2016

  • Title: Approximation of the boundaries of the iris.
  • Problem: Based on the image of the human eye, determine the circles approximating the inner and outer border of the iris.
  • Data: Raster monochrome images, typical size 640*480 pixels (however, other sizes are also possible)

[89], [90].

  • References:
    1. K.A. Gankin, A.N. Gneushev, I.A. Matveev Segmentation of the iris image based on approximate methods with subsequent refinements // Izvestiya RAN. Theory and control systems, 2014, no. 2, p. 78–92.
    2. Duda, R. O. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures / R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart // Communications of the ACM. 1972 Vol. 15, no. 1.Pp.
  • Basic algorithm: Efimov Yury. Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method, 2015.
  • Solution: See iris_circle_problem.pdf
  • Novelty: A fast non-enumerative algorithm for approximating boundaries using linear multimodels is proposed.
  • consultant: Yuri Efimov (by Strijov V.V., Expert Matveev)

19. 2016

  • Title: Approximation of combinatorial overfitting estimates for feature selection in the problem of medical diagnostics.
  • Problem: Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals according to V. M. Uspensky is used to diagnose diseases of internal organs by electrocardiogram. The linear naive bayesian classifier with feature selection performs well in this The problem. However, only very simple greedy strategies have been used so far for feature selection. It is proposed to use more intensive enumeration strategies to find better and shorter diagnostic feature sets. However, the more intense the search, the higher the probability of overfitting. To reduce overfitting, it is proposed to use combinatorial estimates of overfitting of threshold decision rules. For efficient calculation of these estimates, it is proposed to use surrogate modeling.
  • Data: Samples of vectors of ECG feature descriptions obtained using the Screenfax screening diagnostics system. Will be issued.
  • References:
    1. Uspensky V. M. Informational function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. - M.: Economics and informatics, 2008. - 116 p.
    2. Vorontsov K. V. Reliability theory of precedent learning. Course of lectures of VMK MSU and MIPT. 2011.
    3. Ishkina Sh. Kh. Combinatorial estimates of generalizing ability as criteria for feature selection in the syndromic algorithm. - Abstracts of the 58th scientific conference of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. URL: http://conf58.mipt.ru/static/reports_pdf/755.pdf
    4. MVR Composer http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=MVR_Composer
  • Base algorithm: linear naive bayes classifier with feature selection.
  • Solution: Exact combinatorial formulas are used to evaluate overfitting. For approximation (surrogate modeling) of these formulas, MVR Composer is used. Heuristic semi-greedy combinatorial optimization algorithms are used for feature selection.
  • Novelty: Previously, combinatorial retraining estimates were not used for feature selection. This method makes it possible to reduce diagnostic sets of features and improve the quality of classification.
  • consultant: Ishkina Shaura, Kulunchakov Andrey (MVR Composer), problem author: Vorontsov K. V.

20. 2016

  • Title: Object generation model in the problem of time series forecasting
  • Problem: Build an object generation model for the prediction The problem, which will create a high-quality sample for the subsequent solution of the prediction The problem.
  • Data: Electricity consumption time series, mobile phone accelerometer time series
  • References:
    1. Keogh E. J., Pazzani M. J. Scaling up dynamic time warping to massive datasets
    2. Salvador S., Chan P. Fastdtw: Toward accurate dynamic time warping in linear time and space
    3. Kuznetsov M.P., Ivkin N.P. Algorithm for classification of accelerometer time series by combined feature description
    4. Karasikov M. E. Classification of time series in the space of parameters of generating models
  • Base algorithm: Various heuristics
  • Problem Statement: The formulation and detailed description of the problem is given at [91]
  • Novelty: consideration of the data generation model in a similar The problem
  • consultant: Alexey Goncharov

21. 2016

  • Title: Algorithm for predicting the structure of locally optimal models
  • Problem: It is required to predict a time series using some parametric superposition of algebraic functions. It is proposed not to cost the prognostic model, but to predict it, that is, to predict the structure of the approximating superposition. A class of considered superpositions is introduced, and on the set of such structural descriptions, a search is made for a locally optimal model for the problem under consideration. The problem consists in 1) searching for a suitable structural description of the model 2) describing the search algorithm for the structure that will correspond to the optimal model 3) describing the algorithm for inverse construction of the model according to its structural description. For an already existing example of the answer to questions 1-3, see the work of A. A. Varfolomeeva.
  • Data: A set of time series, which implies the restoration of functional dependencies. It is proposed to first use synthetic data or immediately apply the algorithm to forecasting time series 1) electricity consumption 2) physical activity with subsequent analysis of the resulting structures.
  • References:
    1. A. A. Varfolomeeva Selection of features when marking up bibliographic lists using structural learning methods, 2013, [92]
    2. Bin Cao, Ying Li and Jianwei Yin Measuring Similarity between Graphs Based on the Levenshtein Distance, 2012, [93]
  • Base algorithm: Specifically, there is no basic algorithm for the proposed problem. It is proposed to try to repeat the experiment of A. A. Varfolomeeva for a different structural description in order to understand what is happening.
  • Solution: The superposition of algebraic functions defines an ortree, on the vertices of which the labels of the corresponding algebraic functions or variables are given. Therefore, the structural description of such a superposition can be its DFS-code. This is a string consisting of vertex labels, written in the order in which the tree is traversed by depth-first search. Knowing the arities of the corresponding algebraic functions, we can restore any such DFS-code in O(n) and get back the superposition of functions. On the set of similar string descriptions, it is proposed to search for the string description that will correspond to the optimal model.
  • consultant: Kulunchakov Andrey

22. 2016

  • Title: Definition of borrowings in the text without indicating the source
  • Problem: The problem is solved to detect internal borrowings in the text. It is required to test the hypothesis that the given text was written by a single author, and if it is not fulfilled, highlight the borrowed parts of the text. A borrowing is a part of the text, presumably written by another author and containing characteristic differences from the style of the main author. It is required to develop such a style function that allows to distinguish with a high degree of certainty the style of the main author of the text from borrowings.
  • Data: PAN-2011 contest collection.
  • References:
    1. Oberreuter, G., L'Huillier, G., Rıos, S. A., & Velásquez, J. D. (2011). Approaches for intrinsic and external plagiarism detection. Proceedings of the PAN.
  • Basic algorithm, solution: At the moment, a basic method for identifying dependencies is implemented, based on the analysis of the frequencies of words and symbolic n-grams in a sentence. For each text, a dictionary is formed, in which each word (n-gram) is assigned the value of its occurrence in the text. Based on the occurrence values, an indicative description of each segment-offer is formed. Classification of text segments is performed on the basis of Expert markup of borrowings. The quality of the base algorithm is 0.29 in F1-measure (Pladget 0.21) on the PAN-2011 collection, while the quality of the best algorithm that participated in the 2011 competition [Oberreuter] is 0.32 in F1-measure (Pladget 0.32). It is proposed to implement this algorithm and compare it with the base method.
  • consultant: Mikhail Kuznetsov

23. 2016

  • Title: Using Dimension Reduction Methods When Building a Feature Space in the Problem of Internal Plagiarism Detection
  • Problem: For a more efficient solution to The problem of detecting internal plagiarism, use dimensionality reduction methods that preserve the distance between objects. It is required to refine the tSNE method [2] by including in the model information about data markup and the possibility of adding previously unconsidered objects to the space of reduced dimension. For details see [1]
  • Data: PAN-2011 contest collection.
  • References:
    1. Problem_statement_dim_reduce.pdf‎
    2. Laurens van der Maaten. Visualizing Data using t-SNE Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9 (2008) 2579-2605.
    3. Julian Brooke and Graeme Hirst. Paragraph Clustering for Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection using a Stylistic Vector-Space Model with Extrinsic Features, 2012.
  • Basic algorithm, solution: See [1]
  • consultant: Anastasia Motrenko

26. 2016

  • Title: Construction of mappings with minimal deformation to compare images with the standard.
  • Problem: Apply the variational method of constructing quasi-isometric mappings to solve the classical problem of geometric morphology and image registration - constructing a two-dimensional or three-dimensional deformation for comparison with the standard.
  • Data: Images in bmp format. At the first stage, simple bodies can be defined by means of a b/w coloring of the Cartesian lattice.
  • References:
    1. Michael I. Miller, Alain Trouve, Laurent Younes. ON THE METRICS AND EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL ANATOMY. Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 2002. 4:375–405
    2. Beg MF, Miller MI, Trouve A, Younes L. Computing large deformation metric mappings via geodesics flows of diffeomorphisms. International Journal of Computer Vision. 2005; V.61(2):139-157.
    3. Trouve A. An approach of pattern recognition through infinite dimensional group action. Research report LMENS-95-9. 1995.
    4. Garanzha VA. Maximum norm optimization of quasi-isometric mappings. Num. Linear Algebra Appl. 2002; V.9(6-7):493-510.
    5. Garanzha V.A., Kudryavtseva L.N., Utyzhnikov S.V. Untangling and optimization of spatial meshes // Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. -- 2014. -- October. -- V. 269 -- P. 24--41.
  • Base algorithm: Use the variational method for constructing mappings, which was previously proposed for constructing spatial mappings with a given boundary mapping [4], [5], in the case when a measure of proximity of functions describing geometric bodies is given on example , as an rms measure of the proximity of brightness functions.
  • Solution: For the existing code that implements the variational method for constructing two-dimensional mappings with minimal distortion, it is necessary to add a module that implements an additive to the functional, which is a measure of the proximity of geometric bodies. This includes calculating the functional itself, its gradient, and adjusting the preconditioner.
  • Novelty: Compare the obtained method with the method of geodesic flow of diffeomorphisms proposed in the works of Alain Trouvé (see references [1]-[3]). Estimate the quality of the approximation and the performance of the resulting algorithm.
  • consultant: Vladimir Anatolyevich Garanzha (CC RAS).

27. 2016

  • Title: Cross-language thematic search for scientific publications.
  • Problem: Creation of a prototype search service that accepts the text of a scientific article in Russian as a request and returns thematically related articles in English from the arXiv.org collection as a search result.
  • Data: The arXiv.org text collection, Wikipedia's bilingual text collection.
  • References: will issue.
  • Base algorithm: Topic model built from the combined collection of the English-language arXiv and the bilingual English-Russian Wikipedia.
  • Solution: Building a regularized topic model using the BigARTM library. Application of standard means of constructing inverted indexes.
  • Novelty: There is no such service on the Russian Internet yet.
  • Consultant: Marina Suvorova.

28. 2016

  • Title: Search for resonant frequencies in polymer solutions.
  • Problem: Mathematically, The problem comes down to finding the spectral density of random graphs in the vicinity of the percolation point.
  • Data: Simulation data (Erdos-Rényi graphs around the percolation point).
  • References: Nazarov L. I. et al. A statistical model of intra-chromosome contact maps //Soft matter. - 2015. - T. 11. - No. 5. - S. 1019-1025.
  • Base algorithm: Monte Carlo.
  • Novelty: At present, an algorithm for estimating the spectral density of linear chains is known, the issue with estimating the spectral density of tree ensembles is open.
  • Consultant: Olga Valba, Yuri Maksimov, Problem Author: Nechaev Sergey.

2016 Group 2

Author Topic Link Consultant Reviewer Report Letters Grade Magazine
Akhtyamov Pavel Selection of multicorrelating features in the problem of vector autoregression code,

paper, slides

Radoslav Neichev Medvedeva Anna BF AI+LSB++R+CVTDEH 10
Bataev Vladislav Thematic classification model for diagnosing diseases by electrocardiogram code,


Svetlana Tsyganova B AIL-S++B>R>C0V0T0D0E0W0H> >26.05 (7)
Ivanov Ilya Classification of physical activity: study of parameter space change during retraining and modification of deep learning models code,

paper, slides

Oleg Bakhteev BF A+ILS+B+R++C+VT+DEW0H 10
Medvedeva Anna Object generation model in the problem of time series forecasting code

paper slides

Goncharov Alexey Akhtyamov Pavel BF AILS-BRCVTD0EWS 10
Persianov Dmitry Temporal theme model of press release collection code

paper slides

Nikita Doikov BF A+I+L+S++B+R+C+V+T0DEW0H 10
Semenenko Denis Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Locally Optimal Models code


Kulunchakov Andrey B AI+L+SB0R0C0V0T0D0E0W0H0
Sofienko Alexander Coordination of logical and linear classification models in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals code,


Vlada Tselykh B A-I-L-S-C0V0T0D0E0W0H> >26.05
Yaronskaya Lyubov Sparse Regularized Regression on Protein Complex Data code

paper slides

Alexander Katrutsa A-I-L-SB-R-CVT--D-EW0H> >26.05
Aksenov Sergey Cross-language thematic search for scientific publications. code

paper slides

Marina Suvorova AILS0B0R0C0V0T0D0E0W0H> >26.05 (7)
Khismatullin Timur Analysis and classification of the DNA-protein complex interface code

paper slides

Vladimir Garanzha F AILSBRCVT>H> >26.05 (7)


  • Title: Sparse Regularized Regression on Protein Complex Data
  • Problem: find the best regression model on protein complex binding data
  • Data: feature description of protein complexes and binding constants for them
  • References: articles on regression and comparing methods on similar data
  • Base algorithm: regularized linear regression (Lasso, Ridge, ..), SVR, kernel methods, etc.
  • Solution: comparison of various regression algorithms on data, selection of the optimal model and parameter optimization
  • Novelty: getting the best regression model for protein complex binding data
  • consultant: Alexander Katrutsa, problem author: Sergei Grudinin.
  • Desirable Skills: willingness to quickly understand various approaches to regression, knowledge or willingness to master C++ at an intermediate level (for a more complete study, you will need to try C++ libraries)


  • Title: Classification of physical activity: study of parameter space change during retraining and modification of deep learning models
  • Problem: Given a classification model for a sample of time segments recorded from a mobile phone's accelerometer. The model is a multilayer neural network. It is required 1) to investigate the variance and covariance matrix of the neural network parameters under different optimization schedules (i.e., under different approaches to staged learning). 2) based on the obtained parameter covariance matrix, propose an effective way to modify the deep learning model.
  • Data: WISDM Sample http://www.cis.fordham.edu/wisdm/dataset.php.
  • References:
    1. Zadayanchuk A.I., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Choosing the optimal physical activity classification model based on accelerometer measurements http://strijov.com/papers/Zadayanchuk2015OptimalNN4.pdf
    2. Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification - http://strijov.com/papers/PopovaStrijov2015DeepLearning.pdf
    3. Oleg Bakhteev Yu., Popova M.S., Strijov V.V. Deep Learning Systems and Tools in The problem Classification
    4. LeCun Y. Optimal Brain Damage - yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/lecun-90b.pdf
    5. Works on pre-training (pre-training) and additional training (fine-tuning)
  • Base algorithm: The basic model is described in the article "Building Deep Learning Networks for Time Series Classification". The algorithm can be implemented either using the PyLearn library or keras (other libraries and programming languages are also acceptable).
  • Solution: Analysis of the covariance matrix, building an add-del method based on the received data.
  • Novelty: The technique for studying a high-dimensional covariance matrix, as well as the resulting model modification algorithm, are important and will be used in the future when analyzing deep learning models.
  • consultant: Oleg Bakhteev


  • Title: Stability of sampling of electrocardiosignals relative to frequency filtering.
  • Problem: Technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals according to V.M.Uspensky is based on the transformation of the electrocardiogram into a character string (codogram) and the selection of informative sets of words - diagnostic standards for each disease. The problem is that for discretization it is necessary to accurately determine the amplitude of the R-peaks. The amplitude can be affected by the frequency filtering of the signal, which is performed by the electrocardiograph at the hardware or software level. The problem is to evaluate how much different frequency filters (example, 50.4Hz mains suppression filter, high-pass filter) can affect the word frequencies in the codegram and the quality of the classification.
  • Data: electrocardiograms in KDM format.
  • References: will issue :)
  • Base algorithm: Linear classifier.
  • Solution: Direct and inverse Fourier transform, algorithm for detecting R-peaks on an electrocardiogram, algorithm for determining the amplitude of R-peaks.
  • Novelty: The study of the stability of codograms in relation to frequency filtering with different parameters has not previously been carried out in the information analysis of electrocardiosignals.
  • consultant: Victor Safronov (Scientific Center named after V.I.Kulakov)


Author Topic Link Consultant Reviewer DZ-1 DZ-2 (Problem number) Letters
Bernstein Julia Methods for characterizing fibrinolysis by in vitro blood imaging sequence Matveev I. A. Solomatin 1 3 (8) AILSBRCVTDE
Bochkarev Artem Structural learning when generating models [94] (no code), paper, slides Varfolomeeva Anna, Oleg Bakhteev Isachenko 2 2 (7) A+I++LS+BRCVT+DS
Goncharov Alexey Metric classification of time series code,

paper, slides

Maria Popova Zadayanchuk 1.5 1 (4) AILSBRCVTDSW
Dvinskikh Darina Improving the quality of forecasting using product groups code,

paper, slides

Kanevsky D. Yu. Smirnov 0.5 3 (7) AILSBRCVTDEHS
Efimov Yuri Search for the outer and inner boundaries of the iris in the eye image using the paired gradient method code,

paper, slides

Matveev I. A. Neichev AILSBRCVTDEW
Zharikov Ilya Checking the compliance of the electrocardiograph with the requirements of the diagnostic system "Screenfax" and assessing the quality of electrocardiograms. code, paper, slides Shaura Ishkina Bochkarev 3.5 3 (5) AIL+SBRCVTDEHSW
Zadayanchuk Andrey Choosing the optimal physical activity classification model code,

paper, slides

Maria Popova Goncharov 2 0 (17) AI-LSB+RCVTD
Zlatov Alexander Building a hierarchical model of a large conference code,

paper, slides

Arsenty Kuzmin Dvinskyh 1.5 3 (14) AI+L+SBRC++V+TDESW
Isachenko Roman Metric Learning and Space Dimension Reduction in The problems of Time Series Clustering code, paper, slides Alexander Katrutsa Zharikov 3.5 3 (14) A-I+L+S-BR+CVTDEHSW
Radoslav Neichev Feature Selection in Time Series Forecasting Using Exogenous Factors code, paper, slides Alexander Katrutsa Efimov 1 3 (9) AI-L-SBRCVTDEHSW
Podkopaev Alexander Prediction of Quaternary Structures of Proteins code,

paper, slides

Maksimov Yu. V. Reshetov 3.5 3 (11) AILS+B+RCVTDEHS
Reshetova Daria Multiclass Classification Methods with Improved Convergence Estimators in Partial Learning The problems code,

paper, slides

Maksimov Yu. V. Kamzolov 2.5 3 (10) AIL++SB+RCVT++DEHS-
Smirnov Evgeniy Thematic model of interests of permanent users of the mobile application code, paper, slides Victor Safronov Zlatov 1 1 (4) AILSBRCVTWDE
Solomatin Ivan Determination of the iris shading area by the classifier of local textural features code, paper, slides Matveev I. A. Bernstein Julia 3 (9) AILSBRCVTDE
Chernykh Vladimir Testing nonparametric algorithms for time series forecasting under nonstationary conditions code,

paper, slides

Stenina Maria Shishkovets Svetlana 3.5 3 (4) A+I+LSBRCVT+DE++H++
Shishkovets Svetlana Regularization of a linear naive bayes classifier. code,

paper, slides

Uskov Mikhail, Vorontsov K. V. Chernykh Vladimir 3.5 2 (9) A+I+L+SBR+CV+TD+E+H+S
Kamzolov Dmitri New algorithms for the problem of ranking web pages Alexander Gasnikov, Yuri Maksimov Podkopaev AILSB+RCVT+DEHS--
Sukhareva Angelica Classification of scientific texts by branches of knowledge code,

paper, slides

Sergei Tsarkov 0.5 AILSBRCVTDEH

1. 2015

  • Title: Improving the quality of demand forecasting using product groups
  • Problem description:


    1. Time series of sales for several product groups in one hypermarket. Also, for each product, periods of shortage, periods of influence on the demand of calendar holidays and periods of holding are known. marketing promotions. A product classifier is also known: a tree of product groups, where the products themselves are leaves.
    2. Forecasting algorithm that is used to generate demand forecasts for these products: self-adaptive exponential smoothing (Trigg-Leach model, see [1])
    3. Loss function by which the quality of forecasts is measured: MAPE.
    4. Requirements for building forecasts: forecasts must be built weekly for 4 weeks ahead (at the beginning of the current week, you need to build a forecast of total demand for the next week, a week in one, two, and 3).

Hypothesis: Demand for individual goods is too volatile to reveal their characteristic seasonality. It is proposed to use data on product groups in order to more accurately determine the parameters of seasonality. Note: there are other options for improving the quality of forecasting by working with groups of goods. The problem is to improve the quality of forecasting within the framework of The problem by taking into account the effect of the interchangeability of goods, in comparison with the Basic algorithm The result can be considered achieved if a statistically significant increase in quality is shown when building a series of forecasts (at least 20) for each time series using a sliding control.

  • Data:
    1. Data on sales of several product groups in a hypermarket of a large retail chain: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5YjPespcL83X3pHaE1aRzBUaDg/view?usp=sharing
  • References:
    1. Lukashin Yu. P. Adaptive methods of short-term forecasting of time series. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2003.
    2. http://www.machinelearning.ru/wiki/index.php?title=%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C_%D0%A2%D1 %80%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B3%D0%B0-%D0%9B%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B0
    3. Nitin Patel, Mahesh Kumar, Rama Ramakrishnan. Clustering models to improve forecasts in retail merchandising. http://www.cytel.com/Papers/INFORMS_Prac_%2004.pdf
    4. Kumar M., Error-based Clustering and Its Application to Sales Forecasting in Retail Merchandising. PhD Thesis. http://books.google.ru/books/about/Error_based_Clustering_and_Its_Applicati.html?id=6252NwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
  • Base algorithm: It is proposed to use the seasonality model [3] in combination with the Trigg-Leach model as a non-seasonal series prediction algorithm ([1] and [2]). In this case, 3 variants of the algorithm are possible, depending on the method of assessing seasonality:
    1. Seasonality is estimated by the very series of sales. For products with a "short" history, seasonality is not assessed.
    2. Seasonality is estimated for a group of goods, based on the classifier of commodity groups (lower level of the classifier)
    3. Seasonality is estimated by clusters, based on the methodology [3], [4].
  • Solution: It is required to implement the combination of the seasonality model [3] and the Trigg-Leach model as a non-seasonal series prediction algorithm ([1] and [2]), with the 3 variants of seasonality analysis described above. When constructing seasonal profiles, it is necessary to exclude periods of marketing campaigns (otherwise, there may be a significant distortion of seasonality). Next, you need a series of experiments with quality analysis on real data. When analyzing quality, you can exclude periods of holidays and marketing campaigns. Based on the results of the experiments, it may be necessary to adapt the clustering algorithm.
  • Novelty: Building a self-adaptive forecasting algorithm taking into account seasonality, identified by cluster analysis.
  • consultant: Kanevsky D.Yu.

2. 2015

3. 2015

  • Title: Obtaining an estimate of the sparse covariance matrix for nonlinear models (neural networks).
  • Problem: Suggest a method for estimating the covariance matrix of parameters of a general model for the case of linear regression, logistic regression, general non-linear models, including neural networks. Suggest a way to take into account the structure of the matrix (sparseness, dependencies between coefficients, etc.)
  • Data: Synthetic data and tests.
  • References:
    1. Zaitsev A.A., Strijov V.V., Tokmakova A.A. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Hyperparameters of Regression Models // Information Technologies, 2013, 2 - 11-15.
    2. Kuznetsov M.P., Tokmakova A.A., Strijov V.V. Analytic and stochastic methods of structure parameter estimation // Preprint, 2015.
    3. Aduenko A. A. Presentation on Evidence, 2015. aduenko_presentation_russian.pdf
    4. Bishop C. M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, pp. 161-172, 2006.
  • Base algorithm: Diagonal matrix estimation, see MLAlgorithms/HyperOptimization folder.
  • Solution:
  • Novelty: A fast algorithm for obtaining estimates of the general covariance matrix for nonlinear models is proposed, the properties of sparse matrices are investigated.
  • consultant: Alexander Aduenko.

4. 2015

  • Title: Feature selection in time series forecasting using exogenous factors
  • Problem: The problem statement from [95] formula (32)
  • Data: time series with electricity prices.
  • References:
    1. Keywords: Hourly Price Forward Curve, short-term time series forecasting, feature selection, Add-Del method, (non)linear regression.
    2. Main Articles:
    3. [96] - study of the influence of prices in one country on the price in another and how to take this into account when forecasting .
    4. [97] - overview of terms and processes emerging in HPFC forecasting + motivation
    5. [98] - also about price forecasting, but here about spot prices
  • Base algorithm:
    1. LAD-Lasso estimation from [99]
    2. Sanduleanu's article about the Add-Del modification: [100].
  • Solution: apply the modified Add-Del method as a feature selection method.
  • Novelty: comparison of basic and proposed methods, analysis of properties of the proposed method.
  • consultant: Alexander Katrutsa.

5. 2015

  • Title: Development of an image recognition algorithm for the search for fibrinolysis parameters.
  • Problem: A set of images of fibrin clot growth obtained during the study of thrombodynamics and 80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B7|fibrinolysis. It is required to develop an algorithm for finding the coordinates of the segment and the angle of inclination of the activator line from a series of images. Test the developed algorithm on different types of fibrinolysis and examples where this process is absent.
  • Data: An array of images for each study in tiff format 16 bits with time points from the beginning in seconds.
  • References:
    1. Description of the applied The problem and terms of reference: on request.
  • Base algorithm: Hough Transform [101], discussed.
  • consultant: I.A. Matveev

6. 2015

  • Title: Prediction of Quaternary Structures of Proteins: нивелирование
  • Problem description: The problem is to predict the packing of protein molecules into a multimeric complex in the rigid body approximation. One of the formulations of the problem is written as a non-convex optimization.

It is necessary to study this formulation and propose a solution algorithm. Suppose we have N proteins in an assembly, such that each protein i can be located in one of P positions x_{p}^{i}. N is ~ 10, P ~ 100. To each two vectors x_{i}^{p} and x_{j}^{q}, we can assign an energy function q_{0}, which is the overlap integral in the simplest approximation. Each protein position also has an associated score b_{0}.

  • Data: Collected using one of the standard complexes resolved using electron microscopy. The energy values and overlap integrals are calculated by modifying one of the standard packages, on example, HermiteFit. Data is generated in ~1 minute, code modification and data preparation will take ~1 week.
  • References: Yu.E. Nesterov Introduction to Convex Optimization (available at PreMoLab website)
  • Code notes: Implementation notes
  • Base algorithm: I would like to try convex relaxations.
  • Novelty: Convex relaxations have not been used before in such The problems on these proteins
  • consultant: Yu.V. Maksimov

7. 2015

  • Title: Metric learning and space dimensionality reduction in Time Series Classification The problems
  • Problem: The problem statement from the base article, some modification of the error function is possible due to the specifics of the time series
  • Data: electricity price time series
  • References:
    1. [102] - basic article
    2. [103] - excellent overview of Metric Learning methods
    3. [104] - more overview
  • Base algorithm: Frank-Wolf algorithm (conditional gradient descent)
  • Solution: apply target matrix decimation with Belsley method to remove multicollinearity
  • Novelty: application of Metric Learning methods in the problem of time series clustering, analysis of the properties of the proposed method
  • consultant: Alexander Katrutsa

8. 2015

  • Title: Structural learning when generating models
  • Problem: Solved by The problem search ranking function in Information Search The problems. The search is carried out among non-parametric functions (structures) generated by a grammar of the form G: g---> B(g, g) | U(g) | S, where B is a set of binary operations {+, -, *, /}, U - unary operations {-(), sqrt, log, exp}, S - variables and parameters {x, y, k}. It is proposed to solve the problem of generating a ranking model in two stages, using the history of restoring the structure of the model as a training sample.
  • Data: TREC subcollections.
  • Description of the collection of data used to evaluate the features, and the evaluation procedure. [105]
  • References:
    1. Jaakkola T. Scaled structured prediction.
    2. Jaakkola lecture “Scaling structured prediction”
    3. Find all the work of TJ students on a given topic.
    4. Varfolomeeva A.A. Bachelor's thesis in MLAlgorithms/BSThesis/Varfolomeeva
  • Base algorithm: Parantap, BM25 - models for comparison.
  • Solution: It is proposed to cluster the collection and generate models for document clusters. Then, using the structural learning method, find models that generalize the unions of clusters up to the collection itself.
  • Novelty: Ranking functions found that are as good as those used in practice.
  • consultant: Anna Varfolomeeva, Oleg Bakhteev

9. 2015

  • Title: Checking the compliance of the electrocardiograph with the requirements of the diagnostic system "Screenfax" and assessing the quality of electrocardiograms.
  • Problem description: The problem of checking the compliance of an arbitrary electrocardiograph with the requirements of the "Screenfax" diagnostic system [1—4] is solved based on a comparison of electrocardiograms (ECG) of the same and the same patients recorded by both devices according to the ABAB scheme, where A is the first device, B - the second. The problem of automatic detection of low-quality electrocardiograms that do not meet the requirements of the diagnostic system is also solved.
  • Data: The selection consists of records with ECG values recorded by the device for which the test is being carried out, and by the device used in the Screenfax diagnostic system (data with a detailed description of the recording format will be provided to the person who selected The problem). You can use http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/ptbdb/ to test algorithms for R-peak detection and noise level estimation.
  • References:
    1. Information portal of the Diagnostic system "Screenfax". URL: http://skrinfax.ru/method-author/
    2. Technology for information analysis of electrocardiosignals
    3. Uspensky V.M. Information function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. M.: Economics and informatics, 2008. 116p.
    4. Uspensky V.M. Information function of the heart. // Clinical medicine. 2008. V.86. No. 5. pp.4–13.
    5. Naseri H., Homainezhad M.R. Electrocardiogram signal quality assessment using an artificially reconstructed target lead // Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2015. Vol.18, No. 10.Pp. 1126-1141.
    6. Zidelmal Z., Amirou A., Ould-Abdeslam D., Moukadem A., Dieterlen A. QRS detection using S-Transform and Shannon energy. // Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2014. Vol. 116, no. 1.Pp. 1-9. URL: https://yadi.sk/i/-kD00y1VepB3q
    7. Sarfraz M., Li F. F., Khan A. A. Independent Component Analysis Methods to Improve Electrocardiogram Patterns Recognition in the Presence of Non-Trivial Artifacts // Journal of Medical and Bioengineering. 2015. Vol. 4, no. 3.Pp. 221-226. URL: https://yadi.sk/i/-kD00y1VepB3q
    8. Meziane N. et al. Simultaneous comparison of 1 gel with 4 dry electrode types for electrocardiography // Physiol. Meas. 2015. Vol. 36, no. 513.
    9. Allana S., Aversa J., Varghese C., et al. Poor quality electrocardiograms negatively affect the diagnostic accuracy of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. // J Am Call Cardiol. 2014. Vol. 63, no. 12_S. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(14)60172-8.
  • Base algorithm: ECG quality estimation – [4], R-peak detection – [5], noise level estimation in data – [6].
  • Solution: The problem of checking the compliance of an arbitrary electrocardiograph with the requirements of the "Screenfax" diagnostic system is proposed to be solved by constructing permutation statistical tests by comparing the values of RR-intervals and R-amplitudes and detected code sequences (calculated by amplitudes and intervals) for each diseases. This is where The problem of detecting R peaks comes in. In The problem of detecting low-quality electrocardiograms, The problem of estimating the noise level arises. In addition, it is necessary to learn how to filter out ECG with non-informative amplitude values or a large spread of interval values, since the method of analyzing electrocardiographic signals is not applicable to the diagnosis of arrhythmia.
  • Novelty: The problem of checking the compliance of the electrocardiograph with the requirements of the diagnostic system can be considered as The problem of comparing ECG recording devices that arise, for example, when comparing different types of electrodes, and the noise level in the values of electrocardiosignals, the presence of baseline drift are selected as criteria and some other features [7].
  • consultant: Shaura Ishkina

10. 2015

  • Title: Simplification of the IR models structure
  • Problem: To achieve the acceptable quality of the information retrieval models, modern search engines use models of very complex structure. In current research we propose to simplify the model structure and make it interpretable without decreasing the model accuracy. To do this, we follow the idea from (Goswami et al., 2014) of constructing the set of nonlinear IR functions of simple structure and admissible accuracy. However, each of these functions is expected to have lower accuracy while comparing with the best IR model of complex structure. Thus, we propose to approximate this complex model with the linear combination of simple nonlinear functions and expect to obtain the comparable quality of solution.
  • Data: TREC collections.
  • References:
    1. P. Goswami et Al. Exploring the Space of IR Functions // Advances in Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8416:372-384, 2014.
    2. problem statement
  • Base algorithm: Gradient boosting machine for constructing a model of high complexity. Exaustive search of superpositions from a set of elementary functions for approximation and simplification.
  • Solution: The optimal functions for the linear combination can be found by the greedy algorithm.
  • Novelty: A new ranking function of simple structure competitive with traditional ones.
  • consultant: Mikhail Kuznetsov.

11. 2015

  • Title: Testing non-parametric time series forecasting algorithms under non-stationary conditions
  • Problem: One of the key assumptions about the distribution of data in non-parametric is the assumption that the time series is stationary. The adequacy of forecasts if this requirement is not met is not guaranteed. It is required to develop a method for determining the fulfillment of the condition of local stationarity of the time series to study the applicability of the main algorithms of nonparametric forecasting in the absence of stationarity. Consider the main methods of nonparametric regression, such as kernel smoothing, spline smoothing, autoregression, moving average, etc.
  • Data: Data on freight rail transportation (RZD)
  • References:
    1. Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. - 2012. - No. 4.
    2. Dickey D. A. and Fuller W. A. Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root / Journal of the American Statistical Association. - 74. - 1979. - p. 427--431.
  • Base algorithm: ARMA, Hist.
  • Solution: Use the Dickey-Fuller test as a basic method for checking series for non-stationarity. It is also proposed to consider such sources of non-stationarity as trend and seasonality.
  • Novelty: A method for determining the fulfillment of the condition of local stationarity of a time series has been developed and substantiated.
  • consultant: Stenina Maria

12. 2015

  • Title: Learning metrics in Full and Partial Learning The problems
  • Problem description: is a software implementation of a complex of convex and DC-optimization methods for the problem of choosing the optimal metric in The problems of recognition. In other words, in constructing a metric such that the nearest neighbor classification gives high accuracy.
  • Data: Birds and Fungus ImageNet collection with Deep features extracted (provided by consultant). Primary tests can be done on the data provided by here
  • References: References and a detailed description of the problem are given in file
  • Code notes: Implementation notes
  • Base algorithm: 1) convex relaxation of the problem solved by an internal point through CVX 2) SVM on a modified sample consisting of pairs of objects
  • consultant: Yu.V. Maksimov

13. 2015

  • Title: Building a hierarchical topic model of a large conference
  • Problem: Every year, the program committee of a major EURO conference (more than 2000 reports) is faced with The problem of building a hierarchical model of conference abstracts. Due to the fact that the structure of the conference changes little from year to year, it is proposed to build a thematic model of the future conference using expert models of conferences of previous years. This raises the following subThe problems:
  1. Classification of abstracts of the new conference.
  2. Predicting changes in the structure of the conference.
  • Data: Abstracts and expert models of EURO 2010, 2012, 2013 conferences.
  • References: Alexander A. Aduenko, Arsentii A. Kuzmin, Vadim V. Strijov. Adaptive thematic forecasting of major conference proceedings text of the article
  • Base algorithm:
  • Solution: For solving subThe problems
  1. it is proposed to combine the expert models of conferences of previous years into one, and for each thesis of a new conference to find the most suitable cluster in the resulting combined model, on example, using a weighted cosine measure of proximity.
  2. explore changes in the structure of conferences from year to year and determine the threshold of intra-cluster similarity values at which, for a certain set of abstracts, Experts create a new cluster, rather than adding these abstracts to existing clusters.
  • Novelty: A weighted cosine proximity measure that takes into account the hierarchical structure of clusters. Forecasting changes in the hierarchical structure/topics of the conference
  • consultant: Arsenty Kuzmin

14. 2015

  • Title: Regularization of the linear naive bayes classifier.
  • Problem: Building a linear classifier is one of the classic and most well studied machine learning The problems. A linear naive bayesian (LNB) classifier has the strong advantage that it builds in time that is linear in sample length, and the strong limitation that it assumes that the features are independent in its derivation. On some data, LNB performs surprisingly well, despite a clear violation of the feature independence hypothesis. The Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) is considered to be a very successful method, but takes a long time on large samples. Both of these methods work in the same space of linear classifiers. The idea of the study is to bring LNB closer to SVM in terms of quality, but without loss of efficiency, by means of minor corrections.
  • Data: One of the three data sets, optional: classification of texts into scientific and non-scientific, classification of abstracts by fields of science, classification of ECG codograms for sick and healthy.
  • References:
    1. Larsen (2005) Generalized Naive Bayes Classifiers.
    2. Abraham, Simha, Iyengar (2009) Effective Discretization and Hybrid feature selection using Naïve Bayesian classifier for Medical datamining.
    3. Lutu (2013) Fast Feature Selection for Naive Bayes Classification in Data Stream Mining.
    4. Zaidi, Carman, Cerquides, Webb (2014) Naive-Bayes Inspired Effective Pre-Conditioner for Speeding-up Logistic Regression.
    5. + ask Vorontsov K. V.а.
  • Base algorithm: any ready-made LNB and SVM implementations. Plus naive feature selection for LNB.
  • Solution: Derive correction formulas for LNB weights when using a margin-maximization regularizer similar to SVM. We build an iterative process in which a correction is calculated at each step, bringing the LNB closer to the SVM a little more. ROC-curves and dependences of Hold-out AUC on the iteration number are built.
  • Novelty: The ML community still hasn't realized that any linear classifier is equivalent to some kind of Naive Bayesian classifier.
  • consultant: Mikhail Uskov. Hyperconsultant: Vorontsov K. V..

15. 2015

  • Title: Thematic model of the interests of regular users of the mobile application.
  • Problem: The mobile app for learning English words offers the user words one by one. The user can either add a word to the studied ones, or discard it. To start learning words, you need to type at least 10 words. It is required to build a probabilistic word generation model that adapts to the interests of the user.
  • Data: There are lists of added and dropped words for each user. In addition, it is intended to use a large external collection of texts, for example, Wikipedia, for sustainable topic definition.
  • References:
    1. Vorontsov K. V., Potapenko A. A. Additive Regularization of Topic Models // Machine Learning. Special Issue “Data Analysis and Intelligent Optimization with Applications”. 2014. Russian translation
  • Base algorithm: Random word selection algorithm.
  • Solution: The topic model for each user determines the topic profile of his interests p(t|u). To generate words, word distributions from the distributions p(w|t) of the topics of the given user are used. Dependences of the quality functionals of the thematic model on the iteration number are constructed. The main functionality of quality is the ability of the model to predict which words the user will leave and which ones they will discard.
  • Novelty: A feature of the model is the presence of discarded words. The developed methods can also be applied in recommender systems with likes and dislikes.
  • consultant: Viktor Safronov. Hyperconsultant: Vorontsov K. V..


Author Topic Link Consultant DZ-1 Letters Sum Grade
Gazizullina Rimma Forecasting the volume of rail freight traffic by pairs of branches [106], pdf Stenina Maria \frac{15}{15}+\frac{10}{16} [MF]TAI+L+SBR+CV+T>DEH(J) 16 10
Grinchuk Alexey Selection of Optimal Structures of Predictive Models by Structural Learning Methods [107], pdf Varfolomeeva Anna \frac{7}{15}+\frac{2}{16} [F]TA+I+LSBR+СV+T+D+E(F) 14,5 9
Gushchin Alexander Sequential Generation of Essentially Nonlinear Models in The problems of Document Ranking [108], pdf Kuznetsov Mikhail \frac{5}{15}+\frac{2}{16} [F]TAI+L+SBRCVTDEHS(F) 15,5 9
Efimova Irina Differential diagnosis of diseases by electrocardiogram [109], pdf Vlada Tselykh \frac{15}{15}+\frac{12}{16} [MF]T+A+I+L+SB++R+CV+TDE+H(J ed) 17,25 10
Zhukov Andrey Building University Rankings: Panel Analysis and Sustainability Assessment [110], pdf Kuznetsov Mikhail \frac{8}{15}+0 [F]TAIL+SBRCVTDEHS(F) 15,25 9
Ignatov Andrey Manifold training for predicting sets of quasi-periodic time series [111], pdf Ivkin Nikita 0+\frac{7}{16} [MF]TA+I+L+S+B+R+C+VTD>E+HS (J if ed) 18 10
Karasikov Mikhail Search for effective methods of dimensionality reduction in solving problems of multiclass classification by reducing it to solving binary problems [112], pdf Yu.V. Maksimov 0+0 [MF]TAI+L+SBRC+V+TDESH(J) 15 10
Kulunchakov Andrey Detecting Isomorphic Structures of Essentially Nonlinear Predictive Models [113], pdf Sologub Roman, Kuznetsov Mikhail \frac{10}{15}+\frac{14}{16} [F]T+AI+L+S+BR+CVT++D+EHS(J ed-ed) 17 10
Lipatova Anna Detecting Patterns in a Set of Time Series by Structural Learning Methods [114], pdf A. P. Motrenko \frac{8}{15}+\frac{6}{16} [MF]TA+I+LSBR-CVTDE (J when ed) 14,25 10
Makarova Anastasia Using non-linear forecasting when looking for dependencies between time series [115], pdf A. P. Motrenko 0+0 [F]TAI-LSB+R-CVTD>E>(F) 12,75 9
Plavin Alexander Optimizing the Number of Topics in Probabilistic Topic Models with a String Sparse Regularizer [116], pdf Potapenko Anna \frac{13}{15}+\frac{14}{16} [F]T+A+I+L+S+BR++CVTD+>>(?) 14 10
Maria Popova Choosing the optimal model for predicting human physical activity based on accelerometer measurements [117], pdf Tokmakova Alexandra \frac{11}{15}+\frac{6}{16} [MF]T+AI+L++SB++R+CV+TD+(JV ed) 15,25 10
Shvets Mikhail Interpretation of multimodels in the processing of sociological data [118], pdf Alexander Aduenko \frac{11}{15}+\frac{4}{16} [M+F]T+A+I+L+S+B+R+CVTD+E(F) 16,25 9
Shinkevich Mikhail Influence of sparse, smoothing and decorrelation regularizers on the stability of a probabilistic topic model [119], pdf Dudarenko Marina \frac{15}{15}+\frac{9}{16} [MF]T+AIL+S+BR+CV+T+D+E+H(J ed) 17 10

1. 2014

  • Optimizing the Number of Topics in Probabilistic Topic Models with a String Sparse Regularizer
  • Problem: The probabilistic topic model describes the probabilities of occurrence of words w\in W in documents d\in D through latent topics t\in T< /text>:
<tex> p(w|d) = \sum_{t\in T} p(w|t)p(t|d) = \sum_{t\in T} \phi_{wt}\theta_{td}. We need to test the hypothesis that by imposing constraints on the \Theta matrix using the string sparse regularizer, it is possible to determine the optimal number of topics.

    • Data: The collection of documents is specified by word frequencies. Since to solve the problem it is necessary to know the <<true>> number of topics, experiments are performed on realistic model or semi-model data.
    • References:
      1. Description of the problem and proposed solutions
      2. Vorontsov K. V. Additive regularization of thematic models of collections of text documentsc ops // Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. - V. 455, No. 3 (in press).
      3. Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic thematic modeling. — 2014. http://www.MachineLearning.ru/wiki/images/2/22/Voron-2013-ptm.pdf
      4. Teh Y. W., Jordan M. I., Beal M. J., Blei D. M. Hierarchical Dirichlet processes // Journal of the American Statistical Association. - 2006. - Vol. 101, no. 476.-Pp. 1566–1581
    • Basic algorithm: Regularized EM-algorithm [2014: Vorontsov] is used to solve the optimization problem. A rational, stochastic or online version of the EM algorithm can be used.
    • Novelty: Dirichlet's HDP [2006: Teh et Al] hierarchical process model is commonly used to optimize the number of topics. It determines the number of topics is unstable, and at the same time it is difficult both to understand and to implement. Additive Regularization of Topic Models (ARTM) is a new approach to topic modeling that combines versatility, flexibility and simplicity. The problem of optimizing the number of topics has not yet been considered in the framework of ARTM.

    2. 2014

    • Differential diagnosis of diseases by electrocardiogram
    • Problem: It is proposed to solve a typical classification problem. Signs are 216 characteristics calculated from the electrocardiogram. It is necessary to evaluate the quality of the classification on a delayed control sample. To do this, the fractions of errors of the first and second kind are calculated. Under the error of the first kind is meant the assignment of healthy people to the class of patients, the second kind - the assignment of patients to the class of healthy people. Preference is given to minimizing Type II errors.
    • Data: For each of the 5 diseases, there are 2 types of samples. Reference - more reliable, specially selected cases. The rest are cases when the diagnoses were established by doctors less reliably; these samples are proposed to be used for control.
    • References:
      1. Vorontsov K. V. Metric classification algorithms. Lectures on machine learning. — 2014. http://www.MachineLearning.ru/wiki/images/c/c3/Voron-ML-Metric-slides.pdf
      2. Uspensky V. M. Information function of the heart // Clinical Medicine, 2008. - V. 86, No. 5. - P. 4–13.
      3. Uspensky V. M. Information function of the heart. Theory and practice of diagnosing diseases of internal organs by the method of information analysis of electrocardiosignals. - M .: "Economy and information", 2008. - 116 p.
    • Basic algorithm: To solve the problem, it is proposed to use a metric algorithm with greedy feature selection.
    • Novelty: The data were prepared using a unique technology for information analysis of electrocardiosignals, developed by prof. MD V.M.Uspensky. A classification algorithm is proposed and its generalizing ability is investigated.
    • consultant: Vlada Tselykh

    3. 2014

    • Influence of sparse, smoothing and decorrelation regularizers on the stability of a probabilistic topic model
    • Problem:Probabilistic topic model describes the probabilities of occurrence of words w\in W in documents d\in D through latent topics t\in T< /text>: <tex> p(w|d) = \sum_{t\in T} p(w|t)p(t|d) = \sum_{t\in T} \phi_{wt}\theta_{td}. Matrix representation \|p(w|d)\|_{W\times D}

    as a product of two smaller matrices {\Phi=\|\phi_{wt}\|_{W\times T}} and {\Theta=\|\theta_{dt} \|_{T\times D}} is not the only one: \Phi \Theta = (\Phi S)(S^{-1}\Theta) = \Phi'\Theta' for some non-degenerate S. It is required to test the hypothesis that, by imposing restrictions on the matrices \Phi, \Theta using regularizers, it is possible to increase the stability of their recovery.

    • Data: The collection of documents is specified by word frequencies. To solve the problem, it is necessary to know the “true” matrices \Phi, \Theta, experiments are performed on realistic model or semi-model data that satisfy the hypotheses of sparseness, weak correlation of topics and the presence of background topics.
    • References:
      1. Vorontsov K. V. Additive regularization of thematic models of collections of text documents // Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. - V. 455, No. 3 (in press).
      2. Vorontsov K. V. Probabilistic thematic modeling. - 2014. http://www.MachineLearning.ru/wiki/images/2/22/Voron-2013-ptm.pdf.
    • Basic algorithm: Regularized EM-algorithm [2014: Vorontsov] is used to solve the optimization problem. A rational, stochastic or online version of the EM algorithm can be used.
    • Novelty: Additive Regularization of Topic Models (ARTM) was proposed in [2014: Vorontsov] as a universal way to improve the stability and interpretability of topic models. However, the question of which particular combination of regularizers increases stability remains open. This study is aimed at solving this problem.
    • consultant: Marina Dudarenko

    4. 2014

    • Building University Rankings: Panel Analysis and Sustainability Assessment
    • consultant: Kuznetsov Mikhail
    • Problem: University ranking changes from year to year. This change may be due to the poor quality of the ranking calculation methodology, random changes in the institution's performance, and purposeful changes in the state of the institution. It is required to propose such a rating method that is resistant to random changes, which would allow interpreting the change in the state of the university.
    • Data: Eight years of data for the world's top 100 universities.
    • References:
      1. Strijov V.V. Refinement of expert assessments using measured data. Zavodskaya lab. Diagnostics of materials, 2006, 72(7) - 59-64.
      2. Strijov V.V. Refinement of Expert assessments in rank scales using measured data. Zavodskaya lab. Diagnostics of materials, 2011, 77(7) - 72-78.
      3. Kuznetsov M.P., Strijov V.V. Methods of expert estimations concordance for integral quality estimation // Expert Systems with Applications, 2014.
      4. Draft POF article on request.
    • Basic algorithm: A method for constructing the RUR rating and one of the redundantly stable algorithms for ranking scales.
    • Novelty: Introduced the concept of interpretability of the change in the rating position. The problem of choosing and optimal locally monotonous correction of indicators was solved. A technique for constructing a rating is proposed that allows interpreting the change in the state of a university for the purpose of monitoring. Option: solved the reverse The problem of management: how to change the indicators of the university in order to achieve a given goal.

    5. 2014

    • Detecting Patterns in a Set of Time Series by Structural Learning Methods
    • consultant: A. P. Motrenko
    • Problem: To improve the quality of the time series forecast, I would like to use expert statements about the presence of a causal relationship between events. To do this, it is necessary to be able to assess the reliability of expert statements. It is impossible to prove the existence of a causal relationship by statistical methods. The researcher can only check the presence of a certain structure of communication. The purpose of The problem is, based on expert statements about the presence of a connection between events, to examine the time series for the presence of various structural connections and find the structure that is most consistent with the Expert's opinion.
    • References:
      1. R. B. Kline, Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York: Guilford. 2005.
      2. J. Pearl, Graphs, Causality and Structural Equation Models. Sociological Methods and Research, 27-2(1998), 226-284.
      3. J. Pearl, E. Bareinboim, Transportability of Causal and Statistical Relations: A Formal Approach // Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 7-11, 2011, San Francisco. 247-254
      4. Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Motrenko A.P., Khusainov F.I. Construction of cross-correlation dependences in the forecast of load of the railway junction // Machine learning and data analysis. 2013. T. 1, No. 5. C. 505-518.
      5. Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2012. T. 1, No. 4. C. 448-465.
    • Basic algorithm: structural equation modeling, SEM
    • Novelty: A method for assessing the reliability of Expert statements about the impact of exchange prices on major instruments on the volume of rail freight traffic is proposed. Various structures of links between time series are proposed. The concept of structure complexity is introduced. The relationship between the complexity of the structure and the assessment of the reliability of the statement is investigated.

    18. 2014

    • Using non-linear forecasting when looking for dependencies between time series
    • consultant: A. P. Motrenko
    • Problem: (As part of a study devoted to the discovery of patterns in time series sets) It is proposed to abandon the standard assumptions about the stationarity of the time series when searching for dependencies between time series and to study time series from the point of view of dynamical systems theory, within which irregular time dependences determined by the structure of the phase space are considered. It is required to study a set of approaches to the analysis of dynamic data and the identification of relationships between them; describe the limits of applicability of the basic algorithm and propose new options for the revealed structural relationships.
    • Data: Synthetic data, historical stock prices for major instruments and rail freight data.
    • References:
      1. Tools for the Analysis of Chaotic Data. HENRY D. I. ABARBANEL
      2. Nonlinear forecasting as a way of distinguishing chaos from measurement error in time series, G. Sugihara, R.M. May.
      3. George Sugihara et al. Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosystems. Science 338, 496 (2012);
      4. Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Motrenko A.P., Khusainov F.I. Construction of cross-correlation dependences in the forecast of load of the railway junction // Machine learning and data analysis. 2013. T. 1, No. 5. C. 505-518.
      5. Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. 2012. T. 1, No. 4. C. 448-465.
    • Basic algorithm: convergent cross mapping
    • Novelty: Proposed different structures of relationships between time series and a method for checking the existence of relationships

    6. 2014

    • Sequential Generation of Essentially Nonlinear Models in The problems of Document Ranking
    • consultant: Kuznetsov Mikhail
    • Problem: Propose and test on test and real data an algorithm for generating essentially non-linear models. The algorithm should generate 1) a complete set of models 2) choose the optimal step for a fixed model structure (adding a superposition element).
    • Data: Synthetic data, data for LIG text collections.
    • References:
      1. Goswami P., Moura1 S., Gaussier E., Amini M.R. Exploring the Space of IR Functions //
      2. Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Algorithms for the inductive generation of superpositions for the approximation of measured data // Informatics and its applications, 2013, 7(1) - 17-26.
      3. Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Simplification of superpositions of elementary functions with the help of graph transformations according to the rules // Intellectualization of information processing. Reports of the 9th international conference, 2012 - 140-143.
      4. Vladislavleva E., Smith G., Hertog D., Order of Nonlinearity as a Complexity Measure for Models Generated by Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming // IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2009. Vol. 13(2). pp. 333-349.
      5. Vladislavleva E. Model-based Problem Solving through Symbolic Regression via Pareto Genetic Programming: PhD thesis, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 2008.
    • Basic algorithm: An exhaustive enumeration algorithm for admissible superpositions of generating functions.
    • Novelty: An algorithm for sequential addition of superposition elements is proposed. A function of the distance between superpositions is proposed and its properties are investigated. The notion of superposition complexity and the notion of adjacent superpositions that differ in complexity by one are introduced. An algorithm for generating adjacent superpositions is proposed.

    7. 2014

    • Detecting Isomorphic Structures of Essentially Nonlinear Predictive Models
    • consultant: Sologub Roman, Kuznetsov Mikhail
    • Problem: Develop an algorithm for finding isomorphic subgraphs for trees (a variant - for directed acyclic graphs). Compare the complexity of the algorithm for checking the isomorphism of two superpositions for the proposed algorithm and for the algorithm for element-by-element comparison of mappings.
    • Data: Data on exchange options: dependence of option volatility on the price and time of its execution.
    • References:
      1. Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Algorithms for the inductive generation of superpositions for the approximation of measured data // Informatics and its applications, 2013, 7(1) - 17-26.
      2. Ore G.I., Strijov V.V. Simplification of superpositions of elementary functions with the help of graph transformations according to the rules // Intellectualization of information processing. Reports of the 9th international conference, 2012 - 140-143.
      3. Ehrig H., Ehrig G., Prange U., Taentzer. G. Fundamentals of Algebraic Graph Transformation. Springer, 2006.
      4. Ehrig H., Engels G. Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation. World Scientific Publishing, 1997.
      5. Strijov V.V., Sologub R.A. Inductive generation of regression models of implied volatility for option trading // Computational technologies, 2009, 14(5) — 102-113.
    • Basic algorithm: Algorithm for element-by-element comparison of mappings.
    • Novelty: A fast algorithm for simplifying superpositions and searching for isomorphic models is proposed. The incidence matrix of the set of generating functions is used.

    8. 2014

    • Building predictive models as superpositions of expert-specified functions
    • consultant: Ivkin Nikita
    • Problem: Required to assign a set of time series to one of several classes. It is proposed to do this using the automated feature generation procedure. To do this, Expert creates a set of generating functions that 1) transform the time series (by example, smooth, decompose into principal components), 2) extract its aggregated descriptions from the time series (by example, mean, variance, number of extrema). It is possible to generate a significant number of features by constructing superpositions of generating functions. The resulting features are used to classify a set of time series (for example, by the nearest neighbor method).
    • Data: data from the mobile phone's accelerometer.
    • References:
      1. Problem statement \MLAlgorithms\Group074\Kuznetsov2013SSAForecasting\doc
      2. Khaikin S. Neural networks. Williams, 2006.
    • Basic algorithm: neural network (option: deep learning neural network).
    • Novelty: A method for extracting features using automatically constructed superpositions of Expert-specified functions is proposed. Comparison of structural and topological complexity in The problem classification.

    9. 2014

    • Manifold training for predicting sets of quasi-periodic time series
    • consultant: Ivkin Nikita
    • Problem: The problem of classifying human activity based on data from the mobile phone's accelerometer is solved. Data from the accelerometer are represented by quasi-periodic time series. It is required to attribute the time series to one of the types of activity: running, walking, etc. To solve the problem of classifying series, a method based on nearest neighbors in the space of manifolds is proposed.
    • Data: data from the mobile phone's accelerometer.
    • References:
      1. Mi Zhang; Sawchuk, A.A., "Manifold Learning and Recognition of Human Activity Using Body-Area Sensors," Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops (ICMLA), 2011 10th International Conference on , vol.2, no., pp.7,13, 18- 21 Dec. 2011
    • Basic algorithm: neural network
    • Novelty: proposed a method for classifying quasi-periodic time series based on manifolds

    10. 2014

    • Interpretation of multimodels in the processing of sociological data
    • consultant: Alexander Aduenko
    • Problem: The problem of credit scoring is to determine the level of creditworthiness of the borrower who applied for a loan. To do this, a borrower's questionnaire is used, containing both numerical data (age, income, time of residence in the country) and categorical features (gender, profession). It is required, having historical information on loan repayments by other borrowers, to determine whether the client in question will return the loan. Thus, it is required to solve the problem of classification. Since the data can be heterogeneous (for example, if there are different income regions in the country), the data can be described not by one, but by several models. In this paper, we propose to compare two methods for constructing multimodels: mixtures of logistic models and gradient boosting.
    • Data: data on consumer loans (\mlalgorithms\BSThesis\Aduenko2013\data).
    • References:
      1. model blends (\mlalgorithms\BSThesis\Aduenko2013\doc, Bishop)
      2. boosting (lecture "Compositional methods of classification and regression" by Vorontsov)
    • Basic algorithm: boosting.
    • Novelty: Identification and explanation of similarities and differences between the solutions obtained by the two specified algorithms.

    11. 2014

    • Selection of Optimal Structures of Predictive Models by Structural Learning Methods
    • consultant: Varfolomeeva Anna
    • Problem: It is proposed to solve the problem of forecasting in two stages: first, the structure of the predictive model is restored using the stories of constructing successful forecasts. The model parameters are then optimized; using the model, a time series forecast is built.
    • Data: synthetic sample, biomedical time series, accelerometer measurements.
    • References:
      1. Jaakkola T. Scaled structured prediction.
      2. URL: http://video.yandex.ru/users/ya-events/view/486/user-tag/scientific%20seminar/
      3. Find all the work of TJ students on the given topic.
      4. Varfolomeeva A.A. Bachelor's thesis in MLAlgorithms/BSThesis/Varfolomeeva
    • Basic algorithm: the metaprediction algorithm described in the thesis.
    • Novelty: A method for restoring model structures using a priori assumptions about these structures is proposed.

    12. 2014

    • Invariants in Predicting Quasi-Periodic Series
    • consultant: Arsenty Kuzmin
    • Problem: The problem of hourly price/electricity consumption forecasting for the day ahead is being solved. When constructing the plan matrix, it is proposed to use not the original segment of the time series, but its invariant representation.
    • Data: hourly data on electricity prices and volumes (insert link).
    • References:
      1. Sandulyanu L.N., Strijov V.V. Feature Selection in Autoregressive Forecasting The problems // Information Technologies, 2012, 7 — 11-15.
      2. (taken from Fadeev's last article)
      3. Basic algorithm: autoregressive prediction described in Sanduleanu's work.
    • Novelty: An algorithm for joint estimation of the parameters of the invariants and autoregressive model is proposed, which makes it possible to significantly improve the accuracy of forecasting.

    13. 2014

    • Forecasting the volume of rail freight traffic by pairs of branches
    • consultant: Stenina Maria (Medvednikova)
    • Problem: Predict traffic volumes from branch to branch, compare with the basic algorithm for predicting the departure of wagons from branch. Test the hypothesis that the traffic forecast from branch to branch is more accurate than the forecast using the Basic algorithm Examine series for trend/periodicity. If there is a trend/periodicity, then include it in the model. Prepare a prediction algorithm for use.
    • Data: daily data for a year and a half on the transportation of 38 types of cargo in the Omsk region.
    • References:
      1. Valkov A.S., Kozhanov E.M., Medvednikova M.M., Khusainov F.I. Nonparametric forecasting of railway junction system load based on historical data // Machine Learning and Data Analysis. - 2012. - No. 4.
    • Basic algorithm: histogram prediction described in the article.
    • Novelty: it is proposed to improve the quality of the forecast by dividing the data into smaller parts and forecast traffic for specific branches instead of forecasting the departure of wagons.

    14. 2014

    • Choosing the optimal model for predicting human physical activity based on accelerometer measurements
    • consultant: Tokmakova Alexandra
    • Problem: Suggest an algorithm for sequential modification of the neural network. The goal is to find the most simple, stable and accurate network configuration that allows solving the problem of two-class (variant: multi-class) physical activity prediction.
    • Data: Set of time series of accelerometer measurements.
    • References:
      1. Decimation of neural families on Machinelearning.ru.
      2. Khaikin S. Neural networks. Williams, 2006.
    • Basic algorithm: Optimal Brain Damage/Optimal Brain Surgery.
    • Novelty: A method for sequential generation of neural networks of optimal complexity is proposed. The stability of generated models is studied.

    15. 2014

    • Time Series Metaprediction
    • consultant: A.S. Inyakin, Ivkin Nikita
    • Problem: A set of time series forecasting algorithms is specified. According to the presented time series, it is required to indicate the algorithm that delivers the most accurate forecast. In this case, the algorithm itself is not supposed to be executed. To solve this problem, it is proposed to build a set of features that describe the Expert time series, but a set of generating functions is created that 1) transform the time series (by example, smooth, decompose into principal components), 2) extract its aggregated descriptions from the time series (by example, mean, variance , the number of extrema). It is possible to generate a significant number of features by constructing superpositions of generating functions.
    • Data: Library of quasi-periodic and aperiodic time series
    • References:
      1. Kuznetsov M.P., Mafusalov A.A., Zhivotovsky N.K., Zaitsev E., Sungurov D.S. Smoothing forecasting algorithms // Machine learning and data analysis. 2011. T. 1, No. 1. C. 104-112.
      2. Fadeev I.V., Ivkin N.P., Savinov N.A., Kornienko A.I., Kononenko D.S., Dzhamtyrova R.B. Autoregressive forecasting algorithms // Machine learning and data analysis. 2011. T. 1, No. 1. C. 92-103.
    • Basic algorithm: Use the SAS/SPSS algorithm.
    • Novelty: A method for fast selection of the optimal predictive algorithm based on the description of the time series is proposed.

    16. 2014

    • Identification of a person by the image of the iris
    • consultant: Matveev I. A.
    • Problem: In the problem of identifying a person by the image of the iris (iris), the most important role is played by the selection of the region of the iris in the original image (segmentation of the iris). However, the iris image is usually partially obscured (shaded) by eyelids, eyelashes, highlights, that is, part of the iris cannot be used for recognition and moreover, the use of data from shaded areas can generate false signs and reduce accuracy. Therefore, one of the important steps in the segmentation of the iris image is the rejection of shaded areas.
    • Data: bitmap monochrome image, typical size 640*480 pixels (however, other sizes are possible) and coordinates of centers and radii of two circles approximating pupil and iris.
    • References:
      1. Problem description and proposed solutions
      2. Monro D. University of Bath Iris Image Database // http:// www.bath.ac.uk/ elec-eng/ research/ sipg/ irisweb/
      3. Chinese academy of sciences institute of automation (CASIA) CASIA Iris image database // http://www.cb-sr.ia.ac.cn/IrisDatabase.htm, 2005.
      4. MMU Iris Image Database: Multimedia University // http://pesonna.mmu.edu.my/ccteo/
      5. Phillips P.J., Scruggs W.T., O'Toole A.J. et al. Frvt2006 and ice2006 large-scale experimental results // IEEE PAMI. 2010. V. 32. No. 5. P. 831–846.
      6. G.Xu, Z.Zhang, Y.Ma Improving the performance of iris recognition system using eyelids and eyelashes detection and iris image enhancement // Proc. 5Th Int. Conf. Cognitive Informatics. 2006. P.871-876.
    • Basic algorithm: method using sliding window and texture features [2006: Xu, Zhang, Ma].
    • Novelty: the mask of the open area of the iris has been built.

    17. 2014

    Trial Programming

    The problem Who is doing Number
    A selection is given "Wine of different regions". It is required to determine the clusters (regions of origin of wines) and draw the result: the cluster object is marked with a colored dot; the colored circle indicates the class of this object taken from the sample. The problem option: determine the number of clusters. The problem option: use two algorithms, for example k-means and EM, and show a comparison of clustering results on a graph. Plavin 1
    Suggest ways to visualize sets of 4D vectors, see example for Fisher's iris data. Write down your last name here. 2
    Given a time series series describing electricity consumption. Approximate a series by several curvilinear models and plot the predicted and original series on the same graph. Kulunchakov Andrey. 3
    Smooth the time series Prices (volumes) for the main exchange instruments using the exponential smoothing. Draw color plots of the antialiased rows with different  \alpha and the original row. Avdyukhov 4
    Closed Curve Sample Fit [120]: Check if points lie on a circle? Generate data yourself. Gazizullina Rimma 5
    A time series with gaps is given, using the example [121]. Suggest ways to fill in the gaps in the data, fill in the gaps. For each method, construct a histogram. Option: take a sample without gaps, randomly remove part of the data, fill in the gaps, compare with the histogram of the original sample. Ignatov Andrey 6
    A selection is given "Wine of different regions". Choose two features. Consider different distance functions when classifying with nearest neighbor method. For each, depict the classification result in the space of selected features. Maria Popova 7
    For various types of dependence  y = f(x) + \epsilon (linear, quadratic, logarithmic) build linear regression and plot the SSE deviations (standard deviations-?). Generate data yourself or take data "Price for bread". Efimova Irina 8
    Estimate the area of a unit circle using the Monte Carlo method. Plot the result against the sample size. Shinkevich Mikhail 9
    Construct a convex hull of points on a plane. Draw a graph: points and their convex hull is a closed broken line. Makarova Anastasia 10
    A selection is given: Iris. Implement the decision tree classification procedure. Illustrate the results of classification on a plane in the space of two features. Zhukov Andrey 11
    The time series is set - volumes of hourly electricity consumption (select any two days). Approximate the series with polynomial models of various degrees (1-7). *Suggest a method for determining the optimal degree of a polynomial. Karasikov Mikhail 12
    Two one-dimensional [[Time series (library examples)] | time series]] of various lengths. Calculate row spacing using dynamic alignment. Grinchuk Alexey 13
    Generate a set of points on the plane. Select and visualize the main components. Lipatova 14
    Approximate the sample bread prices with a polynomial model. Draw a graph. Mark objects that are outliers using the three sigma rule. Shvets Mikhail 15
    Divide the sample Iris into clusters. Illustrate the results of clustering on a graph, highlight the clusters in different colors. Gushchin Alexander 16
    And more The problems to choose from
    A sample of several features is given, without a target vector Y. For example, this https://dmba.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dmba/Data/Diabets_LARS.csv You need to specify the feature that is well described (in terms of linear regression) by the rest (such a feature is usually excluded from the sample). 17
    Smooth time series (see library) with moving average. Take several windows of different lengths and superimpose the result on the graph on top of each other. Kostyuk 18
    Given a time series (see library). Based on its variational series, construct a histogram of n percentiles and draw it. What is the most common time series value? Gizzatullin Anvar 19
    Show the difference in the speed of performing matrix operations and operations in a loop. You can use Singular value decomposition and other linear algebra methods as an example. Show the efficiency of parallel computing (parfor). 20
    Understand how function superposition works. Using the @ function, generate all possible polynomials in n variables of degree at most p. Option: use the obtained polynomials to approximate the time series of bread prices (data).


    Title Author Link MAIPVTDCHSJ
    Definition of the printed image Pushnyakov Alexey [122] MAIPVTDCHSJ
    Comparison of Fast Clustering Algorithms Alexander Katrutsa [123] MAIPVTDCHS
    Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators Kashcheeva Maria [124] MAIPVTDCHS
    Marking up bibliographic records using logical algorithms Ryskina Maria [125] MAIPVTDCHS
    Determination of the exact border of the pupil Chinaev Nikolai [126] MAIPV.DCHS
    Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators Grinchuk Oleg [127] MAIPVTD.HS
    Generating Neural Networks with Expert-Defined Activation Functions Perekrestenko Dmitry [128] MAIPVTDСHS
    Comparative analysis of feature selection algorithms: accuracy, stability, complexity of regression models Yashkov Daniel [129] MAI.VTD.HS
    Invariant transformations in The problems of local forecasting Kostin Alexander [130] MAI.VT.HS
    Genetic Programming Algorithm for Solving the Prediction Problem Voronov Sergey [131] MAIPVTDC.S
    Grouping of Nominal Variables in Bank Credit Scoring The problems Mityashov Andrey [132] MAIPVTDCHS
    Modeling the process of learning and forgetting when assessing the quality of production Neklyudov Kirill [133] MAI..DC.S
    Overview of Algorithms for Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Shubin Andrey [134] MAIPVTD.S
    Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression Ibraimova Aizhan [135] MAIP.TD..
    Interpretation of expert assessments of species of the Red Book of the Russian Federation by selecting reference (representative) objects Byrdin Alexander [136] MAI.TD.S
    Visualization of Pair Distance Matrix in Topic Modeling Vdovina Evgenia [137] MAI.TDC.S
    Algorithm for Estimating the Reliability of Expert Judgments on the Relationship of Time Series Antipova Natasha [138] MAIP.T..S

    2. 2013 MassProduction

    • Name Generation and optimization of logical descriptions when building production lines.
    • Problem It is required to set The problem of synthesizing admissible superpositions, develop an algorithm and test it on synthetic data.
    • Data Required to create.
    • References: Need a search (most likely German publications).
    • Proposed algorithm On discussion.
    • Basic algorithm None.

    3. 2013 LearnForget

    • Name Modeling the process of learning and forgetting when assessing the quality of production.
    • Problem Find an adequate regression model that describes the activities of a group of people.
    • Data Data on the speed and quality of the assembly of paper airplanes.
    • References: Need to find.
    • Proposed algorithm The procedure for analyzing regression residuals.
    • Basic algorithm Regression model in the attached article.

    4. 2013 GeneticProg

    • Name Genetic Programming Algorithm for Solving the Prediction Problem.
    • Problem Create a genetic programming algorithm that solves the problems named by Ivan Zelinka. Suggest a way to test the resulting models, organize a sliding control. Compare its performance on a test set of The problems with the performance of other GPU algorithms and with neural networks.
    • Data Test set of The problems, take on the UCI or on the Polygon.
    • References: Zelinka, Oplatkova, Vladislavleva; find works of recent years on this topic. Especially for testing these algorithms.
    • Proposed algorithm GPU.
    • Basic algorithm GPU, neural networks.

    5. 2013 Simplify

    • Name Overview of Algorithms for Simplifying Algebraic Expressions.
    • Problem It is required to find literature on algorithms that simplify expressions, compare algorithms, program the algorithm proposed in the work by Ruda/Strijov V.V.
    • Data Collect a test collection of expressions.
    • References: Graph rewriting.
    • Proposed algorithm R/S, comparison of algorithms.

    6. 2013 RedListExplanation

    • Name Interpretation of expert assessments of species of the Red Book of the Russian Federation by selecting reference (representative) objects.
    • Problem Selection of reference objects (STOLP algorithm). This algorithm can be interesting for Experts: it quickly finds noise objects, which in our terms are considered to be inconsistent with Expert data and "out of their class", and also selects reference objects that are also interpreted in a curious way. From a mathematical point of view, it is interesting, firstly, to observe different metrics (generalizations of the Hamming distance) and, most importantly, it is necessary to generalize the margin formula for the case of monotone classes, apparently by introducing the weight function of objects.
    • Data expert assessments of Red Data Book species.
    • References: according to metric classification algorithms.
    • Proposed algorithm A method or algorithm that tells the Expert why (sic!) an object is not in the Expert's intended class.

    7. 2013 RedListClassification

    • Name Algorithm for monotonic classification of objects described in rank scales.
    • Problem Apply a decision tree to the Expert Estimates of Threatened Species in the Red Data Book. Compare with previously proposed algorithms. To substantiate operations with rank features, to introduce a generalization of the concept of informativeness for the case of monotone classes, apparently, to generalize the hypergeometric distribution.
    • Data expert assessments of Red Data Book species.
    • References: You should try to avoid referring to trivial sources. Search for similar works in foreign magazines.

    11. 2013 Invaraint4LocalForecast

    • Name Invariant transformations in The problems of local forecasting.
    • Problem Combine algorithms for invariant transformation of time and amplitude of predicted time series.
    • Data Time series of pulse wave measurement.
    • References: Find, avoid trivial references.

    8. 2013 PlausibleExpert

    • Name Algorithm for Estimating the Reliability of Expert Judgments on the Relationship of Time Series.
    • Problem Study of the relationship between exchange prices for the main instruments and rail freight.
    • Data Time series for 1.5 years. But it is better to choose a synthetic example.
    • References: Publications on CCM.
    • Proposed algorithm CCM modifications.

    9. 2013 DeepLearning

    • Name Generating Neural Networks with Expert-Defined Activation Functions.
    • Problem It is required to raise the current state of the DeepLearning area, program the algorithm, test it on the problem of predicting consumption volumes and electricity prices.
    • Data Daily data for three years.
    • References: Deep Learning.
    • Proposed algorithm Building a neural network and estimating its parameters.

    16. 2013 ScoringSelection

    • Name Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression.
    • Problem Using a genetic algorithm to find informative objects and features.
    • Data Consumer credit data.
    • References: -

    10. 2013 ScoringFeatureSelection

    • Name Grouping of Nominal Variables in Bank Credit Scoring The problems.
    • Problem Create a genetic algorithm for reducing the dimension of a feature space.
    • Data Historical data on cash loans.
    • References: SAS, find more.

    15. 2013 InverseVAR

    • Name Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators.
    • Problem Solve the inverse forecasting problem. According to the given state of the economy, set such a value of managed macroeconomic indicators that would bring the economy to the desired state.
    • Data Macroeconomic indicators of Russia over the past 16 years.
    • References: S.A. Ayvazyan works.

    12. 2013 DistanceVisualizing

    • Name Visualization of Pair Distance Matrix in Topic Modeling.
    • Problem Display abstracts of the conference on the plane with the preservation of clusters.
    • Data EURO conference abstracts.
    • References: Zinoviev on ML, references on the topic.
    • Proposed algorithm PCA.
    • Basic algorithm Algorithm with minimization of the energy criterion.

    13. 2013 RhoNets

    • Name Comparison of Fast Clustering Algorithms.
    • Problem Compare clustering algorithm using $\rho$-networks and a fast $k$-means algorithm.
    • Data A selection of amino acid sequences. We need a test sample from the UCI or from comparison papers.
    • References: $k$-средних, $\varepsilon$-networks.
    • Proposed algorithm $\rho$-networks.
    • Basic algorithm $k$-means.

    17. 2013 FeatureSelection

    • Name Comparative analysis of feature selection algorithms: accuracy, stability, complexity of regression models.
    • Problem Build a series of test problems to compare algorithms. Propose a feature selection algorithm with the analysis of covariance matrices based on the Belsley method.
    • Data Synthetic.
    • References: Leontieva/Strijov V.V., search for modern reviews.

    1. 2013 Txt2Bib

    • Name Marking up bibliographic records using logical algorithms.
    • Problem It is required to create a text markup algorithm. Novelty in the formulation of the problem. The relevance is that a more complete library of logical expressions will be created and an adequate algorithm will be selected.
    • Data MLAlgorithms.
    • References: The work of A. Ivanova and everything that is on the topic over the past two years.
    • Proposed algorithm Choose from logical classification algorithms; optional clustering.
    • Basic algorithm Dead-end coatings.

    14. 2013 FindTheFormula (Risky)

    • Name Algorithm for searching text structures in a document.
    • Problem Suggest an algorithm that would look for formulas in a TeX document that are equivalent to a given one.
    • Data Synthetic, MLAlgorithms collection.
    • References Have to search. Search by chemical compounds in WoK works well.

    18. 2013 ScannedImage (Image)

    • Name Form type definition.
    • Problem Determine the type of form from the scan.
    • Data A set of images in TIF.

    19. 2013 SpectrumImage (Image)

    • Name Definition of the printed image.
    • Problem Make a spectral transformation of the image, explore the spectrum.
    • Data A set of JPG images classified into two classes.

    The problem Who is doing
    A set of three-element vectors is given. Draw the first two elements along the abscissa and ordinate axes. The third element is displayed as a circle with a proportional radius. Choose proportions based on a sense of beauty. Compare the resulting graph with plot3. What's better? Mityashov Andrey
    Given a five-element vector. Neklyudov Kirill
    Understand how regexp works in Matlab. Make code that highlights everything that is inside the brackets of some arithmetic expression. Ryskina Maria
    Understand how function superposition works. Using the @ function, generate all possible polynomials in n variables of degree at most p. Shubin Andrey
    Understand how a web connection and regexp works. Make a search query on a topic and make up a BibTeX entry from it.
    Given a time series of m + 1 (random) points. Approximate its first m points by polynomials of degree from 1 to m. Calculate the mean error in points. Which degree gives the largest error? Voronov Sergey
    Rotate and zoom in on a flat figure, make a zoom effect with frame-by-frame rotation. Antipova Natasha
    Two matrices are given. Check if they have an intersection - a submatrix? Vdovina Evgenia
    A sample of several features is given, without a target vector Y. For example, this https://dmba.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dmba/Data/Diabets_LARS.csv You need to specify the feature that is well described (in terms of linear regression) the rest (such a feature is usually excluded from the sample). Grinchuk Oleg
    Given a sample that has several outliers. It is known that it can be described by one-dimensional linear regression. It is required to find the outliers by enumeration. Show them on a chart. Pushnyakov Alexey
    Given a sample of two classes on a plane. It is required to find all the objects that got into a foreign class. Show them on a chart. Kashcheeva Maria
    The input is the incidence matrix of the tree. The function returns a list (vector) of vertices in the order they were visited. Ibraimova Aizhan
    Classify iris flowers with an arbitrary algorithm, draw the “most visual” pair of features on the plane, indicate what was classified correctly and what was not. Yashkov Daniel
    Given a time series. Based on its variational series, build a histogram of n percentiles, draw it. What is the most common time series value?
    Create several groups of points on the plane and perform their clustering using any algorithm of your choice. Visualize the resulting clusters. Calculate the average intracluster distance for one cluster. Perekrestenko Dmitry
    Upload a sound sequence, preferably a few piano notes. Select and play a specific note.
    Download video. Delete every second frame. Process to taste. Write back. Byrdin Alexander
    Show the difference in the speed of performing matrix operations and operations in a loop. Show the efficiency of parallel computing (parfor and others). Alexander Katrutsa
    Suggest options for visualization of four-dimensional vectors and spaces. Compare them to a built-in function.
    Smooth the time series with a moving average. Take several windows of different lengths and superimpose the result on the graph on top of each other. Chinaev Nikolai
    Draw a surface. Replace each point of the surface with a median of n neighbors. Draw the result. Kostin Alexander


    Thematic Modeling: paper in the Higher Attestation Commission journal

    Title Author Link Comments
    Calculation of integral indicators in rank scales by co-clustering methods Medvednikova Maria [139] Published
    Hierarchical thematic abstract clustering and visualization Arsenty Kuzmin [140] Published
    Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification. Alexander Aduenko [141] Published
    Building hierarchical topic models Tsyganova Svetlana [142] Published
    Feature Selection in The problems Structural Regression Varfolomeeva Anna [143] Accepted
    Statistical tests for homogeneity and goodness of fit for highly sparse discrete distributions Vlada Tselykh


    Building logical rules when marking up texts Ivanova Alina [145] Accepted
    Checking the adequacy of the topic model Stepan Lobastov [146] Redaction

    1. 2012

    • Name: CoRegression. Calculation of integral indicators in rank scales by co-clustering methods.
    • Teaser: Construction of an integral assessment of the effectiveness of scientific activity.
    • Data: Synthetic. PRND employees. Table authors-journals and number of articles of selected authors in journals.
    • References: Vorontsov K. V. «Collaborative filtering».
    • Keywords: h-index, co-clustering, collaborative filtering.
    • Proposed algorithm: Joint regression (invent or find ready-made).
    • Basic algorithm: Calculated IF of journals and h-index of authors. (Coclustering or adaptive filtering is not good for comparison).
    • Problem: Description in file. Additionally: when creating a rating, there is a problem of splitting the set of authors and journals into clusters. The size of the cluster needs to be correlated with the "Assessment of the involvement of the author/journal in the scientific community". This assessment should be included in the rating (as a last resort, it should be presented separately).

    2. 2012

    • Name: ExpertRanking. Coordination of rank Expert estimates.
    • Teaser: Voting ranking methods (selection of literary works, selection of a limited committee).
    • Data: Internet voting for a list of books, voting without co-optation.
    • References: Article in Notices AMS, 2008, 55(4). It will be necessary to review the literature on this issue.
    • Proposed algorithm:: Finding the intersection of cones and estimating the effective space dimension or another algorithm.
    • Basic algorithm: Kemeny Median and other algorithms.
    • Problem: It is required to illustrate and study the properties of the committee selection algorithm. In particular, highlight the following problem. The n ranking of the selected candidates differs from the n+k ranking of the selected candidates, in a single vote with a choice of N candidates. It may be necessary to shed light on Arrow's paradox.

    3. 2012

    • Name: StructureRegression. Feature Selection in Structural Regression The problems
    • Teaser: Structural regression algorithm for tagging bibliographic lists, abstracts and other structured texts.
    • Data: bibliographic records from the BibTeX collection on CS.
    • References: by Jaakkola and his team, possibly code.
    • Proposed algorithm:: Structural regression.
    • Basic algorithm: is described by Valentin.
    • Required: segment the input text and assign each segment a field and each group of fields a bibliographic record type.

    4. 2012

    • Name: LogicClassification. Building logical rules when marking up texts
    • Teaser: Structural regression algorithm for tagging bibliographic lists, abstracts and other structured texts.
    • Data: bibliographic records from BibTeX collection on CS / conference abstracts, other marked up texts.
    • References: works by Inyakin, Chuvilin, Kudinov.
    • Proposed algorithm:: Decision trees, Dead-end coatings.
    • Basic algorithm: is described by Valentin.
    • Required: train the model, text markup, using decision rules over RegExp - strings.

    5. 2012

    • Title: RankClustering. Rank clustering and dynamic alignment algorithms.
    • Teaser: Search for duplicates in bibliographic records. Dynamic alignment when finding duplicate bibliographic records.
    • Data: Corrupted and incorrect bibliographic records (bases of student abstracts). Over 1000 bibliographic entries from data mining articles/books.
    • References: Strijov V.V. et al. "Metric Sequence Clustering", work on fast k-Means clustering.
    • Keywords: DTW — modifications, k-Means.
    • Proposed algorithm:: Rank clustering algorithm.
    • Base algorithm: k-Means and its high performance variations.
    • Problem: It is required to modify the procedure for calculating the cost of the alignment path in such a way as to detect and take into account the invariants of permutations (and allowable modifications) of parts of the bibliographic record.

    6. 2012

    • Name: ThematicClustering. Checking the adequacy of the topic model.
    • Teaser: Methods for detecting incorrect thematic classification on conference materials. Methods for constructing a thematic model similar to the given one. Article clustering, hierarchical topic models with topic interpretability. Hierarchical thematic clustering of abstracts.
    • Data: Texts of Euro 2012 conference abstracts, 1862 abstracts.
    • References: on clustering, and introducing distances between texts as bags of words.
    • Keywords: hierarchical clustering, text similarity metrics.
    • Proposed algorithm:: k-means hierarchical clustering algorithm + k-NN classification.
    • Basic algorithm: k-Means
    • Problem: It is required to build a thematic model using the clustering method and check the correctness of the current text classification. To do this, (hierarchical) clustering of texts is performed, each cluster is assigned a topic name corresponding to the majority of articles from the cluster. After building the model, each article is checked and refers to its own or someone else's topic.

    7. 2012

    • Name: ThematicHierarchy. Building hierarchical topic models.
    • Teaser: Hierarchical thematic clustering of abstracts. Building a thematic model based on the materials of the conference.
    • Data: Abstract text.
    • References: hierarchical models, topic modeling.
    • Keywords: hierarchical topic modeling.
    • Proposed algorithm:: hierarchical models, evaluation of topic distribution.
    • Basic algorithm:PLSA--LDA.
    • Problem: It is required to build a hierarchical topic model by calculating statistical estimates of the distribution functions of words by topic.

    8. 2012

    • Name: ThematicVisualizing. Visualization of hierarchical thematic models.
    • Teaser: On the materials of the EURO conference.
    • Data: Texts of Euro 2012 conference abstracts.
    • References: multidimensional scaling, clustering.
    • Keywords: graph visualization.
    • Proposed algorithm::
    • Basic algorithm: --
    • Problem: It is required to visualize the matrix of paired distances in such a way that it is possible to make a decision about
      1. correction of the names of topics/subtopics of the conference,
      2. transferring the thesis from one topic to another,
      3. adequacy of correspondence between model and actual clustering.

    9. 2012

    • Name: CovSelection. Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification.
    • Teaser: Yandex search results ranking.
    • Data: Yandex - mathematics.
    • References: Bishop, Strijov V.V..
    • Keywords: logistic regression, feature selection, feature filtering.
    • Proposed algorithm:: Joint selection by analysis of covariance matrices.
    • Basic algorithm: SVM.
    • Problem: Get matrix T, p. 209 Bishop, make a multi-class classification (p. 208). Check on a synthetic sample of the same format as Yandex data. (For comparison, run the SVM algorithm on the same sample. Associate with feature selection.) Estimate the hyperparameter matrices of the multiclass regression model. Propose a step-by-step algorithm for joint selection with maximization of the likelihood of the model.

    10. 2012

    • Name: ThematicMatching. Determining whether a document matches the topic based on the selection of key phrases.
    • Teaser: Does the dissertation match the declared dissertation passport? What is the actual specialty of the dissertation?
    • Data: Abstracts of dissertations (SugarSync). Passports of specialties.
    • References: (Article by S. Tsarkov "Morphological and statistical methods for extracting key phrases for building probabilistic thematic models of collections of text documents" - check).
    • Keywords: key phrases, topic patterns, N-grams, morphological and statistical features.
    • Proposed algorithm::
    • Basic algorithm: C-Value and TF-IDF.
    • Problem: It is required to check each abstract from the collection for formal compliance with the passport of the specialty declared in the abstract. At the same time, passport items are considered as descriptions of topics. An abstract is considered relevant to a given topic if the total probability of a given number of terms belonging to one of the topic descriptions of this specialty is higher than belonging to topic descriptions of other specialties.
    • Problem, again: Extracting the keywords from the document. We believe that the specialty passport consists of keywords. Finding distances from one set of keywords to another. Eventually
      1. we fill up the passport of a known specialty with new keywords, or
      2. find the nearest specialty passport.
    • Solution options:Introduction of the distance function from the set of terms to the description of the topic, construction of a matrix of such distances.

    11. 2012

    • Name: FeatureGen. Sequential generation and selection of features in a multiclass classification problem
    • Teaser: Is this work scientific? Determination of the type of work (definition of the scientific field of the work). Definition of the social role of the author of the text.
    • Data: synthetic, internet collection.
    • References: Strijov V.V., Ore.
    • Keywords: generation of features, search for isomorphic models.
    • Proposed algorithm:: Algorithm for sequential generation of superpositions.
    • Basic algorithm: decision trees.
    • Problem: It is required to build a set of features by which the text can be classified.

    12. 2012

    • Name: TypeDetection. Methods for extracting features from text information
    • Teaser: Is this work scientific? Determination of the type of work (definition of the scientific field of the work). Definition of the social role of the author of the text.
    • Data: synthetic, internet collection.
    • References: Find.
    • Keywords: hierarchical clustering, structural learning, text similarity metrics.
    • Proposed algorithm
    • Basic algorithm
    • Problem: It is required to build a set of features by which the text can be classified.

    13. 2012

    • Name: Checking the adequacy of the topic model.
    • Teaser: Methods for detecting incorrect thematic classification on conference materials. Methods for constructing a thematic model similar to the given one. Article clustering, hierarchical topic models with topic interpretability. Hierarchical thematic clustering of abstracts.
    • Data: Texts of Euro 2012 conference abstracts, 1862 abstracts.
    • References: for latent models.
    • Keywords: soft clustering, latent models.
    • Proposed algorithm:: hHDP.
    • Basic algorithm:HDP.
    • Problem: It is required to build a thematic model using the clustering method and check the correctness of the current text classification. To do this, (hierarchical) clustering of texts is performed, each cluster is assigned a topic name corresponding to the majority of articles from the cluster. After building the model, each article is checked and refers to its own or someone else's topic.
    Title Author Link to the journal The original text of the work Date of application State
    Feature selection and metric optimization when clustering a collection of documents Aduenko A.A., Kuzmin A.A., Strijov V.V. Izvestiya TulGu [147] 12.10.2012 Published
    Estimating the Probabilities of Strings in a Collection of Documents Budnikov E.A., Strijov V.V. Information Technology [148] 24.09.2012 Published
    Checking the adequacy of the topic models of a collection of documents Kuzmin A.A., Strijov V.V. Software engineering [149] 17.12.2012 Published
    Algorithm for the optimal location of the names of a collection of documents Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V. Software engineering [150] 13.11.2012 Published
    Visualization of the matrix of paired distances between documents Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V. Scientific and technical statements of S.-Pb.PSU [151] 29.10.2012 Submitted
    Construction of an integral indicator of the quality of scientific publications by co-clustering methods Medvednikova M.M., Strijov V.V. Izvestiya TulGu [152] 15.11.2012 Published
    Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification of a collection of documents Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V. Infocommunication technologies [153] 18.12.2012 Published
    Algorithm for constructing logical rules when marking up texts Ivanova A.B., Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V. Software engineering [154] 24.01.2013 Accepted
    Building hierarchical topic models of document collections Tsyganova S.V., Strijov V.V. Applied Informatics [155] 27.01.2013 Published
    Choice of features when marking bibliographic lists by methods of structured learning Varfolomeeva A.A., Strijov V.V. Scientific and technical statements of S.-Pb.PSU [156] 27.01.2013 Reviewed
    Goodness-of-fit criteria for sparse discrete distributions and their application in topic modeling Tselykh V.R., Vorontsov K. V. Machine learning and data analysis [157] 17.12.2012 Published
    Checking the adequacy of the topic model Stepan Lobastov [158] Redaction

    List of works accepted for publication

    • 1. Aduenko A. A., Strijov V. V. V.V. Visualization of the matrix of paired distances between documents // Scientific and technical bulletin of St. Petersburg. PGU. Computer science. Telecommunications. Management, 2013, 1 - ?.
    • 2. Aduenko A. A., Kuzmin A. A., Strijov V. V. V. V. Feature selection and metric optimization when clustering a collection of documents // Proceedings of the Tula State University, Natural Sciences, 2012, No. 3. P. 119-132.
    • 3. Aduenko A. A., Strijov V. V. V.V. Algorithm for the optimal location of the names of a collection of documents // Software engineering, 2013. No. 3. P.21-25.
    • 4. Budnikov E. A., Strijov V. V. V. V. Estimating the Probabilities of Strings in a Collection of Documents // Information Technology, 2013. No. 4.
    • 5. Kuzmin A. A., Strijov V. V. Checking the adequacy of the topic models of a collection of documents // Software engineering, 2013. No. 4.
    • 6. Medvednikova M. M., Strijov V.V. Construction of an integral indicator of the quality of scientific publications by co-clustering methods // Proceedings of the Tula State University, Natural Sciences, 2013. No. 1.
    • 7. Aduenko A. A., Strijov V. V. V. V. Joint selection of objects and features in The problems of multiclass classification of a collection of documents // Infocommunication technologies, 2013. No. 2.
    • 8. Ivanova A.V., Aduenko A.A., Strijov V.V. V.V. Algorithm for constructing logical rules when marking up texts // Software engineering, 2013. No. 4(5).
    • 9. Tsyganova S.V., Strijov V.V. V. V. Building hierarchical topic models of document collections // Applied Informatics, 2013. No. 1.
    • 10. Varfolomeeva A.A., Strijov V.V. V. V. Choice of features when marking bibliographic lists by methods of structured learning // Scientific and Technical Bulletin of St. Petersburg. PGU. Computer science. Telecommunications. Management, 2013.
    • 11. Tselykh V.R., Vorontsov K. V. Goodness-of-fit criteria for sparse discrete distributions and their application in topic modeling // JMLDA, 2012. No. 4. pp. 432-442.
    Title Author Reviewer Link Comments
    CMARS: spline approximation Vlada Tselykh Tatiana Shpakova Celyh2012CMARS [.]сaipvdstrj(10)
    Algorithmic foundations for constructing bank scoring cards Alexander Aduenko Alina Ivanova Aduenko2012economics [.]сaipvdstrj(10)
    Using the method of principal components in the construction of integral indicators Maria Medvednikova Svetlana Tsyganova Medvednikova2012PCA [r]сaipvdstrj(10)
    Multi-level classification for price movement detection Arsenty Kuzmin Varfolomeeva A.A. Kuzmin2012TimeRows [r]сaipvdstjr(10)
    Local forecasting methods with the choice of an invariant transformation Svetlana Tsyganova Maria Medvednikova Tsyganova2012 LocalForecast [r]сaipvdstjr(10)
    Prediction of Quasi-Periodic Multivariate Time Series by Non-Parametric Methods (example) Egor Klochkov Alexander Shulga Klochkov2012Goods4Cast [r]сaipvdstj.(10)
    Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression (example) Stepan Lobastov Egor Klochkov Lobastov2012FOSelection [r]сaipvdstrj(10)
    Local forecasting methods with the choice of metric Varfolomeeva A.A. Arsenty Kuzmin Varfolomeeva2012 LocForecastMetrics [r]сaipvdstjr(10)
    Chebyshev polynomials and time series forecasting Valeria Bochkareva Stepan Lobastov Bochkareva2012TimeSeriesPrediction [.]сaipvdst-r(9)
    Clustering and compiling a dictionary of amino acid sequences Tatiana Shpakova Vlada Tselykh Shpakova2012Clustering [.]сaipvdst.(9)
    Vector autoregression and management of macroeconomic indicators Alexander Shulga Shulga2012VAR [.]сaipvds..(9)
    Approximation of empirical distribution functions Alina Ivanova Alexander Aduenko Ivanova2012 ApproximateFunc [r]сaipvd..(9)


    • Search algorithms for the most informative objects and features in logistic regression
    • Logistic regression is a statistical model that is used to predict the probability of an event occurring based on the values of a set of features. It has applications, for example, in medicine [159] and credit scrolling. In real conditions, the number of features is usually large, and the most important The problem is to select only essential features, as well as to search for objects that are atypical for one reason or another.
    • Keywords: logit model, feature selection, boosting.


    • Using the method of principal components in the construction of integral indicators
    • This paper considers Using the method of principal components in the construction of integral indicators. The results obtained are compared with the results given by the Pareto stratification method. An integral indicator is being built for Russian universities. For this, biographies of the 30 richest businessmen in Russia according to the Forbes magazine for 2011 are used.
    • Keywords: integral indicator, expert estimates, parameter weights, principal component method, Pareto stratification method.


    • Approximation of empirical distribution functions
    • The work is devoted to methods of approximation of functions for efficient calculation of integrals. Practical The problems usually have data at certain points in time or space. When making assumptions about the remaining points, it becomes necessary to approximate the distribution function of the quantity under study, as well as to estimate the corresponding error. For its calculation, it is possible to use methods of different accuracy.
    • Keywords: Monte Carlo method, calculation of distribution functions, empirical distribution functions.


    • Local prediction methods with choice of transformation
    • Time series forecasting problems have many applications in various fields such as economics, physics, and medicine. Their solution is a forecast for the near future based on the already known values of the predicted series at previous points in time. In the work, a local forecasting algorithm will be built taking into account transformations, which allows, without human intervention, to identify visually similar sections of the time series.


    Name Author Reviewer Link
    Estimation of hyperparameters of linear regression models in the selection of noise and correlated features Tokmakova Alexandra A. P. Motrenko Tokmakova2011HyperPar
    Choice of forecasting models for electricity prices Leontieva Lyubov Grebennikov Evgeny Leonteva2011ElectricityConsumption
    Multiclass prediction of the probability of myocardial infarction and estimation of the required sample size of patients (example) A. P. Motrenko Tokmakova Alexandra Motrenko2011HAPrediction
    Algorithms for generating essentially non-linear models Georgy Rudoy Nikolai Baldin Rudoy2012Generation
    Event Modeling and Financial Time Series Forecast Alexander Romanenko Budnikov E. A. Romanenko2011Event
    Overview of some statistical models of natural language Budnikov E. A. Alexander Romanenko Budnikov2011Statistical

    Practical part

    Name Author Reviewer Link Comments
    Using the Granger Test in Time Series Forecasting Anastasia Motrenko Leontieva Lyubov Motrenko2011GrangerForc Published at JMLDA
    Choosing an Activation Function for Predicting Neural Networks Georgy Rudoy Nikolai Baldin Rudoy2011NNForecasting Published at JMLDA
    Multidimensional caterpillar, choice of length and number of caterpillar components Leontieva Lyubov Mikhail Burmistrov Leonteva2011GaterpillarLearning Published at JMLDA
    Prediction by Discrete Argument Functions (example) Budnikov E. A. Alexander Romanenko Budnikov2011DiscreteForecasting Published at JMLDA
    Investigation of Convergence in Prediction by Neural Networks with Feedback Nikolai Baldin Georgy Rudoy Baldin2011FNNForecasting Published at JMLDA
    Time series alignment: Forecasting with DTW Alexander Romanenko Budnikov E. A. Romanenko2011DTWForecasting Published at JMLDA
    Isolation of the periodic component of the time series (example) Tokmakova Alexandra Budnikov E. A. Tokmakova2011Periodic Published at JMLDA

    1. 2011

    • Non-parametric forecasting: kernel selection, parameter tuning
    • The paper describes the method of nuclear smoothing of the time series, as one of the types of nonparametric regression. The essence of the method

    consists in restoring the function of time as a weighted linear combination of points from some neighborhood. A continuous bounded symmetric real weight function is called a kernel. The resulting kernel estimate is used to predict the next point in the series. The dependence of the quality of prediction on the parameters of the kernel and the superimposed noise is investigated.

    2. 2011

    • Exponential Smoothing and Prediction
    • The paper investigates the application of the exponential smoothing algorithm to time series forecasting. The algorithm is based on taking into account the previous values of the series with weights decreasing as you move away from the studied section of the time series. The behavior of the algorithm on model data in various models of weights is studied. An analysis of the operation of the algorithm on real data - stock indices was carried out.

    3. 2011

    • Isolation of the periodic component of the time series
    • The project examines the time series for the presence of a periodic component, builds a trigonometric interpolation of the proposed time series using the least squares method. The parameters of the function of the least squares method are estimated depending on the quality of forecasting. In a computational experiment, the results of the work of the correlation function and the least squares method on a noisy model sine and a real time series of an electrocardiogram are presented.

    4. 2011

    • Multivariate caterpillar, choice of length and number of caterpillar components (comparison of smoothed and unsmoothed time series)
    • The paper describes the caterpillar method and its application for time series forecasting. The algorithm is based on the selection of its informative components from the studied time series and the subsequent construction of a forecast. The dependence of the accuracy of forecasts on the choice of the caterpillar length and the number of its components is investigated. In a computational experiment, the results of the algorithm's operation on periodic series with different patterns within a period, on series with violation of periodicity, as well as on real time series of hourly temperature, are presented.

    5. 2011

    • Prediction by Discrete Argument Functions
    • The paper investigates short time series on the example of monophonic musical melodies. There is a prediction of one note by exponential smoothing, a local method, as well as a method of searching for constant patterns. The computational experiment is carried out on two melodies, one of which has exactly repeating fragments.

    7. 2011

    • Local forecasting methods, search for metrics
    • The time series is divided into separate sections, each of which is associated with a point in the n-dimensional feature space. The local model is calculated in three successive stages. The first one finds the k-nearest neighbors of the observed point. The second one builds a simple model using only these k neighbors. The third - using this model, predicts the next one based on the observed point. Many researchers use the Euclidean metric to measure distances between points. This work is intended to compare the accuracy of forecasting when using different metrics. In particular, it is required to investigate the optimal set of weights in the weighted metric to maximize the prediction accuracy.

    8. 2011

    • Local prediction methods, search for invariant transformation
    • The project uses local forecasting methods time series. There is no temporary representation in these methods series in the class of given functions of time. Instead, the prediction is made on the basis of data about some part of the time series (local information is used). In this paper, we study in detail the following method (a generalization of the classical "nearest neighbour").
    • Let there be a time series and The problem should continue it. It is assumed that such a continuation is determined

    prehistory, i.e. in a series you need to find the part that after some transformation of A becomes similar to the part we are trying to predict. Finding such a transformation A and is the goal of this project. To determine the degree of similarity, the function B is used - the function of the proximity of two segments time series. This is how we find the closest neighbor to our backstory. In general, we are looking for several nearest neighbors. The continuation will be written as their linear combination.

    9. 2011

    • Time Series Flattening: Forecasting with DTW
    • Time series is a sequence of time-ordered values of some real variable $\mathbf{x}=\{x_{t}\}_{t=1}^T\in\mathbb{R }^T$. The problem that accompanies the appearance of time series is the comparison of one data sequence with another. Comparison of sequences is greatly simplified after the deformation of the time series along one of the axes and its alignment. Dynamic time warping (DTW) is a technique for effectively leveling time series. DTW methods are used in speech recognition, information analysis in robotics, industry, medicine and other areas.
    • The purpose of the work is to give an example of alignment, to introduce a comparison functional for two time series, which has the natural properties of commutativity, reflexivity and transitivity. The functional should take two time series as input, and at the output give a number characterizing the degree of their "similarity".

    10. 2011

    • Choosing an Activation Function for Predicting Neural Networks
    • The aim of the project is to study the dependence of the quality of prediction by neural networks without feedback (single- and multilayer perceptrons) on the chosen activation function of neurons in the network, as well as on the parameters of this function.
    • The result of the project is to evaluate the quality of forecasting by neural networks depending on the type and parameters of the activation function.

    12. 2011

    • Investigation of Convergence in Prediction by Neural Networks with Feedback
    • The dependence of the convergence rate in time series forecasting on the parameters of a neural network with feedback is investigated. The concept of feedback is typical for dynamic systems in which the output signal of some element of the system affects the input signal of this element. The output signal can be represented as an infinite weighted the sum of the current and previous input signals. The Jordan network is used as a neural network model. It is proposed to investigate the rate of convergence depending on the choice of the activation function (sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent), on the number of neurons in the intermediate layer and on the width of the sliding window. We also explore a way to increase the rate of convergence using the generalized delta rule.

    13. 2011

    • Multidimensional caterpillar, choice of length and number of caterpillar components
    • The work is devoted to the study of one of the methods for analyzing multivariate time series - the "caterpillar" method, also known as Singular Spectrum Analysis or SSA. The method can be divided into four stages - the representation of the time series in the form of a matrix using a shift procedure, the calculation of the covariance matrix of the sample and its singular value decomposition, the selection of principal components related to various components of the series (from slowly changing and periodic to noise), and, finally, line restoration.
    • The scope of the algorithm is The problems of both meteorology and geophysics, and economics and medicine. The purpose of this work is to find out the dependence of the efficiency of the algorithm on the choice of time series used in its work.

    14. 2011

    • Using the Granger Test in Time Series Forecasting
    • When predicting a series, it can be useful to determine whether a given series is "dependent" on some other series. The Granger test, based on statistical tests, helps to identify such a relationship (in this case, the method does not guarantee an accurate result - when comparing two rows that depend on another row, an error is possible). The method is used in forecasting economic and natural phenomena (for example, earthquakes).
    • The purpose of the work is to propose an algorithm that makes the best use of this method; investigate the effectiveness of the method depending on the predicted series.
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